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248375081 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003




D20 ist das allgemein zugängliche und auf den D&D-Regeln basierende generische Rollenspielsystem von Wizards of the Coast. Unter diesem Label werden Regeln aller Art veröffentlicht - vom Wilden Westen bis in die ferne Zukunft sind unterschiedlichste Genres vertreten und es werden täglich mehr! Hier findet Ihr die gesammelten D20 Produkte kleinerer Firmen. Unter diesen Links findet Ihr viele weitere D20 Produkte: alderac
counter collections
Fast Forward
Green Ronin
Iron Kingdoms
Monkey God
Mystic Eye
Sovereign Stone
Scarred Lands
Swashbuckling Adv.


Adamant Entertainment

ADE 2001

Corsair: Guide to D20 Ships

Everything you need to add historically accurate sailing vessels to your d20 campaigns! Corsair compiles the OGL seafaring and naval combat rules from the Origins Award - nominated Skull & Bones from Green Ronin with the advanced supplemental rules from the first two issues of Adamant Entertainment's Buccaneers & Bokor, plus brand-new material never seen before, including new ships, new rules and more!

Included in this product are 20 ship types, complete rules for sailing, ship repair and cus... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


ADE 2005

Hot Pursuit: Guide to D20 Chases

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Finally, the thrill of the chase comes to your D20 campaign!

Hot Pursuit: The Definitive D20 Guide to Chases gives Gamemasters the ability to add exciting chase scenes to ANY d20 game--Fantasy, Modern, Future or Past.

Written by Corey Reid, Hot Pursuit lets you experience the thrill of the thunder of horse's hooves, the rattle of wagon wheels, the pealing screech of tires, or the scream of jet engines as your player-characters enact chase scenes to rival those found on the big screen.

I... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


ADE 2015

Narrative Combat

Narrative Combat gives Game Masters an entirely new combat system - one that moves away from the tactical skirmish-level miniatures game that d20 has become. This new system can be used with the existing feats and abilities, and is usable in ANY d20 game - Fantasy, Modern, Future or Past.

In fiction, combat serves to highlight and resolve conflict. The scene shows us something important about the world, the characters, and their relationships with one another. Combat also acts as a symbol for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Archangel Studios

AGL 0001

Dramatis Personae - Campaign Ready NPC's

In diesem brilliant illustrierten Quellenbuch (von den Machern des Kultcomics Red Star!) finden sich Dutzende ziemlich interessanter Helden und Schurken, die man sofort in eigene Kampagnen einbauen kann. Alle Charaktere sind erstklassig illustriert und kommen mit einem ausführlichem Hintergrund, vollständigen Werten und kompletter Ausrüstung daher. Zudem gibt es einige neue magische Gegenstände, Talente, Sprüche und Fertigkeiten. Begegnet Karthalia, der Schwester der Schatten oder der Dame ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Atlas Games

ATG 3401

The Ascension of Magdalene

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


Im Prag des 16. Jahrhunderts ist ein berüchtigtes Gemälde, dem man magische Kräfte nachsagt, verschwunden und die Spur führt in einen Alptraum von Rabbis, Maschinenmonstern und Hexer, die letztendlich das Geheimnis der erhabenen Magdalena lösen wird... in diesem Mischabenteuer finden sich Regeln für Unknown Armies und D20, Details zur Mechanomantie, neue Avatare und vieles mehr!

In a great city of magic and enlightenment, terrible plans are afoot.

A notorious painting, said to be a p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


ATG 2702

40 Years of Gen Con

z.Zt. vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


In 40 Years of Gen Con, gaming guru Robin D. Laws chronicles the story of every gamer's lifetime. It's a history that reaches out to four decades of gamers to form a vast collage of the Gen Con experience from every point of view - from the gamers playing in the halls, to the staffers behind the scenes, to the exhibitors on the sales floor. 40 Years of Gen Con is a treasure trove of personal interviews with game industry insiders and luminaries like Dave Arneson, E. Gary Gygax, Ed Greenwood, R. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ATG 3227

Dork D20 Deck

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A Roleplaying Accessory

Once again, you character finds himself lying at the bottom of the Pit of Eternal Doom, waiting for the approaching Turbonium Dragon to munch on his tasty carcass. What do you do?

A) Beg the dragon not to use your bones as toothpicks

B) Trust the kindly GM to bail you out

C) Spring your "Oh, the Humanity!" card on the dragon to keep him from saving against your cause fear spell, then send him feeling with your overwhelming buffness and play your handy "Huzzah!... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Nyambe: African Adventures

ATG 3700

Nyambe: African Adventures (Hardcover)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Der afrikanische Kontinent wird in dieser Fantasy-Welt wieder lebendig - neue Rassen, Klassen und Talente, Heister und seltsame Magier und vieles mehr bevölkern die Steppen und Dschungel dieser Welt. Erforsche Nyambe und entdecke auf mehr als 250 Seiten den Zauber eines phantastischen Afrikas!

In the land of the Overpower, the jaws of the crocodile are the only reward for the unwary.

Nyambe is a vast land of exotic creatures and wide expanses, where ancestral orishas cry for brave tribal ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ATG 3700

Nyambe: African Adventures (Hardcover)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Der afrikanische Kontinent wird in dieser Fantasy-Welt wieder lebendig - neue Rassen, Klassen und Talente, Heister und seltsame Magier und vieles mehr bevölkern die Steppen und Dschungel dieser Welt. Erforsche Nyambe und entdecke auf mehr als 250 Seiten den Zauber eines phantastischen Afrikas!

In the land of the Overpower, the jaws of the crocodile are the only reward for the unwary.

Nyambe is a vast land of exotic creatures and wide expanses, where ancestral orishas cry for brave tribal ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR



ATG 3702

Ancestral Vault

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A treasury of exotic wonders...

Drawn from the sweltering rainforests and dangerous savannahs of Nyambe, Ancestral Vault brings gamers a rich hoard of African-flavored treasures and equipment. This 96-page perfect bound sourcebook describes mundane D20 System equipment, special and superior items, and magical objects of all degrees of power. Though designed for use with the Atlas Games Nyambe: African Adventures setting, these items can find their way into any campaign as exotic treasures fro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



ATG 3701

Dire Spirits

Ein Einstiegsabenteuer für 4 Charaktere der 1. Stufe.

An Introductory Adventure for 1st-Level Characters

The fearsome bounty hunter KanUk -- a kosan orc from the Mythical Ages of Nyambe-tanda -- was long ago bound into the body of an undead dire lion. His savagery knew no bounds among the helpless slaves of his land until he was defeated in the Great Rebellion, and his spirit was shunted into his own still-beating undead heart. This heart has rested undisturbed in a foul shrine for thousa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Auran D20

AUG 1001

Dark Awakenings - Guardian

Faszinierendes Abenteuer für 4-6 Charaktere der Stufen 3-4 rund um eine einfache Seereise, die in einem furchtbaren Kampf um die Seelen der Charaktere selbst endet. Mit einer Bonus-CD-ROM mit Geräuschen, Musik, 3D-Szenen, farbigen Landkarten, viel Hintergrundmaterial und dem gesamten Modul zusätzlich noch einmal als durchsuchbare PDF-Datei!

24,00 EUR


AUG 1002

Dark Awakenings - Shadowland

Ein geniales Abenteuer für 4-6 Charaktere der Stufen 3-4, die in den mysteriösen Schattenlanden ein gewaltiges Geheimnis lösen müssen! Mit Bonus-CD-ROM voller Animationen, Sound, PDFs und mehr!

24,00 EUR


Badaxe Games

BAG 2101

Heroes of High Favor - Dwarves

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Deep within their mountain fortresses, the dwarves toil away at their craft, turning precious ore into works of priceless beauty. Yet these are not mere artisans, for they are the masters of yet another skill: the art of warfare.

endgültig vergriffen

BAG 2102

Heroes of High Favor - Half Orcs

They are the orphans of savage wars, drifting back into the territories of yet-unconquered people, a reminder of the constant struggle against the forces of chaos.

10,00 EUR


BAG 2103

Heroes of High Favor - Elves

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Ancient, alien, immortal, as angels to men, the elves have lived since the world was young and magic was new. For millennia they have studied the arcane arts, setting themselves apart from the petty squabbles of lesser races. What mortal could contest with the oldest and wisest of races, the most powerful of all wizards

endgültig vergriffen

BAG 2104

Heroes of High Favor: Halflings

Something turns up missing and all eyes immediately turn to the halfling. Are they an entire race of thieves, one and all, or are they merely misunderstood vagabonds, victims of their own wanderlust? Whatever the answer, it’s clear that there is more to these half-sized heroes than meets the eye.

Each HEROES OF HIGH FAVOR book contains a toolkit of additional feats, skills, concepts, and prestige classes to explore your race’s favored class. HALFLINGS features background information and r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


BAG 3301

The Book of Unusual Treasures

Forgotten spellbooks and tomes of arcane knowledge, material components harvested from vanquished monsters, masterwork weapons, armor, and other items of fine craftsmanship await the appraising eye of the adventurer. Each of these unusual treasures is lovingly detailed with lavish description to turn even the most innocuous knick-knack into a treasured find.

The treasures herein introduce a hoard of new feats, skills, spells, materials, and poisons to surprise the discerning treasure-seeker. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



BAG 3201

Grim Tales D20 (HC)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Bad Axe Games' Grim Tales is the high adventure, low magic campaign sourcebook for fantastic roleplaying in your favorite pulp genres, from the dawn of Atlantis to the apocalyptic future of a dying planet. The Players' Section contains all the rules for character creation, including hundreds of feats, skills, talents, and equipment arranged by genre and/or time period. The Game Masters' Section is presented in true tool-kit fashion, allowing the GM to pick and choose from a wide variety of campa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR



BAG 4202

Grim Tales: Slavelords of Cydonia

Slavelords of Cydonia is the first adventure sourcebook for Bad Axe Games' Grim Tales. Set in a time and place of the GMs choosing, Slavelords of Cydonia pits the heroes against tentacled horrors from beyond the stars in a world-spanning struggle to avert a second cataclysmic war. The book features a complete campaign for adventurers level 1-20, in addition to supplementary source material presenting new monsters, spells, technology, races, feats, and talents suitable for any Grim Tales campaign... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


Bards and Sages

BaS 86382

Neiyar Campaign Setting

Sammlerstück / Rarität


An uncharted island guarded by an ancient beast. One civilization struggling against civil war. Another fighting to regain its lost glory. And a demon-god plotting to destroy them all.

Welcome to Neiyar.

Set on an isolated jungle island, Neiyar features five new playable races, ten prestige classes, 30 new magic items, and tons of new spells, feats, and monsters. Learn Hearth Magic and defy the laws of both arcane and divine spellcasting. Take flaws to flesh out your character and earn bon... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


Blackclaw Games

BCG 1000

Baptism of Fire , World War Two RPG

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Baptism of Fire: World War Two Role Play is a d20 based role-playing game that places players into the largest conflict that has ever enveloped the earth. The future of the world lies in the balance and down in the heart of this thing that seems so much bigger than any one person could ever imagine being a part of, individual soldiers will decide the world's fate through their actions.

The game features multiple character classes such as Combat Engineer, Heavy Weapons, Resistance Fighter, and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


BCG 10005

Space Conspiracy RPG

Bitte vorbestellen


In the spirit of games such as Paranoia and Gamma World, Space Conspiracy takes role playing games into the future, and then gets weird. Every new campaign spawns a host of random conspiracies to investigate and be baffled by. Scores of weapons are in the game including lasers, slug throwers, grenades, and cabbage. Exciting vehicles such as the boring ground car are detailed in the game. Okay, so maybe that vehicle isn't exciting, but there are a couple of tanks, and some spaceships, and a canoe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 44,00 EUR


BlackWyrm Games


XDM: Quest for the Tavern

You remember the tavern...barely. You don't think you accepted any Dwarven ale, but here you are, stripped of your belongings and hanging over a pit, while some insane sorcerer rants on and on about how his revenge against you will finally be exacted to perfection. Someday when you're on a tavern floor nursing a hangover you'll be able to tell yourself "I've had worse," but you're going to have to fight you way back to that tavern first! This adventure module is based on the XD20 system introduc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR




XDM: X-Treme Dungeon Mastery

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The Cure for the Common Game

Throw off your chains! Too long have your role-playing games been held in the bonds of substandard gamemasters, bound in needlessly complicated rule sets, and enslaved by players who will avoid doing anything unless it counts toward leveling up! It is time to take a stand!

Learn from the masters the ancient secrets of how to:

Become a certified XDM and impress dates (Do-it-yourself secret initiation rites included.) Design epic adventures that tell stories. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Bottled Imp Games

BIG 1000

Lords of Night: Vampires D20

Bitte vorbestellen


The lords of the night are coming! For too long they have hidden in the shadows. But all that is about to change. With new powers and abilities - the lords of the night have just one thing in mind, the total enslavement of the mortal races.

Sourcebook and the beginnings of a five part campaign, the Lords of the Night: Vampires is set to shine a light on the secret denizens of darkness. Starting with the most famous of all the creatures of the night - the vampire!

Whether you want to play a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


BIG 1001

Lords of Night: Liches D20

Sammlerstück / Rarität


For millennia, vampires believed they were the true lords of the night. But they were wrong. Older than mountains with goals both alien and unfathomable, Lords of the Night: Liches opens the vault on the most terrifying of the undead - the Arcane Lich.

Sourcebook and the continuation of the Darkness Rising series, the Lords of the Night: Liches details the ancient sorcerers and their magic Arcane. Players can obtain some of their incredible magics, or even quest to become liches themselves.
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


BIG 1002

Lords of Night: Zombies D20

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Book three in the Darkness Rising series pays homage to the zombie movie - presenting six highly playable and monstrous new types of zombie in glorious, gory detail. New monsters, spells and mystical diseases; a highly detailed necromancer core class, plus all the story and atmosphere you’ve come to expect from a Bottled Imp Games sourcebook. Everything you need to put some bite into your zombies is right here in this book.

38,00 EUR


BIG 1003

Darkness Rises D20

Bitte vorbestellen


It's time... The Great War is about to begin. The Black Council, the evil first vampires have been scheming for two thousand years, waiting for something to happen that would signal their rise to power.

That time has finally come.

When Constable Frederick Berren, a simple man of the City Watch who desires nothing more than to spend time with his family, discovers the existence of the Children of Vangual, he is drawn into a web of deceit and darkness that will change his world forever.

H... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 8,00 EUR


BIG 1004

Powers of Light D20

Bitte vorbestellen


For two thousand years the Lords of the Night have lurked in darkness, gathering strength and feasting freely upon the essence of the living.

All that is about to change...

Darkness looms. The creatures of the night are no longer afraid to prey upon the weak. A great power for evil is rising. Yet when all is at its worst, the prayers of the helpless are answered. The white robes appear, a healing hand to the weak, a force of hope. Who are these mysterious figures that offer their aid, the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



CHA 0082

D20 - Farewell Mliwaukee T-Shirt ( XL )

Deep from the bowels of your laundry hamper it stalks you. You try to run -- but far too late! The hungry d20 T-Shirt surrounds you and pulls you inside it . . . is there any escape?

Includes full d20 stats for the T-Shirt and the "Detect T-Shirt" spell. Complies in all respects with the Open Gaming License and the d20 license -- although "respect" may not be the appropriate word . . .

24,00 EUR


Elric (D20)

CHA 2017

Dragon Lords of Melnibone

Die aufregende Welt von Elric als D20-Kampagnenband. Erlebt die Welt von Elric und Sturmbringer mit den neuen D&D-Regeln. Spannend, abwechslungsreich und die erstklassige Möglichkeit, jetzt auch Abenteuer in der Welt der Erzählungen von Michael Moorcock zu erleben.

Adventuring in a Dark World of Law & Chaos

For ten thousand years the bright empire of Melniboné ruled the world. Her soldiers were ruthless, unspeakably cruel, and well-skilled at arms. Powerful sorcerers, magic comes easily... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Citizen Games LLC

CIT 0700

One Thousand Faces

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Villains & Scoundrels, 144 Seiten, Softcover

This book includes:

250 characters, fully equipped and ready for action, with detailed backgrounds and personalities
Ten villainous organizations
Two new monsters
A new prestige class suitable for powerful villains

30,00 EUR



CIT 111

Way of the Witch

Way of the Witch: The First Word on Witches!
"Congratulations," the scholar said. "You're a witch."

"I'm a what?" Despite her control, Mirelle's voice bounced off the inn's corner louder than she'd intended. Several people looked in her direction.

"Careful," cautioned Calatin.

"But that can't happen, can it?" The bard asked, modulating her voice. "I'm not even Myrran!"

"Doesn't matter. The Craft takes its members from anywhere, at any time. You are a Chosen of the Goddess Ga-sta now... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


CITX 001

The Secret at Greenrock


  Eine gewaltige Höhle wurde bei Minenarbeiten gefunden und die Zwerge, die sie erkunden sollten, sind spurlos verschwunden... was steckt dahinter?

5,00 EUR


CITX 002

Castle Dunmere


  Der Graf von Dunmere ist verschwunden und die Gerüchte rund um den Geist der Gräfin kochen hoch... ist der Geist zurückgekehrt, um den Grafen zu holen oder steckt ein noch dunkleres Geheimnis hinter den Geschehnissen?

5,00 EUR


CITX 004

Tome of the Dragon


  Ein uraltes Böses wandert wieder durch Myrra - Glymych, der Drachenpriester. Ein gnadenloses Rennen auf das Buch der Drachen beginnt, da die Charaktere dem Drachenpriester zuvorkommen müssen, um den Priester so daran zu hindern, das Größte aller Ãœbel zu rufen! Zwei Abenteuer, zwei neue Prestigeklassen und vieles mehr finden sich in diesem Abenteuer für Charaktere der Stufen 8-10.

5,00 EUR



CIT 2000


Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Customizable GM Screen

endgültig vergriffen

SideWinder Wild West Adventure

CIT 0300

Sidewinder Wild West Adventure

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Welcome to Sidewinder, where the historic Wild West comes alive in true D20 style! Designed to be a cinematic take on the old west with the gritty, rugged atmosphere you'll find in your favorite spaghetti westerns, Sidewinder introduces an exciting, genuine western frontier campaign setting, complete with new classes, skills, weapons, and equipment. Six-Shooters sold separately.

Das erste echte Wildwestrollenspiel für D20, bei dem der Wilde Westen wieder lebendig wird! Inklusive tödlicher F... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


Columbia Games
Harn (D20)

COL 5072

Trobridge Inn

z.Zt. vergriffen


Alles über das Gasthaus und die umgebende Bauernschaft, die an einem Knotenpunkt zweier Nationen liegt und ein Schmelztiegel der Gewalt werden könnte, wenn die Charaktere nicht Ordnung in die verworrene politische Lage bringen!

z.Zt. vergriffen

COL 5081

Evael - Kingdom of Elves

z.Zt. vergriffen


The elves of Hârn, their culture, and their cities. Three adventures for d20/HârnMaster take the players deep into Shava Forest, the pristine sylvan kingdom of the elves where strangers are rarely welcome.

Evael includes the elven cities of Elshavel and Ulfshafen as well as the Earthmaster sites, Pesino and Bejist. Elven culture, history and religion are detailed as well. Hârnmaster statistics for creating elf PCs are given.

Der Hintergrundband zur Elfennation auf Harn - mit wunderschö... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


COL 5901 DEA

Tapestry Saga - Web of the Widow



Das erste digitale D20-Abenteuer in der Welt von Harn. Diese CD enthält ein 120-seitiges Abenteuer, neun wunderschön animierte dreidimensionale Szenen, drei Papierfarbkarten, zusätzliche Karten auf CD, vollständig ausdruckbare Spielhilfen , Soundeffekte und Musik und die Harndex-Erweiterungsdatenbank. Eine wahre Schatzgrube... und im Abenteuer geht es um eine Hafenstadt, hinter derer glanzvollen Fassade es kräftig brodelt...

What can I see?

Hârn DE (Digitally Enhanced) allows role-pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Comic Images

COI 99110

Know Your Role !

Know Your Role: the WWE Roleplaying Game, is an OGL roleplaying game that thrusts you into the body slamming, pile driving, high-octane world of sports entertainment! You can take the role of your favorite WWE Superstar, or better yet, create your own wrestler and commence kicking butt on your quest for a championship belt. All you need are a handful of dice, a character sheet, and few friends to play the game with. Oh, and you ll need one other thing as well: attitude!

46,00 EUR


ComStar Games


Wizards & Gunslingers

Welcome to a world where gun-toting lawmen battle side-by-side with wizards and warriors in a desolate, unexplored land newly discovered by humans. The place is Westrue�and it's your duty to carve your niche! Westrue offers adventurers the opportunity to battle powerful creatures, discover awesome weapons and magic, and make a name for themselves!

30,00 EUR



CSM 1200

Encyclopedia Eldoria

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Eldoria is the new OGL campaign setting from ComStar Media; it's an immersive world of dangerous liaisons, mystery and expeditions down dungeons deep. Adventure awaits!

From a speech made by the Prophet Samroth, concerning the discovery of the Books of Law:

It is written that at the Dawn of Time the Gods dwelled in the world and imparted much of their wisdom to the wise amongst the mortal races. Then the Gods left Enshar to walk amongst the stars and they left the Darvinor, ranked highest ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


Dark Nebulae

DNE 7101

Materia Magica - Magical Equipment Sourcebook (HC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A d20 Magical Equipment Sourcebook

Materia Magica is an essential tome of magical equipment with new classes of magical items like Legendary Outfits and Magical Cultivations designed to provide cross-setting and everyday resources for your campaign. The in-depth descriptions, beautiful illustrations, role-playing hooks and game mechanics of each item guarantee a smooth introduction of a wealth of new resources!

78,00 EUR


Dark Portal Games

DPG 001

Arekoz- White Robes, Black Hearts

16,00 EUR


Dark Quest Games

DQG 1502


Temporality provides a unique and easy toolbox of ideas concerning time travel and how to incorporate it into your game. New and unique rules for d20 examine time travel as well as reincarnation, new feats, magic items, organizations, villains, and monsters. Inside is:

* The Continuum, whose task it is to keep Flows from merging into
each other.
* Rules dealing with existing spells in the context of time travel.
* Havens, safe areas from the Material Planes that are
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



DQG 1102

Gnomes: Masters of Illusion

Bitte vorbestellen


Unlike those little lawn gnomes that always end up in the wrong spot... Gnomes: Masters of Illusion, the second product in the City Guide Cultures series is yours to take home now!

Unlike the stature of the race in question, this is not a small product. Following in our line started with Moon Elves, this product provides 3 cultures to explore the Gnomes, with wonderous bits of magic and mundane details.

Imperial Gnomes - Korean/Chinese flavored gnomes. (No soy sauce jokes here). Fit fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


DQG 1402

Dweomercraft: Familiars

Bitte vorbestellen


They serve yet most often or not they are forgotten, they are part of their master’s lives as much as the air that they breathe. Yet they are often overlooked, they venture deep into danger – bound to the one they serve, some out of loyalty and love. Others are bound by spells to the will of the one that summoned them, but regardless of the manner in which they are linked – they are always there, the Familiar, is always there to provide an extra pair of eyes, to supplement the senses of th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 18,00 EUR


DQG 1601

The Taverner's Trusty Tome

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The Taverner's Trusty Tome

Eat, drink and be merry... an invaluable sourcebook for any campaign which features taverns, inns or drinks!

Rowdy, rustic taverns, hot meals, and strong drink* - while popular elements in role playing fantasy, the lack of variety and detail often make this part of the urban crawl somewhat repetitive and dull. Sick of hearing of your players say "I'll order an ale" for the ten thousandth time? Then The Taverner's Tome is your solution to the boring side of role... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


DQG 1601

Lost Prehistorica

Has your adventuring party ever wondered what was to be found on those parts of the map marked "Here there be monsters"?

Have you, as a GM ever been at a loss as to what to do if they decide to explore these hitherto uncharted regions?

Have you, or your players ever wanted to play something a little more primitive?

Lost Prehistorica could be the answer to your questions! An informative well presented tool-book for the GM who wants to try something that little bit different! Packed fu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


DQG 1801

Fell Beasts: Goblins

Features everything you ever wanted to know about Goblins but were too terrified - or amused - to ask. Oozing with dark humor and rich in information suitable for any game world or fantasy campaign setting, this lively tome provides an askew look at these insidious little creatures.

22,00 EUR


Different World Publishing

DFP 3001


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The men and women upon that backward isle call themselves Valusians, but in that - as in many things - they display their ignorance. These self-named Valusians are but a pack of mongrels, a mixture of blood and heritage that foments headaches among genealogists everywhere. Only the three Tundreth Clans of Calahen, Cormick, and Larren may truly call themselves Valusians. Why any one of them would want to do so is beyond the scope of this lecture.

- Learned Man Venicus Ratas, Centurion of Apia,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR



DFP 3101

Eight Kings

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And then there were eight ...

The Eight Kings have fooled the people of Ersille. Not only did King Ovar rule, he ruled eight times over (give or take a court wizard), created anew each day by the Wizard Zayene. He was a complacent king, but set upon evil ways, for his (or was it their?) minds were controlled. You see, the real King Ovar was taken prisoner by Zayene some time ago. And now, instead of wanting Ovar dead, the good people of the Kingdom want the old codger saved! What's a regent t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 14,00 EUR


Eden Studios

EDN 7000

Liber Bestarius: The Book of Beasts



Published under the The Open Gaming License and totally compatible with d20 System materials, the Liber Bestiarius provides a horde of new creatures. From the massive to the minute, intelligent to mindless, these beasts stalk your campaign with terrifying relentlessness!

The Book of Beasts features
- A full range of creatures from Demons and Golems to small furry mammals and new PC races!
- New feats and special abilities!

Each creature entry contains
- A complete description of each m... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


EDN 7005

Fields of Blood: The Book of War

Lay Waste To Your Enemies!

Fields of Blood: The Book of War provides everything you need to rule a nation, raise an army, and assault your enemies on the battlefield. From realms to units to battle magic, your character can now be a hero both in the dungeon and on the battlefield.

Fields of Blood: The Book of War establishes a campaign structure, encompassing all your settings and adventures.

Inside you will find:
-A complete set of detailed wargame rules based on the d20 system mechan... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



EDN 7004

Waysides: The Book of Taverns

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All the inns you'll ever need!

Waysides: The Book of Taverns presents over 30 detailed inns and taverns ready to drop into your campaign world. Everything from the smallest hostel, to massive hotels with over 100 rooms! Each tavern comes complete with:

-Detailed floor plans of every inn
-NPC stats for the owners, operators and frequent customers.
-Menus and prices for all available good and services.
-Adventure hooks for each inn and tavern
-A short discussion of the local culture, be ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

EDNX 7001

Akrasia - Thief of Time

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  Ein generisches Quellenbuch mit einer Beschreibung des Kultes der Akrasia, seinen Klerikern, Schätzen und Legenden, einem fast vergessenen Schrein, einem geheimnisvollen Gasthaus, von vier Kultisten, die eine kleine Stadt zerstören wollen und mehr!

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EDNX 7002

Wonders Out Of Time

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  Ein Ãœberblick über eine fast ausgestorbene Zivilisation inklusive alter Zauberbücher, neuer Prestigeklassen, mehrerer alter Ruinen voller Schätze, Regeln für Blutzauberei und mehr!

endgültig vergriffen


EDN 7003

Eden Odyssey: Secrets of the Ancients

You have heard the rumors. Untold millennia ago, they ruled the land, and their power and wisdom were legendary. Now their cities are gone, their might buried in forgotten ruins and hidden vaults. The Logheir built crystal towers that reached towards the skies, proclaiming their challenge to the gods themselves. The Tlacamoc served their Blood Gods well, feeding them thousands of victims every year. The bards say their ancient kingdoms are no more . . . but now you wonder.

You hear new storie... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


EDN 7101

Archipelagos: The War of Shadows

The War of Shadows "I've seen them! They're black demons with glowing eyes riding red dragons that spit death! Vendrest is lost. I'm getting out of here!" -Tholiaz the Brewer to the House of the Mad in Velene Vendrest is getting ready for war.
Mercenaries and adventurers from all over the Archipelagos flock there to enter the service of rich merchants of the island. For a few months, ships have been disappearing, fields have been burning and nobody knows who's to blame.

The land is prepare... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


Eilfin Publishing

EIP 4001

Discovering Dusters

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Discovering Dusters is the first in a series of books describing the intelligent races of Arkas. This volume is an 80 page softcover book.
Discovering Dusters contains detailed information about the duster race, including half-breeds and a new race containing duster blood. It goes into detail on the tribal life of the dusters, their customs and beliefs, their ceremonies, and even their language and mythology. It also includes a list of organizations from which players can build a character, an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR


Elmore Productions

ELM 6600

Such is the Way of the Faeries

Such is the Way of the Faeries contains a forward by reknowned fantasy artist Larry Elmore, stories about the faeries of Thornwode Deeps by Thomas Moudry and Stacy Higgs, and fully illustrated by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. Her delicate pencil work depicts the wild faeries in this imaginative realm. Enter the world of Thornwode Deeps.
This book may also be used as a D20 supplement. The last few pages contain information on how to drop these characters into your campaign setting.

24,00 EUR


Erisian Entertainment

ERE 1101

Rooks Haven

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It has been called the "Jewel of the North" by those who never make it out of the grand bazaar or the luxurious inns of the Foreign Quarter. Others claim it is a virtual "City of Vice and Depravity." What do you expect from a city founded by pirates and populated by the dregs of society? No matter which side of Rooks' Haven appeals to you, there is something here for everyone. After all, if someone is willing to pay for it, chances are it can be found on the dimly-lit street and shadowed alleys ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Expeditious Retreat Press

XRP 1002

A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe

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Awarded the Best Setting Supplement in the 2003 Gen Con ENnies, A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe is a 144-page supplement for GMs and players who wish to add a touch of realism to their game. It's for the people who'd like to flesh out the background of their gaming world, but don't have the time to dig through scholarly books. A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe provides you flexibility and advice in creating your own world. It contains a massive amount of game-usable informati... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

XRP 1003

A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture is a 160-page guide to world building.

He killed the God of War. He ascended into his divinity. No one told him that was the easy part. Look into the inner workings of gods and how they build worlds. From a divine perch, map your world and experience tectonics, magical geography, predation, ecological conflict, and cultural development. Following in the foodsteps of A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe (Gen Con ENnies 2003 Best Setting Supplement)... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


XRP 1004

A Magical Society: Beast Builder

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A Magical Society: Beast Builder is 224 pages packed with information that helps you make your own monsters. In the tradition of A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe and A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture, A Magical Society: Beast Builder gives you the tools you need to make your own campaign specific monsters to challenge and excite your players while adding to the depth and realism of your campaign world.

Build Your Monsters. Better.

endgültig vergriffen

XRP 1005

A Magical Society: Silk Road

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Shifting sands, daunting mountains, perilous heights, the prospect of fortune, and the promise of adventure "Silk Road". The name itself invokes adventure, danger, and a hint of the exotic. The historic Silk Road resides in Central Asia, surrounded by numerous mountain ranges and unforgiving deserts, but in a fantasy world, they can reside wherever you wish.

A Magical Society: Silk Road explores networks of land-based trade routes that span continents. Like its predecessors (A Magical Society... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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XRP 1008

A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe - Second Edition (d20)

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This second edition adds an entirely new chapter about magical medieval warfare and expands upon two other chapters. A total of 22 new pages of material are contained in the Second edition.

Regarding the 1st Edition of A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe, Monte Cook (author of the 3E Dungeon Master's Guide) said: "If you're a DM and running a D&D game, you should have this book. Period."

This 192-page supplement is for GMs and players who wish to add a touch of realism to their game... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

XRP 1010

A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe (3rd Edition)

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A Universal Guide to Creating Believable Quasi-Medieval Settings!
A GenCon ENnie Best Supplement award-winner and Origins nominee for best RPG supplement, this 3rd Edition of A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe includes over 160 illustrations providing a visual guide to your creation, an entirely new chapter on the naming of places, and extensive information on a long list of aspects of medievalesque fantasy world-building.
With informative text, generation systems, worksheets, and ap... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


XRP 3002

Monster Geographica: Underground

Sammlerstück / Rarität


200 monsters from the depths of the earth, compiled from over a dozen sources, including 92 classic 3.0 monsters updated for a 3.5 game!

Welcome to Expeditious Retreat Press's newest line: Monster Geographica. The Monster Geographica books compile 200 monsters of specific terrains into one inexpensive resource. Collected from over 20 different sources, Monster Geographica books also provide an extensive array of challenge ratings and concepts.

Due to its organization, Monster Geographica i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


XRP 3003

Monster Geographica: Marsh & Aquatic

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Monster Geographica: Marsh & Aquatic is a 200-page pocket reference packed with 200 monsters from over twenty different sources (both converted 3.0 and selected 3.5 monsters). Conveniently organized by challenge rating, this affordable resource of underground monsters is perfect for random encounters, adverture building, and campaign design.

24,00 EUR


XRP 3004

Monster Geographica: Forest

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Monster Geographica: Forest is a 208-page pocket reference packed with 200 monsters from over twenty different sources (both converted 3.0 and selected 3.5 monsters). Conveniently organized by challenge rating, this affordable resource of forest monsters is perfect for random encounters, adverture building, and campaign design.

ca. 20,00 EUR


XRP 3005

Monster Geographica: Hill and Mountain

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Monster Geographica: Hill and Mountain is a 208-page pocket reference packed with 200 monsters from over twenty different sources (both converted 3.0 and selected 3.5 monsters). Conveniently organized by challenge rating, this affordable resource of hill and mountain monsters is perfect for random encounters, adverture building, and campaign design.

20,00 EUR



XRP 7003

World of Nevermore

Behold--The World of Nevermore! The book is 200 pages of Nevermore goodness powered by True20. Written by Joseph Miller, the book contains 13 chapters in total: an overview of Nevermore, the 5 domains of Nevermore, overarching rules of playing in Nevermore, the Aspects, Feats and Paths for players inspired by Nevermore, over 25 supernatural items of Nevermore, and an introductory adventure.

36,00 EUR



EXP 6001

1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest

Something is amiss in the town of Rhiannon. Recently raided by a band of vile creatures, the citizens of Rhiannon were shocked to find their lord at the root of the incident. And now Lord Kent is holding a competition for "all walks of life with a propensity for the gambling arts." Will the PC aid the citizens of Rhiannon and uncover the truth about the mysterious Lord Kent? Or will the PC take this opportunity to line her own pockets?

Either way, the answers lies inside the walls of Lord Ken... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6002

1 on 1 Adventures #2: Star of Olindor

This module includes 20 adventure-packed pages, complete with detailed maps and descriptions, forming a ready-made adventure for the smallest gaming group. Although it is designed for a Rogue level 6-8, with some minor scaling, The Star of Olindor is suitable for use with a traditional four-player party.

If you enjoy this module, look for more releases in the 1 on 1 Adventures line from Expeditious Retreat Press.

A terrible plague has swept through the city of Cairdus, and despite the loca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6003

1 on 1 Adventures #3: Forbidden Hills

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Starvation looms for the people of the Wolf tribe! The elk have all but disappeared and the risky move of the tribe near the Bear clan territory has proved fruitless. An emergency council of the elders has declared that a single hearty warrior must make the dangerous journey deeper into Bear territory to fi nd a source of food. The council has chosen you for this mission of great importance. It is your task to find out where the elk have gone and bring back food for the winter or at least enact ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


EXP 6004

1 on 1 Adventures #4: Sixth Cavalier

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Welcome to 1 on 1 Adventures, action-packed senarios designed for 1 player and 1 GM.

This module includes 32 adventure-packed pages, forming a ready-made adventure for the smallest gaming group. Although it is designed for a Bard level 9-11, with some minor scaling, The Sixth Cavalier is suitable for use with a traditional four-player party.

If you enjoy this module, look for more releases in the 1 on 1 Adventures line from Expeditious Retreat Press.

Hubrimort is a small, respectable to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6005

1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher

This module includes 20 adventure-packed pages, forming a ready-made adventure for the smallest gaming group. Although it is designed for a Cleric level 9-11, with some minor scaling, Vale of the Sepulcher is suitable for use with a traditional four-player party.

Something is amiss in the remote mountain town of Zuria. The head priest has not filed a report in months, and traders following the winding road into the high-altitude valley do not find their way back home. The Church of Palnor, be... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6006

1 on 1 Adventures #6: Shroud of Olindor

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Shroud of Olindor is designed for 1 GM and 1 player, rogue level 7–9. Written by Matthew Hanson, this module includes 20 adventure-packed pages, forming a ready-made adventure for the smallest gaming group. Although it is designed for a Rogue level 7–9, with some minor scaling, The Shroud of Olindor is suitable for use with a traditional four-player party.

Lord Dragle was set to auction off his most recent discovery, the Shroud of Olindor. The elven relic was certain to make Dragle a weal... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6007

1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon

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Designed for 1 GM and 1 player, monk level 7–9, 1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon is the tale of one monk's struggle to reclaim his order's purloined relics.

The sacred treasures of the monastery have been stolen! While simple greed could explain the theft of the eyes of the dragon, the Grandmaster of the Dragon Path has sensed a more sinister motivation for the theft that has come to pass. Far beyond the walls of the remote monastery, you must journey into foreign lands and battle t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6008

1 on 1 Adventures #8: Blood Brothers

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Designed for 1 GM and 1 player, paladin level 7-9, 1 on 1 Adventures #8: Blood Brothers is the struggle of one soldier's mission to find his missing brothers-in-arms.

For generations the brotherhood has watched over the borderlands in their dedication to truth, justice, and the defense of the kingdom. Along the southern border, a patrol circuit has failed to return from a routine sweep. Understaffed and stretched thin, Fort Lanward calls for your assistance. Your mission is simple: bring your... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6009

1 on 1 Adventures #9: Legacy of Darkness

An adventure designed for 1 GM and 1 player (Level 8-10 Wizard)

This module includes 20 adventure-packed pages, complete with locations and maps, forming a ready-made adventure. It has been crafted for one GM and 1 player (Level 8-10 Wizard), although with some minor scaling, Legacy of Darkness is suitable for use with four 6th-level player characters.

Sehvain Malual is renowned for his work in necromancy, using the dark art to destroy the undead pestilence polluting the world. However eve... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6010

1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor

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1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor is 20 adventure-packed pages, complete with locations and maps, forming a ready-made adventure. It has been crafted for one GM and one player (Level 8-10 Rogue). With some minor scaling, Vengeance of Olindor is suitable for use with four 6th level player characters.

Thail Donnodol has committed no crime, yet he finds himself in Granite's End, an island prison run by a harsh warden and ripe with factions and conflict. Thail's son, asks the PC to vent... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6011

1 on 1 Adventures #11: Unbound Adventures

Rules for playing any level with any number of players without a GM!

Have you and your friends ever sat around the gaming table wanting an exciting, perilous dungeon adventure but no one wanted to be the Gamemaster? Do you find yourself with little time to read through lengthy adventure modules and memorize them? Do you want to get down into the dungeon as quickly as possible and start killing monsters and finding treasure? Then look no farther than “Unbound Adventures”!

In this rules ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


EXP 6100

Advanced Adventures #1: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom

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Strange doings are underfoot in the wild hills bordering the realm of decent and civilized folks. Villagers and cattle have gone missing; woodcutters have disappeared; misshapen beings have been seen shuffling through the forests. Some brave villagers have tracked a group of stolen oxen as far as the rocky banks of a small river in the hills. The trail disappeared down into a fissure in the limestone rock, where a fast-running stream plunges down to the dark caverns below. Gird your loins, stand... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6101

Advanced Adventures #2: The Red Mausoleum

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The populated regions north of the Sister-moors have enjoyed over a century of respite from the wars that once plagued the area. However, within the past year, baronial patrols have reported clashes with undead and other dark creatures brave enough to strike out from the moors into the forests of men and elves. The Baron's sage suspects that the undead issue out of the mysterious ancient landmark known as the Red Mausoleum located somewhere on the wild stretches of the moors!

This is an O... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6103

Advanced Adventures #3: The Curse of the witch Head

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Over two cenuries ago, the Duke Ithinge ordered an underground complex to be built to house the Witch Head and keep it from those who would use its powers for evil. The construction of the complex was performed in a remote and secret place, its chambers and corridors filled with traps and terrors devised by his new court wizard. With the complex completed, the laborers were enchanted to never reveal its location. He knew he could not destroy the Witch Head, for it was forever linked to the v... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6104

Advanced Adventures #4: The Prison of Meneptah

Advanced Adventures #4: The Prison of Meneptah is a 32-page OSRIC module designed for 4–7 adventurers of levels 8–10.

When news came that an army led by a secretive cabal of war wizards failed in their attempt to unseat one of the rulers of Hell, the leader of the arcane order rallied his remaining forces so that another assault could be put into motion. In preparation for the eventual assault, he elected to further explore one of the planes newly discovered just a few months prior, which... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


EXP 6105

Advanced Adventures #5: Flaming Footprints ofJilanth

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An OSRIC module designed for 6–8 adventurers of levels 3–5.

A short time ago, the Lord Admiral of Ranste suddenly disappeared. Now the streets of this thriving trade port are filled with bare footprints that dance with ghostly green flames, the signature of the long-dead pirate Firebeard. Has the dreaded buccaneer come back from the grave to haunt the city that hounded him to his grave? The Ranste Council fears the worst, and has hired a band of adventurers—the PCs—to determine the tr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6106

Advanced Adventures #6: The Chasm of the Damned (OSRIC)

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Every inn hearth is ringing with chatter and every guildhall is silently watching and preparing. Nobles are equipping adventuring parties, and religious orders are hiring sword arms to be at the ready. All of this activity centers around one fact: this is the month that the legendary Chasm of the Damned returns. The Chasm is never late; once every 37 years, in this month, a mysterious gorge riddled with caved and populated by strange creatures appears somewhere within 200 miles of the spot in wh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6107

Advanced Adventures #7: The Sarcophagus Legion

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The Sarcophagus Legion is an OSRIC module designed for 4–6 adventurers of levels 2–4.

Sultan Mehmet rules his desert kingdom with absolute power, save for the trackless wastes of the interior where the authority of his army and bureaucrats holds no sway. The nomadic dervishes that call this inhospitable sea of sand their home recognize no authority greater than the warlord who leads their individual band. Sultan Mehmet is viewed with contempt by these barbarians, and the instruments of hi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6108

Advanced Adventures #8: The Seven Shrines of Nav'k-Qar (OSRIC)

The Seven Shrines of Nav'k-Qar is an OSRIC module designed for 6-8 adventurers of levels 8-12.

Nav'k-Qar! A name lost to antiquities and feared only by scholars who know of the dread toad god's former power... once surrounded by a cult which performed the most vile and evil acts in his honor. Now that all of his followers are long dead and the temples of the Gray One completely destroyed, the final resting place of the cult's last riches has been a source of speculation for generations. At lo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6109

Advanced Adventures #9: The Lost Pyramid of Imhotep

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The Lost Pyramid of Imhotep is an OSRIC module designed for 4–6 adventurers of levels 4–7.

Several months back, a small boy from the village of Ab-Amon happened upon a buried column while playing out in the surrounding desert. He reported to the village elders that the column bore strange and frightening symbols that he, in his youthful exuberance, insisted were curses. Being as the boy was known to have a photographic memory, he was able to accurately draw the queer symbols for the villa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6109

Advanced Adventures #12: The Barrow Mound of Gravemoor (OSRIC)

The Barrow Mound of Gravemoor is an OSRIC module designed for 4–6 adventures of levels 5–7.

The Highlands are aflame with the fires of rebellion! Barely submissive at the best of times, the restless clans have risen up in arms against the rule of good king Oldavin. What began a few years ago as local disturbances has flared into widespread revolt that saw Oldavin’s rule over the Highlands, always superficial at any rate, crumble away like ancient masonry.

A Highland rebel named Richa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6111

Advanced Adventures #11: The Conqueror Worm

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The Conqueror Worm is an OSRIC module designed for 6–8 adventurers of levels 10–14.

Over five centuries ago, there came unto the arctic lands of the North from a far removed dimension an elder being of unfathomable menace. The White Worm, as it was called by the scholars, was a colossal creature with rubbery, corpse-white skin. The primitive humans the foul beast encountered were ill-equipped to deal with the manifold, eldritch magicks in its possession. However, before the dread worm cou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6113

Advanced Adventures #13: White Dragon Run

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White Dragon Run is an OSRIC module designed for 4–6 adventures of levels 2–4.

The little village of White Dragon Run is at the edge of civilization—the place where monsters are a constant threat and adventurers thrive. It is here that reputations are made or broken, and deeds are performed only to be set in verse decades after the real story is long lost. On this thin line between country and chaos lies White Dragon Run. The last stop for the civilized before the well-trodden road beco... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6114

Advanced Adventures #14: The Verdant Vault of Malakum (OSRIC)

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The Verdant Vault of Malakum is an OSRIC module designed for 4-6 adventures of levels 8-10.

Well over 2,000 years ago, there existed a vast jungle kingdom ruled by a man called Malakum, who was descended from a long line of mage-kings. Like his regal forebears, Malakum ruled with a stern hand and possessed a pitiless, cruel nature. The sadistic liege was greatly feared by his subjects particularly because of his unnatural fascination with plants of every species. He enjoyed performing magical... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6115

Advanced Adventures #15: Stonesky Delve (OSRIC)

Stonesky Delve is an OSRIC module designed for 6–10 adventurers of levels 4–7. This is the tournament module run at Gen Con Indy 2010.

Giant Stonesky Mountain has been a spiritual home for the Dwarves since the first clan received the 4 Pillars of the Underearth from Motsognir. The voice of the dwarven deity purified the halls and caves under Stonesky and the mountain has been a sanctified place for all the various dwarven peoples. And now, as lamentable dwarven internal conflicts rage on... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6116

Advanced Adventures #16: Under Shattered Mountain (OSRIC)

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Under Shattered Mountain is An OSRIC(tm) module designed for 5-8 adventures of levels 9-12.

Shattered Mountain... an evil landmark looming over the countryside. In ages past, the mountain roared as a volcano and rendered the surrounding area uninhabitable, and then suddenly went quiet. Centuries later, investigation by adventurers revealed the volcano's core to be mysteriously sealed off, although large tunnels appeared to meander through the ground underneath. In time, various creatures made... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6117

Advanced Adventures #17: The Frozen Wave Satsuma (OSRIC)

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The Frozen Wave Satsuma is an OSRIC module designed for 6-8 adventures of levels 3-5.

A bank of frigid fog rolls down the northern coasts, bringing seaborne raiders sacking villages and temples along the way. Survivors wail of strange-speaking men in stranger armor, wielding weapons unseen in civilized lands. All know that the fog must hide a larger ship of some equally strange design, for the raiders strike from small boats which would surely capsize in the open seas.

What dangers await u... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6118

Advanced Adventures #18: The Forsaken Sepulcher (OSRIC)

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The Forsaken Sepulcher, an adventure for 4-6 adventures of levels 10-14, is the eightteenth title in Advanced Adventures, where a group of hardy adventurers explore a pocket dimension's spectacular mausoleum.

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6119

Advanced Adventures #19: Secret of the Callair Hills (OSRIC)

"The Secret of the Callair Hills" is an OSRIC module designed for 4-6 adventures of levels 3-5.

The Callair Hills are a true frontier region. Bounded to the east by impassable mountains, to the southeast by dark forests, and to the north by goblin lands, these windy hills are largely cut off from more civilized realms. If it were not for the rich veins of silver that lie close to the surface here and the passable soils, this region would have been entirely ignored throughout history.

And n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6120

Advanced Adventures #19: The Riddle of Anadi (OSRIC)

Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Advanced Adventures have the action and style of the modules of old. Compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game, stock up on Advanced Adventures and turn long-time browsers into enthusiastic shoppers. The Riddle of Anadi, an adventure for 5-7 adventures of levels 6-10, is the twentieth title in Advanced Adventures, where a group of hardy adventurers are tasked to discover the fate and lost knowledge of the grand s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6121

Advanced Adventures #21: The Obsidian Sands of Syncrates (OSRIC)

Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Advanced Adventures have the action and style of the modules of old. Compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game, stock up on Advanced Adventures and turn long-time browsers into enthusiastic shoppers. Tournament module at Gen Con Indy 2011, The Obsidian Sands of Syncrates, an adventure for 6-10 adventures of levels 4-7, is the twenty-first title in Advanced Adventures, where a group of hardy adventurers must amuse... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


EXP 6122

Advanced Adventures #22: Stonepick Crossing (OSRIC)

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The tiny thorp of Stonepick Crossing sits on top of an old dwarven dam holding. The dam was built some 500 years ago, ending a long war between a clan of dwarves and a clan of goblins that infested a highly-defensible cave complex. Recognizing the futility of direct assault, the dwarves built the dam to flood the goblin caves, flushing the foul creatures out of their caves and into the slaughter of honest combat. Now 500 years later, the dwarves have moved on and a small thorp has sprung up. The... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6123

Advanced Adventures #23: Down the Shadowvein (OSRIC)

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Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Advanced Adventures have the action and style of the modules of old. Compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game, stock up on Advanced Adventures and turn long-time browsers into enthusiastic shoppers. Down the Shadowvein, a module for 6-10 adventures of levels 3-5, is the twenty-third title in Advanced Adventures where the depths of the underearth weigh heavily upon the party as they delve deeper into the cold, ha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6125

Advanced Adventures #25: Beneath the Heart of Empire (OSRIC)

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Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Advanced Adventures have the action and style of the modules of old. Compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game, stock up on Advanced Adventures and turn long-time browsers into enthusiastic shoppers. Beneath the Heart of Empire, an adventure for 6-8 adventurers of levels 3-5, is the 25th title in the Advanced Adventures line, where a group of hardy adventurers delve beneath a grand city into the ruins of empires ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6126

Advanced Adventures #26: The Witch Mounds (OSRIC) Print Edition

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Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Advanced Adventures have the action and style of the modules of old. Compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game, stock up on Advanced Adventures and turn long-time browsers into enthusiastic shoppers. The Riddle of Anadi, an adventure for 6-10 adventures of levels 3-6, is the twentieth-sixth title in Advanced Adventures, where a group of hardy adventurers are tasked to discover what strangeness lies beneath the gr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6127

Advanced Adventures #27:Bitterroot Briar

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Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Advanced Adventures have the action and style of the modules of old. Compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game, stock up on Advanced Adventures and turn long-time browsers into enthusiastic shoppers. The Riddle of Anadi, an adventure for 4-8 adventures of levels 2-4, is the twentieth-seventh title in Advanced Adventures, where a group of hardy explorers try to find out what lies behind the great Bitterroot Briar ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6128

Advanced Adventures #28:Redtooth Ridge (OSRIC)

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"Redtooth Ridge" is an OSRIC™ module designed for 6-10 adventures of levels 1-3.

The plain wooden cup the dryad Aralina needs for her great oak’s rebirth has been stolen by creeping foul things! Small, man-like, creatures with great heads assaulted her and, in the confusion, pick-pocketed the cup before fleeing towards Redtooth Ridge. Without her cup, her tree with die before it can reproduce and she will die with it. In her distress, she has offered a reward of a beautiful coral necklace... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6129

Advanced Adventures #29: The Doom of Red Rauthim (OSRIC)

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Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Advanced Adventures have the action and style of the modules of old. Compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game, stock up on Advanced Adventures and turn long-time browsers into enthusiastic shoppers. The Doom of Red Rauthim an adventure for 4-8 adventures of levels 7-9, is the twentieth-ninth title in Advanced Adventures, where a group of hardy adventurers has been hired to find and return Red Rauthim to his city... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6130

Advanced Adventures #30: To End the Rising (OSRIC)

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To End the Rising is an adventure for 6-10 adventures of levels 1-3, is the thirtieth title in Advanced Adventures. In To End the Rising, the shores of Lake Selmar, and the village of Prallis, are normally tranquil except during the Rising. Every five years, a host of fearsome monsters emerges from the lake to lay waste to the village. The locals have endured this terror for decades, but now innocent travelers have been attacked. Can the party put an end to the Rising, forever?

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6132E

Advanced Adventures #32: The Palace Beyond (OSRIC)

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"The Palace Beyond" is an OSRIC™ module designed for 4-6 adventurers of levels 6-9.

"The Palace Beyond" is ancient, and the race that built it is long gone. The palace exists on many levels of reality, and it is said it is everywhere and nowhere at once. It connects different parts of the world: it is possible to walk through a magic portal, into one of the palace’s corridors, turn around a corner, and then walk through another portal to end up in a far away land. But now the palace is de... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6134E

Advanced Adventures #34: The Crocodile's Tear (OSRIC)

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Advanced Adventures #34: The Crocodiles Tear is an OSRIC™ module designed for 4-6 adventurers of levels 3-6.

A wealthy patron is outfitting an expedition to sail to the mysterious southern continent. The goal of the expedition is none other than the legendary Crocodile's Tear: a massive magical emerald! Many tales are told about the southern continent, most of which paint it as a disease-ridden jungle filled with hostile natives, reachable only by crossing a pirate- and monster-infested sea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 12,00 EUR


EXP 6666

1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: The Pleasure Prison of the B'thuvian Demon Whore

AB 18 !

The adventure that is, quite frankly, too strong for the mere hobbyist gamer! A desert caravan ambushed! An incognito Queen elfnapped and taken to some sandy hideaway! A hero of epic proportions! Within these covers is the greatest adventure ever told. Will the dangerous renegade B'thuvian Demon Whore Alayshia have her way with our hero or will he have her to his way? Which way will the having be?

Only you, playing the role of Krunk barbarian of the frozen wastes, will ever know...... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Fast Forward Entertainment
Demon Wars Campaign

FAF 2700

Demon Wars: Campaign Setting (HC)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Before the Dactyl Awoke -
the world of Corona was at peace. Its people went about their business in serenity, and worries of goblin raids or powrie attacks were seemingly a myth from days of yore. But when the Demon Dactyl awoke, it unleashed a darkness unlike anything seen before. At its core, the story of The DemonWars Saga is one of good vs. evil. This is your chance to take part in an epic struggle to free the world of Corona from the grips of the evil Dactyl and its armies of dread and cha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



FAF 2701

Demon Wars Player's Guide

This is the Player's Guide for those wishing to adventure in the world of RA Salvatore's Demon Wars. Everything essential to enriching your character with the items, weapons, spells and magic of the world is included in this handy tome.Written by Thomas Reid, James M. Ward, Geno and Bryan Salvatore, this book brings the high fantasy world created by RA Salvatore to life, as both players and game masters review the pages within. Prestige Classes, feats, weapons, spells, backgrounds, locals, NPC's... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



FAF 2702

Demon Wars Enchanted Locations

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Demon Wars Locations Detailed!
The fantastic world of RA Salvatore's Demon Wars is marvelous in scope and imagery. The most exciting locations for players to game in are rendered here in Demon Wars Enchanted Locations. Detailed maps, vivid writing, characters, monsters and villains are all fleshed out for both game masters and players to sift through in this tome. Over five specific gaming locations are the order of the day in this reference work.

ca. 26,00 EUR


FAF 2703

Demon Wars Gazetteer

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Time to bring knowledge to the world -

The world of Corona is in a time of change. Its people must learn to live with each other and work together to face any future dangers. They are finally discovering the power of the gemstones, a secret the Abellican Church has been keeping from them for centuries. But through it all, they are still only barely aware of the evil creeping into their world.

Now it's time to bring the knowledge of all the races of Corona to everyone. Within these pages yo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


Fiery Dragon Productions

FDP 1001

The Silver Summoning

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Eine Hochzeit zwischen einer wunderschönen Elfenprinzession und einem Menschenhelden steht bevor... und dunkle Mächte lauern bereits, um diesen machtvollen Pakt aufs vollständigste zu verhindern. Werden die Abenteurer den West Wood und seine Umgebung vor großem Unheil bewahren können? Und Welche Rolle spielt Cuhulain, der geheimnisvolle Druide in diesem Ränkespiel? Und wo kommt plötzlich die Ork-Armee her?

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FDP 2000

To Stand on Hallowed Ground

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Ein Abenteuer im Doppelpack: enthält die Module The Ghost Machine, um ein finsteres Artefakt und Swords against Deception um einen geheimnisvollen neuen Kult.

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FDPX 1000

NeMoren's Vault


  Baron NeMoren hat ein dunkles Geheimnis mit ins Grab genommen...nach Jahrzehnten ungestörter Ruhe wartet es nun darauf, von den Abenteurern gelüftet zu werden.

5,00 EUR


Galileo Games

GLG 2000

Bulldogs !

Bulldogs! is a science fiction role-playing game set in a distant galaxy. The emphasis here is not on the science, the emphasis is on the action. Bulldogs! is sci-fi that kicks ass.

Bulldogs! can work well as a quick pick-up game, or as a long campaign. The book includes several long-term campaign ideas, but there really is no limit to what you can do in the Bulldogs! galaxy.

* This 216-page book contains: 10 new character races
* Rules to create your own unique races, usable for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Gold Rush Games

GRG 2301

The Village of Briarton

The Village of Briarton is a village setting book written for the D20 System, and suited for use in any fantasy world.

Whether the characters need a place to rest, recuperate and refit for new adventures, the GM needs a starting point for a new campaign, or the players want a detailed locale from which their characters hail, the Village of Briarton is ready to serve.

The Village of Briarton contains everything you need to know about the colorful inhabitants, intriguing history, possible ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Goodman Games

GMG 2000

Aerial Adventure Guide #1: Rulers of the Sky

Sammlerstück / Rarität

  Rulers of the Sky covers the basics of aerial adventures. These include: * A basic overview of the sky realms. * Three new races that dwell in the clouds: sky elves, the evil arachial, and the barbaric avians. * Two new prestige classes that are at home in the sky (Air Knight and Sky Elf Battle Captain), as well as guidelines for how the core classes operate in the air. * New feats specific to aerial adventures and the creatures that dwell there. * Expanded rules for aerial combat. * Rule... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


GMG 2001

Aerial Adventure Guide #2

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  Volume Two: Sellaine, Jewel of the Clouds.

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GMG 2002

Aerial Adventure Guide #3

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  Volume Three: Monsters, Magic and Sky Ships.

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GMG 3000

The Complete Guide to Doppelgangers

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What if everyone around you were a doppelganger... and only you didn't know?

Most GMs use doppelgangers in the same basic way: there are a couple doppelgangers who impersonate an important figure, and they may be involved with the thieves' guild. The Complete Guide to Doppelgangers sets out to develop doppelgangers into something more than that. It answers the questions about doppelgangers that have never been asked, much less answered: Why do they want to impersonate people? What do they get... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 3002

Complete Guide to Treants

Bitte vorbestellen


What happens when a forest dies? Its treant swears vengeance. Learn about the dark side of treants: fury, hatred, revenge, and the charred, undead creatures left behind when a treant burns... The Complete Guide to Treants is a stand-alone, world-neutral sourcebook covering everything you ever wanted to know about treants. It covers their traditional roles as well as new concepts.

ca. 14,00 EUR


GMG 3003R

The Complete Guide to Liches - reprint

No creature is more feared than the lich, for the lich embodies the very essence of malign magic. Powered by phylacteries that are literally vessels of evil, liches live for thousands of years until their decaying physical forms finally crumble - and even, some live on. Their centuries-long horizon line gives them ample time to study, plot, and plan, and their devilish schemes are often generations in the making. No other creature possesses the same potential for long-term influence, nor does an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


GMG 3004

The Complete Guide to Beholders

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Behold: the ultimate resource for the ultimate monster. With enough material to sustain a campaign for years, the Complete Guide to Beholders offers a completely new perspective on this misunderstood monster. Far more than simply a book of new options, this work is a transformation of the beholder. It expands their social structure and cultural life in new ways, forever changing the way you play them. Inside you will find:

A comprehensive look at the different varieties of beholders, includi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


GMG 3005

The Complete Guide to Rakshasa

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At the dawn of creation, the rakshasa openly ruled all the world. Greatest among them was one called Ravana, acknowledged by even the most egotistical rakshasa as their rightful king. He had been born into the world many times, growing in power with each incarnation, until finally he brought all mortal races under the power of rakshasa.

However, Ravana's rule was destined to end. He overlooked one particular mortal hero, who was reincarnated time and again, thwarting Ravana's schemes whenever... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 3006

Complete Guide to Drow

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Drow are the most feared denizens of the underdark, and with good reason. Since the civil war that first exiled the dark elves under the earth, they have been forced to fight for survival on a daily basis. Watched over by dark gods with cruel ambitions, the drow have spent thousands of years evolving into scheming, power-hungry warlords. This book tells their story.

The Complete Guide to Drow is a stand-alone, world-neutral sourcebook covering everything you ever wanted to know about drow. I... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 3007

Complete Guide to Vampires

Vampires are the product of unnatural concentrations of negative energy generated through war, famine, cannibalism, or great injustice. The standard vampire that we know as the common variety is far removed from this first cause, but it still thrives on the same negative energy. Vampires have a natural sensitivity to places where negative energy pools, and this is why they are often found at the center of wars, revolutions, and corruption.

But there is more to this story. Unbeknownst to all b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


GMG 3008

Complete Guide to Dragonkin

Dragonkin are bequeathed greed and ambition, but lack the power to claim it. No matter what they do, they can't escape one ever-present fact: they are the spawn of dragons, but they live in the world of man. The Complete Guide to Dragonkin examines these half-bloods in all their forms, from those spawned by polymorphed dragons to the mutant creatures produced by arcane egg-sculpting. It features rules for dragonkin PCs and monsters, new feats and racial templates, four new prestige classes, rule... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


GMG 3009

Complete Guide to Fey

The fey races are known for their magic and mystery -- but now, for the first time, they'll be known for what they truly are. The Complete Guide to Fey presents a groundbreaking rules system for tying all the fey races together. Using feats, templates, hosts, and completely new rules, it breaks down all the Monster Manual fey races, rebuilds them, and then ties them into a comprehensive overarching plot where the fate of all the known worlds hangs into the balance. Readers will learn the place o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


GMG 3010

Complete Guide to Werewolves

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One shapechanger stands above them all as the ultimate source of fear and cunning. For centuries, werewolves have been staples of folklore worldwide, spreading terror in the night while hiding amongst mankind in the day. Now the Complete Guide to Werewolves brings this historical monster into your d20 game. Grounded in folklore from multiple cultures, this thorough and imaginative sourcebook gives you everything you need to engage the world's most dangerous shapeshifter.

The Complete Guide to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 4001

Monsters of the Boundless Blue

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Second in the series of indispensable guidebooks produced by the legendary Wanderers Guild, this tome is an exciting anthology of essays and observations collected by Olin Drammerstad, famed treasure seeker and gentleman of the sea, and the late Vilg Kepnear, respected scholar and researcher of marine life. The knowledge and accounts of these partners, earned through nearly sixty combined years of exploration and adventure, provide fascinating and insightful reading.

Dozens of previously undo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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GMG 4002

Primeval Groves

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This tome, the third in a series of guidebooks by the legendary Wanderers Guild, is a collection of essays and expositions by the renowned Gubbin Turnipheed. Gubbin has noted his findings from years of exploration across the known (and unknown) lands, with his companion Matron Grubb etching what he finds in his own special style. Here you will find detailed narrative and remarkable depictions of the creatures, races, herbs, useful plants, peoples and gods that Gubbin has encountered on his trave... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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GMG 4300

Beyond Monks: Art of the Fight

Beyond Monks: The Art of the Fight adds the excitement of the martial arts to any campaign. Expanded and revised from the best-selling PDF sourcebook, this 96 page resource features:
# The new Martial Artist core class. The Martial Artist is a combat expert who relies on precision, knowledge, and skill to win rather than brute force or supernatural powers.
# Thirteen new prestige classes that specialize in unarmed combat, each complete with a sample NPC: Armor Pugilist, Blade Artist, Blood Hun... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


GMG 4310

Power Gamer's 3.5 Strategy Guide

Kick Monster Butt

You're looking at the first strategy guide for the revised edition of the world's most popular role playing game. Let's be real -- the game's about combat, not charisma! This strategy guide gives you the strategies and techniques you need to win. It's like a football coach's playbook, or a video game champion's cheat codes. Feat combos, sneaky skill uses, multiclassing secrets, and abusing the rules: that's what it's all about.

Build the Perfect Warrior

Pick the wro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


GMG 4311

Power Gamer's 3.5 Wizard Strategy Guide

Kick Monster Butt

You're looking at the only strategy guide for the revised edition of the world's most popular role playing game. Let's be real -- the game's about combat, not charisma! This strategy guide gives you the strategies and techniques you need to win. It's like a football coach's playbook, or a video game champion's cheat codes. Feat combos, sneaky spell uses, multiclassing secrets, and abusing the rules: that's what it's all about.

Build the Perfect Magic User

Pick the wron... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


GMG 4320

Demon Hunter's Handbook, the

Sammlerstück / Rarität


No campaign theme is more gripping than a battle against the minions of hell! This jam-packed sourcebook brings to the table everything you'll need to run a fantasy campaign centered around demon hunters. From puritanical holy men fighting for their gods to crazed warriors only one step away from damnation themselves, every classic archetype is covered -- with new ones introduced as well. The handbook focuses not only on new classes, races, and feats, but also covers ways to tailor the existing ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


GMG 4330

Lethal Legacies: Traps of the World Before

In the elder times, before the dawn of man or even the first birth of elves, an ancient civilization was widely distributed across the world. Now they are long gone, but they left behind a lethal legacy. Their tombs and ruins are filled with the deadliest of traps, many using techno-magical powers not understood by modern scholars. This handbook examines 60 of the devious, deadly traps left behind by this mysterious civilization, with complete d20 stats for each.

Writer: Tony DiGerolamo
Cove... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


GMG 4340

Book of Templates Deluxe HC

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Build a Better Monster!

Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition is not merely a tome of templates, but a versatile toolkit with which you can make your imagination a gaming-table reality. Using the templates and new rules from this tome, the monster collections you already possess can be revitalized with new wonder and possibility! Creatures encountered and defeated dozens of times before will take on new dimensions through alterations ranging from simple to complex to the out-and-out bizarre. You'... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


GMG 2003

Underdark Adventure Guide

The Underdark Adventure Guide details the strange, alien world of the underdark. The underdark is far more than just dungeons and caves. It is a veritable underground continent, populated by advanced civilizations, ancient ruins, sunless seas, alien magic, bizarre creatures, and the horrid denizens of the gloom. The standards of the surface world hold no sway in the underdark, and its mysteries, ferocity, and danger will challenge even the hardiest of adventurers.

The Underdark Adventure Gui... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


GMG 2004

Sky Captain's Handbook

Sky ships, flying castles, cloud cities, and airborne monsters! The Sky Captain's Handbook is a complete sourcebook with everything you need to run an aerial campaign. With its focus on inspiring ideas for unique aerial adventures, the book contains new character options, races, monsters, feats, items, sky ships, and aerial combat rules that can be integrated into any fantasy campaign. After all, no matter what world sits at ground level, anything can float above.

The Sky Captain's Handbook ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


GMG 4380

Points of Light

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Four Realms, Four Evils.

War horns wail and perilous realms cry out for heroes! Four settings, each detailed and mapped, ideal for novices launching their first campaign, or veteran GMs looking to challenge their players with terrible foes and foreign lands...

* Wildland:The fall of the Bright Empire left warring factions in its wake. As savage barbarians and wicked humanoids roam the land, the last bastions of civilization cower behind their crumbling city walls. A dark age has come, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



GMG 4600

Judges'Guild1: Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor

An Adventure for Character Levels 10-12

Do your heroes dare to enter Fortress Badabaskor? Deadly brigands, vicious cultists, and the dusty treasures of the Dragon Kings await those with muscle, wit, and luck. Defeat these challenges to uncover the dark secret of Badabaskor - a secret that will challenge even the most experienced of adventurers...

The robed bureaucrat looks up from the table and gazes on all of you before proceeding. "Ah, I see you decided to accept this mission. In your se... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


GMG 4601

Judges'Guild2: Citadel of Fire

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


We, too, share your desire to rid the world of the arrogance of the Pureblood wizards. But you are too late. The wizards have obtained the relic they long have sought. With it they will have power unimaginable to the fools who stride about in the shadow of their tower. We will send aid, but we expect payment. Do not think to challenge us. You know not what you deal with. Our messengers will contact you. Ensure that they are not delayed in their return...

Just outside the rough-hewn timber ham... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


GMG 4602

Dark Tower

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An ancient evil has overtaken a once holy shrine. Thus, a sleepy mountain hamlet becomes a focal point for mysterious disappearances and even stranger legends of what lurks beneath the village. Vile enemies and strange allies, knowing neither sleep nor age, seek to involve the unwary in a titanic battle of good vs. evil. Do you dare discover the secrets behind the myths, or attempt to exterminate the ancient evil that lies within? Riches, power, glory and death! All are in: Dark Tower.

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GMG 5003

Dungeon Crawl Classics #4: Bloody Jack's Gold

An Adventure for Character Levels 10-12

In this all-new adventure, the characters acquire a treasure map showing the location of Bloody Jack's last haul, where hundreds of thousands of gold coins lie waiting to be taken. But Bloody Jack didn't leave his treasure unguarded -- and the best way to keep the undead legions well-stocked is to lure treasure-hunters to their death...

Dungeon Crawl Classics can be integrated easily with any fantasy setting. If you enjoy this adventure, you might al... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GMG 5004

Dungeon Crawl Classics #5:Aerie of the Crow God

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An Adventure for Character Levels 7-9

In this all-new adventure, someone is threatening to kill poor Lady Pendour and her two young daughters! The characters can save her if they find the key to her deceased husband's lock box. Unfortunately, Lord Pendour disappeared while questing to clear the ruined fortress of Gurnard's Head of the "harpies" that ravage the village sheep and defile the cemetery. It's to Gurnard's Head that the PCs must go if they are to find the key and save the beautiful ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 5005

Dungeon Crawl Classics #6:Temple of the Dragon Cult

An Adventure for Character Levels 8-10

In Temple of the Dragon Cult, the characters are called in to pursue a dragon that the king's army was able to wound but not kill. It seems straightforward enough: the army tracked the dragon to its lair, and all the characters have to do is go in and kill it. But this dragon has a devoted cult of dragonblood followers who worship its every breath. Its lair is their temple -- and they'll fight to the death to defend their dragon-god...

Dungeon Crawl ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GMG 5011

Dungeon Crawl Classics #12: The Blackguard's Revenge

An Adventure for Character Levels 9-11

Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don't waste your time with long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs who aren't meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you fear, and the secret doors you know are there somew... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GMG 5012.5

Dungeon Crawl Classics #12.5: The Iron Crypt of the Heretics

An Adventure for Character Levels 11-13

Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don't waste your time with long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs who aren't meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you fear, and the secret doors you know are there some... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


GMG 5013

Dungeon Crawl Classics #14: Dungeon Interludes

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Six Adventures for Character Levels 1-13

This module is a collection of six related adventures designed to be played nonconsecutively over the course of a campaign. Each adventure builds on the one before it, but is complete and stand-alone. This allows the DM to weave an ongoing plot line into his larger campaign, which gets revealed bit by bit, one episode at a time. As the heroes progress in level, they slowly uncover a great plot by an ancient summoner to forge the Oculum Infernae, a terr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 5018

Dungeon Crawl Classics #19: Volcano Caves

An Adventure for Character Levels 7-9

Odd things are happening in the area around Mount Rolnith, a dormant volcano. When spellcasters wield fire magic, they feel drawn to the mountain. Local farmers and their animals disappear, leaving clawed footprints and signs of struggles. Open flames tilt, all pointing to the same spot: a cave in Mount Rolnith's craggy face. The heroes decide to investigate these occurrences, and a torch serves as their compass, pointing directly into the cave's mouth...... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


GMG 5019.5

Dungeon Crawl Classics #20.5: The Mask of Death

z.Zt. vergriffen


An Adventure for Character Levels 5-7

Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don't waste your time with long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs who aren't meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you fear, and the secret doors you know are there somewh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

GMG 5021

Dungeon Crawl Classics #22: Stormbringer Juggernaut, The

z.Zt. vergriffen


An Adventure for Character Levels 14-16

Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don't waste your time with long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs who aren't meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you fear, and the secret doors you know are there some... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

GMG 5024

Dungeon Crawl Classics #25: Dead Crypt of Srihozs

An adventure for character levels 9-11.

For leagues uncounted, a path has followed the tortured contours of a cliff which hangs over the storm-battered shore of the icy northern seas. The eternally damp rock is covered in places by a sickly film of grey mosses and lichens, which is the sum total of all the life forms able to scratch out an existence in this gods-forsaken hell. For atop the cliff stands the entrance to the dread crypt of Srihoz, a vampire of ancient name and deadly reputation.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


GMG 5026

Dungeon Crawl Classics #27: Revenge of the Rat King

Sammlerstück / Rarität


An adventure for character levels 4-6

In Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of the Rat King, our heroes defeated a vicious wererat and his minions. Now the Rat King is back! Investigating a ring of slavers, the heroes find themselves in the city's slums. Unknown to them, the entire dungeon is a ruse designed to lure them into the Rat King's clutches. Baited deep underground, the PCs square off against an army of wererats and slavers. When they face unbeatable odds, they can't avoid being captu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


GMG 5028

Dungeon Crawl Classics #29: The Adventure Begins (HC)

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


An Adventure Compilation for Character Levels 1-2

Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics don't waste your time with long-winded speeches, weird campaign settings, or NPCs who aren't meant to be killed. Each adventure is 100% good, solid dungeon crawl, with the monsters you know, the traps you fear, and the secret doors you know are ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 5032

Dungeon Crawl Classics #33: Belly of the Great Beast

Sammlerstück / Rarität


An adventure for character levels 21-24

The Great Beast floats eternally through space, content to watch the universe grow and evolve before his vast golden eyes. Only the most learned of sages has any knowledge of its existence, and none can agree on its origin or purpose. But now invaders have taken over the Great Beast and forced it to the service of chaos! They have actually constructed a compound within the living flesh of the immortal creature, allowing them to safely travel through spa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


GMG 5034

Dungeon Crawl Classics #35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms

z.Zt. vergriffen


A Complete Campaign Setting

Certain adventures only come around once. Like when the grizzled old warrior decides to go after the dragon, and asks who's coming with him. Or when the dark-eyed sorceress slowly surveys the crowd of peasants, waiting for one to step forward and pull the sword from the stone. This boxed sets contains those adventures. Dungeon Crawl Classics #35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms brings together the Dungeon Crawl Classics modules into one comprehensive world. This magn... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

GMG 5034A

Dungeon Crawl Classics #35A: Halls of the Minotaur (reissue)

Bitte vorbestellen


An Adventure for 0-Level Characters

The adventure Halls of the Minotaur was originally published in the limited-run boxed set DCC #35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms, which has been out of print for many years. Long been sought after by collectors, Halls of the Minotaur is finally being reprinted in a stand-alone format! This limited-edition “mini-module” reproduces the original version in its entirety, utilizing the original 3.5-edition rules.

A villainous minotaur has been terrorizing... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 8,00 EUR


GMG 5047

Dungeon Crawl Classics #48: The Adventure Continues

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


An Adventure Compilation for Character Levels 4-6

The adventure continues! This compilation of all-new 4th-level adventures is especially designed to continue new campaigns.
They're perfect sequels to DCC #29:
The Adventure Begins, or any other level 1-3 adventures. Written by experienced adventure authors, these stand-alone modules will challenge your heroes with feral elves, undead fiddlers, evil fey, dreamscape nightmares, ghostly Neanderthals - and more!

If you enjoy this adventure... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 5050

Dungeon Crawl Classics #51: Castle Whiterock

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An adventure that takes characters from level 1 to 15!

As the flame of my second life sputters and dims, I find myself thinking more and more on those heroes who, though we first met as enemies, granted me another opportunity to sip from life's cup. Great were their deeds and deep their wisdom, yet the tale of their adventures in Castle Whiterock has not been told: the helpless lives they saved and the wicked lives they ended, the diabolic ingenuity of their adversaries, the desperate moments... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 50515

Dungeon Crawl Classics #51.5: The Sinister Secret of Whiterock

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


An Adventure for Character Levels 1-3

Just outside of the border city of Cillamar lies a hidden ruin, once home to a clan of gnomes, now the lair of twisted aberrations that shun the surface world and its people. The heroes are called to explore this ruin. They pick their way through subterranean byways and galleries, past deadly traps and ancient caverns, to discover the eldritch source of the aberrations: a malevolent crystal monolith hidden atop an island in the center of an underground la... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


GMG 4371

GM Gems Fantasy Sourcebook (HC)

System-Neutral Tools for Every Game Master

GM Gems: A Collection of Game Master Inspiration is filled with a wealth of information and ideas to empower every aspect of your game. Never run boring, vanilla games and never be caught flat-footed!

This 64-page collection of tricks and tips is system-neutral, so you can play it with any role playing game you choose. GM Gems is written by veteran Game Masters and some of today's best known RPG designers, and includes:

* Alchemical Mishaps... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


GMG 4372

PC Pearls Fantasy Sourcebook

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Filled with a wealth of information and ideas to transform your characters into memorable, intriguing heroes, this systems-neutral sourcebook introduces an assortment of colorful places of origin, unique mounts and pets, interesting ways to describe mundane equipment, organizations for archetypes, personality quirks, and much more.

14,00 EUR


GMG 5201

Dungeon Crawl Classics CD (0-4)

Bitte vorbestellen


This attractively packaged jewelbox CD-ROM contains PDFs of Dungeon Crawl Classics #0: Legends Are Made, Not Born, #1: Idylls of the Rat King, #2: Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho, #3: The Mysterious Tower and #4: Bloody Jack's Gold. It also includes "A Reaver's Tale," an expansion for DCC #4 previously available only online. Perfect for laptop gamers!

ca. 26,00 EUR


GMG 5202

Dungeon Crawl Classics E-Book Compilation #5–8 (d20) CD-ROM

Bitte vorbestellen


This attractively packaged jewelbox CD contains electronic versions of Dungeon Crawl Classics #5: Aerie of the Crow God, #6: Temple of the Dragon Cult, #7: Secret of Smuggler’s Cove, and #8: Mysteries of the Drow. Perfect for laptop gamers!

Remember the good old days, when adventures were underground, NPCs were there to be killed, and the finale of every dungeon was the dragon on the 20th level? Those days are back. Dungeon Crawl Classics adventures don’t waste your time with long-winded ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 26,00 EUR


GMG 9700

DM Campaign Tracker

Bitte vorbestellen


Are you caught off guard when your players decide to visit the NPC blacksmith from 4 sessions ago whose name you can't remember? Do you have trouble recalling whether the unidentified potion of bull's strength is the blue one or the sparkly green one? And what day was that dwarven religious holiday again?

A first-of-its-kind playing aid, this campaign tracker is an essential tool for third edition DM's. Gone are the days of paper scraps and loose-leaf notebooks! The DM Campaign Tracker is a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 6,00 EUR


Broncosaurus Rex

GMG 01000

Dinosaur Planet: Broncosaurus Rex Core Rulebook

Bitte vorbestellen


Dinosaurs, space travel, the Civil War, and the wild west, all mixed together in one epic world!

The World of Broncosaurus Rex

In the year 2202, dinosaurs have been discovered on the planet Cretasus. But these dinosaurs are just as smart as the humans now flocking to their home. Velociraptors trade in alien weapons, leptoceratops guard their desert secrets, and T-rex dynasties protect their nests from egg raiders. Despite the dinosaurs, human pioneers arrive in droves at New Savannah's bus... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR



GMG 01004

Dinosaurs that Never were

Bitte vorbestellen


This monster manual presents d20 stats for 50 dinosaurs that could have evolved on Earth—but didn't. These "dinosaurs that never were" can be found in Storm Valley on the planet of Cretasus, where they have diverged fantastically from their Earth ancestors. Ranging from tiny and highly specialized to vicious killers and 90 HD behemoths, these fantasy dinosaurs present a new vista of encounters for any d20 campaign.

* Features: Stats and background for 50 "dinosaurs that never were"
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 16,00 EUR



GMG 01001

Cretasus Adventure Guide

Bitte vorbestellen


A sourcebook and campaign setting covering everything you need to adventure on the world of Cretasus. Features:
# History and background of the Main Valley and its settled regions, including New Savannah, Fort Tecumseh, Plesiosaur Bay, and other major areas.
# More information on the mysterious dinosaurs of Cretasus: their habits, behaviors, and interaction with each other and humans.
# Prestige classes for Dino Warriors and Federal Marshals.
# GM source material, adventure ideas, town gener... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 22,00 EUR


Morningstar Campaign Setting

GMG 4100

Morningstar Campaign Setting

At Stake...

Two worlds of great natural beauty locked in a struggle that threatens to destroy them both. Thraxis and Arril: blue sisters sharing an orbit, with continents, seas, and life.

A world in the midst of an Age of Majesty many believe will never end: nine diverse Empires at the peak of magical and cultural achievement. A world that has never known an Age of Darkness, where men and women push themselves daily to greater heights. It is an age of innocence and hope, when possibility... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Wicked Fantasy Factory

GMG 4700

Wicked Fantasy Factory #0: Temple of Blood

Sammlerstück / Rarität


An ancient temple. A sinister villain. And plenty of kobold ass to kick! The king's latest wife has gone missing. In an effort to rescue her and other young lovelies, the heroes descend beneath the city streets and find themselves in the ruins of an ancient temple. The villain who has given himself to dark powers draws on the magic of the place to complete his vile rituals. The heroes confront vicious kobolds, giant vermin, and the magic of the ancient temple. The Temple of Blood needs cleaning ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


GMG 4701

Wicked Fantasy Factory #1: Rumble in the Wizards Tower

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


An Adventure for Character Levels 1-3.

Your adventures are already exciting... characters explore dungeons, crush monsters, and score loot. But maybe you want your adventures to be more. Maybe you want adventures that are things of legend. Maybe you want adventures that are wicked sick. That's what Wicked Fantasy Factory gives you: axes hacking, spells exploding, and blood spewing.

Don't just crawl through dungeons... make them sorry they ever met you!

In Rumble in the Wizard's Tower, t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 4702

Wicked Fantasy Factory #2: Against the Iron Giant

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A Level 3 Adventure

In Against the Iron Giant, the heroes confront a gigantic, iron-shod, town-crushing, monster-smashing war machine. The Iron Giant, long dormant beneath the earth, is awake again. The driven Rayne Darklin now controls the Iron Giant from within, and the enormous construct contains an army of cultists and hired guns as well as defenses and traps almost as old as the world. The heroes sneak into the Iron Giant and battle their way through the great construct, finally putting ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

GMG 4703

Wicked Fantasy Factory #3: Throw Down with the the Arm-Ripper

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A Level 3 Adventure
In Throwdown with the Arm-Ripper, the heroes lend a hand to Prince Roberre. The prince is missing an arm, and he hires the heroes to help him regain it. They journey to a magic altar rumored to repair things that are broken. Soon they are face-to-face with the Arm-Ripper himself�a hulking brute who takes pleasure in plucking the limbs off things smaller than him. But if the heroes succeed, they learn that the Arm-Ripper was the least of their dangers!
Produced in coo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Grey Ghost Press Inc.

GGP 4010

Game Mastering Secrets (Reprint)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In Gamemastering Secrets, Aaron Rosenberg and guest contributors cover everything about running a roleplaying game, from choosing a game system to closing out a long-running campaign. They give tips on how to handle various situations, pointers on potential dangers and how to avoid them, and advice on how to get the best aming experience for everyone involved.

If you've never GM'd before, they teach you how to go about it, where to start and how to proceed, and enough tricks to convince anyon... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


Hinterwelt Enterprises

HWE 2100

House of Vega

Altoyo de la Vega has come to you and your people for help. He has tried the police and the other agencies, now he must call on old friends and debts. Items have been stolen from his house in Spain and he must have them back. They are ancient family heirlooms and without them his family will be disgraced. Still, he does not seem to be upfront with you. However, a debt is a debt.

As the party struggles through a world pushed to the brink of insanity they find themselves battling both Gest... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Hogshead Publishing

HOG 0801

Fright Night: Haunted House

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Dare you spend the night in a haunted house for one million dollars?
Someone's been watching you. They know all about you. They know you're different and they know your name. Now you've had a mysterious invitation.

It's Halloween, it's a haunted house, it's Fright Night.

Fright Night: Haunted House is packed with:

6 Psychic character classes
New horror skills and feats
Rules and guidance for the perfect horror game
Demons, ghosts, monsters, and madmen
Campaign options for the f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


HOG 0802

Fright Night: What went down

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen



You know the ocean. You've been pulling people from it for years.

This is different. A Russian submarine is beneath the Arctic, in the remotest water on the planet. For its crew - you are the only hope.

Deep ... desperate ... deadly
... Fright Night

There are unanswered questions here.
Why did the sub go down?
Is there a hidden agenda?
And the crew: Where are they?

· 6 new character classes including Marine Biologi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

HOG 0803

Fright Night: Asylum

Shock treatment -

Imagine your best dreams: being famous, successful, attractive.
Imagine your worst nightmare. You become all those things then your world falls apart.

You are a celebrity. You are successful. People love you.
You have just woken up in a lunatic asylum. Nobody loves you, you are mad, you are trapped.

And worse, the horror is only just beginning.

Welcome to Fright Night: Asylum a tale of terror, confinement and madness.

Behind bars ... drugged ... insane
... Fri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


HOG 0804

Fright Night: Haunted School

Sammlerstück / Rarität


not the best days

There are fresh noises in the night.

Nobody understands you and lessons are dull. But that's normal. It was a nice school.

So what happens when everything changes? There are new teachers and strange events start.

Imagine you see a ghost and no-one believes you.

Welcome to Fright Night: Haunted School where your school meets dark forces with you in the middle. You are fifteen. What holds the key to the mystery of Athena Academy?

Always lost ... the others ... n... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


HOG 0805

Fright Night: Vodoo Island

Sammlerstück / Rarität


... abandon ship ... cursed ... they whisper ... impossible ...


It began over two hundred years ago.

In the Caribbean the survivors of a terrible shipwreck are about to find out that they are not the lucky ones. They have been caught in a web of evil and their lives and even their souls will be lost if they cannot find the answers that will save them.

Welcome to Fright Night: Voodoo Island a tale of shipwreck, ancient curses and the undead.

Shipwrec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


HOG 0806

Fright Night: Ghost Ship

Sammlerstück / Rarität


... all wrong ... was ist das? ... Tote im Wasser ... an evil sea ...


Step aboard the ghost ship and experience a new horror from Hogshead.

On September 18,1942 the German auxiliary cruiser Loki vanished. Around the world, there have been mysterious sightings ever since. Now a desperate man says he knows where it is.

You are part of the salvage team that investigates the phenomena. This man has come to you...
The terror is about to start....

Welcome to Fright ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


HOG 0807

Fright Night: Polar Terror

Sammlerstück / Rarität


 (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Humanhead Studios

HHS 1001

Redhurst - Academy of Magic

This d20 System sourcebook details the most elite institution of arcane knowledge in the Known Realms: The Redhurst Academy of Magic. The Redhurst campus teleports from world to world and is coming soon to a campaign near you! This 160-page, full-color, hardcover book is fully compatible with version 3.5 of the best-selling fantasy roleplaying game of all time. It features 33 new spells, 29 fully statted high-level wizards, and 12 new magic items, as well as new feats, prestige classes, and mons... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Kenzer & Company

K&C 1204

By the Sword - Duelling in the Realm of Fantasy

Usable for d20, D&D: Kingdoms of Kalamar, HackMaster, and any other medieval fantasy campaign, this amazing supplement provides full details on the art of the duel, including the types of duels, how to provoke or respond to a duel, how the law regards illegal dueling, and much more. Additionally, this tome provides details on new fighting-style feats, prestige classes, weapons, armor, skill options, spells, sample dueling societies, and NPC duelists.

18,00 EUR



K&C 1205

Brothers by Blood

In SoloQuest YOU are the hero!
In the bay city of Zoa, two deadly thieves guilds war over territory, striking against each other with threats, competition and swift, brutal acts of violence. You are one such thief a young member of the Shadowed Fist guild, and enemy of the Black Blades. Fortunately, although you are still a mere cutpurse working your way up the ranks, your brother holds a position of leadership within the Fist, and it is at least partly due to him that you have survived and pro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Living Imagination Inc.

LII 0503

Pirates !

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


On the high seas there is one name that above all else means adventure: Pirates! This supplement explores historical and fantasy pirates, their life and exploits. Included are many pirate prestige classes, from good-natured privateers to deadly raiders and including the undead scourge of the sea. Also included are specific pirate characters, their ships and crew, and a detailed pirate haven suitable as a capstone setting.

* A new look at the historical world of piracy, merging the factual... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


LII 0504

Charge !!!

Bitte vorbestellen


A Military Rules Supplement

Everything you ever wanted to know about the military in a fantasy campaign.
How to enrich your campaign with detailed military organizations and actions, and many ways for PC's to interact with armies and commanders.
Military prestige classes, feats, spells, and rituals.
Discusses military structure, customs and strategy throughout history, and fantasy armies of mages or monsters.

ca. 20,00 EUR


LIIX 1500

Broadsides - Naval Adventures


  Ausführliche Regeln rund um Seefahrt und Abenteuer zu See. Neue nautische Sprüche, Rituale, Fertigkeiten, Prestigeklassen, Talente und Monster!

10,00 EUR



LII 1450

Twin Crowns - Age of Exploration Fantasy Campaign Setting

In der Welt von Ptalmanar weiten zwei Imperien - seit jeher durch eine Geschichte aus Blut und Kriegen miteinander verstrickt - ihren Einfluß auf unerforschte Gebiete aus! Dieser 304-seitige Quellenband präsentiert eine einzigartige Fantasy-Welt, die soeben in das Zeitalter der Entdeckung eintaucht... mit einem neuen System für Seereisen und -schlachten, einem neuen System von Ritualzaubern, hunderten von Seiten mit detaillierten Weltbeschreibungen, Karten und vielen Rassen, Fertigkeiten, KrÃ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


LIIX 1451

Streets of Silver



20,00 EUR


LPJ Design

LPJ 1201

The Works of Shakespeare D20

Bitte vorbestellen


This RPG sourcebook focuses on the history and setting of well known Shakespeare pieces (Henry V, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo & Juliet) and how to integrate them into your regular local gaming sessions. This sourcebook also comes with several adventures seeds with different endings to these classic plays.

* Softcover

ca. 14,00 EUR


Mongoose Publishing

MGP 9022

Epic Monsters

The third of the Expert Player's Guides, Epic Monsters provides 256 hardbound pages jam-packed with Epic-level monsters of Challenge Rating 20+ for the low, low price of just $19.95.

This tome is the perfect companion to Epic-level campaigns, containing over 100 creatures geared to giving the most powerful characters a real challenge. Whether your scenarios are earth-bound or span the dimensions, there will be monsters in this book that you can use to give your players a real fright!"

20,00 EUR


Nightshift Games / Consortium Entertainment

CFE 4001

In the Depths of BlackWater


  BlackWater, die Stadt der Abenteuer erwartet euch! Die Hafenstadt ist ein perfekter Ort für Intrigen aller Art. In diesem ersten Band der DarkWar Saga werden die Stadt, eine geheimnisvolle neue Spielerrasse und die Katakomben unter der Stadt beschrieben!

5,00 EUR


CFEX 4001

The Horror Beneath


  Etwas Schreckliches geht im Dorf Scarborough vor... aber kann deine Gruppe das Geheimnis lösen? Was ihr finden werdet, ist schlimmer als alles, was ihr euch vorstellen könnt!

5,00 EUR


Noble Hero Press


Beyond Mere Mortals RPG (HC)

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the latest RPG bringing the superhero genre to the familiar d20 system. All the standard superhero types are represented; The tank, the kung-fu warrior, the speedster, the stretch, and more. Beyond the standards however, the folks at Noble Hero Press have developed a system allowing players to create truly unique characters. Power combinations are just a small part of what can make a character unique. There is also gear, vehicles and sidekicks to help round ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



OSS 01001

Weapons of the Gods RPG ( HC )

Bitte vorbestellen


Based on Tony Wong's popular comic series Weapons of the Gods is set in an ancient mythic China, a world of Gods and monsters, heroes and heroines, ruthless warlords and the merely selfish and petty. But big or small, god or man, there are those things that tip the balance, and are craved by all. These are the Weapons of the Gods, pieces of the divine that offer their power to whomever is bold enough to take them up--or are lucky enough to find them.

With five thousand years of mytholog... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 40,00 EUR


OtherWorld Creations

OWC 3001

Forbidden Kingdoms

Das Pulp-D20-Rollenspiel. Erforsche das dunkelste Afrika, kämpfe gegen die Weltverbrechensliga und erforsche eine dunkle Welt mit diesem aufregenden D20-Rollenspiel!

40,00 EUR



OWC 1001

Diomin : A D20 Worldbook from OtherWorld Creations

Sammlerstück / Rarität


This core book, utilizing the d20 system from Wizards of the Coast, brings the world of Diomin into your game room.
It presents the world, its unique races and cultures, as well as all of the standard d20 classes, spells, skills, and feats and how they apply to Diomin.
It also showcases a new character class along with the magic system used by that class.
The core book also provides assistance on running a game in Diomin and to round things out, it includes "To Save a Nation", the first ch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


OWC 1003

Diomin: State of the Nations - Volume One: The Gadianti & Hearthom

Sammlerstück / Rarität


These pages display the portrait of a young world experiencing the first blush of true, continent-wide politics. Since the God War there have been many conflicts, but these have always been isolated, between two countries, never involving the others. For the first time in the history of the world, the six major nations of Diomin (first detailed in the Diomin Worldbook) are beginning to rub elbows with more than just their immediate neighbors. The first trade treaties are being drafted, ambassado... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


OWC 1004

Diomin: Unto this End Part II: Into the Darkness

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Into the Darkness follows the characters as they seek to return Kammerath to its rightful owner and have it reconsecrated after the Gadianti, worshippers of dark gods and practitioners of even darker rites, have defiled it.

endgültig vergriffen

Paizo Publishing

PZP 2000

Compleat Encounters: Dark Elf Sanctum

Bitte vorbestellen


Paizo Publishing's GameMastery Line is designed to help GMs run interesting games quickly and efficiently.

Compleat Encounters provide everything you need to run a single encounter: three brilliantly sculpted miniatures, a full-color minis-scale map, and a detailed microadventure complete with statistics compatible with the world's most popular roleplaying game.

In a darkened chamber deep below the sunlit world, a diabolical dark elf priestess weaves rhymes of magic ove... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 17,00 EUR


Paradigm Concepts

PCI 1107

Slaves of the Moon

Slaves of the Moon: The Essential Guide to Lycanthropes is written by Mike Mearls and sports a stunning cover by Todd Lockwood. This book presents rules, background ideas, and options for introducing lycanthropes as player characters into your campaign. Even if you would rather not have shapechanger PCs, you can use the rules and information in this book to add depth and detail to the lycanthrope friends and enemies the party meets. Tossing an unexpected element into a roleplaying game is one of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


PCI 3001

Rotted Capes RPG

Hot Seller


The Golden Age of Superheroes has ended, not with a BANG but with a BITE!
The Dead have overrun the world and humanity's protectors are either missing, dead or worse yet, Z'ed! Dismissed as the Poor Man's Super Hero, you are mankind's only hope for survival in this horror-filled world where the greatest threat is not the Living Dead, but the Super Zombies that sit at the top of the food chain looking hungrily down upon you!

Rotted Capes is a cross genre Role-playing Game where the gleaming... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR



PCI 1105

Lords of the Peaks

The Essential Guide to Giants
Titans of the Battlefield!

Lords of the Peaks is the first of Paradigm Concepts' Races of Legend sourcebooks. Designed as a Game Master's toolkit, Lords of the Peaks delves deeply into the culture and myth of seven different Giant types. Challenge your players with new twists to old opponents or pit them against new and terrible foes. Go far beyond the basic details of existing monster entries with Lords of the Peaks!

* So many Feats and Skills that it wo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



PCI 11301

Spell Deck : Mysteries of the Arcane

Tired of flipping through large books every time you want to cast a spell? Can't remember the range, duration or Save off the top of your head? Well help is on the way! Make your life easier and speed up game play as you place all your spells at your fingertips with Spell Decks! Now your storehouse of magical power will fit right in the palm of your hand with these easy to use, convenient spell cards. Unleash the unbridled power of the Arcane with this 350+ Spell set for Wizards and Sorcerers.

32,00 EUR


PCI 11302

Spell Deck : Blessing of the Divine

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Tired of flipping through large books every time you want to cast a spell? Can't remember the range, duration or Save off the top of your head? Well help is on the way! Make your life easier and speed up game play as you place all your spells at your fingertips with Spell Decks! Now your storehouse of magical power will fit right in the palm of your hand with these easy to use, convenient spell cards. Call upon the power of the Heavens with this 350+ Spell set for Clerics and Paladins.

46,00 EUR


PCI 11303

Spell Deck : Song of the Wild

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Tired of flipping through large books every time you want to cast a spell? Can't remember the range, duration or Save off the top of your head? Well help is on the way! Make your life easier and speed up game play as you place all your spells at your fingertips with Spell Decks! Now your storehouse of magical power will fit right in the palm of your hand with these easy to use, convenient spell cards. Command the fury of nature with this 350+ Spell set for Druids, Bards, and Rangers.

46,00 EUR



Spell Deck Bundle : Arcane + Divine

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen

  Please Note these are available individually as seperate products but the price is reduced for the combo bundle. Please note that that these sets use 3.0 rules and NOT 3.5. Mysteries of the Arcane - Unleash the unbridled power of the Arcane with this 350+ Spell set for Wizards and Sorcerers. Blessings of the Divine - Call upon the power of the Heavens with this 350+ Spell set for Clerics and Paladins. Shrink wrapped and bundled together

endgültig vergriffen

Pinnacle Entertainment


Depths of Despair (Hostile Climes)



Rasantes Unterwasserabenteuer um die furchtbaren Ereignisse, nachdem die Tritonen das Nautilacrum geblasen und das Ende ihres Universums heraufbeschworen haben!

It was the tritons who blew the Nautilacrum, the legendary horn of the Sea God. The tritons believed the horn would decimate their hated enemies, the sahuagin, but instead, the ancient artifact destroyed their greatest city and tore open a hole in the very ocean herself. Eventually, ships full of careless surface-dwellers tumbled into... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Pinwheel Games

PWG #1

Evil's Lesser Minions

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen

  Zunehmend verschwinden Personen in der ansonsten friedlichen Stadt Mellisan. Paranoia und Gerüchte über Monster stören den Stadtfrieden. Die Charaktere sollten sich in diesem Abenteuer für 4-6 Charaktere der Stufe 1 beeilen, um das Geheimnis um Mellisan zu lösen, bevor sie zum Ziel der Verdächtigungen werden! Mellisan: a bustling trade center nestled within the broken ridges and deep valleys of the Dragon's Claw Range. In the normally stoic city of steadfast people, mounting disappearan... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Politically Incorrect Games

PLI 0700

Two Fisted Tales Rev. Ed.

Bitte vorbestellen


Inspired by the pulp fiction of the '30s and '40s, Two-Fisted Tales lets you recreate the action and adventure of the genre. Play a hero or heroine—men and women of unusual talents and unusual ambitions, driven to make the world a better place. While they may come from wildly different backgrounds (like cowboys, cat burglars, wealthy playboys, and Tibetan mystics), every one of them observes a private code of honor, each willing to risk his or her own life to see that justice is done in the en... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 34,00 EUR


Reaper Miniatures

REA 11001

The Eldest Son

This is the first adventure for Reaper's Dark Heaven Legends line of role playing games and accessories.

When the eldest son of a noble family disappears, the task of finding him falls to his brother, Felix, and his comrades. But in the city of Astoria, finding a wayward heir is a difficult and dangerous task.

The search will lead the characters from the prestigious University of Astoria, to a nearby convent, through several seedy taverns, into a chilling and deadly finale.

Will the cha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Rising Force

RIFX 0101

Crushed: The Doomed Kitty Adventure


  Join Crushed, Purity, and the rest of the crew as they hack their way through d20! Includes stats on all the characters, lots of pictures, new spells, new magic items, 6 pages of comics, and a complete dungeon!

5,00 EUR


RPG Objects

RPO 4010

Legends of the Samurai

"If you are slain in battle, you should be resolved to have your corpse facing the enemy"
-Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Extensively researched and faithfully rendered, Legends of the Samurai provides all the mechanics for adventuring in the world of medieval Japan. This extensive tome presents players with over twenty new oriental classes, an alternative magic system, a historically based martial arts system, and a flavorful system for fate and destiny. For gamemasters, Legends of th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Sabledrake Enterprises

SADE 8966

Naughty & Dice

Written by Origins Award nominated author Christine Morgan and 20+ year gaming veteran and game store manager Tim Morgan, Naughty & Dice takes a light-hearted yet serious look at the topic of sex in RPGs. The tone of the book is centered around themes of tolerance and respect. It is recommended for mature readers, and is easily adaptable to any roleplaying game system.

Naughty & Dice includes chapters on:

* instructions for factoring a character's "Sexuality" statistic.
* rules f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Scarab Games

SGLX 1001

Brotherhood of Prophecy


  Vor einem Jahr verschwanden im Norden Karawanen... vor sechs Monaten rief die Bruderschaft der Prophezeiungen um Hilfe, doch die entsandten Soldaten kehrten nicht zurück... vor drei Monaten verschwanden die Kundschafter und Grenzreiter im Norden... und weitere Männer konnten nicht entsandt werden, um das Reich nicht zu sehr zu schwächen. Daher werden nun wagemutige Abenteurer gesucht, die eine Belohnung begehren und die Gefahr der Nordlande nicht fürchten...

5,00 EUR


Second World Simulation

SWS 1000

The Second World Scourcebook

The Second World Sourcebook is a complete guide to multi-genre roleplaying in the d20 universe. Drop a team of Special Forces Ops into any fantasy world, trap your wizard, thief and cleric in a near future cyberbased metropolis run by greedy corporations. The possibilities are endless for how you can cross or jump genres adding hundreds of new and exciting options to your game.

The Sourcebook supports both the d20 Modern Rules and the standard d20 rules and provides a complete set of genre a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



SWS 1100

Masters of Arms

Over thirty prestige classes and 300 special maneuvers devoted to the use of weapons whose names you can't pronounce! Special maneuvers such as the "Three-fold Strike" and "Stick a Fork in Him, He's Done" help distinguish the glaive from the ranseur.

Masters of Arms focuses on unusual weapons and those who master them. Combination maneuvers give you lots of different ways to devastate things while defensive maneuvers give you something to do while the monsters try to eat you. All the classes ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Skirmisher Games

SKP 0201

D20 - Experts

One of the most intriguing and versatile classes described in the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide is the Expert. This comprehensive book thoroughly expands upon that brief description and is the ideal resource for anyone interested in designing highly skilled specialists of all sorts.

This book includes:

* Nearly 30 fully detailed Expert types, including the Alchemist, Blacksmith, Courtesan, Merchant, Miner, Navigator, Physician, Sage, Sailor, and Weaponmaker.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SKP 0301


Skirmisher Publishing has released Warriors, the second book in the "NPCs" series that it inaugurated with its extremely popular Experts. Warriors is a comprehensive D20 sourcebook for fantasy role-playing games that expands upon the description of the Warrior class in the 3rd Edition DMG. It is an invaluable resource both for dungeon masters who want to expand the variety and realism of combat encounters and and for players who want to enhance the military and combat capabilities of their ch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SKP 0403


Sammlerstück / Rarität


Everything the Gamemaster needs to make his players lifes a little harder :) .
Not to be taken very seriously, but highly amusing.

Nuisances is unlike any other d20 sourcebook! It is a tribute to the early years of Dungeons & Dragons, a parody of the current state of roleplaying games, and a manual for keeping cocky and annoying players off balance.

Warning: Intended for mature audiences only.

Highlights of this book include:

* Introduction of the Defect character attribute - an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


SKP 0501

D20 - Experts v3.5

Skirmisher Publishing has released Experts version 3.5, a Comprehensive D20 Sourcebook for fantasy role-playing games.

Experts v.3.5 is a thoroughly updated, expanded, and revised version of Experts, Skirmisher Publishing's first and most successful title, and is dedicated to the expansion of the Expert non-player character class that is briefly described in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Features include:

* A new layout and design and many new or improved pieces of art.
* The Specialist, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


SKP 0801

Quactica: Battles for the Soul of Middle Aesopia

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Quactica: Battles for the Soul of Middle Aesopia is an innovative set of miniatures rules by veteran game designer and miniatures sculptor Steve Lortz, author of the famous Perilous Encounters rules released by Chaosium in 1978.

Set in a world inhabited by various races of anthropomorphic animals — including Ducks, Dwargs, and Porks — the Quactica rules tie in with a beautiful line of miniatures created by Lortz and produced by Lance & Laser.

This book is part of a thematic series o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


SKP 1105

Creatures of the Tropical Wastes (Mutant Future)

Do you need more monsters and mutations for your postapocalyptic, sci-fi, or fantasy game? If so, Creatures of the Tropical Wastes is what you are looking for!

Fully compatible with Mutant Future - as well as Labyrinth Lord and other games that use the familiar and easy-to-use "Basic" role-playing game rules introduced in the 1970s - this collection includes:

* A Foreword by Derek Holland, author of several licensed Mutant Future sourcebooks.

* 50 new creatures, including the mysterious... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



SKP 0402

Test of Skill

Sammlerstück / Rarität

  Tests of Skills is an adventure module and sourcebook designed to entertain and challenge players through scenarios and encounters that can be overcome optimally through role-playing, skill use, and diplomacy. While traditional hack-and-slash techniques can be used to complete portions of the scenarios, most groups will find that tact, thought, and appropriate use of skills, feats, and abilities are generally much more useful and effective. Features include: * A generic, versatile wild-land s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


Steampower Publishing

SPP 0001

Dead of Night: Little Book of Horrors

Bitte vorbestellen


In the Dead of Night evil will rise ...

Dead of Night: The Little Book of Horrors is a roleplaying game based on campfire tales, horror stories and urban myths. As the first in the line of Pocket Roleplaying Games, Dead of Night is only a quarter of the size of a normal roleplay book small enough to fit in your pocket and play just about anywhere!

This small book contains five gruesome tales to play, including "Lovers' Peak," a tale of love and revenge from beyond the grave, and "Wolf Moon... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


SPP 0001P

A Cast of Thousands

Bitte vorbestellen


Produced in association with Deep7, A Cast of Thousands is the indispensable product for the Arrowflight gamesmaster and player alike! A Cast of Thousands is an NPC resource tool containing ready made characters around which exciting adventures can be built, dozens of stat blocks for everyday folk encountered during an adventure as well as new rules for use for characters of all types!

Although designed for use with Arrowflight, A Cast of Thousands can be readily converted for use with any fa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 20,00 EUR


SPP 0002

Yesterday's Tomorrow

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It is the present day. The dawn of a new century and a new millennia. It is the dawn of a thousand million atomic suns burning in the factories, the cars and the homes of America. This is the present day, but not as we know it. It is the future of yesteryear, a future of gleaming chrome machines, soaring skyscrapers and nuclear utopia.

But, utopia comes with a price, a price which every American man, woman and child must pay. Beneath the chrome veneer lies a darker reality. The government is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR


SPP 0003

The Future Soldier's Battlefield Handbook

Listen up soldier!

This book might just save your life, so pay attention.

This book will provide you with an insight into the dangers and challenges you will face on any future battlefield, whether planetside or in the void of space; detail the roles of military and civilian personnel in a combat zone; offer suggestions and advice for surviving war; and acts as a guide to many of the weapons, equipment and vehicles that you will encounter in battle.

The Future Soldier's Battlefield Hand... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


Technomancer Press

TMP 1001

The Critonomicon

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This book contains over 60 tables tailored to every need: simple, quick crits and fumbles decided by the roll of a d6; more sophisticated tables requiring a d20 or multiple dice, and our grand charts which have hundreds of possibilities. There are charts that are weapon specific and others that are opponent specific (mounted opponents, winged opponents, etc.). One of the spell fumble tables is even specific to spell level and school of magic!

endgültig vergriffen

TMP 1002

The Manual of Mysteries

Tired of the same old obstacles? Give your players something new to overcome. The Manual of Mysteries provides players a wide variety of challenges. Have them work out the answer to an ancient riddle, or crack an arcane code. Flavor your adventure with a murder mystery, or give them a door that takes a quick-witted player to open. This book teaches game masters all they need to know to keep players honing their wits as well as their swords.

14,00 EUR


TMP 1101

The Players Companion

What are your racial abilities when one of your parents is a halfling and the other is a dwarf? How much space does 100,000 gold pieces take up? How far does one fall in a round, or three? Find answers to all these questions in The Player's Companion, plus six new classes, dozens of new spells, and more.

16,00 EUR


Thunderhead Games

TGS 1001

Bluffside: City on the Edge

Die Zivilisation versucht immer noch, sich nach einer gewaltigen Katastophe zu erholen... vor vielen hunderttausend Jahren ist ein gewaltigr Meteor auf der Welt eingeschlagen und sein Einschlagszentrum ist der Standpunkt des heutigen Bluffside... einer Stadt, die aufgrund des gefundenen Meteoritenerzes aufgeblüht ist zu einer Metropole mit einer wilden Gegenwart, einer geheimnisvollen Vergangenheit und einer dramatischen Zukunft voller Abenteuer und Intrigen. Mit einer farbigen Karte der Stadt,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



TGS 7001

Interludes: Sands of Pain

A d20 Adventure Sourcebook for four 4th level Characters.

14,00 EUR


TGSX 1004

Interludes: Brief Expeditions to Bluffside


  Nach langer Reise seit ihr in Bluffside, der gewaltigen und mysteriösen Stadt am Rande eines mit Adamantium gefüllten Meteoritenkraters angekommen und nun erwarten euch Dinge, die ihr nicht einmal in euren wildesten Träumen erahnt habt... mit 12 neuen Kreaturen, 2 neuen Prestigeklassen und dazu neue Talente, Zaubersprüche, mehr als 30 faszinierende Orte, jede Menge Freunde und Feinde und vielem mehr!

5,00 EUR


Troll Lord Games

TLG 3004

Gary Gygax's - Extraordinary Book of Names

z.Zt. vergriffen


This is a book with tremendous scope. The author, Malcolm Bowers, has worked with Gary Gygax to bring you an indispensable resource tool, whether you play the game or run the game. 100,000 names. The book include's people names from all over the world, epithets, places such as inns and taverns, spoof names and more. It includes how to create names, pronunciation guides, translations and how to name the coat of arms of a knight or land. It includes names for fantastic races, topographical fe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


TLG 1010

Codex of Erde

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Explore the fantastic World of Erde, Troll Lord Games' official fantasy campaign setting in this 256 page, illustrated, hardback sourcebook. This book contains everything needed by players and GMs to weave epic tales of heroism in the World of Erde. A detailed history of the world, descriptions of the lands, maps, heraldry, races languages, deities, classes, spells, magic items, and monsters are found within

68,00 EUR


TLG 1011

Book of Familiars

This book answers all those questions for familiars and animal companions that might arise during play;
where do familiars come from, how are they acquired, what are their stats, what are their powers. This
book includes stats on familiars for Wizards, Sorcerers, Druids and Clerics but also includes extensive
reference to those animal companions used by Fighters, Paladins, Rangers such as the Unicorn, Holy
steeds, and saber toothed tigers. A must have for all DMs and players alike.

T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


TLG 1013

Path of the Magi

Path of the Magi, is a d20 sourcebook of unprecedented depth! In this 150 page case bound book each and every gamer, players and DMs alike, find a wealth of information to play, design or run wizards through the ultimate role playing experience. The first in a series of books Path of the Magi marks the beginning of a renaissance in the realm of gaming where role playing and roll playing meet. The experience begins with entrance into the University of the Magus where the initiate learns all there... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


TLG 1014

Cities and Settlements

Twenty Settings. One Book.

Cities and Settlements is packed with timeless material. The designers, led by Jeff Ibach, who authored AEG's Toolbox, present nineteen separate settings. The settings comprise a wide variety of settlements and cities; wilderness, desert camps, orc strongholds, gnoll camps, dwarven Halls and human villages. This is a sourcebook that both players and game masters can use. Complete with maps and illustrations, Cities and Settlements is the definitive sourcebook f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


TLG 1903

City Sourcebook 1: NPCS

NPCs for the revised rules! The rules are thick and time is precious! You know you want them and you know your going to need them! NPCs. This book is easy to use, costs little, and is a utility that any and all d20 players and game masters must have and will use! You've been there before. Your players are in town and their needs are legion! They're going to need supplies. They're going to need information. They're going to need a bar room brawl and an adventure! The complex rules of 3.5 don't al... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


TLG 3001

Gary Gygax's - The Canting Crew

Das Quellenbuch rund um kriminelle Organisationen, den Gaunerslang und das Leben in einer mittelalterlichen Stadt voller Diebe und Schurken! on Gary Gygax persöhnlich geschrieben.

In "The Canting Crew," volume I of the Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds, Gygax explores the underworld of city life. Theives, their guilds, organization, a complete dictionary of the language they speak, the signs they use, everything a player or DM may want or need to know about the underclass is here. Complete with map... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


TLG 3002

Gary Gygax's - World Builder

z.Zt. vergriffen


From the halls of the mightiest publisher to the door of the most dedicated gamer this second volume in the Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds series marshals a veritable host of information for the game designer. Unburdened with flavor text this tome is a collection of militantly organized definitions, lists, tables and charts with an army of information from the mundane to the extraordinary. Game designers, professional or amateur, find an arsenal of trees, herbs, armor, weapons, terrain features, and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

TLG 3003

Gary Gygax's - Living Fantasy

Sammlerstück / Rarität


For the vigilant gamer or the driven publisher this tome drives forward the gathering host of information brought to you by the Gygaxian Fantasy World series. From the encampments of common folk and wanderers to the teeming streets of walled towns, this work brings the fantastic world of magic to life. Game designers captain their own creations when they master knowledge of the high and low, the hamlets and towns, cities and castles and all that accompanies life in a world of our own imaginin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

144,00 EUR


TLG 3005

Gygax's Insidiae: Brainstormers Guide to Adventure Game Writing

Adventure scenarios are an indispensible part of all roleplaying games. Gary Gygax's Insidiae: The Brainstorming Guide to Adventure Writing teaches the hallmarks of good game mastering and covers five vitally important aspects of game adventure design: back story, antagonists, motive, locale, and plot.

26,00 EUR


TLG 3006

Gary Gygax's - Nation Builder

Bitte vorbestellen


The devil is in the detail! Designing games, creating fictional worlds, and mapping out campaign settings all require an extraordinary amount of work. And as any designer, writer or gamer knows, getting the details right is the best way to bring the world to life.

This sixth volume in the Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds series marshals a veritable host of information for the writer or game designer. Laboriously researched and written by Michael Varhola Nation Builder fleshes out themes first presente... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 30,00 EUR


TLG 3007

Gary Gygax's - Cosmos Builder

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A strange cloud lifts just west of the Urt River, revealing a place of legend, a monument of dread, known to the ancients as Castle Zagyg! But who constructed this mysterious place and had it enshrouded in the mists of legend? Certainly this is no ordinary invitation to adventure, but one so ancient that the treasures and magic within its catacombs and hallways must be those made by the gods themselves, for who else could contrive such a monument but a mad deity?

140,00 EUR


TLG 3213

Gary Gygax's - Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds Collector's Pack

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds Collector's Pack sports a beautiful portrait of Gary Gygax, painted by Rick Sardinha and contains the first six volumes of this reknowned series.

The Canting Crew, The World Builder, Living Fantasy, The Extraordinary Book of Names, Insidiae and Nation Builder all packaged in an open ended charcoal black, slip sleeve. With a retail value of $182.70 the GFW Collector's Pack is a steal.

All six volumes are professionally bound, hardback books and contain a wealth o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


TLG 1202

Dzeebagd - Under Dark and Misty Ground

This module follows Vakhund but can be used independent of that module. If used as a continuation of Vakhund, Evanna has been taken here and left in the care of a small band of goblin warriors in the abandoned fortress of Dzeebagd. The characters will have to follow a trail to Dzeebagd and rescue Evanna. This is a failry easy task. The difficulty arises when the characters attempt to escape the compound in which she is taken.
Module Levels 2-4

Die Suche nach einer entführten Händlertochter... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


TLG 1801

The Heart of Glass

War is brewing between the thieves of the NachtKrichen guild and the Freelancers. Tis said that the Crna Ruk assassins, those faceless minions of the horned god, are pulling the strings. And not least, there are reports that the Undead have come to Ihlsa It is in this maelstrom that the party must survive. They must penetrate this reclusive dark world to unravel its mysteries, and if able, to upset the plans of the Lords of Helliwell and retrieve the magical artifact which he so ardently des... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


TLG 1907

Temple of Kubla Khan

A Crawling Madness!
For nearly a millennia, the half-ruined hilltop keep known as the Temple of Kubla Khan has loomed over the surrounding land. Built by the Dwarven prophet St. Canor, the ancient temple served to bind a horrid beast of chaos and evil in eternal imprisonment. For deep beneath the hallowed temple walls lie the chambers of the Crawling Queen, a creature of nightmare and dread chaos. St. Canor battled her of old and bound her through the magic of three Ward Stones. Many years have... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


TLG 1908

Tomb of Kubla Khan

A Path Unearthed
For long years the Temple of Kubla Khan stood, a lonely edifice in the waste.

Here the Khan's priests had paid homage to the demi-god of war. But in time of years their numbers dwindled and eventually the Temple fell into ruin. It stood unoccupied for ages until Yuggilv, the Crawling Queen, came to reside there, making the Temple a nightmarish prison. Unknown to the Queen, her prison's foundation were a Tomb's ceiling. Over all these long years the Tomb of Kubla Khan, long a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


TLG 3335

Hall of Many Panes - Boxed Set

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Troll Lord Games is proud to bring you Gary Gygax's Hall of Many Panes .

An Adventure of Such Epic Proportions that it would not fit in one book! Gary Gygax's long anticipated Hall of Many Panes comes in a solid 11 x 8.5 inch box that is deep enough to hold ALL THREE 80+ page full-size adventure books that comprise this wild, high level adventure. With the adventure comes a fourth full-size book, containing 20 pages of art and maps!

The Hall of Many Panes plunges the adventuring part... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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TLG 4001

The Lost City of Gaxmoor

North of the Bergruken, upon the broken slopes of the Massif, the sun's fading brilliance outlines the ancient ruins of the once thriving metropolis of Gaxmoor. The former beacon of imperial power mysteriously vanished ages ago. Now it has returned, beckoning brave adventurers to explore its ruins and crypts, and to vanquish the chaos and evil that lies within. "The Lost City of Gaxmoor" is a complete adventure setting that takes characters from level 1-10. Playable in Troll Lord Games' World of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



Lost City of Barakus, The

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Buried beneath the Duskmoon Hills is The Lost City of Barakus. Once rich and powerful,
it was destroyed by the lich, Devron, who now lies entrapped in a prison from which only the helm of power can free him.
Lost within the dead city is the sword of Kell, created by the mages of Barakus to slay Devron.
Thus, within the halls of this massive dungeon lies our villain, the means to free him, and the means to destroy him,
all waiting for brave fools seeking fame and fortune.

Inside, you w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

188,00 EUR




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A curse that never ends. Law and evil offer the world a brutal tyranny born in shadeless colors, in black and white. The tyranny of evil is never so great when bound by the rule of law, nor the danger so terrible but when the rule of law hounds those who fight it most. The grudge born against those who struggle with tyranny is unforgiving and pulling them through wild with dangers and beast of ancient malevolence, to deep dungeons and foul pits to wage the never ending war against the avatar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Fane Of The Witch King

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Eons ago, the world was held in the grip of fear by the dark city of Krezzel Dul and its dark master: Osenkej, the Witch King. Though this great evil was finally defeated, some portion of the city - the Ebon Fane - remains buried deep underground.

But worse is what lies deeper: beneath the Fane is the Black Vault, wherein reside numerous artifacts and creatures of great and unimaginable evil.
Now, a dark army known as the Ghul Legion seeks to plunder these vile treasures - if they are not s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR



Crystal Skull, the

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A Gruesome Discovery
A scream pierces the early morning air. A crowd gathers at the docks to witness the ghastly sight. The body of a little girl - her throat slit, her body mutilated - has been found tangled in a fisherman's net. There are a few tears and curses, but for the most part simply a resigned and uneasy silence. In any other city this would be tragedy enough to break anyone's heart, but the people of Penmorgh know that this is just the beginning. For almost a century they have borne ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Vampires and Liches

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Polish Your Holy Symbols and Sharpen your Stakes!
Descend into the Sewers of the Underguild in search of the fabled hollow blade. Travel to the ancient Pyramid of Amra and attempt to wrest the Tome of Mind and Body from the Iron Fist of Set, or discover the mysteries hidden beneath the Isle of Eliphaz. Beware, enemies that feast on mortal blood hide at every corner, and none have yet lived that can tell the tale of Athransma's strange experiments.

The Deadliest of Undead
Are your players... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


TLGX 1201




5,00 EUR


TLGX 1401

A Lion in the Ropes


  Ein Schrecken durchstreift das Land und nur ihr könnt die Gefahr beseitigen!

5,00 EUR


TLGX 1501

Galal's Grave


  "Der tapfere Elfenheld Galal starb vor langer Zeit als er die Zwerge vor großem Unheil bewahrte... nun m&uul;ßt ihr euch versammeln, um sein Grab wieder zu entdecken und die darin enthaltenen Schätze vor dem Zugriff der Finsternis zu bewahren!"

5,00 EUR


TLGX 1601

The Malady of Kings


  Der heilige König St. Luther schläft seit tausenden von Jahren... werden die Abenteuerer seinen geheimen Ruheort finden und die Gefahren auf dem Weg dorthin - seltsame Fremde, teuflische Kreaturen und Magie aus den Anderswelten - zu überwinden wissen?

5,00 EUR




The Mother of All Encounter Tables

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One Table to Rule Them All!

The Mother of All Encounter Tables is here! This utility is unlike any before conceived! This is not just a random book of tables, but a well thought out DM utility that makes wilderness travel, city streets and dungeon corridors ALL more interesting. It contains encounters for each terrain type from mountains to the ocean, in each climate from arctic to tropical, and has separate tables for day and night encounters. Also factored in are relative rarities of ind... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Valar Projekt

VAP 13100

Book of Erotic Fantasy

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The much-anticipated and much-discussed Book of Erotic Fantasy has been released by Valar Project, Inc. It's a sourcebook that puts forth rules for the issues of sex, love, seduction, marriage, and pregnancy that frequently get short shrift or go unexplored in a roleplaying game.

The first chapter discusses handling sex in a mature way, and provides an overview of various facets of sex such as humor, sexual orientation, fetishes, prostitution, pornography, commitment and infidelity, chast... (vollständige Beschreibung)

104,00 EUR


Viking Games

VGCX 1801


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Fearsome monsters and evil beasts. Loathesome demons and wretched undead. 128 pages of new Third Edition creatures for your campaign. Every Villain Has Allies is a d20 system accessory designed to enhance every Third Edition campaign. Hundreds of new creatures, of all levels, to challenge your characters and add new depth to existing campaigns.

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VGCX 1101

Axandar - A Distant Echo



Twin cities, two nations, vying for regional power have encountered a rise of goblin tribes and raids to their national coffers. After a brutal encounter, player characters are drawn into national intrigue, which must be handled quickly or else the region will fall to the hands of the goblins. The first question that needs answering is: who is supplying the enemy with its quality weaponry? Designed as the first in a series of adventures detailing the Axandar world at the brink of chaos and war, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

5,00 EUR


White Wolf

WWP 16000

Nature's Fury

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Nature's Fury contains two complete d20 adventure scenarios: Swords through the Ice Gates by Mike Mearls, for 6th level characters; and The Crystal Tower by James Bell, for 5th level characters.

Each features an icy challenge for a party of four characters. These adventures are designed to fit easily into an ongoing campaign, and wherever possible the Game Master is given options on modifying and replacing parts of the background with elements of his or her own game world.

Notes on This Ed... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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WWP 16001

The Giant's Skull

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"This product contains two fantasy adventures. The first scenario is designed for four 10-th level characters. The second is for 5th-level Ogres.

Turn the tables on standard fantasy adventures! Not only can the players portray the heroes who muts retrieve a valuable artifact from the brutish ogres living nearby, but a second scenario can unfold where the players take on the parts of the ogres, attempting to punish the human raiders once and for all!"
Notes on This Edition
40 pages.

Zwei ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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WWP 16003

Beyond All Reason



As the winter winds stir, a group of fire giants marches home, having been defeated by the human soldiers of the nearby frontier keep. Though they did not take the castle, there is no feeling of defeat for this war band; taking the castle was not their objective. As the sun rises the following day, soldiers from the keep appear, following the tracks of their rebuked enemies. Instead of attacking the giants, the soldiers surrender, merging their numbers with those they bravely fought against only... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


WWP 16010

Of Sound Mind



In the town of Bellhold, it's not difficult to realize that something is wrong. Everyone is irritable and suffering from nightmares, children are missing, and the local adventuring company has been missing for a week. Yet the headaches are sure to pass, and the mayor is not especially worried.

He should be.

Of Sound Mind flings you into a maelstrom of trouble in which the situation is much, much worse than it first appears. Before your investigation is over, you will be dangling from cliff... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


WWP 16110

Demon God's Fane

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The cultists of the Demon God are out to get you. Track them down and wipe them out in their own lair!

This d20 adventure, a companion to The Book of Eldritch Might, is designed for challenging high-level play rarely supported in other d20 products. It applies in game play the high magic rules -- prestige classes, feats, spells, magic items, and monsters -- from The Book of Eldritch Might.

Monte's previous adventures, including Labyrinth of Madness, Dead Gods, and Return to the Temple of E... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


WWP 8370

The Siege of Durgam's Folly (G1)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Travel to a Distant Outpost Durgams Folly sits at the edge of the kingdom, an embattled outpost against the evil creatures of the wild. You travel with a caravan to that distant fortress, transporting mysterious cargo. But as you approach your destination, something is amiss. A local hamlet is in ruins. Strange creatures patrol the land. Has the famed fortress finally been overthrown?

Battle an Unexpected Foe The Siege of Durgams Folly includes maps of the fortress of Durgams Folly and the ch... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


WWP 8382

Maze of Zayene - Tower Chaos (M3)



A Daring Plot...

The Kingdom's loyal subjects say that the death of King Ovar's queen drove him to madness, causing him to persecute the good citizens and order the mass executions. Whatever the reasons, the people can no longer ignore the fact the King Ovar is a beast incarnate! And as with all mad beasts, he deserves nothing less than death! Four stalwart adventurers are charged with assassinating King Ovar. They must penetrate Tower Chaos and at the right moment strike King Ovar dead!

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

6,00 EUR


WICKed Press


What's That Smell?

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 (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Z-Man Games

ZMG 6075

Tome of Levity

Tome of Levity: Spells
Massive 48 page book filled with funny but
useful spells for most fantasy campaigns.
This huge tome contains such funny and useful send-your-GM-into-fits
spells like Edible Torch, Delayed Atomic Fireball, Become More Invisible,
and Summon Gamemaster to incorporate into any fantasy campaign.

14,00 EUR


Themenbezogener Link



1 x Valus

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(Alle News)

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