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272580253 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteProduktlinienIndependent and Exotic RPGs

Independent and Exotic RPGs

Small one shots and other independently published RPGs.


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Fantasy Encounter)


3EG 4007

PIP-System: A Kids Guide to Monster Hunting

Kids are often more aware than any adult of the monsters that go bump in the night. They can sense things coming before they arrive, and some kids run and hide from the dark creatures in hopes of staying safe. Then there are other kids who rail against the monsters who would take over the world. Enter A Kid's Guide to Monster Hunting, a game where players take the role of kids fighting the evil forces of vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and anything else seeking to do nasty things to the world. Sam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

Bully Pulpit Games

BPG 025

The Warren RPG

The Warren is a tabletop role-playing game about intelligent rabbits trying to make the best of a world filled with hazards, predators and, worst of all, other rabbits. It is a game about survival and community.

There are many creatures, humans included, that are bigger, stronger, meaner, or more numerous than rabbits. The seasons and the elements do not care that rabbits are only little things. Rabbits cannot hope to meet these threats head on. Only through speed, wits, and keeping a cool he... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


BPG 030

The Skeletons RPG

Years fly by like dead leaves. Everything is darkness. Everything is silence. You stand vigilant before the sarcophagus without thought or breath-such is your compulsion. You do not remember your name and still you watch. The flesh has fallen off your bones and still you watch.

And then one day there is light and motion and you weigh your bearded axe and raise your shield, lusting for the fray, eager to measure your skill against these tomb-robbing children so full of blood. You’ll never be... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


BPG 063

Cowboys with Big Hearts RPG

Cowboys With Big Hearts is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-6 players and about 2-3 hours about the myth of the west, and in true spaghetti western fashion there will be sun-bleached suffering and stroboscopic carnage.

But there's a twist— instead of a playing tough, competent character, you play a chuckaboo on death's doorstep. This will be their last ride, no matter what, and all you can hope for is to make it count. The stakes are high and justice calls—do they have what it takes to r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


Couple of Drakes


Court of Blades (SC)

Court of Blades takes place in the vibrant, fantasy renaissance city-state of Ilrien, in a world populated by scheming nobles, court magicians, and dashing duelists. As a noble retainer, you will engage in the polite civil warfare of the great families. You will host lavish balls, and manipulate the courts, uncover the plots of your rivals, protect the city from arcane dangers, manage your own intrigues and personal scandals, leverage your reputations, connections, and so much more.

Inspired ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


D351 Designs

D351 FP01

Foreplay: An Erotic Storytelling Game

Hot Seller


She slips her tongue down and around as your knees buckle. He pulls your hips gently, moaning softly. Their arms are wrapped around you as lips tremble against your neck. With either a gentle caress or a rough thrust, you can only imagine how this night might end. And it’s your turn.

Foreplay: An Erotic Storytelling Game is an erotically themed and sensually played role-playing game for two or more players. With multiple levels of game complexity and a variety of play modes, you are sure to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


DIceless Hero Games

DHG 0001

Mythos World

Cosmic Horror Powered by the Apocalypse!

The universe is more terrifying than mankind can possibly imagine, but you've seen things, you know things, and you've begun to understand. Can you find a way to stop the evil always lurking in the shadows, waiting to enslave or destroy the human race? Can you survive with your sanity intact?

Mythos World is a roleplaying game of cosmic horror using the Apocalypse World engine. Players investigate bizarre events in a classic 1920s setting inspired b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Dinoberry Press



Justicar is a role-playing game about romanticized courtroom drama, intrigue, and comedy inspired by the likes of Phoenix Wright and My Cousin Vinny. Players each embody a unique key Role as they collaboratively tell the story of a crime and its mysteries.

As a game without a traditional "game master" role, everyone shares authorship over the story and its twists and turns as they learn the truth of the crime they've crafted together.

Whether you're a fan of dramatic procedurals, twisting ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


DMDave Publishing

DMD 50001

Horror RPG

Descend into the depths of darkness with our Horror RPG, powered by the chilling and immersive Year Zero Engine. In this haunting journey, you will face your deepest fears and confront twisted nightmares that will shake you to your core. Prepare to confront supernatural terrors and sinister beings that lurk in the shadows, waiting to claim their next victim. Our immersive ruleset and bone-chilling mechanics will transport you to the edge of madness, where every decision you make could mean the d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


Dragon Tree Press

DTP 81-002

The Handbook of Traps and Tricks (1981)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A generic handbook of traps similar to the more well known Grimtooth's Traps. This handbook was designed as a "playing aid for all dungeon fantasy adventure games."

The book contains about 100 traps and several support tables for various effects produced. The pages have a desktop publishing quality to them.

44,00 EUR


Drunk and Ugly Games LLC.


Gobblin' RPG (HC)

Gobblin’ is an original RPG setting and system where players control goblins settling and exploring a post-apocalyptic Earth. The creatures who crave violence, stupidity and chaos have just found the perfect means to obtain it.

Everyone knows about goblins. They’re violent and stupid little green guys who with just enough brain cells to know what they’re doing and black enough hearts not to care. They live in fantastic worlds where wizards battle dragons, kingdoms rise and fall, and arm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


Epic Levels Games

ELG 0001

Dungeon Cats RPG

Rules fluffy TTRPG about Cats in Dungeons

Delve into lush carpeted dungeons and seek to vanquish giant rats, demonic dog spawn and the half full food bowl.
Fight with claws, purrs and amazing advanced reflexes for the treasures contained within. Should you push forward?
The answer is always yes. Forward to adventure! Forward to unknown treasure!

Unless you only have a few lives left. If that happens let's all just go home and take a nap.

Dungeon Cats is a rules light tabletop rolepl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR



GMN 00001

Party First

Attention Comrades! Be advised this area is now part of the Exclusion Zone. Please gather your belongings and documents and depart immediately. Report unusual activity at once. There is no cause for alarm. Party Officials have everything under control.

Welcome to the TWILIGHT WORLD, a place like and yet unlike our own. This world's history is a darkened fun house mirror of our own. Here, the monsters are real.

Set in the Twilight World's 1980s, players of Party First explore this darkened ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Genesis of Legend

GOL 00015

After the War RPG (HC)

z.Zt. vergriffen


It’s been ten years since the war. The Song was our enemy, a memetic virus which indoctrinated its victims into the Great Choir. The Song spread like a galactic cancer and overran the defenses of our multi-species Galactic Union. The Earth was scorched, Martian domes cracked, and the Belt was broken.

Millions of survivors fled our ruined homeworlds on the Exodus Fleet. We developed a terrible memetic weapon to strike back at the Great Choir. Now the song is dormant and we have a chance to r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

Glittercats Fine Amusements

GCFA 0003

Laser Kittens RPG

Welcome to the Knoll Street School for Wayward Kittens! The Knoll Street School for Wayward Kittens is a big house where orphaned kittens are fostered until they are big enough to be adopted by their forever homes. To the humans, KSSWK is just an ordinary home where they take in kittens who need some love – but to the kittens, it's like a school where you learn to be a real cat. As a student at KSSWK, you'll go on exciting kitty adventures and learn important lessons about how to grow up into ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



GCFA 005

Laser Kittens: More Kittens

Return to the world of Laser Kittens with all-new scenarios like kittens in space, kittens in ancient Egypt, or kittens investigating mysteries with the world's greatest detective. Or go beyond kittens to play as baby dragons, monsters under the bed, or animals that eat garbage in a selection of clever hacks of the Laser Kittens system. Then get ready to check the polls, film some attack ads, and meow your way through the big debate in the standalone game Mayor Cat!

This game requires the Las... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Glowing Roots Press

GRP 0001

Candlelight RPG

Candlelight is a role playing game about the restless spirits of treasure hunters reckoning with their dark past and seeking hope in a haunted forest that wants to trap them there. It is a one-shot, rules-light game, focusing on collaborative and thematic storytelling and is designed to be flexible in how you bring it to the table:

An epilogue for any fantasy game following character death - especially a TPK!
A world-building prologue for any game needing a haunted forest or other cursed pla... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


GRP 0002


TOKEN is a game about a hero and monster circling each other in a haunted forest, offering gifts and signs of their intent—the story ends when they meet and face one another at last.
This one-shot, GM-less duet game is inspired by dark fairytales and folklore. “Token” refers to symbolic objects or gestures that express what words cannot—offerings, gifts, or promises of something more. Play as the Seeker, a failed hero with a haunted past, or the Dweller, once a human, now stalking the f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Hectic Electron


Raccoon Sky Pirates RPG

Raccoon Sky Pirates is a narrative, GM-less role-playing game for 3 to 6 players that takes about three hours to play. Take to the skies, loot a suburban home of all the trash you can carry, and try to keep your ship from exploding.

You and your friends play raccoons: chittering, baggy-pants, ring-tailed burglars. One day in the junkyard, after inventing an improbable antigravity device, you hatch a scheme to build a ship out of trash and fly to the suburbs in search of better trash. There, y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR




Thousand Year Old Vampire (HC)

Hot Seller


The second printing of Thousand Year Old Vampire has arrived.

A solo roleplaying game about the remorseless crush of memory over millennia. And vampires.

A creaking hunter among dust and cobwebs, you prowl the night places, seeking the souls on which you feed. You have done this since time immemorial, or so you believe; you have no memories of living as a man-thing like those you catch and eat. But human traces linger; your fingers trace clever arabesques in the dirt of your grave-place an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


Indie Press Revolution


Haunted West RPG

Hot Seller


"If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will."
—Frederick Douglas... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR



Mutants in the Now RPG (Revised) (HC)

Hot Seller


In the ‘80s and ‘90s, they ruled the streets, kick-flipping off of villainous faces and slipping into the shadows. Then, they vanished from the world of tabletop gaming.

But they’re back. And ready to KICK BUTT.

Mutants in the Now is a retromodern retake on the mutant animal role-playing games long past and left behind by licensing. Mutants fight to survive, thrive, and make the world better for themselves and humanity.

With well over a hundred species of animals, few mutants will... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


Inexorable Media

IXM 0001

Magimundi Compendium of Creatures

This unique, full-color book is an illustrated guide to the cryptids & magical creatures of North America.
Now you can bring in folklore creatures and magical chimera to any tabletop game, with this system agnostic bestiary that is full of amazing flavor text to add detail and drama plus facts for each cryptid and creature, including biology, diet, habitat, magical uses, and defenses.
Beautiful faux leather and gold leaf embossed cover, heavy glossy pages with full-body, full-page, full-colo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

42,00 EUR


IXM 0003

Magimundi Bestiary for 5th Edition (SC)

2020 Ennie Award Nominated Best Adversary / Monster Book!

Enhance your game and surprise your adventuring party with never-before-seen fantasy beasts! Encounter new companions or familiars, new ingredients to harvest, beasts to battle, creatures to encounter, and treasure to find.
From ancient and wise solitary creatures to hordes of vermin, from the truly terrifying to strange and unusual, it's all here in the Magimundi Bestiary for the 5th edition of the world's greatest roleplaying game... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Modiphius Entertainment Ltd


The Breach

In 1943, the Ministry of Culture and Science of The Enlightened Confederacy initiated an experiment to test Möbius-Higgs' theory of Space-Time Flows. However, something went terribly wrong: an explosion occurred in one of the laboratory's particle accelerators, creating a portal between our world and countless other dimensions known as the Breach.

THE BREACH is an intense sci-fi and horror game, set in a dystopian retro-future, that unfolds at a relentless pace.

Drawing inspiration from t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Ninth Level Games

9LG 1717

Scurvy Buggers RPG

Scurvy Buggers is a found family RPG. Scurvy Buggers is an easy-to-learn roleplaying game
where you play as a crew of pirates finding family on the high seas. Inspired by the Golden Age of Piracy,
Scurvy Buggers begins with defining your unique flag — a banner that represents your most driving principle,
the thing that drives you to piracy. The game encourages "Troupe Style Play"
- where each player takes on the roles of various pyrates, and sharing characters across players
- as wel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Old School Essentials


Filling in the Blanks (Hardcover)

Filling in the Blanks is a guide to populating hexes with lairs and features to use in fantasy role-playing games. While written specifically for Necrotic Gnome's Old School Essentials it is compatible with virtually all OSR-style games, and can be used with more modern versions of the game with little effort.

It provides tables for randomly generating the number and type of lairs and features that can be found while exploring the wilderness and guidance on how to craft the results into coher... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR



A Guide to Thieves Guilds (Hardcover)

This 43-page book provides an abstract system for running thieves' guilds in any OSR-style game. While written for Old School Essentials, the system contained is easily adapted to other rulesets. It provides guidelines for establishing and recruiting for a guild, generating revenue, and resolving conflicts with rival Guilds, with a focus on higher-level play for thief and assassin characters.

40,00 EUR



Into the Wild (Hardcover)

Into the Wild is written for Old School Essentials but can be easily adapted for use with any OSR-style game. It combines and expands on six books by Third Kingdom Games: Classing up the Joint, Domain Building, Hexcrawl Basics, Random Weather Generation, OSR Expanded Classes, and Wealth by NPC level.

Designed to be used alone or as a companion book to Filling in the Blanks and a Guide to Thieves' Guilds, Into the Wild provides guidance for high level play. From exploring the wilderness to fou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR




The Pallid Fields

This is the revised and expanded second edition of the Pallid Fields -- A mini-hexcrawl in Faery. It has been expanded to add material from the Old School Essentials Advanced book, and has more maps, encounters, and guidelines for exploring in Faery.

This book looks at a four-hex domain in the Winter Court of Faery, ruled by Neluthien, the Pallescent Duke, and includes rules for creating fey creatures, knights, and nobles.

20,00 EUR


Pandemion Games

PDG 008

The Jester Kings Dance RPG

The jester king is a malignant fool.
A careless mistake wrought upon the world.

In hell they were given the title of Jester King for the entertainment they provided the demons as their corporeal form danced upon the material plane wreaking havoc with every thoughtless decision.

And now they awake here
Forgotten of themself
But a celebrity.

But the entertainment must not stop.

One last dance, as hell watches the jester king stumble to remember their deeds and perhaps, after an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Pelgrane Press


Suburban Consumption of the Monstrous

Uncover the secrets that teem beneath the surface of your happy home...

Suburban Consumption of the Monstrous is an anthology of American freeform live action horror roleplaying games written by game designer Banana Chan and designer and illustrator Sadia Bies, using themes of food and consumption to explore horror in suburban environments.

Discover what lurks in the shadows, growing and festering...

Featuring solo games as well as larps for up to and more than four players, the tone of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Plane Sailing Games


A Cool and Lonely Courage RPG

Bitte vorbestellen


Ennie Award 2020 nominee for Best Game

It is the Second World War. France has fallen to the Nazis and Churchill needs to disrupt Hitler's war machine. The Special Operations Executive (SOE) recruits women as well as men for combat operations. It was extraordinarily dangerous. One third of these women who worked in occupied France were captured and killed.

This is an immersive table top story game for 2-5 players, without a GM. A game session can take from 2-4 hours to play. All you need is... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 36,00 EUR



Love & Barbed Wire RPG

Hot Seller


It is the Great War. Letters flow back and forth between the soldiers in the trenches and their loved ones back home. Letters of encouragement, passion, fear, and hope. And sometimes letters of tragedy.

This is an immersive table top story game for 2 players. A game session typically takes 1 hour to play. All you need is a pack of playing cards, some paper and pens, and this short rulebook. You don’t need any historical knowledge to play— the rulebook is filled with real-life examples tha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


Plotbunny Games

PBG 0001

Viva la QueerBar RPG/RS

A slice-of-life narrative game about a queer bar (or queer café) and the team that runs it.

Viva la QueerBar is a slice-of-life narrative game about a queer bar (or queer café) and the team that runs it. It is a game about the joys and struggles of being part of a queer community.

Whether it's a medieval fantasy tavern, a cyberpunk underground club, a real-world queer bar in a historic setting, an intergalactic queer bar on a spaceship, or whatever else you can think of, the QueerBar liv... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


Pocket Compass


Crescent Moon RPG

Bitte vorbestellen


Go on a strange journey into the patchwork world of the daydream in Crescent Moon ?, a feelings-delving role-playing game of brave children and bold adventures.

Rules for crafting your own whimsical tale full of breathtaking landscapes and unlikely friends await inside. Delve in to uncover stories of daring deeds and fantastical creatures—of calm afternoon naps and of promises whispered under starlight.

Will you find a way to travel out of the daydream?

What dangers will your shadows ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 38,00 EUR


Protagonist Industries

PTI 1001

Home by Dark

A small band of kids and a friendly little robot with a dangerous secret. A girl hears a young boy’s voice on the radio asking for help and convinces her teacher to assist in tracking him down. The players of the school soccer team find an oversized egg during practice and hide it behind the bleachers, where it starts to hatch.

Home by Dark is a story game inspired by films and series like E.T., The Goonies, and Stranger Things. You and your friends play as hopeful misfits whose lives are c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


R.Rook Studio


Sherwood - A Game of Outlaws & Arcana

You might have come for justice. You might have come for glory. Maybe you want revenge. Maybe you just have nowhere else to go.

Sherwood is a game of outlaws and arcana. Inspired by modern Robin Hood fantasy stories, the Robin of Sherwood television series, and medieval outlaw ballads and romances, Sherwood is set in a fantastical version of 13th Century England. Pick up digital copies here (or on DriveThruRPG). Physical copies are available at Spear Witch, Indie Press Revolution, and The T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


Roll 4 Tarrasque

R4T 01

Brave Zenith RPG

Welcome to Brave Zenith!

Brave Zenith is a post-fantasy tabletop RPG, set in a world inspired by Brazilian culture and long summer nights playing JRPGs on a pirated PS1. With a set of simple interpretative rules, that focus on player creativity and imagination, explore the ruined world of pastpresent, meet colourful (and deadly) creatures, see the sights of the Second City, partake in delicious Monkey Oil and become an adventurer:

Ambitious, indebted, BRAVE.


Simple resolut... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Self Published

EFP 0217

Lost Roads RPG

Humans, once rich with magic, technology, and resources, exploited nature to collapse. Barren and twisted landscapes are the norm, with pockets of civilization connected by defunct, reclaimed pathways.
Lost Roads is a journey role-playing game set in an alternate fantasy world. Players become Tarnished characters, traveling the Lost Roads to find a home. Wield the magic of nature, bear the scars of survival, carry the fire of shared humanity, and risk betrayal from those you have no choice but ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


EFP 0595

Liminal Horror RPG

Navigate a modern world full of terrible and unknowable things that hide in the spaces between, looking for a way in.

Liminal Horror is a classless, rules lite system that eschews leveling for high lethality and narrative growth. Players act as investigators navigating a modern world full of terrible and unknowable things that hide in the spaces between, looking for a way in.

Developed as a modern cosmic horror hack of Yochai Gal's Cairn (inspired by Into the Odd & Knave), it adds a Stre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR



Down with the Beargeosie RPG (Reprint)

Hot Seller


Down With The Beargeoisie is a D6 game inspired by the likes of Honey Heist and Owlbear.

In the game, you play a Prolebeariat who has grown tired of being oppressed by your Beargeoisie overlords
and you have decided to take action. Armed with a secret weapon, your skills as a Prole and Bear
and some demands, you must storm their stronghold and overthrow them.

But, unbeknownst to you, some twists and challenges await you...

14,00 EUR


EXG 0004

Wretched & Alone: Final Girl RPG

Your camping trip with friends turned into a nightmare. There’s a killer in the woods, and all your friends are dead. It’s just you now – you and one other survivor.
Will the cops find you, or will you face down a killer and win? Will the killer get you, or will the injury you picked up in your escape finish you off before the murderer does?
Are you tough enough, skilled enough, and determined to be the Final Girl?


14,00 EUR


GGM 0048

Flabbergasted RPG

Flabbergasted is a comedic tabletop roleplaying game set in the Roaring ‘20s!
Comedic scenarios and light-hearted adventures are at the heart of Flabbergasted, drawing inspiration from the likes of Jeeves and Wooster and Fawlty Towers.

Set in the turn of the 20th century, you'll take on the role of either an affable Aristocrat, an entrepreneurial Well-To-Do, an idealistic Bohemian, or one of the every ready and steadfast Staff.

Together you and your friends will join an up-and-coming So... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR



Valiant RPG

Valiant Quest is a combat-oriented roleplaying game of high adventure and peril. The players take on the role of one or more adventurers and embark upon dangerous quests to obtain gold and build their legends.

Valiant Quest has a deep, strategic combat system filled with tension and drama. The game is deeply concerned with spacing and best played with miniatures and a grid.

A challenging mixture of roleplaying game and wargame, even basic encounters in Valiant Quest will often put you in p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


SGPE 0001

Abyss - Supernatural Roleplay

In a world much like ours, the mundane and the supernatural live side-by-side. Ordinary humans can be easy prey for otherworldly forces... while others know only enough to hate all that they don't understand. You could even be an otherworldly entity yourself, with powers both remarkable and terrifying. Our heroes must work together to make a world of peace ... and to make peace within themselves, for evil forces are always there to offer dark temptations of magic, power, and destruction.

A se... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



The Storymaster's Tales "Towers"

Enter a wonderful 18th Century twisted fairytale fantasy.

Includes40 Narrated Soundscapes to make it even more theatrical and exciting!

The StoryMaster's Tales has been created to be a quick, easy and fun way of experiencing role-playing without the problem of learning lots of rules or owning numerous books and miniatures. The emphasis is on adventure and storytelling.

Anyone can play, Kids, Adults, Teens, and anyone can be the StoryMaster, as long as they can read aloud and have an hou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


WRKS 1000

Jordenheim RPG

Bitte vorbestellen


Inside these pages you will discover a Viking-themed universe of myth and magic. Create compelling characters in this detailed yet easy-to-play original tabletop RPG and explore the world featured in the fantasy RPG video game Blood Bond: Into the Shroud from W.R.K.S Games. The Vikings of Jordenheim have coexisted with the creatures of the magical realm of The Shroud for a thousand years. Now, the new religion of Khristianity threatens the supremacy of the Elder Gods. Within this standalone refe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 58,00 EUR


WRKS 2000

Katana-Ra RPG Core Rulebook (HC)

Hot Seller


Katana-Ra is a new and unique RPG that brings cyberpunk and the ancient Japanese world together in an amazing experience you won’t find anywhere else.
Inspired by feudal Japan, Kanata-Ra is ruled by clans and factions, split by their differences over classic beliefs and futuristic technology.
In Katana-Ra, you can explore a rich and detailed world where anything is possible.
Customize your samurai with powerful augmentations, choose your allies from among the many factions vying for cont... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR



EFP 0001

Liminal Horror RPG - Trapped in an endless I-Kräla Reprint

 (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


EFP 0007

Liminal Horror RPG - Tunnels in White

Old money siphoning new money from every corner of your city. An aging mansion, quiet and worn. An old corporation shifting its gaze from development to development, always hungry, always growing.
A warehouse bearing the name Singleton Solutions, small and unassuming in one of a hundred industrial parks like any other, takes in truckload after truckload but never sends anything out. It's the same for the people. Sometimes, they arrive in towncars, other times in shuttle vans. None come out. Eve... (vollständige Beschreibung)

16,00 EUR


EFP 0935

Liminal Horror RPG - The Mall

What is The Mall?
The Mall is a wet, gooey, practical effects filled TTRPG adventure set in a 199x mall pulled out of time and space. The mall's denizens are trapped inside with a creature not bound by any one form. It slithers among them now, preparing to assimilate and imitate its victims until no one is left and it can open a rift between its home dimension...AND EARTH!

The Mall is an official adventure module for Liminal Horror (3 stat roll under, fail forward TTRPG hack of Cairn) by Gob... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


EFP 0936

Liminal Horror RPG - The Bureau

The safeguards have failed...
Red emergency lights flash as you stand in the lobby of the Bureau.

The Monolith crumbles at the hands of a catastrophic incursion.

Reality itself is at stake.

There for different reasons, your group is now the only hope of stopping the encroachment of the Shadow.


The Bureau is a dungeon crawl for Liminal Horror (also available from Exalted Funeral). Journey into the bowels of the Monolith, the labyrinthine headquarters of a gover... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



Liminal Horror RPG - The Chair

Explore THE HOUSE and destroy THE CHAIR and try to survive.

In the blackest part of the woods is a clearing with a small, decrepit house to which no roads lead. Legends speak of a possessed throne dwelling within which traps the curious through means of seduction and circumstance. Light seen emanating from the attic window and an unlocked door invite Investigators inside. Can you uncover the power of Hermetic Devices? Or will you become the plaything of furniture?

About The Chair:
The C... (vollständige Beschreibung)

10,00 EUR


Shoreless Skies Publishing

SSP 0012

The Broken Cask RPG: A Solitaire Innkeeping Game

z.Zt. vergriffen


The Broken Cask is a solitaire innkeeping roleplaying game. Well what, in the name of the Leaky Cauldron, does all that mean?
It means your dining room table covered in papers and charts; it’s slinging dice to find out what happens next; it’s hoping that slowcoach cook of yours can get the next meal out in time for a hefty tip and wondering who will come through the door next.

You play it with paper and pencil and at least one six-sided die.

It may inspire you to imaginative feats and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

SSP 0013

The Broken Cask Society RPG

Journey and Feast among the great inns of the world in this RPG for 1-3 players

They say there was time, tens upon tens of years ago, that a good pub was as hard to find as a friendly dragon. It took a brave Society of the most intrepid imbibers and fearsome feasters to journey here and there, heralding a new age of fresh food and cheap drink and no last call before midnight!

They are the few, the proud, the Broken Cask Society.

Tens upon tens of years ago, they the world was polluted ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Stillfleet Studio

SFS 30110

Danse Macabre Prima Mors RPG Quickstart

In Danse Macabre by Christopher Pickett and the Stillfleet Studio, you play a Pilgrim, a conscripted peasant,
sentenced to traverse the wilderness in pursuit of quintessence—the sole remedy against the curse of undeath.
Because in the twilight of the 14th century, death is no longer final: those who die are miraculously and
terribly revived, each time with new maleficia—mutations of both the spirit and the flesh.

Your journey unfolds alongside a caravan of fellow exiles, united in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Summoning Circle
Magazine & Bücher

SUC 0050

Skill Points (Zine)

Skill Points is a zine focused on learning skills by playing role-playing games. It includes contributions from seven game designers, each of whom takes a different approach to the theme. This holistic approach includes RPG content to use at the table, advice on how RPGs can help to develop new skills, and reports from designers who have used RPGs as a teaching method.

What's Inside
An editorial by Daniel Kwan on his experience running a program that uses D&D to teach students at the Royal O... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR


Superhero Necromancer Press

SHN 0121

Flott's Miscellany Volume One Pamphlet Edition Reprint

I am Thaddeus Flott, alchemist and operatic tenor, and this is my town. By now you may have seen the good Master Hardebard's so called "Visitor's Guide" to our great city. It is a fine work, for what it is, but it represents rather poorly the wonder that I see in every detail of our home.

So I have put together for you this miscellany. Learn it well, as I have, and you may one day earn a reputation as one of the more charming boors at any middling class social engagement!

FLOTT’S MISCELL... (vollständige Beschreibung)

14,00 EUR


Wet Ink Games

WIG 0504

Into the Cess & Citadel

Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Roads beyond counting and buildings that block the very sun. A city that stretches without measure and whose secrets are without number...

A sprawling metropolis, built on the bones of cities long forgotten, it is as every bit as colorful and chaotic as it is deadly and unforgiving. It is ruled from the glistening Spires above; The Nobles, demigods of flesh made gold, who's tyrannical whims ebb and flow like bloody tides across the city. Yet, as tall as the city towers above, so too does it d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


WIG 0504SE

Into the Cess & Citadel 'Special Edition'

Sammlerstück / Rarität! Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


Roads beyond counting and buildings that block the very sun. A city that stretches without measure and whose secrets are without number...

A sprawling metropolis, built on the bones of cities long forgotten, it is as every bit as colorful and chaotic as it is deadly and unforgiving. It is ruled from the glistening Spires above; The Nobles, demigods of flesh made gold, who’s tyrannical whims ebb and flow like bloody tides across the city. Yet, as tall as the city towers above, so too does i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR



1 x Party First

S: 14,00 EUR

> Zur Kasse


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