From 1 to 4 players start as proto-dinosaurs or proto-mammals, starting in the post-holocaust world of the Permian catastrophe. Animals are tracked by dentition, size, aggressiveness, swiftness, browsing, grazing, burrowing, swimming, behavior, and insect-eating. Plants and animals that have gone extinct are collected in an area on the map called the tarpits. These tiles are distributed among the most populous players as victory points during four scoring rounds.
Players cope with intense competition and environmental changes by starting new species and mutating them. Create bizarre chimeras, from vegetarian velociraptors to flying dolphins. Establish subterranean civilizations, tame fire, or just be super-sexy.
Comes with 128 laser-cut wooden animals, mounted map, 108 mutation cards, 126 tiles, rules, and 18 gene chips.
This game is a re-working of American Megafauna. |