Justicar is a role-playing game about romanticized courtroom drama, intrigue, and comedy inspired by the likes of Phoenix Wright and My Cousin Vinny. Players each embody a unique key Role as they collaboratively tell the story of a crime and its mysteries.
As a game without a traditional "game master" role, everyone shares authorship over the story and its twists and turns as they learn the truth of the crime they've crafted together.
Whether you're a fan of dramatic procedurals, twisting conspiracy stories, or comedic underdog journeys it'll give you exactly what you're looking for.
Catch Justicar in action and on podcasts!
Plus One XP's 2-part Actual Play
Draw Your Dice interview with Nevyn.
Nevyn's interview on Coffee Break.
Setup with Nevyn and Jeff on Party of One.
Craft a mystery with your friends; tie facets of a crime together with hints of truth!
Fill the shoes of the Judge, the Stand, the Prosecution, and the Defense as you explore the case in unique ways!
Tell a courtroom intrigue story like no other!
Game length is 2-3 hours |