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272588598 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteCosimsProduktlinien (Cosims)Naval Warfare Games (CoA)

Naval Warfare Games (CoA)


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Clash of Arms)

Age of Fighting Sail Naval Warfare Games

COA 9702

Close Action - The Age of Fighting Sail

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Naval tactical warfare in the Age of Sail, 1740-1815

In the end, Napoleon lost his war with England. Triumphant against all the thrones of Europe, never could he penetrate the walls of oak that surrounded Albion to land an army and deliver the knockout blow.
Discover the secrets of Britain's superior ship handling in the age of sail with Close Action.
Some 25 scenarios, ranging from ship vs. ship (training exercises) to fleet actions (the Nile Campaign) cover a variety of British, French,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


COA 0201

Rebel Seas - The British Navy at bay: Part One

Sammlerstück / Rarität


"Rebel Seas" is the second volume in Mark Campbell's Close Action series.

Its 20 scenarios cover naval actions in American waters during the American War of Independence. They range from one-on-one frigate actions to grand fleet engagements with over 20 ships of the line on each side. Each scenario contains the same level of research and commentary found in Close Action.

Rebel Seas is the first of three books spanning the years 1774-1792. The other volumes will treat the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


COA 0504

Monsoon Seas - The British Navy at Bay: Part Two

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Clash of Arms Games continues to explore warfare in the age of the fighting sail with "Monsoon Seas". "Monsoon Seas" is Volume III of Mark Campbell's naval warfare Close Action series.

This set of special rules and scenarios covers the 1777 - 1783 campaigns of French Admiral Pierre-Andre de Suffren and his battles with the Royal Navy in the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean.

20+ Scenarios explore the dramatic engagements and set piece battles of: Sadras, Providien, Negapatam, Trincomalee, Cu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Modern Naval Warfare Games

COA 0302

High Tide (Harpoon boxless - shrink wrapped set, 1980-89 Cold War)

z.Zt. vergriffen


High Tide - Based on what we have learned since the collapse of the Soviet Union, it compares, for the first time, the strengths and weaknesses of the Cold-War adversaries at the height of their power. In High Tide, the Harpoon design team of Larry Bond and Chris Carlson is joined by Jay Wissmann, who has contributed the scenarios.

The rule book (H4.1) has 128 pages of useful information, systematically covering all types of naval and air warfare. The rules, which are the basis for the comput... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

COA 1008

Persian Incursion

"Is Iran building a nuclear weapon? Little is known for certain. However, on June 6, 2006, Israeli Transport Minister, Shaul Mofaz said; "If Iran continues with its program for developing nuclear weapons, we will attack it".

Persian Incursion explores the political and military effects of an Israeli military campaign against Iran. It uses rules adapted from Harpoon 4 to resolve the military action. But its goal is to look beyond the military action by modeling the political and intelligence a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


COA 9604

Harpoon 4 (4th Edition)

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Harpoon 4, by Larry Bond and Chris Carlson handles all aspects of maritime combat: surface, sub-surface, and air. Harpoon 4 is a system of detailed but comprehensible rules covering the many facets of modern naval actions.
Consistent rating systems and evaluations of the capabilities of modern naval vessels, aircraft, submarines, and helicopters make it possible to achieve realistic results when simulating known situations, by extension Harpoon 4 also achieves realistic results with hypothetica... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COA 9604A

Harpoon 4 Rules: Modern Tactical Naval Combat

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Please note that this product does not include any maps, counters, or other components.

The era of modern naval combat began on October 21, 1967 when Egyptian missile boats launched four Soviet made Styx surface-to-surface missiles and sank the Israeli destroyer Elath at a range of 13.5 nautical miles. The face of naval warfare changed forever!

Harpoon 4, by Larry Bond and Chris Carlson handles all aspects of maritime combat: surface, sub-surface, and air. Harpoon 4 is a system of detailed... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COA 9604A.1

Harpoon 4 - Rules Set 4.1

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen

  Please note that this product is for the 4.1 rules only! It does not include any maps, counters, or other components. The era of modern naval combat began on October 21, 1967 when Egyptian missile boats launched four Soviet made Styx surface-to-surface missiles and sank the Israeli destroyer Elath at a range of 13.5 nautical miles. The face of naval warfare changed forever! Harpoon 4, by Larry Bond and Chris Carlson handles all aspects of maritime combat: surface, sub-surface, and air. Har... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COA 9610

Harpoon 4 Player's Handbook

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Harpoon Player's Handbook is a 28 page compilation of all the charts and tables contained in the rulebook. Use of this playing aid greatly assists the flow of play in multiple player games, as all of the data is right at hand, along with referencesto the appropriate section of the rulebook.

20,00 EUR


COA 9709

Sea of Dragons

Sea of Dragons concerns conflicts among 16 nations of the Pacific Rim, all of whom have their own agenda and means to try to advance it. The scenario book includes a brief introduction to the political and economic aspirations of the potential belligerents, and is followed by a discussion of their capabilities and military plans for the immediate future. There are 4 scenario sets containing a total of 26 engagements, many of which are suitable for solitaire play. The scenarios can be played indi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



COA 0202

South Atlantic War

South Atlantic War: Ursprünglich in den 80ern von GDW herausgegeben, wurde es vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Seine 144 Seiten enthalten: 26 Szenarien (einschließlich zwei neuer). Neues Bodenkampfsystem für das Admiralty Trilogy System. Auf H4 Standard aktualisierten. Ausgedehntes Kampagnenmaterialien von erst kürzlich freigegebenen Materialien. Komplette Gefechtsaufstellung für beide Kombattanten.

36,00 EUR


COA 9604B

Harpoon 4 Quickstart

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This Quickstart guide is designed to show you how to play Harpoon 4 in as short a time as possible. It includes a rules summary, introductory scenarios and the rules necessary for playing a simple battle. The charts and tables needed to play the game are not included here, so you cannot play a game without the full rules set. You can, however, read these rules and then play the game, using the full rules as a reference. These rules provided here are extracts from the rules booklet. Most of the e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COA 9806

White Ensign

There was a time when the sun never set on the British Empire. The sinews that kept the empire together were the ships of the Royal Navy, and later, those of the Commonwealth nations. Today, just like it was in the past, whenever those ships sail, one can see the White Ensign.

White Ensign discusses each conflict in which Commonwealth naval forces were involved from 1960 to the present day. These include: Yemen 1960-67, Borneo 1962-66, Rhodesia 1965-66, Iceland 1972-73, Falklands 1977... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



COA 0001

2000 Harpoon Naval Review

Sammlerstück / Rarität


As we enter the 21st Century, confrontations between nations continue to arise around the world. When diplomacy fails, military forces are ready to step forward to deal with the situation. As it was before the Cold War, use of military action has become an extension of political power. This is especially true for the world's navies who are often the most ready to deal with a crisis, and may already be nearby. The potential for conflict throughout the world's waters has risen dramatically, creati... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


COA 0302C

High Tide Data Annexes

High Tide's Data Annex is a comprehensive listing of platforms, weapons and sensors for naval, air, and some land units. Each ship class entry has a full listing of its sensors, offensive and defensive weaponry, as well as dates and details of refits. Aircraft entries list their performance, sensors, and possible ordnance loadouts. Separate annexes are included for torpedoes, naval guns, naval and land-based missile systems, antisubmarine weapons, anti-missile weapons, radar, sonar, aircraft wea... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


COA 0402

2003 Harpoon Naval Review

Sammlerstück / Rarität


2003 Harpoon Naval Review - Following the pattern established by the first three in this series, the 2003 HNR contains technical data on new platforms introduced during the past three years, modifications made to existing systems, weapons upgrades, etc. Articles and scenarios pertaining to possible hot spots along with new ship and aircraft forms round out the module.

38,00 EUR


COA 0812

2009 Harpoon Naval Review

* Armada Española - An article on the current state of the Spanish fleet
* A Question of Sovereignty - Spain vs. Morocco over the North African enclaves
* El Golfo de Coquivacoa - Columbia vs. Venezuela in a historical scenario
* Sueño Submarino De Hugo (Hugo's Submarine Dream) - Venezuelan submarines against a U.S. blockade
* Cauldron 2010 - France and the U.S. square off in four scenarios
* The Outer Air Battle - Defending a U.S. carrier group in scena... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


COA 9604C

Harpoon 4 Data Annexes

z.Zt. vergriffen

  Vital data for all of the ships, aircraft, and weapons systems in the 4th Edition Harpoon game.

z.Zt. vergriffen

COA 9708

1997 Harpoon Naval Review

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The Cold War is now over, so the world's navies seek to revamp their fleets and plan for the future. For some this means looking toward old rivalries, while others try to take advantage of the power vacuum left by the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Harpoon Naval Review brings these situations to life with detailed scenarios set in the Baltic and Aegean Seas to the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. Also included is a random scenario generator plus "State of the Fleet" articles describing current... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


COA 0302B

High Tide Scenarios

The 128- page scenario book provides thirty naval battles, covering all types of naval operations: antisubmarine warfare, convoy operations, mining missions, amphibious landings, air-strikes on land and naval target, special missions, and sub-on-sub engagements from between 1980 and 1989.

Sidebars describe the naval technology of the time, as well as important events and key leaders. Over half the scenarios are part of a linked campaign based on a story line written by Larry Bond and Chris Ca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

22,00 EUR



COA 0302D

High Tide Counters

Sammlerstück / Rarität


38,00 EUR


COA 9604D

Harpoon 4 Countersheets (1 sheet)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


20,00 EUR


World War I Naval Warfare Game

COA 0102

Fear God & Dread Nought

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Fear God & Dread Nought vervollständigt die Admirality Trilogy (Harpoon 4, Command at Sea, Fear God & Dread Nought). Es verwendet die gleichen Regeln, so daß jene, die bereits mit den anderen Spielen vertraut sind, keine Schwierigkeit haben werden, sich zurecht zu finden. Viele kleine Szenarien erlauben dem Anfänger, innerhalb einer Stunde, nach Öffnen der Box, zu spielen. Einige Szenarien eignen sich auch für das Solitärspiel.

"You say that I am ignoring the time-honored traditions of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

102,00 EUR


COA 0102A

Fear God & Dread Nought: Rules and Quickstart

32,00 EUR


COA 0401

The Russo-Japanese War - "Dawn of the Rising Sun"

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


In February 1904, Russia had the world's 3rd largest fleet, while that of Japan's was 4th. In September 1905, Japan was number three, while Russia had fallen off the top ten. Dawn of the Rising Sun contains 20 scenarios covering all the major surface engagements of the Russo-Japanese War that led to this stunning reversal of fortunes. Using the same rules as Fear God & Dread Nought, a novice can begin playing within a half hour of opening the box using the specially designed Jum... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR



Grand Fleet Battle Orders, Volume III: Jutland

z.Zt. vergriffen


Grand Fleet Battle Orders, Volume III: Jutland is exclusively available in the United States from Clash of Arms Games. Employing a large 11" x 8.5" format, it's 124 pages contain all that is extant of the (then) classified material of the battle. Seperate chapters are dedicated to Battle Orders (including formations), Gunnery Instructions, Cruiser Instructions, Submarine Instructions, Destroyer Addendum, and Destroyer Diagrams (attack patterns).

z.Zt. vergriffen


COA 0103

Fear God & Dread Nought: Player's Handbook

Fear God and Dread Nought, by Larry Bond and Chris Carlson, handles all aspects of WWI maritime combat. Fear God and Dread Nought is a system of detailed but comprehensible rules covering the many facets of WWI naval actions

10,00 EUR



COA 0102C

Fear God & Dread Nought: Data Annexes - Ships & Aircraft

High Seas Fleet: The First World War at Sea

August 1914 - November 1918

32,00 EUR


COA 0401C

The Russo-Japanese War - "Dawn of the Rising Sun" - Data Annex Book

In February 1904, Russia had the world's 3rd largest fleet, while that of Japan's was 4th. In September 1905, Japan was number three, while Russia had fallen off the top ten.

20,00 EUR


COA 0501

Dawn of the Rising Sun - Ship Forms

This 56 page booklet includes a form for every ship class, including the Royal Navy ships, found in the data annex. All forms include both profile and deck plan. As a bonus, a CD will be provided with the information in PDF format so that you may print with ease.

See a sample!

30,00 EUR


COA 0910

Fear God & Dread Nought: Jutland Form 10s

Ship Forms for use with "Fear God & Dread Nought"
Genre: Game Suppliment (book with CD)

Jutland Forms provides Form 10s for every ship that fought at that momentous battle. Using the latest harmonized game data and organized by squadron and division, it also includes the Jutland scenario extracted from the High Seas Fleet data annex.
Jutland Forms includes a new rules supplement bringing Fear God & Dread Nought more in line with the harmonized rules standard by replacing chapter eight [dama... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR



COA 0102B

Fear God & Dread Nought: High Seas Fleet

Fear God & Dread Nought - Scenario Supplement for the First World War at Sea

August 1914 - November 1918

32,00 EUR


COA 0401B

The Russo-Japanese War - "Dawn of the Rising Sun" - Scenario Book

20 scenarios plus numerous sidebars and articles.

26,00 EUR



COA 0102D

Fear God & Dread Nought: Counters (Set of 4)

Three Countersheets (420 1" X 1/2" counters) of ships One Countersheet (280 1/2" X 1/2" counters) of air craft, shore emplacements, data markers, etc.

34,00 EUR


COA 0401D

The Russo-Japanese War - "Dawn of the Rising Sun": Counters

Sammlerstück / Rarität


2 countersheets, 210 ship, and 140 markers (land based guns, searchlights, fires, torpedoes, etc.)

22,00 EUR


World War II Naval Warfare

COA 0810

Command at Sea Vol. VII - Atlantic Navies

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Atlantic Navies: The biggest, most comprehensive thing we have ever published!

* Three books cover the naval forces of Great Britain and her Commonwealth, Germany and France.
o La Guerre Navale: The French Navy in WWII. Scenarios, history and data for the ill fated French fleet in World War II. Well built and equipped, "La Royale" never had a chance to defend the motherland or prove herself in combat. What might have happened as well as what did happen are given equal emphasis.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

134,00 EUR


COA 0901-A

Command at Sea Rules, 4th Edition & Jumpstart Rules

Command at Sea, 4th Edition: An overhaul and streamlining of the award winning 3rd Edition. New rules for dogfighting and air attacks; naval and air attacks are more closely integrated with unit skill factors to allow individual and historical differences between otherwise identical weapons platforms.

3-hole drilled and shrink-wrapped.
The Command at Sea Jumpstart rules (20 more pages, saddle stitched book) are bundled with this and are the back facing page.

34,00 EUR


COA 1012

Command at Sea 4th Ed. - Players Handbook

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Updated and for use with the 4th Edition Rules as released in "Atlantic Navies" and all upcoming Admiralty Trilogy products.

The Command at Sea Player's Handbook 3rd ed. is a 32 page compilation of all the charts and tables contained in the 128 page Standard Rulebook. It also includes errata from the first edition, and it is also compatible with the second edition rule set. Use of this playing aid greatly assists the flow of play in multiple player games, as all of the data is right at hand, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

COA 1403

Command at Sea - Shattered Armada: Naval Battles of the Spanish Civil War 1936-39

Command at Sea travels to the waters off Spain in 1936, where in July, right-wing "Nationalists" rebelled against the democratically elected leftwing "Republicans", resulting in the bloody civil war.

Italy and Germany quickly backed the Fascist Nationalists, as the Soviet Union rallied behind the Communist-Socialist-Anarchist Republicans. Meanwhile England, with a reluctant France, desperately sought to keep war from expanding. Shattered Armada features 22 scenarios describing battles that a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


COA 9407

The Rising Sun - Volume 1 in the Command at Sea Series (Boxless / Zip-Locked)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


"If there is a war, I can raise havoc with them for one year, but after that I can give no guarantee."

- Admiral Yamamoto to Prime Minister Konoye

Whether you are a miniatures enthusiast or a cardboard wargamer, Larry Bond's Command at Sea naval warfare system has something for you! Command at Sea emphasizes technical and historical accuracy, woven into a streamlined, easy to follow rules structure that keeps the action fast-paced and fun. As always, victory depends upon making the right d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


COA 9407-A

Command at Sea - Standard Rules

Tactical Naval Combat 1939-1945

Außerdem enthalten:
Command at Sea - Jumpstart
An Introduction to the Command at Sea Game System

24,00 EUR


COA 9502

Command at Sea Player's Handbook - 3rd Edition

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


The Command at Sea Player's Handbook is a 32 page compilation of all the charts and tables contained in the 128 page Standard Rulebook. It also includes errata from the first edition, and it is also compatible with the second edition rule set. Use of this playing aid greatly assists the flow of play in multiple player games, as all of the data is right at hand, along with references to the appropriate section of the rulebook.

12,00 EUR


COA 9507D

Command at Sea Referee's Guide

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


12,00 EUR


COA 9509

Supermarina I - Volume 2 in the Command at Sea series

"The Italian Navy has for the most part excellent qualities, which should enable it to stand up to the best navies in the world. It is too bad its High Command lacks decision."
- Admiral Canaris to Rommel

While Rommel's Afrika Korps was capturing the attention of the world, it's fate was being decided in the Mediterranean. No matter how good the general and his troops, without the supplies and equipment necessary to fight, the struggle could not be won. Supermarina I concerns itself with the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR



COA 0810-A

La Guerre Navale: Atlantic Navies Book I: The French Fleet in WW II

z.Zt. vergriffen


Book, perfect bound, full color cover, 128 pages.

z.Zt. vergriffen

COA 0810-B

Grupp Nord: Atlantic Navies Book II: German Kriegsmarine in WW II

z.Zt. vergriffen


Book, perfect bound, full color cover, 128 pages.

z.Zt. vergriffen

COA 0810-C

Home Fleet: Atlantic Navies Book III: Home Fleet - The Royal Navy in WW II

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Book, perfect bound, full color cover, 128 pages.

28,00 EUR


COA 1001

Convoy / Deadly Waters

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Convoy is an operational-tactical game of the Battle of the Atlantic in WW2. Combining large-scale map movement with a fast-play set of tactical rules, the game lets players follow a convoy from embarkation to destination in a single play session.

In the "map game", convoys move in eight-hour operational turns, rolling for engagements with U-boats, blockade runners, raiders, and even weather. A large-scale map and tables generate one or more events each turn. Some events are resolved immedia... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


COA 1104

Command at Sea Vol. VIII - American Fleets

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Command at Sea Series Volume VIII: This book compiles all and adds new data for ships, aircraft and weapons systems used or developed for the USN in WWII, and brings it up to CaS 4th Edition standard (Command at Sea IVth Edition was first introduced in our Atlantic Navies game). It thus replaces the Data Annex in "The Rising Sun, and covers the whole war in both the Pacific and Atlantic theaters (The Rising Sun only covered the first half of the war in the Pacific.) It is all data, no scenari... (vollständige Beschreibung)

34,00 EUR


COA 1106

Command at Sea Vol. IX - Emperor's Fleets - The Imperial Japanese Fleet in World War II

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


"The Emperor's Fleet" provides statistics for the Japansese ships and aircraft, and all their weapons and sensors, extant in the Second World War.

Over 200 ship classes and over 130 aircraft are included, many of which have not appearedin print before. All earlier listeings for these ships and aircraft have been updated to include information from newly available references, and great strides have been made in reconciling conflictting or incorrect sources.

Damage data and other game-relate... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


COA 1112

Command at Sea Vol. X - Steel Typhoon - The Second Half of WWII in the Pacific

Building on Clash of Arms' critically acclaimed "The Rising Sun" Steel Typhoon features 36 scenarios covering the biggest and most famous naval battles of WWII inthe Pacific: Rabaul, Truk, the Marianas, Leyte and Okinawa plus hypothetical scenarios that challenge the players with historical alternatives!

Designed specifically for the Command at Sea 4th edition rules, Steel Typhoon, along with the data supplements "American Fleets" and "The Emperor's Fleet" completes the picture of the USN ver... (vollständige Beschreibung)

52,00 EUR


COA 1303

Command at Sea Vol. XI - Bywater's War

Building on Clash of Arms' critically acclaimed "The Rising Sun" Steel Typhoon features 36 scenarios covering the biggest and most famous naval battles of WWII inthe Pacific: Rabaul, Truk, the Marianas, Leyte and Okinawa plus hypothetical scenarios that challenge the players with historical alternatives!

Designed specifically for the Command at Sea 4th edition rules, Steel Typhoon, along with the data supplements "American Fleets" and "The Emperor's Fleet" completes the picture of the USN ver... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


COA 1306

Command at Sea Vol. XII - Mediterranean Fleets - The Italian, Greek, Turkish and Yugoslav Navies in WWII

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Mediterranean Fleets includes over 150 ships and 90 aircraft! For the the first time the Admiralty Trilogy covers the Greek, Turkish and Yugoslavian Navies. Previous listings of Italian ships and aircraft have been updated with information from many new reference sources (including Italian naval experts in Italy who were consulted and graciously shared information that resolved many questions a number of issues caused by limited English references. Fire control Gunnery accuracy and ASW capabilit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



COA 9605

The Painter's Guide to World War Two Naval Camouflage

Trying to paint accurate WWII naval camouflage schemes can be very frustrating. A book might devote a few of its hundreds of pages to talking about one class' camouflage schemes, but it has a $50.00 price tag, and won't tell you which paints to buy to get the best color match. While the U.S. system is orderly and well-documented, the best books for the British and German systems are long out of print. The Japanese didn't care much about camouflage, and didn't take notes. Although bits and pieces... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR



COA 0601

Baltic Arena - Volume 6 in the Command at Sea series

z.Zt. vergriffen


Baltic Arena covers the forgotten sea of World War Two naval engagements. It's
128 pages contain 13 scenarios, from submarine attacks, convoy actions,
ambushes, night surface actions, and air and surface combinations. Each
scenario has its own detailed map. There are 11 supporting articles covering
topics ranging from The Finnish Navy, to Soviet Submarines, Coastal Artillery,
etc. Additionally, there is a new updated version of the Mine Warfare rules.

z.Zt. vergriffen

COA 9301

Mighty Midgets - Volume 5 in the Command at Sea series

This CaS module contains 20 plus scenarios, featuring small craft actions (PT, E and S boats, etc) during WWII. New data, and modifications to the combat system (impulse firing) allowing for a quicker time frame and rate of fire are introduced in this module. To reduce the system to this level (where structural and crew damage caused by .30 and .50 caliber machine guns adds up quickly) took some tinkering, but the scenario design team of Dave Schueler and Bill Madison along with the rules/data t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


COA 9407B

The Rising Sun: Scenario Book

Rising Sun: The First Half of the Pacific War

December 1941 - November 1943

50 Scenarios and Statistics for Command at Sea

20,00 EUR


COA 9407C2

The Rising Sun: Data Annexes 3rd Ed. - Ships & Aircraft

Rising Sun: The First Half of the Pacific War

December 1941 - November 1943

Scenarios and Statistics for Command at Sea

28,00 EUR


COA 9407C3

The Rising Sun: Data Annexes - Ships & Aircraft (3rd Edition)

Rising Sun: The First Half of the Pacific War

December 1941 - November 1943

Scenarios and Statistics for Command at Sea

44,00 EUR


COA 9509B

Supermarina I: Scenario Book

Supermarina I: The first Part of the War in the Mediterranean

June 1940 - July 1941

Scenarios and Statistics for Command at Sea

20,00 EUR


COA 9509C

Supermarina: Data Annex 2nd Ed. - Ships & Aircraft

Supermarina: The first Part of the War in the Mediterranean

September 1939 - November 1942

Scenarios and Statistics for Command at Sea

96-page Data Annex Book (2nd Edition) with ship aircraft and weapon data for the Mediterranean.

26,00 EUR


COA 9606

No Sailor But A Fool - Volume 3 in the Command at Sea series

No Sailor But a Fool is the latest Command at Sea module covering coastal actions. No Sailor consists of a 64 page book (full color cover) with 210 full color die cut counters, printed both sides (for a total of over 400 separate counters). Seven heavily researched scenarios covering Oslo 1940, Operation Sea Lion, British Channel Convoys, the St. Nazaire action, Operation Cerebus (the breakout of the battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau through the English Channel), German s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

38,00 EUR


COA 9707

Supermarina II - Volume 4 in the Command at Sea series

Part II of the Mediterranean War - July, 1941 to August, 1942

While Rommel's Afrika Korps was capturing the attention of the world, its fate was being decided in the Mediterranean sea. No matter how brilliantly the Field Marshal and his troops performed, the struggle could not be won without the supplies and equipment necessary to fight.

Supermarina II, Volume 4 in Larry Bond's Command at Sea series portrays the apex of the struggle for naval supremacy in the Mediterranean, the vital suppl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



COA 0810-D

Atlantic Navies Countersheets

420 - 1" x 1/2" ship counters

32,00 EUR


COA 9407-D

The Rising Sun Countersheets

Sammlerstück / Rarität


24,00 EUR


COA 9509-D

Supermarina I Countersheets

150 ship counters, 240 aircraft counters, 30 informational counters

26,00 EUR


Produkte von anderen Herstellern

Dan Verssen Games

DVG DV1-004

Modern Naval Battles - Global Warfare


Modern Naval Battles - Global Warfare is inspired by our original 1989 award winning game and its 2 expansions.
"Global War" is a redesigned improvement of the original game.

The cards will be beautifully printed with full color on both sides with rounded corners. The box size is 9" x 12" x 2".

This new game features ships from 9 different nations: USA, USSR, UK, France, China, Argentina, Taiwan, Norway, and Japan. This gives you the ships you need to p... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


DVG DV1-055

By Stealth and Sea Core Game

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By Stealth and Sea is a solitaire or cooperative game that takes place during the Battle of the Mediterranean in World War II.
In By Stealth and Sea, you lead elements of an Italian commando frogmen unit called Decima Flottiglia MAS. Under your command, teams of frogmen will pilot manned torpedoes in attacks against the Royal Navy in the heavily guarded harbors of Gibraltar, Algiers, and Alexandria.
By Stealth and Sea’s campaign system features all nine key historic manned torpedo attacks by... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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DVG DV1-004A

Modern Naval Battles - Ship Expansion 1

This expansion adds 110 Ship cards to your Modern Naval Battles - Global Warfare game!

These cards do not require any new or special rules, just add them to your fleets and you are ready to play even bigger battles.

Included are more ships for the nine navies featured in the original game (USA, USSR, UK, France, China, Argentina, Taiwan, Norway, and Japan) plus 3 NEW navies! (Germany, Italy, and Canada)

We’ve also included several more civilian ships for escort scenarios.

You must ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


DVG DV1-004B

Modern Naval Battles - Campaign Expansion 1

Build a Modern War Fleet!
Carry-Out Vital Missions!
Lead your Nation to Victory on the High Seas!

The Campaign Expansion puts you in command of a nation fleet in a series of linked battles. Each battle has its own parameters and victory conditions. Between each battle, you’ll have the chance to reinforce, repair, and rearm your fleet for the next battle. Master your tactical and strategic options and lead your fleet to victory!

Each mission lasts 3 to 6 game turns and a complete campai... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR



DVG DV1-055A

By Stealth and Sea - Companion Book

The Companion book provides extensive historical details about the Decima Flottiglia MAS and its manned torpedo operations against the British Royal Navy. It also includes design notes about the game.

24,00 EUR


Decision Games

DCG 1401

Battle Stations! Battle Stations! 1/2400 Naval Rules for Fleet Sized Combat for Miniatures

So now that you have the ships how are you going to fight with them? There are only just a few rule sets out there and all but one are mired in detail and lend themselves to small actions of four ships that is if you want to finish the battle in the same day. Battle Stations is different in that its emphasis is on medium to large sized battles which can be completed in a day or even in hours. The designer reckons for each ship involved in the game it adds ten minutes of playing time.

Have it ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


Game Designers' Workshop

GDW 710

Harpoon (latest edition)

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Tabletop. Moderne Seekriegsführung. Basisregel. Der Autor Larry Bond ist Co-Autor des Buches Red Storm Rising.

180 Counter. Spieldauer: 1-6 Stunden/Szenario. Zeitmaßstab: 30 Sekunden/Taktik, 10 Minuten/Zwischenrunden.

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GDW 710

ASW Forms

Sammlerstück / Rarität


ASW Forms provides materials for Harpoon scenarios involving antisubmarine warfare. The prepared forms in this module cover a variety of modern ships, submarines, and aircraft. The scenario generator produces Harpoon naval battle situations from around the world.

54,00 EUR


GDW 712

Ship Forms

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The joys of naval wargaming are in the chase and the battle. The tension of not quite knowing the adversary’s exact force structure reproduces an essential feature of real-world naval action. The moment of truth comes when the battle is joined.

SHIP FORMS is published to provide materials to make both the chase and the battle easy-to-produce and easy-to-play parts of Harpoon. It does so by providing two things: prepared ship and aircraft forms, and a scenario generator.

Prepared Ship and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR


GDW 713

Sub Forms

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The cat-and-mouse battle beneath the seas between submarines – or between submarines and their surface quarry- is the epitome of modern naval combat. The blanket of ocean conceals subs, but at the same time hides their quarry, and always interferes with the use of weapons. SUB FORMS is published to provide materials to make playing Harpoon easier. It does so by providing prepared submarine data sheets for use with the game.

Prepared SUB FORMS: Using Harpoon, any group of players can prepare... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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GDW 715

Data Annex

Sammlerstück / Rarität

  The heart of the Harpoon modern war game is its information-packed DATA ANNEX. This is the fully revised 1990-91 edition, edited and updated by Harpoon designer Larry Bond. The latest intelligence on naval weaponry- statistics, data and details that define the ships, subs, aircraft, electronics and weapons of the world's modern navies. Includes new aircraft endurance rules and brings earlier editions of the core game up to version 3.2.

60,00 EUR



GDW 711

Battles of the Third World War

Sammlerstück / Rarität


In the North Atlantic theater of a hypothetical Third World War, the naval action will be fast and furious. NATO ships, submarines, and aircraft will clash again and again with Soviet naval forces in a struggle for control of the seas and an advantage in the many battlefields of the war.

This book of 15 naval wargame scenarios for Harpoon provides modern naval war game players with ready-made encounters to test their own naval strategies in contemporary situations.

60,00 EUR


GDW 718

South Atlantic War

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Conflict in the Falklands/Malvinas, 1982

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GDW 750

Troubled Waters

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Patrol troubled waters in search of enemy forces in this Harpoon supplement. TROUBLED WATERS covers the turbulent Middle East since 1973 and showcases the introduction of anti-ship missiles as a dominant factor in modern naval combat.

Modern antiship missiles allow fearsome striking power to be carried in tiny vessels. As commander of these 'eggshells armed with sledgehammers,' it will be your task to strike first and strike hard at the enemies of your nation, whether they come in the form of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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Simulation Canada Games

SCG 0008

Man of War

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Xeno Games

XEN 200

Seekrieg - Fourth Edition Rules Box

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Naval Wargame Rules 1890-1945

Tabletop Game about 1890-1945 era
Core Rules
Ship Data (Volume 1)
Log Sheets (for photocopy)

50,00 EUR



XEN 201

Seekrieg - Fourth Edition - Ship Data I

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Volume I

22,00 EUR


XEN 202

Seekrieg - Fourth Edition - Ship Data II

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Refits & Modernizations World War 2

24,00 EUR



XEN 206

Seekrieg - Fourth Edition - CNO Series: Naval Operations Pacific 1 and 2

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30 Historical Scenarios for Naval Wargames

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XEN 207

Seekrieg - Fourth Edition - CNO Series: Naval Operations Atlantic-Arctic 1 and 2

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30 Historical Scenarios for Naval Wargames

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XEN 203

Seekrieg - Ship's Log Sheet

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