272520190 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003 |
White Dog Games
(auf das Logo klicken, um zur Firmen-Website zu gelangen)
We are a small, I-guess-you-could-say "independent" (not sure what that really means) board game company. Our main goal is to have fun developing games on topics we enjoy.
​We publish games in boxed, folio, print-and-play and computer formats. Everyone knows what a boxed game is. You know, the traditional kind found in stores. A folio game is similar but without the box and is a little less expensive to make. Print and-play games are downloaded, printed off at home, and assembled by the player. Our computer games have the look and feel (hopefully) of a cardboad game and most have a computer opponent.
​We use a "print on demand" business model. This means that when you send us a few bucks to pay the printer and compensate our great artists a tiny amount for their talent and time, we send your order to the printer and he prints the game off and ships it to you. Speaking of talent, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to White Dog Games. I would try to list everyone but I'm sure I'd leave someone out.
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