Are you ready for some baseball?
Pizza Box Baseball puts you and your opponent on the mound and at the plate. It's a game-long showdown. The pitcher must figure out the best way to approach the hitter. Try to get ahead using balls or strikes? The hitter must decide whether to be aggressive or patient. Attack and swing? Or stay away from pitches outside the strike zone? Both players try to work each at-bat to their advantage.
Players use one card per at-bat. A result card reveals the action, and play continues. Players track the action using the game board or using the score pad. Score more runs by the end of the game to win.
Four strategy levels allow players to add stealing, bunting, pitchouts, different hitter strengths, pitchers that get tired, and more!
Players can complete a full game of baseball in an hour or less (20-30 minutes at the most basic game level). Real baseball drama offers a baseball experience any fan can enjoy. Play ball!
Pizza Box Baseball plays out the battle between the pitcher and the hitter, called an at-bat.
The hitter tries to get on base, and the pitcher tries to get the hitter out.
The pitcher may choose only one strategy card per at-bat. The pitcher has 2 main strategies to try to get the hitter out, which are color-coded:
- The pitcher uses the white (BALL) strategy to get the hitter out by throwing pitches outside the strike zone.
- The pitcher uses the black (STRIKE) strategy to get the hitter out by throwing pitches inside the strike zone.
On average, the pitcher's black (STRIKE) cards get hitters out more often than white (BALL) cards. The pitcher usually begins an inning with more white cards than black cards.
The hitter also chooses one strategy per at-bat. The hitter has 2 main (color-coded) strategies to try to get on base:
- The hitter uses the white (TAKE) strategy to get an advantage against the pitcher's white (BALL) strategy. The hitter tries to gain the advantage by waiting patiently during the at-bat for a good pitch to hit.
- The hitter uses the black (SWING) strategy to get the best results against the pitcher's black (STRIKE) strategy. The hitter swings aggressively at pitches to keep from falling behind against strikes.
The hitter can get hits with both the white (TAKE) and the black (SWING) strategies, but it is very rare to get a walk using the black strategy.
Players each select a strategy card, compare colors, and then draw a result card from the appropriate result deck.
Reading Result Cards
There are 3 result card formats (shown below). Some cards are split. In A-Ball, players only read the white section of the card. Shaded sections are used in other game levels. |