272522057 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003 |
Flying Pig Games
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Founded by Mark H. Walker, Flying Pig Games(FPP) is a game and magazine publisher focused on, but not limited to, the publication of board games and magazines. Our predominant game publication genres are war and strategy games, including historical and non-historical (science fiction and fantasy) war games as well as strategy games, some of which involve conflict and others that don’t. Additionally FPP will publish a line of gaming magazines, the first of which, Yaah!, debuts in January 2015.
To become a significant, yet also significantly different, game company. A company without boundaries, a company who publishes games and magazines that meet only one criteria… they are fun. Not to be bound by what the game industry has done before, but to neither criticize it. Fun, without drama.
Mission Statement:
Create beautiful, high-quality, exciting games and magazines focusing on war and strategy gaming, but not bound by it. To value each and every customer, and remove the irritants they often encounter when dealing with game companies.
Transparency, honesty, and enthusiasm.
Yaah! magazine is a new kind of periodical. An independent digest that covers all types of war and strategy games, regardless of their publisher.
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