273569208 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003 |
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Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Auf der Rückseite oben links ist die Schachtel etwas eingerissen (reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!
Slight damage to the box - The box is slightly torn on the back top left (repairable)
Contents in perfect condition! - still shrink-wrapped!
Lockdown is a new standalone episode in the ongoing saga that started with The Captain Is Dead. This time, our intrepid crew find themselves prisoners on their own ship. Hostile aliens have taken control, and the crew must work together and remain hidden while attempting to regain control of the ship.
You don't need The Captain Is Dead base game to play Lockdown, which is a 1-7 player co-op game. Lockdown first appeared as "Episode 3" of the game when released by The Game Crafter, while Alderac Entertainment Group will release this expansion as "Episode 2". |
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