StoryTellers is a storytelling game for 3 to 5 players, Ages 10 and up
Setup of the game is very quick. Every player gets a Hat Card, 5 (random) Craft Cards, and 3 Bravo Chips. The Heckle Cards are placed in the middle of the playing area, and the StoryTimer is handed to the player who is going first.
The game starts with the first player reading aloud one of the 53 included storylines. There are three phases to play:
Phase I: StoryTelling
The player holding the StoryTimer creates (speaking out loud) the next part of the story (typically a sentence or two). Play moves around the table, with each player creating and speaking a new addition to the story. During this time, if a StoryTeller uses one of the elements on your Craft cards, you place it next to your Hat Card. Bravo Chips can also be tossed to StoryTellers who do a particularly good job.
Phase II: Discussion
Anyone who played a Craft Card points it out to the others. If no one object, it goes on to that player's Hat Card and will be a point at the end of the game.
Phase III: Recitation
The player holding the StoryTimer gives a Recitation of the story so far. Other players can toss Bravo Chips for a Recitation well done. The StoryTimer is passed to the left, everyone draws back up to 5 Craft Cards, and we go back to Phase I.
At the end of the game, players vote to assign awards (most creative, most hilarious, most surprising, most dramatic). These go into the recipients' hats.
The winner is the player with the most points in his or her hat.
A couple notes about the cards are in order. Craft Cards contain elements of the StoryTellers Craft, which means that players score points by either using or recognizing good storytelling. There are also Heckle Cards which are common to everyone and can be tossed to stop things from getting out of hand. |