Titan is back! And it has brought along a few hundred of its friends!
Titan is a full-out monster slug-a-thon, in which players must be prepared to sacrifice their creatures to cause maximum damage to their opponents. Players take the role of the Titan, and roam the board attempting to recruit bigger and badder monsters to fight for their legions. But just as your own army grows, your opponents themselves will be seeking the clash of battle, and there can be only one true Titan!
This classic game of the Fantasy Monster Slug-a-thon is a standby from the Avalon Hill of yore. The game still has a very devoted following, which is a tribute to the depth of the various strategies and approaches. The game is divided into two realms, the masterboard and the battleboards. On the masterboard, legions of mythical creatures roam about trying to recruit bigger and badder monsters and kill opposing legions in the process. When a combat occurs, the space is 'blown-up' by moving the action to the corresponding battleboard type. After lots of dice are tossed, the victor is returned to the masterboard with the spoils of war: points. The points mean little in and of themselves, but they are used to recruit Angels and Archangels and to augment one small character in the game. That particular character is the leader of the player's legions: the Titan. This is the player's alter-ego, and the Titan's fate and the player's fate are one and the same.
Titan is played on a main gameboard, where armies are recruited, and positions set. When two armies meet, the action transfers to a battleboard, where the opposing forces battle for position and power. Only the strongest monsters will survive, bringing both points and glory to their Titan.
Kurt Miller and Mike Doyle combine their artistic talents for this reprint. Titan takes from 2 to 4 hours to play, and is for 2 to 6 players.
Titan ist ein strategisches Brettspiel für zwei bis sechs Personen. Jeder Spieler befehligt eine Armee von Fantasy-Kreaturen (Trolle, Oger, Zentauren, Zyklopen, Drachen etc.), die jeweils von einem Titan angeführt werden. Das Spielziel ist es, die Titanen der anderen Spieler zu schlagen.
Jede Kreatur kann in bestimmten Landschaften weitere Kreaturen ihrer eigenen Art anwerben. Wenn eine Legion auf die Legion eines anderen Spielers trifft, kommt es zum Kampf. Diese Kämpfe werden auf kleinen taktischen Karten ("Battlelands") ausgetragen, die für jede Landschaft unterschiedlich sind. Für geschlagene gegnerische Figuren gibt es Punkte, die den eigenen Titan stärker machen. Dadurch ist ein Anreiz gegeben, Risiken einzugehen und selbst Kämpfe zu initiieren. Ein wesentliches Element des Spiels ist die geschickte Bewegung, sowie die Abwägung zwischen Aufbau und Kampf. |