Tales from the Floating Vagabond is a comedy game about a bar called¸ unsurprisingly¸ the Floating Vagabond. A bar that just happens to be at the center of the universe. (Well¸ one universe¸ anyway.) A bar that has a W.A.R.P.¸ Inc. Random Dimensional Portal Generator built into its revolving door¸ bringing in unsuspecting patrons from all across the space-time continuum who thought they were just walking into the neighborhood pub.
As in many multigenre games¸ TF2V adventures can take place in any twisted setting and deal with any unlikely plot the gamemaster - in this case referred to as the Bartender - can dream up. Unlike many such games¸ not even common sense need get in the way of a good story. Adversaries range from rival bar owner Solomon Crane and his humanoid rhino bartender¸ Crudd¸ to the intergalactic naughtiness of Hans Gelber¸ leader of the (da-da-da-dum!) Space Nazis. Then¸ of course¸ there are the Swamp Beasties and the B.E.M.s (Bug Eyed Monsters)...
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AVH 9001 |
Bar Wars
Sammlerstück / Rarität
Super Heroes! Cyborgs! Pirates! Sentient Mildew! Republicans! This one has it all!
It all started one night at The Floating Vagabond (don't they all?) when someone threatens to blow up the bar. If the patrons want to save the only drinking establishment that extends them a line of credit, they must embark on a whirlwind tour of devastation, trickery, and bad jokes. Add to this mixture Captain Carnage and Ms. Missile (a pair of well-meaning but inept super heroes), a band of ruthless but fashi... (vollständige Beschreibung)
40,00 EUR
AVH 9005 |
Weirder Tales... A Space Opera
Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)
Weirder Tales ...a Space Opera, the hermetically sealed adventure supplement for Tales form the Floating Vagabond, contains the following air-tight accessories:
Rules for running science fiction and space opera adventures
The three 'R's, Vagabond style; Rules, Robots, and Rocketships
Dangerous Dogfighting, a card-based combat system for rocket-to-rocket battles beyond the stars
Spaceships Forms for custom-designed rockets to nowhere
A host of new characters, including Alien invade... (vollständige Beschreibung)
22,00 EUR
AVH 9006 |
Cosmic Paternity Suit
Sammlerstück / Rarität
Zeus has asked the patrons of the Floating Vagabond to track down his son, Testosticles, and bring him back to Olympus to stand trial in a paternity suit brought against him by a defendant from Hell. Oh and they have just one week to accomplish it.
30,00 EUR
Szenarien |
AVH 9002 |
The Reich Stuff
Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)
There is a maxim which says a film improves with one or more of the following things: cyborgs, robots, ninja and zombies. That's wrong!
It can also improve with Space Nazis!
The Reich Stuff is a satirical module for The Floating Vagabond where players have to deal with the Nazi's Space Program
22,00 EUR
AVH 9003 |
Adventure With No Name
Sammlerstück / Rarität
A time travel adventure where the Patrons need to complete four tasks to restore normal Beer to the Floating Vagabond.
From the cover:
"If Adventure Has a Name, It Must Be Something Else"
68,00 EUR
AVH 9004 |
HyperCad 54, Where are You?
Sammlerstück / Rarität
Past Tense and Future Wary
Somedays, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. Take today, for instance. The headline of The Alternate Times reads: "king Averts Piano Accident" and "1978 Return of the King Tour in Limbo." You sigh, swill the cup of grounds your secretary, Miss Concepcion, lovingly refers to as coffe, and wait the call you know will come any minute. And whaddya know? The phone does ring. You lick your dry lips as asingle bead of sweat trails down you cheek and onto the pile of Ack ... (vollständige Beschreibung)
46,00 EUR
AVH 9008 |
Where's George ?
Sammlerstück / Rarität
Beer and Loafing off the Campaign Trail
Where's George?, a satirical new political adventure for Tales from the Floating Vagabond, contains the following incorrect accessories:
·Scathing art and political humor, all in a jugular vein;
·Loads enough sarcasm to last the next four to eight years;
·Win By a Mudslide! is a irreverent game that looks back at a acampaign trail full of tears;
·Candidate Cards and architectural cutouts for use with Win By a Mudslide!;
·Alternate timelines for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)
40,00 EUR