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256415280 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteKartenspieleProduktlinien (Kartenspiele)Card Games

Card Games


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Cheapass Games)


CAG 0017

Starbase Jeff

8,00 EUR


CAG 0019


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CAG 0021

Big Cheese

Players: 3-6
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Elements: 36 Cards, Rulebook.
You Need: 10 Counters for each player and either one 6-sided die or a full set of polyhedral dice. Get three sets of stones (a total of 60 stones) and a set of dice for an additional $9 by selecting "With Bits" above.

Rats! That's what you are. Big, hungry rats. You're all VP's at Rat Financial Incorporated, and you're all striving for a slice of the Big Cheese. The President is retiring next month, and whoever can score t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

4,00 EUR


CAG 0022

Fight City (A deck)

8,00 EUR


CAG 0023

Fight City (B deck)

8,00 EUR


CAG 0025


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Welcome to Frieday's, the Fast Food Restaurant of the Damned. This is Change!, the third game set at this place. And Change isn't just one game, it's three different change-making games in one. The game comes with 50 cards, which represent bills in denominations of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10, and is priced at a measly $3.00.

Game 1: Make Your Own Change Night. In this one, you're all trying to score extra cash off a Zombie who's a little dim. If he hasn't got exact change for you, he'll give you more... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CAG 0026

Big Idea

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Alle Mitspieler sind Kapitalisten der übelsten Sorte, die maximalen Gewinne aus einem Börsengang ziehen wollen - dein Ziel ist es, die gewinnbringendsten Produkte zu erfinden und an den Markt zu bringen! Ein Kartenspiel mit 54 Karten für 3-6 Spieler, 1 Stunde.

Congratulations! You've just invented "Flammable Beer". Your work has just begun.

The Big Idea is a hilarious game of inventing and investing, where players try to market wacky products like Erotic Chowder and Mentholated Shampoo.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CAG 0032

Unexploded Cow

You and your friends have discovered two problems with a common solution: Mad Cows in England and Unexploded Bombs in France.

You've decided to bring these two powderkegs together just to see what happens. And you wouldn't say "no" to a little money on the side.

So round up your herd, march them through France, and set them loose behind the Cordon Rouge. If you're lucky you'll come home rich before Greenpeace gets hold of you.

Either way, there's something magical about blowing up c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


CAG 0039

Jacob Marley, Esquire

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Jacob Marley is alive and well. And what's more, he's the boss of you.

You're a lowly clerk in young Jacob Marley's powerful investment firm, which lends money to needs people throughout the city of London. Marley has decided to elevate one lucky clerk to the status of friend, meaning a partnership in Marley's business, a handsome promotion, and Marley's lifetime friendship. He'll even get you out of Hell if you manage to outlive him. Such a deal!

To make the most points with the boss, you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CAG 0040

Big Idea: Boxed Edition

Alle Mitspieler sind Kapitalisten der übelsten Sorte, die maximalen Gewinne aus einem Börsengang ziehen wollen - dein Ziel ist es, die gewinnbringendsten Produkte zu erfinden und an den Markt zu bringen! Ein Kartenspiel mit 54 Karten für 3-6 Spieler, 1 Stunde.

Congratulations! You've just invented Flammable Beer. Your work has just begun.

The Big Idea is a hilarious game of inventing and investing, where players try to market wacky products like Erotic Chowder and Mentholated Shampoo. S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


CAG 0201

Unexploded Cow Deluxe Version

Cheapass Games returns with this deluxe reprint of the classic Unexploded Cow. Players take the role of savvy entrepreneurs who have found two problems with a common solution: mad cows in England, and unexploded bombs in France. This evergreen Cheapass Game returns after many years, with all-new artwork, and updated rules. Round up your herd, march them through France, and make a buck blowing them up!

Europe. Summer 1997. You and your most creative friends have discovered two problems with a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


CAG 0206

Get Lucky - The Kill Doctor Lucky Card Game

Welcome to the J. Robert Lucky mansion...again. Once more, you and a collection of similarly evil-minded people have gathered for a seemingly innocuous dinner party. It will be an evening of stimulating conversation, quiet music, and desperate murder attempts. But this time, it's a card game.

Get Lucky is the card game adaptation of the classic board game Kill Doctor Lucky. Players control multiple house guests, each with some very good reason to take the old man out — but he's not called "... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


CAG 0221

Give me the Brain! - Super Deluxe Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


One of our oldest and most cherished games will be reprinted in a new edition that happens to have the same size box as Stuff and Nonsense.

Attention, Zombies: After far too long a wait, the color edition of Give Me The Brain is finally here. It's more spectacularly beautiful than you can possibly imagine, with full color cards, fifteen new bid cards by Brian Snoddy, and a bunch of new goodies like the Dog Brain, the Mop, and the Piece of String. Come back to Friedey's and see how Cheapass Ga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


CAG 0222

Lord of the Brain - Super Deluxe Edition

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Rerelease of the original game with new artwork and a second playable coffee restaurant.

Also contains expansion cards 'Kublai' and 'Jolene' for Button Men.

Fulfil orders at a zombie restaurant using the random ingredients in your hand. Points awarded on the difficulty of the dish.

Game Synopsis: Lord of the Fries is a thematic sequel to Give Me The Brain!. It takes place at the same restaurant, has the same cast of characters, and requires roughly the same equipment. But the game is en... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


CAG 0229


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Deadfall is a new bluffing game, featuring gorgeous fantasy art by Bill McGuire. Using the same triangular deck as Pairs (1x1,
2x2, 3x3, etc. up to 10x10), Deadfall pits players against each other in a battle of wits and lies, somewhat evocative of Liar’s Dice.
With each card you play, you declare that you have not played the last card of that rank. For example, if you play a six, you are claiming that someone else (or maybe yourself) still holds a six. Anyone can challenge your play, and th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


CAG 0237

Before I Kill you Mister Spy

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“Before I Kill You, Mister Spy, allow me to tell you my life story, because I believe you are the only one alive who would understand.”
Before I Kill You, Mister Spy is a classic card game from Cheapass. This is the third edition of this game, formerly known as “James Ernest’s Totally Renamed Spy Game” and previously known by a title we aren’t allowed to tell you.
Players take the role of super villains, luring spies into their lairs and killing them for points. But before you kill... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


CAG 0241

Pairs Deluxe Edition

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Pairs is the name of the game, and pairs of cards are what players want to avoid.

The game uses a 55-card deck that contains one 1, two 2s, three 3s, and so on up to ten 10s. At the start of the game, shuffle the deck, then remove five cards from play unseen. Deal one card face-up to each player.

Whoever has the lowest card is the first active player. She decides whether to "hit" — that is, be dealt another card — or forfeit the round. If she hits and is dealt a card that doesn't match... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


CAG 0407

Fight City - Boxed Edition

One city. Three families. The thousand battles.

This is Fight City, an intense strategic card game about the struggle for money and power in a modern anarchy called Fight City.

Each deck contains all the Fighters, Locations, and Weapons one player needs to wage way for control of the city.

Doesn't that sound fun?

Game Synopsis: In this strategy card game, you play a vicious thug commanding dozens of the world’s least respectable char... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


CAG 0501


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Für den schwarzen Humor: Alle fallen ein Hochhaus runter - wer als letzter aufklatscht gewinnt ! 4-8 Spieler, 2 Minuten !!

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CAG 0521

Aztecs vs. The Dark

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CAG 0522

Cavaliers vs. Team Sport

20,00 EUR


CAG 0523

Cruisers vs. Texas Wildcats

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CAG 0525

Give me the Brain ! - Special Edition Color

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Special Edition. Now in glorious full color!

Attention, Zombies: After far too long a wait, the color edition of Give Me The Brain is finally here. It's more spectacularly beautiful than you can possibly imagine, with full color cards, fifteen new bid cards by Brian Snoddy, and a bunch of new goodies like the Dog Brain, the Mop, and the Piece of String. Come back to Friedey's and see how Cheapass Games made the best card game of 1997 even better.

Players: 3-8
Playing Time: 15 Min
You Nee... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CAG 0526

Lord of the Fries ! - Special Edition Color

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Friedey hat niemals so gut ausgesehen. Basierend auf dem Erfolg der limitierten Farbedition von Lord of the Fries , haben wir beschlossen, das urprüngliche Schwarzweißspiel in einer Farbversion herauszugeben. (Hey, es mußte irgendwann geschehen). Die Lord of the Fries Sonderausgabe enthält 112 farbige Spielkarten, zwei neue Zutaten (Sauce und Veggies) und Speisekarten für sieben verschiedene Restaurants. Jedes Restaurant hat unterschiedliche Regeln und besitzt einen eigenen Kartenstapel, so... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CAG 0530

James Ernest's Totally Renamed Spy Games

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Imagine, just once, luring the master spy into your lair and putting a bullet in his head. Imagine resisting the urge to gloat over your prize, to tell him your secret plans, to let him escape certain death and blow up your lair in the process. Imagine winning.

Yeah, right.

James Ernest's Totally Renamed Spy Game is a long-awaited remake of one of out best-selling games of all time. We'd tell you what it was once called, but we'd rather not get another letter. The new edition has glorious ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


CAG 533

Dead Money

Sammlerstück / Rarität


It's the Old West, and you find yourselves working at Friedey's, the watering hole of the damned.

You're the last few payers in a poker game you're not allowed to win.

Now lose all your money as fast as you can, while everybody else is trying to do the same. Oh, and you'll probably need the Brain.

Dead Money is the newest game in the Friedey's series (Give Me the Brain, Lord of the Fries, and The Great Brain Robbery). It's a wacky cross between poker and Give Me The brain.

Players be... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



CAG 0411

Big Idea: More Cards!

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Multiply your invention potential from jillions to gazillions.

The Big Idea: More Cards is a deliciously different assortment of 64 cards for The Big Idea, featuring such gems as Dangerous Cheese, Bulletproof Caveman, and Scandalous Turkey Pants.

You need The Big Idea (semi-deluxe edition) and all the required bits for that game.

ca. 4,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

2 Tomatoes

2TO 1721


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Gluons is a nuclear bluffing game for 2 to 4 players, ages 10+ and 15 minutes of gameplay.

In Gluons we are nuclear physics researchers experimenting with the transmission of gluons between quarks. Gluons and quarks are elementary particles that make up matter, and each time a player experiences a valid interaction between quarks they receive 1 point. The winner is the one with the most points at the end of the game.

This game celebrates the life and career of physicist Teresa Rodrigo Anor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR


2TO IM007

Idus Martii

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Idus Martii is a hidden role game for 5 to 8 players.

According to Plutarch, a seer had warned that harm would come to Caesar no later than the Ides of March. On his way to the Theatre of Pompey, where he would be assassinated, Caesar passed the seer and joked, "The Ides of March are come", implying that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied "Aye, Caesar; but not gone."

Players are members of the Senate and must plot in favor or against the magnicide of Julius Caes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR



Lord of the P.I.G.S.

The Lord of the P.I.G.S. is a fast-paced multiplayer economy simulation game set in the fictional Republic of Meridia, a melting pot of southern European countries. You and your friends take the role of Meridia's leaders and vie for economic supremacy through presentation meetings, voting sessions, public opinion polls, unexpected events, and widespread backstabbing.

The Lord of the P.I.G.S. is a game for 2 to 4 players and takes up to 30 minutes to complete. Each takes up the role of one of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


25th Century Games

25G 34000

Resist! (reprint)

Hot Seller


Lead a band of resistance fighters as they try to take back their homeland!

Spain, 1936: General Franco and his troops advance through the territories of Spain, giving way to a long period of civil war and repression. After the Spanish Civil War, a group of loyalists to the Republic continued the armed struggle, forming resistance groups better known as "Maquis". Hidden in the mountains, these men and women risked their lives to defend the ideals of democracy and freedom.

Fighting against ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



2D6 0006

FTF: First to Find

"My phone alerts me — a new geocache has been published. A glance at the map makes me smile because I know this piece of woodlands! Here I grab my rubber boots and a towel, turn on the GPS device, and run to get the car. A cup of tea is left behind on the table, half-filled with tea that is still hot."

FTF: First to Find is a geocaching-themed card game that lets players experience the same kind of emotions that they would get from playing in the open air. One can choose between various typ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


3am Games

3aG 20101

Robot Rampage

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This is the first non-RPG game from 3am Games, a new company whose first release was in June 2004. "Robot Rampage: Rise of the Appliance," a beer-and-pretzels style card game, is due out in June, 2005.

From the back of the box:

You're tinkers and engineers who have come to the scrap yard to test your mettle. From parts and pieces carefully picked from heaps of junk, construct killer robots capable of visiting devastation and ruin upon all who oppose them. Then, send them into a no-holds-ba... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


3aG 30202

It's Good to be King

It's good to be the king. When you rule the land by divine right, none may question your authority and you may do as you will. You possess absolute power, giving your whim the force of law and drawing the people of the realm into your majestic presence as ants are drawn to sweet, pure honey. Unfortunately, you are not the king. You are one of the ants.

The object of It's Good to Be the King is currying the most favor with the king by providing the most important elements for a series of event... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


3Some Games

3SG 0001

Heroes of Metro City

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Heroes of Metro City is a deck-building card/board game in which each player represents a super-powered Hero of his own design who must stop their Archenemy's nefarious plan to destroy Metro City. Devastate your enemies with thousands of possibilities and choices for your character. The base game includes over twenty explosive Power cards and many iconic Energy Sources, and a randomized subset of these will be selected for each game. It's an exciting array of possibilities for your customized su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


9 Kingdoms Publications

9KP 0001


Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


ApocalypZe is a game for 2 or more players. The game is all about surviving during the zombie apocalypse. Your deck of cards represents your supplies and resources during these trying times. During the game you will consume these resources and do your best to replenish them while trying to force your opponent to waste through his own. Once you run out of supplies, you no longer have the capacity to survive and are out of the game.

During each turn you play cards to one location on the table. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


93 Made Games

93M 001


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Viewpoint in a non-collectible card game produced by the Australian game design company 93 Made Games. The game contents consist of a deck of 70 cards, each illustrated in a ‘70s/‘80s retro art style, and a rule sheet, attractively packaged in a small black cardboard box. Most of what you need to know is printed on the cards themselves and makes picking up and getting into the game very easy. The use of icons on the cards, representing different aspects of the game (e.g. the discard pile, th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR



93M 002

Viewpoint Reflections

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Viewpoint Reflections is the first expansion to the Viewpoint card game. It can be played as a stand-alone game or combined with the original Viewpoint. Viewpoint Reflections adds seventy additional cards and introduces new characters, including the Lazy Eye Guys - Dirk and Pedro - and the Evil Eye Pet.

The release of Viewpoint Reflections also sees the introduction of new keywords - PASS and REPLACE.

PASS is essentially a weaker version of the STEAL action because the player "targeted" ge... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR





Lazer is a cute kitty, and as such, loves to chase moving spots of light. To make the game more exciting for her, show her how to change the color by mixing 2 color frequencies with prisms and creating a third color. The player that can mix colors the best will be the winner here.

Semi-cooperative mode:

To set up the game the 12 tiles have to be placed on the table in a circle. Laser the cat will be placed randomly onto one of them. After this, the remaining 11 tiles each have to be filled... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR




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We are running out of food. The area around our campsite doesn't have enough supplies for this many of us. The tribe has no choice; we again have to move on to survive. Now we must travel to discover new areas, look in every nook and cranny for things to eat. We figure, that our best chance is to go our own ways. Which one of us will succeed in finding the richest soil, building a new home, and founding the strongest tribe?

In Prehistory, the players act as prehistoric tribe from the late sto... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 66,00 EUR




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Every spring, the cherry trees blossom all over Japan. The Japanese celebrate this occasion, as according to their traditions, the goddess of Fuji mountain, Konohana Sakuya Hima revives the fallen flowers at this time. The cherry flower is a symbol of vitality, it is called Sakura.

In jedem Frühjahr erblühen in ganz Japan die Kirschbäume. Die Japaner feiern dieses Ereignis gemäß ihrer Traditionen. Die Göttin des Berges Fuji, Konohana Sakuya Hime, erfüllt in dieser Zeit die vergangenen ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR



ABA 08161

Game of Trains!

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Die Waggons der ankommenden Güterzüge sind durcheinander geraten. Die Spieler müssen versuchen, ihren Zug durch geschicktes Rangieren neu zu sortieren.
Wer schafft es als Erster seine Waggons in die richtige Reihenfolge zu bringen?

ca. 12,00 EUR


Action Phase Games

APG 00210

Ninja Camp

ACHTUNG: Multilinguale Edition in den Sprachen: 'Französisch; Spanisch und Niederländisch'!!
(englische Regeln können beigelegt werden)

ATTENTION: Multilingual Edition in the languages: 'French; Spanish and Dutch'!!!
(English rules can be enclosed)

ATTENTION : Edition multilingue dans les langues : 'français ; espagnol et néerlandais' !!
(les règles en anglais peuvent être jointes)

ATENCIÓN: ¡¡¡Edición multilingüe en los idiomas: 'francés; español y holandés'!!!
(Se ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


APG 00230

Retreat to Darkmoor

The foul forces of Darkmoor have amassed their legions to strike at the Capital City. Despite their well-laid machinations, something awaits them within the city walls: the realm's legendary heroes, who have gathered to council the king. Failing to siege the city, each overlord's minions must now retreat to Darkmoor lest they be captured—or worse.

In Retreat to Darkmoor, 2-4 players assume the roles of dark overlords of the realm, each commanding an identical deck of minions. Your goal: to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR




The six great clans each strive to have their leader be first in line to succeed the Shogun. Of course, you'll do so in a manner most, shall we say, honorable.

In Shogunate, each player is loyal to two clans. Your goal is to use your actions to manipulate the line of succession such that the leaders of your clans earn the most honor!

24,00 EUR



Trickster: Champions of Time

Across all of space and time, the Tricksters play their game. Only a cunning few are privy to the mischief that they wreak. At long last, these champions have gathered from across the multiverse with a sole purpose: put an end to these blasted troublemakers!

Trickster is trick-taking game of multidimensional mischief like no other. Featuring a colorful cast of characters, each with unique abilities, no two games will ever be the same! Only the wiliest Trickster will elude the others and live ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Action Publishing

ACP 0595B

Politicards 1996

54 Famous Faces of the Year 1996.

Blaue Rückseite.

8,00 EUR


ACP 0595R

Politicards 1996

54 Famous Faces of the Year 1996.

Rote Rückseite.

8,00 EUR


Alban Viard Studio Games


Pulp Detective

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To Solve the Case: Find four clues and confront the Criminal to win. If Time or your Stamina runs out, the heiress is murdered and you lose the game and the Case.

Needed to Play:
The deck of 36 cards
4 YELLOW Investigate Dice
1 RED Paperboy Die
1 GRAY Underworld Connection Die
8 wooden cubes

Game Phases:
1. Storyline - Move the cube on the Time card down one hour and draw the top 3 cards of the Investigate deck. Do not look at their front sides. Choose 1 and place it face up in fron... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR




Pulp Detective: Double Cross

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Pulp Detective: Double Cross, the first expansion for the base game Pulp Detective, contains 21 new cards, a new sidekick die, and an original campaign mode.

ca. 10,00 EUR



Pulp Detective: Henchmen, Gun Molls, and Traps

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Pulp Detective: Henchmen, Gun Molls, and Traps, the second expansion for the base game Pulp Detective, contains 26 new cards, a new Girl Friday die, and 8 wooden cubes.

ca. 12,00 EUR


Alderac Entertaintment Group

AEG 05118

Archer Love Letter (Box)

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Did someone call for the world’s greatest secret agent? And if not, why not? Who made that mess in the kitchen? Do you want ants, because that’s how you get ants! Strap on your double Tek-9s, pop open a new bottle of champagne, and get ready to go into the Danger Zone!
Once You Go Blackmail… is based on the award-winning world-wide hit Love Letter, by Alderac Entertainment Group, and animated smash hit FX series Archer! Your mission is to dig up dirt on Malory Archer and sell it to the hi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


AEG 05847

Twilight Squabble

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Relive the entire Cold War in ten minutes with Twilight Squabble!

In 1947, the superpowers of the United States of America and the Soviet Union began a new sort of conflict, a struggle in the twilight of World War II. This war centered on the increasing development of nuclear weapons, and as the years passed it seemed like the war would never end — but no one wants to play a card game for decades. Thus, this game presents an abridged version of the Cold War — less of a twilight struggle a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


AEG 5002

Straw: The Game that broke the Camels Back

Straw is a light-hearted family card game that takes place in the world of Arabian Nights.

In Straw, you try to pack as many items as you can on top of a camel without breaking its back. If you can't, you lose the round. But, other players must be careful not to load the camel too close to its limit. Because, if you can break the camel's back with the Straw card, you win instead!

Will you be the one who breaks the camel's back?

16,00 EUR


AEG 5005

Monkey Lab

As former lab monkeys, players cooperate and compete to free imprisoned monkeys from a well-guarded testing facility. Of course, since the monkeys don't have keys, they must use their creativity and the items found around the lab to pick, pry, and smash the cages open. The more monkeys you rescue, the more reward you receive.

It's after midnight and the scientists are all gone. The lab is empty except for a lone security guard and a small group of brave monkeys willing to return to the lab an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


AEG 5007

The Isle of Doctor Necreaux

You are part of an elite rescue-and-recovery espionage team in the world of the future. The nefarious Doctor Necreaux has kidnapped the world's top scientists and forced them to build a doomsday device that threatens all life on the planet. Doctor Necreaux's ultimatum: Surrender to his rule in four hours, or he will trigger the doomsday device and destroy the world.

He must be stopped, but time is running out!

The Isle of Doctor Necreaux is a cooperative card game for 1 to 5 players fighti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


AEG 5008

Myth: Pantheons

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Athena sends her followers to attack Troy. Anubis calls a plague upon Rome. Tiamat guards Babylon with wind and flame. Thor smites his foes with lightning, while Amaterasu divines the future from the heavens.

In Myth, each player takes the role of a mythic deity, vying to gain the worship of the ancient world's great cities and gain the most followers. One player may have a goddess of the harvest and fertility, multiplying her followers, as another player with a trickster deity steals away v... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


AEG 5107

Love Letter: Legend of the Five Rings

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A vision of loveliness and poise, Iweko Miaka’s position of princess in the Imperial family ensures her betrothal will be a great contest for the samurai clans of the Emerald Empire. Whichever clan can win her as a wife for one of their young samurai will secure standing and glory for decades to come. And though the marriage may be political, what better way to influence the decision than by winning the heart of the princess herself?

Love Letter has become a worldwide hit with its simple ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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AEG 5113

Love Letter: The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies(Clam)

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Love Letter: The Hobbit – The Battle of the Five Armies is a game of risk, deduction, and luck for 2–4 players based on the original Love Letter game by Seiji Kanai. The deck consists of 17 cards, with the Arkenstone being valued #8, Bilbo Baggins #7, and so on down to The One Ring at #0.

In each round, each player starts with only one card in hand; one card is removed from play. On a turn, you draw one card, and play one card, using the power on that card to expose others and (possibly) ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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AEG 5116

Love Letter: The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies (Boxed)

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Love Letter: The Hobbit – The Battle of the Five Armies is a game of risk, deduction, and luck for 2–4 players based on the original Love Letter game by Seiji Kanai. The deck consists of 17 cards, with the Arkenstone being valued #8, Bilbo Baggins #7, and so on down to The One Ring at #0.

In each round, each player starts with only one card in hand; one card is removed from play. On a turn, you draw one card, and play one card, using the power on that card to expose others and (possibly) ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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AEG 5123

Lovecraft Letter

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Lovecraft Letter is a mind-shattering journey into the world of HP Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos warped into the shape of a Love Letter experience.
You’re not trying to gain affection from the Princess. You are trying to eliminate your rivals for power as you seek to understand the cosmic horror that lurks just beyond what we foolishly call “reality”.
In each round only one player will prevail. Use deduction and luck to eliminate other players or watch as their own madness consumes th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


AEG 5201


Arcana, an exciting new card game set in the mythical city of Cadwallon, pits you against up to three opponents as you vie for the most power for your Guild.

Will the Guild of Blades control the city? The Guild of Thieves? Its up to you as you fight for the best agents to exert your influence.

As the game is played, various stacks of "Stake" cards are revealed. Using the cards in your hand from your Main Deck, you will play agents to the various Stake cards, and you will use other cards to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


AEG 5202

Mad Zeppelin!

Hot Seller


At the height of the industrial revolution, the Great Empire is about to take delivery of many secret crates from its colonies. These crates contain all the Emperor needs to strengthen his rule on the Empire: steel, coal, ore, and above all: gold! For security reasons, the Emperor himself has hand-picked the crew of the Nostria, one of the armored zeppelins of the imperial fleet. However, neighboring nations are organizing the resistance, and traitors are secretly boarding the airship to thwart ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


AEG 5351

Maximum Throwdown

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Maximum Throwdown pits up to six players against one another in a battle royale of card-throwing action.

Each player has an individual deck of cards, and they take turns throwing the cards onto a shared playing area to try to cover up the icons of opponents' cards while keeping their own icons visible. On each turn, you draw one card from your deck and throw one card – but if you have the right icons in play, you'll draw more cards, throw more cards, steal cards from opponents and dump them... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


AEG 5361

Agent Hunter

In Agent Hunter, two players act as rival agents attempting to eliminate their opponent's safe houses, which are represented by face-down cards; the cards range in value from 0 to 9. The closer you get to uncovering your target, however, the more you risk compromising your own position. Stealth and cunning are your greatest allies as only agents who remain hidden in the shadows will survive the hunt. During the game, players take turns choosing one of these actions:

Attack from Your Hand
Swi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


AEG 5381

Valley of the Kings - Afterlive

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A deck-building game of ancient Egypt

In Valley of the Kings, 2-4 players are Egyptian nobles at the time of the pharaohs, preparing for their death and burial in the Valley of the Kings. In the Egyptian religion, when you die you can take it with you! Egyptians therefore stocked their tombs with food, shabti (statuettes of servants who will work for them in the afterlife), canopic jars (to preserve their organs), statues of the gods, household items, and amulets. You compete with the other p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


AEG 5802

Card of the Dead

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In the survival action card game Card of the Dead, players are trapped in a town full of zombies; engulfed in the scourge of terror, they must try to survive the zombie horde. Some will frantically seek to flee the city, others will seek to barricade themselves in buildings against the terrible siege. By not getting surrounded, and through the use of both luck and brains(!), you will be able to survive the night.

In game terms, from a deck of cards containing zombies, items and events, player... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


AEG 5803

Cheaty Mages

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The card game Cheaty Mages puts you in the role of a wizard who has come to watch and bet on monsters fighting in an arena. Of course, you have all of your spells to help the monsters you've bet on win (or harm the monsters fighting against yours) – but then again, so do all of the other players, too! What's more, judges line the arena during combat and if players push things too far with their cheating spells, a judge might intervene and dispel – or even eject – the fighter! Who will walk... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


AEG 5804


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In the Emerald Empire, a special place is set apart from the often-harsh realities of feudal life. Within the “floating world” of the geisha house, great artists are the center of attention: beautiful women who are masters of art, music, and conversation. The prettier and more skilled in her arts a geisha might be, the more popularity she gains and the greater her opportunities for success. But to win such a prize is not easy; a successful geisha must find ways to distinguish herself, to pro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


AEG 5805

Sail to India

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With the Mediterranean under Osman Turkish control, the Portuguese are looking for alternative routes to the East Indies, moved by the trade of gold, spices and other goods. Better ships and general centralization of power help push the Portuguese out into the Atlantic, and explorers like Prince Henry, Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama took to the sea.

In Sail to India, players take on the role of a powerful noble and supply expeditions in search of lucrative trade routes. Players gain vict... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


AEG 5806

Say Bye to Villains

Stand up and protect good people from evil in Say Bye to the Villains, a cooperative game from famed game designer Seiji Kanai (Love Letter) in which players take on the role of vanquishers sent to thwart and defeat villains beyond the reach of the law. Vanquishers work in the shadows, cutting down evil wherever it can be found - but they must act quickly to discover the villain's secrets, avoid deadly traps and bodyguards, and constantly hone their martial skills in order to succeed. Will the v... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


AEG 5806

Say Bye to Villains

Valiant heroes, vanquishers, stand up to protect good people from evil villains beyond the reach of the law. Vanquishers work in the shadows, cutting down evil wherever it can be found, but they must be quick to discover the villains' secrets and constantly hone their martial skills in order to succeed. Will the vanquishers defeat all of the villains, or will evil prevail? Say Bye to the Villains is a cooperative game in which players take on the role of 'vanquishers' to defeat all of the evil v... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


AEG 5813

Seventh Hero

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The card deck in Seventh Hero consists of 77 cards, with each card representing one of seven different heroes. Players each start with two random heroes, and each hero has a special power that can be activated once. Each turn, a player sends a card from his hand face down to the next player, who can choose to take it or pass it on. If he takes it, he adds it to his group of heroes, but if it's a hero he already has, both hero cards are sent to the discard pile. Before sending a hero away, the pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


AEG 5824


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If I want to win our game, I first must guess your true name!
In Rumpelstiltskin, you and a friend take the roles of fey folk who have decided to engage in a name guessing contest. You must use your magical mischief to learn your opponent’s secret name while protecting your own!

ca. 12,00 EUR


AEG 5833

Love Letter: Adventure Time

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Adventure Time Love Letter is a game of risk, deduction, and luck for 2–4 players based on the original Love Letter game by Seiji Kanai, except re-themed with characters of the hit cartoon Adventure Time. Players are suitors trying to gain the affections of Princess Bubblegum (#8).

In a round, each player starts with only one card in hand; one card is removed from play. On a turn, you draw one card, and discard one of the two, using the power of the discarded card to try to eliminate other ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


AEG 5834


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Pretense is a game night social metagame, essentially a game that you play DURING other games. You have a secret role and a secret objective, and if you accomplish it, you gain a point AND you steal someone's role. With that role you can try to gain more points and more roles. The game plays from 2-12 and is great on a good-sized game night with about 5-6 people.

ca. 12,00 EUR


AEG 5882

Valley of the Kings: Last Rites

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


When you die, you can take it with you!

Take on the role of Egyptian nobles at the time of the pharaohs, preparing for death and burial in the Valley of the Kings. Players want to fill their tombs with food, amulets, and other treasures, and to do so they acquire cards that are laid out in the shape of a pyramid; purchase cards at the base of the pyramid, and it "crumbles" to bring cards higher in the pyramid to the base where they can be bought. The pyramid resets each round with new offerin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


AEG 5885

Cat Lady

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In Cat Lady, players are cat ladies, part of an elite group of people including Marie Antoinette and Ernest Hemingway. During the game, you and your fellow cat ladies will draft cards three at a time, collecting toys, food, catnip, costumes, and of course lovable cats. But watch out! Make sure you have enough food for all of your feline friends or your hungry cats will subtract points from your score. The player with the highest total victory points wins the game!

30,00 EUR


AEG 5890

Cutthroat Kingdoms

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The throne to the Kingdom of Aurum lies unclaimed. Six great houses vie for control of the land in an ongoing dispute of title, territory, and birthright. Embroiled in conflict, the lords and ladies lock eyes on the crown as they fight to contend with a great plague that has now turned upon the people, ravaging the kingdom for which they war.

In Cutthroat Kingdoms, you take on the role of a leading lord or lady of one of the six eminent Houses in the Kingdom of Aurum — a grim fantasy world ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR


AEG 7007

Sakura Arms

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Face Your Opponent With Sakura in Your Hands!
Sakura Arms is a two-player fighting card game, where players control the powers of the
“megami.” These megami are channeled through the delicate petals of the Sakura tree. Choose
two megami each game to create combinations of powers. Defeat your opponent and prove
you are the most powerful fighter!
Sakura Arms is an elegant game from Japan, designed by Bakafire. The game has already
become hugely popular in Japan with tournaments and an on... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


AEG 7009

Custom Heroes

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Custom Heroes is a card-crafting, climbing trick game in which plastic cards are added to sleeves in order to modify the cards already in those sleeves.
The players attempt to win rounds by getting rid of their cards as quickly as possible using the classic climbing trick mechanic. e.g. If a player leads with three 4s then the next player must play three of a kind of equal or higher value. When all players pass, the last player to have played cards leads a new trick with whatever card or set of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


AEG 7017

Junta: Las Cartas

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Junta: Las Cartas is a card game based on Junta that differs from the earlier such card game Junta: Viva el Presidente!

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AEG 7036

Valley of the Kings Premium Edition

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A deck-building game of ancient Egypt

In Valley of the Kings, 2-4 players are Egyptian nobles at the time of the pharaohs, preparing for their death and burial in the Valley of the Kings. In the Egyptian religion, when you die you can take it with you! Egyptians therefore stocked their tombs with food, shabti (statuettes of servants who will work for them in the afterlife), canopic jars (to preserve their organs), statues of the gods, household items, and amulets. You compete with the other p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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AEG 7066

Cat Lady Premium Edition

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Players are cat ladies - part of an elite group of people including Marie Antoinette and Ernest Hemingway. During the game, you and your fellow cat ladies will draft cards three at a time, collecting toys, food, catnip, costumes, and of course lovable cats. But watch out! Make sure you have enough food for all of your feline friends or your hungry cats will subtract points from your score. The player with the highest total victory points wins the game!

This premium edition of Cat Lady include... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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AEG 5818

Valley of the Kings: Afterlife

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When you die, you can take it with you!
Take on the role of Egyptian nobles at the time of the pharaohs, preparing for their death and burial in the Valley of the Kings. Using an innovative deck-building mechanic with a crumbling pyramid, players fill their tombs with jewelry, chambers, weapons, tomb art and other treasures. The player who collects the most valuable artifacts in their tomb wins the game!
While Valley of the Kings: Afterlife is a stand-alone game, it can be mixed with the origi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

AEG 7078

Cat Lady - Box of Treats

New challenges await you and your fellow cat lovers in Cat Lady: Box of Treats.

You need your base game to play, but now you get to manage new items, boxes, and cat treats! Plus there's even more cats to feed with the addition of new stray cats and gray cats! Box of Treats also expands the game to be played with up to six players, so now you'll have to outmaneuver more players to be crowned as the best cat lady in town. Compete for goals, try new strategies, and, as always, keep your cats fed... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Alien Menace

ANM 7351

Natural Selection

Natural Selection is the thrilling prequel to the bestselling Alien Menace game, Sucking Vacuum!  Did you ever wonder how that monkey got on the International Space Station?  What trials did our small hairy friend rise above to secure his place on the doomed station?  It’s a great story packed with love, drama, intrigue and monkeys throwing poop.  And unlike George Lucus the guys at Alien Menace know how to make a prequel.<... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


ANM 7352

Danger Guy

z.Zt. vergriffen


You've seen him trapped beneath a fallen vending machine, burned by acid and even pulled into a wood chipper. He is Danger guy and he boldly stands between you and the perils of the modern world. He is Danger Guy, a faceless hero throwing his very body in harms way to protect the innocent, the hapless and the stupid.

Using cards, counters and the exclusive Anthropomorphic Danger Guy Cut-Outs you and your friends will face roaring fires, slashin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ANM 7353

Election Day

z.Zt. vergriffen


Election Day brings the gritty world of politics right into your hands. Interest groups, big money, underhanded tricks and dirty deeds are all here, in a handy, portable game. Collect votes however you can and be ready when the polls close. But remember, there’s always the chance of a recount.

A card game for 2 to 4 players.  Ages 13 & up.

Election Day gibt dir die Welt der Politik in deine Hände. Interessengruppen, das große Geld, u... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ANM 7354

Juggler's Jam

You've seen him. He's got three balls, two clubs and a flaming torch in the air at the same time. He smirks at the crowd, making it look oh so easy. Haven't you longed to throw a couple of broken bottles and a live chicken into the mix to see how Mr. Juggler would handle it? Well, here's your chance!

Juggler's Jam is a fast paced, light hearted card game for 2 to 4 players, set in the dog-eat-dog world of professional juggling. Each player is a juggler -- performing tricks and dodging... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


ANM 7355

Sucking Vaccum

z.Zt. vergriffen


Die sechs Mann starke internationale Mannschaft hat gerade die Lichter herunter gedreht, einander eine multi-linguale Gute Nacht gewünscht und die Schwerkraft an Bord der internationale Raumstation herunter gedreht, als das undenkbar geschieht. Sirenengeheul, das Schließen der Luftschleusen, flackernde Notbeleuchtung und es dämmert der Besatzung sehr schnell (unter ihnen kein IQ unter 120), daß etwas fürchterlich daneben gegangen ist. Sie merken schnell, daß die ganze Station Sauerstoff ve... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ANM 7356

Night of the Ill-Tempered Squirrel

z.Zt. vergriffen


Ignore the critics. Ignore precedence. Ignore reason. Make the bad movie your heart calls you to. Unfortunately, the road to failure is fraught with obstacles. Your friends will try all sorts of underhanded tricks to make you succeed, like pawning off their Oscar-winning method actor on you and stealing your dog, Hank, to star in their own movie. Just be strong and don't give up your vision.

Making a bad movie has never been so hard.

A card game for 3 to 6 players. Ages... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ANM 7357

Witch Hunt

z.Zt. vergriffen


In 1692, the small villages of Salem and Danvers Massachusetts were gripped by paranoia and fear as the village folk were convinced that witches lived within their midst. Neighbor fell upon neighbor with accusations of sorcery and commune with the Devil. Heinously-unfair trials were conducted, and before all was through, nineteen people had been hanged and one man pressed to death.

Too bad you missed all the fun

A card game for 3 to 5 players. Ages 13 & up

z.Zt. vergriffen

ANM 7358


Shrimpin' is a fast-paced card game where 2 to 6 players putter their boats around trying to hail the biggest catches that they can over several days. To get a leg up on the competition, players use cards to mount special shrimp-catchin' equipment as well as to cause events and malfunctions that slowdown their opponents. The object is simple: get the most shrimp and don't let anyone stand in the way!

Dump that day job and put on your hip waders!

A card game for 3 to 6 players. Ages 13 &... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


ANM 7359

Sucking Vacuum 2004 (Full Color Boxed Edition)

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Die sechs Mann starke internationale Mannschaft hat gerade die Lichter herunter gedreht, einander eine multi-linguale Gute Nacht gewünscht und die Schwerkraft an Bord der internationale Raumstation herunter gedreht, als das undenkbar geschieht. Sirenengeheul, das Schließen der Luftschleusen, flackernde Notbeleuchtung und es dämmert der Besatzung sehr schnell (unter ihnen kein IQ unter 120), daß etwas fürchterlich daneben gegangen ist. Sie merken schnell, daß die ganze Station Sauerstoff ve... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

All or None Games

AoNG GS001


You’ve never really had any grand super villain ambitions. Nah, that's not your thing. You're just an honest contractor trying to get by, only without scruples and not overly concerned with safety precautions or work conditions. You take a very special kind of pride in always running in head first, literally, no questions asked. Just enjoying the thrill of the moment and the luxury of not having to make plans further ahead than a couple of hours. What’s so terribly wrong about that?

Goons... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


Alley Cat Games

ACG 0027


In Kittin, you'll flip a card then all players will compete in a simultaneous fast-paced race to grab the cat meeples and match the arrangement. The player who is quickest at grabbing and best at stacking will win the cat-stacking race!

18,00 EUR


ACG 018

Cat Café

Make your corner in the Cat Café the best one possible! Entice cats by literally drawing toys for the cats to play with. Place the toys in the most favorable way possible, and you win by attracting the most cats!

Cat Café is a reimplementation and slightly altered version of the Korean game Cat Tower by Mandoo Games. Cat Café is a light roll-and-write game in which players draft one die each round, then use the final unused die as well. Both dice are then used to 1) Draw a particular type ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


ACG 050


z.Zt. vergriffen


2-4 Players
15 Minutes
Ages 8+
From the designers of Kittin, Catstronauts is a family speed and sequence game where players race to match their numbered catstronauts by slamming their cats down on each planet card in the correct order.

With 16 ‘meeples’ that can be customized with 16 unique cat face stickers, players can build their purr-fect team of expert Catstronauts.

z.Zt. vergriffen

Anoch Game Systems

AGS 0602

Mystick Domination Basic Deck

Ein neues Spielekonzept. 78 Karten (ausreichend, um mit 2 Leuten zu spielen), verziert mit wunderschönen klassischen Bilden, erlauben innerhalb weniger Minuten packende Duelle. Das Tarot-Set enthält neben den 78 Karten zwei Spielpläne, ein Regelbuch und ein Tutorium.

26,00 EUR



AGS 0603

Mystick Domination Power Deck

26,00 EUR


Anvil 8 Games


Front Line No Komrades

Front Line No Komrades is a fast-paced action card game for 2 - 8 komrades, in which players survive by making sure their komrades get the worst of it!

Front Line No Komrades is a card game in which you play a character unwittingly situated near the unpredictable and comically volatile front line. Each round reveals an new incoming threat, which players do their best to avoid, hopefully at the expense of others. Players must do their best to shove, push, and manhandle themselves out of harm's... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR




Front Line No Komrades - Oxna Bears All!

Bitte vorbestellen


Oxna Bears All is a brilliant new expansion for the hit card game Front Line - No Komrades. Oxna continues the fast-paced card game of survival, but offers new expansive play possibilities, including a cooperative campaign and alternative “missions” for the rag-tag group of conscripts. 2-8 payers. 20 mins, ages 8+. The box includes: 54 cards in tuckbox, new mission cards, dangerous new Incoming! Cards, new characters, equipment, maneuvers, events, and equipment, as well as 1 simple rules she... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


APE Games

APE  0500

Big Top

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Big Top, which was inspired by the classic card game Fan Tan, is a quick and easy-to-learn card game in which players take the role of aspiring circus owners. The winner of the game will be the player who invests in the most popular circus acts and earns the most money by helping his fellow players when they call for certain circus acts to be played.

For 3-6 players | Playing time: 60 minutes | Includes children's game 52 full-color cards | 6 Organizing Charts | 30 die-cut cou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


APE 01700


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Step right up and play APE's theme park building card game! Compete with fellow park owners to build the amusement park of your dreams. Hire builders, inspectors and other professionals to create rides, shows, midway attractions and restaurants. Experts in various fields can help you build even faster. Start with a simple teacup ride and add charming carousels, thrilling roller coasters, daring acrobats, shooting galleries and yummy food stands!

ca. 16,00 EUR


APE 0400


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Anathema (which means 'curse' or 'cursed one') is a card game based on the fast-paced classic card game Casino. Players capture face-up cards on the table with cards from their hands by matching point values. While the rules are simple, your subtle strategies can make the difference between winning and becoming Anathema.

For 2-4 players | 30 minutes | Includes 52 full-color cards

Mit deutscher Regel möglich

endgültig vergriffen

APE 1200

Kill the Overlord

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It’s good to be the Overlord. You have your subjects to grovel at your feet, limitless wealth, and absolute power over all the lands. But your subjects are plotting —they envy your wealth, and hope to steal it for themselves—specifically by removing you from the picture.
So you’ve decided to secure your power and eliminate these individuals by sending your executioner out with orders to kill the first person he meets. Unfortunately, your Executioner is a gullible fellow who is extremely... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


APE 1600

Rise to Power

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Rise to Power is a city-building strategy card game for 2-6 players, set in a futuristic world where companies compete to fulfill the world's power needs.

The game is set in a futuristic world that has discovered an abundant source of energy, dubbed PRISM. Competing power companies are scrambling to extract as much PRISM as they can to increase their influence by powering districts and ultimately controlling the city's power needs.

Activating a district card allow players to expand their p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Aporta Games


Destination X

z.Zt. vergriffen


Destination X is a different kind of game experience: One player takes the moderator role as a spy on the run, while the remaining players are detectives who must cooperate and use their deductive skills and geographical knowledge to track down the spy and identify their secret destination.

At the beginning of each round, six destination cards are placed face up on the table. The spy secretly chooses one of the destinations, and flips to the chosen country's page in the handbook. Each detecti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Arc Dream Publishing

ADP 9100


Hot Seller


Great Cthulhu! Hastur the Unspeakable! Only ONE can rule the apocalypse! Wrestlenomicon is a card game of the Great Old Ones battling for world domination.
It sets up and plays in minutes. But it has enough tactical depth for the hardest of hardcore cultists. Set up your attacks ahead of time on the Attack Track.
More moves bring an attack closer to Ground Zero. That’s where it slams your foe and delivers the pain!

Dennis Detwiller and Shane Ivey, the authors of Delta Green and The Uns... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


Arcane Games

ACG 1000

Tower Siege

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Tower Siege ist ein aufregendes (nicht-sammelbares) Karten- & Würfelspiel über Strategie, Glück und Rücksichtslosigkeit... Die Spieler kontrollieren einen mächtigen Zauberer und befinden sich bald in einem Kampf ums Überleben. Die Zauberer kämpfen gegeneinander mit dem Mittel von Hilfskräften, Gegenständen, Sprüchen und Artefakten. Diese bieten dem Spieler eine Menge strategischer Möglichkeiten, so wie auch die Verwendung von Würfeln, um das Ergebnis des Kampfs zu bestimmen. Die Spie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



ACG 1002

Tower Siege - Elemental Adversaries

15 Cards Expansion Pack
Featuring the artwork of Colin McCulloch

4,00 EUR


ACG 1003

Tower Siege - Thaylen's Rogues

15 Cards Expansion Pack
Featuring the artwork of Colin McCulloch

4,00 EUR


ACG 1004

Tower Siege - Fiendish Foes

15 Cards Expansion Pack
Featuring the artwork of Colin McCulloch

4,00 EUR


Archangel Entertainment

ACE 3100

The Three Stooges

This game is very reminiscent of Lunch Money. You play attack cards on other players from your hand of 5 until either you run out of cards or another player plays a defensive card. Cards can set up combo's and some can redirect the attack elsewhere.

Cards have appropriate pictures of the Stooges covering the whole card based on what the card is. The cards come in the varieties you would expect such as Poke in the Eye, Duck and of course Nyuck! Nyuck! Nyuck!. The cards clearly explain what the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR



ACE 3010

GROO: The Game - Expansion Set

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"Lagerfund - die letzten Erweiterungen zum Kultspiel ""Groo"", das leider absolut vergriffen ist."

The expansion set for Groo: the Game adds numerous cards and allows two more players (six instead of four). The game is much, much better with it.

30,00 EUR


ARES Games


Behind the Throne

Four powerful secret organizations are fighting for the right to rule in the old kingdom, and you can acquire safety, control, and economic dictates only through the conquest of political influence at the royal court. The more servants, nobles and dignitaries you can control, the closer you will be to the purpose. Intrigue, blackmail, or threats are suitable for all those who are struggling in the shadow of the royal throne. Power over each new aristocrat gives you a new method for influencing o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Stay Away!

A group of archeologists has mysteriously disappeared during an expedition to the risen island of R'lyeh. You are a member of a rescue team sent to aid them, but as you investigate the site, you encounter something terrible that seeks to destroy your team from within...

You'll need intuition, nerves of steel, and clever acting if you're going to survive and win the game. Who will believe you? Who is whom, and who is what? You can't trust anyone and no one will trust you, so block the doors, q... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Stay Away!



Beschädigung an der Box - Der Deckel der Box hat eine kleine Beule unten links (reparierbar!) Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Damage to the box - The lid of the box has a small dent at the bottom left (repairable!) Contents flawless! - still shrink-wrapped!

A group of archeologists has mysteriously disappeared during an expedition to the risen island of R'lyeh. You are a member of a rescue team sent to aid them, but as you investigate the site, you encounter something terrible tha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



Jolly Roger - The Game of Piracy & Mutiny

In the card game Jolly Roger: The Game of Piracy & Mutiny, you're a crew member aboard a pirate ship and have just elected a new captain. This man will lead you toward either fortune or disaster — and thankfully no matter what course of action he takes, if you don't agree with his choices, you can always start a mutiny and become the next captain yourself...

Each turn, the captain chooses a destination for the ship, a target that it will attack. Once the ship is attacking, the players (more... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



Monsters vs. Heroes Vol.1: Victorian Nightmares

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Heroes and monsters fight to death in the streets of victorian London!

Each player take a secret faction card, that will say if he is at the side of the "Heroes" or at the side of "Monsters".

During the game, a player can either play a card from his hand or draw a new card. Each card will give you "black" points (if you are a Monster) or "white" points (if you are a Hero). Also, each card represents a character with a special skill that you can use in your favor. Dracula can control the fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Monsters vs. Heroes Vol.2: Cthulhu Mythos

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Heroes and monsters fight to death in the streets of victorian London!

Each player take a secret faction card, that will say if he is at the side of the "Heroes" or at the side of "Monsters".

During the game, a player can either play a card from his hand or draw a new card. Each card will give you "black" points (if you are a Monster) or "white" points (if you are a Hero). Also, each card represents a character with a special skill that you can use in your favor. Dracula can control the fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


A game about building nightmares so terrifying you’ll see half of them in your dreams afterwards. You have cards representing Night Terrors, and the more of them you combine in the right order, the more monsters will come to life, and the more horrifying they become. Create monsters that will make your opponents gasp in horror. Nourish them with your own fear and make them stronger. Only then will you achieve victory and become the Master of Terror!

Each Night Terror is also associated with... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR



Last One Alive

The zombie apocalypse has begun, will you be able to survive? Last One Alive is a fast and fun dice game for 2-5 players. Arm and barricade yourself, use that chainsaw, perform heroic feats... But most of all, try to get the zombies to kill the others before they kill you! Everything is allowed in order to be... the last one alive!

Designed by Ole Steiness (Champions of Midgard, Police Precinct), and illustrated by Laura Neri and Francesco Mattioli, Last One Alive uses multiple different cust... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Ars Ludi Verlag

ALV 1000


In Illegal geht es um die wichtigste Sache der Welt: GELD. Wer reich werden will, darf vor keinem Mittel zurückschrecken. Lästige Probleme (z.B. Mitspieler) können oft nur noch mit einer Magnum aus dem Wege geräumt werden....

12,00 EUR




Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Kingdoms unite, becoming bigger and stronger for the good of everyone and You are glad that is so.. Only... Your granddad’s old crest. Could we save it?

In Heraldica, players take roles of noble houses trying to impose their crest as the official coat of arms of the newly united Kingdom.

Each player draws their coat of arms alongside emblem tiles that are used to make it on the game board.
During their turn the players will try to lay out their coat of arms by carefully:

Placing new ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR






Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Deckel der Box hat unten Mitte eine kleine Quetschung (leicht reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Slight damage to the box - lid of the box has a small bruise at the bottom center (easily repairable).
Contents impeccable! - still shrink-wrapped!

Kingdoms unite, becoming bigger and stronger for the good of everyone and You are glad that is so.. Only... Your granddad’s old crest. Could we save it?

In Heraldica, players take roles of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


Artipia Games

ART 00174

Treachery in a Pocket

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Four houses struggle for power and control using any means necessary. You watch from the shadows, working behind the scenes and pulling all the right strings, in order to ensure your allies end up in a position of power while your enemies are lost and forgotten. Treachery in a Pocket is a card game with nobles vying for power. They are laid out in rows which represent levels of power and the higher a character is, the more power they have. Your goal is to move the nobles of the House you are all... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


Artistic Justice Games

AJG 00006

Martial Arts Card Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Martial Arts: The Card Game is a deck-building game that uses actual martial art techniques and philosophies in creating a unique first-person experience in your card battles. Each box contains four pre-constructed decks, which have varying difficulties that play into the strengths of that martial art style. Thanks to the included Sparring Pack, you can mix and match cards and moves to form the style that you want. Modes of play are Normal, Anything Goes (which allows for weapons and illegal mov... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


Asmadi Games

ASMG 0003

We didn't Playtest This at All

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The most aptly named game ever!

In this exceptionally silly and awesome game, your objective is to win! Simple enough. Sadly, all of your opponents have the same simple goal, and they're trying to make you lose. Between Rock Paper Scissors battles, being eaten by a random Dragon, or saved by a Kitten Ambush, there are many hazards to avoid.

Everyone starts with 2 cards. On your turn, draw one card from the deck, and then play one from your hand following the instructions on the card. There... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


ASMG 0004

We didn't Playtest This Either

Bitte vorbestellen


Many will enter, some will win. All will laugh.

We are back with more random! And you like random. Or you will, soon! A full new set of cards that can be played with the original game, or on their own. Be sure to watch out for sharks! And cake. Especially the cake.

Everyone starts with 2 cards. On your turn, draw one card from the deck, and then play one from your hand following the instructions on the card. There are many hazards to avoid, including: bombs, dragons, arrows, laser pointers... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


ASMG 0050


The rules of "Red" are simple: highest card wins! But "Red" is just one of seven games you'll be playing in Red7, and if you're not winning the current game at the end of your turn, you're out! The last person standing wins the round.

The deck in Red7 is 49 cards: each of the colors of the rainbow numbered 1 to 7. A hand takes just a couple minutes!

14,00 EUR


ASMG 0080

One Deck Dungeon

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ca. 38,00 EUR


ASMG 0090

One Deck Galaxy

Your civilization has reached the stars, and your population is hungry for discovery. Explore, colonize, research — but be sure to build up your strength to be ready for the dangers that await!

One Deck Galaxy is a co-op space civilization-building game using only cards, dice, and tokens. Each card in the deck represents both a location in space your civilization has scouted, but also the benefits it could reap by colonizing or studying it. These benefits increase your ability to roll dice ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


Asmodee Editions



Jeder Spieler führt eine wackere Zwergenmannschaft. Ziel ist es, die gegnerische Mannschaft als erstes an den Gartenzaun zu ziehen. Als Tau dient ihnen der Gartenschlauch. Die Zwerge werden durch farbige Spielsteine dargestellt und auf ein bewegliches Spielbrett gesetzt. Das Tauziehen wird durch Ausspielen von Karten simuliert. Die Mannschaft, die mehr Zwerge auf ihrer Seite am Tau ziehen lassen kann, zieht die andere näher an die entscheidende Barriere heran. 28 Spielsteine, 1 Spielbrett, 55 ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


ASM 01004

The Dwarf King

The Dwarven King is a trick-taking game played with a deck of 80 cards. There are three suits (Dwarves, Goblins and Humans) of thirteen cards each, 25 special cards and sixteen contract cards.

Each round, each player is dealt a number of normal cards and two contracts, of which he selects one to fulfill that round. He also draws one special card, of which the type (Dragon, Mummy, Sorcerer, Troll, Wizard) can be freely chosen (and is known to all players).

The game is played in seven ro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



Eye for an Eye

Bitte vorbestellen


Win in a blink of an eye!

An Eye for an Eye is a quick and easy game designed to have you howling with laughter. A single game is short, but you'll find it hard to stop yourself from playing again and again; if you're not careful, your whole evening might disappear in the blink of an eye!

Each player starts the game with a secret personality card, determining if they are a Druid or an Ovate. The Druids seek to hypnotise the Ovates without being noticed. Hypnosis is achieved by a rapid and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR



Good Question

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Music question... "What does Bohemian Rhapsody have in common with England?"
If you've also answered "Queen!", then Good Question is a game for you!

In Good question, players must think up questions according to a selected theme (such as: North America, At my wizard's school, What men want), in order to try to get the other players to guess an answer which is often… unexpected! Your goal will be to think of a question that will be neither too easy nor too hard, in order to score as many po... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR



Gosu Tactics 2nd Edition

In a fantasy world dominated by goblins, when the bloodmoon rises in the sky, a new war begins, and new warlords raise their armies.

GOSU is a hybrid of Race for the Galaxy and Magic: The Gathering. Each player raises an army of goblins made up of soldiers, heroes, magicians, and other classes.

Each turn, a player can play a new goblin, activate a goblin, draw cards or pass. When all players have passed, the player with the most powerful army wins the battle. The first player to win 3 batt... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR




Sammlerstück / Rarität


The players will lead their Greek characters into a bold action of besieging Troy and rescuing the beautiful Helene.
The first one to reach 12 points, will be the winner.

During the game, various stages will unfold and during these, the victory cards are put into play. As it happens, a player can make his own army stronger or weaker those of his opponents by playing the correct cards.

After the siege, the strongest players will receive a victory card of their choice, all cards in play wil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Timeline: Inventions is a card game played using 109 cards. Each card depicts an invention on both sides, as well as the year in which that invention was made but only on one side. Players take turns placing the cards in a row on the table; each card must be placed in the correct order on the timeline. The goal of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards by placing them correctly.

ca. 20,00 EUR


ASM JS20108

Jungle Speed

Nach über 1 Million verkauften Spielen in Frankreich gibt es das rasante und durchgedrehte Spiel nun auch in Deutschland. "Jungle Speed" ist ein witziges, rasend schnelles Reaktionsspiel für Jung und Alt. Wer seine Karten schnell loswerden will, muss im richtigen Moment das Totem schnappen. Doch Achtung: die Symbole auf den Motivkarten sehen sich sehr ähnlich und wer fälschlicherweise nach dem Totem greift, wird bestraft. Wer hat das beste Auge und das schnellste Reaktionsvermögen?

Inhal... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow: The Pact

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The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow: The Pact consists of The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow base game as well as the three existing expansions for that game as of 2014: New Moon, Characters, and The Village.

The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow is a game that takes place in a small village which is haunted by werewolves. Each player is secretly assigned a role - Werewolf, Ordinary Townsfolk, or special character such as The Sheriff, The Hunter, the Witch, the Little Girl, The Fortune Teller and so... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Players in Mascarade start with six coins and a randomly dealt a character card. Characters stay face up just long enough for players to more or less memorize them, then are turned face down. Your goal is to be the first player to hold 13 coins, and while you start nearly halfway to that goal, you can go down just as surely as you can go up!

On a turn you take one of three actions:

1) Announce your character: Claim the power of a certain character and take the associated action. You don't ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Mow Sound

A new edition of Mow, the card game where players are farmers trying to gather in the cows. This version features a box that makes mooing noises.

20,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Four successive dungeons, three levels each, and as many treasures guarded by various creatures. To explore all this, you will have to manage your adventurers as skillfully as possible, while keeping an eye on your opponents who want as much as you to get all the treasures and no monsters.

Round after round, the cards travel from player to player, so that everybody gets to play with the same hands of cards. No luck involved? Nah, actually there is some!

The game box contains 1 Dungeon, 40 ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR




Gosu: Kamakor Expansion

Five new clans will join the battle for goblin supremacy! One thing is for sure, Kamakor will tear your retina! The five clans of the expansion include Kobuke Goblins, Warmachine Goblins, the Shadow Goblins, Dragoon Goblins and the Shibuke of the World Tree.

The Shadow Goblins come from the other side of The Portal! Which Portal will you ask? As you know, the Dark Goblins that you discovered in the main game have a trapping power. When they use it, as you may see on some artworks, the trapped... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



Jungle Speed: The Expansion

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The Jungle Speed expansion brings even more excitement to an already incredible game! 80 new cards with shapes with subtle differences...see a match? If you're right, you earn bragging rights. If you're wrong, you'll pay the price! This expansion also includes 2 new special cards that will challenge even veteran Jungle Speed players. Bring home the Jungle Speed expansion today and your family gamenights will never be the same!


80 new cards, with new symbols and special cards easy ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR



Mascarade Expansion

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Will you succumb to the charms of the Courtesan, or the spells of the Necromancer?
This expansion contains 13 new characters for even more tense and twist-filled games!

ca. 14,00 EUR


Asylum Games

AYG 2019

Out of Gears

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Year 2185. Planet Earth. Mankind has discovered the "space leap" and now soars through the universe, but they left something behind on good old planet Earth – mountains of trash! The old cities are full of junkyards, garbage, and not-very-useful refuse. Among the litter, some old and forgotten robots try to keep working so they will be useful for any new master that may come along...

Using your robot, you must challenge the others in a fight to the very last gear: the most important parts y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


Atheris Games


Mutant Crops

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In a near future, agrotoxics and contamination created some strange mutant plants... who are really scary! But hey, profit is profit, so you have to be the best farmer and make them grow.

You have 12 actions in the table (half face down, half face up) that allows you to gather resources (tokens), get plants, and nurture them. Each turn you have 2/3 actions, and what you use and what you block stop your friends to do the same. You need to take care of your resources, and you don't know exactly... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Cul-De-Sac: Conquest

In Cul-De-Sac Conquest players compete to annoy each other out of their neighborhood.

Each player selects a character and draws five cards, which include annoy cards and relax cards. Each character has a certain annoyance meter, once it is reached they are out of the game. If other players are actively going after one player than they must relax themselves in order to stay in the game (though they can only be relaxed to their max meter).

After the first turn players can chose which deck to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



Supernatural Socks

Supernatural Socks is a game about losing socks in the dryer. Players compete to score socks while utilizing sock ghosts to protect themselves or sabotage their opponents.

Each player will start with seven sock cards and play any three face down in front of them. The players will then, in turn order, reveal the cards they played. Certain card effects don't apply until after all other player's cards are revealed, others apply immediately. For example dress socks are "all business" and go strai... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Atlas Games

ATG 1200

Spammers - The Game of Internet Junk Mail

Each player is competing to pull off the most lucrative scams. You do this by spamming mailing lists. The more closely related the mailing list is to the type of scam you're trying to pull, the easier it is to score.

Scams come in 4 types - sex, internet, money and free stuff. The text and art flavor are quite wonderful. Of course the sex scams appeal the most - highlights were the Virtual Jellorama, Walter's Wankery and Disgusting Dog Tricks. If you're geeky, some of the internet scams are w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


ATG 1220




Described by the designer as a cross between Doris & Frank's Banana Republic and stud poker, this game casts players as construction company owners who are seeking to bribe various government officials for lucrative building contracts. Each turn, six new contracts are up for grabs, and players compete for them by placing secret bribe amounts. At the end of each round, whoever offered the most bribe money for each contract gets it. Special cards, whose backs look just like bribe cards, can alte... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


ATG 1230

Letter Head

Actually many games (14) in the same box. Equipment is a set of cards each showing one letter and a point value (there are also wild cards).

You have a hand of up to 10 cards (you can draw as many as you like until you reach 10 - you start with 5). On your turn, you play a word to the table,
with as many cards as you like face down. You announce the word, and everyone gets a chance to doubt you. You then show all the cards - if no one doubted you,
you get the points for what you played (w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


ATG 1270

Let's Kill

A bloody little card game ...

Have you ever had the urge to start beating some know-it-all who really deserved it, but were held back by those frustrating social boundaries? Ever wanted to go psycho on a bunch bleached-blonde cheerleaders, or the pretentious beatnick at the corner coffee shop? Ever wanted to achieve fame through your horrifying actions? Let's Kill may help relieve that urge. In Let's Kill you play a psychotic killer determined to kill as many people as possible in the most bi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


ATG 1310

Mad Scientist University

Hot Seller


Polish up your laser gun, get your maniacal laugh ready. You're about to enroll in Mad Scientist University! Whichever student devises the most evilly ingenious schemes will pass with honors. The rest will be set home - in boxes - one piece at a time.

Mad Scientist University is a storytelling party game for 3 to 7 people. Players all receive one Unstable Element card, like "lawn gnomes," "marshmallows," or "squirrels." Then they each present a cunning plan to achieve the group's Insane Assig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


ATG 1311

Spring Break - Mad Scientist University Expansion

Catch some gamma rays, frolic with the laser-equipped sharks, and chill out with a nice, frosty glass of liquid nitrogen. The students of Mad Scientist University are going on spring break ... and they're bringing their insanely clever Gimmicks with them!

Gimmick Rules: At the start of the game, choose up to three of your favorite Gimmick cards and place each one on the table in front of the player who qualifies as its Catalyst. A Gimmick can be used by the player who controls it once per tur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


ATG 1340

Murder of Crows

Uncover a murder most foul by revealing six story elements that together describe the deadly deed and spell the word MURDER. But take care that your opponents can't do the same -- take their letters, counter their actions, or call on a waiting Crow to influence the murder before they do! At any moment a well-played card can shift the balance and seal someone's fate.

Murder of Crows is a fast-paced card game for 2 to 5 players that's quick to learn and features atmospheric art by Thomas Denmar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


ATG 1350

Gloom 2nd. Edition

Innovatives Horror Kartenspiel mit transparenten Karten.
Es geht nicht darum zu überleben, sondern am längsten zu überleben ....
The world of Gloom is a sad and benighted place. The sky is gray, the tea is cold, and a new tragedy lies around every corner. Debt, disease, heartache, and packs of rabid flesh-eating mice just when it seems like things can't get any worse, they do. But some say that one's reward in the afterlife is based on the misery endured in life. If so, there may yet be hop... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


ATG 1356

Gloomier - A Night at Hemlock Hall

Misery and mysteries abound at Hemlock Hall, the imposing estate of Lord Wellington-Smythe and his eccentric family of misfits. When you’re invited inside for an evening’s entertainment, what could possibly go wrong?

Gloomier: A Night at Hemlock Hall is a darkly humorous stand-alone competitive storytelling card game. To win, you make your characters suffer the greatest tragedies possible before passing on to the well-deserved respite of death. The player with the most negative score wins... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


ATG 1360

Three Cheers for Master

Master Has Been Blue, Lately…

It's just not the same now that all lands known to evil have been conquered.

When Master's blue, it's the minions who suffer. As a lieutenant in Master's army — a foreminion — it falls to you to cheer him up. Not the easiest task, even in the best of times.

But then it hit you: What better way to cheer Master up than a cheerleading competition?

Whichever foreminion builds and scales the most impressive tower of war-hungry minions will surely win Ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


ATG 1430

Cogs and Commisars

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Cogs and Commissars is a "take that" drafting card game about the glorious robot revolution. Become your robot party's Propaganda Minister and win the citizens over to your revolutionary cause! Use every trick in the dystopian book to brainwash the masses and stop your opponents in their treads!

At its core, Cogs and Commissars is a casual drafting game about growing/stealing a following of robots. Your seven-card hand determines which actions are available to you that round. Hand management ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


ATG 2707

Blowing Up the Movies

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Robin D. Laws, game designer by day, cinema super-enthusiast by night, sets his analytic laser sights on action and thrills in a collection of essays sure to supercharge your tabletop roleplaying experience.

As the countdown ticks and the bullets fly, Robin takes you inside the workings of 24 action movies, from the stone cold classic to the unjustifiably obscure. Each essay shows you how the film delivers, and the lessons you can extract from it to enhance your own efforts as GM or player. E... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR



ATG 1272

Let's Kill: Pretty Corpse

A bloody little card game ...

Have you ever had the urge to start beating some know-it-all who really deserved it, but were held back by those frustrating social boundaries? Ever wanted to go psycho on a bunch bleached-blonde cheerleaders, or the pretentious beatnick at the corner coffee shop? Ever wanted to achieve fame through your horrifying actions? Let's Kill may help relieve that urge. In Let's Kill you play a psychotic killer determined to kill as many people as possible in the most bi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


ATG 1273

Let's Kill: Crime Scene Instigation

An Expansion Deck for Let's Kill

The great thing about CRIME SCENES is that you can MAKE YOUR OWN!

Looking for more homicidal mayhem? More darkly humorous stick figure art? Or maybe just some ideas for your crime drama script? Add some madness to your method with Crime Scene Instigation, a morbidly funny expansion for the Let's Kill card game. Just mix these 55 cards into your Let's Kill game, to add more doomed victims than you can shake a stick figure at!

New to Crime Scene Instigatio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


ATG 1331

Gloom Expansion: Unpleasant Dreams

The Game of Unspeakable Incidents and Squamous Consequences

In Cthulhu Gloom, your make your intrepid investigators face the most terrible terrors and madness before helping them pass on to their inevitable doom. Unpleasant Dreams brings the wonders and horrors of the Dreamlands to the table. Mix the 55 transparent cards in this set together with your copy of Cthulhu Gloom to add morbid new Modifiers, Events, Stories, Transformations, and Untimely Deaths, and a new family that calls the Dream... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


ATG 1352

Gloom Expansion: Unhappy Homes 2nd.Ed.

The Gloom: Unhappy Homes expansion adds one player and 55 cards to the game. Here is a description of the expansion from the publisher:

In the Gloom card game, you make your eccentric family of misfits suffer the greatest tragedies possible before helping them pass on to the well-deserved respite of death. Just mix the 55 transparent cards included in this set together with your copy of Gloom to add morbid new Modifiers, Events, and Untimely Deaths, and a new family -- the artistes of Le Cana... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


ATG 1353

Gloom Expansion: Unwelcome Guests 2nd Ed.

In the Gloom card game, you make your eccentric family of misfits suffer the greatest tragedies possible before helping them pass on to the well-deserved respite of death. Just mix the 55 transparent cards in this set together with your copy of Gloom to add morbid new Modifiers, Events, and Untimely Deaths, and a new family "the malodorous Malone mob" including The Broken Arms Hotel as a Residence card to use with the Unhappy Homes expansion. When Boils Malone brought his family overseas to "get... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


ATG 1354

Gloom Expansion: Unfortunate Expeditions, 2nd Edition

In the Gloom card game, you make your eccentric family of misfits suffer the greatest tragedies possible before helping them pass on to the well-deserved respite of death. Just mix the 55 transparent cards in this set together with your copy of Gloom to add morbid new Modifiers, Events, and Untimely Deaths, and a new family of intrepid explorers who've faced misfortune across the globe. These days Colonel Bumpersnoot is really more of a bargain hunter, while Lady Bumpersnoot struggles with high ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


ATG 1357

Gloom Expansion: The Gloom Chronicles

Take a journey through the miserable world of GLOOM!

In Gloom, you and your friends weave tales of woe. But where does the story begin? Each of the twenty cards in The Gloom Chronicles sets a unique foundation for a game of Gloom, and variant rules add new challenges to the story. You can choose a card at random, or you can start at the beginning and explore the ongoing fate of your family through an extended campaign. Your story begins with the Unhappy Birthday… but will your next game of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



ATOG 912

10 Nights

A rural house, a party, murder and too many witnesses. Isolated by storm by 10 nights..What will the murdered to do?, What will the rest do?

The killer must kill 4 witnesses before the 10 nights have passed to win the game, and the innocents try to find out before the witnesses die.

10 Nights is a hidden roles game for 12+ years, 3-8 players and 10 minutes of duration.

This game contain one gameboard, tokens and cards the characters and APP for mobile that control day time and night tim... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Avalon Hill

AVH 9800

Slapshot - played, but good condition

Slapshot is a wheeling, dealing game for hockey nuts. Each player assumes the role of team manager. The object is to skillfully manage your team into the playoffs and then win the championship. During the regular season you can improve your team with drafts and trades, but injuries can upset the best of plans. Ultimately, your skill as manager determines if your team wins or loses.

Slapshot includes 49 zany hockey nuts like Slash Gordon, Puck Rogers, Ian Jury, Cheap Shot, Le Goon, and Jack th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


B&B Games Studio



BetaBotz is a fun and competitive multiplayer board game where players bid on robots, upgrade their robot with components and execute powerful codes to accomplish tiered missions. Each mission provides the players a currency reward giving them more bidding power and bringing them closer to victory. Robots will need to work with and against one another to become the ultimate BetaBot worthy of entering Robotopia.

BetaBotz takes minimal time to learn but includes enough variation in content and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Baksha Games

BKG 011

Little Drop of Poison 2nd Editon

The rats and the weasels have always been at each other’s throats. Tensions between them are at an all-time high. It isn't in their peasant natures to be overly aggressive. But what needs to be done can be done with a little drop of poison. Choose wisely and judiciously to be the best assassin! Play poison cards on each other and the king. You'll get points for killing the king, but also for killing other assassins.

12,00 EUR


BKG 012

Get Me a Fresh Brain

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Build your monster from available body parts around town and have it exact your revenge on other players. Other Evil Doctors have the same agenda, though, so it may come down to your monster fighting to the death!

ca. 20,00 EUR


Battle Bunker Games

BBG 1000

Third World General

Generalissimo, Can you survive military Junta, political uprisings, assassination, foreign intervention and your own ego to become the best Third World General?

In this fast paced card game, you are pitted against your friends as you backstab, bribe and blackmail your way to the top!

10,00 EUR


BBG 3000

Tom Jolly's WayWord

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In Tom Jolly's WayWord, players go head-to-head to score points by finding and creating the best words from the letter tiles.

WayWord is not a standard word-building game. Attempt to outmaneuver your opponents and use the special tiles to gain the advantage. Make use of your pawn to block other players from creating words.

Optional rules and the unique game play also allow for sentences and phrases to be completed and scored for points.

ca. 20,00 EUR


Bellwether Games

BWG 0001


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In Antidote, you are a laboratory scientist working for a giant chemical research conglomerate. When a deadly toxin suddenly infects you and everyone in your lab, you must work quickly to share your research and discover the Antidote before it's too late.

In the game, players take turns deciding what action all other players take: either discard from their hand or trade research with other players. Eventually all your cards will run-out and you will be left with just one that you must "drink"... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


BWG 0111

Drop Site

Drop Site, the winner of the Premio Archimede 2010 Carta Mundi special prize for best card game, is a game about coordinating humanitarian aid shipments.

As parachutes of aid drift (quickly) to the ground, players must do their best to predict where aid shipments will land. This aspect is represented by players hiding cards in their "debt" pile in hopes that these cards will later match the face-up cards in the middle of the table. Players score points for every card (aid shipment) they are a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


BWG 0511

The Princess and the Goblin

When the young Princess Irene noticed her special golden thread led straight into the goblin kingdom under the mountain, she did not hesitate, but followed it at once. There in the dark she discovered her friend, the miner boy Curdie, who had been trapped while searching for clues to the goblins' evil plans. Now together, they must make a daring escape. Can you retrace Irene's steps through the dark maze of caverns, using only her special golden thread as your guide?

In the tile-laying game T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


BWG 0521

Coldwater Crown

It's a cold and misty morning on the Irish coast. The salt-water spray is stinging your eyes and you're sleep-deprived, but there is nowhere else you'd rather be. You've secured your spot as a competitor in the world-renowned Coldwater Crown fishing tournament, and you're convinced you taste victory in the salty air. You were raised on these waters. You know how and when the fish like to bite, you know which bait to use, and, most importantly, you know how to strategically balance your catch of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


BWG 0611

Windup War

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When the kids are away, the toys come out to play...AND FIGHT! Welcome to Windup War! Turn the keys and spring into battle! Assemble your army of toys, then command them in combat to be the last army standing! Ready? WINDUP THE WAR!

In Windup War, you plan your army’s course of action to take down the armies surrounding you! Program your units’ actions and strategically snipe your targets! Be the last toy army standing to win!

Windup War features adorably toyetic graphics in a miniatur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


BWG 0811

Freshwater Fly

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Select actions rondel-style with a reel that spins in this puzzley quest to score the best combos. A highly thematic dice-drafting fly fishing board game for 1-4 players with campaign-style solo adventure mode.

ca. 58,00 EUR



BWG 0721

Coldwater Crown: The Sea

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"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy or too impatient." - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

In Coldwater Crown: The Sea, you may use a Port action to go to Sea in search of new, big, deep water fish. Sea fish are especially lucrative to catch and can be caught with any color of bait, but while at Sea you won't be able to catch fish from the Shore, Lake or River. How long will you choose to ride the open waves in search of Pollack, Red Sea Bream or the massive Blue Shark, knowing... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


Bent Castle Workshop

BCW 0001


z.Zt. vergriffen


Yarrr-r-r-r-r! Welcome aboard!
You've found the Home of Skallywaggs the mix-n-match pirate card game.

So what exactly is Skallywaggs?
It's a stand-alone card game for 2 to 4 players. Be the first to set sail by building a crew of rascally rogues before your opponents can complete their own collection of misfits. You'll need both luck and skill. But beware! This is Skallywaggs, and every pirate worth his parrot knows the tide is quick to turn. There's Scurvy, Hurricanes, and Cursed Sailors a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Bezier Games

BZG 00003

Beer & Pretzels

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In Beer & Pretzels, players throw coasters onto a table. And then they get money. And then they throw more coasters. And then they get more money. This very complex and detailed process repeats until the end of the game at which point the player with the most money wins, just like in real life. At that point the winner will claim that Beer & Pretzels is the best game ever, and the non-winners (to be super politically correct) will claim that the game is fundamentally flawed, and most likely brok... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR



Cabo - Deluxe Edition (EN)

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Spy, swap, and peek to find Cabo the unicorn in this simple card game.

Your goal in CABO is to minimize the total value of your cards, but you don't know what all your cards are at the beginning of the game. By using certain powers to peek at your own cards, spy on your opponent's cards, or swap a card with an opponent, you can try to minimize the value of your cards. When you think you have the lowest value, you can call "CABO" to end the round, but everyone else gets another turn. In the en... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR



Perpetual Motion Machine

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They said it couldn't be done.

They were right.

Nonetheless, you've been enlisted to help inventor extraordinaire Ted Alspach put the finishing touches on his Perpetual-Motion Machine. Your job is to make the machine as efficient as possible, so that you might fool the unsuspecting public long enough to make Mr. Alspach incredibly rich before he's chased out of town by a crazed mob of very cranky investors.

You're pitted against one to three other players who are also looking to get as ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR




In Werewords, players guess a secret word by asking "yes" or "no" questions. Figure out the magic word before time is up, and you win! However, one of the players is secretly a werewolf who is not only working against you, but also knows the word. If you don't guess the word in time, you can still win by identifying the werewolf!

To help you out, one player is the Seer, who knows the word but must not to be too obvious when helping you figure it out; if the word is guessed, the werewolf can p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Bigfoot Games, LLC

BfG 0100


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Hiding in these woods, there lies not just one Bigfoot, not a few Bigfoots, and not a gaggle of Bigfeet — but an entire community of Bigfootses. Now it's time to go in the woods with your trusty Bigfootses's call, cloak your scent with Bigfootses's urine, and get ready for adventure with aliens, yeti, the Loch Ness monster, and every other legendary creature you can think of.

Bigfootses, The Card Game consists of two decks: the Woods Deck (75 cards) and the Thingies Deck (75 cards). In the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


Bill Cobb Productions

BCP 10001

Astrobirdz Card Game

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Deep in the BIRDZNEST NEBULA a race of space faring BIRDZ rocket from their planets in to space. ASTROBIRDZ begin exploring the stars on their many types of nanotechnology sports boards. Soon they discover the element ZOOMINIUM and begin spicing their food and drink with the rare substance. The ZOOMINIUM transforms them into ultra powerful BERZERKERBIRDZ allowing them to do amazing feats. Eventually other races discover the BIRDZ and their planets, but that's another game. In the Astrobirdz card... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Black Dove Games

BDG 001

Dive ! Diver ! Die !

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D3 is a treasure diving game of sneaky planning, risk-taking and mayhem fun. The game is played over 4 nerve-wrecking diving expeditions.

For each expedition, players have to plan the amount of oxygen they want to share, the depth they want to dive to, and the duration they will spend scavenging for treasure. The deeper the player dives, the more treasure the player can scavenge, but the more perilous the expedition. As each player descends into the dark murky waters, they will have to watch ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


Black Forest Studio

BFS 1347


The great Black Death has come to you in the Middle Ages, ravaging everyone you know. A Plague Doctor visits you. Can you trust him, and will you be next?

Infected is a strategic, secret role,semi-cooperative social game where one of the party is a Plague Doctor, spreading the Bubonic Plague. The villagers need to find and rid themselves of the evil doctor before they succumb to the greatest plague in history.

Players will try to vaccinate other players in their quest to gather information... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


BFS 1348

The Villagers

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The Villagers is a “mafia” or “werewolf” type of social deduction party game played by two teams: The Plague Doctor team, and the Villager team. The game requires a Moderator who runs the game.

The Villagers has 23 different roles, and is set during the time of the Bubonic Plague.

In The Villagers, you’re either with the Plague Doctor team or the Villager team. The Plague Doctors will try to infect a new Villager each night, while the Villagers try to deduce who in their midst ar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


Blackspindle Games

BSG 2101

Clacks Collectors Edition

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A brand new Collector’s Edition of the popular puzzle game based on the Clacksmessaging system featured in Sir TerryPratchett’s Discworld novels. Clacks can be playedSoloorCooperativewhen players attempt to beat the Ankh-Morpork Post Office in a race to send a message across the Discworld. It can also be played as a competitive game, with each player trying to be the fastest operator on the line!

ca. 50,00 EUR


BSG 2102

Lucha Wars

Lucha Wars is a two to eight-player dice game, based on the popular world of professional Mexican wrestling, or "Lucha Libre" (a.k.a. free fighting). The game is a new variation with new content to Luchador! Mexican Wrestling dice.
Each player selects a Luchador wrestling character to play and rolls their Grapple Dice to try to either reduce their opponent/s life points to zero to win by a knock-out (KO) or hold the opponent down on the mat for a "count of three" to win by a pin.
Each wrestler... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



Dance of the Fireflies

Dance of the Fireflies' is a 2-6 player card game in which players striving to be the next royal gardener bid on flowers around a sundial in an attempt to create the most beautiful gardens and win the coveted title.

In the game, each player is allocated a set of seven fireflies, one of them being a royal firefly, more powerful than the regular fireflies. Each round, the players bid on flowers in the flower clock using their fireflies. They can also plant a flower from their hand into one of t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Blood & Cardstock Games

BCG 0001

Showbiz Shuffle

SHOWBIZ SHUFFLE is a fun set collection card game. Players try to collect actors, directors, stunts and special effects and create their movies for points. Action cards (like "drug problems" and "the big break") add to the fun by allowing player to build up their own movies or ruin the other players.

SHOWBIZ SHUFFLE contains 144 cards with nicely draw graphics

20,00 EUR


BCG 0002

Counting Zzzzs

z.Zt. vergriffen


Counting Zzzzs is a surreal new card game for 2-4 people. You and the other players are trying to get a good night's sleep. That means getting some good REM time in. During REM you will dream, and who knows what dreams may come? Some dreams are good, some bad, and some merely help you clear your head for the new day. Try to assemble a pleasant dream while your opponents try to give you nightmares or wake you up. It's the most fun you can have in your sleep!

z.Zt. vergriffen

BCG 0003


Sammlerstück / Rarität


X-Machina is the fun party game where you make impossible inventions out of improbable components for unreasonable customers. Tons of fun for 4-8 players.

Use the components (Cogs) in your hand to try and build the gadget the customer wants (Reqs). Since they are never sufficient you might want to be ... inventive ... with your explanation of why it works.

In addition to 240 Cog cards and 60 beautifully illustrated Req cards the production version of X-Machina comes with a glossary so you ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


Blue Orange Games


Princess Legend

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Tofu Kingdom, a.k.a. Princess Legend, is a deduction game involving seven characters. The player assuming the role of Prince Mochi asks each of the other players one question, then guesses which player plays the role of Princess Tofu, the love of Prince Mochi. When answering Prince Mochi's questions, the other players must either lie or tell the truth based on the cards they hold.

The player who Prince Mochi chooses to be Princess Tofu (whether rightly or wrongly) wins the round and receives ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


Blue Panther Games

BPG 1107


The Game of Sharp Eyes and Fast Hands

Snag is quick and simple filler but unlike most party games it requires some skill.

The active player places a card with multiple symbols on them into a field of cards then rolls the dice. All players try to spot an adjacent pair of symbols on the cards that were rolled and claim them before the other players by touching the pair with their index and middle finger. Cards with the matching symbols are kept for scoring.

20,00 EUR



B&D MW02

Not enough Mana

z.Zt. vergriffen


A "potion" drinking card game about wizard battles.

Not Enough Mana is a "potion" drinking card game for 3-6 fearless wizards (legal potion drinking age may vary depending on your kingdom’s laws). You’ll be destroying each other using epic spells, curses and artifacts while replenishing your mana by drinking magical potions*.

Your goal is to eliminate all other wizards from the game, either through depleting all their health points or by K.O. (also known as Too Much Mana).

In their ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

B&D PM01

Pocket Mars

Hot Seller


For a long time now, Earth hasn't been a perfect place to live. You are one of the architects sent to Mars. Your objective is to set up an infrastructure for the first colonists who would arrive on the red planet and start a new chapter for mankind.

Pocket Mars is a fast paced and wildly dynamic card game but don't let the short playthrough time fool you. It's a heavy weight filler! A compressed and easy to understand
set of rules, combined with cards that you can play in more than one way i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


B&D SH01


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A bullet misses you by millimeters. A dozen more come from every direction. Armed red guys are everywhere. You take a breath, check your options...and play a card.

Part strategy, part shooter, and undeniably stylish, SUPERHOT is the bestselling independent FPS in which time moves only when you move. After its Steam and Xbox One releases, SUPERHOT is taking its unique game mechanisms to the world of tabletop games.

In the micro deck-building SUPERHOT Card Game, based on Agent Decker, you us... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


Bonfit America

BFA 11006

Play Nine

z.Zt. vergriffen


Play Nine is the new card game of golf designed for 2-6 players, ages 8 to adult. The object is to shoot the lowest score. After nine holes, the lowest score wins. Card values range from -5 (hole-in-one) to 12 (out of bounds). Golfers and non-golfers alike enjoy Play Nine. The combination of strategy and luck-of-the-draw keeps the fun and challenge alive down to the last hole. Play Nine, the card game of golf, is easy to learn and fun to play so "Let's Play Nine!"

z.Zt. vergriffen

Bonsai Entertainment



A murder has been committed in the Victorian steampunk city of St. Sebastian. You have made the short list of police suspects and the only way to retain your freedom is to prove that one of the others on the list is in fact the murderous culprit.

Players take turns making Accusations against the other players by placing Method, Motive, or Opportunity cards in front of them or providing Alibis against the Accusations made against them by other players. You must remember what has been played an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Breaking Games

BKG 110019


Bitte vorbestellen


What does your Aura reveal?

• Aura is an easy to learn, but difficult to master, strategy card game for 2-4 players.
• Enjoyed by casual and hardcore gamers alike, Aura is the perfect gateway into the world of modern card games.
• Outwit and bluff your way to victory, but remain flexible, because when the cards are revealed anything can happen.

Begin the game with your own deck of cards. Five distinct types of cards are represented by the five colors in your deck. The colors are vi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


BKG 110219


Nobody puts princess in a tower! Sparkle*Kitty is an adorably fun, social, and magical spell card game for all ages, sizes and genders.

Dark forces have trapped a group of princesses into cursed towers. But luckily these are no ordinary princesses and you are no ordinary player. Take matters into your own hands and harness the simple and sweet words into special spell combinations to set yourself free.

22,00 EUR


BKG 110356

It Dies with Me

In most games - even your favorite one - there’s nothing really serious at stake. But, It Dies With Me is different. Take a peek into the soul; the deep, dark, twisted heart of your opponent. The player that wins, will learn a secret, something never told to anyone! One player at the table has a secret, and it's about them. They've even written in down and placed it in a secret envelope on the table. Do you want to read it? WIN THE GAME. The secret can never be shared, or be repeated. That's b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Brent Beck

BrB CA01

Grandpa Beck's Cover Your A$$ets

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The goal is to become the First Millionaire. Players make pairs of assets, and stack them perpendicularly.
Players are able to attempt to steal other players top stack of assets.
Play moves quickly from player to player and there is a lot of drama when players loose or gain valuable assets.
The cards and packaging are colorful and well illustrated.

Choose One of Four Choices Each Turn -
1. Make a Pair of Two Identical Asset Cards, or One Asset Card and one Wild, Gold or Silver Card, From ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


BrB GO01

Grandpa Beck's Golf

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Players each begin with nine cards face down and then use the following simple steps to try and get the lowest score to win.
This game is inspired by the classic face card game called golf.
Now the game is fully developed game with custom cards, rules, and numbers of cards per suit to make the original concept much more engaging.

Uniquely fun for youth and adults! Easy to learn, but there is interesting strategy to make it interesting for everyone.

here are th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


Cambridge Games Factory

CGF 0004

Glory to Rome

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In 64 A.D., a great fire originating from the slums of Rome quickly spreads to destroy much of the city, including the imperial palace. Upon hearing news of the fire, Emperor Nero Caesar races back to Rome from his private estate in Antium and sets up shelters for the displaced population.

Reporting directly to Nero, you are responsible for rebuilding the structures lost in the fire and restoring Glory to Rome.

Glory to Rome is a card-based city building and resource management game with a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR




Take the Gold

Take the Gold is a 2-6 player draw-and-play light bluffing card game that can be learned in under two minutes. Players try to be the first to collect four gold coins by using pirates to steal coins from other players. Officers can be called in to stop the pirates, but be prepared for The Kraken who could wipe out everything they have! Games are quick paced and play in less than ten minutes.

14,00 EUR



Lucky Luaua

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Welcome to Hawaii! You’ve arrived for your vacation, and it’s time to hit the luau! As you arrive, you see a table full of beautiful and vibrant flowers. Here’s how it works: Once you find out who’s hosting the party, you’ll take flowers, leaves, nuts, and other items from the pile to string and match together the most impressive lei! Whoever has the best scoring lei when the flowers run out is the winner.

You'll draw 1 card from the pile each turn. If you like it, you can string it... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


Catalyst Game Labs

CAT 11070


Do you exist? I think therefore I am? From Socrates to Descartes, the question has dogged mankind. Now with Ergo you can prove your existence while disproving the existence of your friends.

14,00 EUR


CAT 11071

Space Poo!

Space Poo The Card Game - Rules of Play says:

The follow-up to the hilarious Poo Card game is here – and this time it takes place in space!

It was one of those missions. The ones where they send monkeys into space to make sure it’s safe for humans. Lucky for you, you’re that crack simian space station crew, but the astronaut food isn’t cutting it. There’s only one thing to do – Fling Poo, in zero-gravity!

Space Poo is a fast-paced game where players take on the role of monke... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


CGC Games

CGCG 201

Dwarven Weeabos

Dwarven Weeaboos is a light set collection game celebrating nerd culture. Players take on the role of a Dwarven Weeaboos and work together to build the perfect waifu (husbando / inhuman abomination).

Players sell cards in their hand for gold, which can be used to buy cards fro their collection. These collectibles can be purchased either from the communal store, or the player's own hand. Cards have unique effects that help build sets or mess with the other players. Players must match sets to b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Terrene Odyssey

Every turn of Terrene Odyssey is the core of an intense JRPG battle! Defeat the enemy party in this competitive 1v1 and 2v2, all-inclusive battle card game modeled after the battle systems of 90's Video Game RPG's.

Choose from over 50 characters in 12 unique classes to create your perfect starting party strategy, then Command them into battle and equip them with Items to defeat the enemy. Level Up! your characters with the perfect Terrain Bonuses to adapt to new challenges and claim ultimate ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



CHA 06058

Sisterhood: Dark Tales

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In churches and convents and other religious communities, sisterhood takes many forms, forged and tested by such mundane threats as disease and despair, but also by terrors both spiritual and cosmic—Satan’s subtle minions and the Lovecraftian nightmare of the Outer Gods. Sisterhood: Dark Tales and Secret Histories presents sixteen horror stories by some of the genre’s leading female voices. Their settings range around the globe and across the centuries, from 14th century Spain to 17th cent... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


CHA 1052

Khan of Khans

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Khan of Khans is Reiner Knizia’s fast-paced game for the whole family, set in Greg Stafford’s mythic world of Glorantha (RuneQuest, King of Dragon Pass).
Everyone plays one of the khans of the great tribes of Prax, sending raiders into the rich green uplands of Dragon Pass. This year, the high priestess has decreed whichever khan brings back the most wealth from Dragon Pass in the form of cows will be declared “Khan of Khans”, the paramount Khan of Prax! But watch out for stampedes, ene... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


Cheeky Parrot Games



Can you gather and secure more treasure than your fellow-adventurers from the Hoard of the sleeping dragon? Can you defend yourself from their attacks and perhaps perpetrate a few of your own? And can you end the hunt at the most opportune time, perhaps by actually wakening the fearsome beast?

Hoard is a dynamic game of hand management, set collection, and press-your-luck. Each turn players take one of four possible actions: 1) roll a custom die and move to take a new card, 2) secure a set of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Chronicle Books

CHB 6628

S'mores Wars

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Chomp, smash, and splat your way through the battle to build high-scoring s'mores! S'MORES WARS is a competitive and campfire-ready card-drafting game with a sweet tooth for 3-5 players. Players bid on the best Marshmallow, Chocolate, and Graham Cracker cards to build a s'morgasboard of high-scoring s'mores-but when two or more players lay claim to the same ingredient, they must battle it out in a sticky twist on rock-paper-scissors, and to the winner go the spoils!

ca. 24,00 EUR


CHB 6925

Aunt Agatha's Attic

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Chronicle Books was founded in 1967 and over the years has developed a reputation for award-winning, innovative books, games, and gift products. Recognized as one of the 50 best small companies to work for in the U.S., the company continues to challenge conventional publishing wisdom, setting trends in both subject and format. Chronicle Books’ objective is to create and distribute exceptional publishing that’s instantly recognizable for its spirit, creativity, and value.

ca. 20,00 EUR


CHB 8035

Cat Rescue

z.Zt. vergriffen


This sweet, colorful cooperative game gives players one very important goal: Rescue as many cats as possible! With a color matching puzzle mechanic that evokes sliding puzzles or tile matching games and a positive, cooperative angle, CAT RESCUE is a fast and addictive game for 1-5 players all about getting cats off the street, out of foster care, and ready for adoption into forever homes. Each game is about 15-20 minutes long, but players won't be able to resist playing game after game to improv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Clarkson Potter

CKP 0001

Deal or Duel - An Alexander Hamilton Card Game

In the face of political instability and financial turmoil of the American Revolution, only one individual came out on top.

Pit your survival instincts and spending savvy against all the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) in this historical action card game whose simple objective is as old as Ameritocracy itself:
get all the money or die trying.

40,00 EUR


Columbia Games

COL 2701


Slapshot is a wheeling, dealing game for hockey fans. Each player assumes the role of team manager. The object is to skillfully manage your team into the playoffs and then win the championship. During the regular season you can improve your team with drafts and trades, but injuries can upset the best of plans. Ultimately, your skill as manager determines if your team wins or loses.

Slapshot includes 54 zany hockey nuts like Slash Gordon, Puck Rogers, Ian Jury, Cheap Shot, Le Goon, and Jack th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Cool Mini Or Not


Bloodborne: The Card Game

Bloodborne: The Card Game is based on the Chalice Dungeons in the video game Bloodborne — the ever-changing labyrinths and tombs carved out by the Great Ones beneath the fallen city of Yharnam, where horrifying creatures reside. Players compete to kill monsters and take their blood.

In general, Bloodborne is a game about risk management with a bit of group think, inventory management/upgrades, and tactical play. You start with a hand of basic weapons, which you get to upgrade to improve you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Cool Studio

CSL 1002

Burn Rate

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Das dot-com Kartenspiel. Burn Rate basiert auf der Erfahrung des Autors während des Aufstiegs und Falls der neuen Wirtschaft. Mit einem einfachen, kurzweiligen und realistischem Spielsystem, müssen Sie und Ihre Freunde ein dot-com Unternehmen am laufen halten, während die Geschäfte schlecht laufen und das Geld ausgeht. Für 2-4 Spieler.

What is Burn Rate?
1. The rate at which a new company spends its venture capital before generating positive cash flow from operations. In other words, it... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Cranio Creations

CCr 020

Escape From the Aliens in Outer Space

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Escape From the Aliens in Outer Space is a card game of strategy and bluff set on a badly damaged deep space research ship. On-board systems have failed, plunging the ship into darkness. But even worse: a mysterious alien plague has crept aboard and is transforming the human crew into horrendous monsters! The remaining crewmen desperately try to save their lives by escaping from the derelict spaceship, but in the darkness the aliens are lurking… hungry for human flesh.

In Escape From the Al... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CCr 030

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sonderangebot


Can you imitate a pirate monkey with a finger in your ear while standing on one foot? Can you mime a superhero with your tongue sticking out and your fingers on your nose? And why does everybody want the Power Banana?

Monkey See Monkey Do transforms your house into a jungle where 3 to 12 players will get to mime fun acts in bizarre positions. But only the first one who can get his hands on the Power Banana will have a chance to guess the mime. A simple to learn game, great for youngsters and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Cryptozoic Entertainment

CRY 01694

Hawken Real Time Card Game

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Grab a Mech and get to fighting… fast! Based on the free-to-play Mech FPS, HAWKEN, you will pilot a Mech with the goal of knocking out your opponent's Mech. In Hawken: Real-Time Card Game, your deck of cards contains primary and secondary weapons systems, thrusters, special abilities, and various other high-tech instruments of war. Draw cards and place them onto the table as fast as you can, but be careful or you might overheat! The action is in real-time, but a game round ends when a player s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


CRYE 01209

Food Fight Card Game

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Food Fight is a new, quick to learn card game with an amazing draft mechanic that keeps the game fresh and gives every round an exciting and interesting twist! Simple but addictive card abilities keep the action alive as you discover hundreds of hilarious and powerful combos! Featuring stunning production quality and full-color art with more than 50 unique images, each more hilarious than the last! Food Fight is designed for 2-6 players.

ca. 30,00 EUR


CRYE 01359

Castle: The Detective Card Game

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There has been a murder, and the stars of ABC's Castle are on the case!

In Castle: The Detective Card Game, an easy-to-play murder mystery card game, 2–5 players will play as one of six major characters from the show – each with a unique ability to use during play – as they collect and use investigation cards to narrow down the suspects until they find the guilty party! Special event cards change the dynamics of the investigation as a new suspect could enter the fray, or you could get a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


CRYE 01379


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The year is 3012. It's been a millennium since the Armageddon. Deep in the Yucatan jungle, humanity has mutated, degenerated, and segregated into five clans: Jaguar, Snake, Monkey, Gar, and Bat. These clans now battle it out for dominance in the region, cooperating when it suits them and actively working against each other when the opportunity arises.

In 3012, players start the game with small decks of Scout cards, which provide gold to make purchases. Two piles of cards – an Ally deck and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR


CRYE 01443

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Deck Building Game

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In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Deck-Building Game, you take on the role of Frodo, Gandalf, Aragon or one of their brave and heroic allies in the struggle against the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron! While you begin armed only with basic combat maneuvers, you will add new, more powerful cards to your deck as you go, with the goal of defeating the deadly forces that serve Sauron as you make your way towards Mount Doom. In the end, the player who has accumulated the most victor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CRYE 01447

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Deck-Building Game

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In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Deck-Building Game, each player takes on the role of a member of The Company as they set out on the long and treacherous path to Lonely Mountain. Play as Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Grey, Thorin Oakenshield, or others. Your Hero card will guide your strategy throughout the game, or you can break away with a plan of your own.

Each player starts with his own basic ten-card deck and draws a hand of five cards each turn. Power is the currency you will use to bu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CRYE 02142

Cartoon Network Crossover Crisis Deckbuilding Game

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What kind of craziness ensues when cartoon worlds collide? Cartoon Network’s baddest adversaries are loose and it's up to you to stop them. Play as your favorite heroes from Cartoon Network’s past and present hit shows: Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball, Clarence, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Dexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Regular Show, Samurai Jack and Steven Universe to take them down!Every main deck card is unique and brimming with Cartoon Network fan service!
In this wacky... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR


CRYE 02190

Mad Science Foundation

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Throughout the centuries, mad scientists have always encountered the same problem of very limited access to the dangerous resources they require. To solve this problem, the Mad Science Foundation was created. Now these “misunderstood geniuses” can finally get the access they need to the four vital building blocks of mad science: Lasers, Dark Matter, Cryptomium, and Sharks.

Unfortunately, for each mad scientist that seeks “funding” from the Mad Science Foundation, there remains the u... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


CRYE 02323

Internal Affairs

In Hong Kong, the Police and ruthless Triad crime syndicate have both learned they have traitors embedded in their midst and are determined to ferret out these dangerous moles. It's up to the player to crack the codes of their foes and learn who is ultimately loyal to whom. The game is won by the team that manages to first reveal all 3 identity cards of 2 infiltrators belonging to the opposing team. Fun, new take on hidden identity games with constantly evolving gameplay and create a secret cod... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


CRYE 08845

WW84 Wonder Woman Card Game

Hot Seller


A new era of wonder begins! Based on the long-awaited movie Wonder Woman 1984, this fast-paced card game lets up to four players take on the role of the Amazon princess as she fights off villains and saves innocent citizens. Each player has a deck comprised of cards with four different Actions: Block, Lasso, Sprint, and Punch; that they utilize to defeat the lineup of Enemies. Play your cards right to gain Rewards in the form of rescued Civilians. Save the most Civilians to win!

22,00 EUR



Challenge of the Superfriends Card Game

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The Superfriends have gathered at the Hall of Justice to take on the challenge of thirteen of the most sinister villains of all time. Play your cards right and you'll defeat the Legion of Doom!

Based on the classic animated TV show, Challenge of the Superfriends Card Game uses Cryptozoic's "Gryphon" card game engine to deliver a simultaneous, easy-to-learn tabletop experience. Each player has a ten-card deck that allows them to call forth allies or use super powers.

ca. 16,00 EUR



CRYE 01390

Food Fight Card Game: Snack Attack Exp.

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Contents Summary:
• 40 All-new game cards
• Expansion to the Food Fight game
• Requires the original Food Fight game
• Amazing new “live the dream” card mechanics offer players massive replay value with challenging but ultra-rewarding new strategies.
• These cards are ready to be added to your boxed set of Food Fight. Just shuffle these cards in and create a tasty gumbo of fun!
• Features stunning production quality, full-color art, and hilarious new characters to spice up ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


Cubicle 7

CU7 2120

Cthulhu Tales

Cthulhu Tales is a storytelling card game for people who enjoy the weird tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, love games and have a sense of humour with a touch of darkness to it...

Incarcerated in a sanatorium, you must convince the staff that you are sane by telling the story of the terrifying events that led you there. The other players try to disrupt your tale to make themselves look more sane in comparison, and the success of your tale determines which misguided therapies and medication are admi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


CU7 72101

Hobbit Tales from the Green Dragon Inn

‘Queer things you do hear these days, to be sure,’ said Sam. ‘Ah,’ said Ted, ‘you do, if you listen. But I can hear fireside-tales and children’s stories at home, if I want to.’ ‘No doubt you can,’ retorted Sam, ‘and I daresay there’s more truth in some of them than you reckon. Who invented the stories anyway?’
The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien

Players are Hobbits telling tales in front of a mug of beer at their favourite inn in the Shire. Silent woods and remote ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



CYB 2500

Super Giant Monster Card Game

The game that simulates titanic creatures in world-shattering conflict!

Finally, a card-based game with the perfect balance of property destruction and deadly combat! Every game is different! Create and customize your own giant monsters! Battle it out on a complex map with endless possibilities! Use strategy (and brute force) to rampage across civilisation, outwit Defence Forces and clobber your monster opponents!

Command awesome powers and mutant abilities. Absorb more energ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR




Codenames (US Version)

z.Zt. vergriffen


In Codenames, two teams face a square grid of 25 word cards. Each team has a captain, and both captains can see (via a hidden picture) which cards belong to their team, which cards are neutral, and which single card is the "assassin".

On a turn, the captain gives their teammates a clue such as "Car 4". Those teammates then select cards (up to the number given) which they think the captain might have in mind for the clue (perhaps "Wheel", "Electric", "Vacation" and "Price"). Choosing a word no... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

D52 Gaming

D52 D5202

52 Dragons

52 Dragons is a fantasy card game where players draw from the same deck to construct a unique Battle Dragon based on the four elements of fire, air, water, and earth. Calling on other dragons to fight alongside them or add power to the attack, they battle until one is victorious.

30,00 EUR


Daily Magic Games

DMG 10MH001

10 Minute Heist: The Wizards Tower

In 10 Minute Heist: The Wizard's Tower, players take turns moving their pawns from room to room stealing items. Players compete for most paintings, artifacts, jewels, and fossils. Players also compete for the most items valued at 3, 4, and 5. The first player to exit receives bonus points, so it's a race to the finish while simultaneously trying to get sets of items to maximize points. Be careful not to accumulate too many cursed items because they're worth negative points at the end of the game... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



Kitten Klash

Just like kittens clawing and wrestling for supremacy, Kitten Klash puts two players in a frenzied dash to grab the most matched cards from a constantly changing tableau. You need the attention of a tiger and the speed of a cheetah to win this lightning-fast real-time game.

In more detail, players continuously lay out cards in two rows of three opposing stacks, keeping an eye peeled for horizontal or vertical color matches. When you spot one, you reach out fast-fast-fast to grab both stacks, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



Merchants of Araby

Become the wealthiest merchant prince or princess in all of Araby by establishing an entourage of merchants and allies, teaching virtues, summoning djinni, negotiating frequently, and making successful caravan investments.

Be the player with the most coins at the end of the game.

During your turn perform actions such as playing cards, tasking merchants, Starting a caravan, and negotiating with your opponents.
These Actions may be taken multiple times and in any order you choose... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR




Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


ManaSurge is a competitive magical card game in which dueling wizards fight for possession of the mystical World Crystal, a valued relic among magic users that grants immense power to whichever wizard wields it. You are one of the many wizards who have come to claim the stone, but gaining control of the stone won’t be an easy task.

This free-for-all magical showdown pits 2-6 wizards against each other over a series of rounds. Each round is a magical duel between all the wizards, which inclu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Songbirds is card game about birds trying to achieve dominance in the forest. Each bird is a different colour in the game.

Players are forest spirits, trying to secretly guide their chosen bird to success. The cards are numbered 1 to 7 in red, blue, green and white. The players lay a card from their hand to a 5x5 grid after nut tokens (points) are laid out for each row and column.

When the grid is full of cards, the rows and columns are checked. The colour with the highest total in a line ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


Dan Verssen Games

DVG 32-027

Rise of the Zombies

In Rise of the Zombies, a fast-paced card game of zombie survival, players play Location cards to form a path from the Safe House to the Rescue Helicopter, while fighting off hordes of zombies. The players must also play fast because they are racing a real-world timer. If time expires, the Survivors are left behind and die.

All players play cards during a common "Survivor Turn".

Declare which card you are playing, and which zombie you are attacking, and roll dice. This simulates the chaos ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


DVG 32-029A

The Cards of Cthulhu

Based on H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos, in this Kickstarter card game you select an Investigator, and battle the invading Cthulhu Minions and Horrors while building up a team of Followers to help you.

This 1-4 player card/dice game involves combating various monsters from the Cthulhu universe separated into Minor, Major and Unspeakable Horror cards across 4 different Cult boards. Along the way, your character can bring followers with special abilities into play that may or or may not have a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


DVG 32-045

Kill Shot

Hot Seller


Kill Shot is unlike any of our other games.

Kill Shot is ultra fast paced with each terrorist hunt taking only 1 or 2 minutes. An entire terrorist campaign takes less than 20 minutes.

2 to 5 players!

Kill Shot is a speed card game played in real-time, like a firefight. As you and your friends frantically throw down cards, you’ll scream manly phrases like “Cover me!”, “Jam!”, “Reloading!”, and of course the ultimate “Head Shot!”

This is the perfect party game, conven... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



DVG 32-029B

The Cards of Cthulhu - Beyond the Veil Expansion

This Expansion picks up where the original game left off. You are an investigator battling the Cthulhu Minions and Horrors in a desperate attempt to defend our world from the insanity that lies Beyond the Veil!

For those new to The Cards of Cthulhu... it is a card game for 1 to 4 players. It uses the same rules for 1 player as it does for 2 to 4 players, so it is a true solitaire game, not a game adapted for solitaire play. When playing with more than one person, you play as a team against t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



DVG 32-029C

The Cards of Cthulhu - Bonus Pack

The Bonus Pack has a set of 7 more Cards of Cthulhu custom dice (4 with White ink, 2 with Green ink, and 1 with Red ink), and 10 more custom Cthulhu coins.

You can use these to expand your game, or for any other games you play that have a Cthulhu feel!

22,00 EUR


DVG 32-029D

The Cards of Cthulhu - Coin Pack



A bonus pack of 10 copper coins and 5 silver coins! A great add-on to your Cards of Cthulhu games or any game!

16,00 EUR



DAF 0001

Realm Lord



Realm Lord: Quest For The Crown is a strategic fantasy card game where Lords quest to rule the land of Ghezeran. Players seek heroes and gather treasure as they quest to find magical Hope Stones throughout the Realms. Realm Lord is simple to learn but difficult to master as the players unlock a different adventure with each game. Beautiful illustrations and exciting game play make for an enjoyable experience for all ages. One play set is all you need to unleash the endless adventures of Realm Lo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Days of Wonder

DOW 200002

Gang of Four - multilingual

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Gang of Four ist ein aufregendes Spiel, in dem Gerissenheit, Strategie und Macht ein Rolle spielen. Entstanden in den Hinterhöfen Hong Kongs, ist Gang of Four seit Jahrzehnten das beliebtste Kartenspiel Asiens. Gefüllt mit einer endlosen Vielfalt an Strategien und Taktiken, ist Gang of Four lustig, amüsant und voller Überraschungen und doch ist leicht zu lernen und zu spielen. Das Prinzip des Spiels ist einfach - sei der erste, allen Karten loszuwerden und zu oberster Macht aufzusteigen. Ab... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

DOW 5032


Drachenfaust ist ein spannendes Versteigerungsspiel für 3 bis 6 Spieler. Überliste Deine Gegner durch geschicktes Bieten mit gewöhnlichem und magischem Gold. So erkaufst Du die Gunst der verwunschenen Kreaturen des Waldes. Sie werden Dir mit ihren magischen Fähigkeiten helfen, die wertvollen Drachensteine zu bekommen. Bist Du dabei besonders erfolgreich, wirst Du die Pläne Deiner Gegner durchkreuzen und die Drachensteine werden Dich zum Sieg führen. Für 3-6 Spieler, ab 8 Jahren. Spieldau... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


DOW 7404

Shadows Over Camelot - The Card Game

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The Knights of the Round Table must assemble once again to protect King Arthur's kingdom from numerous threats. But wait – these aren't the knights of old, but rather their children. Can these newcomer knights prove up to the task of tracking the dangers out there and putting a stop to them before it's too late?

In Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game, the players (mostly) work together to complete quests before the danger level of a quest gets too high.

In game terms, the quests are repr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

DOW Z001

Fist of DragonstOnes

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Fist of Dragonstones is a closed-fist, bidding game. Players try to outwit their opponents by using gold and magic coins to buy control of an ever-changing cast of enchanted character cards. Those characters' powers collect valuable Dragonstones; lend their magical powers; help foil other players, and convert Dragonstones into victory.
For each character card, players choose the number of coins they want to bid by placing them in a closed fist. All players reveal their bets at the same time wit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Dead Ant Games

DNT 0001

Summer Camp

In Summer Camp, each player becomes a pubescent camper residing in her very own cabin. During the game, players do their best to persuade the coolest kids at camp to hang out with them, while simultaneously sending the uber-dorks into other player's cabins. One camper might lead a late night toilet paper attack, while another slips off to the lake for some skinny dipping with a summer fling. Watch out for the visit from grandma and grandpa or the surprising prescription of orthopedic shoes! For ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


DNT 0002


Monstrosity is played in two phases, with two distinct decks (50+ cards each). During the first round, players acquire spare body parts (arms, legs, bodies and heads) from the black market and construct a creature in darkened operating theaters. As each player collects mutated limbs and tries to assemble them, their opponent attempts to steal parts, sabotage the operation, and generally dismantle the opposing creation. Round two pits the creatures against one another, as their owners p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Deep Water Games


Floor Plan

In Floor Plan players take on the role of an Architect designing a house for a client. Each round, a pair of dice are rolled and then players will act simultaneously, using the dice to either draw a new room onto their floor plan or add crucial architectural and landscaping features.

The game ends when any player has completed two tasks for the client. The player with the most points is the winner – the client likes their design best and they earn that lucrative commission!

22,00 EUR



Floor Plan: The Winchester House Mystery

10,000 windows, 2,000 doors, and 40 staircases. Truly, the Winchester Mystery House is a marvel of Victorian architecture, and now you too can contribute to Sarah's evolving Floor Plan!

It is said that Sarah Winchester perpetually added to the house to confuse the ghosts, and now 100 years later, you can continue her legacy. In Floor Plan Winchester Mystery House, you will be challenged to build on 2 different stories and fulfill 6 different building requirements per game in this Roll-N-Write... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Desyllas Games

DES 0002

Mess Machine

Bitte vorbestellen


Working in a toy factory is enjoyable, but it's also a very demanding job! What happens if an automated toy machine breaks down? Who will bring order to the mess that is created?

In Mess Machine, the players are workers in a toy factory where a machine has malfunctioned and is messing up the production. They must cooperate and figure out quickly the correct buttons to press in order to repair the damage and reassemble the toys! However, only one player will win. Can you find the best way to f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


Devious Weasel Games


Fast Food Fear

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Monsters at the Legoblah! swamp prefer fast food nowadays. It’s quick, convenient and you can eat some of the most disgusting junk in the world. Business is good, but customers are extremely demanding; it is highly recommended you don’t keep them waiting. As soon as the customer’s order is in the kitchen, everyone must hurry to get it ready quickly. Having to explain to a slew of hungry customers why they haven’t got their food yet is no fun at all...

Fast Food Fear is a game about a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


DWG 3000

Bemused (Boxed Card Game)

Hot Seller


Bemused is a card game for 4-6 players in which the players take on the role of a muse seeking to elevate their chosen human virtuoso to the greatest height of celebrity and influence. To do so, the muse must eliminate their virtuoso's rivals by levying doubts and dreads upon them until they are driven insane...or worse.

Each player has a virtuoso card that designates their human protégé and a hand of doubt and dread cards. Each turn, the player draws two doubt cards for their hand, places ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Devir Games


Checkpoint Charlie

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Checkpoint Charlie is a game of observation, deduction, and mental agility. Watch all the suspects carefully and find out which of them is the chief of spies using the clues that you and the other investigators uncover. Be the first to find the chief of spies and become the best hound dog!

In the game, each player receives a clue that reveals one out of five possible traits of the chief of spies. Each player keeps revealing cards, indicating whether each character is a suspect or not. As the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


Diet Evil Games

DVL 1001


Who cooked the books? Kartenspiel für 3-6 Spieler, ab 8 Jahren.

16,00 EUR


DVL 1002

Nobody But Us Chickens

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


As sunset approaches in Littleton , Kentucky , Farmer Johnson’s chickens have had a hard day scratching, pecking and egg laying. But now it’s getting dark—time to return to the coop and get a good night’s sleep.

Unfortunately, a pack of foxes have found the coop and when the rats show up, they’ll snatch every chicken they can lay their fangs on, even if they have to make more than one trip to do it.

Will the loyal guard dogs save the chickens from the foxes, or will a rat sneak... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Digital Alchemy

DIA 5000

Swordplay: Arena

For those about to die... we salute you.

It's no longer important how you came to be here, only that you survive to fight another day. Heroes enter the arena in a fight to the death armed only with what they find there. Will you reign victorious this day?

Swordplay is an easy, fast paced card game of Arena Combat with Medieval weapons. Quick to learn yet challenging to master its subtle strategies. Go for the quick kill unarmed, or better prepare yourself for battle choosing from a wide va... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


DIA 5001

Swordplay: Pirates

Yo ho ho, Me Hearties... Yo Ho!

Cutlasses at the ready... No quarter!
Swordplay: Pirates is a fast paced card game of Swashbuckling combat on the High Seas. Send your bilge-sucking opponents to Davy Jones' Locker with a wide array of blades, black powder weapons, and combat moves suitable for any Sea Dog worth his salt.

Swordplay: Pirates comes complete with everything needed to play including Pirate Cards, a Combat Deck, Damage Markers, and rules for two player duels, multi-player battle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


DIA 5200

Alpha Strike

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Alpha Strike is a fast paced card game of tactical combat in deep space. Players take on the role of starship captains, managing power levels to keep their ship combat ready while utilizing their ships capabilities to defend themselves and unleash devastating attacks upon their opponents.

Bombard your opponent with ballistic weapons overwhelming their point defense systems, keep them busy with fighter strikes while powering up your spinal mount lasers or out maneuver your enemies attacks whil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


DIA 5300

Swordplay: Rising Sun

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Swordplay: Rising Sun is a fast paced non-collectible card game of martial arts combat. Face your opponents in hand to hand combat using a wide variety of kicks, punches and more exotic maneuvers. Wield a variety of classic martial arts weapons including Sai, Throwing Stars and more. Build your Chi to unleash devastating attacks on your opponents bringing honor to your house.

Includes: 60 full-color cards (2 Heroes and a 58 card Combat Deck), dice, damage markers and rules for two pla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR


Dino Entertainment

DEV 19020

Final Fantasy IX

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Tetra Master Card Game Wer Final Fantasy kennt, kennt auch Tetra Master! Bisher konnte man das hoch strategische und spannende Spiel-im-Spiel nur virtuell zocken. Das wird nun anders. 120 Spielkarten, 20 Chips, 2 zehnseitige Würfel, 1 Spielplan, 1 Regelbuch 2 Spieler. Spieldauer: 20 Minuten. Ab 10 Jahren.

endgültig vergriffen

Dino's Tiny Brain


Lethal Party

Drink shots, or get shot? That's a good question!

Welcome to the life-betting party! A bunch of desperadoes have gathered together — not to bet money, but to engage in a more primitive way to reach to the top: a drinking game. In this party, you can either be wasted or get shot. Only the fastest person can leave here alive.

Lethal Party is a speed game for 3-10 players in which you try to be quick and sharp to grab the correct card to fire your bullets at your opponents. Whoever can surv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR




Battle of Durak

A light, trick-taking card game in which players take on the roles of skillful warriors as they battle it out and attempt to be the first player to run out of cards.

An adaptation of the Russian card game Durak, Battle of Durak features new rules, complex strategies, and a role-playing fantasy twist.

Players take turns attacking and defending with battle and skill cards in an attempt to add more cards to their opponent’s hands while depleting their own.

Strategic hand-build... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Distant Rabbit Games

DRMF M2021

Mantis Falls

Mantis Falls is a sometimes-cooperative game of hidden roles, trust-building, strategy and betrayal for 2-3 players. The game takes place on the film-noir roads of mob-ruled Mantis Falls in the 1940s. As witnesses hunted for their information, players work to survive the night and escape town alive. Players
face dangerous events at every turn and respond to them together, but in secret, using hand management, cooperation and deception to protect themselves, and each other, on a dark and dangero... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



Mantis Falls



Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Rechte Schmal-Seite unten hat die Box eine Quetschung (reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Slight damage to the box - Right narrow side bottom box has a bruise (repairable).
Contents impeccable! - still shrink-wrapped!

Mantis Falls is a sometimes-cooperative game of hidden roles, trust-building, strategy and betrayal for 2-3 players. The game takes place on the film-noir roads of mob-ruled Mantis Falls in the 1940s. As witnesses hunted ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


dlp games

dlp SIB02

Siberia Cardgame

After the release of Siberia from Reiner Stockhausen and dlp games in 2011, the search for resources – gas, charcoal, petroleum, diamonds and gold – in the wilderness of Siberia continues in Siberia: The Card Game with players using investors, salesmen, and workers to extract the most profitable resources.

Eight resource cards start on the table, with the three leftmost face-up, and resources of the same type must be extracted from left to right. Each player starts with one worker cards o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Dolphin Hat Games


Santa Cookie Elf Candy Snowman

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12,00 EUR


Don Gusano Games

DGG 0100

Quack in the Box

Welcome, fellow malpractitioner! Take on the role of an unscrupulous, incompetent quack doctor treating patients with whatever medicines or surgeries happen to be available that day. Sure, they may not "help," but they sure are lucrative! Whoever ends the game with the most money wins. Just be careful not to kill too many patients, or an angry mob will come after you!

Designed by an M.D., tested by gamers, and illustrated by the amazing Len Peralta!

Each doctor (player) draws patients and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Double Critical

DBC FP1001

Campaign for President Deluxe Edition

A deck-building game with a light, non-partisan political theme.

Each player is a candidate for the American presidency, battling one another for voters. The candidate with the most voters on election day is the winner. Candidates strive to rally support attracting new voters each turn, while avoiding having their support in waver which causes a player to lose voters.


• 185 Action Cards with 131 Unique Designs.
• 66 Punch Token; 12 Red, White & Blue Dice; Voter Screens.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


DPH Games

DPH 010

Usurp the King

Hot Seller


Your family subversively vies for control of the crown. The court that surrounds the King holds subjects who seek power. Each player represents a family that will vie for control over these court members with the goal of backing the King (or new King) when the dust settles.
Featuring seven victory conditions, the path to victory may shift as you gain more information about each subject’s motives and those of the other families. Your allegiances will twist and change based on your interests. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



Affliction Salem 1692

Hot Seller


The hysteria over witches among the people of Salem swept the region like a disease in 1692. As is the case in any tragic event, there are those whom will use the circumstances to their advantage. Under the veil of the witch-hunt lie other motivations; power, greed, revenge and righteousness.

AFFLICTION: Salem 1692 is a game set in the hysteria of a witch-hunt. Use your influence to whisper in the ear of the magistrate, judge, governor or minister to protect some and have others arrested. Sal... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR




Affliction Salem 1692 - Tactics Deck

The eight cards are shuffled and two are turned face up. A player may send a messenger to assign a tactic card to a colonist.

Cards include such traits as Opposition, Rumors, Political Maneuvering, Petition, Rousing Speech, and Pardon from the Governor.

They were initially added to Kickstarter copies of the base game in a separate package. They are still handed out by the publisher at conventions.

4,00 EUR


Draco Ideas


ONUS! Pack

ONUS! Pack, this board game includes the previous titles of the ONUS! series:
• Rome vs Carthage (Punic Wars).
• Greeks and Persians (Peloponnesian and Greco-Persian Wars).
• Macedonians (Philip II, Alexander the Great, Philip V).
• Special mercenaries (Spartacus, gladiators, Cimbrian warriors, etc.).
• Campaigns book (Book with around 100 pages, with 40 scenarios for the game ONUS! divided into 6 campaigns: The Hispanic Campaign (Second Punic War), Greco-Persian Wars, Greek Wars,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR



ONUS! Traianus

Have you ever dreamed of commanding a powerful army? Have you enjoyed a good historical novel about Ancient Rome and you would have liked to move to this period in the middle of battle? Would you like to be able to change History or revive exciting historical events? If you have answered affirmatively to any of these questions then this is your game.

ONUS! Traianus is a historical battles wargame, similar to a miniatures game, where two sides confront each other in an Ancient battle. This gam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR



SCOPE - Stalingrad

Hot Seller


SCOPE is a 2 to 4 player game, set in the Battle of Stalingrad, where players take on the role of sniper teams on both sides. The objective of the game is to eliminate the enemy snipers or enemy troops for a total value of points depending on the scenario being played.

A fast and immersive game of 5-15 minutes per match, with various levels of difficulty and rules that are explained in two minutes on the clock. When you try it, you won’t be able to stop playing it.

SCOPE is a game of str... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



SCOPE - U-Boot

Hot Seller


The Battle of the Atlantic confronted the convoys, essential to the Allied war effort in Europe, against the wolf packs of Admiral Karl Dönitz. It would result in thousands of ships sunk and millions of tons of material that would not be used in World War II on the one hand, and on the other, hundreds of U-boats sunk by the escorts.

In SCOPE U-boot two players recreate the tension of the Battle of the Atlantic. The German player will try to sink the merchant ships crossing the sector while p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR




ONUS! - Compendium Book (EN)

High quality 140-page colour book including information on the main characters and units of the different armies of the game ONUS! Traianus, descriptions and illustrations.

26,00 EUR




ONUS! Terrain & Fortresses 2nd. Edition

With this expansion you will be able to play with scenery and its new set of rules for sieging, incendiary projectiles, and more…

It contains different types of terrain like woods, hills, rivers (depicted in tiles with several different drawings) and landmarks like towns, bridges, rams, wood/stone fortress sections, barricades, fire counters, assault towers, and more!

It contains different types of terrain like woods, hills, rivers (depicted in tiles with several different drawings) and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR



ONUS! Dice Tower

Hot Seller


A dice tower themed as a Roman fortification.

6,00 EUR



ONUS! Custom Dice Set (16)

Set of 16 customized dice with 16mm sides and rounded corners in 4 different colours.

18,00 EUR


Dragon Dawn Productions



Bitte vorbestellen


A novel trick-taking game for 2-6 players

Darwinning! challenges serious gamers, but also charms children and plays especially well as a family game. In Darwinning!, species are evolved by building your tableau. See if you can evolve your species through the four eras the best.

Darwinning! has been played with children from 8 year old and up. One needs to be able to recognize numbers up to 15 and remember a few symbols, or alternatively the 15 card effects. The game components do not have ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


Dragon Egg Games

DEG 1001

Nova Lux

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Orphaned alien factions fight for survival at the end of the universe.

The universe is on the brink of extinction. It has been on this path since its inception where its primary function has always been to decay. The stars have burned into cosmic dust and scattered worthless energy throughout the vast black tapestry of space. There are only a handful of star systems left that are capable of supporting biological life.

You represent a federation of orphaned alien species that have escaped ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


DEG 1002


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Build stars, galaxies, and new order in the universe.

The standalone integrated successor to Nova Lux. The universe has all but collapsed as the natural law of entropy and the interference of biological life have decimated the stars. In the face of imminent annihilation, a federation of orphaned alien species refused to give up hope. They managed to build an enclosed biosphere colony around one of the last remaining stars repurposing the ingredients for life and hydrogen from the star itself ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR




Godforsaken Scavengers

Godforsaken Scavengers is a survival adventure where players take the role of few desperate survivors in a dark and deadly insect world. Together* they strive to cross several unique areas to save themselves at all costs.

Every turn, players choose a scavenge pile to reveal cards from. They may press their luck and reveal as many cards as they like. But among all the great actions and opportunities a peril can be revealed, discarding all the revealed cards and inflicting an affliction. At the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Drawlab Entertainment


Alice in Wordland

In the party game Alice in Wordland, players take the roles of characters from Alice in Wonderland, each with their own unique abilities and all invited to the tea party of the Queen of Hearts. They have to follow her mad rules of discussion, saying words in particular themes under the pressure of time.

The game includes a plastic music-playing teapot timer. Every round, after the discussion topic and the forbidden letters have been chosen, the timer starts and each player has to say a suitab... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


DTDA Games


Light Hunters - Battalions of Darkness

Bitte vorbestellen


Light Hunters: Battalion of Darkness is a Heroic Fantasy card game, for 2-8 players, opposing two teams and for everyone. Form your battalions, choose your heroes, and crush the opposite team to return to the Light!


Mighty heroes from a far-off land, now exiled to this dark forest, you once shone bright amongst your fellow men, but are now doomed to roam the darkness. Surrounded by crooks, you now seek the former glory of your past.

Show the true hero you are, and regain your free... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


dv Giochi

dvG 4473

3 Secrets

In the cooperative game 3 Secrets, players want to unravel the three secrets of an unresolved case before time runs out. One of the players plays the role of informant and knows the truth about the case: They know which secrets need to be discovered and try their best to help you guess them correctly. The clock is ticking and the clues are scarce, so question the informant to gather useful information and find the solution. If you grope in the dark, the informant can reveal an important clue, bu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


dvG 4474

Deckscape: Test Time

Deckscape: Test Time is the first title in a series of cooperative games inspired by real escape rooms in which a group of people is "trapped" inside a room full of puzzles and odd items. The goal of the game is to solve puzzles, understand the plot of the story, and make intelligent use of the items provided in order to exit from the room as quickly as possible.

In Deckscape: Test Time, you have been selected from Doctor Thyme's most brilliant students for a special project. He'll test your ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


dvG 4475

Deckscape: Fate of London

Deckscape: The Fate of London is the second title in a series of cooperative games inspired by real escape rooms in which a group of people is "trapped" inside a room full of puzzles and odd items. The goal of the game is to solve puzzles, understand the plot of the story, and make intelligent use of the items provided in order to exit from the room as quickly as possible.

In this title, a terrible threat hangs over London, and the Crown of England needs your help! Your mission is to find fou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


dvG 9034


It is the Age of Rebirth, thanks to the discovery of a new type of catalytic energy and the special individuals who are able to exploit it. These rare individuals, known as “Catalyst”, use this energy to act together in a sort of interconnected network. Can you make the most of their superhuman abilities to lead your city to fame and fortune?

This is a simple yet deep game of engine-building and powerful combos. You will carefully build up your chain of actions, and then finally pull the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Hoshi Battle

Hoshi Battle is a dueling game of skill and dexterity. Players assume the role of Yokai apprentices as they fight to save the spirit of Herion the Beautiful by becoming her champion.

In each duel, the players invoke powerful heroes as they try to exile their opponent's hero from the world. The action is controlled by rolling dice in the fighting arena, then using the results to "strike" when the moment is right. The best duelists become Yokai Masters, their skill the stuff of legends!

Hosh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


dvG OG01


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The greatest origami masters face off for the title, using their magic to make origami creations come to life! Can your knowledge of the art of folding paper impress the judges and earn you the title of "Best Origami Artist"?

Origami is a fast, fun card game for everyone! You won't need to fold any paper, except for one: You can make your very own first player origami sculpture! During the game, you collect folds to play origami cards, scoring additional points when you use special abilities.

ca. 12,00 EUR


Eagle Games

EAG 01441


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Nika is a game for 2-4 players where each player commands a Greek city’s hoplite soldiers who must force their way through enemy lines. Troops can push or rout those who would block their way across the narrow battlefield. Coordinate attacks with your ally to secure victory, but make sure to watch your flanks!
The goal is to move at least 1 of your city’s pieces into your victory area, marked in your color on the opposite side of the board. If either you or your ally does this, you both win... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


Eden Studios

EDN 2300


Das Mystery-Kartenspiel -- die Grauen kommen, um dich zu holen -- und sie erwischen dich! Sei du der erste, dem es gelingt, ihnen wieder zu entkommen! Dieses schnelle Kartenspiel für 2-4 Spieler setzt sich aus 72 Karten zusammen, die zusammen mit einem sechsseitigen Würfel den Weg durch ein sich stetig wandelndes Raumschiff simulieren... gehetzt von Aliens und auf der Suche nach einem Ausweg! Mit deutscher Regel !

You've been abducted by aliens.
Be the first to escape ...

The others bet... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


EDN 6310

Army of Darkness Card Game

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Find the Necromonicon.
Recite the passages.
Dispel the evil.

Simple, right? Take 2 to 4 of your "friends" and try to save the world, while trying to stop each other from doing it first. With awesome images and quotes from the movie, this fast paced game can be played in 30-45 minutes and will bring much laughter to a dull evening.

endgültig vergriffen

Eight Foot Llama

EFL 801

Who Stole Ed's Pants

Nice Price

Wer hat Eddies Hosen gestohlen? ist ein pfiffiges Spiel, in dem es um Lug, Trug und Gaunerei geht. Weil sich keiner darum gekümmert hat, Eddie nach dem Tathergang zu fragen, hat die Polizei nichts als Gerüchte und wilde Spekulationen als Grundlage für ihre Ermittlungen. Die Spieler sind in der Lage die angeblichen Fakten des Falles zu verändern und dadurch die Aufmerksamkeit der Ermittler in allen drei Kategorien in eine andere Richtung zu lenken. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


EFL 802

Monkeys on the Moon

Nice Price

Im Spiel Affen auf dem Mond fördern Spieler verschiedene Affenzivilisationen, ersteigern Affen und schicken diese mit Hilfe von Raumschiffen auf die Erde zurück. Jeder Spieler versucht die einflussreichsten Affen vom Mond zu befreien, um zu Hause Ruhm zu erlangen. Am Ende des Spieles verleiht jede Affensippe gewissen Spieler Ehrentitel, die sich in Siegpunkten wieder spiegeln. Der Spieler mit den meisten Siegpunkten gewinnt das Spiel. Für 2-4 Spieler... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


EFL 803

The Penguin Ultimatum

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Nice Price

The penguins have had enough!

Bored from years of standing around on ice, the penguins have turned on their Emperor and demanded a really good party. Can you, as court jester, appease the mobs while saving yourself from the Emperor's wrath? Dancing sheep and juggling kangaroos can only take you so far....

Game Contents:
64 Penguin Cards, 16 Entertainer Cards, 14 Curtain Cards, 8 Score Cards, 4 Rules Cards, 12 Wooden Invit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


EFL 804

Nacho Incident, The

In The Nacho Incident, players are trying to make the most money they can by smuggling forbidden Mexican food into Canada. With Mounties working to stop them, players must hire smugglers and match them with the best foods and destinations. Once over the border, the agents will open up lucrative cantinas to finance future operations. After twelve rounds, the player who has amassed the greatest fortune is the winner!

The Nacho Incident is for 2-4 players aged 10 and up, and plays in 30-45 minut... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



ES4 HA01


Hot Seller


Welcome to the most well-known geisha street in the old capital, Hanamikoji. Geisha — the graceful women elegantly mastering in art, music, dance, and a variety of artistic performances after years of training — are greatly respected and adored. Geisha may be translated to "artist" and they dance, sing and entertain everyone.

In Hanamikoji, two players compete to earn the favors of the seven geisha masters by collecting the performance items with which they excel. With careful speculation... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


ES4 HE01


In the game Herbalism, players take on the role of a group of novice pharmacists, hoping to find the cure to the pandemic that is currently plaguing the country. Players must exchange information with one another in order to gain more insight into the ingredients of the cure; however, only one can earn the title of "God Farmer," so be careful not to share all of your knowledge too easily!

16,00 EUR


ES4 SK01

Shadows in Kyoto

Hot Seller


Shadows in Kyoto is a two-player abstract game based with the background of Hanamikoji in which players take control of the Oniwaban, a group of undercover spies, secretly protecting the Shogun, or an intelligence agency of the Meiji Government, funding with the advanced technology of the Western Industrial Revolution.

As the commanders, the players must secretly gather key intelligence from the opponent while protecting their own interests. Through movements, conflicts, and tactics, players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Endless Spiral


Battle Monkeys

Battle Monkeys is a 2-4 player strategic combat card game, with Monkeys! Players build their army of Soldier monkeys with one goal in mind....Complete...World....Domination!

Players build their "Army" of 4 soldiers that are used to both attack enemies and defend their general. Soldiers are placed face up in front of each player and have varying power levels.

On your turn, you draw a card, have the option to place a soldier in your army, attack an enemy player. Attacking/Defending is simila... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Enginuity LLC

ENG 0001

Stack 21

Try to make your Stacks total exactly 21, playing 4 Stacks at a time. Keep a card OR give it away to your opponent! Play your Bonus cards carefully, they’ll help you improve your score in this exciting game of luck, skill, and strategy. Minutes to learn, but years of fun. Finally, a game that’s just as much fun for adaults as it is for kids!

Für 2-4 Spieler ab 8 Jahren.

24,00 EUR


Eos Press


Demonslayer: Siege of Mt. Kunlun

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A deck-building game based on the story "Warriors of Magic Mountain," players in Demonslayer: The Siege of Mt. Kunlun take control of one Sect (Kongtong, Kunlun, Qicheng, and Wuyi) of the Kunlun Immortals, competing with each other in defeating the dread forces of the Heart-Eaters, accumulating Cultivation in the process. At the end of the game, once all of the Heart-Eaters are defeated, the player with the most Cultivation is deemed protector of the heavens and Earth.

ca. 40,00 EUR


EOS 5001

Abuse: The Final Insult!

This fun and fast-paced card game takes one of the oldest concepts in existence–make the other guy look bad by beating him down verbally–and brings it into your living room where you can have some good-humored fun with your friends.

Abuse has instant gratification at its core. When you play it, you serve heapin' helpings of nastiness on your friends and they do the same to you!

10,00 EUR


EOS 5002

Creatures and Cultists

z.Zt. vergriffen


The legendary Furiously Fuggly card game is back! Pit your Cthulhu cult against the competition in a bloodthirsty battle of guns, spells, monsters, and the fearsome Big Honkin' Truck. Blast away at the enemy cultists, torment them with sinister magics, or summon monsters to do your bidding -- even Great Cthulhu himself. When the stars come right, you can prove who is the most nefarious cult of all.

Creatures and Cultists is a 128 card deck suitable for 3-5 players. For the ne... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

EOS 5003

Wormweird Tarot

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The Nature of The Cards - From the Heart of Darkness, something new - a uniquely dark twist on the traditional Tarot Deck. Instead of simply a divinatory device with alternate imagery, the Wormweird Tarot is also the chronicle of a dark alternate world that quite thankfully does not exist. To quote the creator, George Higham: "The Wormweird Tarot is the doorway to a Victorian neverland of dark myths, strange magicks and weird technologies. Herein, you will bear witness to the vengeance of angels... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Escape Pod Games


Les Misérables: Eve of Rebellion

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Paris, June 1832. The eve of rebellion.

Share in the struggles and triumphs of characters from the time-honored novel as they battle toward their destinies.

Will you help Jean Valjean elude the pursuit of the relentless Inspector Javert? Will you guide Marius to stand with his friends on the barricades of a hopeless battle… or away from the bloodshed and into the arms of his heart’s desire, Cosette? Or perhaps you’ll side with the more avaricious endeavors of the dastardly Thénardie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


Euro Games, US

EU/US 0100


z.Zt. vergriffen


> Mit deutschen Regeln! <
Regarded as a distant cousin of the French card game, Mille Bournes, this card game casts the players as dope dealers looking to make a quick buck or two selling pot. Players seek to add 'drug deal' cards of varied monetary values to their stash, but others can attempt to interfere on their turn. When one player has squirreled away $250,000, he is declared the winner.

z.Zt. vergriffen

Evil Hat Productions

EHP 0013

Don't Turn Your Back

Walk the twisted streets of the Mad City in a boardgame that fuses worker placement with deck building. Extract dreams in the City Slumbering, and use them to buy favors from Nightmares. Procure special services in the Bizarre Bazaar. Score points through skillful play in Mother When’s deadly High School, and the sinister 13th District. Compete for the Wax King’s favor, and the ultimate prize...escape!
In this game, set in the sinister world of the Don’... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


EHP 0035

Greedy Dragons

It's time to divvy up the dragons' hoard, but no one wants to share! Can you trick your fellow dragons into leaving you with the most treasure?

Greedy Dragons is a simple but strategic card-stacking game. Overlap cards and build lairs to collect all the gems — and leave your opponents empty-handed! Play one-on-one or team up with other dragons to maximize your loot. Add the magic ring to the hoard to raise the stakes even higher!

14,00 EUR


EHP 0043

Channel A

In Channel A, players compete at presenting anime TV show ideas.
Shows are based on two premises selected by one player from a set of five randomly chosen premises. Each player selects up to four title word cards from their hand of ten cards and makes a pitch to the other players about their show with that title. Players then vote by secret ballot on who had the best show pitch.

Premise and Title cards are all drawn from the vast ocean of anime shows.

30,00 EUR


EHP 0044

For the Queen

z.Zt. vergriffen


For the Queen is a card-based story-building game that you and up to five other players can begin playing in minutes. Choose your queen from among fourteen gorgeously varied illustrations—or start from scratch—and use the prompt cards to collaboratively tell a story of love, betrayal, doubt, and devotion. The queen is under attack. Will you defend her?

In this game, you’ll find:

Clear instructions to start any group playing in minutes.

14 beautifully rendered queens by a diverse g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

EHP 2003

Race to Adventure!

RACE TO ADVENTURE! - The Spirit of the Century™ Exploration Game
Strap on your rocket pack and get your biplane ready for flight! It’s time to embark on a whirlwind scavenger hunt adventure with members of the famed Century Club. Every year, the greatest heroes travel the world in search of excitement and treasure, while evading and outsmarting the evil Shadow Centurions along the way. Be the first to get your passport stamped and cross the finish line in Race to Adventure!

Race to Adve... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



Don't Turn Your Back

Bitte vorbestellen


Build your deck. Survive the city.
Walk the twisted streets of the Mad City in a boardgame that fuses worker placement with deck building to create a unique experience.

Extract dreams in the City Slumbering and use them to buy favors from Nightmares. Procure special services in the Bizarre Bazaar. Score points through skillful play in Mother When’s deadly High School, and the sinister 13th District. Compete for the Wax King’s favor, and the ultimate prize…escape!

In this game, set i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR



Greedy Dragons

Bitte vorbestellen


Mine! All mine!

It’s time to divvy up the dragons’ hoard, but no one wants to share! Can you trick your fellow dragons into leaving you with the most treasure?

Greedy Dragons is a simple but strategic card stacking game. Overlap cards and build Lairs to collect all the gems—and leave your opponents empty-handed!

Play one-on-one or team up with other dragons to maximize your loot. Add the magic ring to the hoard to raise the stakes even higher. There are plenty of options to make f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


EHP KI00026

Kaiju Incorporated: The Card Game

A 300-foot lizard has just trampled the city. As a business owner, your future is clear:
Step into the shoes of a company chairman in a land threatened by giant Kaiju. It’s up to you to turn the shattered remains of your city into profit and prosperity, but watch out for the next wave of monster attacks! Make money, construct buildings, and research products related to the war on Kaiju. Collect Victory Points to insure your company’s domination!
Can y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Excelsior Games

EG 12345

Ninja Wars

2-4 Mitspieler. Quick and easy.

16,00 EUR


Fantasy Encounter

FFG 149


Bitte vorbestellen


The best liar wins in Hoax, a fast-paced party game of secret identities. When an unscrupulous business magnate meets an undignified end, a fierce competition for his estate begins.
Each player in Hoax assumes one of seven secret identities, from the resentful chef to the ambitious son-in-law, and attempts to make the other players believe that they are actually someone else.
Each turn you can claim a privilege (whether or not its actually yours to claim), investigate another player, or make a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


Fantasy Flight Games


Cold War-CIA vs. KGB

World War II has left the world in upheaval, and many nations' futures are filled with uncertainty. The United States and the USSR are the only Superpowers who can lead the world toward a better tomorrow.

An exciting card game of bluffing and risk-taking for two players, Cold War: CIA Vs. KGB puts you in charge of a spy network during the post-war era. Your purpose: to "persuade" foreign governments to embrace the "proper" ideology, by any means necessary! In this decades-long conflict, victo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



Arcana rev. Ed.

Bitte vorbestellen


Are you ambitious and cunning enough to rule the city of Cadwallon?

In the revised edition of Arcana 2-4 guild leaders send their loyal Agents into the districts of Cadwallon to entice, bribe, or win over powerful citizens, buy precious treasures, and utilize locations. Whichever player earns the most victory points wins!

This vibrant game creates a fantastical atmosphere for players to enjoy while they attempt to best their opponents through strategic card play. Make your guild the most i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


A new Doge has come to power and is throwing a masquerade ball for the nobility of Venice! Masques is a card game in which two to four players take on the roles of influential families as they plot, scheme, and outmaneuver their opponents for the favor of powerful Venetian guilds. Hire agents to carry out dirty deeds by assassinating, robbing, and wooing the members of the court as you work to become the secret power behind the throne!

ca. 14,00 EUR



The Hobbit Card Game

In The Hobbit Card Game, two teams play against each other: good versus bad. The basic game mechanism is trick-taking, but whoever wins the trick can distribute the cards amongst all the players, depending on his character's ability. Bilbo, for example, must keep one card from the trick, give one card to another player, then discard the remaining cards.

In addition to a special ability, each character has a special affinity with the forces that govern his motives. Gandalf, Bilbo, and Thorin a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



Rockband Manager

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


You’ve been to all the shows. You know the music scene like the back of your guitar pick. Now is your chance to show the world you know exactly what it takes to put together a killer band and guide them to the top of the charts.

Find the best rockers, bring them together, and manage their careers in Rockband Manager, a card game for three to six players. Steer your group clear of rival bands’ hijinks (and maybe conduct some of your own) as you collect the most decibels and craft the next ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Condottiere 3rd Ed. US-Version

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This game has a large deck of oblong cards and a fairly simple map of provinces in Renaissance Italy. The object of the game is to acquire four connected provinces. Game play is fairly simple as players use numbered cards to get the highest bid for a given territory. Unlike standard auctions, in which only the highest bidder loses their bid to the "bank", in Condottiere, every player loses their bid. Players are, in effect, bidding the number of troops they are willing to lose to win the territo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



Chaos Marauders

A game created by Games Workshop in the mid 80s that puts each player in the position of being an orcish general who must muster his troops into three battle lines in preparation of attacking the dwarves. Each player begins with a blank card mat which is slowly filled with cards that represent different units of orcs, goblins, war machines, and treasure. Each card has its own rules which affect play.

Once a battle line is completed with a standard at the front, a musician at the rear, and all... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Chaos Marauders (played/gespielt)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


A game created by Games Workshop in the mid 80s that puts each player in the position of being an orcish general who must muster his troops into three battle lines in preparation of attacking the dwarves. Each player begins with a blank card mat which is slowly filled with cards that represent different units of orcs, goblins, war machines, and treasure. Each card has its own rules which affect play.

Once a battle line is completed with a standard at the front, a musician at the rear, and all... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



Letter of Marque

A simple cardgame by Bruno Faidutti, totally based on bluff. Players try to move their 5 treasures in one of their ships, but only two of their five ships can be armed with canons. Who can bluff their way across the oceans while opponents try to send pirates to attack unprotected ships?

26,00 EUR



Penny Arcade: The Card Game

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce our newest card game, Penny Arcade! Set in the wold of your favorite web-comic, Penny Arcade puts you in the middle of the epic battles between Tycho and Gabe. Unleash attacks at your rival, such as Mein Leapen or the (Cardboard) Tube Strike. Put your Hijinks to good use, employing your beard-growing abilities with Oneupsmanship or the powers of Skullduggery. Collect Stuff, and acquire the Rare Card or your ally in the tub Sir Quacks-a-lot. Hidden in eac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Aye, Dark Overlord !

Aye, Dark Overlord! (a.k.a. "Sì, Oscuro Signore!") is a fantasy party game filled with humor, fast to play and easy to learn.

Each player is an evil goblin servant of the evil Dark Overlord (Rigor Mortis, the Master of all Evils), and all the servants are gathered at the Dark Overlord knees to explain why they brought that last important mission, ordered by 'His evil Excellence' himself, to a failure again. Panic wraps you in its freezing grip, what can you do to save your poor skin? Could y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Hey! That's My Fish!

Bitte vorbestellen


Hey, That's My Fish! is an engaging, award-winning board game of strategic fish hunting, in which 2-4 players control determined penguins hungry for their next meal on a bustling Antarctic ice floe. Since Hey, That's My Fish! was originally published in 2003, it has become widely popular as an engrossing and strategic board game for casual family and tactical play.

This definitive edition of the game includes 60 hexagons to create your ice floe with new artwork renditions of fish, 1 rules she... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR




Sammlerstück / Rarität


An evil wizard has placed the Great Dragon, the protector of the realm, into a stony slumber, its fiery breath locked away in a ruby jewel called the Dragonheart. With the land’s guardian imprisoned, trolls and fire dragons run amuck, barely held in check by brave knights and canny huntresses. Meanwhile, enigmatic sorceresses tap the magic of the Dragonheart to their own ends...

As a disciple of the Great Dragon, it is up to you bring order to the various factions in an attempt to free him.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


Fat Messiah Games

FMG 1015

Shapeshifters (Original edition)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Two wizards bent on killing each other have the ability take on the forms of a wide variety of different animals, some real, some mythic.

Using replaceable spell points the wizards change forms to get an upper hand on each other. There is a cost for transforming and maintaining a form so it is not always best to transform to a large, dangerous animal. Animals are rated for movement, movement type (flying, ground, diving), size, attack, defense, reflexes and special ability. There is a flow ch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

FMG 1015/10

Shapeshifters 10th Anniversary

z.Zt. vergriffen


Master the art of transformation all over again with this expanded and updated edition of the classic design! Includes a complete reprint of the original plus extra goodies developed over a decade of convention events:

* Two new battle maps; the Crystal Palace Vestibule and the Temple of Athena.
* Three tournament scenarios with accompanying special rules, one of which includes a multi-round elimination system.
* Full-color expansion counter set, doubling the number of players (... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

FMG 4101


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Kartenspiel. Deine einzige Hoffnung, zu überleben, ist es, an Bord eines Rettungsbootes zu kommen. Aber der Vorrat geht zu Ende und es wurden Schätze entdeckt. Schütze Deine (verborgenen) Lieben und achte auf Deinen (verborgenen) Gegner. Spieler: 5 oder 6. Spieldauer: 45 Minuten.

SOLD OUT - by Fat Messiah Games
Adrift at sea, six people share a tiny lifeboat. As the supplies run low, they discover that some barrels are filled with jewels and art treasures instead of water or hardtack. Gre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Fight in a Box


End of the Line

Bitte vorbestellen


End of the Line is a game of post-apocalyptic family survival. Your goal is to outlast your opponents as you experience mutant attacks, dehydration, starvation and some of the worst pop culture references the end days has to offer.

In End of the Line, you experience the end times from the perspective of an everyday citizen. With your Dad, Mom, Boy, Girl and Dog your family must stand in line waiting for food, water, fuel, and ammo. Meanwhile, terrible things (played by you and your opponents)... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR


Fireside Games

FSG 02003

Dastardly Dirigibles

Professor Phineas Edmund Hornswoggle, famed airship builder, is retiring and you are an engineer competing to inherit the Hornswoggle factory!
Dastardly Dirigibles features tarot-sized cards that are played in a constant action format in which each time a part is added, ALL players MUST add the SAME part – which may replace an existing one. Build your airship from different parts of nine beautiful suits, while also using special cards to your advantage or to thwart your opponents. The round e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


FITZ Games


Alice Coopers Horror Box Base Game

Alice Cooper written and approved! HorrorBox is sure to give you endless amounts of laughs about all of your favorite things horror. Filled with 420 cards of spooky questions, answers and dares. Call all your fellow goblins and ghouls for game night and talk about why you all secretly think Freddy Kruger is hot!

28,00 EUR



FLG 0002

Rumble in the House

Hot Seller


A game by Olivier Saffre, for 3 to 6 players aged 8+. Duration : 20 minutes.

"The house is too small. Twelve inside is way too much! Monday I'm back and I'll expell eleven!"

The landlord slammed the door on his way out, and an uneasy silence followed his leave. The residents furtively glanced at each other, no-one daring to break the silence.

"I shall be stay inside" said the kid, in his bad english.

"Not certain, I am" answered the pink Ninja.

"Oook ?" said the Ape.

The Pen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


FLG 0003

Rumble in the Dungeon

–"The dead king's tomb. Hmm, spooky and mysterious, but the dead king was rich. There must be a big treasure there."
–"Yeah, right... And traps, too. And monsters. I'm not sure it's a good idea."
–"Well, can't be worse than when we tried to snatch the dragon's eggs, I reckon."
–"Can't be."
The two thieves looked at each other silently for a while.
–"Y'know what? We split, join other adventurers, let 'em do the hard work, then snatch the treasure."
The thief's twin brother smiled.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


FLG 88010


In the fast-paced game Robin, you have just joined Robin Hood's merry men in Sherwood Forest. You can help at the Sherwood Forest camp, rob travelers on the road to Nottingham castle, bring messages from Robin, and scout the neighborhood for information. The more risk you take, the higher the rewards — but take care because if you get too close to the castle, you'll need to go back and hide in the forest before the sheriff's guards can catch you!

You want to be the first to accomplish seven... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Floodgate Games


3 Laws of Robotics

Bitte vorbestellen


3 Laws of Robotics is a lively deduction game for 4-8 players in which you know everyone's information except your own!

Each round, you ask a single question to try to figure out who is on your side, being sure to obey the laws as they're added. Ask the right questions, find your team, and boot up victorious in 3 Laws of Robotics!

ca. 16,00 EUR




Keep the kites in the air by playing your cards just right.

The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and you know just what to do — gather your friends to fly some kites!

In Kites, everyone works together to keep all their kites — represented by colorful sand timers — in the air. Take turns playing cards, flipping the sand timers, and coordinating with other players to ensure none of the timers run out. If it does, a kite has crashed! Add complication cards for additional challenges... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


In Skyrockets, players take turns playing cards in order to flip the matching sand timers (your fireworks) without letting any run out.

Keep the timers running as you advance along the Festival Countdown Track, and work together to amaze the crowds and earn the highest in 30 unique festivals!

Each festival in Skyrockets introduces a unique challenge to overcome. Cooperation, clever gameplay and a little luck will be required to earn a 3-Star rating in each festival!

Inspired by the hit ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR



Vault Wars 2nd. Edition

Hot Seller


Many heroes go forth to battle, but some never return; leaving behind their prized possessions. You'll be part of the bidding war for the vaults they left behind to gain valuable items -- each providing Gold, Victory Points or new abilities. Outbid your opponents, equip artifacts to gain new abilities and find the gear your up-and-coming heroes are looking for to be victorious in Vault Wars.

Players will take turns as an Auction Master, leading a cut-throat bidding war to selling off Vaults f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Dome Crushers

Bitte vorbestellen


Dome Crushers is a tiny two-player card game of titanic arena battles in which players take turns playing cards, then choosing attack mode or ability mode. Attackers are removed from your deck and count toward your end-game score if you are the winner. All remaining cards are shuffled back in, then another round begins.

The game ends when either player cannot draw four cards. The player with the highest strength total in their scoring pile is the winner!

ca. 20,00 EUR


FlGaGa 001

Legacy: Gears of Time

Bitte vorbestellen


Legacy: Gears of Time is a strategic card game, mechanically rooted in its time travel theme. Players each play cards from their own hand, draw from a central draw pile, move and play technologies on a single timeline, while placing their influence cubes on existing technologies.

Legacy is played on a timeline that grows at the end of each of 4 rounds. Players take turns during a round consisting of 3 actions each. During each turn, you may travel back in time, play a technology card from you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR




Vault Wars: Relic Roadshow

Step right up and place your bid! Players will take turns as an Auction Master, leading a cut-throat bidding war to selling off Vaults full of items to the other players. Each Vault provides a unique experience, introducing new ways for the players to bid. No player quite knows everything that's in a Vault, and there's lots of junk to fool your opponents into bidding on. Between auctions, players may sell off their items to gain Gold, or save them for Victory Points - paying storage fees to keep... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


FlGaGa 002

Legacy: Forbidden Machines

Bitte vorbestellen


Legacy: Forbidden Machines is the forthcoming full expansion for Legacy: Gears of Time. All information provided is subject to change.

In the world of Legacy, the course of history is maintained by the operators of the Ancient Machine, fueled by mysterious forces. As an Antiquitect, the machine binds you to the present while you travel back through time to ensure the technological advancements of the world remain intact.

The dark energy fueling the Ancient Machine, called Vesper, is growin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Flying Buffalo, Inc.

FBI 6001

Nuclear War Card Game

Ein satirisches Kartenspiel für 2-6 Spieler. Eine humorvolle Konfrontation zwischen aufstebenden Weltmächten, in der jeder Spieler versucht, die Bevölkerung seiner Gegenspieler durch Diplomatie, Propaganda, und letztendlich durch Atomwaffen auszulöschen. Es braucht 10 Minuten, um es zu lernen und etwa 30 Minuten, um es zu spielen. Deutsche Regeln vorhanden !

NUCLEAR WAR CARD GAME: A comical cataclysmic card game for 2-6 players of all ages. A humorous confrontation between touchy world po... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


FBI 6050th

Nuclear War - Special Limited 50th Anniversary Edition

2015 is the 50th anniversary of the Nuclear War card game which was first published in 1965!

Two to eight players engage in touchy negotiations until a warmonger pushes the button! This hilarious card game is easy to learn and fast to play. But watch out: if everyone is wiped out - nobody wins! Includes a regular deck of full-color population cards."

No. of players - 2 to 8 players
Recommended age - 13 & Up
Invented by Doug Malewiki, updated by Rick Loomis
Edition - 50th Anni... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


FBI 6101


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Man against machine in a race for survival! This board game for two players is a tactical space conflict game based on the novels & stories by renowned SF and fantasy author Fred Saberhagen.
The fearsome robotic dreadnoughts from deep space race toward Earth in their attempt to destroy the birthplace of mankind.
Fighting against extinction is a hastily gathered force of much smaller human ships. Includes full-color die-cut counters, optional rules, campaign rules. - (Boxed)

18,00 EUR



FBI 0597

Nuclear War Bonus Pack #2: India / Parkistan

Im Nuclear War Bonus Pack #2 (auch als INDISCH/PAKISTANISCHER KRIEG bekannt) stehen die Regeln für die Verbindung unseres NUCLEAR WAR CARD GAME und dem Mayfair Game INDIA RAILS. Wenn man India Rails spielt und man eine 'load'-Karte zieht, darf man eine Sonderkarte ziehen (die gibt's im Bonuspack), die es einem erlaubt, eine Nuclear War Karte zu ziehen. Wenn man eine Kombination von Nuke War Karten hat, die sich dafür eignen (Raketen and Sprengköpfe), kann man eine Stadt dem Erdboden gleich ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


FBI 0602

Nuclear War Bonus Pack #1

z.Zt. vergriffen


Im Nuclear War Bonus Pack #1 gibt es 9 neue Länder (andere als in Nuclear Proliferation), plus 5 Warheadkarten (aus den Boosterpacks), plus einem Set Bevölkerungskarten, einem Bumpersticker, and einer "player assistance chart", die beim Zählen der Bevölkerung hilft, sagt, wie die Weltraumplattformen funktionieren, was Spione tun und welche ABMs welche Raketen oder Bomber abschießen.

In Nuclear War Bonus Pack #1 you get 9 new countries (different from the ones in Nuclear Proliferation), p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

FBI 6003

Nuclear Escalation

z.Zt. vergriffen


Eigentlich als 'Expansion Set' für Nuclear War konzipiert, kann dieses Spiel separat gespielt werden oder in Verbindung mit Nuclear War, um dieses zu erweitern. Es bringt die Zerstörung auf den neuesten Stand mit Cruise Missiles, MX Raketen, neuen Sonderkarten, geheimen Spionen und Weltraumplattformen. (Und vergiß 'Skippy' nicht, den gefürchteten SuperVirus). Deutsche Regeln vorhanden !

NUCLEAR ESCALATION CARD GAME: intended as the 'expansion set' for Nuclear War, this game can be played ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

FBI 6004

Nuclear Proliferation

z.Zt. vergriffen


Die zweite Erweiterung für Nuclear War, dem explosivem Funny-Kartenspiel für 2-6 Spieler. Wähle die Großmacht, die Du spielen willst: Little Bittyland, Bananaland, Bermuda Triabland, Bagmad, oder eine der vielen anderen. Benutzt die Spezialkräfte, die Geheimnisse, die Topgeheimnisse und die Propaganda Deines Heimatlandes, um die Kontrolle über die Bevölkerung Deiner Gegner zu erhalten oder diese zu eliminieren. Wenn alles mißlingt, bricht eine weltweiter Krieg aus, bei dem die Spieler ih... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

FBI 6005

Nuclear War - Weapons of Mass Destruction

z.Zt. vergriffen


The newest expansion for the award-winning Nuclear War Card Game is called Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).This game is two 55-card decks in a tuck box, and is playable by itself or can be combined with Nuclear War or any of the expansions to make one massive Armageddon. This game will be in a smaller box than the other expansions, to make it easier to carry around when you go gamin'

Here is the tentative cardlist:
WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction
The WMD game will have two decks. One dec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

FBI 6007

Nuclear War - Weapons of Mass Destruction separately "Population Deck"

A new 40 card population deck featuring art with Nodwick, Kenzer and Company, and Dork Tower characters.
You can use this as a "deLuxe" population deck for any of the Nuclear games.

10,00 EUR



FBI 0200

Pizza Dice!

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Also known as "Nuclear Escalation Dice", one of these is included in every Nuclear Escalation or Nuclear Proliferation game.
Note that some of these glow in the dark, but not all of them, unfortunately.
Note that they are made with a special process that sublimates the art into the surface of the die. This art isn't just silkscreened on. We think it will last for a very long time.

4,00 EUR


FBI 6106

Nuclear War - Deluxe Population Deck

Bitte vorbestellen


An extra copy of the new population deck from the 50th Anniversary Nuclear War.
It has 55 cards instead of 40, and all the cards are in color. A great deal!

ca. 12,00 EUR


FBI 6402

Nuclear Blank Deck

You can now buy a BLANK DECK of Nuclear War cards. This is a deck of 56 cards, with the backs the same as all the other Nuclear War cards, but the faces completely blank. Make up your own secrets. Add odd-sized warheads. Replace missing cards. Confuse your friends.

12,00 EUR


FBI 6403


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Also known as "Nuclear Escalation Dice", one of these is included in every Nuclear Escalation or Nuclear Proliferation game.
Note that some of these glow in the dark, but not all of them, unfortunately.
Note that they are made with a special process that sublimates the art into the surface of the die. This art isn't just silkscreened on. We think it will last for a very long time.

4,00 EUR


FRED Distribution, Inc.

FRD 101272

Yin Yang

Bitte vorbestellen


Each round, players play a card from their hand. The highest card played receives light tokens, the lowest dark. If you manage to collect pairs of light and dark tokens, you can discard them. The player with the fewest tokens from each round wins the game.

ca. 16,00 EUR




After the Virus

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The zombie apocalypse is here! After The Virus is a cooperative deck builder in which you and your friends band together to survive and complete different missions. The 15 included missions form a storyline if played in sequence, but don't expect to survive that easily because the zombies will attack you in ever increasing numbers!

Your deck is invaded by more zombies each time it is reshuffled, so you need to search the area deck for useful weapons and other things to help you. Some stuff ca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


FRYX 0001

Brawling Barons

The king encourages all barons to expand their domains as new land is conquered. To gain favor in his eyes, each baron must show his worth by constructing buildings and thus increase the splendor of the kingdom, or by supporting the king in the war with military units. With the king's eyes fixed on the frontlines, he probably wouldn't notice your sharp elbow in your neighbour's side... right?

Brawling Barons is a tactical card game consisting of 54 cards. From this deck of cards each player d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Fuller Flippers

FUF 001

Quest Cards

Bitte vorbestellen


Hoard magical teasure and pump up your skills for the next daring mission! Masterfully Designed and illustrated, Quest Cards offers dynamic game play for 1 to 8 players: solitaire, multi-player, free-for-all, teams, competitive or cooperative. Each Quest Cards Game Set comes with 16 Characters, 40 magic items, 2 huge game board adventures and more. Want to have it all? Join fellow Quest Masters worldwide to design your own unique adventures and earn free stuff. Quest Cards -- the adventure never... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR


Funagain Games

FAG 003

Control Nut !

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


A partnership trick taking game that consists of two phases:

In the first phase players bid for "Control Cards" that will give them a special action in the second phase. Bidding is done with face up cards that the high bidder then distributes to the other players when he takes the Control Card.

Phase two is a trick taking game in which players may play the Control Cards to a trick to affect its outcome.

Some of the cards have 1 or 2 stars on them. The score for the hand is the number of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

FAG 004

Allan R. Moon's Slow Freight

Move that freight! In Slow Freight, you'll be assembling freight trains and moving them toward their final destination. It would be easy if it weren't for your competitors who take the cargo you're looking for. You'll also be working against the clock that signifies the end of the game. Your longest trains will score the most points but they are also the slowest moving. And since undelivered freight costs you points in the end, you'll be racing against the clock with that Slow Freight!!!

Note... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


FAG 1001

24/7 - the Game

"24/7 the Game" is an exciting strategy game that combines elements of luck and skill. Using durable plastic tiles on a full color game board, players take turns laying tiles on a 7×7 grid and score points for adjacent tiles that create runs, sets and sums of 24 or 7.

In 24/7, players score for combinations of tiles in four directions. While the importance of tile placement and strategy is key to winning, the element of luck magnifies as the combinations of tiles take shape in all four direc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



FUF 51US01

Warehouse 51

Bitte vorbestellen


The year is 2038. After decades of borrowing money from the rest of the world, the USA finally went bankrupt. In a last desperate move, the federal government decides to auction its most secret treasures: the artifacts and relics stored in warehouse 51. And there's serious stuff in there, such as Aladdin's Lamp, The Hammer of Thor, the Golem, and the Philosopher's Stone.

In Warehouse 51, players are multimillionaires from the entire world who want to buy these artifacts for their collections,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



FUN 48713

Godzilla - Tokyo Clash

In Godzilla: Tokyo Clash, you play as the Earth's most fearsome Kaiju — Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah, and Megalon — battling for dominance as the most terrifying monster in Japan. With detailed miniatures of the legendary monsters and a modular cityscape of 3D buildings to destroy, it's an epic battle every time you play!

In more detail, each player has their own deck of cards unique to the kaiju they control. As you throw trains and tanks at the opponents and attack them directly to c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


FUN 48713X

Godzilla - Tokyo Clash



Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Harmlose Quetschung am Box-Deckel rechte Seite ca.14cm (auszubügeln ...) Inhalt tadellos! - noch versiegelt!

Slight damage to the box - Harmless bruise on the box lid right side ca.14cm (to be ironed out ...) Contents flawless! - still sealed!

In Godzilla: Tokyo Clash, you play as the Earth's most fearsome Kaiju — Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah, and Megalon — battling for dominance as the most terrifying monster in Japan. With detailed miniatu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



GiBZ 001

Alien Getaway

Poor, ever so clumsy Zoid has committed a big boo-boo, an mistake of astronomic propositions, so to say. Zoid's little accident set off a chain reaction that led to the destruction of an entire uninhabited planet. Luckily, Zoid was able to jump into his spaceship in time to escape the explosion. But to stay ahead of the planet's ravaging debris, he has to carefully navigate the asteroid field that surrounds it. Will you help Zoid get away?

In Alien Getaway 1 to 4 players help Zoid to find his... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Game and a Curry, LLC

GAAC 1010


You are one of the lieutenants to the nefarious Mr. White. You are tasked with building his secret underground headquarters on a remote volcanic island. Construct rooms such as the Missile Silo, Interrogation Room, and the Shark Tank — in the most optimal location to gain most favor (victory points) from Mr. White.

Lair is a competitive building game where you are in charge of constructing a 60's era, underground HQ — inside a volcano, no less — for your nefarious boss. It has a Euro-in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Game Salute

BGG 3000

BoardGameGeek: The Card Game

This quick playing game is an homage to the site where you are currently reading this description! Between two and six players build up cards, each card representing a much-loved game as seen on the site. Cards can be laid out in two ways, with vertical columns of games of the same color/category representing the ones that you're playing, and horizontal rows of differently colored cards showing the games that you're Collecting - after all, everyone has certain titles in their c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


GAS 1010

Eleminis (2nd Edition)

Your goal in Eleminis is to collect one of each of these five eleminis in your row on the table. Players each have five slots available to them, and each slot can hold one card. On a turn, you draw a card from the deck then either play it in a row (if it's a character card) or use it (if it's an action).

Each element outranks two other elements, similar to rock/paper/scissors/Spock/lizard. You can play an element card you draw in any empty space or replace a weaker element with the new one; y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


GAS 2100

Gimme Gimme Guinea Pigs

Gimme Gimme Guinea Pigs is a fast and fun game played in real time! Players start with seven cards in hand while the rest of the cards are spread out, face down, on the table in front of them. Each card has one of six different animals or is a PAWS card. The goal of the game: Be the first to collect all seven cards of one animal and shout "Got 'em!"

To start the game one player says "Ready, set, go!" and the game begins! Everyone plays at the same time. Player choose one card from their hand ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



A Duel Betwixt Us

A Duel Betwixt Us is a two-player card game designed to test your manly worth through the ancient and sacred art of violence.

Your heroic feats will earn you the love of fair maidens, and sturdy men will join your ranks in admiration of your combative prowess.

You will send this fanclub to work in the mines, where they will toil tirelessly in your name. The fine ingots they pull from the earth will provide you with an economic and military edge in the series of spectacular duels which will... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


GAS F6100

Riftwalker: A Storm Hollow Card Game

Explore the rifts of Storm Hollow, build an array of amazing powers, and trigger burst of magical energy to score big in this strategy card game for 2-4 players that plays in 30-45 minutes. In Riftwalker, players use a central grid of elements composed of earth, wind, fire, water, storm, and life to play rift cards from their hand or shift rifts they already have in play.

Shifting a Rift is a Riftwalker's magical ability to change the nature of a place by calling on and altering the elements.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



Goblins Drool, Fairies Rule!

Bitte vorbestellen


For a long, long time, goblins and fairies have lived in a magical world right beneath our noses. If you look hard enough, you can find rings of mushrooms, called "fairy rings", which act as doors between their world and ours. Today, a gang of mischievous goblins escaped from the fairy ring, and it is up to the players to send them back before they cause trouble! But an ancient spell of rhymes which transforms goblins into fairies and fairies into goblins makes this a trickier task than you migh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR



Chaos & Alchemy



Chaos & Alchemy is a fast-paced game of laboratory building and rivalry between alchemists. Players conduct an experiment each turn by rolling 3 dice, hoping for each die to be at least as high as the shared Fortune Die. Each success lets the alchemist draw a new card from the deck or play a card from hand; each failure means a discard.

Cards represent Innovations to improve the alchemist's laboratory, Misfortunes to make rivals' lives harder, Actions to immediately impact the game, and React... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



The Great Snowball Battle

Everyone chooses a kid card (each has a special ability) and three pieces of gear.

- Separate, shuffle, and stack the locations cards, item cards, and snowball cards and place them in the middle. Everyone draws a location card and an item card, then draws 2 snowball cards.

- You're ready to go! Whoever is at the location with the lowest cover number goes first. On your turn, you throw a snowball at another player, or clear out and draw a new location.&#8203;

- Snowballs are numbered 1-8... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



The Card Game of Oz

z.Zt. vergriffen


Over one hundred years ago, L. Frank Baum introduced the world to the wondrous Land of Oz. Now, experience these familiar characters, fantastic locations, and disturbing creatures as never before imagined.

The Card Game of Oz introduces an innovative new game system called the Storyline Game System™ that adds strategy to your challenging and fun adventures through Oz. Each player takes on the role of an author attempting to construct the best story in the world of Oz. During the game, playe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen



Chaos & Alchemy: Substances Expansion



An expansion to Michael Iachini's 2013 game of rivalry and potions, Chaos & Alchemy. Players now add new elements to their laboratory in a bid to become the greatest of all alchemists and achieve fame and glory throughout the land.

New Substance cards will allow you to skew the rules in your favour, rerolling dice, stealing element cards from other players and seizing control of their creations. The base game is required to use the Substances expansion.

6,00 EUR



Chaos & Alchemy: Apprentices Expansion



Adds twelve uniquely talented Apprentices into the Chaos & Alchemy mix.

2,00 EUR



The Card Game of Oz: The Marvelous Land of Oz



An expansion to the popular Card Game of Oz! The Card Game of Oz introduces an innovative new game system called the Storyline Game System that adds strategy to your challenging and fun adventures through Oz. Each player takes on the role of an author attempting to construct the best story in the world of Oz. During the game, players will attempt to bring together objects, characters and locations that are appropriate together - for example, the Tin Woodman and his Oil Can - while avoiding hazar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


Games 4 Gamers

G4G SO001


Bitte vorbestellen


In a very, very likely future, in this very same galaxy…

Many intelligent species have learned to travel between the stars, developing the technology necessary for interstellar jumps. The first encounters between them did not go peacefully. During centuries, war and conflicts expanded affecting almost every corner in the galaxy.

During the longest part of the galactic history, different species used to settle on the systems they arrived to. Instead of just exploring the galaxy, they were... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



GOG 001


Bitte vorbestellen


Crypt is a light set collection game with a unique dice placement mechanic for 1 to 4 players with easy-to-learn rules and exciting strategic gameplay, all in 25 minutes.

Risk your servants to secure the best treasure in this light set collection game with a unique dice placement mechanic

Place your servant dice on treasure cards, choosing any value on each die. Choosing a higher value can ward off your opponents, but it also increases the odds that your servant will become exhausted. Afte... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


GOG 002


Bitte vorbestellen


Gory? is an asymmetrical game of investigation and deduction for two players, set in the mystical feudal Japan. One player will play the role of the Samurai guarding the Imperial Palace, charged with hunting down a dreadful spirit of vengeance, the Gory?, played by the other player.

The Gory? appears in the palace in the form of a cat, bound to a specific type of object. To get a revenge and win the game, the Gory? player must smash 5 objects in the palace’s rooms, without being defeated by... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR


GDM Games

GDM 2122

Room Agus & Monsters

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Tada! This is Agus Pianola, a very absent-minded and a bit cheeky boy who should tidy up his room, but he always waits for his mother to remind him of that because he never finds a good moment to do it. And obviously, in a messy room you can lose many things such as: balls, video games, essays... but you can also find others...

What would you do if one day you woke up and you found your room full of monsters?

The game is played in rounds until all the cards have been played. A... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


GDM 2163


Bitte vorbestellen


One of the typical classes in the subject of Monsters is to create a Frankenstein. In order to do that, we just have to find the suitable body parts and sew them following the correct pattern.

To be able to create our monster, the first thing to do is to find the suitable pieces. Each player shall take theirs. Keep in mind that each body piece has two different sides.
Once we have all the body pieces, we take the thread and... let's sew!

We shall join the pieces together in a way that the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


GDM 2184


Bitte vorbestellen


Welcome to the unique show of Tempo, where your voice harmony, rhythm and melody will be the stars. Aren't you good at singing? Do you have no rhythm? Don't worry, it'll be fun!

Choose one player to be the metronome, they'll be in charge of keeping the tempo and dealing the cards.
The metronome chooses the cards according to their difficulty and shuffles them.
The first times you play, we suggest starting with value 1 and 2 cards.

The metronome deals one card facing up to each player and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR



Bruxelles 1897

z.Zt. vergriffen



In 1897, Art Nouveau is taking over the streets of Brussels as the World's Fair opens its doors. The time has come to cement your name in the History of Art. To achieve all of this, you must construct magnificent buildings, create, sell and exhibit works of art, and shake hands with the city's noblemen.

Bruxelles 1897 is a card game based on the Bruxelles 1893 board game.

Bruxelles 1897 will speak to a large audience of gamers. Its mechanics are based on Bruxelles 1893 an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


More Bloody Nights

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


More Bloody Nights, a standalone expansion for Noches de Sangre (Bloody Nights), is a semi-cooperative card game in which players have to survive a vampire attack over thirty nights. Each turn, players can pick up some items to be stronger, rescue survivors to join their team, find food to feed them, and even get inside new buildings to search for new adventures! But take care of your belongings as the world is full of pickpockets. With this new expansion, some players will also transform into v... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



Metal Mania

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Imagine that your favorite heavy metal musicians are at the peak of their careers. Imagine that you can bring them all together to build your dream band. Imagine that you aspire to conquer the throne of metal!

Metal Mania is a thematic game that honors the greatest heavy metal bands, with you trying to drive your metal band to the top by recordings demos and LPs, performing in concerts and tours, and drinking beer. Up the irons!

ca. 20,00 EUR




Dragons, a new version of Papillons, is a card game in which each player has a secret objective: to align four Dragons of a given color or of a given type.

Players take turns placing a card on the table, trying to obtain their secret flying alignment or to move an already placed card to another place. They also have two tokens which can be used only once: one token removes an already placed card from the game, and the other one fixes an already placed card so that it cannot be moved during th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR




Delve into the enchanted woods of Sugi, meet the spirits dwelling there, and guide your predilect descendants so that they are the first to make it to the Temple.

In Sugi, players represent the spirit ancestors trying to guide their descendants through the forest so they find the Temple. Each player has a family tree indicating which are their favorite descendants and win points if they arrive in the right order. In turn order, players must play one of their cards in hand in one of these two ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Wanted 7

In the Golden River area in the Wild West, tensions are on the rise during the Gold Rush. Leading local figures are seeing their interests threatened. They need protection! Meanwhile, members of the seven most wanted bands meet up in the saloon to stake their claims.

In Wanted 7 play cards to recruit the best gunfighters over four rounds of beer or whisky. Bid for free gunfighters or outbid your opponents. Buy a round of beer or whisky, aim your gun or play card tricks to wrest gunfighters fr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Geektopia Games


Fearsome Wilderness

Hot Seller


Fend off the unnatural fearsome critters of folklore. Endure grueling days and tormented nights in the forest. Time is short. Can you survive with only twelve weeks til winter?
Fearsome Wilderness is a cooperative game in which 1-4 players roll dice and draw cards to ensure their folk heroes survive the horrors of the wilderness. The game can be played in a one-shot single session or as the Twelve Weeks til Winter adventure which spans 12-24 game sessions. Each session in the campaign represnet... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR





Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


A covenant with Death is not always a good deal. Four greedy nobles asked her to change the free will of life so that one of them could be the next heir of the crown, but a covenant has two parts" what you get and what you give. She demanded the soul of one of them. She will take her prize by a murderer who lives among them. One of the people they have offended, hurt, or ruined will take revenge, shedding the blood of one of the nobles guided by Death. They listed these people: 28 suspect. This ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Dark Matter

More than three millennia have passed since the human race left its native land. The discovery of the Sophia triad made real some theories previously thought impossible, theories that were experimented to prove their viability and each of them were performed, no matter whether it was possible or not.

Dark Matter is a game from 2 to 4 players. Each player starts with three unique cards to play all the game. Each card is divided in two zones in its obverse and reverse, and each zone has one or ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR



Death Over The Kingdom

In Death Over the Kingdom you have two games in one:
- For groups of 3 to 7 players;
- For groups of 3 to 16 players, although we recommend starting with
8 players.

The rules explained below are for a game of 3 to 7 players.

The game consists of as many turns as the number of players. Each turn has 3
Rounds where victory condition varies.

- Round 1: The highest card wins.
- Round 2: The lowest card wins.
- Round 3: The intermediate cards win.

Each Round can be won by more than ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



Explorers of the Lost Valley

The life of an English gentleman can be quite boring sometimes, with all that privilege and comfort. That's why a group of old friends have decided to leave their mansions and enter into the dark depths of an unexplored region of África. There, they will find living, breathing dinosaurs!

The adventurers put together a little competition: Using their wits and modern weapons, they will try to catch alive as many animals as possible for the London zoo. The loser will have to shave off his moust... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR



London after Midnight

Heroes and monsters fight to death in the streets of victorian London!

Each player take a secret faction card, that will say if he is at the side of the "Heroes" or at the side of "Monsters".

During the game, a player can either play a card from his hand or draw a new card. Each card will give you "black" points (if you are a Monster) or "white" points (if you are a Hero). Also, each card represents a character with a special skill that you can use in your favor. Dracula can control the fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR



Witches of Cernegula

Neither frog legs nor goat's feet. Our witches are vegetarian and real!

Legend says that in a lagoon of Cernégula, a town in Burgos, a coven of witches had their meetings. In The Witches of Cernégula, you must become the witch who cooks the best and most potions. Collect the required herbs, but these are not always available, so think well about your actions! Cook in your cauldron elaborate recipes and master one or more magic arts. Become the most experienced witch and earn points to prove... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR




London After Midnight 2: Sherlock in Hell

The armies from hell are upon England! Only one man can stop this demonic force: Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective.

London After Midnight 2: Sherlock in Hell is a fun, fast and crazy card game for the whole family that can be played both as an standalone game and as an expansion for "London After Midnight".

12,00 EUR


Genius Games

GEG 1010


Ecosystem is a card-drafting game in which players choose cards and place them into their play area turn by turn.
The cards in a player's grid make up their own personal ecosystem, and at game's end,
a player will have twenty cards in their ecosystem, with the game including eleven types of cards.
Bears score by being placed next to bees and trout; trout score by being placed next to streams and dragonflies;
and streams are compared at the end of the game, with the player who has the lar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


GEG 1014

Ecosystem: Coral Reef

Dive deep to build your own ecological network in Ecosystem: Coral Reef, a card-drafting game of marine competition. Players choose, pass, and arrange cards representing a diversity of organisms found in the Great Barrier Reef, including coral, clownfish, sea turtles, and sharks. Earn points by aligning animals with the habitats and food sources where they most flourish. Diversify your food web to maximize your bonuses. Each time you play, you build a one-of-a-kind ecosystem as you strive to bal... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


GEG 1015

Ecosystem - Savanna

Be on the prowl in Ecosystem: Savanna, a Serengeti-inspired card-drafting game. Players choose, pass, and arrange cards representing a diversity of organisms found in an African grassland, including zebras, elephants, cheetahs, and lions. Earn points by aligning herbivores with habitable landforms like watering holes or placing carnivores to devour nearby prey. Diversify your food web to maximize your bonuses. Each time you play, you build a one-of-a-kind ecosystem as you strive to balance the d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Covalence: A Molecule Building Game

In Covalence, players work together to accurately reconstruct a number of secret organic compounds. One player takes on the role of the “Knower” who has knowledge of the secret compounds, while all other players, “Builders”, must deduce what these secret compounds are, based upon clues given to them by the Knower. All Builders must cooperatively utilize a limited number of clues available in order construct their compounds before the clues run out!

18,00 EUR



Ion: A Compound Building Game

Bitte vorbestellen


ION: A Compound Building Game is a card drafting game where players select from a number of available Ion Cards and Noble Gas cards with the goal of creating sets of compounds and inert noble gases.

Here’s how the game is played: Each player is dealt eight cards, must select one of those cards and then passes the remaining. Players must choose to either bond (pair) their selected card with another Element Card or set it alone (possibly to form an ionic bond at a later time). Throughout the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



Peptide: A Protein Building Game

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Peptide is an open-drafting card game with resource management elements. Basically, players compete to link amino acids side-by-side, forming what’s called a Peptide Chain (in biology, this process is called RNA Translation). In order to do so, players must first select from a number of available open-drafted face up cards, which in the game represent cellular organelles. Each organelle rewards players with either molecular resources or cellular actions. Final scores are based upon the types o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



Virulence: An Infectious Card Game

Virus: An Infectious Card Game is an addictively quick and simple card game focused on viruses infecting a host cell - and how they assemble and replicate inside that host cell.

Virus has players take on the role of viruses competing to infect a host cell in order to replicate their own viral components, thus scoring points.

Each round, players secretly choose one Virus card from their hand, place it face down on the table, then simultaneously flip these Virus cards to reveal each player's... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


GhazPORK Industrial

GPI 1000

Dying Lights

Dying Lights is a game of fleet combat and survival for 2-6 players. Included are all the cards needed to play, along with a manual that contains rules, storyline info, and tutorials on basic combat strategy. The basic set contains 9 factions and enough cards for up to 6 players.

Dying Lights has a fleet combat system that combines speed, strategic depth and simplicity with almost no overhead. It incorporates fleet formations, starfighters, specialized starships and fleet maneuvers in a way ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Giga Mech Games

GGM 0042

One Card Dungeon

Hot Seller


One Card Dungeon is a solo dice-placement dungeon crawl played on a single card. Fight through 12 increasingly challenging levels to reach the final prize - the Sceptre of M'Guf-yn.

Both the Adventurer and the Monsters are represented on the map by Dice, with the value on top showing their current health. Each room has one type of Monster, with anywhere from 1 to 4 of that monster to defeat in each room.

The basic game mechanic is rolling three dice, then assigning one dice to each of your... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


GMG 023

Escape from Flat Earth

Your ship marooned on a strange, flat planet. The crew sent out in search of vital resources. Lethal dangers found at every turn. Can anyone…

Escape from Flat Earth?
Dressed in potentially fatal fashion, your Red Suits have beamed down to the Flat Planet. Drawing cards reveals events that create a mission timeline, bestow new card actions to use, or stumble upon attacks that will take your crew if you can’t teleport them out of harm's way.

A narrative-creating card game for fans of sc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR




Force Ball

Bitte vorbestellen


Forceball is a fast and futuristic sport card game for 2 players. Each match consists of three periods. A period starts with a face-off to decide who's the attacker and who's the defender, and then progresses with the players taking turns either attacking or defending. The period ends when all cards in the deck have been used, and the deck is then reshuffled for the next period.

During a period the attacker uses his attack maneuvers – Pass, Dribble or Shot – to try to score a goal. The de... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


GIG 0001

Spank the Monkey

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Spank the Monkey includes 120 cards and a set of rules. You need a die to play the game.

The rules are easy to read and you'll be spanking away in less than ten minutes. You can read the rules directly online or download them as a PDF document. We've even translated the rules into some other languages.

Die deutschen Regel gibt es hier.

endgültig vergriffen

GCI 0001


On the Hill of Bulp a water spring has been discovered. The water is sufficient only for one of the surrounding villages and the governor, in order to avoid to be responsible for an embarrassing decision, chose to commit it to the first village that will succeed in constructing a pipeline to carry the water from the spring to the village. As soon as he did it the contest begun and all the villages of the zone have started the works!!!

Who will be the first one to succeed, avoiding cheats and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


GCI 0002


You have won the just reward after 10 years of service and battles fought on behalf of the King, and you have become Lord of a Fief! And what a Fief!!! ... an uncultivated land piece with a village of wanderers! And as if it was not enough, the neighboring Fiefs have been granted to your worse adversaries, who will not hesitate to try to kill you!

Maybe it is not a reward, but a punishment?

Medievalia is a strategic game where each player represents a Feudal Lord trying to prevail over his... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


GCI 0002

Medievalia Action !

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Medievalia Action! becomes more dynamic and interactive!
With this first Medievalia's expansion, an Action card deck is introduced. The new Action cards can be played any time, so as to stir the game up and make it really fun. The deck also contains new characters and new buildings.

ca. 18,00 EUR


GCI 0004

African Park

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Each player is a ranger, managing a nature reserve. During each game round he needs to welcome a new animal, taking into account special living conditions and the animal’s needs.

The player that learns how to place his animals in the reserve, making best use of the living conditions available in the area, obtains the highest score and will soon be the winner of the game.

The game uses simple, fun, mechanics and attractive design. Each card represents a reserve animal that belongs to one ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


GCI 0005

Acqua Dolce

Bitte vorbestellen


Description: The Acqua Dolce Aquarium needs to be rich of fish, plants, decorations and colours.

Will you be able to make it beautiful using all your resources at your best and before your game opponents? Or maybe it's better you come back and play only when you have gold fish?!

Acqua Dolce is a simple card game really easy to learn. It's quick and at the same time requires some thinking and strategy.

The winner is the first player to get rid of all his cards and who meets the requireme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR



VEC - The Vampire, the Elf and the Cthulhu

J.- Night, almost total darkness. Only rarely the pale glow of the moon could find space between the thick clouds to slightly illuminate the landscape. But he had no need of the moon to locate his target, his eyes were able to see in the darkness better than anyone else. He moved slowly, not to avoid making any noise, his movements were always soft, almost ethereal: never in his eternal life he had been sensed by his prey; a few more steps and he would be on target. It was there, unaware, helple... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Global Games Distribution

GGD 5834

Masters of Commerce

In Panic on Wall Street! you take on the role of a freewheeling capitalist out to outmaneuver your competitors and earn your place as a great industrialist.

Players are divided into managers and investors. Your goal is to earn more money than any other manager (if you are a manager) or more money than any other investor (if you are a investor) by the end of the fifth round.

Each round managers and investors negotiate with each other in a noisy, two-minute free-for-all to set a purchase pri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


Goblin Army Games

GoAG 0001


Bitte vorbestellen


Ruckus is an exciting, tactical card game that focuses on fast, fun, intense combat for 2-4 players. The game introduces an innovative army formation mechanic that beginners can pick up and play while offering great tactical strategies advanced players will want to master. Each Guild provides players with a unique set of skills and advantages in combat. Players will draft their own custom army before charging into battle. With limited draft points available, players will have to make calculated ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Golden Laurel Entertainment

GLE 40100

Kill the Hippies

z.Zt. vergriffen


Kill the Hippies is a comedic game that plays ironically on themes of religious fundamentalism through a fast-paced, interactive party card game mechanic. For 2-6 players, the hundred card deck plays through quickly, game time from 20 - 60 mins.
Like other games you can play at home, a party or the pub, anyone-even a non-gamer; can learn the rules in moments, as they play! With humor and satire that can be viewed lightly or taken seriously (as a kind of social commentary).

You and Your Fundi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Goodman Games

GMG 8001

Geek Wars - Deck 1

This hilarious 2-player card game pits geek against geek in a tongue-in-cheek battle for control of Jim Con. Each deck has a different "army" with inside jokes that every gamer will love. Look for cards like "Always Plays the Cleric," "Didn't You Know There's a 5th Edition?", and "The Lake Geneva Sucker Punch." The first player to take over Jim Con wins!

What is Geek Wars?

Geek Wars is a hilarious line of card games that chronicles the battles of geekdom. Each Geek Wars deck is based on a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


GMG 8002

Geek Wars - Deck 2

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This hilarious 2-player card game pits geek against geek in a tongue-in-cheek battle for control of Jim Con. Each deck has a different "army" with inside jokes that every gamer will love. Look for cards like "Always Plays the Cleric," "Didn't You Know There's a 5th Edition?", and "The Lake Geneva Sucker Punch." The first player to take over Jim Con wins!

What is Geek Wars?

Geek Wars is a hilarious line of card games that chronicles the battles of geekdom. Each Geek Wars deck is based on a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


GMG 8010

World Championship Dodgeball

Dodge ball was the world's most popular sport from 1969 to 1979, ahead of both baseball and soccer. Sadly, the sport could not maintain its popularity. By 1981, the International Federation of Dodge Ball closed its doors for good. But in back alleys and third-world arenas, dodge ball still thrives. The former leaders of the IFDB went underground, organizing secret dodge clubs in major cities throughout the world. Gone are the elbow and knee pads -- and there certainly aren't any helmets! The bla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


GMG 8015

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt is a hilarious card game in which the ravenous predators of the savannah out-sneak, out-wit, and out-fight each other in a bloody battle to acquire the most animal carcasses! Each player controls a scavenger, sending them out to retrieve tasty vittles to bring home to the lair for leisurely consumption. Be the best carrion-eater you can be!


* Game design optimized for anywhere from 2 to 6 players
* Each player controls their own carrion-eater as they battl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Gorilla Games

GOG 01401

Desert Island

Washed ashore on a forgotten island with your fellow castaways, you must try to scrape together enough food to survive while avoiding illness, wild boars and deadly tsunami. Hopefully you can keep your secret love alive and help your secret hate find their proper fate.

Desert Island plays in about an hour. Each turn, players take an action and play a fate card that makes an event more likely to happen as well as a target more likely for the event. Actions include foraging for food, scavenging... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


GOG 0901

Who Would Win ?

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In “Who Would Win?” two players draw random character cards and turn up a random event card. Each player argues for 20 seconds as to why their character would win. The other players serve as the jury and vote on which player had the better argument. The first player to win 5 arguments wins the game.

Some example possibilities:

Ben Franklin vs. Barbie in a lion taming competition
Mick Jagger vs. Pocahantas in a kayaking race
Nelson Mandela vs. Sean Connery in a poker showdown

With ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


GOG 1002

Lifeboat 3rd Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen


Du treibst gerade irgendwo am Ozean in einem viktorianischen Rettungsboot, zusammen mit der Liebe deines Lebens, deinem schlimmsten Feind und einigen anderen zweifelhaften Charakteren. Sieh zu, dass du nicht nur dein Leben rettest, sondern auch noch einige Schätze des untergegangenen Schiffs an dich raffst: Lifeboat, 3rd Edition

Adrift at sea in a victorian lifeboat with your secret love, worst enemy and a few other shady characters. What could go wrong?

Lifeboat is a card game of surviv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

GOG 1102

Hunting Party

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On safari in darkest Africa, danger lurks at every turn. Bag the most trophies and accomplish your secret goal to win!

Each hunter has a unique talent and a secret goal. On your turn, you'll choose an action and eliminate one of the group fate cards. When only one fate card remains, you'll resolve how it affects the party and then each hunter based on where you stand in player order and what action you take. If you are shooting when a beast attacks, you bag a trophy. If you are camping, they ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


GOG 1402

The Worst Game Ever

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This card game creates mechanics around everything people hate in games, gamers, and gaming. The goal is to have the most tokens when any player runs out. Players take turns attacking one another with a die roll to take tokens and play cards to affect the game.

ca. 18,00 EUR



GOG 1003

Lifeboat 3rd Edition: Cannibalism Exp.

This expansion adds 10 new cards including a seventh character - Dr. Harter complete with a few extra first aid kits, love and hate cards and the infamous cannibalism card. You must have Lifeboat to play.

6,00 EUR


GOG 1004

Lifeboat 3rd Edition: Liquid Courage

z.Zt. vergriffen


Pound some liquid courage to pound a worthy shipmate!

This supplement adds ten new cards, including the new character Madame Wong, more Navigation cards and a few flasks of Liquid Courage.

z.Zt. vergriffen

GOG 1101

Lifeboat 3rd Edition: Weather Deck

z.Zt. vergriffen


This latest expansion comes with 10 unique cards that add tactical depth to the classic Lifeboat game of survival at sea. At the start of each turn, you'll consult the weather deck to see how the skies will be. Stormy Seas might put you in danger of going overboard for rowing but a bit of Rain will let you ignore your thirst today. Wong complete with a few extra navigation cards, love and hate cards and a few doses of the liquid courage card. You must have Lifeboat to play.

z.Zt. vergriffen

Gottick Games

GTG 0602


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R.A.F is a revolutionary card game that takes you back to the explosive German seventies.
Try your skills at running a terrorist group, known in German as a "Liga"The success of your Liga is of course measured by how much publicity it gets, because as we all know: nothing has truly happened unless it happens on TV. Therefore, to win R.A.F you must collect the most Media Points.

As it is based on a true story R.A.F will make you eager to learn m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


GTG 0604


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


"Koba" - was one of Josef Stalin's nicknames taken from a Caucasian bandit in a romance novel. Comrade Koba is a simple and furious card game of political survival in the era of Soviet history known as "The Great Terror".

In Comrade Koba players bet on which three Soviet Communist Party Members will survive Stalin's Great Terror.

The winner is the player who has one of his Comrades the closest to Stalin when the game and the Terror ends.

The players are all trying to purge their enemies... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GTG 0801

SuperMarket Psycho

z.Zt. vergriffen


Now it is all about survival. Suddenly all the people in the supermarket look strange. And they stare and they scream and they push and they are everywhere. Will you crack? Will you make it out alive?

Supermarket Psycho confronts you with the real life horror of supermarket stress. Will you be the first to snap and - to the other player's amusement - go crazy. And will you make them pay in the ensuing food fight?

It is more to this game than first meets the eye. Supermarket Psycho is a gam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Gozer Games

GOZ 0011

Zombie Ninja Pirates

Hot Seller


Zombies, Ninjas, and Pirates, how Mad!

Zombies are cool! Ninjas are cool! Pirates are cool! Mad Scientists are also cool! But the coolest thing is a card game where you get to play all four types while scoring points and getting nifty objects in your chest that make you cooler and help you win.

Zombie Ninja Pirates is a quick 20-30 minute card game for 2-6 players ages 13 and up.

In Zombie Ninja Pirates you try to become four different types of people – Zombies, Ninjas, Pirates, and M... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


GOZ 0012

Vampire Werewolf Fairies

In Vampire Werewolf Fairies you try to become four different types of people -- Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Fairies. The goal of the game is to collect objects to help you or hurt your opponents, and to become types that can use those objects. You can play as multiple types. At the end of the game, a fast-paced lightning round can make or break the winner.

This is a game for 2-6 players. Or, it can be combined with Zombie Ninja Pirates and played with up to 10 players.

There are 3 k... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Grail Games

GrG 1225

Cat Box Card Game

Cat Box is played with cards divided into quadrants each showing an empty box or one of five cats (in a box). Players take turns playing these cards to a shared display, overlapping previous cards by one or two quadrants. Each player is assigned a secret identity; if you are a cat you want as many of your cats showing at the end of the game as possible, and as large a group of them as possible, but if you are the chihuahua you want empty boxes and groups of exactly three cats.

Players can pla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


GrG CB01

Medici: The Card Game

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Medici: The Card Game is a new design by Reiner Knizia that shares the setting and feel of the classic Medici board game, without using that game's auction mechanisms. Fast to learn and simple to play, Medici: The Card Game is a push-your-luck, set-collection card game. Players will fill their ships with the goods presented at the wharf. They will earn money for having the most valued loads, as well as for majorities of the different goods. This is the first game to be added to the Medici fami... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


Grand Gamers Guild



The march of humankind’s progress threatens the survival of many species. It's up to you and your team to save them!

Work with your fellow conservationists to save tigers and sea otters from extinction. Influence the UN to save the animals and stop environmental destruction. If four UN ambassadors vote yes on the resolution then the players win. But until the vote takes place, players need to keep the destruction at bay, and keep the animals alive!

Each turn players will roll the dice th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


GGG Go02


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ca. 42,00 EUR




Think Tokaido meets Flamme Rouge. Shikoku is a card-driven racing game to guide your pilgrim's delicate journey toward the temple. The players that are in second or second-to-last will be the winner(s) when someone reaches the top.

Shikoku is the smallest of the four main islands of Japan and famous for its 88 Buddhist temples pilgrimage. It is said people have a year of misfortune and woes — at the age of 42 for men and 33 for women — so to be cured and avoid bad luck, pilgrims of those ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Stroop is a real-time observation game based on the psychological Stroop Effect, which is a phenomenon caused by different functions of the brain interfering with one another.

The cards in Stroop each display a single word. The words are printed in several colors (black, red, blue, and yellow), sizes (big and little), and styles (hollow and solid), and they have different numbers of letters (three, four, five, and six). The challenge is to read one word and quickly match it with the descripti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR



Unreal Estate

Thieves' Guild or Elven Treehouse? Magic Shop or Dwarven Tavern? Build your fantasy cityscape by matching houses and racking up the points before your opponents have a chance to score.

Unreal Estate is a game of drafting, hand management, and timing. Pick your fantasy building from the Proposal Board, keeping an eye on what other players select. With a rotating start player, make sure you score your set against the Scrap Pile before your opponents can. Special building cards will keep all pla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR




Endangered - Giant Panda Scenario

The march of humankind’s progress threatens the survival of Giant Pandas. It's up to you and your team to save them!

Work with your fellow conservationists to save Giant Pandas from extinction and create a sanctuary.

This is an expansion for Endangered.

Includes an all-new Giant Panda Impact deck, a new Scenario sheet with unique win conditions, and 15 wooden Pandas!

18,00 EUR



Endangered - New Species

Hot Seller


Get ready for these great new additions to the base game with six new animal scenarios.
Players use skills and tact to save the different species from extinction. Expect the unexpected.

58,00 EUR


Greater Than Games


Brew Crafters: The Boardgame

It's a time of regrowth in the old urban center, and the hippest and best beer crafters have gathered both hops and hopes in building the best brewery in the city. It won't be an easy task, as players compete for precious resources such as malt, yeast, fruit and spices in the local markets, all while managing and optimizing their growing bottling empires.

In Brew Crafters, players assume management of a local craft brewery, working hard to manage resources, use their workers wisely, and devel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game

Hot Seller


In Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game, you've opened your own brewery and are competing with other brewers in town to be named the Brew Crafter of your city. You'll build your brewery by installing equipment and hiring workers, and then get to work brewing your beer! The player that earns the most reputation as the city's best brewer will win! Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game is based on the Dice Hate Me Games release Brew Crafters.

12,00 EUR



Microbrewers: The Travel Card Game

In Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game, you've opened your own brewery and are competing with other brewers in town to be named the Brew Crafter of your city. You'll build your brewery by installing equipment and hiring workers, and then get to work brewing your beer! The player that earns the most reputation as the city's best brewer will win! Brew Crafters: The Travel Card Game is based on the Dice Hate Me Games release Brew Crafters.

12,00 EUR



Easy Breezy Travel Agency

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Wanderlust abounds in Sheboygan! The Easy Breezy Travel Agency is here to accommodate, and you’re one of their top agents. You are competing over eager customers in order to send them on trips to fabulous destinations (and earn a commission, of course). The longer you wait to book a trip the more you can charge the desperate travellers, but if you’re not careful a fellow agent might just book that trip ahead of you. Whether it’s by land, rail, or air, Easy Breezy Travel Agency is a game of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR




Nantucket — a small, two-player game with a whaling theme — takes you to "The Little Grey Lady of the Sea" during the early American whaling industry. You need just a few cards and coins to play in whatever port you find yourself. Mix and match two cards to form the modular board. Then use your single turn each round to carefully build the town and send out ships. After performing your actions, flip the coins on your ship to catch a whale. Play until the town is fully constructed, supplies r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



Traitor Mechanic: The Traitor Mechanic Game

Traitor Mechanic: the Traitor Mechanic Game is a game of social deduction and auto repair for 4 to 10 mechanics... some of which may be traitors!

Life is always busy at Slim’s Auto Shop. But ever since a rival repair store opened up across town, things have seemed even more chaotic than usual. Simple repairs have started going wrong; instead of new headlights, that old Jeep was sent out with six new belts. The bus with four broken windows was cleaned up and given diamond-studded tires. Is i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Green Couch Games

GCG 00003


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In JurassAttack!, two players face-off in an epic head-to-head dinosaur battle! In this quick card game, each player chooses a dinosaur or pack of dinosaurs from their hand, then reveals them simultaneously to compare Ferocity values to see who has the highest. Each of these prehistoric pugilists have their own special abilities, combo possibilities and varying score values to add to the tide of battle! After resolving the special abilities of each dino, the winner adds their rival's dinosaurs ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


GCG 00013


Hot Seller


Congratulations! After decades of hard work, scientists have opened a portal to another dimension filled with alien life. You are one of the few brave enough to venture into this exciting but dangerous new land to research and record new species. The world watches to see the discoveries that will be uncovered. The media has dubbed you and your comrades "The Darwinauts" for daring to go beyond to record the new origins of species. You must work quickly to bring back records of the most exotic lif... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


GCG 012

Into the Black Forest

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Filled with magic and mystery, Germany's Black Forest is a place of legend serving as the backdrop for the classic tales we've all come to adore. Darkness and danger lurk around every corner, but those who dare to enter the forest and face challenging encounters with creativity and cunning will come out on the other side enriched for having taken the journey... into the Black Forest! Into the Black Forest is a new classic card game that provides a challenging puzzle of hand management, planning,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR



Best Tree House Ever: Forest of Fun

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It’s time to build another treehouse!

In the new stand alone sequel to the Golden Geek Nominated Best Treehouse Ever (Best Card Game, Best Family Game, 2015), Best Treehouse Ever: Forest of Fun, players compete to build their best treehouse, outfitting their treehouse with cool rooms, and creating fun habitats for their favorite furry and feathered friends, while also making sure that their tree doesn't tip over and that their rooms are more impressive than all of their friends' rooms at th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR



Before the Earth Explodes

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Resources are dwindling. Overpopulation is destroying the planet. Time is running out. Elite factions are exploring the cosmos for a new home, new technology, new allies, or the resources needed to repair the plight of their damaged homeworld. With nothing left to lose and on the brink of madness, these warring Earthlings, equipped with deep-space warships with expansive cargo holds, will do whatever it takes to claim the glory for saving humanity...before the Earth explodes!

In Before The Ea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Overwhelmed by the stress of the hooligan hootenanny that's overrunning the bustling town of Bandit Bluff, the resident deputy has up and left his post! Sheriff Croc Holliday is shuffling and hustling to find his next deputy. Looking to fill the vacancy, Croc has decided to put a pool of new recruits to work helping clean up some of Bandit Bluff's most wanted outlaws and will choose the most dedicated to be the new deputy! A little lying, some stealthy scheming, and the sense to know a good time... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


Green Dragon Creations

GDC 1000


Each player chooses a theme for their riot (cafeteria food sucks, too much sex on campus, not enough discipline in class, etc.).
The cards are dealt and each player takes a turn playing a card.
Some cards can be played on other players' riots to get people to leave.
Other cards can be played on your own riot to attract people to your issue.
The first player to have a riot with 20 people wins and the game is over.

60 fabulous looking cards
60 people (chips)
One 6-sided die
Rules printe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Green Ronin Publishing

GRR 3001

Torches & Pitchforks

Sammlerstück / Rarität

  The Card Game of Monster Movie Mayhem! A Non-Collectible Card Game for 2-5 Players, Ages 12 and up Torches & Pitchforks is the exciting card game of monster movie mayhem! Your townsfolk have suffered attacks for years but they're not going to take it anymore. Those creepy monsters have haunted the moors long enough and now it's time for you and your mob to do something about it! Arm your townsfolk, fight off the monsters, and don't let those other mobs steal any of your glory. Torches &... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


GRR 3006

Walk the Plank

Walk the Plank is the fun, fast-paced card game of piracy and ambition. You are pirates on a ship without a captain, and who better to wear the captain's hat than you? Make your opponents walk the plank, avoid the sea monster, and if you've got the skill and luck to be the captain at the end of the game, you win!

Walk the Plank is similar to classic trick-taking games like Hearts, Spades, Bridge, and Euchre, but with super-fast game play that relies both on luck and strategy. The game is easy... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


GRR 3010

Love 2 Hate: A Party Game for Inappropriate People

Love 2 Hate is the card game of finishing sentences (and laughing at the result!). The rules couldn't be simpler.

There are two types of cards, sentence starters and finishers. At the start of the game everyone draws a hand of 5 finishers. Players then take it in turns to act as the judge. A judge draws the top starter card. Example starters include Cosplayers, Moist Towelettes, Crabs, and Mimes.

Then the judge has a decision to make: love or hate?! Let’s say the judge draws the Hippies ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Grey Fox Games

GFG 99097

Arcana Rising

Arcana Rising invites up to six spellcasters to participate in a competition to acquire arcane artifacts and cast mighty spells in an effort to gain knowledge and power. As they gather their mystical relics, they note the passing of the moons which amplify the power of certain schools of magic allowing wizards to cast spells at the peak of their power!

Arcana Rising is a drafting and engine-building game in which players compete over three rounds to craft a magical engine that will power thei... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


GFG 99097X

Arcana Rising



Kräftige Beschädigung an der Box - Die Rückseite ist stark eingedrückt worden. Der Karton ist an der Stelle auch eingerissen.
Inhalt wahrscheinlich tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Heavy damage to the box - The back has been heavily dented. The box is also torn at the point.
Contents probably impeccable! - Still shrink wrapped

Arcana Rising invites up to six spellcasters to participate in a competition to acquire arcane artifacts and cast mighty spells in an effort to gain knowledg... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Gryphon Forge Games

GFG 10101

Wizard's Gambit

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"Join the Convocation of Wizards in battle against the ancient enemy - The Fallen! Do you have what it takes to become the next Grand Siege Magus?"

In Wizard's Gambit, players become wizards who take turns placing Magical Components on Spells in a common Spell Pool in the center of the play area.

When all of the required Magical Components have been placed on a given Spell, the wizard who completed that Spell claims it as their own, creating a Spell Book face up in front of them. Once adde... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


Gryphon Games

GRG 01063


Bitte vorbestellen


Sleuth is the fascinating detective game in which players call upon their powers of deduction and logic to discover the identity of the missing gem. Through strategic questioning, each player gathers his bits of information, then skillfully welds them together to form the clues which will provide the solution to the mystery. Clever questioning and skillful deductions, combined with some plain old-fashioned luck, will make Sleuth an absorbing game for 3 to 7 players.

ca. 26,00 EUR


GRG 101236


Those pesky bugs just keep coming at you! Your job is to SWAT them right when they score the most points. But be quick or your fellow players will SWAT them first. Do you go for Sure Stings, or wait for Double-or-NoStings? Or maybe you try to get the most Swat-or-Nots or Zappers, since these can be worth even more points.

SWAT! is about capturing cards. A dealer turns over cards one-by-one, until someone decides he wants the exposed cards and hits the colorful "SWAT!" board. That player then ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GRG 101325


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In the card game Cowtown, you want to move cows into the right herds so that you can score points and empty your hand.

At the start of each round, each player receives a hand of six cards, then four more cards are placed face-up on the table; the deck includes cards in four colors, numbered 1-10 twice, along with two "Cowtown" cards of each color. Cowtown cards are always played on the table immediately in order to give the little dogies a place to settle.

On a turn, you play a card from y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


Guan Chih Huang

GCH 0001


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Since the beginning of time, two opposing forces have been the pillars of the universe and coexist in eternal balance. Our Goddess in her infinite wisdom has sent a group of Overseers to protect our world. They have the power to bend human traits to their will, and they will always battle between each other to create the perfect symmetry between virtues and vices of humankind. You will now choose whether to find the best balance — or completely crush it for your own good.

Overseers is a dra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Guardians of Order

GOO 02-381

Big Eyes, Small Mouth Anime Card Game



You just want to take a little vacation away from it all? But everyone across the Anime Multiverse is trying to track you down! Nasty bounty hunters, angelic magical girls, deadly samurai, powerful mages, demonic princes, cyborg warriors, and cute cat women - no one will leave you alone!
Direct their attention towards one of your enemies, though, and you'll finally get some rest. The Big Eyes, Small Mouth Anime Card Game is a 55-card stand alone Hearts variation that's easy to learn and full o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Hall or Nothing Productions

HoN 1066

1066, Tears to Many Mothers: The Battle of Hastings Card Game 3rd Edition

Recreate the infamous Battle of Hastings!

A promise has been broken, an evil omen is in the sky, a crown is at stake, and history is about to be made...

1066, Tears to Many Mothers is an asymmetric, competitive, tactical card game in the style of Magic the Gathering, but non-collectable. Each player, as either Normans or Saxons, musters troops and resources to overcome the various obstacles in their way before the two armies clash on the battlefield at Hastings.

Every card in the game i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


HoN 1565

1565 St. Elmos Pay

Relive the Greatest Siege in History!

A vendetta spanning decades reaches its terrible and bloody crescendo!

Suleiman the Magnificent's 30,000 strong armada descends on the 500 beleaguered Knights of St John and the defending people of Malta, with the express purpose of wiping them from existence, and changing the course of European history forever...

1565, St. Elmo's Pay is an asymmetric, competitive, tactical card game, and successor to the award-nominated 1066, Tears to Many Mothers,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR



Veilwraith: A Veil Odyssey Game

A hush settled across the land beneath the obsidian skies. The fighting had all but ceased. There was a hissing from the trees as they recoiled from the broiling mists, their branches curling up and twisting into ash, then blowing away on the breeze. As the stars faded in the sky the terrible silence was deafening.

The gathered legions weren't trying to attack the walls of the city - they were trying to escape. The templars of the Rose had known all along: it was His coming. The Overlord had ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR



HoN 1565PRO

1565 St. Elmos Pay Promo Pack

1565, St. Elmo's Pay: Promo Pack includes 10 brand new, unique, and gorgeously illustrated cards to add to your games of 1565: St. Elmo's Pay - The Great Siege of Malta

Four new real life events from the Greatest Siege in History, and four more unsung heroes from the battle - including the courageous Salih Reis, and the bold Vincenzo Anastagi - add even more stunningly realised and richly researched content to your Ottoman and Malta decks. Enhance the variety of your gameplay options, and fin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Hamster Press

HSP 1046

Jump the Shark

Every watched a bad movie and said to yourself "I could write better than that!" Well here is your chance! In "Jump the Shark" you and your friends trapped screen writers forced to write bad movies. They make a gambling game of it so you get the dual fun of making up a great/horrible story and rolling dice. 3 to 6 players Less than an hour to play No writing ability required!

Risk a token for each addition to the scene. Only the last writer and the caller have a shot at the pot. Win the most... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


HSP 1050

Snapshot: 1969

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Be cool! Relieve the 60s. Snapshot: 1969 is a groovy story telling card game of pictures and wild adventures. If you like social card games, you'll love making up your own psychedelic mystery tour.

ca. 14,00 EUR


Hans im Glück

HIG 48212


Bitte vorbestellen


Benötigt der Yeti dringender einen Konzertflügel oder eher einen Autoscooter?
Was wäre eines Königs würdiger? Eine geheimnisvolle Statue oder eine Truhe Gold?
Diese und ähnlich weltbewegende Fragen könnten die Spieler bei Ranking beantworten. Dazu bringen alle Spieler die ausliegenden Gegenstände gemeinsam in eine Rangfolge. Jeder Spieler versucht dabei klammheimlich oder manchmal auch ganz dreist, seinen eigenen Gegenstand nach oben an die Spitze zu befördern.
Die anderen überzeuge... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


Heelturn Games


Radiant Offline Battle Arena Core Set

Draft your team, challenge your friends, become a champion! Radiant: Offline Battle Arena is a strategic card game for 2-players featuring a vibrant cast of gods and heroes. With fast paced gameplay, a dynamic drafting mechanic and beautiful original artwork, ROBA offers a rewarding challenge for gamers of all experience levels inspired by the thrills of E-Sports competition.

34,00 EUR


Heidelberger Spieleverlag


The Outcast Heroes

Hot Seller


Playing The Outcast Heroes, you will become a commander of a Polish underground military unit and you will fight against Communism. The USSR wants to include Poland in its influence zone, but there are still people who resist and stand up for independence. Will you manage to stop the red plague?

The Outcast Heroes presents the story of the so-called Cursed Soldiers, the units that fought against Soviet invaders at the end of World War II and did not lay down their arms even after the War was ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Hexy Studio


Star Scrappers: Cave-In

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sonderangebot


Star Scrappers: Cave-in is a game for 2 up to 4 players who take roles of Galactic entrepreneurs - some of rival mining bosses who compete in this difficult, sometimes even merciless, industry. Your job is to excavate the Hexis crystals.

The goal of the game is to get as many victory points as possible before the mine collapses!

To overcome your competition you will have to recruit mercenary labourers, use their skills, and collect precious artefacts. However, you’ll have to keep looking... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Hillary's Toy Box

HTB 0001

Plague & Pestilence

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Neuauflage! 2-6 Mitspieler. 15 bis 45 Minuten Spieldauer. Mit deutscher Regel

A light card game involving the build-up and destruction of medieval towns. In the Prosperity phase players attempt to build up their populations via stealing from other players or via improvements. Then the Death Ship arrives bearing the plague! In the Plague phase players attempt to kill off other players by playing war, pestilence or other deadly attacks. The cards contain illustrations reminiscent of medieval wo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

HTB 7700

Pirate's Plunder

Das Piratenspiel für 2-6 Spieler ab 8 Jahren. In diesem Karten- und Würfelspiel geht man auf Kaperfahrt. Nur der erfolgreichste kann gewinnen! Mit deutscher Regel

24,00 EUR


Historical Games Factory

HGF 0003


When gods fight, the blood of simpletons flows freely. Teomachia lets you become one of the ancient gods and spend one hour playing the lord of a group of devoted followers. You have one goal and one goal only: Annihilate your foe's believers and thereby move yourself one step closer to absolute power.

Drafting prayer cards and power cards allows you to slowly build your might. Using those cards, you send your followers into battles, build temples, and inflict terrible curses on the unfaithfu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Horrible Guild

HRG 044

Vampire the Masquerade: Vendetta

The vampire Clans of the Camarilla fight to conquer the role of Prince of Chicago.

Vendetta is a game of area control, bluff and treachery in which you scheme and fight for influence and power as immortal vampires! Play cards and blood to earn the control of influential humans, feed on them, and make them your servants; your goal is to gain the most influence over three ages. You draft cards at the beginning of the game, then gradually draw an increasing number of cards from your deck at the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


House of Slack

HSG 0001

Ascension at Firepeak

The Archmage is dead...and you want her job! You and your rivals struggle for control using creatures of the land. Capture them, brainwash them, throw them into your dungeon or consume them for spells. The first Wizard to finish their power structure will rise to the coveted arcane throne atop FIREPEAK.

Kartenspiel für 2-5 Spieler, ab 10 Jahren. Spieldauer 30-45 Minuten.
Mit deutscher Regel

20,00 EUR



HYP 0005

Tornado Alert!

Calling all fearless photographers!
We are today heading for Oklahoma City where the first ever Tornado Spotting World Championships are about to begin. Extreme weather is expected, accompanied by even more extreme photographers. Speed, split-second timing, calculated risk-taking and outsmarting the competition are your tickets to victory!

Original version: Object of the game from the first page of rulebook:

The players compete for three rounds then see who, on average, has taken the best... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


HYP 1004

Shroom Boom

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In the card game Shroom Boom players are hunting strange shrooms and everyone is trying to collect as many as they can before the season ends. The experimental shroom collectors evaluate useful shrooms by tasting them. However, tasting the wrong shrooms could lead you to hospital at the end of the game.

The game play is mostly memory driven but very challenging. During the game, players exchange the location of known shrooms with other players for their info on known shrooms while trying to m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


IDW Games

IDW 01744

Men in Black - Undercover

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Aliens exist! But what will you do with that knowledge? In Men In Black: Undercover, you’ll play as a member of three different groups with three very different goals. The Men In Black are a secret organization who supervise alien activity on Earth and work to keep their existence hidden from the general population. Meanwhile, members of the Shadow Government are doing everything in their power to capture aliens and weaponize them. Lastly, there are the Conspiracy Theorists who are working tow... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


IDW 1275

Jungle Joust

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In the far tropical reaches of the kingdom, a new twist on a classic competition has emerged; brave warriors compete in jousting competitions while mounted on mighty rhinos, making even the strongest warhorse seem weak in comparison! With clever card play, do your best to influence the riders as you wager on different aspects of their performance. Try to pick winners, and walk away rich before your Rider and wealth clatters away in the dust Game design by Daryl Andrews & Adrian Adamescu / Art & ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


IDW 1281

Daemon Trilogy: Subrosa

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Daemon Trilogy: Subrosa is a card-drafting skirmish game in which players compete to fulfill contracts and gain the most influence in the Empire.

This title is the first in a series of app-driven, legacy-style card games. Subrosa takes you along the story of power, control, and double-dealings in a battle of supremacy between the five great houses. Recruit mercenaries from your hand to take on and fulfill contracts. These contracts collect you influence and (perhaps eventually) control of the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


IDW 1423

Deathnote: Confrontation

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The mysterious killer Kira has managed to take another life. Baffled by Kira’s ability to seemingly strike anyone, anywhere, Interpol have called in the legendary detective L. Now the cat-and-mouse game begins, and L must feed Kira specific targets in order to deduce Kira’s location and, ultimately, his identity. Meanwhile, Kira continues to enact his supernatural brand of homicidal justice, racing toward completing his list and disappearing without a trace.

Death Note: Confrontation is a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


IDW 1497

X-Files: Conspiracy Theory

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"What exactly happened out there, agent?" After another truly unbelievable case comes to an end, Agent Fox Mulder finds himself in a familiar seat: directly across from his superiors at the FBI. While Agent Scully urged him to tell a story that the panel would accept, Mulder's need to believe is just too great.
In The X-Files: Conspiracy Theory - Everything Is Connected players take turns as Fox Mulder as he uses the provided clues to explain his conspiracy theory to his FBI superiors. But repu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR



IEO 0620

The Convoy

Moloch forces are heading toward New York to raze the city. This will end the resistance of the people and eventually break their defense lines. A swarm of steel-gray machines marches to the east, destroying everything in its path. Day after day, the horizon is decorated with new pillars of smoke. Fire will soon visit the place that used to be called New York.

Unless soldiers from the Outpost army can stop this convoy of machines. The fate of New York is in their hands. Can they destroy all t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


IEO 1003


z.Zt. vergriffen


You are an abbot of a medieval monastery competing with other abbots to amass the greatest library of sacred books. To do so, you need to have both the workers and resources to run a well-functioning scriptorium. To acquire workers and resources, you use a limited supply of donated gold. In addition, you must be on good terms with the powerful bishop, who can help you in your quest.

The object of the game is to score the most Victory Points. You win Vic... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

IEO 1004


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


This new game by Carl Chudyk is a journey through innovations from the stone age through modern times. Each player builds a civilization based on various technologies, ideas, and cultural advancements, all represented by cards. Each of these cards has a unique power which will allow further advancement, point scoring, or even attacking other civilizations. Be careful though, as other civilizations may be able to benefit from your ideas as well!

To win, you must score achievements, which you c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

IEO 51077


Ghooost! is a trick-taking game by Richard Garfield.

Ghooost! is a fast, easy-to-learn card game with a Halloween-based theme and lots of twists and turns! Play your cards wisely to get rid of all the ghosts, undead, vampires, zombies and other spooky creatures haunting your mansion. Block your opponents while they're trying to drive spirits out of their home and into your backyard – but beware as the scariest ghosts will not be driven away so easily...

In game terms, your goal in Ghooos... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


IEO 51110

Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs

As a little pig, your dearest wish is to build a strong and beautiful house in which you can spend your long winter evenings. But you won’t need trowels nor scaffoldings, as only dice will allow you to construct your dream home. Beware the wolf prowling around, whose only thought is to literally blow down your comfy house!

The Three Little Pigs is an easy and fun dice game for the whole family. On your turn, roll the special pink dice up to three times and try to generate symbols to trade f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


IEO 51198


Kobayakawa is a game of bluffing and deduction, and the player that ends up with the highest numbered card wins the round. In this stylish new game from Jun Sasaki, components are kept at a minimum - there are only 15 cards and a handful of crest tokens.

Players each start with a random card in hand, and the rest is put in a pile at the center of the table with the first card flipped face up (this card is called the Kobayakawa).

The rules are simple: Each round, players take a turn and eit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


IEO 51234

Welcome to the Dungeon

Dungeon of Mandom is a push-your-luck dungeon delve in which 2-4 players take turns essentially daring each other to go into a dungeon with less equipment than they start off with while filling the dungeon with monsters. Players can win the game by winning 2 rounds or get eliminated from the game by losing 2 rounds. Each player has a 2-sided players card that has a white side and a red side. The first win taps the player card and the 1st loss flips the card over to the red side. A 2nd loss will ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


IEO 51261


Bitte vorbestellen


A trick taking card game with an opening round in which players remove various options, such as trump and super-trump by putting markers on a display, to leave the actual playing conditions for that hand.

ca. 16,00 EUR


IEO 51283


The theme of the game is an eating contest in a Taiwanese Snackbar.

"In this competition you will eat more than you can imagine as your competitors continually challenge you to shove even more in. Play your cards cleverly or the servers will serve you food until you fall from your seat. Let the competitors be the ones to fill up until they drop and the snack bar throne will be yours!"

The players add "dish"-cards or special cards to a common "order"-pile until one of them can't (or won't) ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


IEO 51303


In Schotten Totten, nine boundary stones lie between you and your opponent. In front of each, you build poker-like formations of three cards on a side. Whoever plays the higher-ranking formation wins the stone. And in a unique twist, you may use your powers of logic to claim a stone even before your opponent has played all three of his cards, by demonstrating that the stone is impossible for him to win. Successfully claim five stones, or any three adjacent stones, and you win the game.

In 200... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


IEO 51305

Welcome Back to the Dungeon

The sun is shining in the Abysmal Woods where you’re strolling without a care in the world, your weapon at your belt, dreams of adventure in your head. On your path, you stop before a damaged dungeon door. It seems that great battles took place here, a sure sign of coveted treasure inside.

You recognize this dungeon from the ballads sung in your village! However, you’re not the only one who wants to enter, despite the warnings left around the entrance by the previous adventurers. Will you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


IEO 51308

Rent A Hero

The card deck in Seventh Hero consists of 77 cards, with each card representing one of seven different heroes. Players each start with two random heroes, and each hero has a special power that can be activated once. Each turn, a player sends a card from his hand face down to the next player, who can choose to take it or pass it on. If he takes it, he adds it to his group of heroes, but if it's a hero he already has, both hero cards are sent to the discard pile. Before sending a hero away, the pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


IEO 51310


1840: In Kanagawa, the great bay of Tokyo, the Master Hokusai decided to open a painting school to share his art with his disciples. You are one of these disciples, and more than anything, you want to prove yourself worthy of the “crazy, old artist”. Follow his teachings to expand your studio and paint your preferred subjects (Trees, Animals, Characters, Buildings), all while paying attention to the changing of the seasons in order to make the most harmonious print… the one that will becom... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


IEO 51416

Jack and the Beanstalk

You are trying to climb the Magic Beanstalk to reach the Giant’s castle and bring back as many sacks of gold as possible! Taking turns, choose the number of dice you will roll, then stack them to make the Magic Beanstalk grow. If a player knocks over the stack while building the Beanstalk, the other players can steal the Giant’s sacks of gold! The richest player at the end of the game wins.

Jack & the Beanstalk is the eighth game of the Tales & Games series.

20,00 EUR



Ninja Taisen

Ninja Taisen is a two-player, dice-driven open information abstract game with a random set-up. Both players have identical sets of ten fighters, with three fighters in each of three colors with values 1–3 along with a tri-colored boss valued at 4; these fighters are placed in small stacks of varying size onto a line that's eleven steps long. On a player's turn, he rolls the three colored dice and can make up to three moves accordingly, with the blue die moving a blue fighter, etc. Moving a fig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



IEO 1082

Innovation: Echoes of the Past

Innovation: Echoes of the Past is an expansion for Carl Chudyk's Innovation, released in 2010, that mirrors the construction of the earlier game as both include 110 cards, 105 cards that are divided into different decks (labeled age 1 to age 10) and five cards that show special achievements that can be claimed. The expansion's 110 cards are all new.

In loose terms, Innovation is a Civilization-style game in which players first have access to low-powered cards in age 1, then build up to more p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Indie Board & Card Games


Make it Happen

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It's New York City Fashion Week, and your design team is ready to show the most fabulous collection ever seen on the runway. Work together with your team to collect matching fabric cards so that you can complete your collection. Once you create a garment, place your fabric cards on your models and see your fashion creations come to life!

ca. 24,00 EUR



Haggis Card Game

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In the middle of the 30's, an expedition of treasure hunters crashes its zeppelin in the middle of an unknown and mysterious island where legends tell that several old and powerful civilizations have left many sumptuous treasures.
Each player is one of these brave explorers who joined the expedition with old maps giving clues on where some of these treasures can be found. However, it is clear that the land is barely known and dangerous, so, all explorers decide to travel together, in one solid ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Haggis 2nd Edition

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In the middle of the 30's, an expedition of treasure hunters crashes its zeppelin in the middle of an unknown and mysterious island where legends tell that several old and powerful civilizations have left many sumptuous treasures.
Each player is one of these brave explorers who joined the expedition with old maps giving clues on where some of these treasures can be found. However, it is clear that the land is barely known and dangerous, so, all explorers decide to travel together, in one solid ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR



Grifters: Nexus

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Grifters operate on the fringes of The Dystopian Universe, eager to take advantage of every opportunity to profit from the chaos caused by the resistance. Players take on the role of powerful crime bosses, building their criminal organizations by carefully recruiting new operatives with specialized skills. During the game, the players' criminal teams will steal ISK from the government, powerful corporations, and each other via cons, blackmail, daring heists, and a multitude of other nefarious de... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Pirate 21

Avast ye, mateys! Lookit thar! It be a chest of gold! But how to divvy up th' loot? Aye! Draw yer cards and watch out for yer hornswagglin' mateys! Gamblin' be th' pirate way!

Pirate 21 is competitive card game for 2-6 players. Each player tries to get 21 without going over. Sound familiar? It is, but in this version of 21 you have pirates that can knock an opponent out of the round, mates and captains that can swap cards, and princesses to defend you. Draw your cards, and bring your best tra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


In Quest, all will show their true colors as Good and Evil struggle for the future of civilization. Hidden amongst King Arthur’s loyal servants are Mordred’s unscrupulous minions. These forces of Evil are few in number, but if they go unknown, they can sabotage Arthur’s great quests.

Players are secretly dealt roles that determine if their allegiance is to Good or to Evil. Then, players debate, reason, and lie as they decide who to send on Quests—knowing that if just one minion of Mor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR



Ross Clan Deck

Card Game on Scottish

8,00 EUR




In ripis Rubiconis passus militis bellum civile fert et movet cursum eventorum e quibus imperator surget. Quomodo dominabis proelia quae in agro, in senatu, et per vias Romae accident?

On the banks of the Rubicon a legionnaire’s footstep brings Civil War and sets upon a course of events from which an emperor will emerge. How will you master the battles that are to come on the field, in the senate and through the streets of Rome?

Triumvirate is a fast paced game for two that requires subt... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



Witching Hour

Troubles a-brewin!’ It’s exam time at School of Sorcery, the mischievous witches have crafted their strongest potions and hexes to win the coveted Witches Cup. A little eye of newt, toe of frog and wool of bat have strewn together magical objects with the ability to foil their fellow witches. Mix your potions, practice your spells, and prepare for a battle of magical proportions!
Witching Hour is a card game where players compete over three rounds to control the Witches Cup. Armed with ench... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Indie Entertainment

IDE 783081

Axis of Evil

z.Zt. vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


Choose to play as Iran, Iraq, Al-Qaeda or the Coalition Army, as you try to capture the leadership of the other players.

z.Zt. vergriffen

Inside Up Games

IUG 0004

Gorus Maximus

Gain the support of the masses by collecting gladiators with positive Crowd Favour and avoiding those with negative favour. “Challenge” by matching the rank of the last gladiator played and the trump suit changes mid-trick. At the end of the round the 0 of trump awards 5 bonus Crowd Favour, so manipulate trump until victory is yours. Players are dealt a hand of ten gladiator cards and must contribute one gladiator to each bout (trick). There is a Preferred School (trump suit) and the stro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Iron Bear Studios

IBS 0002

Mission: I.S.S. Card Game

MISSION:I.S.S. pits player against each other in an effort to win the space race of the 21st century. Acting as the USA, Russia, ESA, or NASDA (Japanese space agency) each player must fund and launch 5 modules to connect to the International Space Station. This is not so easy when you realize that other players can exert political influence requiring you to launch modules for them, and can even be involved in delaying or destroying missions as they happen.

Featuring 3d modeled graphics, and e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Ironmark Games


San, Ni, Ichi

It’s a fact - we all wish we could be ninjas. Wish granted! In the game of San, Ni, Ichi, you will be taking on the role of a martial artist who has mastered combat using the three elements: fire, water, and wood. Each game will engage you in a thrilling battle to determine who is the greatest ninja master of all time!

Each ninja is armed with an array of Attack and Weapon cards with special effects. Each round ninjas choose a card from their hand and play it face down in front of them. All... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Japanime Games

JAP 0705

Tokyo Ghoul - Bloody Masquerade

Hot Seller


In downtown Tokyo, ghouls are on the move, and they can only quench their thirst with coffee and their bloodthirst with human flesh. Humans are easy prey, but the investigators from the fearful CCG are on the lookout. Their job: make the ghouls out in the crowd and hunt them down. In this bluff-and-deduction board game, play as one of 15 different characters from the anime, including Kaneki, Touka, Juzo and Rize. Whether you are a mere human, a ghoul, or an investigator: roam the streets of Toky... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


JAP G153

Heart of Crown Fairy Garden Six City Alliance

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The fourth expansion for Heart of Crown. It requires either the base set or the Fairy Garden expansion to play. This expansion adds a completely new type of card, Support Cards, which confer an extra bonus when nominating a Princess. A new Rare card is also introduced, Oasis City Nefertiri, which does not enter the market like normal. The set also introduces a new variety of Curse card. Additionally, new rules are added for games with Eight or more Princesses available.

ca. 34,00 EUR


Jasco Games


Top Gun: Plot Twist Party Game

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In Top Gun: Plot Twist Party Game, you play as your favorite pilots from the movie as you do your best to maneuver and insult your way to be the winner of the Top Gun Trophy!

ca. 10,00 EUR


JKLM Games


Third World Debt

Do you take out that loan or do you build that factory, can you afford to not build or do you have enough to give yourself an income that will eventually clear your debts, these are the question you need to answer in order to give your country the chance to make it. Third World Debt is a game that pushes you to the limit, you have to make crucial decisions that will lead you to eventual stability, the question is how much debt can you sustain in order to achieve your goal the quickest.

16,00 EUR


Jolly Roger Games

JOL 0200

Nodwick - The Card Game

An Amusing Diversion for 3 to 6 Sadistic Adventures.

Für 3-6 Spieler ab 7 Jahren. Spieldauer 10 Minuten.

Hier gibt es die deutsche Regel.

22,00 EUR


JOL 0201

Four Dragons / Vier Drachen

In The Four Dragons, players portray dragons competing to capture pearls so they can bring rain and prosperity back to the land of man. The mechanics of the game are similar to euchre, hearts, and spades, with tricks being taken by the highest valued cards.

Four Dragons is for three to four players ages 12 and up and plays in 20 to 30 minutes.

Kommt zweisprachig english / deutsch heraus ! Die chinesischen Himmelsrichtungen bestimmen das Spielgeschehen.

18,00 EUR


JOL 0202

Victory and Honor / Sieg und Ehre

Hot Seller


A card game of trick taking and skill based on a Civil War theme. The object is to capture soldiers, but the catch is they are not worth anything unless you capture generals along with them!

Victory & Honor is for four players ages 12 and up and plays in 30 to 60 minutes.

Ein weiteres zweisprachiges ( english / deutsch ) Kartenspiel aus der Schmiede von Jolly Roger.

Ty Doud's Victory & Honor has quite a fabled history among gamers. Prototypes of the game have app... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


JOL 0203

Clock Towers

Clocktowers is a game for 2-3 players in a competition to complete the most clocktowers in the city before time runs out. Players must complete the towers as cleanly as possible, making sure that mice and cats don't make the towers home. Of course there are other catches do you have the right height for the building and do you have the proper colored roof? Clocktowers plays in 20-30 minutes and can be played by ages 8 and up (although there's enough skill involved that kids shouldn't beat their ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


JOL 0204

Knock - Knock

In Knock! Knock! 3-6 players compete to host the coolest, hippest Halloween party possible. The game is a game of bluff as the only way party-goers can join a party is if you open the door for them; but since they are arriving from the other players, who knows if they will have a good or bad effect on your party? Guests include headless horsemen, vampires, and computer geeks (ewwwww, who wants those at a good party?)

Authors: Bruno Faidutti, Gwenaël Bouquin
Artists: Jacob Walker
Year Relea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


JOL 0300

Scream Machine

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A card game where players compete to offer rides that will attract customers from far and wide whose interests can be cheap rides, thrill rides, or real weirdos who dig amusement park cuisine!

48,00 EUR


JOL 0777

Orcs at the Gates

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JRG 01920

Cthulhu's Vault

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Cthulhu's Vault is a card game for up to six players. Collaborative in nature, players work to tell the story of the monster's defeat, but unlike many storytelling games, the ending is not set. Within the storytelling are mechanisms for unexpected turns of events...

Players begin with a hand of cards, each an element to work into the story being told. As they tell their story, they play a card, and if they can link multiple cards from their hand together, they receive a bonus of some sort usa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR



JOL 7777

Orcs: The Reckoning

Sammlerstück / Rarität


ORCS: THE RECKONING - A supplement for the 2000 Charles Roberts / Origins Award-Winning Game Orcs at the Gates, based on the comic book Knights of the Dinner Table. This expansion will include new cards, new characters, and new rules. The rest of it??? Well, that's a top secret being closely held at the world famous design studios of Hard Eight Enterprises. The only thing we can tell you is that Timmy Jackson has been at summer camp and has no part in the design of this supplement. (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


Journeyman Press

JPR 0693

eBay: The Card Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Each player is randomly dealt a set of "Curios" of categories: Vintage, Games, Etc, Electronics, Sports and Collectibles. Once you win an auction of the items that match each of your Curio cards you win the game. Item cards represent the items you can find for sale on the eBay website. During the game Item Cards are auctioned off to the highest bidder. There are 2 types of Bidding Cards: Money Cards and Action Cards.

First the Curio Cards are dealt according to the number of players ... 3 or ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


Kenzer & Company

K&C 0312

Monty Python and the Holy Grail Card Game Starter Deck

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Sammelkartenspiel. Das Starterdeck enthält 60 Karten
Das komplette Set besteht aus 314 Karten.
Ein Set pro Spieler und ihr könnt euch in die verrückte Welt von Monty Python stürzen - mit Tim the Enchanter, dem Black Knight und dem Trojan Rabbit.

And now... the world's first real-life Monty Python game! It's a card game, you see. And we don't mean Three-Card Monty... uhm, Monte.

That's right! Be any one of your favorite characters from "Monty Python & The Holy Grail"! This game will... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

K&C 3120

Tech Support



The fast and furious card game where players take on the monumental challenge of just getting a little technical support!

If you've ever called a technical support hotline, then this is the card game for you! Play your way through Misdirected Calls, Hold Music, Disconnects, Static on the Line, and other problems, all in an attempt to find and play the lone "Guru" who can answer your question. But there's one unique twist - you play your cards from the other players hands! Don't miss this addi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


Keymaster Games

KMG 0102

Control 2nd Edition

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In Control, players are time travelers who have been caught in a rupture in spacetime and displaced outside time. You must use Fuel Cells (the cards) to refuel your time machine or stop other players from refueling theirs first.

To escape the rupture, you must reach a Fuel Cell Charge of 21 or more on your Installed Fuel Cells at the end of your turn. Whoever does so first closes the rupture, leaving the other travelers lost outside time.

During your turn, you choose to either draw a card,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


KMG 0201

Campy Creatures

Players are mad scientist in need of precious mortals for future experiments. Rather than getting your hands dirty, your army of campy creatures awaits to do your bidding. Capture the most valuable mortals over the course of three nights to win. But be warned — the mortals won't go down without a fight.

Campy Creatures is a ghoulish game of bluffing, deduction, and set collection for 2-5 players. Players begin each round with the same hand of creatures. Their goal is to capture valuable mor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR




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In Control, players are time travelers who have been caught in a rupture in spacetime and displaced outside time. You must use Fuel Cells (the cards) to refuel your time machine or stop other players from refueling theirs first.

To escape the rupture, you must reach a Fuel Cell Charge of 21 or more on your Installed Fuel Cells at the end of your turn. Whoever does so first closes the rupture, leaving the other travelers lost outside time.

During your turn, you choose to either draw a card,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


FKS 695088

Adventure Games - The Dungeon

Explore places, combine items, and experience stories in Adventure Games, a series of co-operative games from German publisher KOSMOS. In each of these titles, players are presented with a mysterious story that they must unravel over the course of play. Working together, players explore common areas, talk to people, look for clues, and combine various items to reveal the secret of the story. Depending on what decisions the players make, the course of history changes and there is no going back!
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


FKS 695132

Adventure Games - Monochrome Inc.

Explore places, combine items, and experience stories in Adventure Games, a series of co-operative games from German publisher KOSMOS. In each of these titles, players are presented with a mysterious story that they must unravel over the course of play. Working together, players explore common areas, talk to people, look for clues, and combine various items to reveal the secret of the story. Depending on what decisions the players make, the course of history changes and there is no going back!
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Level 99 Games

L99G CS01

Seven Card Slugfest

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From the designer of the critically-acclaimed party game, Kill the Overlord!, Seven Card Slugfest is a speed-play Party Game that captures the fast paced play and excitement of play-at-will games and tempers it with deliberate strategy. In Slugfest, play as fast or as slow as you like, and try to be the person who lands the final KO point on each opponent! Only the player who lands the Knockout punch will score points, so watch your opponents and use their strengths to your advantage!

ca. 34,00 EUR


L99G DP01

Dragon Punch

Dragon Punch is a quick two-player card game inspired by video games such as the Street Fighter series, in which the players try to outwit each other with the timing and positioning of their attacks and defenses.

In each round the goal is to reduce the opponent's health to zero. During each turn, both players choose a "move" card from their hands. Moves might attack, block or evade at a particular location (high or low) and speed. The chosen moves are then simultaneously revealed and compared... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


L99G NBR14

NOIR: Deductive Mystery Game (Black Box Ed.)

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NOIR: Killer vs. Inspector is a two-player game of hidden identities and deduction. Each player receives a secret identity from among 25 suspects and an open role that determines his available moves and victory conditions.

The Killer plays by eliminating players, focusing more on intuition and reading his opponent. The Inspector uses secret information and his ability to accuse suspects to create a play style more focused around logical elimination of possibilities.

The game plays in 5 to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

L99G RES01


RESISTOR_ is a fast, fun, and intense two-player competitive card game in which you play as one of two supercomputers in charge of your country's global thermonuclear warheads. Through the manipulation of double-sided cards on the table and in your hand, you create a line that is either red (for DEEP RED) or blue (for BLU9000) that goes across the board into your enemy's base. Each player gets three actions and must take all three before the turn is over. Toss in some Resistor cards, either stra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


L99G SL01


Draft your guild, plan your attack, and seize victory!

Take to the field of battle in this intense head-to-head contest of wits and strategy. Use the diverse assortment of mercenaries at your disposal to capture strategic terrain and exploit your enemy's weaknesses. With fifty different sellswords to compose your guild, no two battles will be the same!

Sellswords is a tile-placement game (they're cards, not tiles, but you get the idea) for two players in which heroes gather for the battle ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


L99G SL02

Sellswords: Olympus

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The gods of Olympus have gone to war! Who will heed the call? Skilled warriors from all across the land rally to fight, met on the opposite side by magical beasts and monsters from myth. Lead your heroes to victory and become the champion of Olympus!

Sellswords: Olympus is a fast-paced strategy game of drafting soldiers and deploying them to the field of battle. It takes only a few minutes to learn, but with fifty different heroes and monsters, each with their own unique ability to use and ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



Anansi and the Box of Stories

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


A story, a story; let it come, let it go. Once, all the stories belonged to someone else, but now they belong to Anansi, the Trickster — which is a story unto itself! Everyone knows that the best stories happen when you play someone else for the fool. But sometimes, even the best of tricks can backfire, and who plays the fool then?

In Anansi and the Box of Stories, the players take on the roles of archetypal animals in a trick-taking game in which you can use your animal cunning and abiliti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


L9G MB01

Millennium Blades

z.Zt. vergriffen


Millennium Blades is a CCG-Simulator -- A game in which you play as a group of friends who play the fictional CCG "Millennium Blades".

In this game you will build decks, play the meta, acquire valuable collections, crack open random boosters, and compete in tournaments for prizes and fame. The game takes you from Starter Deck to Regionals in about 2-3 hours.

Multiple games can also be chained together to form a Campaign, going from Regionals to Nationals in game 2 and from Nationals to Wor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

L9G MB02

Millennium Blades: Set Rotation

z.Zt. vergriffen


Millennium Blades: Set Rotation includes 12 new card sets, giving you half again as much content as the base game, opening up even more variety. Set Rotation is designed with advanced gamers in mind, and gives you additional depth and strategy for experiencing Millennium Blades.

The card sets are:

The Thousand-Pixel Cabinet - Classic arcade homages galore!
Quantum Jump - In space, no one can hear you flip cards.
UUUuurrrrrgh! - The obligatory zombie set. These guys just don't give up!
S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

L9G MB05

Millennium Blades: Futures

The Futures Mini-Expansion includes 9 new Promotional Card sets (54 cards) for Millennium Blades, featuring characters from up-coming Level 99 Games projects, such as Seventh Cross, Esper X, Trials of Indines, and Duelist Library!

12,00 EUR


L9G OS010


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For the first time ever, take on your opponents in a Streetball 1v1 or 2v2 format where scoring baskets is not the only path to victory. By misleading and reading your opponent's moves, executing swag moves and earning Style points will also win you the match.

ca. 26,00 EUR


L9G TE001

Temporal Odyssey

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Temporal Odyssey is a drafting battle card game about dueling time travelers for 2 and 4 players. Draft from the past, present, or future, and enlist legendary heroes and creatures to fight by your side. Group your characters to get them to share their abilities, using this both offensively and defensively. Regroup often to adapt to the situation. Rewind time to prevent your own death but be careful — each time you must suffer judgement from Lovox the god of time. Destroy your opponent's stabi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR



L9G MB04

Millennium Blades: Final Bosses

Millennium Blades: Promo Pack #4 consists of four new Master-level card sets, each themed around one of the bosses in the Cooperative mode of the Set Rotation expansion.

14,00 EUR


Level Zero Games

LZG 0100


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Node is about a gentleman’s bet. Two hackers have decided to test their mettle, and decided to engage in one of their favourite past-times for the competition: they will infiltrate and compromise a corporation’s servers and data havens. They will stop at nothing, break out every trick, loophole, backdoor, hack, and clever scheme to gain access to the corporation’s most personal and protected information.

Node is a competitive two-player card game in which players expand and capture 5 di... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


Line of Sight Games, Inc

LSG 1001

Crypt: The Pharaoh's Curse - Starter Box Set

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Designed to be enjoyed solitaire or more players, this Action Adventure game is played on a random board, the Hexes, that form a battleground filled with denizens, hazards and pitfalls. However, some of these hazards, while hurting one character type, actually help another. Players draw from their collection of beautifully illustrated Hexes; one of the six characters, and collect a stack of action pieces to do combat, there are over 110, like the Key, spells, weapons and tech items. To Win: A Pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


LSG 1002

Crypt: The Pharao's Curse - Booster Pack

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Boosters contain 3 Hexes, 15 Action Pieces and 1 multi-classed Character only available in Boosters.

endgültig vergriffen


LSG 1005

Crypt Companion

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The Crypt Companion is more than a strategy guide, it contains two pages of full color trading boards as well as details for three new characters. With Stack tips, rule clarifications and detailed strategies, don't get caught in the Crypt without the Companion.

The Companion's Trading Board sheets are randomly inserted. Two of the three sheets will find there way into a single book; for a total of eight new Hexes in each companion. On each sheet is a single sneek preview hex for t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

LionWing Publishing


Sainome Colosseum R

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The kingdom's most celebrated warriors have come from far and wide to do combat in a grand tournament that will determine who is the fiercest of them all. Each has a personal reason for competing in the event, but there is a single thread that unites all of them: the desire to put their fighting skills on display in order to earn the right to be called champion.

"Sainome Colosseum R" is an ultra-accessible and fast-paced PvP combat game for 2-4 players that allows players to take on chosen ch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


Live Oak Games

LOG 003


Do you like card games?

How about getting to laugh and play with friends?

Have we got the game for you!

Calaboose is an exciting fast-paced card game for 2-5 people. Players try to fill their jails with the most valuable combination of outlaws and lock them down before anyone else can force them out.

Running a calaboose is more than just catching bad guys! You'll also have to defend your jail from other players' outlaws - and probably send a gunslinger or two over to spoil their pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Looney Laboratories


Chrononauts *New Edition*

In diesem rasanten Kartenspiel für 1-6 Spieler geht es darum, Artefakte aus der Vergangenheit in deine eigene Zeit zu bringen ohne zu viele Paradoxe zu erzeugen!

In Chrononauts, each player becomes a time traveler, with a unique identity and a secret mission. During the game, players travel backwards and forwards through history, doing all those things people have always dreamed of using a time machine to do: Visiting the great moments of the past, peeking into the future, collecting up impo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



Are you the Traitor ?

Are You the Traitor? is a secret role selection game akin to Werewolf/Mafia. One player is the Evil Wizard, attempting to obtain the Magic Key for nefarious purposes. Another player is the Good Wizard, trying to destroy the Key to keep it out of Evil hands. The other players support Good or Evil in various roles.

Each round, there is a discussion period, after which one of the players acts. After someone acts, the players determine whether the forces of Good or Evil were served, with the prev... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



Seven Dragons

Seven Dragons is a fast domino-like game, where players attempt to be the first to create a connected territory of seven panels of their dragon. Secret Goals add the opportunity to bluff, and with aggressive Action cards in the mix, subterfuge is a necessity!

Seven Dragons is based on Aquarius, also from Looney Labs. Players start with a secret goal color from the seven colored dragons, and a hand of three cards. The Silver Dragon is laid on the table as the starting card - at this stage it i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



Chronoauts: The Gore Years

A lot has happened since Chrononauts was published, and the Timeline has slipped out of date. So, how would the past eight years be different if Time Travellers changed the outcome of the 2000 election? Well, for starters, they'd be called the Gore Years!

This 11-card expansion brings Chrononauts into the 21st Century with five new TimeLine cards, three Alternate Reality Patches, and three new Chrononaut Character ID cards.

3,00 EUR



Back to the Future: Card Game

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Now you can jump into the action of the Back to the Future movies with this ingenious new time travel card game! Play as the descendants of Marty McFly, Biff Tannen, Doc Brown and others, as you travel back to the events depicted in the movies. Your mission is to make sure pivotal events are not changed by other time travelers before time travel itself gets un-invented. Using a unique, patented game mechanic for simulating time travel, Looney Labs now puts you in the driver's seat of the famous ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR



Choose One

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It's the moment of truth. Will your friend choose Outer Space, or The Bottom of the Sea? Do they prefer the Window or the Aisle? Are they all about the Party, or the After-Party? Successfully predict how your friends will answer weighty questions like these in Choose One! and you'll advance your token to the finish line!

Game Summary
Each player has 2 voting cards (blue/white). Deal everyone 5 random choice cards, which have a blue choice and a white choice. Players take turns being the Choo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



Early American Chronoauts

What would have happened if the Boston Tea Party had been prevented or if Paul Revere's midnight riders had been silenced? What if the USA had failed to purchase Louisiana or if Washington DC hadn't been burned by the British? What if the Battle of New Orleans had been called off or if the Alamo had been abandoned and razed before the Mexican army surrounded it? What if Maryland had joined the Confederacy... would the South have won the Civil War? All of these questions and many more will be ans... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR




Loonacy is a rapid fire card game in which players race to be the first to empty their hand by matching one of two images on each card in their hand with the images on the open piles in front of them. The number of piles varies depending on the number of players, and if players ever reach a moment in which no one can play, everyone draws a card and it adds it to their hand at the same time, then the game play resumes.

16,00 EUR



Just Desserts

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Looney Labs has a sweet new card game all about serving some VERY picky guests. No soup; no salad; no entree... it's Just Desserts! Compete with your fellow waiters to serve guests their favorite goodies before someone else gets to them first. With a kitchen full of mouth-watering offerings, and the cafe filling up with customers, you'll have your hands full making sure everyone gets their Just Desserts.

ca. 20,00 EUR



Retro Loonacy

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Retro Loonacy is a neato, rapid-fire game where players race to be the first to empty their hand by matching one of two images with the images on the open piles in front of them. Retro Loonacy has an out-of-sight design, featuring nostalgic images of times gone by. It's easy enough to teach in a single sentence, and so addictive you can't play just one game. Speed of the hand and luck of the draw determine the winner in this frenzied free-for-all! It's a gas!

ca. 16,00 EUR



Mad Libs

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You'll VERB your NOUN off!
Since its creation in 1958, Mad Libs® has become the world's most popular word game, with over 125 million Mad Libs® in print. And now, Looney Labs has turned it into Mad Libs®: The Game — a party game that captures all the unexpected silliness of classic Mad Libs®.
Mad Libs®: The Game features all the wordplay you love about Mad Libs®, but with a whole new dynamic. Play Word Cards from your hand to complete the Sentence Card in the most appropriately inappro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



Loonacy (Mary Engelbreit)

Mary Engelbreit Loonacy is a rapid fire card game in which players race to be the first to empty their hand by matching one of two images on each card in their hand with the images on the face-up piles in front of them. The number of piles varies depending on the number of players, and if players ever reach a moment in which no one can play, everyone draws a card and adds it to their hand at the same time, then the game play resumes.

12,00 EUR



Star Trek: Chrono-Trek

z.Zt. vergriffen


In Star Trek Chrono-Trek, a time-travel game similar to Chrononauts but set in the Star Trek universe, each player becomes a Star Trek character with a unique identity and a secret mission. During the game, players travel backwards and forwards through history, doing all those things people have always dreamed of using time travel to do: Visiting the great moments of the past, peeking into the future, collecting up artifacts, coming to grips with the paradoxes of time travel, and of course, chan... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Loonacy Olympus

Race to dump cards in your hand by matching images of cards in play

Olympus Loonacy is a rapid fire card game in which players race to be the first to empty their hand by matching one of two images on each card in their hand with the images on the open piles in front of them. The number of piles varies depending on the number of players, and if players ever reach a moment in which no one can play, everyone draws a card and it adds it to their hand at the same time, then the game play resumes.

24,00 EUR




Chrononauts: Lost Identities

A pack of 13 new ID cards to add to your Chrononauts deck. The Lost Identities were created by fans as part of a 55-word story writing contest, and these are the winning entries.

This Chrononauts expansion pack contains 13 new ID cards, plus a new Mission, to mix into your Chrononauts deck. The 55-word character sketches for the new ID cards were chosen from nearly 100 fan-written entries submitted to a Nanofiction writing contest.

4,00 EUR



Chrononauts: Missing Artifacts

A time traveler's work is never done.

With Chrononauts: Missing Artifacts, you can add six new mission cards to either Chrononauts or Early American Chrononauts — or both! These new missions will send you through time in search of missing treasures like one of the lost Fabergé Eggs, D.B. Cooper's suitcase full of money, a gemstone from Mars, and even the Holy Grail itself. (But make sure you choose the right one!) Or you might need to find a fully functional Antikythera Mechanism, a papyru... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


Looping Games


1920 Wall Street

In 1920 Wall Street, a card game for 2 to 5 players, each player tries to collect shares from four different companies (corn, cotton, steel and oil), sell them if they need money, and influence the value of the different companies in the stock market. They earn points for making the market fluctuate and for the shares they collect — if they reach the minimum quantity of each kind!

Everything with the background of the Wall Street Bombing that occurred in 1920 at the Financial District, in M... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Lost Horizons

LHO 0300

International Insult

Sammlerstück / Rarität


> Mit Deutscher Regel <

INTERNATIONAL INSULT - The Game of Bare-Fanged Diplomacy.
True or False: Diplomats at the U.N. are dedicated to lofty causes like peace and world brotherhood.

If you answered 'True' you need this game. We'll cure that hopeless idealism - with riotous good fun!

If you said 'False', you want this game - where world-class brinksmanship is like a good ol' fashioned two-fisted domestic squabble. You're pretty good at that, right?

International Insult is today's ne... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


LHO 0500

Murphy's Magic Island

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Players race to collect 6 tokens, one of each color, which are spread about on a wildly complex modular board. The board is all knotted paths that fork and twist about, with tunnels and teleporters, curse cards, and benefit cards thrown into the mix.

Murphy's Magic Island is a maze game, and one of the better ones. For two to six players, it's better with more people - as the rules are written. With a little tweaking, it becomes a better game all around.

The game consists of 4 outer frame ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


LHO 0600

Morphus - The Game of Change

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This out of print game is a pre-cursor to Double Morphus, and by the same designer. There are 34 tiles, each containing four squares and either red or yellow colored walls. A 6 by 6 frame is assembled, and each player takes turns placing two tiles at a time to build the maze, leaving two empty spots. The maze tiles contain 12 energy points of each color. Unlike Double Morphus, the maze is not three dimensional.

Each player has 3 guards and a trover. The object of the game is to collect all en... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


LHO 0700

House of Damocles (the Cursed)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


- siehe Bilder -

88,00 EUR


LHO 0800

Murphy's Magic Mansion

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Players race to collect tokens on a board, whose sections are only visible if a player is occupying the square.

Murphy’s Law Strikes Again!! The Magnificent MURPHY, purveyor of merriment and Magic on MURPHY’S MAGIC ISLAND now invites you to tour his MAGIC MANSION! Test your memory and your maze negotiating skills with this exciting and unique family game of puzzling paths and strategic spell-casting.

See if you’ll be the first to penetrate the Mansion’s mysteries and recover the Lo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


Lucky Duck Games


King of 12

You want to become the new ruler of the Kingdom of 12. To do so, you use your magical orb. But to channel its power you will need the help of different characters throughout the kingdom.

In King of 12, each player plays with the same set of seven character cards. Each round, each player chooses one of these and plays it hidden to the table. When everyone did, they are revealed. If two or more players chose the same card, these cards are negated. Otherwise the cards effects are resolved. They ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



Yummy Yummy Monster Tummy

z.Zt. vergriffen


There are strange noises coming from the attic at your grandpa’s summer house. After climbing the stairs, you see colorful and furry Monsters everywhere! They seem to be friendly…. but also really hungry! You must feed them whatever you can find. They will eat anything, but what attracts them the most is the color of objects!

Yummy Yummy Monster Tummy is a co-operative card game of color matching for 2-4 players. Your goal is to complete each level by feeding all of the Creatures foods th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen



z.Zt. vergriffen


Jump on board the good ship Tranquility and set sail for paradise. Take care, though, because in a land where the day blends into night it's easy to lose track of time and you still need to find that special little island to call home.

Tranquility is a co-operative card game in which players must fill the sea with islands — specifically island cards with numbers on them — and guide the ship home before any player runs out of cards. Note that in the world of Tranquility, the only way to pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


LDR 1719B

Diesel Demolition Derby (Basic)

Behind hidden alleys and in dark basements, a new underground league of robot combat has begun. Engineers bring their latest creations to the arena, and battle with each other for money, glory, and power!

In Diesel Demolition Derby the players compete in a series of quick arena matches by fielding their robotic contraptions in battle against each other.

Each match is composed of several rounds where the mechanical warriors fight for the right to remain in contention for the final showdown.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


LDR 1719D

Diesel Demolition Derby (Deluxe)

Behind hidden alleys and in dark basements, a new underground league of robot combat has begun. Engineers bring their latest creations to the arena, and battle with each other for money, glory, and power!

In Diesel Demolition Derby the players compete in a series of quick arena matches by fielding their robotic contraptions in battle against each other.

Each match is composed of several rounds where the mechanical warriors fight for the right to remain in contention for the final showdown.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Long live the Queen

Bitte vorbestellen


The Queen is dead!
Who will be the new queen?
Long Live the Queen is a dynamic tactical game for two players caught in a dangerous struggle for power and prestige!
The Queen Mother has died unexpectedly, under mysterious circumstances, leaving the line of succession uncertain. Twin princesses Black Rose and White Rose both seek the throne.
Each has arrived at court with her skilled supporters, ready to claim the throne for herself. While either can gather the Prestige needed to win the crown... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


LUD 15600

Pocket Imperium

Hot Seller


War has erupted across the Imperium! Four spacefaring races struggle for supremacy, launching fleets of starships across the galaxy to battle for control of the most prosperous systems. Only one race will successfully Expand, Explore, Exploit and Exterminate their way to victory!

Pocket Imperium is a 4X microgame. Players will need to use the opportunities to expand, explore, exploit and exterminate to their best advantage. The timing of when to build fleets, when to explore the stars, and wh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


LUD 15600

Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden

Each year Vernon Cabbagehead, (Mr. Cabbagehead to his friends), wants to be left in peace to grow his award winning vegetable garden for the annual Garden Club contest. However, his tedious neighbours tend to interfere when he is away, and frequently drop by to help themselves to the garden produce. Can Mr. Cabbagehead create a beautiful garden and finally win the blue ribbon?

In Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden, vegetable cards are drafted and placed in the garden plot, a grid of six cards by three ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



LUD 15601

Pocket Imperium: Prosperity

Pocket Imperium: Prosperity adds yet another layer of strategy to Pocket Imperium's minimalist gameplay. You must now guide your star empire to take advantage of changing new opportunities appearing across the galaxy.

At the beginning of the game, players set the Prosperity cards face-down in a row, which represents the new opportunities and bounty available to those who dare seize them.

Each round of the game, the next round's Prosperity card is revealed, allowing for players to plan to o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


LUD 15602

Pocket Imperium: Mech Worlds

Bitte vorbestellen


Pocket Imperium: Mech Worlds is a promo tile for Pocket Imperium, it adds more variety and a different way to take advantage of Expand and Explore actions.

Just before placing the 6 standard sector tiles around Tri-Prime, randomly select one to remove, and replace it with the Mech World sector tile. Complete the rest of game setup normally.

Yellow Mech Worlds
These systems have been completely taken over by self-replicating machines that will help whoever is controlling them to rapidly co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 6,00 EUR



LDR 1719010

Diesel Demolition Derby: Arenas

An expansion for Diesel Demolition Derby, a tactical drafting card game for 2-6 players. An underground fighting league for dieselpunk mechas in a society in Crisis.

6,00 EUR


LUPO World


LUPO: The Space Adventure

Bitte vorbestellen


LUPO: The Space Adventure is a collaborative, storytelling card game in which your imagination is humanity's only hope!

Launch into a whole new galaxy of fun and imagination with your family and friends with "LUPO: The Space Adventure", a light-hearted storytelling card game, which takes you and your friends on a ridiculous sci-fi adventure. When planet Earth gets turned into a tiny raisin, it's up to you and your friends to blast off beyond the stars and create a new home for humanity. Get r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Lusio Games

LUS 0001

Star Fighter

Hot Seller


Buckle up

Engage engine

Activate targeting system

Energise laser defense grid

Prepare for the battle of the stars!

Launch missiles, mines and blast away with laser cannons while deploying counter measures and performing special moves to re-route power to weapons and shields or even cloak yourself for a sneak attack!

Star Fighter is a card game for 2-8 players.

Quick and easy to learn.

Playing time 20-40 mins.

Below is a copy of the Star Fighter Rules just in case you l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


M.E.K. Games

MEK 1000


OBJECTIVE: To arm your 3 combatants (2 Warriors and 1 Archer) and thus have them ready to attack before your Opponent can do the same!

HOW?: (1) Give each Warrior 4 items: a Shield, Spear, Sword and Helmet during play. (2) Give your Archer 3 items: a Helmet, Bow and Quiver during play. (3) Then place a GUARDIAN on each combatant when he has his equipment to safeguard him from further interference. (4) And when all are armed and Guardianed, cast your ATTACK CARD to win as your last turn.

26,00 EUR


Magpie Games


Zombie World

Zombie World is a card-based tabletop roleplaying game of survivors fighting against the living and the dead for their own place in the world. The game is designed for easy, quick, and intense play.

In Zombie World, you take on the roles of ordinary people caught up in a zombie apocalypse, struggling to survive day after day, month after month, year after year, in a world destroyed by the restless dead. Maybe you’re just an accountant who took up a machete to keep her friends and family saf... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Wizard Kittens

z.Zt. vergriffen


Wizard Kittens is a semi-cooperative set collection card game. Players are wizard kittens who have accidentally released a few curses from the library's restricted section. Now they must defeat the curses before they're caught by the librarian, Professor Whispurr.

Each turn plays quickly but offers interesting decisions, most often around which spell to use and how to use it. Spells allow kittens to draw extra cards, sling cards at other players, discard cards out of their own play areas, or ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen



Zombie World: Enclave Expansion – The Farm

The Farm Enclave Expansion for Zombie World adds a whole new enclave you can use in any session of the tabletop roleplaying game, with new options, characters, and possibilities for your game!

18,00 EUR



Zombie World: Enclave Expansion – The Mall

The Mall Enclave Expansion for Zombie World adds a whole new enclave you can use in any session of the tabletop roleplaying game, with new options, characters, and possibilities for your game!

18,00 EUR



Wizard Kittens: Magical Monsters Expansion

Adds a 5th player and a new character cat to help your courageous crew of kittens defeat these new magical monster cards!

12 Ritual Component Cards
6 Monster Cards
6 New Rule Cards
4 Extra Credit Cards
3 Chapter Cards
1 Spell Token
1 Wizard Kitten Mat

18,00 EUR


Majestic Twelve Games

MJG 0501A

The Grid is a board game, officially licensed by the Federation of American Football Leagues (FAFL). It simulates the ex

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Grid is a board game, officially licensed by the Federation of American Football Leagues. It simulates the excitement of Yankee Rules football, as players take control of their favorite teams and players.

The Grid 2-Player Set includes just about everything you need to get started playing your first game
30 player cards, 15 each from two different teams:
40 play-calling cards
2 8.5"x14" game boards
The Grid rule booklet

All you need to provide is a standard deck of 52 playing c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


MJG 0501B

The Grid – London Saxons vs Chicago Cyclones

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Grid is a board game, officially licensed by the Federation of American Football Leagues. It simulates the excitement of Yankee Rules football, as players take control of their favorite teams and players.

The Grid 2-Player Set includes just about everything you need to get started playing your first game:
30 player cards, 15 each from two different teams
40 play-calling cards
2 8.5"x14" game boards
The Grid rule booklet

All you need to provide is a standard deck of 52 playing c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


MJG 0501C

The Grid – Moskow Maulers vs Washington (D.C.) Eagles

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Grid is a board game, officially licensed by the Federation of American Football Leagues. It simulates the excitement of Yankee Rules football, as players take control of their favorite teams and players.

The Grid 2-Player Set includes just about everything you need to get started playing your first game:
30 player cards, 15 each from two different teams
40 play-calling cards
2 8.5"x14" game boards
The Grid rule booklet

All you need to provide is a standard deck of 52 playing c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


MJG 0501D

The Grid – Sydney Outlaws vs Houston Prowlers

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Grid is a board game, officially licensed by the Federation of American Football Leagues. It simulates the excitement of Yankee Rules football, as players take control of their favorite teams and players.

The Grid 2-Player Set includes just about everything you need to get started playing your first game:
30 player cards, 15 each from two different teams
40 play-calling cards
2 8.5"x14" game boards
The Grid rule booklet

All you need to provide is a standard deck of 52 playing c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


MJG 0501E

The Grid – Tokyo Ronin vs New York Knighthawks

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Grid is a board game, officially licensed by the Federation of American Football Leagues. It simulates the excitement of Yankee Rules football, as players take control of their favorite teams and players.

The Grid 2-Player Set includes just about everything you need to get started playing your first game:
30 player cards, 15 each from two different teams
40 play-calling cards
2 8.5"x14" game boards
The Grid rule booklet

All you need to provide is a standard deck of 52 playing c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


MJG 0501F

The Grid – Toronto Redcoats vs Denver Mustangs

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Grid is a board game, officially licensed by the Federation of American Football Leagues. It simulates the excitement of Yankee Rules football, as players take control of their favorite teams and players.

The Grid 2-Player Set includes just about everything you need to get started playing your first game:
30 player cards, 15 each from two different teams
40 play-calling cards
2 8.5"x14" game boards
The Grid rule booklet

All you need to provide is a standard deck of 52 playing c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Mangrove Games



Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sonderangebot


The hill hides many treasures, and all it takes to collect them is to grab your shovel and dig!

Well, maybe not as these aren't the only things the hill hides; creatures and traps await, so the tunnels that you create might lead to either wealth or despair. Delve into the hill and gather ten gems to win the game! Take some risks, press your luck, hire recruits to dig deeper and win favors of companions such as the knight, wizard, scout or hunter to protect your collections from the many creat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Mario Truant Verlag

MTV 5601


Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sonderangebot


MiniMonFa - MiniMonsterFantasy
Ein Zwei-Personen-Fantasy-Kartenspiel aus Italien. bei dem jeder Spieler die Rolle eines Erzmagiers übernimmt, der sein Verlies vor den andauernden Attacken der örtlichen, nach Gold, Ruhm und Erfahrung lechzenden Helden schützen muss. Um die Helden abzuwehren, musst du dein Verlies mit Strategie und Können anlegen, mit heimtückischen Fallen und schrecklichen Monstern füllen.
Ein 2-Personen-Kartenspiel!

10,00 EUR



MAT 01513


Bitte vorbestellen


The holdup was perfect... A sound plan! Millions in a bag, fleeing by plane, yes, really, a sound one. Everyone begins to relax, but suddenly the engine sputters! Then the plane begins to fall... Yes, the holdup was perfect and they had anticipated everything — everything but enough parachutes to go around...

Play your role amongst ten characters in Bahamas and steal, lie, threaten, do everything you can to get the biggest part of the loot and land safely!

In more detail, each player rec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR



Boomerang: Australia

Bitte vorbestellen


Explore the amazing lands of Australia in the new version of this "draft & write" game! Visit the most beautiful places of Australia. While touring, you will meet local animals and enjoy tourist activities, such as hiking, swimming or simple taking beautiful pictures! But don't forget that this trip is not only for pleasure — you all compete to be the best visitor and discover the most of Australia!

Boomerang: Australia features a unique blend of set collection and card drafting with the ap... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR



MOB: Big Apple

New York City, 1926: Two crime families battle for territory to extort local businesses and control backdoor distribution of spirits during Prohibition. Each family fights dirty, doing all they can to seize ownership of alcohol crates, even if that means sending rivals to sleep with the fishes. You are the "Capodecina" for one of these families. Command your henchmen to gain the upper hand in New York City by collecting crates, eliminating rivals, exposing moles, and tipping off the DA on your o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



Photograph: Wind the Film!

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Time to walk about town and take some pictures! It's the 1960s in Japan, and you have a half-size camera that lets you take half-size vertical pictures. Let's see whether you can put together good shots...

In Wind the Film!, you're trying to organize pictures on your roll so that they appear in the right order. Each player has a hand of cards, and on a turn, you'll add 1-3 cards to the front of your hand (without changing their order), move one card in your hand closer to the front, then disc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


maverick muse

mam MML01

oddball Aeronauts

oddball Aeronauts is a simple, light strategy, played-in-the-hand (no surface required) card game of hi-jinks airship dogfights, set in an oddball fantasy world. Players take their Pirate or Pendragon officers, crew and bots, and go head-to-head in a duel in the sky.

The deck of cards is divided into the two factions - each player takes up 1 of the 2 factions, adds in Events, shuffles and the game begins. Factions can be customized in advance with alternative Officers, Support and Crew cards.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Mayday Games

MDG 03I1

3-in-1 (Get Bit/ Hold Your Breath/ Walk The Plank)

Bitte vorbestellen


3 in 1 Bundle (Hold Your Breath, Get Bit and Walk the Plank) Ratings BoardGameGeek.comGet Bit! Average Rating: 6.26/10 3589 Ratings - 941 Comments BoardGameGeek.comWalk the Plank!Average Rating: 6.71/10 1051 Ratings - 237 Comments BoardGameGeek.comHold Your BreathAverage Rating: 5.81/10 74 Ratings - 34 Comments

ca. 65,00 EUR


MDG 4295

Get Bit !

Bitte vorbestellen


Get Bit! is a card game where players are competing to stay alive as the others are being eaten by the shark.

The order of the swimmers is determined by simultaneously playing cards face-down then revealing the values. The number on each player's card determines position in line (higher numbers in front, lower numbers in back), however ties don't move. The swimmer at the back loses a limb to the shark and is flung to the front of the line! The process is repeated until only two swimmers remai... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


MDG 4297

Eaten By Zombies!

Deckbuilding to die for

In the new game Eaten By Zombies! players strive to survive as the horde of the living dead make it their goal in Death to force you to join the crowd. You must work with or against the other survivors to be the last one standing. No not standing, cowering in the corner crying for their mommy.In the spirit of AMC's \\"The Walking Dead\\" and \\"I Am Legend\\", Eaten By Zombies takes you into a dark world of eventual death. Every turn you must venture out from your safe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


MDG 4299

White Elephant Card Game

Bitte vorbestellen


Some may know the classic White Elephant gift exchange game as Yankee Swap, Dirty Santa, Thieving Secret Santa, or Parcel Pass. The White Elephant Card Game simulates this classic holiday game in a quick, light family card game.
In the White Elephant Card Game you play the part of a no-good cheapskate, unwilling to spend a measly dime on the people on your gift list. However, you will be attending several White Elephant parties. You can take some junk from your attic and exchange it for treasur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


MDG 4300

Lemonade Stand Card Game

Bitte vorbestellen


Did you ever play the old computer game “Lemonade Stand” on the Apple IIe computer? Well we did and we loved it! It was a simple, fun, educational game that really influenced a lot of people growing up in the early 80s. We have been trying for a couple of years to recreate the simplicity yet realistic feel of this classic game. We wanted to recreate this experience in a card game, yet keep the supply and demand calculations and complex math to a minimum. Designer Trevor Cram was able to crea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


MDG 4311

Walk the Plank

In Walk the Plank!, players represent the worst pirates in a captain's crew. The captain has rounded you all up because you're all lazy and stupid and simply not worth the rum and loot you get paid. That said, the captain has decided he's willing to keep two of you in his crew. To prove you're worthy, you will fight amongst yourselves, trying to shove other players' pirates off the end of the plank while keeping yours alive!

In game terms, each round players secretly stack three of their ten ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


MDG 4319

Walk the Plank - Collectors Tin Edition

Hot Seller


In Walk the Plank!, players represent the worst pirates in a captain's crew. The captain has rounded you all up because you're all lazy and stupid and simply not worth the rum and loot you get paid. That said, the captain has decided he's willing to keep two of you in his crew. To prove you're worthy, you will fight amongst yourselves, trying to shove other players' pirates off the end of the plank while keeping yours alive!

In game terms, each round players secretly stack three of their ten ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


MYD 4309

Get Bit! Deluxe

Bitte vorbestellen


Deluxe Tin Edition of Get Bit! This version will feature: - Metal Tin with raised lettering and imagery - New Brown colored pirate - Re-themed Pirate Version including rulebook with "walk the plank" style graphics on the reverse side - high-quality, customized stickers to "pimp out" your pirates - Re-designed player cards with pirate-themed graphics What more could you ask for?

ca. 26,00 EUR



MDG 4306

Eaten By Zombies!: In Cahoots Expansion

Bitte vorbestellen


In Cahoots is a great new expansion for the very popular deckbuilder game: Eaten By Zombies. It is also a great stand-alone 2-player game!

ca. 18,00 EUR


Mayfair Games

MFG 4106

Bacchus Banquet

It is 37 AD and Caligula is the extravagant Emperor of Rome! It is a time of excesses. It is a time of intrigue. And the latest gala in Caligula's short reign is starting tonight—Bacchus' Banquet!

As a player, you are one of the nine honored guests each with his or her own secret objective. You might be a glutton who is only there for the food and wine. You might be an avaricious opportunist longing for the presents that are often bestowed. You might be a conspirator in one of the many plot... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


MFG 4130

Mystery! Motive for Murder

When a body is discovered in the courtyard of a stately English mansion, the weapon and location are obvious; the only questions the investigators need to answer are who and why. Every guest may have a motive, and every one of them has secrets they're trying to hide!

Your reputation as a detective will be assured if you're the one who makes the final arrest in Mystery! Motive for Murder. One by one, you interview and re-interview suspects to establish the strengths of their relationships with... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


MFG 4404

Rocket Jockey

Bitte vorbestellen


"When you launch a rocket, you're not really flying that rocket. You're just sort of hanging on." Michael P. Anderson

It's 150 years in the future and mankind has spread throughout the solar system. To supply far-flung colonies, they look to the Rocket Jockeys! The planets depend on timely cargo arrivals – but this is not enough for the rocket jockeys. They compete with one another to see who can complete the fanciest maneuvers, transport the most important cargo, and visit the most planets... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


MDR Games

MDR 0201

Simon's Cat Dinner Date

z.Zt. vergriffen


Simon’s Cat and his friends are searching for hidden treats. Find out which pet is best at tracking them down. Be quick, score points and shout “Simon’s Cat!” when you see that greedy cat.

z.Zt. vergriffen

MDR 0202

Simon's Cat Lunch Time

Chasing birds is not exactly Simon the Cat’s forte. Help him improve his hunting skills. Shout “Simon’s Cat!” at the right moment and collect as many cards from the table as possible.

20,00 EUR


MDR 0203

Simon's Cat Total Mess

Simon’s Cat has been playing and has made another total mess! Look very carefully and point to the last object the cat has knocked over. Shout “Simon’s Cat!” at the right time and collect as many cards from the table as possible.

20,00 EUR


Medieval Lords


Black Souls

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Designer Inc's latest video game title Black Souls has achieved international success! Hailed as one of the toughest digital games ever, it has attracted millions of hardcore gamers. The secret behind this huge success lies not in just making an extremely difficult game. Anyone can do that. The true challenge lies in balancing it to be as difficult as possible, but still fair enough that the very best players can survive to the end. Alas, the game studio is heavily short staffed and the manageme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR



Queen of the Hill

The extremely addicting and fun thing about games that push your luck is that one moment where you tell yourself this is the last card you will be taking... then you survive and you change your mind that you will be drawing just one more... and you still survive! And you promise that this next one would really be your last - and you survive yet again! Nothing beats that moment of suspense as you push your luck to the extreme, only to be rewarded by glorious victory for your bravery.

In the li... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


MeLo 002

Little Monsters

Little Monsters is a quick game of cards specially designed to tap on the excitement of 'risk-taking elements' from press-your-luck mechanisms. Players take turns drawing as many cards as they want from the deck, scoring a range of 1-5 Baby Points for each card drawn. There is no limit to the amount of times a player can draw cards, but as soon as she draws a Monster Parent, she loses all her cards in her Baby Zone and is forced to end the turn.

But wait, it is not as easy as it sounds. First... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



MeLo 003

Weapons of the Hill ( Expansion for Queen of the Hill / Little Monsters)

Little Monsters is a quick game of cards specially designed to tap on the excitement of 'risk-taking elements' from press-your-luck mechanisms. Players take turns drawing as many cards as they want from the deck, scoring a range of 1-5 Baby Points for each card drawn. There is no limit to the amount of times a player can draw cards, but as soon as she draws a Monster Parent, she loses all her cards in her Baby Zone and is forced to end the turn.

But wait, it is not as easy as it sounds. First... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Mercury Games

MER 1702

Zombie Slam

An app-assisted card game!

You must survive 4 days by scavenging a new location, exploring the rooms and collecting supply cards to fill your backpack. Listen carefully and use your hand to slam a stack where the top supply card matches the request. If you fail to fill a backpack or overcome the hazards you've encountered by the end of the day, you become a Zombie.

That doesn't mean your game is over as the undead can rise again and win by infecting the most Stragglers! Zombie Slam is play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


MER 1802

Galactic Scoundrels

Galactic Scoundrels is a game of space-western mayhem for 3-5 players that features gambling, lying, cheating, and lowdown dirty dealing. Plus it's in space.

The game is played in a series of rounds. In each round, the players gamble to win a job, one player takes that job, then the other players play cards to stop them from finishing it. Along the way, they also try to bleed as much money from them as possible. After all, what are friends for?

Jobs consist of a series of events, described... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Minion Games

MIG ND1000

Nitro Dice

Bitte vorbestellen


Nitro Dice is a card game despite the name. The dice are used as the race cars with the speed recorded on the die so everyone can see the state of the racers with just a glance. The cards are used both as the track which is customizable to the players taste and as a means to maneuver by matching the track sections you travel over with the same types from your hand. Some track cards have hazards on them allowing you to put obstacles in your opponent’s way forcing them to expend cards or take da... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR




NILE the card game consists of 92 cards in a double wide tuck box. A simple set collection game with 5 suits each representing a authentic crop type in ancient Egypt.

In NILE, players draft cards to plant fields. At the beginning of every turn there is a flood, which determines which fields will harvest that turn. Harvested resources are placed into storage piles, which ultimately determine the winner of the game. Players spend the game competing over resources, trading at markets and even ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR




Lake Sturgeon is a cruel and unforgiving place. Minnows scurry about in schools, trying to avoid being eaten by bass, bass hide from the mighty sturgeon in the dense weeds, and sturgeon fishermen patiently angle for their elusive trophy. If your fish survive long enough to produce two sturgeons, you rule the lake.

The first to have two Sturgeons wins. Players take turns stocking their sides of the lake, playing larger fish by eating smaller fish. Special cards allow players to eat f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


Minotaur Games

MIG 01000

Pirate Loot Base Game



Sail the seas! Recruit the best crew! Crush your foes and steal their loot!

Can you plunder enough treasure to satisfy your scurvy crew before the other captains? In Pirate Loot, players take turns recruiting crew to join their ship, hoping to have the best possible crew when the ships finally set sail. Win the round to get your hands on the most valuable loot, but beware! Just because you claimed the loot does not mean you get to keep it!

Pirate Loot is a fast paced parlor game of treasur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



MIG 01001

Pirate Loot 6 Player Expansion

This 55 card deck includes TWO entirely new suits of pirate to add to your game, allowing it to be played with up to 6 players (when added to the base game).

The first suit is UNDEAD pirates, allowing you to add a horde of shambling zombie pirates to your game.

The second suit is SNEAKY pirates! These shadowy pirates let you flip some of your crew face-down, to keep the other captains guessing!

10,00 EUR


Mondo Games


Stoner Parking Lot

Hanging around outside a show, you want to grab a smoke in the van with your best bud before you head in, but you don't want to bring the whole crowd. Collect all the essentials — weed, a mixtape, your trusty bong, a lighter, a six-pack, and of course pizza — then secretly signal to your partner that it's time to go smoke without getting called out by anyone else.

Stoner Parking Lot features the art of Arik Roper, know for his iconic album cover and poster work with bands like Sleep, Eart... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Mongoose Publishing

MGP 5102

Ant Assault

Ant Assault is quick and easy to learn card game that puts each player in charge of their own ant hive. They must send parties of ants out to forage, all the while defending themselves and their hive from assault by the other players. Players control ant scouts who root out the enemy and find new resources, honey pot ants who store food, soldier ants who fight, and the dreaded bullet ants who lead assaults. Enter the world of an ant hive, and dominate the garden!

16,00 EUR


MGP 5104

Dark Eon Assassin: Tyrant of Acheron

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Dark Eon Assassin is an exciting solo boardgame, designed to challenge players of all ages as they infiltrate the Tyrant’s palace, avoiding the traps and guards he has prepared, in an effort to rid the galaxy of his maniacal atrocities. You will have a range of high technology equipment and weapons to aid you, but the odds are stacked against easy success…

You have been genetically bred to be the finest warrior in the galaxy. Your reflexes have been honed by countless exercises in the mos... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


Mr. B. Games

MBG 1012

Helionox - The Last Sunset Deluxe Edition

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Helionox -- The Last Sunset is a movement based sci-fi strategy deckbuilding game. It combines deckbuilding and board game elements to create a robust gaming system that provides maximum replay value, a minimal learning curve, and a short setup time.
Players compete for “Influence” by overcoming both social and stellar events, traveling to different locations around the solar system to establish embassies and gain special abilities, and acquiring powerful technologies and operatives from an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 66,00 EUR


Mundi Games Europe

MUN 0004


In Mon, players take turns playing cards in numerical order, fighting to receive the points of the cards in play. It's important to respect the order as much as possible, or other players might steal your points! At the end of the game, the player with the most points will be the winner.

The game proceeds with players taking turns, starting with the first player. On their turn, each player must play, change or discard a card. When done, the turn passes to the next player on the left. This pro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


MushrooM Games (II)

MRG 0001

Time Masters (+ Add-On Package)

Time Masters is a fast paced deck building card game for 2 to 4 players that takes 30-45 minutes.

Only powerful mages who have dedicated their existence to the knowledge of time and the ways of bending it to their will may enter the Time Master’s tournament. To do this, they must master “Kè’s” – small portions of day-time necessary for their concentration.

Each player will embody one of these mages. They will need to carefully select and cast their spells in order to accumulate ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Myndzei Games

MYZ 0001

Wench Cardgame Top Shelf Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen


Wench - a fast-paced card game of rules to remember and penalties to avoid!

The table hushes for just a moment while your opponents slide their cards into their hands. You've gripped a nice hand for going out fast, a hand flush with a single suit - Schoolgirl, Carpenter, and Unicorn! You're also charged with making sure no one puts their elbow on the table, a common and nasty habit. You look over and the opponent to your left is already in violation. Impulsively you call their name, and then ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Magazine & Bücher

MYZ 0301

The Art of Wench

This coffee-table book features 53 mini-posters showcasing art from Wench, the Thinking Drinking card game, as produced by artist Monte Michael Moore.

16,00 EUR


Mystery Suit Games

MSG 00001

Dead Apocalypse

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Dead Apocalypse is a medium paced survival deckbuilding game that takes place amidst a present day zombie apocalypse. As a hero with sight set on survival, you must work with your allies in search of human survivors and equipment that may be of use in fending off the zombie horde. Trust is valuable and key to survival, but who knows one's motives. Only a true hero can be prepared to make hard decisions, at times you may be required to give up your base camp to ensure another human's survival. At... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

neat games


Too Many Poops

Become the ultimate cat owner, or poop out trying! Too Many Poops is a cat collection game for 2-6 players where players compete to become the first to score 10 points of cats in their home. But the more cats you have, the more poops you’ll get — and too many will lose you the game! Adopt cats from the pet store, donate rival cats to other players, and use lures to get you the cats that will score you the most.

24,00 EUR


Nick Pace Entertainment

NPE 0001

Raiding Parties: Brethren of the Coast

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Raiding Parties is a pirate themed card game that takes place in the Golden Age. You are the commander who selects what crew to hire as part of your Raiding Party. Each card has a gold cost, and before any game begins all players must decide on an equal gold total to play.
It is up to you to determine which cards to use in your Party.

You choose a gold total to play, for example if you choose 30 gold- all players make a deck that equates to 30 gold (number on bottom left of all cards). You c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


Ninja Division

NJD 411101

The Agents

The Agents is a strategic card game that introduces a unique double-edged card mechanism into the undercover world of covert operations, subterfuge, secrecy and sabotage. Players must join their Agents into Factions, assign Missions and take their opponents down, to gather intel and win the most points.

Each Agent card features a "command" on one end of the card and "points" on the other end. The direction in which you place the card determines from which asset you benefit. If you choose to p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


NJD 411401

Warhammer Doomseeker

Hot Seller


In the card game Doomseeker, players take on the role of a mighty dwarf slayer. Each player's character is sworn by the slayer's oath to seek a glorious death in battle for a crime committed or stain on that dwarf's honor. The slayers eschew worldly pursuits, dye their beards and hair in fierce and fiery reds and oranges, tattoo their ruddy flesh, take up their weapons, and wander the old world seeking their doom battling monsters and enemies of their race.

The Doomseeker card game pits playe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


NJD 502010

Cthulhu: A Deck Building Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


Cthulhu: A Deck Building Game is a cooperative deckbuilder for 1 to 6 players set within the Cthulhu mythos. Players work cooperatively as Investigators to banish the Elder Gods and their minions. Be wary. The Elder Gods will attempt to stop the Investigators through attacks-both psychological and physical. If all of the Investigators have their health or sanity reduced to zero the Elder Gods triumph! Cthulhu includes 12 different Elder Gods, 21 unique Investigators, and hundreds of minions, myt... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

NJD 550010

Cthulhu: A Deck Building Game - The Horror of Dunwich

Cthulhu: The Horror In Dunwich, a standalone expansion to Cthulhu: A Deck Building Game, adds new mechanisms to the game design such as allies, permanent equipment, Mythos locations, and more.

78,00 EUR



NJD 411102

The Agents: Mission Critical Expansion Set

The Agents: Mission Critical, the first expansion for The Agents, consists of forty cards, with two versions of twenty new unique mission cards that can be added to the base set. To play, simply shuffle these new missions into the existing missions, then get started.

18,00 EUR


Ninja Mime Games

NMG 0001


Bitte vorbestellen


Who's the REAL hero!?

In a city over run by ninjas, mimes, and other villains, you and your fellow heroes have a bet to see who's the best:

Capture villains and put them in your pile for points. The hero with the most points wins. Sounds simple, right? Yeah right, keep dreaming!

None of you are the most honest of heroes. Steal and discard villains from your friends' piles, or even reverse the rules, in this fast and unpredictable game that keeps everyone scrambling to stay in the lead!

ca. 14,00 EUR


Ninja Star Games

NJS 0301

Arkham Ritual

You are a freelance journalist working in the city of Arkham. One day you hear about a mysterious ritual taking place in the underground cellar of the city’s prestigious Miskatonic University. You and your team decide to infiltrate and investigate the ritual anonymously, in the hope of securing the next exclusive. Without much thought you step into the cellar, but it doesn’t take long before you come to regret your decisions. The cellar is a shrine to ancient god and the horrifying ritual is... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



Yokai Septet (Second Edition)

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Long time ago in the land of rising sun, spirits and demons known as Yokai were harming human lives.

Yokai did not directly attack people, but they were causing supernatural disasters: Yokai caused farmlands to burn, rivers to flood, thunders to roar, and diseases to spread.

One day a chieftain of the nearby village visited you, an Onmyoji, a practitioner of Japanese esoteric cosmology. Through your knowledge of astronomy and occultism, you discover the only way to help save the village. I... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


Ninth Level Games

9LG 2300

Schrödinger's Cats (Boxed Card Game)

Schrödinger’s Cats is a pseudo-scientific card game of strategic uncertainty for 2-6 players. A fast, fun game of bluffing, deduction, and cute cat pictures!

Uncertainty didn’t kill the cat, but that doesn’t mean it’s not dead. Dr. Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg taught us that. We’ve all heard about the cats in boxes experiment and maybe we're even curious about the results -- but attempting such an experiment would be INSANE in real life! Now you can try your hand at cha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR




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The evil LUMBERCO wants to cut down protected forests! These lumberjacks will STOMP, DYNAMITE, and SNEAK through a forest to make room for their big, bad bulldozers and tree-chopping chainsaws! Only the forest animals and their friends can stop them now!

As the forest animals, players setup BEARICADES and recruit PREDATORS (like The Cougar, The Bat, or The Wolf Pack), to defend against the incoming hordes of lumberjacks.

It’s SURVI... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Noble Knight Games

NKG 1000


Mysticards is a card game designed for four players, ages 8 and up, that are divided into two teams of two. One game consists of several hands, with each hand being made up of 15 tricks. During each trick, every player gets to play one card, with the best card winning the trick. Teams collect points for each trick they win. In addition, each team can earn extra points for meeting certain conditions, such as winning tricks with gemstones, or defeating an enemy dragon.

16,00 EUR


North Star Games

NSG 450

dude !

dude is a game where you say "dude". The word "dude" appears on each card in one of six different ways, with 12 dooode cards, 12 dewd cards, 12 dude. cards, 12 dude? cards, 12 tiny dude cards, and 12 tie-dyed dude cards.

The goal is to quickly find matches for as many of your cards as you can. To play, you say the word "dude" as you think it should be said, based on how it appears on your card. At the same time, listen to how the other players are saying the word "dude". Trying to figure out ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR



Funky Chicken

z.Zt. vergriffen


Take all the excitement of Happy Salmon (Golden Geek Best Party Game Nominee, TOTY Game of the Year Finalist), add funky dance moves, pack it in a disco chicken sporting a cool pair of shades and you’ve got... ... ... Funky Chicken!

Funky Chicken is a simple, fast-paced card game that gets everyone moving and laughing in under two minutes. There are no turns. Players simultaneously call out the dance actions “Bump”, “Swing”, “Spin”, and “Funky Chicken”. When two players matc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Happy Salmon

z.Zt. vergriffen


Happy Salmon is a simple, ultra-fast, very silly card game.

There are no turns. Players call out the action shown on their cards as fast as they can. When two players have a match, they celebrate by performing the action. Actions include the classic "High 5", the unifying "Pound It", the frantic "Switcheroo", and the delightful and bizarre "Happy Salmon".

Each time a player celebrates a match, they quickly discard a card. The first person to get rid of all their cards wins.

The "FIN-tas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Monster Match

Hot Seller


Monster Match is unique among speed games for one simple reason: more than 1 person can get a match every round. This sounds minor but it makes a huge difference in game play.

There is usually a dominant player in any given speed game which makes the game frustrating for the other players who have a hard time getting points. In Monster Match, it is possible for every player to score in a round. This makes the game more fun for a greater number of players and it adds a layer of strategy to the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



Most Wanted

Bandits! Bluffing! Gunslingers! Nuns with bad habits!

Most Wanted is a western-themed game where fellow bandits compete to become the most notorious outlaw of the land. Playing the best hand - or bluffing with the worst – could mean the difference between a successful train robbery or time spent in the slammer. Players can repent at church to make a new start, or even work some honest labor (gasp!) for bail money. Be the first player to 13 points and claim the dubious honor of being the MOS... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



NSG 451

more dude !

more dude is another game where you say "dude". The word "dude" appears on each card, along with one of six different characters. The game includes 12 surfer dude cards, 12 robot dude cards, 12 pirate dude cards, 12 ghost dude cards, 12 pizza box dude cards, and 12 cowboy dude cards.

Your goal is to quickly find matches for as many of your cards as you can. To play, you say the word "dude" as you think the character on your card would say the word "dude". At the same time, listen to how the o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Nothing Sacred Games

NSG 0102

Corporate America - Gilded Edition

In Corporate America, a political satire game about corporate influence of government, players take the role of corporations that manipulate the population, government, and each other to maximize profits. Players keep their money secret until the end of the game, when the player with the most money wins. Each game turn progresses through four phases:

• In the Wall Street Phase, players start businesses (like Trius and Oggle Search) which fall into various industries (like transportation, lu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


NSG 0201

Shadow Throne

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Shadow Throne takes place in the Aclysmian empire, where the kingdom and royal family are torn apart in a bitter civil war. King Kyros clings on to power by any means necessary; his estranged Queen Eleftheria has joined a rebellion of conquered people; and their daughter, Princess Beatus, has rejected both of her parents to fight alongside the church.

The players, as members of a secret society, wield great influence over the destiny of Aclysmia, but their job is not to set things right. They... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


NSG 0301

Birds of a Feather

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Every year, the most enthusiastic (or maybe just crazy) birders across the country embark on a big year, where they try to see as many birds as they can. For some reason, you've decided that this year will be your big year. You'll explore wonderful habitats on a quest to see as many beautiful birds as you can. But whenever you see a bird, word will get out. Anticipate the crowd to see more birds than anyone else!

Birds of a Feather is a fast, friendly, easy to learn card game for 2-7 players.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


NSB Games Inc.


Hull Breach!

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CARDS, DICE, TACTICS, TALES, and HEROES. A Science Fiction Collectable Card Games without an equal. Do you like Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5? Hull Breach! features a unique science fiction world with many of your favorite elements of each.

Hull Breach! is a tactical, operational, and strategic space-combat and logistics card game for two or more players.

Each player has his or her own deck of cards consisting of a Station, ships, modules, Marines, technological breakthroughs, e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR


NSKN Legendary Games

NSKN 0011

Wild Fun West

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In the card game Wild Fun West, players strive to build a small town in the American Wild West, bidding every turn for the building of their choice, be it a Post Office, a Saloon or a Jailhouse. The goal of every player is to construct four out of the six buildings listed on his objective card.

Each turn, players receive money from their professions, then use the money to bid for new professions and to cast votes on the buildings to be added to town. The professions employed by a player influ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR


Numbskull Games

NSG 0001

Loony Bin

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The Looney Bin is an uproarious deduction game with fast action - reaction card play that depicts the occurrences of an insane asylum. Be the first to heal all the patients in your ward. Created by Patrick Stevens. Inspired by the nuts in all our lives. All original art work by Mike Neumann.

ca. 30,00 EUR


Omega Games

OMG 5001

Vanessa Kay's Pin Up Mania

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Your favorite Juggy from TV's Man Show!

From the trampoline of TV's Man Show direct to your gaming table, it's our exciting new card game featuring Vanessa Kay.

Race to be the first to complete a Pin Up of Vanessa and win the game. Collect the cards you need to win or block your opponent's play in this fast paced game.

# Two to four players
# Thirty to forty minute playing time
# Be the first to complete a Pin Up of Vanessa and win!

ca. 24,00 EUR


One Small Step

OSS 19506

Among Nations

z.Zt. vergriffen


A Classic Non-Collectible Card Game
Dan Verssen's card game of economic and political double dealing.

z.Zt. vergriffen

OSS 19801

Hatfields & McCoys

A wargame of the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys. Pieces are individual clan members and some have special abilities. Stills produce moonshine, which can be saved as victory points in case the game ends in a wedding, or consumed to make your pieces riled up to fight more fiercely. Game ends when one side is wiped out, or in a wedding. If a young male clan member of one side fights a young female clan member of the other side who's been skinny-dipping and one whups the other without getting... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


OSS 19802

Main Event Wrestling

A Classic Non-Collectable Card Game
Design wrestlers, win matches, and train hard in this card game adaptation of the TV sensation.

10,00 EUR


OSS 20202

Jaunty Jalopies

Jaunty Jalopies is One Small Step's card game of madcap auto racing in the Roaring 20s. Jaunty Jalopies may be played by two to four Players. Adding another set increases the number of possible Racers to six. The game depicts the danger and hijinks of a fictitious automobile race circuit during the Roaring 20s.

Each Player takes the role of one of several Racers, each with Special Abilities derived from his or her personality, skills, and automobile.

The artwork is black and white photogra... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


OSS 29601


BattleChrome is a card game in which you play a pilot of a powered armor suit on a 21st century battlefield. Two to six people can play. The play is fast-paced and the rules are simple.

You are a Pilot operating a BattleFrame on a Mission. Each Mission takes place in an Arena. The Arena is represented in the game by six Terrain cards. Your skill and options are represented in the game by your hand of Action cards. Action cards are played during the game to affect combat and other game activit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


OSS 40203

Politics as Usual Combo Pack Bundle

Contains both the Politics as Usual base game and the expansion for a reduced price.

Politics as Usual is a wild, multiplayer card game that lets players run the campaigns of their favorite candidates in a bid for the White House. Two to six players each choose his or her favorite candidate, and use slander, edge, and campaign cards to outmaneuver one another to win the important Issues of the Campaign. Each candidate has a unique special power and some political favors that are used to give ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



OSS 20301

Jaunty Jalopies 2 - Motoring Madness

Motoring Madness is the sequel to Jaunty Jalopies, One Small Step's card game of madcap auto racing in the Roaring 20s. Motoring Madness may be played by two to four Players. Adding another set increases the number of possible Racers to six. The game depicts the danger and hijinks of a fictitious automobile race circuit during the Roaring 20s.

Each Player takes the role of one of several Racers, each with Special Abilities derived from his or her personality, skills, sidekick, and automobile.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


Out of the Box

OOB 1869

Snake Oil

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In the Old West, the wily snake oil salesman had a special talent, getting the most skeptical customers to buy the most dubious products. Now it's your turn! Invent your own zany two-word products – Rumor Mirror! Burp Balloon! – and sell them to all types of wacky customers. If the round's customer buys your product, you win!

To set up, each player takes six purple word cards. The customer for the round draws a red customer card and announces it. Inventors quickly combine two purple word ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


OTB 1903

Gavitt's Stock Exchange

Sammlerstück / Rarität


First printed in 1903, GAVITT'S STOCK EXCHANGE rose to become the top selling game in America. This faithful reproduction includes the original rules and marketing literature.

GAVITT'S STOCK EXCHANGE™ is one of the most exciting and popular games ever invented. Deal and trade your cards to corner the railway stock market. Be the first to get all the cards of one railway line, call out "Topeka" and you'll win the hand!

24,00 EUR


OTB 1962


Sammlerstück / Rarität


n Harry's Grand Slam Baseball Game, each player manages a team and plays cards to simulate actual baseball plays. This easy to learn baseball game can be completed in under twenty minutes.

Harry's Grand Slam Baseball is part of the Heirloom Games Series, reintroducing authentic reproductions of great American games.

First printed in 1962, Harry's Grand Slam Baseball is a real hit with game players and baseball enthusiasts alike. This faithful reproduction includes the rules from the origin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


OTB 4321

Fish Eat Fish

In a wave of challenges and bluffs, players compete for control of the sea. Play your cards right, and watch your stack of fish grow. But just when you think you're the big fish... a bigger fish comes along. Gobble up the most fish and you win!

26,00 EUR


OTB 6666

Ship Wrecked

Ein Kartenspiel ums Bieten, Bluffen und Überleben. 24 Bietkarten, 24 Ressourcenkarten, 65 Edelsteine. Deutsche Regel

24,00 EUR


OTB 7720

Apples to Apples - Party Box

z.Zt. vergriffen


Apples to Apples ist das prämierte Karten- und Partnerspiel, das Spaß für vier bis zehn Spieler bietet! Es ist so leicht, wie der Vergleich "Äpfel zu Äpfeln" ... nur den Kasten öffnen, die Karten austeilen und schon ist man bereit zu spielen! Wähle die karte aus deiner Hand, von der du denkst, daß sie am besten die vom dem Richter gespielten Karte beschreibt. Wenn der Richter deine Karte nimmt, gewinnst du diese Runde. Und jeder hat eine Chance, Richter zu sein! Jede Runde ist angefül... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

OTB 7730

Apples to Apples Crate Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen


Apples to Apples ist das prämierte Karten- und Partnerspiel, das Spaß für vier bis zehn Spieler bietet! Es ist so leicht, wie der Vergleich "Äpfel zu Äpfeln" ... nur den Kasten öffnen, die Karten austeilen und schon ist man bereit zu spielen! Wähle die karte aus deiner Hand, von der du denkst, daß sie am besten die vom dem Richter gespielten Karte beschreibt. Wenn der Richter deine Karte nimmt, gewinnst du diese Runde. Und jeder hat eine Chance, Richter zu sein! Jede Runde ist angefül... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

OTB 7777

Apples to Apples

Apples to Apples ist das prämierte Karten- und Partnerspiel, das Spaß für vier bis zehn Spieler bietet! Es ist so leicht, wie der Vergleich "Äpfel zu Äpfeln" ... nur den Kasten öffnen, die Karten austeilen und schon ist man bereit zu spielen! Wähle die karte aus deiner Hand, von der du denkst, daß sie am besten die vom dem Richter gespielten Karte beschreibt. Wenn der Richter deine Karte nimmt, gewinnst du diese Runde. Und jeder hat eine Chance, Richter zu sein! Jede Runde ist angefül... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



OOB 1871

Snake Oil: Party Potion

Bitte vorbestellen


In the Old West, the wily snake oil salesman had a special talent, getting the most skeptical customers to buy the most dubious products. Now it's your turn! Invent your own zany two-word products – Rumor Mirror! Burp Balloon! – and sell them to all types of wacky customers. If the round's customer buys your product, you win!

To set up Snake Oil: Party Potion, each player takes six purple word cards. The customer for the round draws a customer card and announces it. Inventors quickly comb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


OTB 7701

Apples to Apples - CoreGame Expansion Set-1



Each year, new Apples to Apples Expansion Sets add hundreds of additional cards to the Core Game - creating games with infinite laughs and surprises. The hilarious fun continues with thousands of new and outrageous comparisons. Just mix these cards into your Apples to Apples Core Game and your are ready to play.

Contents for Each Set:
216 Red Apple Cards
72 Green Apple Cards
New Rules Variations
Card Tray/Storage Box.

12,00 EUR


OTB 7702

Apples to Apples - CoreGame Expansion Set-2



The second expansion to the popular Apples to Apples game.

The expansion adds:

216 Green Apple cards
72 Red Apple cards
New Rules variations

12,00 EUR


OTB 7703

Apples to Apples - CoreGame Expansion Set-3



The third expansion to the popular Apples to Apples game.

The expansion adds:

216 Green Apple cards
72 Red Apple cards
New Rules variations

12,00 EUR


OTB 7704

Apples to Apples - CoreGame Expansion Set-4



The fourth expansion to the popular Apples to Apples game... "The Special Pairs Edition".

The expansion adds:

216 Green Apple "Pairs" cards
72 Red Apple "Pairs" cards
New Rules variations

12,00 EUR


Over the Edge Games

OTE 001

You Go To Hell!

Ziel des Spiels: Alle Mitspieler 'in die Hölle' zu schicken, während man selbst dies zuverhindern sucht. Jeder Spieler, der '100 Black Marks' erhält, geht 'zur Hölle' und ist aus dem Spiel. Der letzte, der übrig bleibt, gewinnt das Spiel. 120 Spielkarten Für 3-6 Spieler, ab 14 Jahren, Dauer des Spiels: 20-30 Minuten.

24,00 EUR


OTE 002

Who Really Has the Huevos

Ziel des Spiels ist es, jeden zu überzeugen, daß man wirklich das Huevos hat. Nachdem man einmal den Kartenstapel durchgespielt hat, wird der Spieler mit den meisten 'Huevos-Punkten' zum SIEGER erklärt. 120 Spielkarten Für 3-6 Spieler, ab 14 Jahren, Dauer des Spiels: 20-30 Minuten.

24,00 EUR


OTE 003

Pimps & Hos

Ziel des Spiels: der erste Kuppler oder Madame zu sein, der/die $5.000 verdient und das Recht erwirbt, zum Sieger erklärt zu werden. 120 Spielkarten Für 3-6 Spieler, ab 14 Jahren, Dauer des Spiels: 20-30 Minuten.

24,00 EUR


Overworld Games

OWG 0402

New Salem, 2nd Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen


Due to the rising tide of witchcraft that is threatening to overtake the burgeoning town of New Salem, the founders have elected a Constable to help mediate the situation. Because it is feared witches may have infiltrated the founding group, the Constable will rotate among them to avoid any witch getting too much power.

The 2nd Edition includes The Constable expansion. The Constable will be in charge of triggering the plentiful array of new events that have become available, such as Seance, P... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

OWG 0501

Booze Barons

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Booze Barons is a quick, team-based hidden identity and deduction game set during U.S. Prohibition where you are bootlegging a particular type of booze and secretly delivering it to speakeasies all over the city. Each time you make a delivery, you get a coin, but also reveal information about the type of booze you are bootlegging. Expose bootleggers of opposing mobs and help those who are in your mob since the mob with the most coins at the end wins!

ca. 40,00 EUR


Paizo Publishing

PZP ????


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Four Score and Seven Yetis Ago…

On the bloody fields of Pennsylvania in 1863, two great armies collided to decide the fate of a nation. The South rose, and the North responded with fervent mettle.

At the forefront of the battle stood the mighty Yetis, white-furred giants imported from the wilds of Canada to shred the opposing front lines. The great generals strode through the battle lines, engineering the destruction of the opposing forces while powerful mastodons hurled bombs into the f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


Pandasaurus Games

PAN 202002

The Mind - Extreme

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The Mind Extreme functions like The Mind, with players trying to play cards from their hand in ascending order — without consulting one another! — so that they can complete a certain number of levels and win. The higher the level, the more cards you have in hand, giving you more to juggle, but also more information to use during play.

The Mind Extreme offers a more complex challenge as now instead of a deck of cards from 1-100, you have two decks each numbered 1-50. Now you'll have two di... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR



Spirits of the Forest

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Once an age, a mythic wind lifts the veil between the spirit world and ours. Whimsical seraphs, drawn to the vigor of an ancient forest, descend through clouds to once again take up their centennial game. You are one of these seraphs – a being of great power and curiosity. The life of the forest fascinates you, and you eagerly gather plant, animal, and sprite alike to add to your mystical menagerie. But beware, for you are not alone. Other beings just like yourself contest to collect the life ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



The Mind

The Mind is more than just a game. It's an experiment, a journey, a team experience in which you can't exchange information, yet will become one to defeat all the levels of the game.

In more detail, the deck contains cards numbered 1-100, and during the game you try to complete 12, 10, or 8 levels of play with 2, 3, or 4 players. In a level, each player receives a hand of cards equal to the number of the level: one card in level 1, two cards in level 2, etc. Collectively you must play these c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Pegasus Press

PEG 17200

My Dwarves fly

Gold" - even in a whisper, the word is heard in the entire mountain.
"Gold" - it awakens even the deepest sleepers.
"Gold" has them all in a great flurry.

And you want to have it, too, the fabled treasure of the Red Mountain - but you won't get it for free! You need to enlist creatures to help secure your share. For you have rivals, others who are deluded enough to believe they also have some right to the treasure. Well, they are wrong: this is your treasure - and yours alone! You will have... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PPV 01127


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The year is 1892. The bank at Repentance Springs has been robbed. Many good citizens, including Sheriff Anton Dreyfus and school-marm Sue Daggett, were brutally slain as the gang shot its way, whooping and hollering, out of town. Colonel Ned McReady and his men are tasked with bringing Jack Colty - a man so mean he’d steal a fly from a blind spider, or a coin off a dead man’s eyes - and his gang to justice. • perfectly thematically balanced card game set in the Wild West
• each player h... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


PPV 01205

Revolver 2

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In 1894, farmers from the small village of Malpaso face the prospect of again losing their livelihood to a band of roving thieves, led by the self-styled General Mapache - himself wanted by the Mexican National Defense Army. Their solution is to go to the much admired, but fallen from grace, ‘Padre’ Esteban, and see if he can hire gunfighters to protect them.
Revolver 2 is a two-player card game set in the Old West, in which one player takes the role of General Mapache and his band of thiev... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


PPV 18280G


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Die Kunst zu bluffen wird bei Elements groß geschrieben – und das mit äußerst kleinem Regelaufwand: In jeder Runde können die Spieler eine ihrer Handkarten mit den Werten 1-6 in die Tischmitte spielen, eine Karte aus der Mitte vor sich auslegen oder eine 6 aus ihrer Hand aus dem Spiel nehmen. Wer glaubt, die Summe seiner Kartenwerte in Hand und Auslage sei dem in der Tischmitte ausreichend nah, klopft, um seine Karten mit denen des Gegners zu vergleichen. Wer den höheren Kartenwert hat, o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


PPV 19004


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The player pirates are under attack in Hook, and they need to use their three sighting cards — square cards with holes in them — to determine where to fire their cannonballs in retaliation. Try to spot parrots and rum through the holes, while not letting a cannonball hit you!

ca. 16,00 EUR


Pencil First Games, LLC.



In Herbaceous, herb collectors compete to grow and store the most valuable medley of herbs. Everyone starts with four containers, each of which allows a different grouping action:

Group herbs of same type
Group different types
Group pairs
Group any three types (same or different)
On your turn, you draw an herb, then decide to either keep it in your personal collection or put in into the communal pile. If kept, the next card goes to the communal pile; if placed in the communal pile, the ne... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Herbaceous Sprouts

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Unwind while enjoying this beautiful and thoughtful game of collecting seeds, using garden tools, and growing herb and flower sprouts.

ca. 40,00 EUR


Pendragon Game Studio


Heart of Crown

They were tough times, the days when swords and magic still ruled the world. A long, destructive war had ended, and the entire continent had been unified. Before the empire's subjects had even come to know peace, however, their great emperor fell victim to disease, having never declared a successor...

We must not return to that war-torn world! Thankfully you are an influential figure in the empire. Quickly lay claim to the throne and ensure the rock-solid unity and peace of the continent. Tho... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



Kemomimi Panic

The players are citizens threatened by the vicious thief Crescent Moon. Through talking, bluffing and special abilities, you must find out which of them is the culprit. Will Crescent Moon manage to steal everyone's treasures before she is unmasked?

Kemomimi Panic is a conversation-based deduction game in which all players take the role of a beast-eared human, but the master thief Crescent Moon lurks among them, aiming to steal every player's treasure before the civilians can reveal her.

24,00 EUR




Heart of Crown: Far East Territory

Heart of Crown: Far East Territory, the first expansion for Heart of Crown, requires either the base game or the Fairy Garden expansion to play, and it may be integrated with other Heart of Crown expansions.

The set contains 72 cards:
1 new Princess Card: Ouka, Far East Mathematician Princess
12 new types of Common Card (5 of each type)
1 Revised version of Princess Flamaria from the base game
2 types of Revised Common Cards from the base game with updated text, Charm Witch and Royal Purv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Penny Arcade


Penny Arcade: Paint the Line: Red Tide

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“In 1976, as the specter of nuclear war loomed worldwide, the UN Security Council introduced Resolution 501. Known as the Table-Tennis Accords, it decreed that all conflict between nations be resolved through the dialect of Ping-Pong. When Chinese terrorists struck down the US Table Tennis Team in 1979, a rag-tag band of students was forced to play in their stead. Lead by rivals Johnathan Gabriel and Tycho Brahe, they were victorious – but not unharmed. Now, in 1984, the Russian Bear has beg... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


Phalanx Games Polska

PGP 0012

CLASH: Jihad vs. McWorld

CLASH: Jihad vs. McWorld is a two-player logic game. Both players start the game with a set of seven tiles. During the game, they can also use five neutral tiles, randomly selected from a stack of 17, which adds variation to each game. Each tile shows a different Person/Event and has a different power. The players take turns placing tiles on the 3x3 square playing board. Each tile placed will either turn, destroy, or move one or more of the tiles already on the board. Whoever has the most tiles ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Pillbox Games

PiBG 00004

Side Effects

Drug use, personal demons, wild episodes, and more. Side Effects is a "take that" card game where players race to treat all the diseases in their psyche with medication and therapy.

Players start with four disease cards dealt face up in front of them (their "psyche") and then four cards in a concealed hand. Players take turns picking up cards from the deck and trying to find the right drugs to treat their diseases. A drug card will treat a disease but also leave the player open to receiving n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR




You are a wealthy mogul trying to influence the next presidential election for your own gain. Win by being the first to secure a solid block of voters of either party. You decide how corrupt to be.

Every player is dealt seven cards and can place three voter cards face up in front of them (creating a voter map) each turn. Depending on how many players, you'll need at least three voters in three regions, all of the same political affiliation, on your map to win (undecided voters are wild).

P... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Pinnacle Entertainment

S2P 20002

Sticks & Stones Card Game

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Sticks & Stones: A Prehistoric Card Game That Will Leave You Speechless

You are at the Dawn of Humanity, struggling for survival and dominance in the land of Lur. Granted, a mighty Dino sapiens warrior might not have to struggle hard to beat a puny Homo sapiens cave nerd, but that's the breaks. Assemble your Clan of Homo sapiens, Dino sapiens, Neanderthals, or Troglodytes. To win, you'll have to use everything you've got: shamanic powers, mighty beasts, brutal weapons, cunning inventions, shi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


Placebo Press


Trailer Park Gods

A game for 3-6 players

Oh, how the mighty have fallen... Once you were a god, but now you barely rate Court Captain. The trailer parks are a cruel place to spend eternity, but if you can gather enozgh followers, raise your social standing, and beat down all who stand in your way, then maybe, just maybe you can be a god again.

10,00 EUR


PPS 007


Es kann nur einen geben... einen Dingus natürlich! In diesem witzigen Kartenspiel für 2-6 Spieler geht es nicht darum, zu gewinnen, sondern darum, nicht als einziger zu verlieren. Denn der Einzige wird der Wahre sein... der Dingus!

10,00 EUR


PPS 008

Formula C

Heiße Go-Cart-Rennen zwischen alten Veteranen, die mit allen Wassern gewaschen sind. In diesem witzigen Rennspiel konkurrieren alte Rennhasen mit dreckigen Tricks darum, das Rennen auf einer Go-Cart-Bahn zu gewinnen. Jede Menge Überrschungskarten erlauben witzige Tricks und haarsträbende Manöver. Und wenn die Fahrer nichts getrunken hätten, wäre alles vermutlich noch viel leichter...

10,00 EUR


PPS 009

Ebola Monkey Hunt 3rd Edition

Ebola Monkey Hunt ist ein Spiel für drei bis sechs Spieler. Die Aufgabe besteht darin, von Ebola infizierte Affen einzufangen. Doch Achtung, die Mitspieler haben das gleiche vor. Und jeder ist mit Tranquilizerpfeilen und anderen netten Überraschungen ausgerüstet.

18,00 EUR


Playroom Entertainment

PLE 10100

David & Goliath

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The Game Where SIZE Doesn't Matter!

Who will win this battle of strength and wits? "Goliath" (highest) cards are stronger and can capture more cards, but by cleverly playing the "David" (lowest) card, it allows you to take the highest card in that trick. Capture cards and increase your score, but more is not always merrier!

The twist in David & Goliath is that each card is worth its face value, up to two cards per color. If you have more than two per color, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


PLE 11100


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The Card Player's Card Game!

In Strata-gem, players strategically form a 3 x 3 grid with the best combinations of cards to score the most points, using cards with the same type of gems, same number of gems or gem cards that form a numeric straight.

A player may overlap as often as they want, but at the end of the game, points are scored horizontally, vertically and diagonally in the grid. But don't get your precious jewels snatched away, when opponents att... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


PLE 12100


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The Quick Slappin' Color Matchin' Game!

Collide-O! is a fast-slapping, color-colliding frenzy of fun!

Players race to rid their stockpiles of cards by slapping down matching colors as fast as they can - but in Collide-O!, you not only have to match one color, but two - and in the right order! The whole family will go crazy for this game with a Kaleidoscope of high-flying colors!

90 Playing Cards
Instructions in Englis... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


PLE 13100

Space Shuffle

The Strategic Game of Astronomical Proportions!

In Space Shuffle, form Solar Systems and collect points in a game that is truly
out of this world! As you place the planets in their correct galactic order, you will gain points depending on the planet's color and the other colors within that Solar System.

But keep your eye towards the sky, as other players will also score points if they are the
Space Commander of that certain color.
So choose wisely as you align the planets in this spa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


PLE 14100

Reiner Knizia's Poison

The mad doctor has cooked up something evil in Reiner Knizia's Poison, a clever strategy card game. Players choose a potion card from their hand to add to one of three colored cauldrons, being careful not to let the pot go over a total value of 13. The player who causes the cauldron to go over 13 must take all of the cards within it, trying to avoid taking a potion mixed with poison. Be the player with either the most or none of any potion and you're safe - otherwise take the risk of rec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


PLE 16100

Sitting Ducks Gallery

z.Zt. vergriffen

  A Quacky Card Game by Keith Meyers No duck is safe in Sitting Ducks Gallery, where the object is to maneuver your ducks down the row and avoid getting in the line of fire! Get your ducks out of the water before feathers start flying, because cards can target, shoot, or move the line in various ways! If your birds of a feather can stick together and keep from getting hit, you could be the last Sitting Duck in the lake! * For 3 to 6 Players * Ages 10 to Adult ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

PLE 19100

Bull in a China Shop

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  Don't let the bull break your precious china! Each player is trying to acquire the most china for their shop, but it's only a matter of time before the bull comes running through. All players buy china in different colors, but soon your money runs out. The only way to get more money is to let a bull shop in your store, but he will destroy some of the valuables? You can't avoid the bulls forever, so the trick is to make sure you don't have what they are looking for, while sending them over to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


PLE 22001

Dead Man's Treasure

A Game of Buccaneers and Buried Gold

In Dead Man's Treasure, players compete to gain the most valuable treasure on a chain of six islands. Deploy your crew secretly to the islands in your quest for the loot, but watch out for booby traps, lest you find yourself on the bottom of the briny deep.
It's strategy and terror on the high seas as you seek out the Dead Man's Treasure!

Who will lift the most valuable treasure chests?

Generations of seafarers have spent their time searching fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PLE 24100

Knights of Charlemagne

A Game of Conquest and Glory by Reiner Knizia

The forces of Charles the Great are yours to command in Knights of Charlemagne.
Deploy knights to the various estate, taking control from your opponenets.
Only certain knights can be played to each estate, but be careful not to spread your
forces too thinly, or you will become overpowered.

Timing, strategy, and resource management all come together in this knightly game, as every move you make brings you closer to earning everlasting glor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


PLE 24300

King of the Beasts

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A Royal Card Game by Reiner Knizia

The mythological animals are battling to see who is the ultimate King of the Beasts. The dragon is the largest, the kraken is the strongest, the unicorn is the most enchanting, and the manticore and the gryphon are powerful in their own rights. Even the tiny fire salamander wants to be King! But who will win the most votes?
Gain as many points as possible by nominating animals to be King, while still keeping some of the cards for your score pile. Once a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PLE 24400

Mother Sheep

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A Fence-Building Strategy Game for the Whole Flock!

They're cute, they're fluffy, and they're on the loose! Be the first player to fence in Mother Sheep's flock in this exciting game of family fun. Each player must make the best use of the color-coded fences as they try to corral all five sheep on their list. But you must pay close attention, because in Mother Sheep, other players may need to fence in some of the same sheep as you. Will you fence in your sheep the fastest?

*For 2 to 6... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PLE 24500

Top Dogs

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A Dog-Eat-Dog Card Game by Maureen Hiron

Mush! It's dog sledding time! Welcome to Alaska, where your team of dogs led by the Musher of your choice is ready to compete in the Iditarod.

In Top Dogs, players must pick their best combinations of dogs to form the strongest team to compete for each race and win the trophies of different values. But, other players have the same dogs to choose from and the competition can become sneaky!

As soon as each player has chosen their team, each set of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PLE 24600


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The Card Player's Card Game!
In Strata-gem, players strategically form a 3 x 3 grid with the best combinations of cards to score the most points, using cards with the same type of gems, same number of gems or gem cards that form a numeric straight. A player may overlap as often as they want, but at the end of the game, points are scored horizontally, vertically and diagonally in the grid.

But don't get your precious jewels snatched away, when opponents attempt to sabotage you with their Gem... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PLE 24700

Fast Figure

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The Race-to-Place Game of Quick Answers!

It's not what you know, it's how fast you know it in this high-speed game of number placement. Players "race-to-place" common knowledge cards in numerical order to gain the most points. All questions have a number answer, and each round gets increasingly difficult as more numbers go down in the line. Was the number of stars on the U.S. Flag during the attack on Pearl Harbor less than the number of times Princess Diana appeared on the cover of Peop... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PLE 24800

Tip the Scale

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Perfect Your Balancing Act or Everything Will Pile Up in Your Hand!

Test your balancing ability with this fun and fast-paced game where you must balance "Tipsy, the Scale" with various objects in your hand! Add a Bowling Ball to one side - a Bushel of Apples and a Rooster to the other to equal 11 pounds on each side! Balance the objects and collect the cards, or otherwise add an object and let the next player try. But watch out for the "Tip the Scale" card that will tip all of the cards ba... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


PLE 26100

Unspeakable Words

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Decode the ancient secrets of R'lyeh by forming words with the letters you find in this sanity-sapping letter game. The more angles that appear in the words, the greater their mystical value, but beware! For each word that is created, you must roll a sanity check against its value to see if the word's power drives you mad!

endgültig vergriffen

PLE 26100

Unspeakable Words

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Decode the ancient secrets of R'lyeh by forming words with the letters you find in this sanity-sapping letter game. The more angles that appear in the words, the greater their mystical value, but beware! For each word that is created, you must roll a sanity check against its value to see if the word's power drives you mad!

ca. 20,00 EUR


PLE 71100

Catch The Match

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The Eye-Catching Visual "Pair"-ception Game!

Catch the Match is an eye-catching, pattern recognition game. There are 15 cards that each have the same 15 objects. Each object is different and is in different colors and various locations on the cards. Any two cards always have one (and only one) object that is exactly identical in color.

All players play at the same time. Be the first to find this pair and say the name of the object and point it out. If correct, the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


PLE 72100

Gopher It!

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The Stockpiling Game of Pushing the Limits!

Each player is gathering a stock for the wintertime. The goal is to collect exactly six apples or exactly six carrots or exactly six nuts and to place them face up for safe storage. Each player who does this receives a card with a Gopher Trophy. But, while searching, players shouldn't get too greedy. If a player collects the same food twice in a row, that player will lose all the cards that are stored. Whoever gets 3 Gopher Trophie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


PLE 73100

Right Turn, Left Turn

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The Silly Game of Changing Directions!

There are 7 Traffic Officer cards that are arranged in a circle on the table. Players will see the Officer either from the front or from the back. When playing the game, (starting from one Officer) 3 directions must be followed - sometimes they go to the left, sometimes to the right. The challenge is to figure out which way is left or right from the Officer's point of view. This is determined by noticing which way the Officer is facing,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


PLE 74100


The Game Where Memory and Deduction are "Elementary"!

As Sherlock goes around and searches the clues, every player tries to remember each of the eight objects hidden in a facedown circle of cards. Then, Sherlock travels from one card to another. Each time Sherlock stops at a facedown card, the player has to remember which object is on that card. Sherlock continues to move, as long as the player guesses correctly. If Sherlock travels to a face-up card, then the player gets to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


PLE 82100

Cosmic Cows

z.Zt. vergriffen


Unique Tug-of-War Gameplay

It's time for the Annual Extraterrestrial Cow-Pulling Contest, and aliens from all over the galaxy have come to watch the event! Go head to head with your cross-cosmos rival to see who can abduct three Cosmic Cows first!

The player that pulls three cows into their Danger Zone wins in this dicey game of alien tug-of-war!

# Unique Tug-of-War gameplay
# Strategic Evaluation of Choices
# Based on the Classic Yacht Game

# Gameboard
# 10 D... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

PLE 83100


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"Catch a wave in Cowabunga!, the brand-new card game of Surfin' Steer and ups and downs! Ride high on the wave, dodging obstacles as you play number cards to raise or lower the water level. If you can finish the game with the least amount of wipeouts, you'll be the big Cow-huna!"

ca. 20,00 EUR


PLE 92100

Chiamo !

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Italian Strategy Game of Excitement and Betrayal

Chiamo! is a strategic trick-taking game designed for 3 players, where your partner changes round to round! Those who dare to face the other two players call out “Chiamo!” (I call). The high bidder leads, while the other two players team up to stop him from winning enough points to take the hand. With a fun and unique Italian suited deck, Chiamo! will make you exclaim, “Mamamia!” each time the partners change.

Chiamo! ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Pleasant Company Games

PCG 0010

The Dead Eye

Assume the role of a lone thermo-bandit downed on a hostile backwater planet. Your mission? Find the next safe haven before you lose all hope and strength… and maybe, just maybe, find a way off of this desolate rock. Face dangerous encounters, salvage useful parts and reach further.
The Dead Eye is an adventure card game for one player, from the creators of Ancient Terrible Things.
Cards in The Dead Eye represent Encounters that can have one of two Outcomes: Good or Bad. A Bad Outcome is tr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


PCG 0011

The Dead Eye Deluxe

Hot Seller


Buckle up your Rad Suit.
Fire up the Rig.
Beware the Tox.

The Dead Eye is an adventure card game for one player.

Assume the role of a lone thermo-bandit downed on a hostile backwater planet.
Your mission? Find the next safe haven before you lose all hope and strength… and maybe, just maybe, find a way off of this desolate rock.

Cards in The Dead Eye represent Encounters that can have one of two Outcomes: Good or Bad. A Bad Outcome is triggered by a buildup of dangerous Heat while a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR



Ancient Terrible Things (2nd Edition)

z.Zt. vergriffen


In Ancient Terrible Things, a pulp horror adventure game for 2-4 players, you play the role of an intrepid adventurer, exploring a dark jungle river. Each turn you must travel to a Fateful Location, face an Ominous Encounter, and attempt to unlock its Ancient Secrets. If you succeed (using a combination of dice, tokens and cards), you add the Secrets to your score; if you fail, you unleash a Terrible Thing, which counts against your score at the end of the game. The object of the game is to be t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Snowblind: Race for the Pole

Hot Seller


Snowblind is a press-your-luck and risk-management dice game in which 1-4 players take control of a polar expedition, racing to be the first to return from the South Pole.

The object of the game is to collect the most prestige points. The further you advance your Captain, and the more men who survive the Antarctic winter at the end of the game, the more prestige your expedition receives. This requires careful management of crates, food and camps: without supplies, your explorers will not surv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR




Ancient Terrible Things: Lost Charter

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Ancient Terrible Things: The Lost Charter is a travel expansion pack for the pulp horror dice game Ancient Terrible Things. The expansion includes 54 new cards, including new Encounter card types, Achievements, Feat and Swag, Character Obsessions, travel-ready Location cards, 3 Revelation dice, and a full colour rulebook with details of travel set-up, new card effects and rules for solo play and 5-player game. The expansion comes in a compact travel-friendly box with a raised dice-roller platfor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


Pleiades Games



Team up with your Clowder to escape the Catacombs and prevent the Cataclysm!

They call me Percival, scholar, dignitary, mystic. I need your help. My studies show that the Cataclysm is approaching. I've been silenced as I beg others to heed my warnings. Luckily I have found a way to stop the Cataclysm. Beneath our very paws is an extensive network of Catacombs, filled with the souls of the mightiest cats before us. I need nine souls from deep within the Catacombs. I would fetch them myself, b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR






Ganz leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Schachteldeckel hat eine kleine Beule unten links (ausbügelbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Very slight damage to the box - box lid has a small dent at the bottom left (can be ironed out).
Contents impeccable! - Still shrink wrapped!

Team up with your Clowder to escape the Catacombs and prevent the Cataclysm!

They call me Percival, scholar, dignitary, mystic. I need your help. My studies show that the Cataclysm is approaching. I've... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


Portal Games

POR 00347

Tides of Time

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Players will be playing ancient civilizations as they change and dissapear through time. From times long forgotten to times forgotten still, civilizations will rise and fall as the tide of time carries them.
The game includes 18 Dixit-size cards (120x80 mm) and 1 additional card as a player aid.
Our edition will also have a notepad and a pencil.

14,00 EUR



Dune: House Secrets

Arrakis, the planet of spice and endless sand at the far end of the Imperium, is filled with intrigue, conflict, and war. On the infamous planet of Dune, you find yourself between two Great Houses. The sinister House Harkonnen schemes for power and profit, while those loyal to House Atreides rally a rebellion among the native inhabitants long suppressed under Harkonnen rule.

Dune: House Secrets is a cooperative story-driven game in which you join the resistance against House Harkonnen! Experi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



Tides of Madness

Tides of Madness is a sequel to Tides of Time and features gameplay similar to that design. Tides of Time is a drafting game for two players. Each game consists of three rounds in which players draft cards from their hands to build their kingdom. Each card is one of five suits and also has a scoring objective.

After all cards have been drafted for the round, players total their points based on the suits of cards they collected and the scoring objectives on each card, then they record their sc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Posthuman Studios

PHS 90000

Shinobi Clans

Sammlerstück / Rarität


As a ruthless and cunning shinobi clan master, you lead your team of ninjas on secret missions that decide between life and death for dangerous ronin, noble daimyos and powerful shoguns. Recruit the most skilled assassins, arm them with the deadliest weapons, and devise plans that will outwit your rivals on your way to becoming the most feared and prosperous ninja clan of them all!

Shinobi Clans is a strategic card game for 3-5 players. As ninja clan leaders, players must master all facets of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Prolific Games

PLG 0100

Flapjacks & Sasquatches

Bitte vorbestellen


Take off to the Great White North where you will use your axe and your wits to get ahead of fellow lumberjacks. You may get a boost from some Flapjacks or be slowed by Blisters, but always be wary of the dreaded Sasquatch! If you can chop your way to the top, you will be named the Iron Jack! Includes 136 cards, 5 dice, 25 markers and rules—all in a convenient set top box.

ca. 26,00 EUR


PLG 0500

Cultists & Cthulhu

Sammlerstück / Rarität


It's hard being a cult leader. Your underlings are incompetent, madness is eminent and a good sacrifice is hard to find. If you can avoid your competitors tricks and stave off insanity maybe the stars will align and you will summon an old one.

Cultists & Cthulhu is an fast, humorous, "take that" style card game in which you want to complete the Ritual card in front of you. The card has both a Success value and a Ritual value; using Cultists cards, you roll dice to try to meet or exceed the Su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


PLG 0700

Witch Slapped

In Witch Slapped, you are an evil witch looking to set up your gingerbread house in a dark forest and start gobbling up local children. Upon arrival, you discover some other witches have had the same idea. Now it is time to throw down and do a little magic to claim the forest as your own. If those other witches won't leave, they are going to get witch slapped!

Each player chooses a witch and is given nine lives. Next they are dealt five spell cards for their hand and one spell card face down.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Punch-It Entertainment LLC

PIE 0001

Battle for Sularia - The Battle Begins

Hot Seller


Welcome Battle Commanders! The future of your faction's survival is depending on you! Gain influence and expand your forces to strategically defeat the opposing faction. You win the battle when you reduce your opponent’s health to zero. However, a Battle Commander must be cautious if their opponent is off-initiative. Since Battle for Sularia is a round-based card game, if your opponent is off-initiative, they have the chance to strike back and reduce your health total below theirs and thereby ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



PIE 0002

Battle for Sularia - Blood, Profit, and Glory

Blood, Profit, and Glory is the first expansion for one of the most strategic and visually stunning card games of the year – Battle for Sularia! This new command pack expansion features exciting new Mercenary allies with amazing never before seen abilities that will challenge the mightiest Jotune warriors and lethal Synthien drones alike.

Introducing 3 NEW keywords! – BOUNTY, QUICK, and BERSERKER. In addition to these powerful keywords, we have also added our first characteristic, known a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Purple Meeple Games

PMP 2101

Cultistorm Face2Face

Bitte vorbestellen


(Keine Produktbeschreibung vorhanden/Stand 12.12.19)

ca. 18,00 EUR


Quick Simple Fun Games



Everyone needs a ROBiT! These tiny robots are the perfect companions. They can cook, they can clean, and they can even be a friend when you're feeling down. The only thing they can't do is put themselves together.

That's where you come in. As the brightest and newest employee at ROBiTs Inc., you get to roll up your sleeves and build the best ROBiT you can. Pick parts from the assembly line as it goes by, put them together how you like, and send your ROBiT off into the world to be adopted!

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


QSFG 177604

Veggie Garden

In Veggie Garden, 2-4 players are trying to grow the best vegetables in a short amount of time — but it won't be easy as other players will be fighting for space in the garden, and the pesky groundhog and mischievous bunny will be popping up at every turn!

20,00 EUR


QSFG 177613


Where will your muse guide you?

Lead your teammates to inspiration using cryptic clues and surreal imagery in Muse, a beautiful party game with over one hundred fully-illustrated cards.

Play cooperatively at lower player counts, or divide into teams for competitive play with four or more at the table — the game is played the same either way! As a muse, you need to be creative to give the right clue within the constraints of the inspiration card you've been dealt, hoping to lead your team... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


QSFG 177636

Muse: Awakenings

Muse: Awakenings is a standalone game that can be played as its own complete experience, or as an expansion to elevate the Muse base set to new heights!

Play cooperatively at lower player counts, or divide into teams for competitive play with four or more at the table — the game is played the same either way! As a muse, you need to be creative to give the right clue within the constraints of the inspiration card you've been dealt, hoping to lead your team to their masterpiece. As artists, y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


QSFG 177655

Muse: Renaissance

Muse: Renaissance is a stand-alone expansion for Muse and Muse: Awakenings featuring 84 additional and unique Masterpiece cards. This version can be played alone or added as an expansion to Muse and/or Muse: Awakenings.

Muse: Renaissance also has an all-new individual scoring system which opens up more options for playing. Enjoy a new game, or play the classic party style, it’s up to you!

30,00 EUR




Moons is a trick-taking card game in which suits are represented by different planets in our solar system, and card ranks are represented by the moons that orbit them.

Set Up
Separate all the planet tokens and place them off to one side of the table within reach of the players. (Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus)
Remove all the scoring reference cards and give one to each player. Put any extra reference cards back in the box.
Shuffle all the small Asteroid cards and deal two to each play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Quined Games



The year is 1252 and the great Kublai Khan has decided to build his summer palace. He has searched for the best architects who are looking to win fame and prestige — and sometimes you have to harm other architects' prestige to step forward...

Xanadú is a highly interactive card game for 2 to 5 players. Cards can be buildings with four squares of available resources that can be used by any player (including the owner of the card). To be able to retrieve and use those resources, the players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


In Counterfeiters, players take on the title role, printing fake bills and exchanging them for the real thing. The Godfather can help them avoid the police, but his protection comes at a cost. The game ends when the police complete their investigations into the counterfeiting industry, and the player with the most real (i.e., non-counterfeit) money wins!

The game is situated in Miami, Florida and lets players compete to be the best counterfeiter. Players assume the role of anthropomorphic fig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


R & R Games

R&R 00820

Covert Action

Bitte vorbestellen


Two or three opposing teams of Covert Operatives are trying to steal the plans for a nuclear submarine. Each team must first eliminate the other team in order to steal the plans. Who will you trust? Has your team been infiltrated by a Mole working for the other side? Who should you shoot? Who will pull the trigger first? Act fast to get them... before they get you!

For 4-14 players

ca. 6,00 EUR


R&R 0457


Bitte vorbestellen


Legend speaks of the enchanted Sapphire Island. Shrouded in mist and magic, the island summons mages to battle in the ultimate test of magical combat — but only those who survive the supernatural duels are granted great prestige and riches.

Spellcaster is a card game pitting two to four mages in a duel of supremacy. You win by exhausting your opponent's energies or by collecting enough sorcery sapphires to overpower them. Sixty different spells are included from four fields of study: Comb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


RNR 810

Birds, Bugs & Beans

It's a party in the jungle and you're invited! Everyone starts with a stack of animal cards and simultaneously tosses a random card into the center. You're trying to catch all the animals... but you have to be quick. Whenever a Bird, Bug or Bean shows up you have to act fast! You've got to tweet for the Birds, clap or slap the Bugs and toot for the Beans. First player to react catches all the animals in the pile! Whoever catches the most animals wins!

It's a hilarious wild time as everyone t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


RNR 930


3-6 Mitspieler. Kartenspiel um Intrige und Rebellion!

14,00 EUR


RNR 945

Riddles & Riches

Eine reichhaltige Schatzsuche in einem riesigen Haus, um alle Hinweise zusammenzubekommen, mit denen der Spieler dann sein Erbe antreten kann. Für 2-6 Spieler.

20,00 EUR


RNR 975

Time's Up

The fast paced game of multiple personalities! Für 4 oder mehr Spieler. Ab 12 Jahren.

20,00 EUR


Randomskill Games

RSG 0001


Bitte vorbestellen


You have been thrust into the world of airline booking, and tasked with managing competing airlines. You have to satisfy each passenger's different needs to score prestige for your airline. Book too few passengers, and you may not be able to fill your flight. Book too many, however, and some passengers will obviously be really unhappy.

In a turn, you pick a passenger card with the orientation, quantity and type (colour) of passengers depicted on the card. You, then, seat the passengers onto t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


RSG 001

Heroes of Tenefyr

Bitte vorbestellen


The village of Tenefyr is a bastion of light in a valley surrounded by darkness and countless evil creatures. But the many dungeons that litter the mountainsides aren't the only source of danger. Something more terrible is planning an attack on the village. Will you be one of the heroes that saves Tenefyr?

Heroes of Tenefyr is a fully cooperative deck-building game for 1 to 4 players. You represent one of the four heroes and start out inexperienced, but with a unique skill card. As you fight ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR


RSG 0010

Lawless Empire

Bitte vorbestellen


A game of Lawless Empire transports you to the seedy underworld, where you walk in the shoes of a Mafioso, vices and all.

Using the unique dice mechanics of the game, you will scheme, bribe, extort, recruit, and command syndicates in order to fulfil your persona agenda, winning only if you meet more conditions stated on your hidden Mafioso card than other players by the end of 5 rounds.

There are many paths to victory; strategise by building your empire with filthy lucre, or recruit vario... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR



RSG 0011

Lawless Invasion

Lawless Invasion is the expansion set that will be bundled together with the base set in the Kickstarter campaign. The plot unfolds against the backdrop of an invasion of the city of Scarpizo by a new Yakuza clan that has the intention of taking over all of Scarpizo's vices.

Lawless Invasion features 8 new soldati and 8 new scheme cards to increase the re-playability of the base set.
In addition, it comes together with an infusion of Japanese artwork to immerse gamers in a gang war of epic... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Rather Dashing Games


Graveyards Ghosts & Haunted Houses

In this strategically spooky tile game, players try to haunt the largest area of the graveyard with their chosen ghost. Action icons allow tiles to move, so lock them down with your haunted house and meddling kids tokens for extra points. Use the gravestones and Paranormal Investigators to hamper your opponents. Graveyards, Ghosts & Haunted Houses will have you twisting, swapping, blocking and locking your way to victory!

This game is the sequel to Pirates, Ninjas, Robots & Zombies and is the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



Pirates Ninjas Robots and Zombies

Hot Seller


The question that has bewildered evil masterminds and superheroes alike can at last be answered: Who would triumph in a face-off between pirates, ninjas, robots, or zombies?

In the tactical tile-laying game Pirates, Ninjas, Robots, & Zombies, players attempt to settle the debate once and for all by assembling the highest scoring section of your chosen faction. Each player starts with a base token in hand for their faction along with three other tiles from the 58 included in the game.

On a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



Red Hot Silly Peppers

Bitte vorbestellen


It's time to make salsa! But will you have the ingredients needed to make a salsa bowl that suits a customer's order...

In Red Hot Silly Peppers, players have a hand of four pepper and fruit cards from a deck of 64. The pepper cards have varying degrees of heat depending on which pepper they feature (+5 to +30), while the fruit cards reduce the heat in a salsa (-5 to -20). Your goal is to create a "salsa bowl" by playing two or more cards from your hand that collectively match the "heat" of t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



X Marks the Spot

In X Marks the Spot, players are pirates who aren't searching for treasure marked by an X, but rather trying to place that X themselves.

Each player starts the game with three gold(ish) doubloons and a hand of four cards; most cards are divided into two sections, with the sections indicating one of four pirate icons, open water, a ghost ship or a kraken. Some cards contain actions – e.g., cannon, plunder – that can be played against an opponent.

On a turn, a player draws two cards, the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Ravensburger Spieleverlag

RAV 1925

Pusheen the Cat Perrfect Pick Card Game

Gather friends and collect other essentials fromPusheens house to create meowgical moments!Be the first to collect ten stars as you takesnapshots of your fun to win!In Pusheen Purrfect Pick, players move Pusheenaround the board, collecting essentials as sheromps around. Play in Pusheens house or flipthe board over to play in the park! Essentialsinclude friendslike Pusheenicorn orDragonsheenor items like gems and cupcakes.Turn in essentials to collect snapshots in whichthey appear, like Dragonshe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


The woods are old-growth, dappled with sunlight. Delicious mushrooms beckon from every grove and hollow. Morels may be the most sought-after in these woods, but there are many tasty and valuable varieties awaiting the savvy collector. Bring a basket if you think it's your lucky day. Forage at night and you will be all alone when you stumble upon a bonanza. If you're hungry, put a pan on the fire and bask in the aroma of chanterelles as you sauté them in butter. Feeling mercantile? Sell porcini ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


Red Omega Studio

ROS 001

Crazy Rally

In Crazy Rally every player have to try to win the race managing every phase: the tuning of the car, the testing and finally the real race.
Players must try to pass through every segment of the trail as fast as they can... without crashing, of course!
Can you carry the cowling home?
Can you carry at least the cowling home?
And will it still resemble a cowling?

Non collectible card game

Players: from 3 to 6
Time: 30-45 minutes
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


ROS 002


z.Zt. vergriffen


In the Caribbean Sea the Pirates board the European's colonialist galleons to plunder their treasures.
In Tortuga every player plays the part of the leader of a Pirate's clan. He try to board in the best way for himself while simultaneously preventing his opponent from succesfully boarding.
To do this he will have to choose which ship to board, the best weather condition and the best strategy to use during the combat.
Beating great and powerful ships and gaining the most... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Renegade Game Studios

RGS 00536

Kitty Paw

What happens when seven cats run into cardboard boxes? Well, a crazy game of kitty hide-and-seek!

Kitty Paw is a dexterity and reaction game. Players try to be the first to complete the kitty combinations shown on the Kitty cards to score victory points (VP). The player with the most VP in the end wins.

Each player gets one Kitty card in each round and tries to be the first to create the patterns shown on the cards. Since this is a recognize-and-react game, all players act simultaneously. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


RGS 00572

Flip Ships

z.Zt. vergriffen


Flip Ships is a cooperative dexterity game where players take on the roles of brave pilots defending their planet from an onslaught of firepower. Flip your ships to take out the encroaching enemies, and to take down the powerful mother ship before it’s too late.

"It was an ambush. That’s the only way to describe it. The mother ship appeared out of nowhere, creating a massive shadow over the city. Within seconds, wave after wave of fighters poured out of it, filling the sky."

"We're lau... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

RGS 00573


The next great technological revolution is here. Sentient robots for information, transportation, industry, all at our fingertips. Building them is now the easy part. Programming them has proven to be more complicated. A handful of companies have emerged claiming to pull it off, but only one will win out. Your mission is clear: Procure valuable bots and plug them into your network. They?ll have an effect on your systems. Anticipate it correctly, program your bots effectively, and attract the rig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


RGS 00854

Kitty Paw - Valentines Day Edition

What happens when seven cats run into cardboard boxes? Well, a crazy game of kitty hide-and-seek!

Kitty Paw is a dexterity and reaction game. Players try to be the first to complete the kitty combinations shown on the Kitty cards to score victory points (VP). The player with the most VP in the end wins.

Each player gets one Kitty card in each round and tries to be the first to create the patterns shown on the cards. Since this is a recognize-and-react game, all players act simultaneously. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


RGS 01692

Double Feature: The Movie Game

Players earn points by being the first to name a movie that links elements from two Double Feature cards. The first player to earn enough points wins Double Feature!
Double Feature is the perfect game for anyone who enjoys movies. Every card contains a movie element from one of seven different Categories. It could be a movie prop, a movie location, a character from a movie, a scene in a movie, a theme or genre of a movie, a setting of a movie, or a production feature of a movie.
Two cards are ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


RGS 01693

Flip the Bird

Bitte vorbestellen


In Flip the Bird, players gain points by being the first to play all of their cards in a single round. The first player to score 200 points wins!

In more detail, deal each player eight cards at the start of each round, with all players taking a turn at being the dealer. Two cards are flipped face up to form two different trump piles. If an Action or Condition card is flipped, then discard the card and flip another card as only cards with numbers or birds can be used to start the trump piles.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


RGS 02250

Love Letter - Princess Princess Ever After

Win the Princess’ Heart!
Find the perfect ally to secretly carry your letter to Princess Isadora and win her heart in this quick game of risk and deduction based on the award-winning Love Letter card game! Entrust your message to the nearly invincible Ogre, the lightning fast Unicorn, or her close friends, Princess Sadie and Princess Amira!

24,00 EUR


RGS 02250X

Love Letter - Princess Princess Ever After



Beschädigung an der Box - Beule an der Schachtel (reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!!

Damage to the box - dent on the box (repairable).
Contents impeccable! - still shrink wrapped!!

Win the Princess’ Heart!
Find the perfect ally to secretly carry your letter to Princess Isadora and win her heart in this quick game of risk and deduction based on the award-winning Love Letter card game! Entrust your message to the nearly invincible Ogre, the lightning fast Unicorn, o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


RGS 0502

Lanterns: The Harvest Festival

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The harvest is in, and the artisans are hard at work preparing for the upcoming festival. Decorate the palace lake with floating lanterns and compete to become the most honored artisan when the festival begins.

In Lanterns: The Harvest Festival, players have a hand of tiles depicting various color arrangements of floating lanterns, as well as an inventory of individual lantern cards of specific colors. When you place a tile, all players (you and your opponents) receive a lantern card correspo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


RGS 0563

Shiba Inu House

Shiba Inu loves sitting on the roof, staring at the sea, imagining that his master will make him a new dog house, imagining that there will be pork chops for lunch. Wait! Did someone just say pork chops? Shiba Inu is now drooling and jumping up and down on his roof...

In Shiba Inu House, players race to place cards properly in order to create doghouses for the shiba inu that match the patterns shown on their goal cards. After eight rounds, the player with the highest score wins.

20,00 EUR


RGS 0574

The Fox in the Forest (Reprint)

Once upon a time, a woodcutter and his daughter lived in a small village bordering the forest. She had traveled with him and had seen him speak with the forest animals.

The Fox in the Forest is a trick-taking game for 2 players. Utilize the special abilities on the Fairy Tale characters to change the trump suit, lead even after you lose a trick, and more. The beautiful illustrations of the unique characters will help you quickly analyze your options.

Score points by winning more tricks tha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


RGS 0575

Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Card Game

So why grow up anyway? Is it really worth it? Don't you have better things to do? Why does it matter whether or not your indie-rock band gets that great gig? You started a band to have fun, and now you're going to get your butts kicked by robots. And who wants to deal with the headache of dating? Look, we've all got baggage. Some of us have drama that likes to pick fights and exes that like to throw punches. Love is a battlefield! So you'd rather sit on the couch throwing punches in your favorit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


RGS 0823

Fireworks (multilingual)



My cats love fireworks and are enthusiastic spectators!

A group of seven cats have been training very hard to master their profession – shooting the best fireworks in the world. Although rookies, they hope to one day become as expert as their master. After so many years, the day is coming...

Every turn, players use the Fireworks Barrel to launch the Fireworks Die into the Starry Sky Box. If the knocked Fireworks Tiles land face up, the player takes a number of them according to the die, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


RGS 0852

Ghostbusters: The Card Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


Who you gonna call? Compete against friends and family in Ghostbusters: The Card Game to collect ghosts from the Ghostbusters universe. You'll call upon your favorite Ghostbusters to help you set your ghost trap and capture the highest point ghosts on the board.

The game is played over three rounds. In each round, players take turns, beginning with the start player and continuing in clockwise order, until all twelve cards from the circle have been captured. On your turn, carry out these three... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

RGS 1153

Gudetama The Tricky Egg Game Reprint

Bitte vorbestellen


Channel your inner lazy egg in this over-easy trick-taking game!

Take as many cards as you want, but don’t get scrambled on the last card!

Channel your inner lazy egg in this over-easy trick-taking game!
Take as many cards as you want, but don’t get scrambled on the last card!
The player who wins the final trick will score points equal to their card that won the trick (you do not want points).
A trick-taking game for 2-7 Players, ages 7+, with playtime 20 min.

ca. 16,00 EUR


RGS 2024

Time Chase

Bitte vorbestellen


If you're a fan of our small-box trick-taking game The Fox In The Forest but want a game you can play with more than 2 people, you will love Time Chase! In this game that accommodates 3-6 players and can be played in 30 minutes, you've cracked the code to unlock time travel, but some nefarious colleagues are trying to use your invention to travel back in time and take the credit for themselves!

With the technology of time travel in hand, you're allowed to travel back in time to previous trick... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


RGS 2048

The Fox in the Forest - DUET

In the innovative, two-player co-operative trick-taking game The Fox in the Forest Duet, players team up, helping each other move through the forest.

Work together to play tricks and move through the forest. Use the special abilities of the characters to exchange cards with each other, to let your teammate follow with any card, and more. Win as a team by collecting all the gems, but be careful to stay on the path and not get lost in the forest!

18,00 EUR


RGS 9380

Aggretsuko: Work/Rage Balance

Hot Seller


Aggretsukois a fast-playing card game for 3-6 players, where each player takes the role of a mild-mannered office worker trying to get through their work each day.
If a worker becomes frustrated, they can RAGE to let out their inner heavy-metal rock star.

RAGING will provide some much-needed relief from the daily grind, but it may have consequences later on.The game is played over five hands, each one representing a day at the office.
Each day, workers try to complete their work and go h... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



Atlas: Enchanted Lands

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Atlas: Enchanted Lands is an elegant card game set in a world of fairies and magic. Play cards to reveal a certain place and time — and place your stake in one of the two. Explore a location at dawn, day, sunset, and night, or see what the whole land looks like in the dark. Each card offers two choices, and it's up to you to uncover the world that awaits.

In more detail, players are challenged to predict the time or place that will be uncovered first. Cards laid on the board will complete s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


You are a merchant in Byzantium and you are trying to have the most profit from the markets inside the city.
Bid for the best stock of goods and find the right moment to sell your collected wares.
And do not forget to go to the main market for a good deal!

Players are merchants and bid on offers from the market to collect as many sets of 3 cards of the same good. Game ends when all cards have been auctioned and clayers with the highest total of good cards wins. Cards are both: money on your... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR



The Blood of an Englishman

Hot Seller


"Fee Fi Fo Fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman!" roared the giant as he crashed through the vines. Jack, with one arm around his precious stolen harp and the other grasping the beanstalk, felt the rush of danger. Will he make it to the bottom in time to chop down the leafy ladder, or will the giant successfully catch the thieving beggar?

In The Blood of an Englishman, players take on the role of either Jack or the Giant. The Giant must maneuver the Fee Fi Fo and Fum cards while Jack tries... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



RGS 0558

Lanterns: The Emperor's Gift

The emperor has declared that pavilions shall be constructed among the lanterns floating on the lake for this year’s festival. Place pavilions to earn gifts from the emperor and redeem those gifts for powerful actions to make this the best harvest festival yet!

In Lanterns: The Emperor's Gifts, an expansion to Christopher Chung's award-winning Lanterns: The Harvest Festival, players start with a small supply of pavilions. When you place a tile, you may choose to build a pavilion on that til... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Richard R. Sartore & Associates

RRS&A 0001

Gunslinger - Dead or Alive (Ziplock)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A Wild & Wooly Game Of The Old West.

Take aim on this fast-paced card game of gunslingers and gamblers, bullets and bad blood, posses and Pinkertons . . . Loaded with 4 card decks, each of them offering you would-be gunfighters a chance for fame and fortune...or a very short career.

A beer and pretzels game of outlaw gangs in the Old West. The players control gangs of outlaws formed with cards drawn from the gunslinger deck. The object is to be the first gang to amass a specified dollar am... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


Right Games

RGL 0003

The Jam

Ach, ist es schön, an einem frostigen Winterabend mit einer Tasse heißen Tee zu sitzen und die aromatische Erdbeerkonfitüre oder die duftige und gesunde Himbeermarmelade zu naschen! Oder zum Beispiel ein Glas aufmachen und den Freunden etwas Exotisches servieren, wie etwa Konfitüre aus Moltebeeren oder Walnüssen. Piroggen sind auch was Schönes, vor allem die mit Kirschkonfitüre. Aber zuerst muss man fleißig sein und die Beeren sammeln, die Konfitüren kochen und die Piroggen backen. In d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



rwg RIGHW01

I'm Right You're Wrong

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


I'm Right You're Wrong - An ass backwards card game for jerks
Outwit and outlast your opponent(s), by holding onto your hand, and not breaking a rule.
The twist is... attacking opponents screws you over, not them.
It's the only card game where playing your least worst option is your best.
Play is similar to other casual games (hand management, elimination, take that). No actual role-play or arguing involved.
1. Take Turns.
2. Start each turn by drawing a card
3. Play one from your hand an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


rwg RIGHW01X

I'm Right You're Wrong



Kleine Beschädigung an der Box - Die untere Schmal-Seite links unten ist etwas eingedrückt.
Inhalt tadellos! - da noch eingeschweißt!

Small damage to the box - The lower narrow side at the bottom left is slightly dented.
Contents impeccable! - Since still shrink-wrapped!

I'm Right You're Wrong - An ass backwards card game for jerks
Outwit and outlast your opponent(s), by holding onto your hand, and not breaking a rule.
The twist is... attacking opponents screws you over, not them.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Rio Grande Games

RGG 0155


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Each player plants beans in 2 or 3 fields and tries to sell them as profitably as possible. When selling beans, a player earns more gold for more beans of the same variety. The goal of the game is it to earn the most gold planting, harvesting, and selling beans. Without careful planning, players may be forced to harvest and sell their beans before they are ready and at lower prices than they hoped. In fact, sometimes a harvest brings no gold at all.The difference in this version from the origina... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


RGG 0217

King's Breakfast

The king has invited you to his castle for breakfast. During the feast the players will take portions of various dishes from the table to eat. As a good host, the king will serve all his guests before taking any portion from each course. From time to time, his pet dragon Emerald will steal some food from his master. Of course, it is rude for a player to have more of the king, so players must be careful not to be too greedy. In the end, the winner is the player who gets the most to eat of the thi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


RGG 0328


Players who love new and interesting card games will love Tichu.It is simple to learn: one need only get rid of his cards. The basic game is played by two pairs of two partners each with the players of each team sitting opposite one another. During the game, the partners try to help each other score points and opportunities to lead. The game is played over several hands with the goal to be the first team to score a total of 1000 points.Although Tichu is primarily a partnership game for four, wit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


RGG 0349

Bohnanza Fan Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen

  Each player plants beans in 2 or 3 fields and tries to sell them as profitably as possible. When selling beans, a player earns more gold for more beans of the same variety. The goal of the game is it to earn the most gold planting, harvesting, and selling beans. Without careful planning, players may be forced to harvest and sell their beans before they are ready and at lower prices than they hoped. In fact, sometimes a harvest brings no gold at all.The difference in this version from the origina... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

RGG 0431


Bitte vorbestellen


The new 2 player card game from 2F-Spiele - a game you cannot refuse!
Two Mafia-bosses try to recruit the most and also best members for their gangs.
Prepare yourself for a fierce duel. Cleverly use the features of the four different families, snatch the most valuable gangsters away from your opponent. Your goal: have the best gang at the end of the game.

Idea of the game:
The players collect gangsters, with the goal of collecting the higher-valued gangsters. With the exception of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


RGG 0507

Bohnanza: Princes & Pirates

Bohnanza: Princes & Pirates is an English language compilation of two Bohnanza expansions previously available only in German: Bohnröschen and La Isla Bohnitâ.

In Princes, players are a Bean Prince and must get to their sleeping beauty. This is done by fulfilling quests to cross the thorn hedges to get to the castle where she awaits.

In Pirates, players can now buy ships in order to help them trade and sell beans. You can also purchase pirate ships which you can use to raid your opponent... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


RGG 0508

Bohnanza: Ladies & Gangsters

Bohnanza: Ladies & Gangsters is an English language compilation of two stand-alone Bohnanza games previously available only in German: Ladybohn: Manche mögen's heiss! and Al Cabohne.

Ladies is a three- to five-player game that includes female versions of the beans used in Bohnanza. You get more money if a field is harvested with a lady bean as the top card. You get no money if a field is harvested with a baby bean on top. There are some new rules about reordering beans on the fields.

Gang... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


RGG 0512

Bohnanza: High Bohn + Bohnaparte

Bohnanza: Bohnaparte & High Bohn consists of two Bohnanza expansions that were previously released separately by Rio Grande Games.

With Bohnaparte, players get to conquer the Bohnreich, territory created with new cards included in this expansion! Each player receives counters of his own color, and play then loosely follows that of normal Bohnanza, with an important difference: Earned bean coins are not saved but are used to finance your conquests throughout the Bohnreich. In the end, the only... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


RGG 0514

Bohnanza: My First Bohnanza

z.Zt. vergriffen


My First Bohnanza serves as both an introduction to Bohnanza and as a children's game in its own right, with the goal of the game being the same as its parent: Have the most Talers at the end of play.

As in the original Bohnanza, the game includes multiple types of beans, with each bean having a number on it to indicate how many copies are in the game as well as a "beanometer" at the bottom of the card to show you how many cards of this type you need to harvest in order to collect Talers. My ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

RGG 0536

Power Grid: The Card Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


In Power Grid: The Card Game, the players represent CEOs of mighty power companies producing electricity.

During the game, the players bid for power plants at auctions and supply them with resources. Their income depends on the amount of electricity produced in each round. At the end of the game, the player who produces the most electricity wins the game.

Power Grid: The Card Game offers all the tension and tactics well-known of its two big brothers — Power Grid and Power Grid deluxe —... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

RGG 0599

Bohnanza: Bohna Nostra

Promises, promises! Everyone knows the situation: You get offered some great beans, but cannot offer anything in exchange. Now you can offer favors for later to try to strike a deal now.

Bohna Nostra offers new trading opportunities for Bohnanza and Ladybohn, and you need one of those base games in order to use this.

18,00 EUR



RGG 0548

Power Grid: The Card Game - Fabled Cards

Power Grid: Fabled Expansion offers completely new experiences for both the Power Grid and Power Grid deluxe base games through the new Fable Game system introduced in Fabled Fruit. With two presorted Fable Decks, the players are confronted with exciting challenges in different campaigns on the maps of USA, Germany, Europe or North America. Each campaign is played in three consecutive games, and in each game the players reveal Fabled Cards as their conditions are met. These Fabled Cards add new ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Robert Burke Games

RBG 00539

Operation F.A.U.S.T.

In Operation F.A.U.S.T. (Fine Art Underground: Stolen Treasures), players take on roles of independent art patrons in occupied France during WWII. This was a period when Europe's greatest treasures were at risk of being looted by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), a special unit of the Third Reich tasked with plundering cultural valuables.

Each player will work to acquire the most prestigious collection of art treasures through bluffing and deception. The first player to reach $1,0... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



Battle for Souls - Second Edition

Hot Seller


Battle For Souls is a card game pitting the seven archangels of heaven versus the seven princes of hell in a fight for the eternal souls of humankind.

In the game, 1, 2, or 4 players choose the side of heaven or the side of hell. Each side will battle for 28 souls, which are worth victory points. Players add holy or unholy points on the souls in play based on how they use temptation, virtue, sin, intercession, holy relic, unholy relic, angel and devil cards. Earn enough holy points, and when ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



Battle for Souls - Deluxe Second Edition

Battle For Souls is a card game pitting the seven archangels of heaven versus the seven princes of hell in a fight for the eternal souls of humankind.

In the game, 1, 2, or 4 players choose the side of heaven or the side of hell. Each side will battle for 28 souls, which are worth victory points. Players add holy or unholy points on the souls in play based on how they use temptation, virtue, sin, intercession, holy relic, unholy relic, angel and devil cards. Earn enough holy points, and when ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


Rockwall Games

RWG 20047

Not Another Fetch Quest!!!

Hot Seller


Not Another Fetch Quest!!! is a fast and fun party card game with a fantasy theme that pokes fun at one of the most annoyingly unnecessary elements in the RPG realm: fetch questing. Take the role of one of the Kingdom of Renfaire's most mundane of heroes and use your wits to conquer the quests before your rivals do.

Each player is represented by a character, which have unique stats and special abilities. Players take turns adding quest cards (with difficulty values that correspond to player s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


RWG 20047X

Not Another Fetch Quest!!!



Beschädigung des Kartons (Loch eingedrückt) - Rechts seitlich (evt. reparierbar) Inhalt tadellos - noch eingeschweißt!

Damage to the box (hole dented) - right side (possibly repairable) Contents impeccable - still shrink-wrapped!

Not Another Fetch Quest!!! is a fast and fun party card game with a fantasy theme that pokes fun at one of the most annoyingly unnecessary elements in the RPG realm: fetch questing. Take the role of one of the Kingdom of Renfaire's most mundane of heroes and us... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Rogue Publishing

ROG 7121

Den of Thieves

Category: Non-collectible card game
Genre: Humorous criminal hijinks

The criminal element of the city is in a race to steal the most -- from the bank or each other. Bluff and backstab your way to victory, using such cards as the Bunko Artist, the Highwayman, and the Woman of Easy Virtue.

Den of Thieves is a strategic card game for 2 to 5 players. A second deck of Den of Thieves or Rival Den of Thieves can be added for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


ROG 713X

Rival Den of Thieves

Category: Non-collectible card game
Genre: Humorous criminal hijinks

A rival den of thieves have arrived in the city. Though their methods are different, their goal is the same -- to rob each other blind. Get rich quick using such ne'er-do-wells as the Counterfeiter, the Extortionist, and the Lawyer.

Rival Den of Thieves is a strategic card game for 2 to 5 players. Den of Thieves or a second deck of Rival Den of Thieve... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Rose & Poison

R&P 200131

Obscura Tempora



Obscura tempora is an easy card game settled in the Dark Ages. Each player is a faction that tries to expand his power and starts with a caste and a town. He can add towns and abbeys to his belongings, and also build ports, markets and walls on his towns. Each castle, town, abbey, market and port is woth a money card each turn, but only one per turn can go safely in the castle: the others must be kept in towns and abbeys. Towns can be pillaged and abbeys can change ownership thanks to the action... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Runes Editions



Bitte vorbestellen


Harald has finally unified the different kingdoms and become the King of this powerful nation. With the newly established peace, the different peoples are going to war on a different battle field: one of intrigue and struggles for influence. Send your emissary to the King’s Council to win his favor so your village becomes the most prestigious.

Harald is game of influence and majority. As the head of a village, each player will try to charm the most influential character of the realm to be n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR



Tag City

Bitte vorbestellen


Welcome to the underground tag battle! Graffiti tagging is a competitive sport, and each of your friends claims they can tag the city the fastest. Are you really going to let those bold claims go unchallenged? You grab your Bomb Shark, and the battle begins!

In Tag City, players are graffiti taggers racing to tag sections of the city the fastest. Dice determine graffiti shapes — grab ones that let you tag whole blocks at a time! If you finish a district or stretch of the city first, make su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Sababa Toys

SBT 0779

Pumpkin King

It's a race through the cemetery to reach the headless scarecrow and become the Pumpkin King! But look out! The witch's cat Baazlebub is on the hunt for pumpkins for her stew!
Pumpkin King Game. Race through the graveyard, as witches, cats, and more are on the prowl! First one to race across the cemetary and reach the headless scarecrow becomes the Pumpkin King, and wins! For 2-4 players.Pumpkin King Game. Race through the graveyard, as witches, cats, and more are on the prowl! First one to rac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Sacrosanct Games

SSG 0100

Compact Heroes - RPG Card Game

Compact Heroes gives you everything a traditional fantasy role-playing game offers, with the convenience of fitting in your pocket! The perfect solution to get your RPG fix in where there wouldn’t normally be room enough to carry large books and a pocket full of dice around. CH includes everything you need to create and advance unique characters and run an adventure with the exception of a 6-sided dice and a pencil--items easily found around the house.

28,00 EUR


Samurai Game Labs

SGL 1202

Arena Assault: Catfight

A massive multi-player expandable card game of gladiatorial arena combat in the future. For 2 or more players, ages 8 and up. Battle as an offensive powerhouse Athena or a balanced Purrtek. All Arena Assault games are compatible with other Arena Assault games.

20,00 EUR


SGL 1203

Arena Assault: Robot War

A massive multi-player expandable card game of gladiatorial arena combat in the future. For 2 or more players, ages 8 and up. Battle as a hard hitting Crusher, or an annihilating Robozon. All Arena Assault games are compatible with other Arena Assault games.

20,00 EUR


SGL 2001

Zombie High School

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The Zombies are coming!
Zombies are invading Zombie High (go figure), and it's up to you to save your fellow classmages. Run, fight, and outsmart the zombies while trying to save your classmates.

But take too many wounds, and you'll become a zombie. Then it's feasting time on your fellow students as you try to EAT THEIR BRAINS!

30 Victim and Zombies cards
18 Wound cards
60 Action cards
2 six sided dice

20,00 EUR


Savant Garde

SAV 0001

Gother Than You

Kartenspiel. 3-5 Spieler. Alter: 15+ Mit deutscher Spielregel

14,00 EUR


SAV 0002


Ein kleines Partykartenspiel, indem deine unglücklichen Erben schlimme Unfälle erleiden, während sie versuchen, das größte Mausoleum zu bauen. Benutze das Erbe der anderen zu deinem eigenen Besten! 3-5 Spieler. Alter: 12+ Mit deutscher Spielregel (des überarbeiteten Originals).

14,00 EUR


SAV 0003

Rat Splatter

Kartenspiel. Viele Ratten und ein Amboß. 2-6 Spieler. Alter: 10+ Mit deutscher Spielregel

14,00 EUR


SAV 0004


Interaktives Kartenspiel für bis zu 10 Spieler.

24,00 EUR


Scott Games

SCG 509


The Uncollectable Card Collection Game.
This game is based on the collecting and trading aspect of collectible card games. Based upon sacrifice strategy, luck of the draw has been minimized. The object of the game is to collect a complete set of cards numbered 0-9. It's not as easy as it sounds as there are fewer low numbered cards than higher numbered cards and each card has a special ability to either aid you, or hinder your opponent, in completing your set. The game is very easy to learn bu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Screech Dragon Studios

SDG 4010

Murder on the Cosmic Express

Bitte vorbestellen


You are the Captain aboard the Interplanetary Cosmic Express Cruise Line when it is discovered that the President of the Cosmic Express Lines has been murdered. The Captain must examine the evidence, interrogate the prime suspects, and figure out who the Murderer is!

Murder on the Cosmic Express is a social deduction game that takes less than 5 minutes to play.

ca. 16,00 EUR


SCRIBABS di Paolo Vallerga

SCR 0001


This is an original party game for 4 to 14 players. Players are split into two "football teams" composed of a single "coach" and a number of "players".

Each "player" sits opposite a "player" from the opposing team, with all players of a team on one side of the table and their coach standing behind the rival team on the opposite side of the table so they clearly watch him.

The board is composed by a "football field" gridded board, 2 small dice, 3 normal dice and some "action cards" showing ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Self Published


Dance Card

Bitte vorbestellen


Dance Card is a tactical gateway game, set during a high school Homecoming dance! All of the players take on the roles of students and have the objective of dancing with each of their personal dance partners before anyone else. The first player to do so wins! The contemporary setting, vibrant art style, and unique theme is designed to appeal to younger players, those new to the tabletop hobby, and parents who want a game to help their kids transition into the world of hobby gaming. Despite being... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 42,00 EUR



Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game

Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game is a fast and free RPG that expedites character creation and combat, allowing adventurers to immediately jump into the action.

Expedition uses an open source, cross-platform app that is free on iOS, Android, and web browsers. The app comes with a variety of pre-built adventures, and also provides tools for you to create and tell your own stories.

The game makes use of a unique card-based system for combat. Each player has a deck of eight unique ability... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


SFP 0401

Mosh Pit

Mosh Pit: The Card Game is the fast paced game of hardcore moshing action!

Each player takes the role of a Mosher slamming, skanking and stage diving around the pit trying to prove themselves the coolest!

All players start the game with a hand of 3 Mosh cards, 3 COOL counters & 3 BRUISE counters, they then take it in turns drawing Mosh cards and playing Mosh cards from their hands, each card effects the players in some way, increasing or decreasing the amount of COOL or BRUISE Counters the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SFP 791225

Gang Up!

Gang Up! is casual card game where you compete to become the ultimate crime lord! Recruit legendary gang members and commit crazy daring crimes. Use criminal influences and team up with other players to get ahead. And when they least expect it, backstab them to win the game!

What's so good about Gang Up!?


Constantly choose between helping or backstabbing friends!
Use weird card combos and advanced tactics
Always influence the game, even when it's not your turn!
Never get stu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


SFP BAE01001

Cult of the Deep

Bitte vorbestellen


Cult of the Deep is a hidden-role dice game for 4-8 players where you are a cultist trying to establish your faction’s rise to power. Battle for control of rituals and mythical monsters as you seek victory and control of the Cult.

A social deduction game where actions speak louder than words. What do you do?

Give life to the High Priest?
Sacrifice your body to protect others?
Drain your own blood for greater power?
Use alchemy to help complete rituals?
Harvest the soul of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR



Badland Wolves

In this card-driven strategy game, you and your friends make up the Badland Wolf Pack. The old Alpha has died; guided by the law of Tooth and Claw, it's every wolf for themselves as you compete to be crowned the new Alpha of the Badlands. To gain the allegiance of the pack, players will lead and join dangerous hunts for scrap cards that will be used in battles for each other's loyalty tokens. The first wolf to capture enough loyalties for the allegiance of the pack will win the game.

GAMEPLAY... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



Complicated Boardgame The Card Game

Bitte vorbestellen


Complicated Board Game the Card Game is a simple card game about playing complicated board games. Try to best your friends as you place pieces, discover new rules, change the board, and occasionally realize you're playing an entirely different kind of game. In CBGtCG, we take the nonsense of cracking into a new board game alongside your friends and condense it into a competitive 15 minute game for 3-6 players.

The goal of the game is to be the first player to clear their Holdings of 5 random ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Flappy Families

Flappy Families is a family-friendly card game for 2 - 5 players where players collect sets of native New Zealand birds while trying to avoid the Predators!

Players will have to engage their memory to try and match birds of the same families. As well as flipping cards face up on the board players will be putting their own cards face down onto the board. They will be able to use this information to try and make future matches - unless another player foils their plan!

At the end of the game ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Annapurna is a tactical game utilizing chance, memory, and a modular board to create a fun game about climbing the world's most dangerous mountain. It can be played either Cooperatively (great for learning and younger players) or Competitively (for those who are into "take that" mechanics). It has a high replayability and becomes richer as players learn to take full advantage of all their options.
Each expedition involves multiple climbs to the summit, and the goal of maintaining balance, rathe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR



Crayne: Fractured Empire

Crayne: Fractured Empire is an epic, strategic, high-fantasy deck-building card game for 1-6 players, set in the world of Crayne. The game has over 100 unique high-quality illustrations and 225 cards in the base set!

In Crayne: Fractured Empire, the construction of a strong deck during gameplay is the main focus of the game. The cards provide a type of in game currency called revenue which allows players to purchase more/better cards to add to their decks which they can eventually use to over... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


The year is 2017.
Several infectious diseases ravage the earth and despite much human effort, the infections continue to spread.
Those most affected live in areas of poverty and conflict with limited access to useful intel, treatment and items of immunity.
The war has been long. Many lives have been lost.
Great warriors of the past have triumphed in landmark victories such as Jonas Salk at the battle of Iron Lung and Edward Jenner’s rescue of the Milk Maiden, all In the quest for the golde... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


SLP 01000

Song Saga

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Rock out with your cards out! Every card in this box is designed to spark a memory of the moments and music that make you who you are. Get ready to discover new tunes, new things about your friends, and maybe even win a gold award or two. Singing, dancing, and air guitar are optional, but probable.

ca. 26,00 EUR


SLP 01000

Song Saga

Bitte vorbestellen


Rock out with your cards out! Every card in this box is designed to spark a memory of the moments and music that make you who you are. Get ready to discover new tunes, new things about your friends, and maybe even win a gold award or two. Singing, dancing, and air guitar are optional, but probable.

ca. 26,00 EUR


SPD 0100

Healing Blade

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


An Apothecary Healer or a Lord of Pestilence?

Choose your destiny and determine the course of events in the groundbreaking new game from Nerdcore Learning.

Developed by two physician/gamers, Francis Kong and Arun Mathews, Healing Blade plunges the player into a world of sorcery and creatures, where real-world knowledge of infectious diseases and therapeutics play a pivotal role in the winning strategy.
The Apothecaries, Champions of the Healing Blade whose namesakes hearken from real worl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Seven Seas Games


Space Dandy: Galactic Deck-Building Game Deluxe

A new take on the deck-building genre, featuring the zany universe of the hit show Space Dandy as seen on ADULT SWIM.

That's right, baby! Dandy has gone and used the Aloha Oe's broken warp drive and managed to converge every possible alternate universe into one, causing multiple copies of everyone in the known galaxies to run amok! What does this mean for our intrepid heroes? Will all semblance of civilization fall into disorder and chaos? Will the universe, under the weight of so many simult... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


Sharkee Games

SKG 001E

Hungry Life Europe

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Hungry Life is an environmental education and awareness card game played between 2-5 players and for the whole family.

Each player starts with their own deck of 20 cards plus five in their hand. You start by placing a primary producer to create a new habitat. Each animal card will list what it can eat leading up to an apex predator. Each new habitat is connected as the game goes on, but with human projects such as roads and housing estates these habitats can become disconnected. Animals that ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


Shoot Again Games



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We all know that conspiracies are real. They are trying to clone Hitler, role-playing is actually devil worship and the Reptilian overlords are watching our every move! The problem is that for some reason people ignore these obvious facts. That has to change, and quickly before it's too late!

Conspiracy! is a game for two to four players. During the game players reveal conspiracies, each of which grant the player some special power. Additionally, players can work to discredit the insane consp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR



Pinball Showdown

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In Pinball Showdown you and the other players are the pinballs and the pinball machine is going like crazy! Before you have time to think, multi-ball starts placing you and the other players in competition to score the various pop bumpers, drop targets and other playfield devices. You and the other pinballs have only a short time to score the most points and complete the various combos for bonuses before it's all over and you inevitably drain.

Players are dealt ten cards each of which represe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


Side Room Games

SRG 0110

Maquis (reprint)

Engage the Nazi occupation of France in la petite guerre to throw off the yoke of the oppressors and free your homeland!

Maquis is a solitaire worker-placement game with variable goals and a play time of approximately twenty minutes. The player places his resistance agents on spaces around town to achieve his goals - blowing up trains, publishing underground newspapers - but at the same time Milice collaborators and Wehrmacht soldiers patrol the area. Agents who can't make it back to the safe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


Sierra Madre Games

SMG 0027


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The best geology game ever produced, 2-5 players. It's fun and takes a half hour to play. Comes with a set of cards plus rules in a clamshell case.

Struggle to keep your mountain uplifted while weathering and eroding the mountains of other players. The deck is divided into sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. The winner is the player who has the highest mountain, and accumulates the most material in his delta, with a bonus for fossils.

The basic rules of Erosion introduce the four ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SMG 0033

Greenland - A cardgame of survival

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The three players in Greenland represent the Norse (red), Tunit (green), and Thule (yellow) tribes inhabiting Greenland from the 11th to the 15th centuries.

As a tribe, you attempt to secure food, resources, and technology to increase the size of your tribe and support children, elders, and livestock while also wiping out competing species or gathering resources to collect victory points. You must work around the weather and the extinction of natural resources as well as negotiate deals to pr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


SMG 0033a

Greenland 3rd Edition - A Cardgame of Survival

Imagine you are a tribe on an island slowly freezing over. The supply ships stop coming, and the only means to survival is intermarriage to discover the survival secrets of the other cultures: Tunit, Vikings, Inuit, Sea Sami.

In Greenland you get to play through a momentous period of human history. You play as one of the peoples who attempted to colonize Greenland during the Middle Ages. This version of Greenland also includes the little-known Sea Sami expansion pack.

Compared with the 2nd... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


SMG 0033b

Greenland 3rd Edition - Promo Pack 1

Greenland Promo Pack 1 - Cats and Dogs features new biomes, daughters and farm animals, all themed to represent some smaller variants of the fauna and life of the mediaeval Greenland tribes.

4 daughters
4 farm animals
5 biomes

12,00 EUR


SMG 0034

Neanderthal - A cardgame of the origins of culture

Sammlerstück / Rarität


It’s 43,000 BC in Ice Age Europe. You are one of three human species - Archaic, Neanderthal, or Cro-Magnon. Assign your males to hunt Pleistocene megafauna, but try to avoid being eaten by predators. Assign your women for teaching your children vocabulary, leading to cognitive fluidity in the next generation. Specialize your elders for fire, inventions, war, big game, or animal domestications. Choose between three mating strategies - promiscuous, harems, or pair bonding.

Victory depends o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


SMG 0034a

Neanderthal 2nd Edition

Humanity's evolution as a species has accelerated over the last 30,000-40,000 years in a manner unparalleled in the evolution of life on Earth. What triggered this change? Genetic mutation? Probably not. Our brains and anatomy have remained relatively unchanged for 4 million years. An encounter with different hominid species? Perhaps...

As a player, you will play through the critical epoch during which this change occurred. After millions of years of an uninterrupted, modest nomadic existence... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


SMG 0037

Pax Renaissance - Banking in Europe 1460-1530

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Pax Renaissance is a cardgame for 2 to 4 players who play as bankers in Europe, 1460-1530. As a Renaissance banker, you will finance kings or republics, sponsor voyages of discovery, join secret cabals, or unleash jihads and inquisitions. Your choices determine if Europe is elevated into the bright modern era or remains festering in dark feudalism. Four victories determine the future course of Western Society: will it be towards imperialism, trade globalization, religious totalitarianism, or enl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SMG 0041

Pax Emancipation

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The 7 wonders of the great civilizations were built by slave-power, and societies' need to enslave weaker neighbors went unquestioned for millennia. Until the day an audacious petition was sent to Parliament, not just to end slavery in England, but throughout the entire world! In this game, you assume the role of an abolitionist during the Age of Enlightenment, either a Parliamentarian, an evangelical, or a private philanthropist.

Assign warships to blockade slave ports or intercept slave sh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR



HIRÞ - The Viking Game of Royal Conflict

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


A game created with the look and feel as having been created and played in the Viking Era of a 1000 years ago. A 2-player game with years of development. 99% of playtesters said they would play again & liked the intricate combinations of tactics possible with 3 different pieces.

Contains a cloth 20x9" (50x22 cm) map, and partly hand-made components in wood & fabric true to the Viking era, with embroidered patterns and a stamped metal Viking coin replica.

HIRÞ (pronounced h&#618;rð, i.e.,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



SMG 0037A

Pax Renaissance - Expansion

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The Pax Renaissance Expansion introduces 59 new cards with new abilities to Pax Renaissance, new "Renaissance Man" card types, and two new one-shots: Apostasy & Victory Inactivation.

endgültig vergriffen


SMG 0043

Neandertal/Greenland Folding Board

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Accessory for Greenland & Neanderthal

Double-sided, one side for Neanderthal, and the other for Greenland. Contains play aids.

Mounted Gameboard 40x80 cm. Designed by David Martín Morillo.

ca. 20,00 EUR


SMG 1051

Pax Renaissance - Metal Coins

Includes 33 metal florin coins and 4 plastic gem tokens (for the 5-florin value).

16,00 EUR


SMG 1052

Pax Viking - Metal Coins

Includes 60 metal Silfr coins and 20 metal Gull coins for Pax Viking.

24,00 EUR


Sigil Stone Publishing

SSP 6138

Clash of Steel: A Tactical Card Game of Medieval Duels

A competitive, low-luck, 15-minute card game for two players, focusing on the tactical nuance of a medieval duel.

You stand across the bloodied mud of the battlefield. Your mortal enemy is just out of range, seething with lethal intent. Only one of you will walk away; only one will be victorious. Choose your weapons, test your mettle, and cross steel with your foe in a duel to the death.

Clash of Steel is a tactical two-player card game of medieval duels. Every element of play is designed ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Silverclutch Games


Beneath Nexus

Centuries ago, the city of Nexus was built around a well of magical power hidden deep below the earth. Over the ages, Nexus soared to incredible wealth and power. Wandering tribes flocked to the city to worship and learn from the mysterious magicks beneath it.
As Nexus grew, more and more power was drawn from the well. And as more power was drawn, the more unstable the energies of the well became. After millennia of providing Nexus with knowledge and might, the well gave the city something new.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


Sinister Fish

SIF 00010

Great Scott! - The Game of Mad Invention (EN)

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Great Scott! The Game of Mad Invention is a very silly Victorian themed card game of rival mad inventors. Draft Asset and Concept cards to make silly inventions such as the “Bedazzling Duck Driven Bauxite Behemoth” and then give a short presentation on its merits to your fellow Inventors.

ca. 26,00 EUR


SIF 00030

Villagers (Boxed Card Game)

You are the founder of a new village during the middle ages, in the years after a great plague. The loss of so many people has created big problems for the survivors. Many of the people the villagers used to depend on for essential things like food, shelter and clothes are gone. Craftsmen find themselves without suppliers of raw materials, traders have lost their customers and many have lost their farms and workshops as they escaped the plague.

The roads are full of refugees seeking a new beg... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



SIF 00031

Villagers - Expansion Pack

The kick starter expansion pack adds four modular mini-expansions to villagers, plus an upgrade to the first player marker from the base Game! saints are 5 new villagers who help the player in some way. Scoundrels add a little bit of meanness to the Game, with 7 new villagers who employ a variety of underhanded tricks. Profiteers introduces 6 new villagers and a new scoring mechanism: bronze coins, which score at the end of every round. Developments brings an entirely new Element to the Game: d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SIF 00036

Villagers - Shifting Seasons

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The kick starter expansion pack adds four modular mini-expansions to villagers, plus an upgrade to the first player marker from the base Game! saints are 5 new villagers who help the player in some way. Scoundrels add a little bit of meanness to the Game, with 7 new villagers who employ a variety of underhanded tricks. Profiteers introduces 6 new villagers and a new scoring mechanism: bronze coins, which score at the end of every round. Developments brings an entirely new Element to the Game: d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


Sirlin Games


Mage Tower, A Tower Defense Card Game

Mage Tower is a tower defense card game for 2-4 players that combines the frenzy of tower defense games with the replayability and customization of fantasy card games. Each game you make a unique deck from over 170 different spells and abilities. You and opponents pick from a selection of cards to build your deck. Focus on card combos, synergy, balanced energy costs, and watch out for your opponent's strategy!

During the game there are two decks: the Monster Deck and your customized Player De... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR



Puzzle Me!

Puzzle out your victory!

Puzzle Me! is a family-friendly board game packaged inside a cute, little box. In Puzzle Me!, players connect jigsaw puzzle-shaped pieces to build the biggest puzzle they can. During each player’s turn, they may either place a puzzle piece into their own puzzle, or they may choose to place a piece into an opponent’s puzzle to try and block that opponent’s expansion. But watch out! Making a play like this may lead to similar payback in the near future. It’s Kar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


Sit Down!

SiD! KA01


Obtain magical points (MP) by preventing evil creatures from invading the human world. These creatures come from the underwater Ker-Ys city.

In turn, the players place all elements of the game area (wall ruins, swamps).
Four creatures are introduced in the game and will progress from the door (in the centre of a glade) towards either side of the game board (representing the druids’ path surrounding the glade). Creatures’ moves are pre-defined and happen auto... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


Six Generations Publishing

SXP 1000

Six Generations

Sammlerstück / Rarität


62 Ansestors... 5 Generations... See if you can find them all!

SIX GENERATIONS is an educational card game for people of all ages, children and adults. Two to 12 players create a family tree of 62 characters spanning six generations. Each character is "born" into the game with his or her own story of genealogy, ancestors and matchmaking. Players will learn 72 most popular male and female first manes, look at ethnic costumes of Europeans and Americans and memorize 20 European countries and re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Slugfest Games

SFG 0001

Fishing for Terrorists

Good morning Agent X.
Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to track down and incarcerate the members of ten vicious gangs of terrorists. All of our legal powers and high-tech equipment are at your disposal until the mission is complete.

We've just received word from the President that members from the other agencies are joining in your mission. You know what to do, put on a good show for the president.

Yes, Agent X, we're all on the same side, and we all want those terrorist... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


SFG 0008

Fishing for Terrorists 2.0

In this twisted take on Go Fish, you fight against terrorism as the heroic head of a government agency. You must utilize cunning, connections, wire taps and covert ops to hunt down and capture the likes of the Cultists of Invincible Anarchy, the Gun Toting Maniacs and the Militant Satanic Gamers.
Don't worry though, you're not alone. Your "friends" are heads of their own agencies, and they're also trying to capture terrorists. Of course, whoever captures the most terrorists will get a President... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


SFG 0011

High Noon Saloon

On a windin’ desert road in the middle of nowhere lies a town with no name. In this town you’ll find the roughest, toughest waterin’ hole in the Old West... The High Noon Saloon. If you're lookin' for a fight, you've come to the right place. High Noon Saloon is an action-packed game for 2-6 players. You are a combatant in an all-out brawl fought in an Old West Saloon. Shoot it out from a distance or get in close and beat on your opponents directly. Move between different parts of the salo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


SFG 2004

Kung Fu Fighting

z.Zt. vergriffen


There was a time when tales of your prowess were spoken in soft whispers, when the mere mention of your name overcame people with awe. It was you who smashed the Black Triangle gang. It was you that destroyed one-Eyed Chow with your invincible flying kick.
You thought that time was behind you, for you renounced your legacy and turned to a life of meditation. Yet your past would not let you be. Many kung fu artists found and challenged you, hoping to defeat you and take your honor.
And now, as ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SFG 2005

En Garde

z.Zt. vergriffen


En Garde!

Honorable Combat from a More Civilized Age!

In this fast paced, exciting card game, you are an impeccably dressed Renaissance-era duelist with a score to settle. Vanquish your opponents with furious Thrusts and powerful Lunges. Use your expert skill to Parry your enemies' attacks.

Should you find yourself becoming unkempt and fatigued, pick up a Second Sword or a Buckler to regain the upper hand.

If things get really bad, you could always pull your Pistol...That would even ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


SFG 2006

More Kung Fu Fighting

This is an expansion to the Kung Fu Fighting card game. It adds:

* Rules and cards for team play.
* Martial arts archetypes, including the Venerable Master and the Jade Princess.
* Cards that allow you to enhance the abilities of your Stances and Weapons.
* Finishing Moves that allow you to toss your opponents out windows or through walls.

14,00 EUR


Smart Play Games


I Can't Even with These Monsters

I CAN’T EVEN is a series of card games that all share one rule: The player with the highest odd score wins! For example, if the game ended with players at 9, 16, 20, and 22 points, the player with 9 points would win! Each game is standalone or can be shuffled together.

'I Can't Even With These Monsters has 49 monster cards: Amalgam, Blob, Ghost, Ichthid, Mummy, Vampire, Werewolf, each appearing seven times.

24,00 EUR


Smartass Games Ltd.

SMA 0001

Battlefields of Olympus

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Battlefields of Olympus™ is a game of struggle, where players with armies at hand, battle over valuable land. The one with the most valuable lands wins favor from the gods. A card game for 2 player, ages 10 and up. Approximate play time: 30 minutes.

In the kingdom of immortals, the restless gods decree that mortal man will fight one another to prove their loyalty. By order of Zeus, Ares leaves his throne to inform man of this noble contest. To the victors go the spoils of war and eternal gr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Smirk & Dagger

S&D 0062

Dead Last

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Stay Alive. Gain a Fortune!

Dead Last — originally known as Tontine — is a "social collusion" game of shifting alliances, betrayals, and murder for profit in which players must conspire and vote upon whom to kill each round. Any means of overt or covert communication is allowed — a glance, a nod, pointing under the table, flashing a card, anything – but make sure you don't tip off the target or they could ambush you instead! In the end, one or two players will remain, either claimin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


S&D 0070

The Deadlies

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GREED, PRIDE, WRATH... just three of the 7 Deadlies you will encounter in this devious little card game, themed on the 7 Deadly Sins. Do your best to rid yourself of them all, as soon as you can - while your opponents do their damnedest to fill your hand with more. Empty your hand three times to WIN - and become the ENVY of all your friends!

Object: Play as many cards as you can each turn, of the same Suit, Number value or a Straight of any length, trying to empty your hand as quickly as poss... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


S&D 0071


Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Date Dragons, Without Getting Burned!

Are you a dragon looking for companionship?
Or just the adventurous type, looking to join the exciting dragon dating scene? Cindr is a ‘push your luck’ dice and card game that allows players to set up a dating profile and then thumb through potential matches, seeing if a given dragon sounds compatible.

If so, Meet Up and say hello – and if that goes well, push your luck, and take the Next Step. You never know, before the date is over you may jus... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


S&DG 0001

Hex Hex

Eine persönliche Empfehlung des Fan'En Teams ! Dieses Spiel hat alles was ein Kultspiel braucht. Relativ simple Regeln die aber einiges an Spass bieten, schnelles Gameplay und vor allem die Möglichkeit den anderen Mitspielern so richtig schön eins auszuwischen ! Sollte man ausprobiert haben.

Deviously Simple. Delightfully Mean-Spirited. Wickedly Fast-Paced.

HEX HEX is a fast-playing, stand-alone card game for 3-6 people. Players hurl Hex after Hex around the table, co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


S&DG 0002

Hex Hex 1.5

Bitte vorbestellen


Eine persönliche Empfehlung des Fan'En Teams !
Dieses Spiel hat alles was ein Kultspiel braucht.
Relativ simple Regeln die aber einiges an Spass bieten, schnelles Gameplay und vor allem die Möglichkeit den anderen Mitspielern so richtig schön eins auszuwischen !
Sollte man ausprobiert haben.

Hex•Hex is a fast-playing, stand-alone card game for 3–6 people. Players hurl Hex after Hex around the table, constantly redirecting, deflecting and altering the Hex's power until finally someon... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


S&DG 0003

Hex Hex Next

HEX - HEX - NEXT is an advanced expansion to the critically acclaimed game Hex Hex and features many all-new (and decidedly nasty) cards that will surprise and delight veterans of the game. Play it all on it's own or mix it into the base deck for even more fun.

Our Deviously Simple, Delightfully Mean-Spirited, Wickedly Fast-Paced game, HEX HEX is back with a vengeance in HEX HEX NEXT.

Featuring all new cards, this latest edition can be played as a stand-alone game or added to your current ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


S&DG 0004

Hex Hex XL

Deviously Simple. Delightfully Mean-Spirited. Wickedly Fast-Paced. And Bigger and Better than Ever! HEX-HEX is a fast-playing, stand-alone card game where players hurl Hex after Hex around the table, constantly redirecting, deflecting, and altering the Hex's power until finally someone runs out of options and becomes HEXED.

This new, larger core edition is designed to replace both the 1.5 base game and Hex-Hex Next, and features a streamlined deck of 150 cards taking the 'best of' cards from ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


S&DG 0020

Dead Hand Chaos Poker

The Dead Hand Chaos Poker deck adds a twist on traditional poker. Play virtually any poker game you can think of (7-card stud, 5-card draw, etc). At the end of a hand, if there are still two or more players left for the showdown, the top card from the draw pile is turned face-up. 60% of the cards have a hidden message on the face fo the card. By tipping the card back and forth in the light, a particular card or hand will be revealed in the varnish of the card. The named card or hand (if any) is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


S&DG 0025

Dread Curse

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A pirate lives on skill, guile and fortune's fair eye, dreading the day his luck finally runs dry.&#8232; Before ye lies a sack of sixty golden doubloons – a king's ransom and a good day's haul. Each of the crew is entitled to a share equal to his rank and station aboard, and as a crew of thieving pirates, each has his own unique talent for prying coins out of the hands of his shipmates. Take all ye deserve – but no more than prudence allows for the treasure be cursed!&#8232;&#8232;

Withi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


S&DG 0026


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Pass with care...

Many are the paths to power: brute force, subtle deception, cunning trickery. You hold the cards...but you can't keep them all. What will you decide to collect for personal gain? And what are you willing to give up in order to destroy? The Ravens are gathering, many of whom used to be rivals. Will you rise to power or simply be...nevermore.

Nevermore is a casual-style, card-drafting game in which you quickly build your hand each round, collecting cards you want and poison... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

S&DG 0029


Bitte vorbestellen


Mon dieu! M. Harpagon Richard is most decidedly dead, though not nearly soon enough for YOUR tastes, the old miser. His passing has brought you all together, feigning tears and anticipating your inheritance, when a terribly bothersome police inspector calls upon you.
Chief Inspector Francois Cleu is not convinced that Harpagon passed peacefully in his sleep, as was reported. In fact, he's discovered "somewhat troubling evidence" that he was instead stabbed, poisoned, shot, strangled, bludgeoned... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


S&DG 0030

Run for your Life, Candyman !

"Run, run, fast as you can!"
Yours is an enchanted land made entirely of candy and confections, but underneath that sugar frosted veneer lies the disturbing truth. The king has betrayed you all.

The sweet, candy citizens all over the land are being packaged and shipped from the castle to voracious children all over the world. But not you. You're not going out like that. Time to get your candy buttons out of Dodge!

So it's every gingerbread man for himself in a mad dash for the border. And... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


S&DG 0032

Run for your Life, Candyman ! 2nd Ed.

A twisted parody of a classic board game. Yours is a sugar frosted land of confection. But underneath the candy covered veneer lies a disturbing truth. The king is selling the sweet citizens out the back door to voracious children all over the world. Now it's a mad dash for the border to save your little candy buttons. And if you have to snap a few ginger limbs to do it - well, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

34,00 EUR


S&DG 0060


The Dice Stacking Game of Pushing One's Luck, Wherein Wisdom May Be Gained.
Steeped in Japanese folklore, SUTAKKU™ was originally developed to teach the common man the foibles of wishing for more than he had. In this quick-playing, push-your-luck dice game, you attempt to create the tallest stack of dice in order to gain the highest score per turn.
The general rule… Roll three dice and add two of them to an ever-climbing stack of dice. You can choose to stop rolling and score your stacked... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR



S&DG 0027

Specters of Nevermore (Expansion)

Summon the Never–Were. The lure of untold mystic power consumes you. Delving ever deeper into your fascination with Plutonian shores, you have summoned into service the eerie and powerful specters of Poe's gothic horror characters. Armed with the powers of the "Never–Were", you intend to reign supreme, forevermore.

Specters of Nevermore, an expansion for the casual card-drafting game Nevermore, introduces twelve unique player characters based on the literary characters in Poe's works: Dr.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Snarling Badger Games

SBG 0200

Zombie Rally

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Unbeknownst to most living humans, zombies enjoy the competitive atmosphere of racing. Frequently shown in movies as masses of undead seeking norishment, these zombies actually depict a group participating in a no-holds-barred zombie marathon. At other times, it's just another example of humans intruding in a private sporting event at a local graveyard - just a couple of zombies trying to improve themselves by reaching the ghoul-line. After all, what self-respecting zombie doesn't dream of becom... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


SnowBoard Games

SBG 0001


Hike! is a light and fast card-drafting racing game with huskies. Players take on the role of mushers (dog drivers) who assemble their husky sleds and race through the snowy wilderness.

The players carefully select the huskies for their abilities to move over treacherous terrain and place them in the sled according to their character. They gather the equipment and train their huskies. And then the race is on! The players rely on their huskies’ abilities and the preparations they've taken, a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



SBG 0001

Hike!: Events & Traits

If you like Hike! and wish to have an even bigger experience, the Events and Traits expansion is for you. It adds a hefty deck of 64 cards to the gameplay. It includes trait cards that players get at the beginning of the game and that give them a bit of asymmetric starting positions, and event cards that add another layer to card drafting, and present players with more options in the race phase. Event cards are divided into two groups - the majority of them are events that only influence the rac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Soda Pop Miniatures

SPM 30001

Tentacle Bento

Bitte vorbestellen


Tentacle Bento is a cheeky, fast playing trick taking card game for 2 to 4 players. Each game puts you in the enviable position of being a horrid, tentacle flailing, slime oozing monster from outer space. Cleverly disguised (of course) as an adorable, and newly enrolled student at Takoashi University, an all-girls school nestled in scenic Japan.

Play requires matching a student, a location, and an action in order to get points for that student. Any suit combination of these cards is sufficien... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


SolarFlare Games

SFG 0400

Lords of Rock

Sammlerstück / Rarität


After ruling the universe for millennia, the many gods find their power is diminishing and some have faded away completely. Those remaining, are forced into a battle for their very survival. War would only lead to annihilation. They have agreed that their battle for souls and power must be played out on the cosmic stage. Choosing from a variety of powerful Pantheons, players assign their Gods various roles in their heavenly bands; vocals, drums, guitar and bass. Once they have set the stage... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


Sovereign Press

SVP 2001

Dancing Dragons

A card game where teams of two try to use their cards to construct a dragon and get points before their opponents can steal the dragon from them to take the points for themselves.

16,00 EUR


SVP 4001

Dragon Lairds

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Build your dragon empire!
In an ancient and forgotten land, the five dragon clans held dominion over the lesser races. Now the throne of power sits empty, and the leaders of each clan scheme to claim it for their own. Only expert use of resources, commoners, dragon magic, and the prestige of each clan's Lairds can one hope to claim the throne!

Dragon Lairds is a fantasy-themed board game from legendary game designers James M. Ward and Tom Wham, featuring Wham's fan-favorite artwork. It comb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Space Cowboys

SCB 0001


z.Zt. vergriffen


Splendor is a fast-paced and addictive game of chip-collecting and card development. Players are merchants of the Renaissance trying to buy gem mines, means of transportation, shops — all in order to acquire the most prestige points. If you're wealthy enough, you might even receive a visit from a noble at some point, which of course will further increase your prestige.

On your turn, you may (1) collect chips (gems), or (2) buy and build a card, or (3) reserve one card. If you collect chips,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Spyglass Games


VENOM Assault

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


In the year 2050 the United Nations made a startling discovery that changed the course of the future. They learned of the existence of a global terrorist organization known only as VENOM. This group was responsible not only for every act of terror in the past two decades, but they were also the ones who brought about the start of World War III.

Their only goal is that of world domination, and armed with this knowledge the UN enacted Project Freedom. Their chosen general, Abraham Steele, would... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Squamous Studios


Feed the Shoggoth!

Feed the Shoggoth is a fast and furious card game, in which players each control a different cult faction, facing a very angry and hungry Shoggoth in the middle of the table. To earn points and win the game, the players attempt to sacrifice Minions from their cult to the Shoggoth (bad news for Minions, but what do you expect when you join an evil cult?). However, the Shoggoth is indiscriminate in who it eats; if you can't feed the Shoggoth on your turn with a Minion, it eats you, and you're out ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR




Feed the Shoggoth! . Morsels of Madness

Morsels of Madness is the first expansion for the humorous Lovecraftian card game Feed the Shoggoth!. Morsels of Madness contains 42 new cards to use with the core game, including:

Five new types of Minions
New Cult Factions
New Artifacts
New Spells
Plus, handy turn guides and instructions on how to use the expansion!

Note: You must have a copy of Feed the Shoggoth! in order to use this expansion. It is not a standalone game

14,00 EUR


Squirmy Beast

SQUIB 1010

What the Food?

Bitte vorbestellen


What the Food?! is a fast-paced card game for 3-8 players capturing the experience of a classic cafeteria food fight! Pick up food, throw funny combos at your opponents and duck to avoid "humiliation" points from flying food impact.

In the center is a draw deck, with five food or other cards exposed at any one time to make up the "cafeteria floor". Players start the game with three standard actions and one special action unique to their character. Every round, each player chooses three of the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Steamforged Games


Gears Of War: The Card Game

Listen up, soldier. The world is in ruin. The Locust Horde has risen. It’s Human vs Horde, and here’s your mission: Pick a side, build a powerful deck, and win the war. The fate of the world is in your hands!

Experience the gritty gunplay of the video game in this official two-player card game. Take command of the COG forces or the Locust horde and seize control of the battlefield, one chapter at a time.

Strategise your way through each chapter, bolstering your forces with classic cha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR



PAC-MAN: The Card Game

Stage 1: Beginners | 2–4 players | 5–15 min

Your aim is to get the most points without being knocked out by ghosts. Fruit and PAC-dot cards are worth points; power up cards have special rules, like having two players swap hands; and three ghost cards will knock you out of the game!

Stage 2: Advanced | 2–4 players | 5–15 min
Mastered the Level 1 deck? Challenge yourself with the Level 2 deck, which has more ghosts and stronger power ups!

Bonus Stage | Up to 8 players | 15–25... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



Peaky Blinders: Faster Than Truth

Hot Seller


Money. Power. Prestige. Step into the lawless streets of 1920s Birmingham, where lies travel faster than the truth. To get the upper hand and gain enough influence to beat your rivals, you’ll need to play your cards close to your chest. Make alliances, break alliances, and remember intelligence is a valuable thing.

When everyone is out to get you, can you bluff and trick your way to the top?

22,00 EUR



Shadow Games

Hot Seller! Sonderangebot


In Shadow Games, you must gather enough favours to secure the new star player for your guild. Players use various Plot and Agent cards to bribe, steal, and earn favour, but it is not enough to simply play the cards you receive. Fortune favours the bluffers! Play a card from your hand, and call it anything you want. If you convince your opponents of your lies, you will not only reap the rewards of the card you pretended to have but also gain a powerful bluff bonus that will accelerate your victor... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR



Sonic: The Card Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


Take your sneakers to the tabletop in the Sonic Card Game
Sonic's the name, and speed is the game — the card game, that is! Race family and friends through random levels, collecting rings and power-ups and dodging enemies to win.

Choose your favourite Sonic the Hedgehog character
Play as Sonic, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, or Blaze

Build levels as you race
Whether they're rings, power-ups, or enemies, every level brings surprises! Draw random cards to build levels as you race.

Got... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Steve Jackson Games

SJG 1309

I hate Zombies

Yet again, a ravening horde of horrible zombies shambles forth to devour the living. The last survivors of humanity face off with dirty, brain-guzzling zombies in battles that will decide the fate of the world!
Designed by Kevin Wilson and beautifully/disgustingly illustrated by Robb Mommaerts, I Hate Zombies is a retail edition of’s very first published micro-game!
Key Features
• Quick-playing and easy to pick up!
• Supports up to 12 players, making it a great party ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


SJG 1313

Hacker DeLuxe

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Nice Price

Can you break into the world's toughest computer systems? In Hacker, players sail through the Net, competing to invade the most systems. The more systems you crack, the more you learn, and the easier your next target is. You can find back doors and secret phone lines, and even crash the systems your rivals are using. But be careful. There's a Secret Service Raid waiting for you!

Designed by Steve Jackson, Hacker requires guile an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

200,00 EUR


SJG 131349


Be the biggest ooze . . . or lose!

In Gelatinous, players start out as a wandering slime, using sparkling green dice to grow into a cube. But watch out, the other slimes are growing too! The first to grow into a cube wins – and the rest are lunch.

Includes 42 glittery green dice and its own dice bag!

20,00 EUR


SJG 1324

Silicon Valley Tarot

Sammlerstück / Rarität


What will happen to me? My program? My career?

The Silicon Valley Tarot knows. Created by Thomas Scoville, this tarot deck became "flavor of the month" on the Internet before a single tree died to create a real card. But everyone who saw it wanted a real, physical deck . . . and so we printed one.

The hardcopy version of the Silicon Valley Tarot is a real 70-card deck, with both major and minor arcana, and includes a 44-page guidebook with Scoville's oracular interpretations, and instructi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


SJG 1360

Strange Synergy

Nice Price

Strange Synergy is built around 100 different Power Cards . . . superpowers, mutations, skills, gadgets. Each warrior starts with three different powers. You choose the combination! Can you create the unbeatable team? Can you win against superior powers? Developed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by Phil Foglio (Girl Genius, GURPS IOU, XXXenophile), this game will be as much fun to watch as it is to play. No two games are the same. How many ways can y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SJG 1382


Tio Rico’s up to his old tricks!
Based on the popular kid’s show, Muertoons Mix-Up shows you the way to the Dia de los Muertos celebration, all with the help of Rosita, Bibi, Rubi, Lupita, and Gabi. With simple rules and colorful art from the show, Muertoons is sure to please little ones.

In Muertoons, based on the animated series Muertoons and the 2003 card game Spooks, you get to follow the Muertoons characters to the Dia de los Muertos celebration — but only if you can get past grum... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


SJG 1389

Deadly Doodles

In Deadly Doodles, 1-4 players simultaneously draw paths through a dangerous dungeon. Draw cards, draw a path through your dungeon, and rack up points! Collect loot and fight monsters...or run away screaming! Can you defeat the dragon for the big score?

24,00 EUR


SJG 1390

SPANC - SpacePirateAmazonNinjaCatgirl

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


SPANC Them All!
Life is good when you're a Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirl. Enjoy a life of larceny and mayhem as you embark on one Caper after another. Defeat every challenge the galaxy throws at you, from the Friendly Guard Puppies all the way to the Fiendish Death Trap. Pick up Toys (and the occasional Poolboy), grab more Fame than anyone else, and watch your tail . . . because the other catgirls want what you've got!

Lovingly illustrated by Phil Foglio, SPANC is a fast-paced card game... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1393

King's Blood

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


King's Blood is a fast-paced multi-player card game. Build the family tree by arranging marriages, exiling rivals, and crowning new royalty. Match a character with a compatible member of the opposite sex, and start a new generation. Play the last family member from your hand, and you've won! King's Blood was originally published by Fujimi Shobo in Japan, where it remains a fan favorite. Steve Jackson Games is proud to offer the authorized English translation of this fast, fun game, complete with... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1409

Battle Cattle: The Card Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Hold on to your hooves! Battle Cattle, the hilarious game of cow-to-cow combat, is now a card game. Produced under license from Wingnut Games, Battle Cattle: The Card Game gives you all the udder destruction of America's finest beefsteak going at it horns and tongues, in a fun and quick-to-learn card game format.

Battle Cattle: The Card Game is a standalone card game, but it is completely compatible with Car Wars: The Card Game, too! Combine the two games... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


SJG 1420

Burn in Hell

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Nice Price

Cleopatra. Blackbeard. Attila the Hun. Richard Nixon. John Wilkes Booth. Collect the souls of the damned! In Burn in Hell, you try to assemble the tastiest "Circles" of history's sinners. Trade souls with your rivals . . . or just steal the ones you need. Collect groups of Mass Murderers, Cannibals, or even Clerics . . . or build sets of the Seven Deadly Sins. Burn in Hell will keep you on your toes . can you see the sets that fit together for the mos... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 1425


Sammlerstück / Rarität


A quick card game for 3 or more players. Play cards by matching numbers and suits. The first player to empty his hand wins . . . and the spooks get everybody else!

Each suit - Spiders, Spooks, Goblins, Bones, and Bats - has a special rule, so you don't know who will be first to escape the haunted house until the final card is played. And you can give the Master card in each suit a special power, for even spookier effects!

Spooks is a great party game for adults and kids alike!

88,00 EUR


SJG 1430

Ninja Burger

Now you can join the elite Ninja Burger delivery team! You will learn to deliver tasty burgers and fries anywhere. You will bring honor to your franchise. Failure is not an option.

The twisted minds that brought you Chez Geek and Munchkin are back. Based on the popular website at, this hilarious card game, designed by Steve Jac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


SJG 1435




Greed Is Good!

. . . and it's especially good in the dungeon. In GreedQuest, four to six players race to the bottom level of the dungeon to grab The Hoard. Now all you have to do is get out of the dungeon with it . . . and everyone else is between you and the exit!

Each player has his own deck of cards that control movement. Bluff, scheme, and strategize your way to the head of the pack . . . but some cards will change the rules when you least expect it!(vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SJG 1523

Mars Attacks: Ten-Minute Takedown

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Schachtel etwas eingedrückt ... nicht weiter schlimm!

Destroy the earthling cities with your flying saucer!

Mars Attacks: Ten-Minute Takedown is a fast-playing dexterity game of Martian aggression and global destruction. Flick the custom die from your flying saucer at the earthling cities, and claim their points as you destroy them.

1 custom 14mm d6
5 chipboard targets
4 chipboard flying saucers

10,00 EUR


SJG 1539

Simon's Cat Card Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Don’t get caught. Blame everyone else. You are a cat. Do cat things. Match cards to make mischief and pass the blame, but don’t let Simon catch you!
Based on the sensational YouTube series – over 680 million views – by Simon Tofield, Simon’s Cat is a lighthearted, fast-paced card game for 2-4 players.
Key Features
• Art straight from the award-winning cartoon
• Place the blame on other players
• Fast, trick-taking game play

20,00 EUR


SJG 1569

Super Kitty Bug Slap

The fastest paws win!

Grab the coolest cats you can find for some bug-slappin' action in this a speedy card game of swift thinking and quick paws! Super Kitty Bug Slap is a fast-paced game that lets 3 to 5 players see who has the most skills. When the game ends, the quickest kitty with the most cards wins!

8,00 EUR


SJG 1571

Blob Lobber

Hot Seller


Blob Lobber is a fast-paced card game for 2 to 4 players in which players take turns flinging blob cards. If your card lands with a bomb showing, you claim all the enemy blobs beneath it...but if more blobs turn up, your opponents may be able to bomb more blobs than you! Grab your friends and lob some cards!

8,00 EUR


SJG 1583

GROO - The Game

Try to construct a town of buildings despite Groo being less-ept than you might like.

In Groo: The Game, players compete to be the first to build a large town by playing building cards that give them victory points.
Of course, this is no picnic, hindered as it is by other players' rampaging armies and the frequent bumbling visitations of Groo the Wanderer,
determined by the roll of a set of dice, which can also grant players resources with which to build and "Groo heads"
with which to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


SJG 1801

Lord of the Fries 3rd Edition

z.Zt. vergriffen


Welcome to Friedey's, the Fast Food Restaurant of the Damned!

Our whole staff is dead, and we're really short on brains. But we'll do our best to fill your order! Even a horde of nearly-mindless zombies can assemble combo meals. Sort of.

And now you're one of us. Combine frighteningly generic ingredients like "Cow Meat," "Sauce," and "Drink." Play from eight different menus, including Ratherbee's Steakhouse, the classic Friedey's Restaurant, and the new McPubihan's. Build orders like Bovin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SJG 1802

Give me the Brain

You think working in a fast-food restaurant is hell? This place is worse! All the employees are zombies (including you). The jobs are repetitive and gross, the customers ask stupid questions, and all the zombies have to share a single brain... which they keep dropping on the floor!

In this award-winning card game by James Ernest, all the players are zombies, shuffling and moaning through their horrible jobs. Whoever gets rid of all his jobs first wins. Every turn, you can do a couple of thing... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SJG 1903

Ninja Burger Secret Ninja Death Touch Edition

Now you can join the elite Ninja Burger delivery team! You will learn to deliver tasty burgers and fries anywhere. You will bring honor to your franchise. Failure is not an option.

The twisted minds that brought you Chez Geek and Munchkin are back. Based on the popular website at, this hilarious card game, designed by Steve Jackson, pits you against your fellow trainees in a new Ninja Burger store. Learn the secrets of stealth, swordsmanship, and customer service. Fight fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


SJG 31318

Cthulhu Dice - Blue with Yellow

Serving Cthulhu is fun . . . except for all those other cultists out to get you. So get them first! Cthulhu Dice lets you drive your rivals mad . . . very, very quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12-sided die, embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But watch out for Cthulhu -- when he comes up, he takes sanity from everyone! 18 glass Sanity marbles are included. Lose all your marbles and your're mad. The l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SJG 31319

Cthulhu Dice - Sparkly Pink with White Ink

Serving Cthulhu is fun . . . except for all those other cultists out to get you. So get them first! Cthulhu Dice lets you drive your rivals mad . . . very, very quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12-sided die, embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But watch out for Cthulhu -- when he comes up, he takes sanity from everyone! 18 glass Sanity marbles are included. Lose all your marbles and you're mad. The la... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SJG 31320

Cthulhu Dice - Bone with Red Ink

Serving Cthulhu is fun . . . except for all those other cultists out to get you. So get them first!

Cthulhu Dice lets you drive your rivals mad . . . very, very quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12-sided die, embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But watch out for Cthulhu -- when he comes up, he takes sanity from everyone! 18 glass Sanity marbles are included. Lose all your marbles and you're mad. The... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


SJG 31328

Cthulhu Dice Metäl

Serving Cthulhu is fun . . . except for all those other cultists out to get you. So get them first!

Cthulhu Dice lets you drive your rivals mad . . . very, very quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12-sided die, embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But watch out for Cthulhu – when he comes up, he takes sanity from everyone! 18 glass Sanity marbles are included. Lose all your marbles and you're mad. Th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


SJG 31335

Mars Attacks Dice Game

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


In Mars Attacks: The Dice Game, the Martian players compete to see who can subjugate which U.S. cities first.

At the start of the game, four stacks of cards are dealt out randomly, with each stack having as many cards as players. On a turn, the player first declares which city he wants to attack, then rolls all ten dice. Any dice showing the "nuke" symbol are locked and cannot be rerolled. Laser guns are similarly locked, allowing the player to reroll only the alien heads. If he rerolls and e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SJG 31342

Cthulhu Dice

Serving Cthulhu is fun . . . except for all those other cultists out to get you. So get them first!

Cthulhu Dice lets you drive your rivals mad . . . very, very quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12-sided die, embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But watch out for Cthulhu -- when he comes up, he takes sanity from everyone! 18 glass Sanity marbles are included. Lose all your marbles and you're mad. The... (vollständige Beschreibung)

8,00 EUR


SJG 5965

Hack & Slash

Don’t Fail . . .
In this quick game, your guild of adventurers is ready for anything: battles, rescues, and the “liberation” of whatever pays the most. Choose a quest and roll the dice! You may win fame, and even recruit a new comrade for your party. Or you may fail, and slink back to the Tavern.

Illustrated by Lar deSouza
For 2-6 players
Hack & Slash can be played entirely through video chat as long as one person has the game and other players have their own supply of meeples and th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


SJG 7234

Ogre: Objective 218

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In 2085 A.D., armored warfare is faster and deadlier than ever!

Supertanks, GEVs, and infantry slug it out to defend supply lines and keep pressure on your enemy in Ogre: Objective 218, a two-player game based on The Battle for Hill 218 in which players fight to control a hill by occupying bases on the opposite sides of it.

In the game, players must maintain supply lines and destroy enemy units to advance on the enemy home base, while ensuring that their own base is not taken. Air strikes ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



SJG 1319

Hacker II: The Dark Side

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Hacker II is a supplement to Hacker (1st Edition - out of print). It's not playable alone. It adds new and evil rules - Viruses, the Internet Worm, outdials, multiple accounts, Black Ice, and Military Hardware (hot new gadgets you're NOT supposed to have).

Plus consoles and tokens for 2 more players!

Components include rulebook, 55 cards, 157 marker chips, 2 console units, and lots of other markers to support the various new rules. Some of the cards are blank so ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


SJG 1399

Deadly Doodles 2: Deadly Doodles Expansion

Following closely behind the hit Deadly Doodles, this all-new expansion, Deadly Doodles 2, includes new dungeons to delve, traps to avoid, and treasures to collect. With a new custom d6, players will open magic doors and collect cursed treasure that could be worth a fortune or something much, much worse! For 1 to 4 doodlers. Not a stand-alone game. A copy of Deadly Doodles is required to play.

Deadly Doodles 2 contains new maps, new rules, and a new custom six-sided die for use with the Deadl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SJG 1431

Ninja Burger 2 - Sumo-Size Me !

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Be a ninja! Deliver fast food! What's not to like? And here are 72 more cards, illustrated by Greg Hyland, to sumo-size your Ninja Burger adventures.

More missions, delivering everywhere from the top of the Empire State Building (and who might be placing THAT order?) to Hades! More ninja! And more Fortune cards, including new types: Goals, New Menu Items, and "enhancers" for your Ninja Stuff! It's not enough just to have a katana . . . now it can be Cursed and Wasabi-Coated too!

Plus a spe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



SJG 5913

Zombie Dice Score Pad

Keeping track of your brains has never been easier! Each page of the Zombie Dice Score Pad is packed with enough brains for a six player game. Just mark off a brain icon for every brain you score. It's so easy... a Zombie can do it! Great for gamers on the go, this handy accessory fits easily inside a Zombie Dice cup. Now you don't need to have space for counters to play a game of Zombie Dice!

4,00 EUR


Storyception Games

SCG 0002

Apocalypse Universe: Galactic Arena

One hundred and fifty years have passed since the first match in the Galactic Arena. This ancient mystical arena was originally located in an abandoned Serpente subsystem forgotten by time. After the First Apocalypse, the Terrans built endless numbers of space platforms to colonize space, and an agreement was brought forth between the Terrans and a mystical sect of great influence to lease the space platform CETUS-7. The ancient arena was rebuilt on top of the platform, taking the galactic fight... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR



STL 0001

Aye, Dark Overlord

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


"Aye, Dark Overlord!" is a fantasy party game filled with humor, fast to learn and easy to play.

Each player is a servant of the Dark Lord (Rigor Mortis, the Master of all Evils), and all that servants are gathered at the Dark Lord knees to explain why the last important Mission For The Conquest Of The World came to a failure.

The only weapon servants have is explaining how the things went wrong, and giving the hot suff to another servant... obviously, the servant that can't give away the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

STL 0005

Build !

Bitte vorbestellen


In Build! You have to play the role of a pitiless businessman who wants to build up as many constructions as he can, regardless of their nature and without caring about the damages they can deliver to environment and public health. To achieve your goal, you can use different kinds of Cards: Land Cards, on which you can build up constructions; Construction Cards, representing the different buildings you can put on your lands; Actions Cards (Attack & Defence), which have the aim to damage the enem... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


STL 0006

Bad Babiez

Bitte vorbestellen


"Mum and daddy are gone, the house is quiet and tidy... for now."

"Start a frantic household warfare with other babies. Look for the most useful items in the rooms and make the worse spites. Put on your leather jacket, arm yourself with the frying pan and stirring the pot, go on the skateboard to move faster. Put the stereo at full volume, flood the bathroom and make the babysitter run away. You have to prove to everybody who is the Bad Baby of the house. But be aware that nobody sees you cr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


STL 0128

Goblins: Epic Death

Bitte vorbestellen


The new Goblin chiefs are ready to sound the charge and assault the castle! This time, the fortress is defended by a moat full of muddy water, but our fearless heroes did not come unprepared! Among the Goblin warriors are lifeguards, rafts, divers, fishermen, and even a pedal-boat – and they will all be needed to face the hazards (as well as the monsters!) hidden under the waters defending the castle! There are plenty of heroes of every kind, but this does not assure victory, especially when a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Stratus Games

STT 5723

Launch Pad

Bitte vorbestellen


The space race is on!

You are battling to build the biggest, baddest rockets possible and send them soaring into space. Each rocket requires metal, fuel, and the expertise needed for liftoff. As you build your rockets, beware of your opponents, who are eager to steal your goods and sabotage your work--you may even have some tricks of your own to thwart their progress.

All the while, the launch pad is being constructed--as soon as it’s ready, the rockets that are "go" for launch will blas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Stronghold Games

SHG 0005

Pit Crew

Sammlerstück / Rarität


While the driver gets all the attention, the pit crew are the unsung heroes of racing…

Pit Crew is a lightning-fast game where up to three teams of players must work together to get their race car back onto the track as quickly as possible. There are no turns in Pit Crew, as cards can be played at any time, but teams need to work together to make sure that their tires are properly replaced, fuel tank filled up, and engine repaired without making any costly mistakes. And will your team just ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


SHG 0012

Diamonds 2nd. Edition

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Diamonds is a trick-taking card game in which players collect Diamonds — not cards bearing that suit, mind you, but rather actual "Diamond Crystals" (acrylic crystals) included in the game.
What makes the game of Diamonds different from other trick-taking card games is that when you cannot follow suit you get a "Suit Action" based on what suit you do play. Suit Actions are also taken by the winner of each trick, as well as at the end of a full Round of play.
Suit Actions will enable players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


SHG 6004


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Build the biggest, baddest, best Pirate ship on the high seas. Plunder your way to glory and fame!

In Piratoons, each turns begins with a treasure of boat parts and equipment being revealed. All at the same time, each Pirate rushes to allocate crew in an effort to plunder the best loot by placing their crew meeples on individual items as bids. Each piece of treasure goes to the player with the most crew invested in the item, but only after removing all tied bids. Therefore, Pirates need to st... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 54,00 EUR


SHG 6013

Felicity - The Cat in the Sack

Cats have very different personalities: Some adorable and sweet, and some...not so much...

The object of the game is to acquire the best cats. Sometimes, you'll use a dog to chase away unwanted cats, but too many dogs are bad as they will just chase each other!

With their mice, players attempt to grab the famous Felicity: The Cat In The Sack. In the sack, there are both good and bad cats. Each player can also put a dog or rabbit into the sack instead of a cat, allowing players to bluff one... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SHG 6019

Paper Tales

Experience two fantastical centuries of expansions and combat in Paper Tales. Remodel your assorted assembly of characters, units, and buildings in each period based on your developments and the age of your heroes. Write a new legend of the rightful ruler who brought unity to the rival kingdoms.

In more detail, Paper Tales is a simultaneous drafting card game. Each turn, players draft five units that they then recruit into their kingdom — assuming that they can pay. These choices determine ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


SHG 8010

Vampire Empire

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


In a foreboding castle somewhere in central Europe, a strange fear has descended upon the inhabitants. One morning the body of a young girl was found, as pale as a sheet of paper, dry and totally drained of blood. Vampires are on the prowl! Who is the monster who murders innocent during the night? Before the truth will be discovered, more than one person may face unjust accusations thrown out by the devious servants of darkness. Will the vampires be successfully caught before they endanger the e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

SHG 8033

Whoosh Bounty Hunters

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Whoosh: Bounty Hunters is a fun, fast reaction game in which players try to capture cute monsters and collect bounty. Each player has a draw pile of Weapon and Spell cards. Three Monster card piles are at the center of the table, each with a revealed card in front of it. Each Monster requires different Weapons and Spells to be captured. The players, one by one, reveal cards from their piles. As soon as the cards revealed by all the players meet the requirements of one of the monsters, they must ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


SHG 8034


Memo…Arrr! You flipped the wrong card! To play MemoArrr!, 2 to 4 players need the power of recollection and the luck of Pirates. Only then can they make their escape from the island of Captain Goldfish, their pockets lined with rubies, before the lava swallows them up! In turn order, players reveal locations that are connected via animals or landscape to the most recently revealed location. If you reveal a location without any connection, you’re out of the round. The last remaining Pirate gr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR



Astro Drive

Astro Drive is a fast-paced card-driven spaceship racing game that rewards tactical card play but also requires a pinch of good luck. Punch it at the right moment to overtake your opponents, but avoid obstacles or you will crash and burn!

26,00 EUR



SHG 7130

Paper Tales: Beyond the Gates

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Paper Tales: Beyond the Gates is the first expansion for the hit game, Paper Tales. This contains 20 new units and 6 new buildings that are meant to both preserve the balance of the base game and enhance its possibilities and replay value. With this expansion, players can now start with a set of 7 buildings available, out of 11, and these buildings are different every game. Each new building opens new strategies, as does the impact of the new units.

Paper Tales: Beyond the Gates includes all ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Studio 2 Publishing

S2P 20003

Sleep Tight Card Game

In Sleep Tight you are kids stuck in a very special dream...a dream where the Sandman lives. Your souls have been shattered, and the only way to wake up is to collect Soul Fragments by traversing your nightmares. But watch out, because the Sandman will haunt you trying to consume your remaining Soul Fragments.

Team up against the Sandman or turn against each other. If the Sandman is killed, everyone wins. But if one of you wakes up first, they win, while the other players stay trapped in the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Studio 9 Games

S9G Z10001

Treasures & Traps Card Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


Treasures and Traps is the adventure card game that puts you on a quest for riches. Each card can open the door to a tricky challenge, a magical assistance, or a valuable treasure.

The approximate playing time is 10-30 minutes for two players. Add 10 minutes for each additional player.

Be the first player to get a Gold, Silver, and Bronze TREASURE card into your realm. Your other cards give you the powers you will need to keep others from winning.

The game contains a full set of 100 uni... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


S9G Z10003

Treasures & Traps Card Game Ep.: Expanded Realms 1

The release of the first expansion for Treasures and Traps will be available now! The expansion will add new cards to your existing deck, and provide Class Cards a play variation where you take the role of a hero with unique attributes.

8,00 EUR


S9G Z10007

Treasures & Traps Card Game Exp.: Expanded Realms 2

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As with Expanded Realms 1, Treasures and Traps: Expanded Realms 2 consists of 26 cards to be added to the T&T game deck. Each card has a unique effect, examples of which are time control spells to affect the next few rounds, poison traps, the deadly monk dojo, the surprise mimic trap, locations to power your hand and your defenses, the duel event to challenge another player, and the dimensional box to hold your goodies.

ca. 8,00 EUR


S9G Z10008

Treasures & Traps Card Game Exp.: Random Encounters

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


In the vast wilderness exotic travelers, mystic relics, legandary lands, and fabled heros have been found. Now, with Treasures and Traps: Random Encounters you can wield these forces and bring glory to your realm — but be quick or your opponent may seize these findings of good fortune first!

The Random Encounters expansion contains thirteen powerful cards introducing a new class, two custom dice for use with the cards, a set of rules explaining how to use them, and a large box to hold the T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Sunrise Tornado

SRT 0002

Playing Cats Spring

Playing Cats is a deck of 54 cards with 18 super cute cats from the Cat Sudoku game series illustrated by the most talented Kaiami. There are five different packs of Playing Cats, and the key elements or suits in Playing Cats are the four seasons in Japan: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

18,00 EUR


SRT 0004

Playing Cats Fall

Hot Seller


Playing Cats is a deck of 54 cards with 18 super cute cats from the Cat Sudoku game series illustrated by the most talented Kaiami. There are five different packs of Playing Cats, and the key elements or suits in Playing Cats are the four seasons in Japan: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

18,00 EUR


SRT 0005

Playing Cats Winter

Playing Cats is a deck of 54 cards with 18 super cute cats from the Cat Sudoku game series illustrated by the most talented Kaiami. There are five different packs of Playing Cats, and the key elements or suits in Playing Cats are the four seasons in Japan: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

18,00 EUR


SRT 0006

Playing Cats Summer

Playing Cats is a deck of 54 cards with 18 super cute cats from the Cat Sudoku game series illustrated by the most talented Kaiami. There are five different packs of Playing Cats, and the key elements or suits in Playing Cats are the four seasons in Japan: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

18,00 EUR


SRT 0008

Playing Cats Original

Playing Cats is a deck of 54 cards with 18 super cute cats from the Cat Sudoku game series illustrated by the most talented Kaiami. There are five different packs of Playing Cats, and the key elements or suits in Playing Cats are the four seasons in Japan: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

18,00 EUR


Sunriver Games

SRG 0002

Havoc: The Hundred Years War

z.Zt. vergriffen


"Cry Havoc" and let slip the dogs of war!
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act III Scene I, circa 1608.

Havoc: the Hundred Years War is a card game where players compete in a series of battles by recruiting soldiers to form sets (poker hands) to win victory points. The Dogs of War are used to retrieve soldiers from the battlefield or to draw extra resources. After 8 skirmishes a final battle ends the game and crowns a new king based on total victory points.

Havoc is a card game for 2-6... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SRG 0003


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Abagio is a unique mixture of beguiling simplicity, cunning strategy, twists and turns and surprising second chances. From the lush graphics of the board to the whimsical frog theme pieces to the seriously fun layers of strategy, this is that rarest of new game breeds - a truly fresh, captivating and classy two-player board game. Take the leap!

What Makes Abagio Special?
The Balance and Depth of the Game Play

It's rare that a new board game comes along with just the right balance of skill... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR


Surprised Stare Games Ltd.

SSG 0010

Bloody Legacy / Das blutige Erbe

z.Zt. vergriffen


Über "Das blutige Erbe"
Red doch mal ein bisschen lauter! Ich bin nämlich ziemlich tot ... nein, nicht taub, TOT !!! Was "Das blutige Erbe" ist? Das ist ein Kartenspiel von Surprised Stare, in dem es darum geht, wie mein Neffe mir mein Vermögen abgeluchst hat ...

Eine neue trostlos-graue Woche in der Großstadt hat begonnen und dir geht wieder einmal alles auf den Keks ... bis ein Plumps an der Haustür die Ankunft eines großen braunen Umschlags verheißt. Du weißt e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Sweet Games



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It's time for the troll tribes to go hunting, but who will find enough food to impress everyone when they return — assuming they even make it back, mind you.

In Trôl, players need to both collect food and survive. At the end of the game, the tribe that's brought back the least amount of food is eliminated, then the tribe with the fewest surviving members is out. Of the remaining tribes, whichever one has collected the most prestige from their hunting trophies of slayed monsters wins!

ca. 22,00 EUR


Sweet Lemon Publishing


Terrible Monster

Terrible Monster is a battle card game for two players. Each player starts with four lives, two counter tokens, and a hand of five cards from the deck of 16 cards, with players taking turns to draw a card and play up to two cards against each other, possibly countering or re-countering them.

The first player to defeat the other player wins.

14,00 EUR


T.O.G. Entertainment

TOG 1001

Food Fight

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Food Fight is a card game of frenzy and fun. Food Fight is played over the course of 3 meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The object of the game is to try to get all the food off you while throwing as much as possible at the other players. If you don't have enough food to throw you must gather some. Now lets all go get messy!

ca. 12,00 EUR


Tablestar Games

TSG 0311

Martinis & Men

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Martinis and Men is the fast, fun, multi- player party game that's sure to have everyone in stitches. The basic matching mechanics are simple enough to learn in five minutes, and exciting enough to keep everyone involved. Great for parties, or just for groups of friends who want to have fun.

Match Up Your Friends. Then send them on their first dates, in hopes of love at first sight. But be careful, other matchmakers will be trying to steal them out from under your nose. This is a fast party g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Tabletip Games


Super PACS

A Game of Politics about the Game of Politics.

You control one of the aspiring leaders of Humerica and gradually assemble a powerful coalition of factions to help you gain votes, wealth, and power. Each faction gives you a unique exploit that helps you or harms your opponents. Survive unexpected events, strive to win elections, fundraise from your wealthiest factions and, if you like, abscond with the money and purchase investments. The player with the most power wins!

The game features sa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


TAOC (The Art Of Conversation)

TAC 0010

The Art of Conversation Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


Designed to revive the art of conversation, TAOC is a fabulous way to make dinner parties, barbacues, holiday occasions and all get-togethers memorable.

With 300 fascinating and conversation building questions, plus 20 blank cards on which to write your own TAOC questions, this game is for everyone.

TAOC is suitable for all ages. The only knowledge needed to successfully contribute to TAOC is your own life experiences, interests and ideas.

TAOC may be used hundreds of times with continu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Tasty Minstrel Games

TMG 03007

Cthulhu Realms

In Cthulhu Realms, each player tries to reduce their opponents to insanity or have more sanity than their opponents when the deck runs out.
Each player starts the game with a small deck comprised of initiates, goons and followers. Five cards from the deck form a row of available cards on the table; with more than two players, place three available cards between each pair of players.
Each turn, you start with five cards in hand, playing those cards in order to put locations into play, boost you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


TMG 1003

Jab: Real-Time Boxing

JAB is a strategic boxing game unlike anything you’ve played before. In JAB, you get direct control over your boxer’s fists, providing an experience as close as possible to real boxing without getting punched in the face. JAB is real-time. There are no turns. You can play as fast as you want, but remember: playing smart is more important than playing fast.

To win the game, get a knockout by throwing devastating haymakers at your opponent until he staggers to the ground, or strategically w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


TMG 3011

Guns & Steel

Technology is a double-edged sword.

We have grown accustomed to the comforts of civilization, but at the same time we are always creating bigger bloodier methods of destruction.

Will you focus on civil developments to speed up production, or will you build powerful armies to lay waste to your enemies?
Do you build wonders that leaves a permanent heritage for mankind, or do you want to seize it from those who are not worthy?

Guns & Steel combines the variety of hand building with a uni... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


TMG 3016


Moo, moo!! Milk a cow, produce some milk!

You are a dairyman, milking fresh milk everyday, working hard to fulfill the orders given by the farm owner. But be aware! If your milk spoils an entire day's work will go down the drain! Or maybe you can turn milk into cheese or ice cream products, increasing their value and prevent them from spoiling! Can you become the best dairyman of the farm?

In clockwise order, players take turns to roll all dice, and must lock one set of dice that have a su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


TMG 6005

3 to 4 Headed Monster

In 3 to 4 Headed Monster, each player controls the head of a very conflicted monster. Every round, players will discuss who should be in control of the monster's legs for the round.

Once two players agree that they will be in control, they submit their cards, which are verified by a non-participating head, and everyone finds out whether the monster is looking for serenity... or looking for a fight!

The game is over when one faction (peaceful head vs. destructive heads) manages to have cont... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


TMG 7001

Train of Thought

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Train of Thought is a party word game. Players take turns trying to get opponents to guess a particular word, giving only a 3 word clue – and one of those words must be from a prior answer! For each clue given, each player may make 1 guess. If none are correct, the clue-giver creates another clue, using one of the guesses and up to 2 other words.

When the word is correctly guessed, the guessing player and the clue giver each get one point, and the clue giver draws a new card and continues m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


TMG 9001

Martian Dice Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


Marsianer, es ist deine Aufgabe über die trägen Bewohner des primitiven Planeten "Erde" herzufallen und möglichst viele Einheimische zu entführen.

Wir interessieren und für Beispiel der Hühner-, Kühe- und Menschpopulation, um herauszufinden wer zur Zeit dort das Sagen hat.
Die Erdlingen wollen vielleicht eine schwächliche Verteidigung aufbauen, aber vermutlich nichts, womit deine Todesstrahler nicht fertig werden. Mach' den Mars stolz auf dich - sei der erste Marsianer, der seine Ent... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


For the Win

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For The Win is an abstract strategy game in which each player gets ten tiles, two of each character representing Monkeys, Zombies, Pirates, Aliens, and Ninjas. The objective is to connect five (or more) of your tiles, including at least one of each type, together (sides and corners count). Additionally, all five (or more) tiles must be face-up, or unactivated. The game ends immediately when a player achieves this goal. Each character type has a specific ability to help you toward the o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


The Creator Workshop

TCW 0001

The Romance of Three Kingdoms

Das chinesische Großreich ist in drei Königreiche zerfallen die sich erbittert bekämpfen. Wer wird der neue Kaiser ?
Nicht sammelbares Cardgame.
117 cards (over 70 types)
1 rulebook
1 six-sided dice

30 mins - 2 hrs

2-6 players

Ein Blick ins Regelheft

20,00 EUR


The Game Crafter, LLC

TGC 1001

Pint Craft

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In Pint Craft, you take on the role of a micro brewer as you create beers to please crowds and connoisseurs. The game incorporates elements of resource management and seasonality to generate variety. The wide variety of beer styles ensures that no two games are the same.

Recipe Cards show the combination of Ingredients needed to produce it - and the resulting number of Pints awarded. Recipe cards are always played face up. Brewery cards allow you to purchase Ingredients needed for Recipes. Ac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR


TGC 1010

One Zero One

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In the world of computer programming, there can only be one winner - either zeros or ones!

One Zero One is an abstract strategy card game for two players. With identical 16-card decks, each player (as either 0 or 1) plays cards to the program display, endeavouring to gain control of lines of program code. Each line is worth a set number of points. As soon as the program runs, points are tallied and the winner is determined.

Most cards display commands which will affect the cards already in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR



Mob Town

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In Mob Town, 2-4 players take on the role of Mob Families vying for control of unique towns that build differently every time you play.

Of course you can’t control this town on your own (you wouldn't want to get your hands dirty after all) so enlist the help of some shady shysters any fan of the Mob genre would recognize: blue tinted Sharks, bolo-wearing Snakes, conniving Weasels, foxy Foxes and of course no good dirty Rats!

Expand your empire and defend your turf until The Law shows up ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



Stones of Fate

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You hold in your hands the Stones of Fate. Before you, hidden from your view, are the cards that will determine your destiny. Armed with your skill, memory, and a bit of luck, you move your stones and trigger powers in the cards. You will bring fortune for yourself and tragedy to your foes.

You have 3 actions to choose from:

- Peek at a card
- Move a stone
- Flip a card

Use these wisely to strategically position your stones and flip the cards to activate them at just the right time an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR




Mob Town: City Limits Expansion

The Mob Town City Limits Expansion adds additional Landmarks, Professionals, and City Cards. It also adds a new set of cards called "Breaking News" which introduces a new element to each round, specifically in the last 10 cards of the draw deck.

10,00 EUR


The Wild East Company


Pie Rats of the Carob Bean Farm

Once upon a time there was a farm that grew Carob Beans. Carob Beans are grown as a cocoa substitute and for their vitamin value. Like any farm, this farm had rodents living on it. To be honest, it was infested with rats. Lots and lots of rats. For generations these rats had been eating the Carob Beans.

The farmer had a beautiful wife that loved to bake. More than anything she liked to bake pies ...All kinds of tasty pies. As the hot pies came out of the oven she would put them on the window ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR




Pie Rats of the Carob Bean Farm: Curse of the Farmer's Wife

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It was only a matter of time before the farmer’s wife figured out what was happening to her delicious pies. Now she’s out for revenge. She has started poisoning the pies. But which pies? Will it be too late by the time you find out? To win the game, you’ll have to take the risk!

The first expansion for Pie Rats of the Carob Bean Farm adds some interesting new ways to distract your fellow thieving rat captains.

Each pie that is looted has the potential of being poisoned. The poisoned ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


The Wood Games

TWG 3021

Festival of Thousand Cats

Enjoy the feast by collecting “Fish” and “Booze”! Be careful though! Even cats will get plastered if they drink too much! (Always drink responsibly!) Cats all over the country are always looking for their next feast. They love “Fish” and they can’t celebrate without “Booze”. As long as they have those two, they are all happy!

Festival of Thousand Cats is a Trick-taking game that is unlike usual one. You need to concern the big number and also small number! There are four sui... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



The Labours of Hercules

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Hercules, the divine hero from ancient Greece, had been driven by Hera to slay his son, daughter, and wife in a fit of madness. After he went to the oracle at Delphi and prayed to the god Apollo for guidance, Hercules was instructed to serve King Eurystheus and perform twelve difficult labours to atone for his actions. In this game, players will take on the roles of Hercules and his companions to complete these twelve labours (known as tasks). However, things are not as easy as they appear - mys... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


Third World Games

3WG 0200

Battle of the Bands

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


What do you, your mom, a hip hop hottie, and a drunken gorilla with an accordion have in common? They're in your band! Get groupies, cut hit singles, do drugs, go on tour, and sabotage your competition all the way to the top with this funny and fast paced card game! Choose your band members from a collection of crazy characters! Get an instrument, get a reputation and become a star...or worse!

Contents: 105 Cards, 2 page rulebook
Required but not included: One 6 s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

3WG 0204

Battle of the Bands: Encore Edition

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Battle of the Bands: Encore Edition calls upon 120 cards for your base Battle of the Bands games. It features all 105 cards from the main set, the 5 promotional cards and 10 new cards never seen before! The game includes 4 dice and you can directly include your Backstage Pass cards for up to 6 players!

18,00 EUR


3WG 0300

The Testimony of Jacob Hollow

A most disturbing card game

The nihilistic card game of investigative horror

What's behind the terrible destruction of the once tranquil town of Castle Bay? Compete against the other players to gain pieces of the puzzle and dodge evil at every turn! Using every tool at your disposal, you'll combat bloodthirsty ghosts, maniac slashers, and demonic horrors beyond the outer edge of reason in a race to learn the awful, mind shattering truth of the Testimony of Jacob Hollow!

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


3WG CG001

Charmed & Dangerous: The Sisters Grimm

Charmed and Dangerous is an all-ages, fairy tale, RPG card game about your favorite Princesses!

In this cooperative, adventure card game that gives 1-4 players the chance to take on the role of a classic fairy tale Princess, reimagined as a RPG style adventurer. You and your friends can choose to face a different Villainess and her amassed Forces of Evil each time you play.

Once the adventure begins, you and your fellow Princesses will explore bramble-thorn forests, sinister dungeons and l... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



3WG 0202

Backstage Pass

Battle of the Bands: Backstage Pass introduces 60 new cards for your Battle of the Bands games! What do you, your cat, a cute backup singer and the dread K'tulu on lead zither have in common? They're in your band! You're a star, so lets jam!

Contents: 60 Cards, 2 page rulebook
Complexity (1-10): 3
Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
Number of players: 2-6
Ages: 13 and higher (Teen Themes)

14,00 EUR


Portable Adventures

3WG 0400

Lair of the Rat King

The invasion of the ratling horde threatens the kingdom of men, their only hope is a dominatrix fairy, a really peeved minotaur, the egocentric elven prince and you!

10,00 EUR


3WG 0401

8th Grade

You got your fake ID, the hall monitor has the pepper spray, the cute new girl has the lip gloss, and the twitchy kid has the frozen pizza...which will it be, the slumber party or the rumble?!!

10,00 EUR


Three Crown Game Productions

TCG 0001

With Sword and Shield

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With Sword and Shield is an exiting card game taking you back to the Medieval Age of Chivalry. It gives you the chance to enjoy the feeling of cutting down your opponent with a masterly Wrath Cut or maybe a violently directed Father Strike. Your survival depends on your skill to handle a sword.
By wearing your Ladies colour, Being in the Kings favour, Defame your opponent or Striking him down with a stunning combination of cuts, you will find other ways to win the Joust.
With Sword and Shield ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


Three Crowns Game Productions

3CG 0003

With Sword and Shield

With Sword And Shield is a 110 card game that brings you back in time to a medieval joust. Here you step into the role of a knight and by playing different kind of strikes and manoeuvres against your opponent you try to hit him.
To spice things up even more, different events may occur such as a cheering crowd or that your patron saint reveals himself...
Your personal abilities may evolve and if you are lucky you may receive the sword of Ascalon, a battle-axe or any other great artefact.
Once ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


ThunderGryph Games

THGY 619


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Montmartre takes you on an immersive trip back to the artistic movements of the beginning of the 20th century, highlighting the sweet nostalgia of the narrow alleyways of Paris. In this game of numbers, you will take on the role of a painter and you'll let your muse inspire you to become a famous artist! With this card game where tactics are key, you will experience a wide range of emotions and colors!

ca. 22,00 EUR


Titanic Games

TIT 3001

Falling: Goblin Edition

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Falling, Titanic Games proudly brings you a re-envisioning of James Ernest's highly popular card game. You're all goblins and you're plummeting toward the ground. Be the last one to hit and you win! Falling is a fast-paced, real-time card game for 4 to 8 players, suitable for any audience.

* Falling contains: One deck of 55 cards
* One rule booklet

Designed by James Ernest

10,00 EUR


Topwise Games LLC.

TWG 100

Monkeys Need Love Too

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Perfume sites are testing on monkeys everywhere, and you and your friends aren't going to stand by so some celebrity can smell like a million bucks. But while navigating through the lab to get back to the monkeys, one of your friends knocks over a beaker of The Competitive Edge. Due to the current side effect, everyone is now under the impression that this is a competition and whomever frees the most monkeys wins.

Monkeys Need Love Too is a fast paced, action card game where you compete to fr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Torchlight Games

TLG 0001

Geeks - The Convention

Geeks - The Convention ist ein schnelles Kartenspiel, in dem jeder Spieler eine Busladung durchgeknallter Spieler kontolliert und versucht, "Goon-Con", das größte Spielertreffen des Universums, heile zu überstehen.
Mit deutscher Übersetzung

34,00 EUR


Touch Paper Press

TPP 0002

Woe to the Living

In Woe to the Living, you are the sinister spectral force that haunts the night and feeds off the terror you create! You lurk in the darkest places, making night-time strollers walk just a little faster and double-bolt their doors. You must carefully cultivate terror and watch those impacted; too much terror and they die of fright becoming useless to you. Too little terror and you starve.

Sweet delicious terror!

Carefully select your prey across four rounds of game-play. The goal is to hav... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Toy Vault

TYV 09015

Godzilla Stomp Card Game!

Godzilla continues his wave of destruction as Toy Vault, Inc. announces Godzilla: Stomp!; an officially licensed, multi-player card game featuring the Terror of Tokyo – Godzilla! In this fast-paced game of citywide destruction, players pick from Godzilla, Mechagodzilla, Mothra, Battra, or Destroyah, and compete to smash as much of the city as possible. In Godzilla: Stomp!, players choose the ferocity of their attacks from round to round to rack up as much destruction as possible - attack early... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


TYV 23002

Firefly: Out of the Black Card Game

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Firefly: Out to the Black is a quick card game that plays from three to five players. It’s unusual in that the players do not compete against each other, but compete against the game. This is a fairly new style of game called a co-op game or cooperative game. Players take on roles of the crew of Serenity and play through a series of Events. Using their Fightin’, Flyin’, and Thinkin’ skills they attempt to successfully complete these Events to earn Credits and Honor. If the players run ou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Do you worship Cthulhu ?

A fun party game for a group of 5-30 people to play! The rules of the game can be learned in less than 3 minutes. One person acts as moderator, overseeing a village of people, one (or more) of which are secretly Cthulhu worshippers! The worshippers begin sacrificing other villagers one by one. Deceive your friends and lie through your teeth while experiencing a truly unique game.

22,00 EUR



Possession - The Card Game

The Epic battle between Good and Evil - since time in memoriam the entities of darkness has slithered and crept through the World. They conceal themselves within the liminal, the place in between light and dark, until a weary believer loses enough faith to allow them entrance. Then they attack, forcing themselves into the flesh, quashing the host's spirit until they have control. Opening their fleshly eyes, they see in a new light, and walk among the living. However one such malevolent being is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



TYV 23004

Firefly: Out to the Black – Serenity Bonus Pack

Think you've mastered the 'verse in Firefly: Out to the Black? Well, not so fast my friend as you can now expand your game with the Firefly: Out to the Black – Serenity Bonus Pack, which adds more than 15 new cards that are focused on the characters you have in play. Will Jayne get greedy and hump the mission, or will River be able to read the hidden cards before they get played? You never know what may happen when you're out in the black!

8,00 EUR


TYV 23005

Firefly: Out to the Black – Browncoat Bonus Pack

Aimin' to do a little more misbehavin' in Firefly: Out to the Black? You're in luck – now you can expand your game with the Firefly: Out to the Black – Browncoat Bonus Pack, which introduces a new mission called a Big Job, and adds more than 15 new cards, makin' for excitin' new gameplay and thrillin' heroics! Shiny!

8,00 EUR


Trick or Treat Studios

ToTS TT001

Tricks and Treats

You and your friends have just returned from a fruitful trick-or-treating journey. But now the real fun begins. The grownups have tasked you and your friends to fairly distribute the candy pile. But all of you have something else in mind. Be the one to get the most candy at the end of the game to win!

Each player takes turns placing candy into several numbered Halloween candy baskets on the table. The objective is to have the most candy in your basket by the end of the game. The ca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Triple Ace Games

TAG 10002


Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Become a master Necromancer!

Cadaver is a card game in which players must use a variety of arcane resources to reanimate a series of cadavers. Each cadaver has a resource cost which players must spend to re-animate the corpse. Resources are drawn from a shared deck. One deck can be used by up to 3 players. Adding a second deck allows up to 6 players to compete for best necromancer!

Each player takes a number of cards from a single deck looking for corpses to reanimate, collecting arcane re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Tuonela Productions Ltd.

TPL 0098


Sammlerstück / Rarität


It is the year 1609 in Logroño, northern Spain. Spanish inquisition has undertaken a campaign to root out witchcraft and massive examinations are about to start. You are a suspect. Will you be able to assure the interrogators of your innocence through cunning, resilience and skillful use of bribes? Or will you break under torture and end up being burned at the stake as a witch?

In Inquisitio players try to balance between enduring the horrors of brutal interrogations and not confessing to to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


TPL 0100

Soul Hunters

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Souls are the most valuable commodity in the universe and according to ancient laws the one who possesses the most souls, is declared ruler of all. Your task is to use powerful characters to lure souls on your side. Choose your alignment, play your cards right and you just may become the sovereign ruler of the universe.

In the game your task is to collect souls and when the free souls run out, the winner of the game and the supreme leader of the universe is the player with the largest number ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


TPL 0103

Modern Society

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Modern Society is on the verge of change. At the beginning of the 21st Century the world is facing completely new challenges. Faith in a brighter future is endangered, however. The welfare state is almost at a breaking point, the population is aging and the dependency ratio is declining. At the same time, new catastrophes are also lurking on the horizon. Global warming and the instability of the economy are feeding inequality and fueling people's fears. In this game, the rising discontent of the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


TPL K0015

Bilekuosi / Dope fiend - A card game of dealing and doing.

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Dope Fiend (Bilekuosi) is a politically incorrect game, where the players try to reach the best party mood possible by taking all sorts of legal and illegal substances. Of course one has to reach the goal without frying their brains, suffering cardiac arrest, or losing their mind! The game is not for the serious-minded or for young gamers.

What is "Bilekuosi/Dope fiend"?

Bilekuosi is a card game whose events take place on a rough day of partying at a festival. The goal in the game is to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Twilight Creations, Inc.

TLC 4000

Say What?

Say What? is the world's first game designed to be played while you are doing other things! This card game is meant to be played while talking at parties, roleplaying, riding in the car or even watching TV. Each of the 100 cards contains a word or action and a point value. When someone else says or does what is listed, they get the card. Whoever has the least amount of points in the end wins. It's that simple! Each two-piece box comes with 100 custom illustrated cards and complete rules for thre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


TLC 4100

Award Show

Next up is Award Show - a game for players who want to take home the big prize. Here is a description of the game:

Become an award winning game designer...AT HOME!

Finally, a card game that simulates the exciting, rewarding world of professional game design! Ahhh, who are we kidding? This game is all about winnin' that statue... At any cost!

Each two-deck tuck box comes with 100 whimsically illustrated cards and complete rules for screwing over your competitors and taking home the prize... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


Twogether Studios


Action Cats!

Action Cats is a game for 3-6 players made up of a deck of 160 cards. Each card has a photo of a cat, and on the reverse side, two halves of an outrageous story.

Players take turns being the "judge," while the rest are storytellers. The judge draws a cat card from the top of the deck and gives the cat a name. The rest of the players each build a story using the cards in their hand. They tell the story to the judge, embellishing all they want (that's the fun part!), and the judge picks their f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR







INFLUENCE is a tactical card game where players attempt to gain the most Power. By playing Influence cards -- symbolizing military, political, and economic influence -- players conquer Castles and gain a base of Power. Maintaining control of these Castles grants additional Power, as well as influence over neighboring Castles!
Each player has an identical set of ten Faction cards. With these, players will leverage Influence over Castles, alter the game board, and sabotage opponents’ stronghold... (vollständige Beschreibung)

4,00 EUR


U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck & Card Game

Ein Tarot-Set basierend auf Zeichnungen von den phantastischen Welten von J. R. R. Tolkien! Inklusive Regeln für ein Spiel, bei dem es darum geht, den einen Ring zum Schicksalsberg zu bringen.

20,00 EUR



Case No.1: Jack the Ripper

z.Zt. vergriffen


Bis zu diesem Tag ist die Identität von Jack the Ripper immer noch ein Geheimnis. Bis du erfolgreich, wo Schottland Yard versagte? Jedes Mal, wenn du Mystery Rummy spielst, wird ein anderer Verdächtiger gefangen oder der Ripper entkommt. Ein innovatives Spielkonzept, welches die Elemente eines aufregenden Geheimnisses mit einem strategischen Kartespiel verbindet. Einschließlich Regelheft. Für 2 bis 4 Spieler, ab Alter 10.

z.Zt. vergriffen


Case No.2: Murders in the Rue Morgue

z.Zt. vergriffen


Das zweite Spiel in unserer Serie der Mystery Rummy Kartenspielen. Mörder in den Rue Morgue führt die Spieler tief in das Denken von Edgar Allan Poe und eine Welt der Geheimnisse und Intrigen. Dieses innovative Spiel fordert Spieler heraus, einen Fall gegen eine Gruppe von Verdächtigen aufzubauen, aber es gibt niemandem, wenn überhaupt, der den Fall beweist! Einschließlich Regelheft. Für 2 bis 4 Spieler, ab Alter 10.

z.Zt. vergriffen


Case No.3: Jekyll & Hyde

z.Zt. vergriffen


Dies ist das dritte Spiel in der Serie von Mystery Rummy Kartenspiele. Auf der Grundlage von Robert Louis Stevensons 1886 erschienen Roman, Der seltsame Fall von Dr. Jekyll und Mr Hyde, verbindet dieses strategische Spiel für zwei Spieler das klassische Geheimnis mit dem traditionellen Rommée. Die Spieler versuchen, die meisten Punkte zu erzielen, indem sie ihren Gegenspieler aussschließen und eine der zwei Identitäten des Hauptcharakters "werden". Für 2 Spieler, ab Alter 10.

z.Zt. vergriffen


Case No.4: Al Capone and the Chicago Underworld

z.Zt. vergriffen


This is the fourth game in the series of Mystery Rummy Card Games. Experience the mystery of Al Capone and his gang in a time when they ruled the streets of Chicago. The goal is to bust Al Capone and the members of his loyal gang. This 91-card deck is complete with Agent Meetings, Search Warrants, Raids and even Elliot Ness. 2-4 players, ages 10 to adult.

z.Zt. vergriffen



Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Oracle Card Game
Für 3 und mehr Spieler, ab Alter 12.

endgültig vergriffen

Ultra Pro Rembrandt

UPR 10054

Battle Kittens

Draft your purr-fect team of cute but cutthroat kitties, then deploy them to battlegrounds and watch the fur fly! Compete to win the biggest haul of fresh fish and become the pick of the litter!

In the world of Battle Kittens, you are one of the cat king's royal cat herders, assigned to draft the cutest, strongest, wisest, and most agile kittens in the kingdom. Three battlegrounds are presented each round, with each randomly having a particular battle kitten trait played onto it. Players begi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


UPR 10133

Shards of Infinity

z.Zt. vergriffen


One-hundred years ago, The Infinity Engine was shattered and its reality-bending shards have destroyed most of the world. Now, it falls upon you to gather your forces, defeat your adversaries, and rebuild the Infinity Engine! Will you survive?

Shards of Infinity combines an unprecedented level of strategy and customization into one small box. Rather than competing for points, players must outlast their opponents and reduce their health to zero, which can be done in a number of ways. Each play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

UPR 10892

The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth

Fight along side your favorite heroes from JRR Tolkien's high fantasy classic,
The Lord of the Rings, against the powerful forces of Sauron in The Battle
for Middle-earth. To defeat your enemies, you must create your own Fellowships
of Companion Cards and send them into battle.
Despite having numerous Companions to aid your attack, the Eye of Sauron is
always vigilant and you must beware of a Counterattack by the Enemies of Mordor.

The player who defeats the most dangerous Enemies,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



UPR 10168

Shards of Infinity - Shadow of Salvation

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From the creators of the award-winning Ascension deckbuilding game, Shards of Infinity combines an unprecedented level of strategy and customization into one small box.
Each player aligns with a hero from one of the four factions, represented by over-sized, premium character dials. Players take turn drafting cards from the center deck, attacking and planning their strategy to knock out all other players.

Win by either mastering the power of the Infinity Shard or by destroying all who oppos... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


UPR 10168X

Shards of Infinity - Shadow of Salvation



Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Quetschung und Riss auf Rückseite der Box - Mitte - (leicht zu reparieren) Inhalt tadellos - noch eingeschweißt!

Slight damage to box - bruise & tear to back of box - centre - (easily repaired) contents pristine - still shrink wrapped!

From the creators of the award-winning Ascension deckbuilding game, Shards of Infinity combines an unprecedented level of strategy and customization into one small box. Each player aligns with a hero from one of the four... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


UPR 10169

Shards of Infinity - Into the Horizon

The shards have awoken... You are a Shard Master and time is running short. Monsters called the Ingeminex slaughter your people, foreign armies gather at your borders, and every night you can hear your shard whispering in your dreams.

'The last war is here,' it says. 'I offer you the power to crush your enemies, to gather all the shards, and rule the world. Will you take it, or will you be destroyed?'

Into the Horizon is an expansion to the critically acclaimed Shards of Infinity Deckbui... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Upper Deck

UDE 87209

The Dingo Ate The Baby

The Dingo Ate the Baby is a fast-paced game for 2-5 players, lasting 20-30 minutes. The goal each day is to collect enough cards within your ranch in an attempt to reach the total value needed for that day, without going over. This seems simple enough, but other players will attempt to sabotage your ranch, using animals, babies, sunlight and darkness to scare, chase, overpopulate, and even eat things within your ranch.

Deal a Player Starting Card, face-up, to each player. Set the matc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


UDE 87298

Shark Island

Shark Island™ – A cooperative game for 2-5 players that pits up to 4 Shark Hunter Players against a monstrous Great White Shark Player working to terrorize the island. The Hunters must work together and search the surrounding waters to find and kill the Shark in a rapid form of card combat. The Shark must outsmart the Hunters and accumulate enough terror to win the game. Contains: 82 Tiles, 153 Cards, 34 Tokens, 3 Custom Dice, 6 Player Standees, 1 Rulebook

44,00 EUR



Dungeon Draft

z.Zt. vergriffen


Over the course of four rounds in Dungeon Draft, 2-5 players draft heroes and weapons — using gold to pay for them — then use them to defeat monsters, acquire additional gold, and complete quests in an effort to earn the most experience points (XP).

At the beginning of the game each player is dealt 5 Quest cards. Then, each player selects 3 of their Quests to keep and returns the remainder facedown to the bottom of the Quest Deck. Each round players draft a 7 card hand. Cards are... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Dread Draw

Dread Draw is a strategy card game of press your luck competitive fortune telling.

Setting Up a Game:
At the beginning of the game each player is dealt 10 cards face down. These cards form each player’s Life Deck. Players can never look at the cards in their Life Deck unless the game or a card effect allows them to.

Playing the Game:
The game is played in a series of rounds. During each round, players take turns in trying to summon cards. A round ends when only one player remains, maki... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



Penny Arcade - The Game: Gamers vs. Evil

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Welcome to the world of Penny Arcade, the top web comic for all things gaming whether it's video games or tabletop. So, it's only fitting that Penny Arcade get its own deckbuilding game. Players will select cards from a communal pool. You've followed the way of the warrior, the story of the Cardboard Tube Samurai. You've sent your dollar-a-day to support Baby Ninja with smoke bombs and magic scrolls . Now rally them together to build your perfect deck.

Players select a hero card. Pick from Ga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR



Penny Arcade DBG: Rumble in R'lyeh

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With Rumble in R'lyeh, Evil is back with a vengeance! Fan-favorite Cthulhu, the Great Old One himself, is waking from his long slumber and plans to wreak havoc over the Earth. Who dares stand in his way?! Playable as a stand-alone game or expansion to Penny Arcade: The Game - Gamers vs. Evil, Rumble in R'lyeh introduces Gold cards to the crazy ride through the wonderland of the wildly popular Penny Arcade web comic. These powerful cards require both Tokens and Power to acquire and count as both ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 50,00 EUR



USO 0464

Deadpool vs. the World (Adult Content)

Deadpool makes his mark on adult gaming in Deadpool vs the World, a hilarious party game for mature audiences. Featuring 100 custom illustrations of Deadpool in very strange and unsightly situations, players face off against their friends by filling in the blanks on Caption cards to provide the most outrageous explanations of the Merc with a Mouth’s predicaments. The player who best describes Deadpool’s compromising situations wins the game.

32,00 EUR


USO 11576

Captain Marvel: Secret Skrulls

Captain Marvel: Secret Skrulls is a hidden identity game in which players take on the roles of their favorite characters, including Captain Marvel herself, to defend Earth in an intergalactic war against shape-shifting Skrulls in disguise. Players must decide whom to trust, defend their alliance, and restore the planet's virtue.

The gameplay in Captain Marvel: Secret Skrulls is based on the hidden identity game BANG!

36,00 EUR



Disney Sorcerers Arena Epic Alliances

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Become the next Master Summoner in the battle arena game Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances, an expandable tabletop game inspired by the popular mobile game Disney Sorcerer's Arena.

Recruit from a battle-ready roster of Disney and Pixar heroes and villains - Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey, Gaston, Aladdin, Demona, Sulley, Dr. Facilier, Maleficent, and Ariel - then combine the cards for your characters into a single deck. You take turns playing standard actions and cards from your hand to m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR



Disney Sorcerers Arena Epic Alliances



Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Auf der Rückseite unten links ist die Box etwas eingedrückt und gequetscht.
Inhalt tadellos! - da noch eingeschweißt!

Slight damage to the box - On the back bottom left box is slightly dented and bruised.
Contents impeccable! - Since still shrink-wrapped!

Become the next Master Summoner in the battle arena game Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances, an expandable tabletop game inspired by the popular mobile game Disney Sorcerer's Arena.

Recrui... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR



V3G 1000


Hot Seller


Impossibly Incredible!

In Incredibrawl, each player guides a colorful cast of characters from all corners of our collective imagination as they meet in an epic clash for glory!

Summon the right characters – from Sharks to Spacemen, Amazons to Aliens – at the right time to outwit your opponents; use whatever strategy you can muster to overcome the randomness of the Brawl! Amass the most Glory along the way to become the ultimate champion in this crazy contest of wits and luck!

What i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


V3G 2000

Strife: Legacy of the Eternals

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Once more, conflict rages across the world of Aerim. You are one of the Eternals, a group of immortals forever waging war from the shadows. Call forth your champions to battle against those of your timeless foes. Harness the legacy of each champion's deeds as they echo across time to empower the next. For the Champions of Aerim, this cycle continues, as it always has and always will. For the Eternals, there is only...strife.

Strife, a two-player strategy card game that plays in around an hour... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


V3G 2100

Strife: Shadows & Steam

Bitte vorbestellen


Strife: Shadows & Steam is both a stand-alone game and an expansion to the 2016 Mensa Mind Games Finalist Strife: Legacy of the Eternals. This sequel contains the same solid, core gameplay, but adds all-new champions and abilities. Play it on its own, against the other set, or mix and match with special drafting rules. Strife:SaS is a two-player card game of strategic deduction and intricate ability combinations. Players will use identical sets of champions to battle over key locations, fightin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR




Catz in the Town

Let's save the kitties!

In the card game CATz in the Town!, players want to gather lost cats before they get into trouble — how lucky that they have nine lives...

Players collect sequences of four kinds of house cats (blue, yellow, red and green). Each player can have only one sequence of each color (i.e., they cannot have two red sequences at the same time), so they can compile at most four different sequences in front of themselves. Another sequence of the same color can be started onl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



Viking Tourists

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Erik the Red, leader of the vikings, has decided it's time to discover America — but the vikings are lazy and in no mood to go on a long holiday trip…

The players in Viking Tourists are tribal leaders who try to gather the young and the old of the village to go and see the world. Every player builds their own sequence of vikings and the opponents' sequences as well, but without helping each other, victory cannot be achieved.

Whoever first collects all fifteen members of the village, us... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


Valley Games

VAG 00604

Bargain Hunter

Bitte vorbestellen


This game illustrates Herr Rosenberg's talent for unique card games. The deck is one through nine in six suits, with two of each card (two 1s, two 2s, etc.). After the initial hand of eight is dealt, players select one card value to collect, which is placed face-up in front of each player. A fairly standard trick-taking game takes place with the remaining cards, with players following suit if they can. If you cannot, the card you play can be trump, if you desire. If two cards of the same suit/va... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


VAG 00801


There is an insect swarm coming your way, and you want to be the first to get it off your property.

Bugs! is a ladder climbing game where players try to get rid of their cards. The first player to get rid of all his cards wins the round. The cards in the other player's hands count against them.

The player with the least points after 6 rounds is the winner.

Cards range from 1 to 9 with declining quantities (1 card nr 9, 9 cards nr 1) and there are a few special action cards that spice th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Van der Veer Games

VDVG 0003

Trading Routes

The South American Jungles are just bursting with little native tribes that aren't quite self-sufficient, but definitely quite up to being taking advantage of!

That's where you come in! You've just appointed yourself to do a little bartering on their behalf by connecting tribes based on what they produce and what they need. If you can get the last tribe on a route to produce what the first tribe on a route needs, the route will be completed and become yours!

Naturally there's a whole bunch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


VDVG 0004

Hollywood Players

Each player is a Hollywood producer eager to make a big name for themselves by being the first to clinch the top four Hollywood Awards for best director, actor, actress and of course movie.

Your gonna be stuck with the movie your given so make the most of it and hunt for the best Actor, Actress and Director for your Movie's Genre. Naturally, if your cast/crew are familiar with each other , chances are your gonna grab some awards!

Its up to you to decide when the movie awards will begin - d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Van Ryder Games

VAG 0001

If I'm Going Down...

If I'm Going Down... (or IIGD) is the first ever Dying Card Game (or DCG) from Van Ryder Games. A DCG is a card game in which it is certain that the character(s) WILL die. For 1 to 2 players (expandable to 3 to 4 with a 2nd copy), IIGD is set in a world overrun by zombies. Unlike virtually every other Zombie game, your goal is not to survive, but to kill as many zombies as possible before you die, which results in very engrossing solo or cooperative play.

IIGD puts you smack in the middle of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



Bees The Secret Kingdom

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Bees: The Secret Kingdom is a competitive card game with stunning artwork. This simple game has 2 modes: one for families and younger players, and a second, advanced one, for adults. The basic rules are really simple, players can draw two Gathering cards and play one of them to collect resources OR make Honey by spending their gathered resources that match an available Honey card. Players will race to match their resources to score points by making Honey and the player who has the most points at... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


Variant Media LLC



Enter a world that sends you down a twisting and turning path of hostility, deception and revenge full of zombies, vampires, social deviants and overall dastardly beasties. Undo the past and change the future in one sitting. Care to lobotomize a friend? Want to give them the plague? Or spray them with nerve gas? Play FaceEater, the post-apocalyptic game where death is your friend, mercy is a weakness and shafting your friends is fun.

The game of Face Eater comes with a FaceEater Deck containi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Victory Point Games


High Treason: The Trial of Louis Riel (Boxed Edition)

There you stand, lead attorney where the stakes could not be higher. The accused is Louis Riel, hero of western Canada's Métis people who are angry with their government. Arrested during a rebellion, he now stands trial for High Treason. Can you successfully prosecute or defend the accused? Will he walk or will he hang?

In the Wild West of Canada, the natives were restless and seeking redress for their grievances from the government in eastern Canada. Matters came to a head in 1869 as Louis ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


Vile Genius Games

VGG 1012

Evil Genius: Deathray

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Have you ever dreamed of being an Evil Genius?

Perhaps you’ve already begun your career by experimenting with lasers and uranium. Every Evil Genius needs a deathray to make global leaders bow to his or her every whim.

The Vile Genius Labs team produces quality board games for your domination needs. Our first of many board games is Deathray 1.0, which enables you to design and craft a devious machine of global domination!

Your nefarious imagination has no limits when it comes to the we... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


VGG 1020


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Thwarted! A Game of Super-Villainy is a casual card game where players assume the roles of villains and attempt to defeat the superheroes of The City. The only thing standing in each villain's way, are the other villains.

Villains have access to action cards that allow them to steal cards, force discards, counter other villain attacks, and so on. If only the villains worked together, they could easily defeat the arrogant superheroes, but they are too concerned with getting all the credit to w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR



VGG 1013

Evil Genius: Deathray - The Vile Deck

45 card expansion pack for Evil Genius: Deathray.

This collection of the darkest, most inappropriate humor we could dig up from depravity is yours for the taking. Usually, the visuals for such base humor is left to your imagination, but we'be punished our artist by having him put his talents (and morals) to the test. Enjoy the darker side of life, but don't expect any cookies.

16,00 EUR


Warm Acre


Jane Austen's Matchmaker

In Jane Austen's Matchmaker, a card game for 3 to 6 players, you place your Ladies into Society and propose to other players' Ladies with your Gentlemen. Some proposals lead to love and happiness and some to financial prosperity, but some are nothing more than shallow seductions. Whatever happens, you must ensure that your characters come out on top!

When proposing, if a Gentleman's Charm is lower than the Lady's, he must discard cards to make up the difference. If he wants to really impress ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


What's Your Game?


Ghost for Sale

Buying castles in Scotland can turn out to be excellent business.
Even more so when you can provide tourists with these lands attractions: natural beauties?
Oh no, no, rather offering them scary ghosts infestations!!!

Some eccentric characters fight in an auction to be assigned castles and manors. This, in the hope that presences will not be too numerous! Even if a castle without ghosts may be found useless, on the contrary one which is too "populated" will end up terrorizing tourists an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


White Goblin Games

WGG 01200

Little Devils

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Everybody is fond of teasing and challenging each other from time to time. In this game you try to saddle opposing players with negative cards. Every little devil scores a penalty point. But take care: you will not escape the ‘diabolical’ plans of your opponents either. Little Devils is a devilishly fun trick game you keep on playing…
• fluent trick game with simple rules
• no need to follow trump or suit: play higher or lower than previously played cards
• it is not the first, bu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


WGG 01201


Bitte vorbestellen


New York, 1935 – You are a cunning top criminal with a plan that just can’t fail. You only need a number of thieves and other scum to put these plans into practice. Fortunately, the city is packed with unemployed rogues who linger in bars, pool halls and by the racecourse waiting for a chance to make easy money. Gather the best thieves and rob various locations in the city so as to go home with the most money at the end of the day.

• assume the role of a mafia boss: use your thieves t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


WGG 01202

Witches of Blackmore

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Long, long ago there was a small village called Blackmore. It was hidden in a beautiful forest with huge trees and small forest trails. This village was home to a group of witches. They lived a peaceful and happy life full of magic and witchcraft.
In the middle of the village was the Witches Wheel. A magical instrument so powerful that it would even surpass the magic of the most powerful witch. However, nobody has ever uttered the correct magic words to make the wheel work... until today.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


WGG 01206

Call to Glory

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Intrigue at the court of the Japanese emperor! Who will seize the power and exert the most influence?
Call to Glory is a swift, dynamic and interactive card game with simple rules. Collect cards of the different characters and play them at the right time. Who will succeed in seizing the power and retaining their influence at the Emperor’s court?
Sales arguments
• tactical card game with simple rules
• ideal travel game: the game needs only limited space and requires little preparation
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


WGG 01207

Crazy Creatures

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Strange noises are heard from the Mad Mansion of Doctor Doom. Clouds of all colors come out of the chimney, and people tell weird stories about crazy creatures seen in the forest around the mansion. Help Doctor Doom finish his extravagant experiments to create the world's wackiest and craziest creatures ever seen!
In Crazy Creatures of Dr. Doom, all players try to get rid of their cards as cards in hand score penalty points at the end of a round. The player with the fewest penalty points at the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


White Wolf

WWP 25750

Vampire: Dark Influences

There is a World of Darkness much like our own. Hidden from humanity by a veil of deceit, the vampires of this world play games of intrigue, politics and betrayal. You are one of those vampires, called Kindred. Your Prince among the undead has declared that he will go into torpor, the rest of ages, and will choose a successor before he passes. The vampire who wins the support of the most allies before dawn will be declared the new Prince.

Vampire: Dark Influences is a game for two to five dev... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


WWP 5140

Pimp - The Backhanding

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Forget growing up to be a fireman, cop or doctor. Join the profession so highly regarded for its virtues - become a pimp! Mack some ho's and put them to work. Make the biggest roll of dough and be declared the Mack-Daddy. Just watch out for other pimps as they try to put a beatdown on you and your ho's. A ho in the hospital don't earn you no dough!

I'm Your Mack Daddy Now

Pimp is a hilarious, stand-alone card game for two to four mature players. Rev up the chrome-caddy, dust... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR



WHY 0003

Epic Death

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Epic Death! is a card game of fate, loot and meeting death in glorious battle! You control a rag-tag party of hardened adventurers, looking to don the biggest, shiniest loot before going toe to toe with mighty dragons, scheming sorcerers and undead chickens in the hope of attaining Epic Death!

Designed for two to five players, Epic Death! is easy to learn, fun to play and most of all brimming with epic.

Epic Death! is centred around weaving a story for your adventurers. Using piles of dice... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


Wildfire LLC.

WDF 11100

The Zombie Shamble

The zombie apocalypse happened and the zombies won. Now what? There aren't any more people to eat and the rotting eternity is down-right boring. So, the zombies came up with the idea (if that's even possible) that foot-races would be neat. They certainly can be exciting – especially when pieces of the contestants fall off along the way!

Zombie Shamble is a fast-paced card game where players take on the roles of zombies trying to do their best to get across the finish line. It's not all that... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


WDF 11530

Gwar vs Time DBG

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GWAR vs. Time is a deck-building game. Players will build decks featuring their favorite GWAR characters, items, and locations, as well as their enemies, from throughout the band’s decades-long history. This includes characters like Berserker Blothar, Pustulus Maximus, Balsac the Jaws of Death, Beefcake the Mighty, Jizmak da Gusha, Oderus Urungus, and Sleazy P. Martini, as well a villains like Techno and Sawborg Destructo, Cardinal Syn, the Ultimate Bohab, and Boss Glom. The game goes deep int... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 64,00 EUR


WILD 11150

Are You the Cultist - Party Edition

It’s the roaring 1920’s. Players take on the role of Investigators into the unknown, who have travelled up into the nearby mountains to a remote mansion said to hold a terrible secret. Unfortunately, a vicious storm has blown in, trapping the investigators and knocking out both electricity and telephone. They are trapped.
Worse yet, there are those among them who have fallen prey to the worship of the dark gods they once sought to stop. These Cultists have been quietly biding their time unt... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


WLF 11072


Ready to take it like a monkey?! In this fast and furious card game, players take the roles of monkeys having all too much fun doing what monkeys do. Last player standing with at least a little fur still showing wins!

10,00 EUR


Wilkins & Associates

WAI 0099


Gear-up for blackjack - Himalayan style. Components include 6 reference cards, 15 camp cards, and a deck of 58 playing cards.
Heartpounding high adventure cleverly disguised as cards.

Für 1-6 Spieler ab 8 Jahren.

14,00 EUR


Wingnut Games

WNG 1001

Phart! the Dispersing

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A parody of Magic The Gathering which is all about...Farts.

College-level humour.

The mechanics are mostly borrowed from Nuclear War: you play food cards followed by fart cards. The "damage" to the target's "fresh air points" is the product of the two card values. Upon having to "leave the room" because you ran out of fresh air, you get an "act of ultimate flatulence": firing off all remaining food and fart card pairs.

The only parody of Magic here is the title. The game is a variation ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Winning Moves, Inc.

WIN 1001

Judge 'n' Jury

The Game of Trials and Tribulations. Features 100 Entertaining Audio Trials on two, 90 min Stereo Cassettes.

46,00 EUR


WIN 1004

Ultimate Rummy

The Game where each hand brings a bigger Challenge.

34,00 EUR


WIN 1005


Sammlerstück / Rarität


An outrageous Bidding Game for 2-5 Players

48,00 EUR


WIN 1007

Ultimate Backgammon

Das ultimate Paket, das wirklich alles enthält... von Einsteigerregeln über fünf Spielvarianten bis hin zu Ultimate Backgammon, einer neuen aufregenden Version des großen Klassikers.

44,00 EUR


WIN 1010

Free Parking

Ein rasantes Spiel um die Parkplatzhatz für 2-4 Spieler ab 8 Jahren.

14,00 EUR


WIN 1011


Ein furioses Spiel um den Bau ausgedehnter Pipelines für 2-4 Ingenieure ab 8 Jahren.

14,00 EUR


WIN 1012


Ein Klassiker seit 1904 - der heiße Kampf um die besten Waren an der Börse. Für 3-8 Spieler ab 8 Jahren.

14,00 EUR


WIN 1013

Ultimate Stratego

Eine Deluxe-Ausgabe von Stratego, die bis zu vier Spielern Material und Regeln bietet. Mit mehreren Varianten und reichhaltiger Ausstattung.

44,00 EUR


WIN 1030

DeLuxe Rook

z.Zt. vergriffen


Das klassische Kartenspiel. ROOK-Karte. 80-seitiges Regelheft und Spielerhilfe. Notizzettel. Spieler: 1-6. Ab 7 Jahren. In 6 Minuten zu erlernen. Spieldauer: 10-60 Minuten.

z.Zt. vergriffen

Wizards of the Coast

WOC 06406

Filthy Rich

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Filthy Rich is a card game that is played with a binder and 4 pages of Ultra Pro card protector pages. Players launch business billboards in the form of cards that get placed in the pages. If the number rolled on the business dice corresponds to your billboard you get paid. Income is spent to acquire Luxuries, and the first player to own three luxuries wins! However, Luxuries and Businesses have a tax value that is due during a randomly-triggered tax phase. if you cannot pay your taxes, you must... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WOC 21796

The Great Dalmuti

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In The Great Dalmuti, life isn't fair. One round you're at the top of the heap, and the next you're peasant scum in this fast-paced card game of medieval one-upmanship! Players take their places in the pecking order and try to get rid of the cards in their hands. The faster you do, the higher you'll go. But don't get comfortable, because in a single hand even the lowliest serf can knock you back to the fields. Sound unfair? Sure it is! But the sweet taste of victory could make it all worthwhile.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


WOC 21888


This irreverent and humorous card game takes place during the French Revolution. Players represent rival guillotine operators vying for the best collection of noble heads over three rounds.

Each round, twelve nobles are lined up for the guillotine. The nobles are worth varying points, depending on their notoriety. During your turn, you play action cards to change the order of the line so you can collect the best nobles. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!

Will you ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


WOC 5602


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It's a race to run out of cards. So when a card says it's your turn, play a card and play it FAST. Players flip the top card from their card piles over and into a bowl. The cards tell you who plays next. When you play out of turn or too slowly, other players challenge you. If they challenge correctly, you have to take all of the cards in the bowl! It's fun. It's frantic. It's fast. It's Twitch, the Quick-Reflex Card Game.
108 Karten, Regeln.

Für 3-6 Spieler ab 10 Jahren. Spieldauer 5 Minute... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

WOC 5614

Alpha Blitz

The Word-Puzzle Card Game.
108 Karten, Regeln für 2 Spiele.

Für 2-6 Spieler ab 10 Jahren. Spieldauer 25 Minuten.

10,00 EUR


WOC 5618


The Up-Down Card Game.
108 Karten, Regeln.

Für 2-8 Spieler ab 10 Jahren. Spieldauer 20 Minuten

10,00 EUR


WOC 5622

Go Wild!

The Wild-Card Game.
109 Karten, Regeln.

Für 2-6 Spieler ab 10 Jahren. Spieldauer 25 Minuten.

10,00 EUR


WOC 64100D

Dungeon Mayhem - deutsche Version

z.Zt. vergriffen


Dungeon Mayhem ist ein humorvolles D&D Kartenspiel für 2 bis 4 Spieler, das einfach zu erlernen, schnell zu spielen ist und eine familienfreundliche Einführung in die D & D-Klassen und -Mächte bietet.

Die Spieler wählen aus einer der vier ikonischen Klassen - Barbar, Paladin, Schurke und Zauberer aus, um Gegner mit Mechaniken und Fähigkeiten zu überfordern, die für ihre Klasse einzigartig sind.

Die Spiele werden in einem aufgeräumten Draw-a-Card-Play-A-Card-Format gespielt. Sobald... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

WOC 785148

D&D - Dungeon Mayhem Card Game

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Dungeon Mayhem is a humorous D&D-themed card game for 2–4 players that is easy-to-learn, quick-to-play, and provides a family-friendly introduction to D&D classes and powers.
Players pick from one of four iconic classes—Barbarian, Paladin, Rogue, and Wizard—to overwhelm and outmaneuver opponents with mechanics and abilities unique to their class.
Games play out in a frenzied, draw-a-card-play-a-card format. Once a player drops from ten hit points to zero, they’re out. Last player stand... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


WOC 918400

The Great Dalmuti - Dungeon & Dragons

The Great Dalmuti A fast-paced card game of one-upmanship!
Sometimes you roll a 1... and sometimes you roll a 20 and crush it!

In the Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game, the dice may control your fate, but in The Great Dalmuti, it’s about how cleverly you play the cards you’re dealt. One round you’re polishing your royal crown, and the next you’re whacking rats in a filthy alley. It’s a gloat-filled, winner-take-all contest in this D&D-themed version of the classic card game.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


WOC 926275

D&D - Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


It’s Time for Monsters & Mayhem!

We're getting ready to throw down once again, this time with the third iteration of Dungeon Mayhem, the easy-to-learn, family-friendly, D&D card game that pits the wits and brawn of a party of adventurers against each other.

In Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness, you play as one of six epic D&D monsters, each with their own way to charm, crush, disintegrate, and devour their foes. Pit these cunning creatures against any other Dungeon Mayhem deck, and store a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



WOC 913312

Dungeon Mayhem - Battle for Baldur's Gate [Expansion]

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


In this expansion for the action-packed Dungeons & Dragons card game, you win by being the last adventurer standing. Battle for Baldur’s Gate is the first expansion for the wildly popular easy-to-learn, family-friendly card game Dungeon Mayhem. With new art by Jake Parker, this expansion unleashes two brand new characters from Baldur’s Gate—beloved ranger Minsc with his miniature, giant space hamster, Boo, and the shapeshifting druid Jaheira.

endgültig vergriffen


WZK 49565

Coraline: Beware The Other Mother

Coraline: Beware the Other Mother is a co-operative card game for 1-4 players, based on the beloved stop-motion animated film from director Henry Selick, best-selling author Neil Gaiman, and acclaimed animation studio LAIKA. It tells the haunting tale of a young girl's journey to an alternate version of her life, and her heroic return to reality. Now, you can bring this iconic story to your tabletop!

Players assume the roles of the Ghost Children who were captured by the Beldam (the Other Mot... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


WZK 72814

The Banishing

A dark void has opened, and undead creatures are attempting to enter our world. You have come together as guardians who must work together to force the undead back through the void. However, the longer it takes, the stronger the undead become, threatening to overwhelm all.

In The Banishing, players collect cards from the Void to form melds to cast unique spells and effects in an effort to complete the ritual of Banishing, which will hurl the undead back through the Void. Players must work tog... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


WZK 72815

DiceBot Megafun

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In the future, robots battle it out to the amusement of humans, and in DiceBot MegaFun players are the robots who must reach into the junkyard to grab dice displaying various parts and place them on their robot sheet. Each player places six parts dice onto their sheet: five in the body area and one in the head.

Then players simultaneously choose weapon cards to play, which require the parts retrieved from the junkyard. Each weapon card has a cost in parts to pay as well as speed, direction of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 28,00 EUR


WZK 73334

The tech-future which mankind has been working towards is finally upon us! Sadly, the tech-future is not all we thought it was cracked up to be; technology couldn't save us from ourselves, and there are no hoverboards or floating cars in sight. Contrary to our hopes and dreams, four mega-corporations dominate and dictate every aspect of our lives.

In, players intercept transmissions to gain valuable information via their data network. Players use fences to buy and sell information so... (vollständige Beschreibung)

54,00 EUR


WZK 73457

Kibble Scuffle

Wow, you have a lot of cats and they all need to eat. Clash their personalities in fun and exciting ways to feed them kibble and win the game. Kibble Scuffle is a tactical card game of area control to try and get the best food for your feline friends. With cards like the Robo-Vac and Laser Pointer, you can use toys to strategically distract your opponents cats. Once a player reaches 20 points, the player with the most value of food cubes eaten at the end of the feeding phase wins.

26,00 EUR


WZK 74111


Stamp collectors: The most dangerous game. They're polite on the surface, but truly cunning strategists underneath.

Featuring colorful art and simple symbology, Stampede plays quickly and elegantly as players plan efficient moves to complete their stamp collection. You must fill your album with new stamps, search for the best trades at the exchange, and swap stamps with your opponents at just the right moment to complete your collection. Your goal is to collect five of the same animal or nine... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


WZK 87507

WWE Headlock, Paper, Scissors

From the designers of Rock, Paper, Wizard comes an all-new game of Striking, Showboating, and making hand signals! Players select their favorite Superstar and work to gain the most popularity and reach the briefcase at the top of a 3-D ladder while making sure their opponents don’t get there first. Each round, players select a shared technique, or their Superstar’s signature technique, and simultaneously chant “Money! ” “In The! ” “Bank! ” before revealing their technique, and th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


WZK 87508

WWE Cage Battle

Welcome to the Cage! When the steel cage descends onto the ring,you know that the match you’re about to witness will be intense,exciting, and unforgettable. Now it’s your turn to pick who will go toe to toe in the WWE’s most infamous setting. WWE Cage Battle is a dice-flicking dexterity game. Players make a team out of custom dice representing their favorite Superstars, and take turns flicking them at their opponent's Superstars, trying to beat them into submission, or knock them out of th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


WZK 87518

El Maestro

You like Air Guitar? You will love Air Drawing!

The Maestro needs to draw a picture which only they can see for the other players. How do they do this?

They Air Draw!

By drawing in the air with their fingers and using the Maestro’s Signals to indicate the relative positions the shapes that they have drawn!

The other players will try to recreate the best they can on their sketch-pads what the Maestro is Air Drawing.

After they have finished, each player will try to name the two t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


WZK 87554

Kardashev Scale


6x Alien Civilization Dials
6x Dial Pegs
1x Starting Token
60x Resource Tokens
60x Advancement Cards
1x Rulebook
The Kardashev Scale measures a civilization’s advancement by the size of it’s primary energy source: Planetary, Stellar, and Galactic.

Race your neighboring planets up the Kardashev Scale, and take control of the galaxy by achieving technological and cultural advancements that harness the energy of your people and your planet. Choose secret actions at the sum... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


WZK 87556

Squid Inc.

In Squid Inc., players compete for influence in the high-stakes underwater business world, where power shifts with the tides. Recruit underwater creatures to your side, and lead them up the (metaphorical) food chain, earning more influence the higher they go.

You’ll recruit distinguished business creatures from angler fish to hammerhead sharks, each with a different influence value, and a unique ability. Then, you’ll place them at the bottom of the corporate ladder, trying to outmaneuver ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR



Chiyo's Secret

Bitte vorbestellen


You are a noble ally of the daimyo, perhaps with a secret agenda of your own. The hidden role game Chiyo's Secret has four teams: Loyal Allies, who seek to capture Chiyo and Fusanobu and send them to be executed for their crimes; Usurpers, who seek to lure Fusanobu and the Daimyo into a trap and seize power for themselves; Betrayers, who seek to betray the Daimyo and present Chiyo and Fusanobu to the Shogun instead; and the lone Motonaka who seeks to protect his parents, hiding them until the Sh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR




Bitte vorbestellen


Thrown is a trick-taking game with a new way to play into a trick, namely by using dice! The colors of the dice represent the suits. The lead player rolls 1-3 dice of a color (the suit), then the other players try to roll in-suit to get the highest value on the table. If you do not have the right suit, then you can roll for trump; rolling a natural 6 on one of your dice in an off-suit will beat the highest value in-suit.

Winning a trick gives you gold. The game ends following a number of roun... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR


Word Forge Games

WFG CZ0001

CheekZ Card Game

A cheeky little card game of face-stuffing hamsters and double entendre for all the family (2-8 players).

CheekZ is a highly strategic hamster-powered version of Poker. Players take turns placing Battle, Attack and Defence cards until all Cheekz are empty. The winner then gets to spread the Cheekz of the other players and choose one to discard a Cheek. Players then Stash their Seed - but look out for Toxic and Exploding Seeds as players reveal a Dirty Cheek!

16,00 EUR


Wyrd Miniatures

WYR 11201

Showdown Icons - The Card Combat Game

A fast-paced card dueling game in which two players battle each other to win. Each deck in Showdown: Icons can be played against any other Showdown deck.

Each player plays a feint card from their hand face up, then each player plays a strike card face down. Strike cards are revealed and added to the value of the feint card.

Normally the highest total wins the combat and deals one damage. However, each card has one of three disciplines marked (Physical, Intellect and Cunning), and if both s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Wyvern Gaming



Bitte vorbestellen


Sojourn is a single player game about time travel. Throughout the course of the game, the player travels from destination to destination, opening up destination portals to different places in time while trying to retrieve time sphere fragments in order to build a machine that will allow them to go home. The player does have more than random chance on their side, however, as they can choose to play timestream cards that allow them to manipulate the flow of time.

ca. 26,00 EUR


Your Move Games

YMG 0001

Succession: Intrigue in the Royal Court

The King grows old and the time has come to choose a successor to the throne. Of all the worthy citizens of the land, the King has narrowed his choice to five candidates. You are not one of them. As a courtier, master of palace politics, you will manipulate the King's opinion of the candidates through intrigues -- bits of gossip, good and bad reports, etc. Just as important, by claiming credit for things you may not have done and avoiding blame for things you probably did you'll manipulate the o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


YMG 0029

My Kind of Town

My Kind of Town is a fast-playing game for two mobsters attempting to control Chicago in the Capone era.

Players vie for control of VP cards by playing influence cards on either their own or their opponent's side. Control is determined by majority influence of one of three kinds; the laying of influence cards determines both how much influence of each type the players have as well as which type(s) of influence can be used to control the VP card.

Play consists of 12 influence turns followed... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


YMG 631

Battle for Sector 219

In Sector 219 you field a sci-fi army battling a rival race for control of a world's capital city. Since either race could easily lay waste to the entire planet, battles are fought by troops on the ground and the rules of engagement forbit entering the heart of the city. You must maintain supply lines to deploy more advanced troops as you fight to occupy the enemy base.

Sector 219 comes with everything you need to play and takes about ten minutes per game.

14,00 EUR



YST 75556

Caylus Magna Carta Card Game

The general theme and mechanics are similar to the original boardgame. However, there is no board or score track and the tactical nuts and bolts of the game are somewhat different. In terms of components, the game consists of cards, money, worker pawns, resource markers, the provost, and castle building stones. Each player has a set of identical cards, which are shuffled and used as a face-down draw deck. Players start with an opening random draw of cards, and on his turn a player can either:

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Z-Man Games

ZMG 4000

Grave Robbers from outer Space

Grave Robbers From Outer Space pays homage to those B-movies you love to hate - or hate to love. 120 cards packaged in a dual-deck sized box.

  • Stand-alone game; no need to collect
  • Easy to learn
  • Original art & humorous quotes
  • Does not require other bits (no dice, markers etc.)
  • First in a series of compatible but independent B-movie card games
  • for 2 or more players
  • "Say, is that a tentacle?"

22,00 EUR


ZMG 4001

Cannibal Pygmies in the Jungle of Doom

Nice Price

Cannibal Pygmies in the Jungle of Doom pays homage to those jungle and pulp B-movies you love to hate...or hate to love. 120 cards packaged in a dual-deck sized box.

  • Compatible with Grave Robbers from Outer Space
  • Stand-alone game; no need to collect
  • Easy to learn
  • Original art & humorous quotes
  • Does not require other bits (no dice, markers etc.)
  • for 2 or more players
  • "When we te... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


ZMG 4002

Kung Fu Samurai on Giant Robot Island

Nice Price

Kung Fu Samurai on Giant Robot Island pays homage to those B-movies of the Asian cinema you love to hate - or hate to love.

  • Stand-alone game; no need to collect
  • 120 cards
  • Easy to learn
  • Original art & humorous quotes
  • Does not require other bits (no dice, markers etc.)

Third in a series of compatible but independent B-movie card games for 2 or more players

22,00 EUR


ZMG 4003

Grave Robbers 2: Skippy's Revenge

Nice Price

  • Compatible with all the other Z-Man B-Movie card games
  • Stand-alone game; no need to collect
  • Original art & humorous quotes
  • Does not require other bits (no dice, markers etc.)
  • for 2 or more players

22,00 EUR


ZMG 4004

Bell-Bottomed Badassses on the Mean Streets of Funk

The movies of the '70s were chock full of messages about the evil of corporations and the oppression by the Man to keep the working class down. But this game has nothing to do with any of that! 120 all new B-movie '70s action cinema cards that can be played stand alone or mixed with any or all of the other Z-Man B-movie card games.

* Compatible with all the other Z-Man B-Movie card games
* Stand-alone game; no need to collect

* Original art & humorous quotes
* Does not r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


ZMG 4005

Berserker Halflings from the Dungeon of Dragons

The sixth game in the B-movie Card Game line, this one blends humour, fast-playing strategy and fantasy movie clichees into a funny romp through "classics" like Krull, Conan, The Neverending Story and many more.

Imagine being on a deserted island with a hot model eager to...wait, not that kind of fantasy! We're talking ugly goblins, bearded dwarves, and scantily clad elves, stranded on a deserted . . . uh, you get the picture.

A new 120 card stand-alone game for 2-6 players. 100% compatibl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


ZMG 4006

Scurvy Musketeers of the Spanish Main

Prepare to have your buckles swashed and your derring done in this Swashbuckling cinematic B-Movie card game!

Players are making a B-Movie by playing Characters, Props, and Locations in their movie and sending Creatures to attack the other players' movies in order to kill off their Characters. SFX cards can modify attacks and do other wacky stuff. When Roll the Credits is played, the player with the most points wins!

Compatible with all other B-Movie games from Z-Man Games.

20,00 EUR


ZMG 4007

Bushwhackin' Varmints out of Sergio's Butte

Giddy'up pardner and saddle up to the nearest local gaming saloon to pick up the newest in the B-Movie series. If you t'aint figured out what the theme is by now, I'm afraid we'll have to shoot ya - after we take yer money that is! Players are making a B-Movie by playing Characters, Props, and Locations in their movie and sending Creatures to attack the other players' movies in order to kill off their Characters. SFX cards can modify attacks and do other wacky stuff. When Roll the Credits is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


ZMG 4008

Silent But Deadly Night



We bring you holiday joy as we salute the films of Christmas past.

Players are making a B-Movie by playing Characters, Props, and Locations in their movie and sending Creatures to attack the other players' movies in order to kill off their Characters. SFX cards can modify attacks and do other wacky stuff. When Roll the Credits is played, the player with the most points wins!

SPECIAL: Silent but Deadly Night comes in a colorful tin and contains a Skippy the Wonder Christmas Puppy plush orna... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


ZMG 4009

Grave Robbers 3: Suburban Slashers from Sunnydale Street

This edition has additional killers, weapons and victims, as well as completely updated rules which streamline play and make sure that the fun starts fast and keeps moving. The game is easy to learn and plays very quickly with up to 6 players. You play one of a number of different killers and hunt down and slaughter typical horror movie characters, racking up points with every kill. You compete with other players who are also killers to see who can get the most and the best victims. Each killer ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


ZMG 4025

Camelot Legends

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Camelot Legends is a fast-paced, non-collectible card game for 2 - 4 Players, featuring over 100 different cards.

Camelot Legends divides the Arthurian world into three main locations: the chivalric kingdom of Camelot, the treacherous domain of Cornwall, and the enchanted realm of the Perilous Forest. Throughout the game, players create factions of characters who attempt to complete quests and overcome their enemies. Rival knights endeavor to surmount the difficult cha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

ZMG 4026


You are dwarves digging for gold in the depths of a mine when suddenly, the pick-axe breaks, and the lantern goes out. The saboteur has struck again! But who is the saboteur and will he (or they!) stop you from reaching the treasure? If you succeed gold awaits you. If you don't, then to the victor goes the spoils. Whoever has the most gold nuggets after three rounds is the winner. A 3-10 player path-laying card game where each player has a role and no one knows for sure what that role that i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


ZMG 4027

UWO ( Unidentified Walking Object )

UWO's (unidentified walking objects) are residents of the planet Znorf. There are two kinds of UWO; The Gnorfs and the Pnorfs. Both of them are able to morf. But that is something that will be explained later on. The Gnorfs think that the Pnorfs are a group of ugly creatures and that feeling is completely mutual. All the more reason for them to start a war!

beginning of the game
UWO is a cardgame and a boardgame at the same time. Both players have six energycards. The playingfield is forme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


ZMG 4028

Street Illegal

Speed and Respect!The only two things that matter as you race through the city streets in your souped-up car. Anticipate road conditions as you race through a track of 8 cards to earn chips to help accelerate or decelerate, to try and reach the first position. This is a graphically changed, rule-modified version of Fette Autos.

A 1-7 player card game. Playing time: 45 minutes.

> 20 Track cards: has three important points of information:
speed limit, situation and effect. The sp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


ZMG 4029


Ein würdiger Nachfolger für Munchkin ?

Dungeonville stammt von James Ernest und Mike Selinker und ist ein ziemlich abgedrehtes Kartenspiel. Die Spieler sind durchgeknallte Hexenmeister, denen die fünf Verliese rund um Dungeonville gehören. Sie heuern Gruppen von Abenteurern an und schicken sie in den Untergrund, um andere Gruppen zu verprügeln und andere Charaktere zu meucheln. Die Lebenserwartung der Abenteurer wird in Minuten gemessen. Gezeichnet wurden die Karten von John Kovalic, der... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


ZMG 4030

Fairy Tale

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  Regeln in Deutsch/Englisch und Italienisch liegen bei! Includes beautiful manga-style art, this Japanese card game has you drafting cards from a fixed set to score the most points. Great for players who love to draft but don't have the funds to buy many boosters and great for people wanting to learn how to draft. Includes a rule variant by Richard Garfield. Players use card drafting and simultaneous action selection to form a story while interfering with other players' stories. The game ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

ZMG 4031

No Thanks!

Good card games can be so simple: either take a card or pay a chip. Anyone can make that decision, right? However, there's a catch - in fact there are two. Nobody wants the cards, not even for free, because they give you points in a game where you need to have the fewest points to win. And the chips? They are scarce, very scarce!

The Components:
No Thanks! comes with: 33 cards; 55 chips; and 1 rulebook.
Cards: The cards are all high-quality, thick, linen-textured cards. They're numbered 3-3... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


ZMG 4032

Take Stock

You are the power players. You can choose to make the prices rise as you purchase stocks in strong companies, or you can choose to crush the dreams of your opponents by freezing their accounts or crashing the market. Remember, the one with the most at the end wins!

Players use their hand of cards to increase stock prices in the various stocks or discard cards to play the market to affect the value of one or more companies either positively or negatively. You also save certificates of shares i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


ZMG 4033


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The players are gods at the dawn of time, creating earth's landscape and inhabiting it with people. They can command the creation and destruction of continents and the rise and fall of civilizations. As gods, players seek to gain followers among the civilizations. They offer those followers luxuries, and oversee the building of pyramids and temples on their continents. In the end the god with the most loyal, wealthy, and powerful followers will become ruler of gods, and wins the game.

Players... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

ZMG 4034


You are invited to a family dinner and as one of the characters in the family, you are trying to buy ingredients and ultimately try to be the first (or certainly not the last) to arrive. There are 2 versions of the game inside the box - a different and simple version and a gamer's version. The first version uses 55 of the cards and the gamer version uses all 110 cards.

Contents: 110 cards, illustration map
No. of players: 2-4
Ages: 10+
Playing time: 75-90 minutes

20,00 EUR


ZMG 4036

Dragon Parade



The Chinese New Year. The dragon parade starts from the Forbidden City and moves randomly through the streets. Where the parade ends, the celebration begins. During the parade, the street sellers must decide where to set up their stands to provide food and drinks. Naturally, they want to be close to the celebration. But who knows where the parade will end?

Players play cards to move the dragon token and at the same time placing their street seller tokens where they think the dragon will end.

12,00 EUR


ZMG 4037


z.Zt. vergriffen


It's the classic suburban conflict of unreturned tools, loud neighbors, and prize-winning garden gnomes from Reiner Knizia. This simple gateway card game has players starting with low-value cards then escalating the values until someone goes too far and penalizes their neighbor with the stack of cards. When the deck runs out and a player's hand is empty, the player with the least cards in his stack wins.

One player opens with a card or cards and calls out the value played. The next player mus... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ZMG 4038

Arne Junior

The first in our KidFun line of games. These card and board games appeal to kids ages 6 and up.

In the card game, Arne Junior, the goal is to collect the most points in your fruit. There are also special white cards and black cards that do wacky things and add fun twists to the game. For example the +3 card allows you to draw three extra cards. The chameleon allows you to change one fruit into another. The hungry bird can eat the points off a fruit (unless caught by the net).

Arne Junior i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


ZMG 4039

Gumball Rally



It's a long distance go-kart race forthe coveted Gumball Cup!

Players use numbers and colors to better posiiton themselves in the race: higher numbers pass lower numbers and a color passes the same color if that kart is ahead of them. Play through two checkpoints then the finish line!

A very fast, fun game for the whole family - up to 8 players!

Contents: 77 cards, 8 large go kart cards
No. of players: 3-8
Ages: 6+
Playing time: 30 minutes

10,00 EUR


ZMG 4040


A creative word game about associations. One player chooses a topic and each player picks one of the 4 attribute cards from their hand. If they have a green sheep, they must try the attribute that matches the topic best. If they have a red sheep they try to pick an attribute that least matches the topic. Then everyone tries to grab the attribute that comes with a green sheep. It's a flurry of fun and action as players try to grab the matches. A fun party game.

16,00 EUR


ZMG 4041


z.Zt. vergriffen

  From the designer of Fairy Tale, all players are beings of power who use Dancers to fight on the world's stages for control of their realm. Dancers may challenge each other or guardians for special treasures.

z.Zt. vergriffen

ZMG 4046

Middle Kingdom

Following the collapse of the Han Dynasty, warlords backed rival claimants to the Chinese throne, while others sought influence among the merchants, nobles, farmers, and bureaucrats.

In this game, players blind bid each round to claim Dynasty cards in order to control the Emperor, Heir, Palace, Market, and Harvest. However, the heavens, in the guise of the Celestial Dragon, can disrupt the best-laid plans. The game ends as the Emperor dies and whoever gains the most influence will ascend the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


ZMG 4051

Court of the Medici

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Court of the Medici is a casual card game of politics and intrigue at the Medici court.
In Court of the Medici, you play the leader of one of the powerful factions in the city of Florence. Your faction's power and prosperity in Florence are tied to your favor with the city's ruling family, the Medici. Favor with the Grand Duke de Medici comes from having the nobles of your faction present at court. However, with nobles from all the other factions at court as well, your influence on the duke is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

ZMG 4056

Malta !

Draw, play, and move, that's all you've got to do. But what can you play? You can Remove a Space to try to strand your opponent in the corner, but he might counter with an Allemande Left leaving you in the same situation. Maybe you can have a Party at My Place and then Teleport away. Or if things get desperate, you can always just Catapult someone clear across the board. But no matter what, don't forget to not lose!"

A crazy, chaotic, party game atmosphere card game where the object is to not... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


ZMG 4057


A game of tunnels, turniops, and tourists.

Players are gopher ranchers trying to build their own warren of burrows to attract all three types of gophers. Form burrows ofthree different colors, trying to complete ones that are bigger than existing ones so that the gopher gets lured and stays by you. But a larger burrow will lure it away!

Every once in a while a tour bus will arrive and the tourists will be most excited to see the types of gophers promised to them by their tour schedule. If ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


ZMG 4058

Campaign Manager 2008

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Campaign Manager 2008 challenges players to develop a winning political strategy within the tumultuous context of the 2008 presidential campaign. Employing a new take on card driven game systems, each player will create a unique deck that represents their advice to their candidate. The players will struggle to influence voters in the critical swing states from this election, while targeting key constituencies that just might put them over the top. Players will try to define the key issue in the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 24,00 EUR


ZMG 4063


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You are a Dreamwalker, lost in a mysterious labyrinth, and must discover the oneiric doors before your dreamtime runs out—or you will remain trapped forever!

A solo or cooperative game where you try to find the doors to escape from the labyrinthine nightmare.

The game also includes three expansions: The Book of Steps Lost and Found, The Towers, and Dark Premonitions and Happy Dreams.

ca. 10,00 EUR


ZMG 4065


Bitte vorbestellen


The parade has started in Wonderland. Everybody is dressed up, the streets are decorated, excitement is in the air. Let's find more people to join the parade. You are one of the organizers of the parade and are constantly trying your best to encourage people to join.

If only the people already taking part didn't leave so early—after a short while they just lose any interest in the parade. And if somebody shows up with the same dress or of higher rank, all they do is to leave the parade imme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


ZMG 4066

Bottle Imp

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As with many other trick-taking card games, the idea of the Bottle Imp is to acquire the most points. The Bottle Imp makes trumps out of the lowest cards. The player with the highest card less than the price of the Bottle earns the trick and also the Bottle Imp card. Then the price of the Bottle falls to that of the winning card. In this way the owner of the Bottle Imp changes until its value can no longer be undercut. Whoever has the Bottle Imp at the end of the hand earns negative points inste... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


ZMG 4067


In Prolix, players score points by coming up with words whose letters match those of the tiles on the board. Unlike other word games, you don't need all the letters of a word to be on the board to use that word. This means that you are free to use all those words you always wanted to use in other word games, but were always a few tiles or cards short! Of course, the letters in your word won't score if they aren't on the board, so even huge words can be stinkers if you don't use them at the right... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


ZMG 4068

The King Commands

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Camelot has fallen! King Arthur is dead, Merlin is missing, and the treasury has been plundered. The remaining Knights of the Round Table have decided to duel over the remaining bags of gold found in the castle. To their aid they have King Arthur's crown, Merlin's crystal ball, and the magic sword, Excalibur.

Players play combination of sword cards to steal bags of gold from players who can block or parry. The relics, such as the crown, crystal ball, and Excalibur, have special abilities. The... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


ZMG 4071


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An irregular trick taking game where various individual abilities of persons forming history are tangled together.

Who will use their powers to adequately handle the events of the lands? Who will leave their name behind in The Chronicle?

Cards have special abilities, and each trick requires a special victory condition to win fame points (and multiple people can win). First to three Fame wins.

endgültig vergriffen

ZMG 4072

Lords of Scotland


The throne lies empty and the clans are restless. As a lord of Scotland with land, men and money at your disposal, now is the time to lay your claim. But you are not alone. Your rivals have been waiting for just such an opportunity themselves and they are poised to act. With the clans of Scotland ready to follow the strongest leader, it is up to you to win the loyalty of the clans first. If you can demonstrate your prowess in battle to enough clans, then the rest will fall in lin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


ZMG 4075

Dark Minions

Hordes of dark minions have descended upon the countryside, eager to secure their reputation as a scourge on mankind. The despicable evil marauders attack everywhere in search of conquest. The citizens are helpless and will soon be overwhelmed. Death and destruction awaits all those in the path of the evil ones.

In Dark Minions players represent those forces of evil as they try to pillage and destroy towns. Each turn, the players typically roll three dice and may use the resulting numbers to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


ZMG 4078


Bitte vorbestellen


For eons, Incubi (bad, negative dreams) and Sognae (happy, positive dreams) have dwelled in Equilibrion, opposed but complementary. As the king of this City, you must establish and maintain the delicate balance between those dreams: place them in the various districts, harness their power, and beware of the Chaos -fearsome entities that thrive on discord and hatred....

Equilibrion is a solo/cooperative card game: you (and your partner) must work (together) against the game, and claim all the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 10,00 EUR


ZMG 41200

Black Spy

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The trick-taking game Black Spy is a film noir take on Hearts as you want to enlist the best spies you can while avoiding the black spies, who will always turn against you.
Black Spy lasts a number of rounds, with players scoring points each round. The game is played using mostly standard trick-taking rules: Each turn, someone plays a card to the center of the table, then in turn each player lays down (if possible) a card matching the suit or rank of the card led, throwing out any other card ot... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


ZMG 41201


Bitte vorbestellen


The parade has started in Wonderland. Everybody is dressed up, the streets are decorated, excitement is in the air. Let's find more people to join the parade. You are one of the organizers of the parade and are constantly trying your best to encourage people to join.

If only the people already taking part didn't leave so early—after a short while they just lose any interest in the parade. And if somebody shows up with the same dress or of higher rank, all they do is to leave the parade imme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


ZMG 49001


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The mad Fire Elemental lord is out to burn down the dream forest. Attacking in waves using Fire Elementals, your only defense are trees and fountains and those animals brave enough to offer aid before scurrying away to safety. Using a unique drafting system and combining it with a tower defense game, will you be able to keep your forest green?

Sylvion is a tower-defense type game in which attacks come down four rows and in waves. You build a deck using a unique drafting process and play cards... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


ZMG 7056


Hornet is a stinging tactical board game for the entire family in which players need to anticipate the moves of their opponents and at times also bluff a bit.

Each player controls a pair of hornets swiftly flying about in flower fields collecting nectar and producing as much honey as they possible can.

There are three types of actions, chosen simultaneously by players. Each action has a non-risky and a risky version. Do you play it safe, or bee somewhat aggressive?

46,00 EUR


ZMG 71510

Dragon Farkle

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The long enjoyed peace of Yon has been disrupted by a ferocious and mean-spirited dragon he’s terrorizing the locals and eating their livestock without their permission.
Fortunately, a few wannabe heroes (that’s you!) have risen to the challenge of slaying the beast. Get yourself a brave companion, gather a powerful army, and enter the Dragon’s Keep. For cheese and country!

• Easy to learn and teach.
• Push-your-luck recruitment and battles promise each turn is filled
with suspen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 32,00 EUR


ZMG 9012

Start Player

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By our detailed calculations, more than 2.5 million additional games could be played each year if you took less time picking a start player.
Start Player solves this problem: Just turn over a card and you'll know who the start player is. Maybe it's as simple as the tallest player, or the player with the most unbuttoned buttons. It's the most comprehensive system ever devised for choosing who starts a game. Includes: 54 cards, 1 Start Player token and rules.

endgültig vergriffen


ZMG 4026E

Saboteur 2

This expansion for Saboteur includes more dwarves, more path cards, more action actions and now 2-12 can play.

14,00 EUR



ZFY 0001

Pixel Glory

Team up with fellow wizards to vanquish the sinister monsters that lurk in the dungeon, and save the nearby village. This is a noble and honorable quest, and... oh, who are we kidding? In reality, you're a greedy wizard who is all about fame and personal gain, and your fellow wizards are cut from the same cloth! Prevail over your opponents by learning the best spells and using that knowledge to outmaneuver and kill-steal in the dungeon, so you can gain admiration of the townsfolk, fame across th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


ZFY 0002

Death Wish

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Death Wish is a light-hearted party card game where the goal is to be the first player to die from fictional diseases. Truly a game you're dying to win.

Players take turns to collect matching symptoms and afflicters with the aim of contracting the diseases displayed on the table. Diseases are always changing on the table so it’s a race before they’re snapped up by other players. The colours play a part in the game with white strains the most common, less harmful types contrasted with the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


ZFY 0003


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Crystallo is a solo puzzle/abstract card game with a light fantasy theme. Explore the cavern lair of the wicked Black Dragon by placing cards, free six magical creatures by creating crystal sets, and, if you should succeed with that task, trap the dragon in his own cave. Collect treasure along the way, and you may emerge a wealthy champion!

Crystallo is played with a deck of 54 illustrated cards and 18 gems, and runs about 20-30 minutes.

ca. 22,00 EUR


Zipwhaa Inc

ZIP 1110

Management Material General Office Edition - Information Technology

Management Material is based in the world of Corporate America, where no project is too outrageous and no excuse to get out of working too ridiculous.

Its a vicious cycle of management creating unrealistic projects for their indentured servants uhh, employees. Then those employees unable to weasel their way out of the horrific projects eventually find themselves completing them. With that kind of recognition, before they know it, the poor souls find themselves

20,00 EUR



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