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267632716 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteCosimsProduktlinien (Cosims)War Games

War Games

War Games


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2 Tomatoes

2TO 0763

La Marcha du Progresso (Espanol)

"War is merely the continuation of policy by other means." — Carl von Clausewitz, On War, published 1832

Your goal in The March of Progress is to control countries through the playing of action cards so that you generate victory points (VPs) during scoring. Whoever has the most VPs at the end of the game wins.

In the game, each side has a hand of eight action cards, ranging from Move to Attack to Recruit. Each player simultaneously chooses one card to play each turn, then reveals and car... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR




Democracy under Siege

z.Zt. vergriffen


"Dateline: Germany, 1933.
Jan. 30: Hindenburg names Hitler Chancellor.
Feb. 27: The burning of the Reichstag. Hitler blames his political opponents and enacts repressive laws.
Mar. 5: The Nazi Party wins the Federal elections amid a climate of fear and intimidation. From this point on, with a precise and constant rhythm, Hitler dismantles all of the democratic institutions of the fragile Weimar Republic and inaugurates a reign of terror, gradually establishing a ruthless and violent dictatori... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Rise of Totalitarianism

Hot Seller


"Germany, 1919. Jan. 1: The opening of the Paris Peace Conference is imminent, but unrest and violence are already spreading throughout Germany and Italy as well as in many other European countries. Communist forces are marching to power, following the example of the Bolsheviks in Russia. The murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht is still a possibility. Will the German Social-Democracy make an evil pact with the proto-Nazi Freikorps to eliminate the two revolutionary leaders from the poli... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


Accurate Simulations

ACS 0001

Desert Storm: The Hundred Hour War

A comprehensive simulation of Operation Desert Storm based upon newly declassified archives of the 1991 Gulf War.

Desert Storm: The Hundred Hour War simulates the 1991 Persian Gulf War as a military conflict and also as a political contest prior to and during Operation Desert Storm. Better yet, the rules allow alternative Iraqi strategies that may have theoretically disrupted the Coalition invasion, but similarly allows for alternative Coalition strategies..which includes the possibility of a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

100,00 EUR



ACI 0001

Ascari - Africa, 1890-1895

z.Zt. vergriffen


This Company level game tells an epic that took place in Eritrea, the first Italian Colony, the story of loyal soldiers who fought for Italy through the depiction of four main battles, which saw them as protagonists: the two battles of Agordat against the Dervishes, Amba Alagi and Coatit against the Ethiopians. A bonus Scenario depicting the battle of Metemma between the Dervishes and the Ethiopian Emperor Johannes IV is also included.

The Game The Italian flag started to wave on the shores o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ACI 0002

Masséna at Loano

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Loano, 23-24 November 1795. Masséna at Loano, is a two-player simulation of Napoleonic warfare at regimental/battalion level for the Revolutionary Wars period.

The Game The title wants to be a reward for who probably was the best general during the first years of Bonaparte’s campaigns.Loano battlefield presented some features which the wargaming world did never explore or did partially: mountain warfare in the age of French Revolutionary Wars. The battle itself was not a decisive one. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

ACI 0003

Sa Battalla

z.Zt. vergriffen


Sanluri, June 30th, 1409. After centuries of struggle for the control of the island the two armies of William III of Narbonne, Judge of Arborea, and Martin "the Younger", king of Sicily and Sardinia, face each other for what will arguably be the decisive battle for the destiny of Sardinia.

The Game The first idea of Sa Battalla comes from a group of Sardinian players who wanted to create a simulation of this important, albeit not very well known, battle at the time of its 600th anniversary (1... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

ACI 0004

Braccio da Montone

Braccio da Montone was a notorious and respected Condottiero of the first half of XVth century. This is the third game in the series that began with Guelphs and Ghibellines.

In Braccio da Montone there are no turns but a continuous series of Condottiero (Leader) activations. A Condottiero's "Command Capacity" is the number of order points that a Condottiero receives when he is activated. He uses these order points to move, fire and attack with his in-command units of his own “Battaglia” a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


ACI 0005

Caricat! (Ziplock)

Caricat! is a two-player game depicting battles in Italy during the Risorgimento. The two separate battles shown in this game, Pastrengo and Montebello, are remembered especially for the decisive contribution of the Piedmontese cavalry.

The game has only a few units on the map, but takes in account fire combat, melee combat, morale, command range, initiative, and an order system.

It is a professionally new editions of the DTP TCS games Pastrengo and Montebello: First Step to Freedom

28,00 EUR


ACI 0006

Lepanto 1571: A Sea Turned Red by Blood

Hot Seller


October 7th, 1571
The calm Aegean sea is going to be, once again, the scene of one of the most important battles in history. The fleets of the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League, created by Pope Pius V, are ready to clash in the waters in front of the little town of Lepanto. At the end of the day, after one of the fiercest battles in the long history of naval combat, the Ottoman fleet breaks away following the loss of more than 150 ships and 30.000 men.
Now the sea is red, a sea turned red by ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


ACI 0007

Obbedisco! (Ziplock)

The campaign of Bezzeca was a daring mountain warfare campaign, waged by Italian general Giuseppe Garibaldi.
He led his group of volunteers, the " Corpo Volontari Italiani," against Austrian General Kuhn’s forces in Trentino.
Garibaldi’s Red Shirts were stopped only by the end of the hostilities between the two states, and the General’s famous reply to the King’s telegram ordering the immediate end to military operations, a terse and concise "Obbedisco" (I obey).

This operational le... (vollständige Beschreibung)

30,00 EUR


ACI 0008

Moravian Sun

"Moravian Sun" is a two player napoleonic-era wargame at brigade level. It's designed by Enrico Acerbi, using the Vive la France: Empire rules system, in the ideal prosecution of two already published games, Masséna at Loano and Wise Bayonets. It covers the masterpiece battle fought and won by Napoleon against the hopes of the III Coalition. At the sunset of December 2nd, 1805, the map of Europe was redrawn for many years to come, and the art of war had a new master.

The map (scale 1:30.000)... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


ACI 0009

Novi 1799

This game depicts the bloody and furious battle of the 2nd Coalition war that (temporarily) resulted in the loss of french dominion in northern Italy.

Each game box includes:
One game-map,
2 sheets of counters and markers,
3 Player Aid Cards,
a rule booklet,
an historical commentary.

The scale is 1 hour per turn, about 500 m. per hex,
Each strength point (SP) stands for 50-150 men for infantry
and cavalry (basing on their efficiency rating), and 3-5 guns.
Designer: Enrico Acerbi
... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


Active Magic Games

AMG 81036

Built for War: Design, Build, and Destroy World War II Tanks

A World War 2 Tank Building Game!

More than any other factor, World War II was decided by the decisive use of armor to outflank, outgun, and outrun the enemy. The innovations in design throughout the war were staggering. Guns grew larger; Armor became thicker; Engines and treads got bigger. Other additions changed the battlefield as well; radios, high explosives, machine guns, explosive armor, turret speeds, and even crew training all changed immensely during the war.

What if YOU controlle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


Aleph Game Studio


MONTENOTTE 11th - 12th April 1796

The first of the SB (Small Battles) series is also the first dedicated to the Napoleonic age. The game covers both the battle days with optional rules for the second one, making it possible for the Austrian player to avoid the moronic placement, lethargic leadership and pathetic planning of Argenteau that condemned the Austrian forces to a complete defeat.

Based on activation chits and operative orders, the game system features the different effects of formations on movement, fire and melee, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR



DEGO - The second Battle, 14th - 15th April 1796

After his victory at Dego, Napoleon decided to hit first the Piedmontese Army but the heroic defense of Colonel Dal Carretto, that retreating in front of the French found his stronghold in the Cosseria Castle, stopped the French western Push for an entire day.

This forced the French to turn on their advance to the east toward Dego, the gate to the Po Valley.

"Dego", the second wargame in the "Napoleon Small Battle Series" (NSB), offers you a new set of rules that includes new orders and si... (vollständige Beschreibung)

32,00 EUR



Parma 1734

"Parma 1734" (War of Polish Succession – Italy) is a two-player wargame simulation of XVIII century warfare at tactical battalion level.

The system is called "Discipline & Command" and it's based on two concepts:
every unit has only a Discipline value that is used to fire and shock
the army is organized in Wings with its own leaders; each Wing will activate in an order decided by the player
It's a not complex wargame with a battle scenario and a little introductory scenario for the vangu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


Bellica Third Generation


Campaign Commander Volume I: "Roads to Stalingrad"

z.Zt. vergriffen


"Roads to Stalingrad" is the first volume of the Campaign Commander Series and depicts the campaign in southern Russia from the summer of 1942 to the end of the winter of 1943. After a terrible first winter in Russia, the German troops reorganized and readied themselves to launch the offensive to end the war. The soviets got ready first; they launched an attack to retake Kharkov that ended in disaster for the troops involved. After finishing this offensive the Axis forces - numbering many Hungar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Campaign Commander Volume II: "Coral Sea"

“Coral Sea” is a new volume in the Campaign Commander series and simulates the campaign in the South Seas of the Pacific between the spring of 1942 and the spring of 1943. The Japanese expansion reaches its limit in the archipelago of the Solomon Islands and New Guinea. The Japanese initial force, the Army of the South Seas, began to expand reducing the boundaries of the Australian defenses from its base in Rabaul, the logistic center of Japanese control in the zone.
The naval-air battle of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



Campaign Commander Volume III: "Punic Island"



“Punic Island” is the third volume in the Campaign Commander series and simulates the campaign for Sicily and North Africa during the First Punic War. The system takes away from Second World War and goes to Ancients. In 264 Roma was summoned to Messina by Mamertines mercenaries to help in their quarrel with Cartage, the main power in Sicily. Carthaginians count on Hiero the Tirant of Syracuse to help defeating the Mamertines. Here begins the First Punic War.
Romans and Carthaginians fought ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

48,00 EUR


Blue Sky Enterprises

BSE 0001

Black Cross / Blue Sky - The Battle of Britain

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In the summer of 1940, England stood alone against the onslaught of the conquering Wehrmacht after it had overrun nearly all of Europe. But England’s fate was not to be decided on land or through the seas, but rather in the skies above. For it was here an epic battle would be waged between the outnumbered and exhausted RAF and the victory-laden Luftwaffe. This struggle would forever be known as the Battle of Britain.

Black Cross/Blue Sky: The Battle of Britain is a game designed to allow pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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BSE 0007

Black Cross / Blue Sky - "Lost Squadrons" Expansion

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From its conception, the Blue Sky Game Series was designed to be an expandable system that would allow players to simulate and explore the challenges of aerial warfare throughout the 20th century. With this supplement players can now field Polish, French, and Dutch aircraft.

All the maps, info counters, charts, dice and Flight Stands from Black Cross/Blue Sky are used with this supplement. Players do not have to continually re-purchase these essential components. Some of the aircraft counters... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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BSE 0002

Black Cross / Blue Sky - Counter Sheet Pak

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ca. 30,00 EUR


BSE 0003

Black Cross / Blue Sky - Map Pak

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ca. 26,00 EUR


BSE 0004

Black Cross / Blue Sky - Flight Stands (4/pak)

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ca. 14,00 EUR


BSE 0005

Black Cross / Blue Sky - Minature Conversion Kit

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ca. 6,00 EUR


BSE 0006

Black Cross / Blue Sky - Blue Sky Decals

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ca. 2,00 EUR


Call Sign 7

CS7 0001

Battle of Britain

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The Battle of Britain was the German attempt to gain air supremacy before launching their planned invasion of Britain - "OPERATION SEA LION".

In Call Sign 7's Battle of Britain game you can play as either side in this crucial conflict, and see how things may have gone differently if you had been there. Commanding your aircraft on the unique multi-tiered combat arena you can choose to:

Represent England -
Will you defend your country at all costs during this desperate time? Succeed and you... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Camelot Games

CMLG 0001


Sammlerstück / Rarität


In "Barbarians" one player plays the role of a great Roman Emperor ruling the Roman Empire in the period that goes from its apex to its fall, facing the invasions of Barbarians controlled by the other players.
The barbarian players act as Attila, Alarico, or other great Barbarian leaders, looking to spread their population over the rich Roman territories and conquer them with their tribes. Each turn represents 25 years of history, during which each Emperor much pay existing legions, recruit ne... (vollständige Beschreibung)

12,00 EUR


CMLG 0002

The Battles of Montecuccoli: Volume II - 1643 Nonantola

Sammlerstück / Rarität! Hot Seller


During the "First Castro War" (AKA Barberini’s War, 1642-1645) the Pope Urbano VII stole the Castro and Castiglione domains from Odoardo Farnese, giving them to his nepfhews Taddeo and Antonio.
Odoardo Farnese with 3000 horse soldiers invades the Romagna pushing back the enemy to the Trasimeno lake regaining the control on Forlì and Faenza but after a short truce, the Pope call again his family to the arms putting Nonantola under Siege with 12.000 men.

Meanwhile, on a request by Francesco... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR


CMLG 0003

San Fermo

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Battle of San Fermo took place the 27 May 1859 at a mountain pass near lake Como in northern Italy. It was an engagement during the Second Italian War of Independence in which the Italian volunteers of Giuseppe Garibaldi's Hunters of the Alps defeated an Austrian force, forcing the Austrians to abandon the town of Como.

The first of the N-SB (Small Battles) series is also the first dedicated to the Italian Risorgimento. Players can play both the phases of the battle or the entire battle w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


CMLG 0004

Sea Knights

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What's Sea Knights?

"In the beginning was Naval War, and the AH sought that was a good game.Then was Victory in the Pacific and players were happy.Players tried to link together the games but realized that the rules were different ...And was crying and gnashing of teeth.Then, come Victory at Sea (I and II) and the Light was!"

Why SK?
VaS was realized to satisfy players' desire to play all the WWII at sea but was a hit and miss work due the deep differences between the two games and the li... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 92,00 EUR


Catastrophe Games


The Landing Gallipoli 1915

"The Landing: Gallipoli 1915" is a narrative solitaire wargame that tells the story of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (Anzacs) and the landing on the beaches of Gallipoli in the early morning of April 25th, 1915.

Using a combination of card-driven gameplay and action economy, you must lead your fellow Aussies and work together with your Kiwi and Indian allies in the desperate fight to take and hold the heights. Victory conditions in the game are simple. You must occupy and control ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


CTG JH167–60

Judean Hammer

"Judean Hammer" is a fast-playing wargame which depicts tense struggle between the rebel player (The Maccabeans) and the empire player (The Seleucid Greeks) trying to re-assert their control. This two-player wargame plays in about an hour or two, with a lightning fast set-up time. The Greeks start in their unassailable supply centers, controlling Jerusalem, but the Maccabeans can use ambushes to whittle their foe while cutting off the Greek supply.

The Maccabean Revolt was a Jewish rebellion ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR



USS Laffey: The Ship That Would Not Die

Hot Seller


USS Laffey is a solo game of damage control as you desperately scramble to survive the most determined Kamikaze attacks of World War II. You will re-enact the harrowing 80 minutes of terror and mayhem the crew of the Laffey went through as they fought off 22 Japanese planes. The Japanese aircraft you face in the game are the same four types (Val, Judy, Kate, and Oscar) in the same order of attack.

Each turn roll dice to determine what your options are, choose where to send your damage contr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR


CTG ZM2001

Zurmat: Small Scale Counterinsurgency

A remote district in turmoil, a few hours south of Kabul, bordered to the east by the sheer mountains where the Americans almost captured Osama Bin Laden in 2001. Zurmat is a mostly Pashtun district that the government of Afghanistan has only the thinnest veneer of control over. Taliban forces move freely across the dusty roads at night, spreading terror with their night letters, threatening anyone who cooperates with Kabul.

Just now an American infantry company sets up a Forward Operating Ba... (vollständige Beschreibung)

110,00 EUR


Command Perspectives

CPPT 0001

Sharpsburg (1978 - Ziplock)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A detailed tactical simulation of the Battle of Antietam. Uses James Murphy's Battles of the War of the Rebellion rule set.

Published in 1978, 100yds/hex; 15 min./turn. 21 different types of terrain on the TEC. Morale ratings from 11-66. 12 point unit facing and flexible extended line options. As a result of a morale check a unit can take cover, become shaken, rout, or rout move. Simple but effective command and control rules: the further a unit from its HQ, the lower its movement allowance. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR


Compass Games

CPG 1001

Silent War

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Silent War is a solitaire simulation of the United States' submarine war against Imperial Japan during the Second World War. The scenarios allow players to recreate various stages of the war or the entire campaign. In each of these scenarios, the player takes on the role of Commander Submarines, US Pacific Fleet (ComSubPac), deploying available submarines from either Pearl Harbor or Brisbane in order to attack the Japanese Navy. Additionally, in the patrol game, using single submarines, players ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


CPG 1002

Bitter End - A Relief of the Besieged City, 1945

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Budapest, Hungary, January 1945

79,000 Axis troops belonging to the IX SS Mountain and 1st Hungarian Corps are surrounded and being pounded by two Soviet armies, the 46th and 7th Guards. The situation is grim. The Soviets are well- supported by heavy artillery and the German line has been steadily retreating, leaving Budapest in grave danger.

On January 1st, the German IV SS and III Panzer Corps launch a surprise attack to recapture the city and rescue the defenders. By January 12th the at... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CPG 1003

Red Storm Over the Reich.: Warsaw to Berlin 1945

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With the fall of Rome, the Allied invasion and liberation of France, and the Soviet Destruction of Army Group Center, 1944 was not a good year for Nazi Germany. 1945 would be worse. In the west Hitler's failed Ardennes gamble would be followed by the Allied surge to and over the Rhine. But it was in the east where the Soviets would inflict the final catastrophic defeats on Hitler's once-victorious war machine.

In January 1945 the Germans faced the main Soviet concentrations on a line from the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CPG 1004

Spanish Eagles

Featuring two complete battles of the Peninsular War, each with an alternate set-up possibility.

Eagles of the Empire is a game system that portrays the military engagements of the Napoleonic Era. Players assume the role of the army commander of a major national or allied army of the period.

The map is divided into areas that channel unit movement as dictated by the terrain. Units represent infantry divisions, artillery batteries and cavalry regiments. Leaders play a key role, activating f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


CPG 1005

The Price of Freedom

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Richmond, Virginia, April 1861
The Union built by your grandfathers is no longer what it was. The balance of powers and of regions is gone. An ever-growing central government dominated by the North threatens to trample state sovereignty and the South as a people. Like your grandfathers, it falls to YOU to save your rights with a bid for independence... But can you weather the strangling blockade and hold off the might of the North until it wearies of the fight?

Washington, DC, April 1861
Th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


CPG 1006

Spartacus: Crisis in the Roman Republic 71BC

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Spartacus is a two player, card-driven, point-to-point simulation pitting a loose coalition of forces under Sertorius against the Roman Republic as restructured under Sulla and his lieutenants.

As the Sertorian coalition, your objective is to force the Republic into collapse in order to rebuild it as it was before the Sullans changed the constitution. This is done through putting pressure on the Republic by territorial conquests, by exacerbating the tensions in the Republic, forcing it to uti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CPG 1007

Yalu: The Chinese Counteroffensive in Korea: November 1950-May 1951

Korea, November 1950
After four months of war, it appears that not only the has the communist invasion of South Korea been defeated, but also that the liberation of the northern part of the country is at hand. However, such is not the case.

The victorious U.N. forces, following up MacArthur's masterstroke Inchon landings, were racing up the Korean peninsula, following the defeated North Korean People's Army. Unknown to MacArthur, 400,000 Chinese troops had crossed the Manchurian border and w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

64,00 EUR


CPG 1008

Proud Monster DeLuxe: The Russ-German War, 1941-1944

Proud Monster Deluxe is a simulation of the Russo-German War beginning with the launch of Operation Barbarossa in June of 1941, and ending in April of 1944. It is a two-player (or multi-player) strategic / operational wargame of low complexity.

Units in Proud Monster Deluxe are typically divisions with some corps, brigades and regiments also included. Hexes are 20 miles (about 33 kilometers) across, and each turn represents about a 2 week period.

Game components have all been improved over... (vollständige Beschreibung)

148,00 EUR


CPG 1009

The God Kings: Warfare at the Dawn of Civilization, 1500 - 1260BC

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The God Kings is a wargame covering the ancient wars of the Near East, from the 15th to the 13th century BC. Players control the armies of Egypt (New Kingdom), the Hittites, the Mitanni (a long-forgotten Hurrite kingdom), and the Babylonian Kassites. A resurgent Assyria also makes an appearance as raiding parties.

The God Kings is a card-driven game, a system modeled on Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage. Each kingdom and its army is led by its King, and there are many Kings included, some great and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CPG 1011

Steel Wolves: The German Submarine Campaign Against the Allies - Vol. 1, 1939-1943

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Steel Wolves is a solitaire simulation of the German submarine war against British and Allied shipping, the follow-on title to the award winning Silent War. Volume I covers the period from the start of the War in 1939 to the early months of 1943. You serve as BdU, Befehlshaber der U-Boote; the Supreme Commander of Uboats, Kreigsmarine. Your mission is to deploy your forces with maximum effect to destroy British and Allied shipping, while limiting your own submarine losses.

Featured scenarios ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1011X

Steel Wolves: The German Submarine Campaign Against the Allies - Vol. 1, 1939-1943

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Minimale Beschädigung an der Box - Die Rückseite der Box ist oben links ein wenig eingedrückt! ( leicht reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Minimal damage to the box - The back of the box is a little dented at the top left! ( easily repairable)
Contents in perfect condition! - still shrink-wrapped!

Steel Wolves is a solitaire simulation of the German submarine war against British and Allied shipping, the follow-on title to the award winning Silent War. Volume I covers... (vollständige Beschreibung)

140,00 EUR


CPG 1012

Bataan! - The Battle for Bataan: 1942

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After failing to defeat the invading Japanese forces on the beaches of Luzon, General MacArthur, commander of United States Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE), retreated the Philippine Army to the Bataan peninsula and Corregidor, according to War Plan Orange. Holding fortified positions and bolstered by the crack Philippine Scouts, the Allied forces would hold for months against the well equipped and trained Japanese invaders.

Bataan! is a two-player game, recreating the battle for the peni... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CPG 1013

Storming the Reich

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Storming the Reich is a game about the World War II Allied campaign to liberate Northwest Europe from Nazi occupation. It is a game of brutal attrition and slashing advances. Opening on the evening of D-Day, with the Allies on the beaches and the Germans reacting (albeit belatedly) to the landings, the game covers the full campaign through to the battle of the Ruhr Pocket in April of 1945.

With plenty of armor, paratroop divisions, naval gunfire, air superiority and even the 79th Funnies, the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CPG 1014

To The Last Man! The Great War in the West, 1914-1919

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"The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime."
- Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secretary, August 3, 1914

August, 1914. The assassination of the Austrian Archduke and his wife by a Bosnian Serb terrorist has touched off a local conflict to drag the great powers of Europe, locked in rival alliances, into the first general European war in a century.

After years of military buildup, preparation, and waiting, the armies of Europe hurry off to war... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CPG 1015

The War: Europe 1939-1945 (Reprint)

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The War: Europe 1939-1945 (TW) is Compass Games’ new WWII strategic level game combining all the best features of the genre into an intuitive, challenging new game. While offering all the expansive features of the WWII Monster Game genre (such as U-Boat warfare, diplomacy, espionage, strategic bombing, jets, rockets and numerous variants for each Major Power), TW also offers tremendous scope in its 12 scenarios (see below).

Although not a card driven game (and thus a good candidate for soli... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1016

Nations in Arms: Valmy to Waterloo (Reprint)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Nations in Arms brings one of the most famous periods in history to your gaming table: the French Revolution and the legend of Napoleon in Europe, from 1792 to 1815. This epic treatment of the Napoleonic period covers 24 years of warfare at the strategic level.

Nations in Arms uses a extensively updated, modified and streamlined version of the Le Grand Empire game system from Pratzen Editions (that game covered the 1800-1815 time period). The result is that Nations in Arms is an entirely new,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

168,00 EUR


CPG 1017

Medina de Rioseco

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The Battle of Medina de Rioseco, 14 July 1808, was fought during Napoleon’s War in Spain between two Spanish Armies under the commands of General Joaquín Blake and General Gregorio García de la Cuesta, and Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bessières in which the Spanish force was defeated after a closely fought, but determined assault by the French.

Medina de Rioseco was the sole French triumph in the initial invasion of Spain, which failed to seize the country, ultimately requiring a fresh campaign... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1018

Enemy Action: Ardennes

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Enemy Action: Ardennes is a fun, tense new gaming system from John Butterfield. A card-driven and diceless system featuring three games in one box: 2 solitaire games and a two-player game. The first module, Ardennes, portrays the German offensive against the Western Allies in December 1944 - the Battle of the Bulge.

Enemy Action is a new series of card-driven war games on pivotal military operations and campaigns in the twentieth century. Each game allows for play by two players or one player... (vollständige Beschreibung)

180,00 EUR


CPG 1019

Operation Skorpion: Rommel's First Strike - Halfaya Pass, May 1941

Battleground, North Africa, 26 May, 1941 - The recent Allied attack to relieve the Tobruk garrison, "Operation Brevity," had been largely a failure. However, it left them in possession of the strategically important Halfaya Pass, the gateway to Egypt. In addition, British forces were harassing the German defenders with mobile columns to the South. German General Rommel recognized the need to recapture this terrain in order to stabilize the front. Still fearing the British infantry tank, Matilda,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


CPG 1020

Breaking the Chains

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Breaking the Chains (BtC) simulates a hypothetical future military conflict over the South China and East China Seas around the year 2021. Conflicting claims of sovereignty have roiled those "near seas" since the Cold War. After decades of patient diplomacy, Beijing's new navy could offer military options for finally asserting sovereignty over prizes within the First Island Chain - that string of islands which runs from the Ryukus south through Taiwan, the Philippines and then curls back to the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1021

Bitter Woods (Designer Edition)

On December 16th 1944, Germany launched its last, desperate offensive in the West. The result was The Battle of the Bulge, a brutal struggle in a dismal winter landscape set against an enemy imbued with a fanatic conviction that victory could be snatched from defeat. It was the United States Army's greatest and fiercest battle of World War II. Over a million men and thousands of guns, tanks, and other fighting vehicles were engaged. In those "Bitter Woods," fighting against heavy odds, the Ameri... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR


CPG 1022

Crusade and Revolution: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939

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"CRUSADE AND REVOLUTION: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939" (C&R) is a card-driven point-to-point movement strategic-operational wargame that covers all the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Its rules are based on Ted Raicer’s "Paths of Glory".

Each player takes command of one of the sides (Nationalist or Republican), and looks after all the aspects that involve a war: mobilization, recruitment, movement of troops, offensives, construction of defences… There are also historical events that mu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1024

End of Empire: 1744-1782

Sammlerstück / Rarität


End of Empire: 1744-1782 is a two player game covering the three great conflicts fought on the North American continent between 1744 and 1782: King George’s War, sometimes known as the Old French War, which was part of the War of the Austrian Succession), the French and Indian War, part of the Seven Years War (known in England as the Great War for Empire), and the American Revolutionary War. The French and Indian War ended the French Empire in Canada; the American Revolution ended the British ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

106,00 EUR


CPG 1025

La Bataille De France 1940

In May, 1940, World War II took a turn that will change history forever—the German Army invaded France through the neutral countries of Belgium and Netherlands and thus avoiding the fearsome Maginot Line. The French Army, supposedly the best army of the time, felt far from any threat. Against all expectations, the neutral nations were quickly overrun, and the British Expeditionary Corps was forced to be evacuated, almost miraculously, from the channel port of Dunkirk. France capitulated in two... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


CPG 1026

A las Barricadas!

On 18 July 1936, various generals in the Spanish army rose up against the government of the Second Republic. The failure of the coup as it had been originally planned gave way to a civil conflict between the defenders of the democratic government and the backers of the military coup. Machado’s two Spains fought each other for nearly three years in a battle which reflected the political and social tensions affecting the world at that time.

The opposing armies were very different: on one hand... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


CPG 1027

On to PARIS! (Reprint)

z.Zt. vergriffen


On To Paris! uses a wargame system adapted from Victory Games' “The Civil War” to simulate the grand events of the Franco Prussian war (1870-71) and challenge players to control the leadership, organization and military operations of Armies and Corps during the later 19th century.

The Franco Prussian war was fought using Napoleonic tactics but with weapons of almost World War One lethality that included breech loading rifles, artillery and an early version of the machine gun. The Franco P... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CPG 1028

War in the Wind

In June 1942, forces of the Japanese Northern Army occupied Attu Island as part of its Midway campaign. Attu, at the far western end of the Aleutian Archipelago, was American soil. In May 1943, American forces landed on Attu to liberate it. They were unprepared for the tenacity of the Japanese defenders and the brutality of the environmental conditions. What was expected to be a week-long clean-up exercise became a month-long, nose-to-nose meat-grinder whose casualty levels would not be exceeded... (vollständige Beschreibung)

62,00 EUR


CPG 1029

Balance of Power

Sammlerstück / Rarität


World War One across the globe. This is a complete game of the entire war featuring land, sea and air forces, production, diplomacy and economics. With large and small scenarios this the WWI game to suit everyone.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
-For the Fallen, by Robert Laurence Binyon

Balance of Powers pays fitting tribute to the fallen with ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

140,00 EUR


CPG 1030

Fall Blau: Army Group South, June to December 1942

Hex and counter wargame using a modified version of the classic Operation Typhoon/Victory in the West system. This involves a chit pull for strong units to determine strength upon entering combat. The basic turn sequence is classic IGO-UGO which consists of movement and combat, with possible attacks for mechanized units during movement. Planes are simplified through the use of Air Points. The Axis player is limited by supply limitations. The support system being tied into supply easily restricts... (vollständige Beschreibung)

170,00 EUR


CPG 1031

Blitz! A World in Conflict

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Blitz! A World in Conflict is a grand strategy game where players fight all the battles and manage all the economies of the five major powers who fought World War II: Germany and Japan for the Axis, and for the Allies: the Anglo-French Alliance (Great Britain, France, the British Commonwealth nations, and all of their colonies), the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Developed in cooperation with the Australian Design Group, Blitz! A World in Conflict brings t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

122,00 EUR


CPG 1032

Fatal Alliances: The Great War 1914 - 1918

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Fatal Alliances: The Great War is a World War I version of World in Flames. Like its predecessor, Fatal Alliances is all encompassing and represents every theater and aspect of the First World War. Fatal Alliances expands upon the military system of World in Flames to highlight the diplomatic and civilian fronts.

When we think of the First World War, we often think of miles of static trenches stretching along the Western Front. Indeed trench warfare was a huge component of the war, but many t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

198,00 EUR


CPG 1033

Festung Europa: The Campaign for Western Europe, 1943-1945

Hot Seller


The long awaited follow-up to the highly popular card driven game, Shifting Sands: The Campaign for North Africa, 1940–1943 (from MMP).

Festung Europa: The Campaign for Western Europe, 1943-1945 is a two player game simulating the Second World War in the European Theatre of Operations between the fall of Tunis in May, 1943 and the final Axis surrender in 1945. The game is based on the card system used in MMP’s award-nominated Shifting Sands: The Campaign for North Africa, 1940-1943.

... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


CPG 1034

Paths to Hell (Reprint)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Paths to Hell (PTH) (Volume III) is a stand-alone game in the A las Barricadas! (ALB) game series. Recreates the events of those days and allows the players to reproduce the most famous battles of the Blitzkrieg on the East Front at a tactical level. Players take command of either the Allied or Axis forces (or can play solitaire) in the tactical battles of each scenario.

At 4:15 am on 22 June 1941 Adolf Hitler launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion against the Soviet Union, Codena... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


CPG 1035

Red Poppies Campaigns: The Battles for Ypres

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Red Poppies Campaigns (RPC) enables players to game WWI battles from the perspective of battalion and regimental command posts. Players unleash opening bombardments and then maneuver infantry companies against machine gun fire to fight battles on historically accurate maps of actual battlefields. The streamlined system for fire and movement enables a rapid ebb and flow with minimal dice rolling and lots of historical chrome. Generally speaking, units can move or fire once per turn – machine gu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1036

Order of Arms - Fornovo 1495 'Dawn of the Italians Wars'

Order of Arms is a simulation game of battles from Medieval & Renaissance times; from Hastings in 1066, to Pavia in 1525, a period that featured the mounted armored knight before the rise of wide spread professional infantry armies. Players take the role of the Field Commander of an army of the period, attempting to fulfill victory conditions using mounted and foot arms of the period.

Players use arms of the period including men-at-arms, both mounted and dismounted, infantry including archers... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


CPG 1037

The Lamps are Going Out: World War 1

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The Lamps Are Going Out is a fast-paced game of strategic decision making in the First World War for two to four players.

There are two Alliances – Central Powers and Triple Entente – each divided into two Factions. The Central Powers player controls the Germany and Central Allies (Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria) Factions while the Triple Entente player has the Western Allies (Great Britain, Belgium, France and Italy) and Eastern Allies/US (Russia, Serbia, Romania and United States)... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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CPG 1038

Revolution Road - April and June of 1775

Hot Seller


Revolution Road presents the first two conflicts between Britain and her American colonials in 1775 which ignited the American Revolutionary War. Two complete games are included, BOSTON TO CONCORD and BUNKER HILL. These are fast, tense battles. Card driven, area movement, low counter density, quick play and simple to learn, all make REVOLUTION ROAD a wonderful introduction To the American Revolution and to to war-gaming. Its wealth of historical information makes it an ideal teaching tool.

Al... (vollständige Beschreibung)

72,00 EUR


CPG 1039

Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Commands & Colors Tricorne - The American Revolution is not overly complex. The game is based on the highly successful Commands & Colors game system, where the Command cards drive movement while creating a “fog of war” and the battle dice resolve combat quickly and efficiently. Commands & Colors Tricorne - The American Revolution, however, introduces many new game concepts, which will add historical depth and provide even the most veteran Commands & Colors player many new play experiences an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

146,00 EUR


CPG 1040

Absolute Victory: World Conflict 1939-1945

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Absolute Victory is a simulation of World War II in every actual and possible theater on the entire globe, designed by the Charles S. Roberts Award-winning design team of R. Ben Madison and Wes Erni. The armed forces of a hundred different nations battle to control a single world-wide map whose ‘sliding scale’ gives more detail to areas which saw historical fighting (such as Europe and the Pacific islands). A revolutionary mode-based land combat system models the real decisions and objective... (vollständige Beschreibung)

220,00 EUR


CPG 1041

Saipan - The Bloody Rock

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The decision to invade The Marianas (of which Saipan is a part) was not an easy one. General MacArthur still favored the more westerly route through the Philippines and had support amongst the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It took several conferences and nearly a year before the decision was made. There were several reasons that the Americans finally decided to invade the Marianas: Firstly, it was the most direct route to Japan, Secondly, they could base B29 bombers there which could bomb Tokyo, Thirdl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1042

Fall of the Third Reich

Hot Seller


From award-winning designer Ted S. Raicer, The Fall of the Third Reich covers the dramatic last two years of WWII in Europe, as the Western Allies and the Soviet Union fight against fierce German resistance to bring down the Thousand-Year Reich.

The time is July, 1943. From the beaches of Sicily to the plains of central Russia, millions of men are poised to decide the fate of Europe and bring about the end of WWII...

From award-winning designer Ted S. Raicer, The Fall of the Third Reich co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


CPG 1043

Nine Years: War of the Grand Alliance 1688-1697

z.Zt. vergriffen


This Stand alone game uses the No Peace without Spain System, also contains a campaign game combining the components and scenario rules of both the Nine Years: War of the Grand Alliance 1688-1697 and NO PEACE WITHOUT SPAIN games into one epic scenario running from 1688 to 1713 for the epic scenario ownership off both games is needed. Now players can recreate one of the decisive moments in European history, as France begins its long slide to revolution, Austria enjoys its last moment of continent... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CPG 1045

1866: The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany

Hot Seller


1866 is a two-player simulation dealing with the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 in Central Europe. One player controls the forces of Prussia and its allies, to include the young Kingdom of Italy and the other player controls the forces of Austria and its German Confederation allies.

Using a shared deck of 55 Operations Cards, each player makes decisions concerning the deployment, combat and political-military operations in support of his forces and his general strategy. Orders of battle includ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CPG 1046

LEBENSRAUM! The War for Europe 1941-1945

z.Zt. vergriffen


LEBENSRAUM! is a grand strategic, moderate complexity game of the war between Nazi Germany and the Allied Nations, starting with the German invasion of the USSR in late June of 1941, through to the final battles to Berlin in 1945. The game includes both East and West Fronts, and can be played in a number of small (3 to 13) turn historical scenarios starting with Barbarossa in the East and Italy in the West, or in campaigns for each front individually, or a combined East and West front campaign. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CPG 1047

Sovereign of the Seas

Hot Seller


SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS is an uncomplicated war game centered on the naval aspects of the series of wars between England and the various European powers between 1756 and 1805 for dominance of the world’s oceans.

The game depicts this conflict at a strategic level, with most operational and tactical details represented by fast and easy-to-play systems, rather than intricate mechanisms. The intent of the game is to provide a broad overview of the historical events while being fun to play. SOVER... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR


CPG 1048

Russia Besieged, Deluxe Edition

The time is June 22nd, 1941. Over 3 million German troops are poised on the Russian border preparing to launch Operation Barbarossa! What was supposed to be a quick campaign ended up marking the beginning of the end of Nazi Germany.

From Award Winning designer, Art Lupinacci, Russia Besieged covers the entire German campaign in the east from 1941 to the bitter end, in 1945. One of the finest Army/Corps level games on the market, Russia Besieged Deluxe edition has been overhauled from years of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

110,00 EUR


CPG 1049

Triumph of the Will: Nazi Germany vs. Imperial Japan, 1948

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Triumph of the Will: Nazi Germany vs. Imperial Japan, 1948 enables two players to game the entirety of alternative history’s worst nightmare: a triumphant Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, having won World War II and conquered the planet in 1945, square off against each other – for total domination – three years later. The game’s two area-movement mapsheets join along the equator to show the whole world, including the Arctic and Antarctic.

Triumph of the Will: Nazi Germany vs. Imperi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


CPG 1050

South China Sea

South China Sea (SCS) provides an integrated political-military simulation of near future contention and conflict around the South China Sea. Players take on the roles of China, the United States, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. They simulate current political tensions through card play and structured negotiation keyed to real world events in an effort to "move the needle" to their side. Unfortunately, the cards with the greatest chance of moving that needle, such as Chinese Coast Gua... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


CPG 1051

Red Poppies Campaigns - Volume 2: Last Laurels at Limanowa

Red Poppies Campaigns: Volume 2 - Last Laurels at Limanowa (LLL), simulates Austria-Hungary's last independent victory against the Russian Empire in World War I. In November 1914, Russia's 3rd Army pressed on Krakow, the center of Austrian Poland, while the Russian 8th Army threatened to break through the Carpathian passes into Hungary. Desperate to relieve the pressure, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, Chief of the General Staff for Austria-Hungary, gambled on a counter attack about 25 miles sou... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


CPG 1052

Brezhnev’s War: NATO vs. the Warsaw Pact in Germany, 1980

Brezhnev’s War: NATO vs. the Warsaw Pact in Germany, 1980 enables two players to game the first month of a hypothesized communist invasion of Western Europe sometime between the fall of Saigon and the start of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. It was during that period the conventional “correlation of forces” between the two hostile alliances most favored the communists.

The scenario portrayed is the one that was most anticipated and feared by NATO’s intelligence analysts at the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


CPG 1053

Guam - Return to Glory

On the 8th December 1941 American soil was invaded for the first time in the war, the small American and Guananian garrison was overrun and 2 days later the Govenor surrendered the Island to the Japanese. On 21st July 1944 the Americans would return to retake the island and drive the Japanese invaders off; a day that is still celebrated as 'Liberation Day'.

There were many reasons why the Americans decided to invade Guam not least of which was the fact that the station of the trans-Pacific ca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

164,00 EUR


CPG 1054

Lion of Judah: The War for Ethiopia, 1935-1941

Lion of Judah: The War for Ethiopia, 1935-1941 is a two-player wargame simulating two campaigns located in the Horn of Africa - Italy vs. Ethiopia in 1935-1936, and the British Commonwealth and Ethiopia vs. Italy in 1940-1941). The scenarios all use a common rule set combined with scenario-specific rules. Regular units are mostly divisions, brigades and regiments, while irregular units include warrior levies and tribal bands. Armor, transports, air power, and headquarters (which represent corps-... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


CPG 1055

The African Campaign, Designer Signature Edition

Hot Seller


The African Campaign, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of a true wargaming classic by John Edwards, re-mastered and updated with this all-new, supersized edition. Celebrated by many as “Afrika Korps done right,” this two-player game allows players to explore the key elements of the Desert War, beginning in December 1940 with Wavell’s first offensive, Operation Compass, against the Italian forces of Marshal Graziani, and culminating in December 1942 when the Americans landed in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR


CPG 1056

Red Star/White Eagle: The Russo-Polish War, 1920 - Designer Signature Edition

Red Star/White Eagle: The Russo-Polish War, 1920, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of a true wargaming classic by David Williams, remastered and updated with this all-new edition. Celebrated by many as one of the finest and often sought-after game titles ever produced by Game Designers’ Workshop (GDW, 1979) on a fascinating, almost forgotten conflict that would determine the course of European history for the next twenty years or more.

To the West, the First World War was “the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


CPG 1057

Empires & Alliances: World War One Across Europe

Empires and Alliance is a strategic level simulation of the First World War. Players command the Central Powers and Allied forces that fought in Europe from 1914 to 1918. The map runs from the French Atlantic ports to Moscow and Rostov in the east. The map includes St. Petersburg in the north and Italy, Greece, and the portion of the Ottoman Empire that encompasses modern day Turkey in the south. There are off board Boxes for the Caucasus and the Middle East. Terrain types include forests, swamp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

104,00 EUR


CPG 1058

Battle Hymn Vol. 1: Gettysburg and Pea Ridge

Battle Hymn Vol. One includes two games: Gettysburg: The Tide Turns and Pea Ridge: The Struggle for Missouri. Battle Hymn is a new brigade-level system based upon the latest research into Civil War combat. Designed by Charles S. Roberts Award-winning designer Eric Lee Smith.

Battle Hymn Vol. One includes two games: Gettysburg: The Tide Turns and Pea Ridge: The Struggle for Missouri. Battle Hymn is a new brigade-level system based upon the latest research into Civil War combat. Designed by Cha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


CPG 1059

Korea: Fire and Ice

Korea: Fire and Ice is the first game in a new system called Operational Scale System. This system will cover large scale combat from World War Two into the modern era. The scale for the system will be 10 miles a hex and weekly turns, with Divisions as the primary maneuver unit.

Using at its heart a system that is from an older but wonderfully conceived game called “Road to the Rhine”, players will be able to move all their units once but can, if they can afford the supply cost, move the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CPG 1060

Prelude to Rebellion - Mobilization & Unrest in Lower Canada

A card-driven game on the events leading to the uprisings of Lower Canada in 1834-1837.

The Patriotes of Lower Canada became notorious for uprisings in 1837-1838 that prompted a bloody crackdown by the colonial authority. The battles that resulted from this escalating violence left quite a mark on the imagination and history of a modern-day nation unused to armed conflict on its soil.

But most Quebecers today know little about what led to these events. In the years before the rebellion, th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

112,00 EUR


CPG 1062

Raiders of the Deep: U-boats of the Great War, 1914-18

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Raiders of the Deep: U-boats of the Great War, 1914-18 is a solitaire, tactical level game placing you in command of a German U-boat during WWI (known at the time as The Great War). Your mission is to destroy as much Allied shipping as possible, while advancing your crew quality, increasing your Commander rank, and attempting to survive until the Armistice and the end of the war. Raiders of the Deep is based on the popular Hunters game system by Gregory M. Smith and marks the first dedicated boa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


CPG 1063

Blood on the Ohio: The Northwest Indian War 1789 - 1794

Blood on the Ohio 1789-1794 is a two player, point-to-point game loosely based on King Philip's War (MMP - 2010). It covers the Northwest Indian War which followed the American Revolution. Settlers flooded across the Ohio River testing the patience of Native nations. A coalition under the skilled leadership of the Miami chieftain, Little Turtle, defiantly stood against them. Raiding on both sides caused casualties to mount. President Washington ordered three army expeditions against them. Two en... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


CPG 1064

Stalins World War III

Hot Seller


Stalin's World War III is a two game package: Part 1 – Operation Pincher & The Soviet Offensive in Europe; and Part 2 – Operation Sandown & The Soviet Offensive in the Mid-East. This is an alternative history monster-size wargame, designed by Ty Bomba, intended to investigate the strategic parameters that would’ve been in place during the first 10 weeks of operations had that dictator lived long enough to put in motion one of his many plans to start a global conflict in 1953.

The full c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


CPG 1065

Forgotten Legions, Designer Signature Edition

Hot Seller


Forgotten Legions, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of not just one, but TWO wargaming classics by Vance von Borries.

Drive on Damascus and Bloody Keren, both now published together for the first time in the same package and with the same basic rules set. They have been re-mastered and updated into all-new, super-sized editions. These were well regarded by many as balanced and thoughtful games. They cover fascinating, almost forgotten conflicts that would guide the course of WW II... (vollständige Beschreibung)

104,00 EUR


CPG 1066

France 1944: The Allied Crusade in Europe - Designer Signature Edition

Hot Seller


France 1944: The Allied Crusade in Europe, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of an original game covering the historical events that led to the liberation of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands during the Allied drive on Germany by renowned game designer, Mark Herman. This new signature edition has been re-mastered and updated and will be linking with an all-new companion game, Russia 1944, slated for release in late 2020.

France 1944 is yet another Classic Reborn! by... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


CPG 1067

A Pragmatic War: The War of the Austrian Succession 1741 – 1748

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


A Pragmatic War is a two-player game simulating the War of the Austrian Succession. The war like its predecessor, the War of the Spanish Succession (excellently portrayed by Don Herndon’s No Peace Without Spain!) was fought primarily to determine who would succeed to the throne of a great empire, in this case the Austrian Empire. When the current ruler of the Austrian crown lands and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles VI died without male issue he had laid the groundwork for his eldest ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CPG 1069

Vietnam Rumor of War

The second game on the Operational Scale Series. This game covers the American involvement in the Vietnamese War of 1965-1972.

Players will negotiate the minefield of Publix opinion while attempting to win on the battlefield. The game covers the American involvement in the war (from 1965-1972) and offers players the options to expand the war in ways that few games on this conflict allow. The Americans can invade North Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia at their own political risk - as can the Communi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

106,00 EUR


CPG 1070

Nightfighter Ace: Air Defense Over Germany, 1943-44

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Nightfighter Ace, Air Defense Over Germany, 1943-44 is a solitaire, tactical level game which places you in command of a German Nightfighter during World War II. Each turn consists of several days, during which a combat mission will be flown from one of many bases in Europe, attempting to intercept incoming British Bombers. Nightfighter Ace is based on the popular, action-packed Hunters game system by Gregory M. Smith with a strong narrative around the pilot as you look to increase your prestige... (vollständige Beschreibung)

116,00 EUR


CPG 1071

Montélimar - Anvil of Fate

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


As the Allies advanced out of the Operation Dragoon Bridgehead, they suffered from too much success. All of Southern France lay before them and where next was debated in the Allied High Command. With indecision also came several supply shortages that accompany rapid advance. What the Allies wanted to do was also limited by what they could do. The Germans they were facing were getting desperate as the Allied advance, as stunted as it was, was moving behind the 19th Army and facing annihilation... (vollständige Beschreibung)

156,00 EUR


CPG 1072

No Peace Without Spain - The War of the Spanish Succession, 1702-1713 2nd Edition (Reprint)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


In November 1700, King Carlos II of Spain died without an heir. The long-standing feud between the Bourbons and Habsburgs erupted once again as both sides pressed their claim to the throne. No Peace Without Spain is a two-player game that elegantly recreates this epic struggle using a point-to-point map and a single deck of 55 cards. Action cards are used to activate armies for movement and siege, while event cards bring historical and special events into play that can swing the tide of fortune ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


CPG 1073

Once We Moved Like the Wind: The Apache Wars, 1861-1886

Hot Seller


Their names are virtually synonymous with the long conflicts with the native indigenes of the American West. Cochise, Victorio, Chato, Geronimo. These great war band leaders all come from the various tribes of the Apache, and the Apache Wars dominated the attention of the US government in its westward development for the critical 25 years from the American Civil War to the final capitulation of the natives of the area.

What the Game Looks Like:

ONCE WE MOVED LIKE THE WIND covers these ce... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


CPG 1074

Tinian: The Forgotten Battle

Most people have never heard of the Battle of Tinian. Overshadowed by the Battle of Saipan to the north and the Invasion of Guam to the south, Tinian seems like a small side show that had no real impact on the war. Some people may hear the name and remember that the B-29s, the ones that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan, flew from there but for the rest it has become a minor part of military history - a forgotten battle.

And yet Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, said of the invasion of Tinian:
"I... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


CPG 1075

Brotherhood & Unity

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Winston Churchill once said - "The Balkans produce more history than they can consume." And the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina showed just that. The war that erupted in the spring of 1992 brought bitter fighting, indiscriminate shelling of civilians and a wave of atrocities. The war was fought by: three local ethnic groups (Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats), paramilitary formations from Serbia and Krajina, Croatian armed forces, foreign Muslim volunteers, UN peacekeepers, and NATO airforce. Events ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CPG 1076

Hearts and Minds - 1965 to 1975

Now including 2 bots to play solitaire as either side.

Hearts and Minds, Third Edition is an uncomplicated approach to a very complicated conflict. Eight scenarios introduce players to U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia including a scenario after the US withdrew from Vietnam, a full campaign scenario as well as high solitaire capability. Players appreciate the ability to start in any year of the war they wish and fight to the end of any other year of the war. The game provides a comprehensive... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


CPG 1077

Pacific Tide: The United States Versus Japan, 1941-45

z.Zt. vergriffen


Pacific Tide: The United States versus Japan, 1941-45 is a compact, strategic-level game covering the struggle between the United States (including some Commonwealth forces) and Japan in World War II by game designer, Gregory M. Smith. This game utilizes a unique and fast-paced, card-driven combat/build system revolving around carrier operations which will provide players with a multitude of decisions. While extremely competitive as a two-player game, Pacific Tide can be enjoyed again and again ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CPG 1078

The War for the Union - Designer’s Edition - by Rob Beyma

The War for the Union is a strategic level simulation of the American Civil War. It is the long awaited 2nd edition of the game originally published in 1992. Players command the Union and Confederate forces that fought from 1861 to 1865. The map runs from southeastern Texas to the Atlantic and from Harrisburg, PA to southern Florida. The new map is 34” x 44” to accommodate larger counters. Atlanta and Pensacola are now in the Western Theater. Terrain types include forests, rough, swamps, bay... (vollständige Beschreibung)

102,00 EUR


CPG 1079

Europe in Turmoil: Prelude to the Great War

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Europe in Turmoil is a card-driven game set at the beginning of the 20th Century in which two players each assume the role of a political ideology ascendant in Europe at that time, with one side playing the Liberal (representing not just Liberal but also Socialist principles) and the other side playing the Authoritarian (representing the repressive, autocratic regimes of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia).

The card playing mechanic is closely related to that of Twilight Struggle or 1989: Da... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1081

South China Sea II: Indian Ocean Region

Hot Seller


“The profound influence of sea commerce upon the wealth and strength of countries was clearly seen long before the true principles which governed its growth and prosperity were detected. To secure to one's own people a disproportionate share of such benefits, every effort was made to exclude others, either by the peaceful legislative methods of monopoly or prohibitory regulations, or, when these failed, by direct violence. The clash of interests, the angry feelings roused by conflicting attemp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


CPG 1081X

South China Sea II: Indian Ocean Region



Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Die Rückseite der Box ist rechts unten ganz leicht eingedrückt (reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!

Slight damage to the box - The back of the box is very slightly dented bottom right (repairable).
Contents impeccable! - Still shrink wrapped!

“The profound influence of sea commerce upon the wealth and strength of countries was clearly seen long before the true principles which governed its growth and prosperity were detected. To sec... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR


CPG 1082

Red Poppies Campaigns - Volume 3: Assault Artillery

Assault Artillery (AA) recounts the Battle of La Malmaison, 23-27 October 1917, in which the French employed their Artillerie Spéciale (tank force) and creeping barrage to capture Pinon, Vaudesson, and the coveted Chemin des Dames ridge. The French victory confirmed their recovery from the mutinies spawned by the disastrous Nivelle Offensive fought over some of the same ground six months earlier.

In a six-day preliminary bombardment, French guns, with a three to one advantage, silenced mo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


CPG 1083

The Late Unpleasantness: Two Civil War Campaigns to take Richmond

“Two Civil War Campaigns to take Richmond”

In the spring of 1861, Richmond, Virginia became the capital of the Confederacy. Being a manufacturing powerhouse only 120 miles from Washington DC and the Confederate capital, it became the focus of Union attention. The threat of capture by Federal forces was constant.

The Late Unpleasantness covers the two major attempts to capture the Confederate Capital City. Gates of Richmond covers the Seven Days Battles with Robert E Lee facing down Geo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


CPG 1084

Fortress Europa, Designer Signature Edition

Fortress Europa, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of a true wargaming classic by John Edwards, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, supersized edition. Celebrated by many as the successor to The Russian Campaign, this two-player game recreates the Allied campaign in Western Europe from D-Day to March 1945.

This edition of Fortress Europa features a super-sized map and counters and is yet another Classic Reborn! by Compass.

Fortress Europa, Designer Signature Edi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

100,00 EUR


CPG 1085

Bar-Lev: The 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Deluxe Edition

Bar-Lev: The 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Deluxe Edition, represents an updated game treatment of the GDW release originally published in 1977, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, deluxe edition. Either of the two fronts (the Golan Heights and the Suez Canal) may be gamed separately, or both can be linked to simulate the course of the entire war.

Bar-Lev: The 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Deluxe Edition, represents an updated game treatment of the GDW release originally published in 1977,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

136,00 EUR


CPG 1086

WWII Commander Vol.1: Battle of the Bulge

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


WWII Commander, Volume One: Battle of the Bulge is the first in a series of fast-playing area-based games on key campaigns of the Second World War. Battle of the Bulge is a two-player game of the German offensive against the Western Allies in December 1944, designed by renowned game designer John H. Butterfield and based on his original boardgame design that was later released in digital format by Shenandoah Studios, an imprint of Slitherine UL Ltd.

The simple elegance and high player-interac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


CPG 1087

Schutztruppe: Heia Safari 1914-1918

Hot Seller


Schutztruppe, Heia Safari, 1914-18 delivers an intriguing and detailed look at the East African Guerrilla war, 1914-1918. This is a moderate complexity wargame with detailed naval and supply rules, and a map and order of battle representing the authoritative treatment of the campaign. The overall game presentation is enhanced with a mounted game map and larger 9/16? counters.

“Heia, heia Safari!” was a call which for four years echoed throughout East Africa. With this call the officers of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


CPG 1088

Decision at Kasserine: Rommel's Last Chance, Designer Signature Edition

Hot Seller


Decision at Kasserine: Rommel's Last Chance, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of a true wargaming classic by Vance von Borries first published in 1983, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, supersized edition. Hailed by many as of the premier entry in the popular Battles for North Africa series, this two-player operational level simulation covers the WWII German and Italian offensive in central Tunisia which took place in mid-February 1943.

This edition of Decision ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


CPG 1089

Ostkrieg: WW II Eastern Front

Hot Seller


Ostkrieg: WW II Eastern Front is a compact, strategic-level game covering the struggle on the Eastern Front during World War II by game designer, Mitchell Ledford. This game utilizes a unique and fast-paced, card-driven combat/build system first introduced in Pacific Tide. revolving around ground and air operations. While extremely competitive as a two-player game, Ostkrieg can be enjoyed again and again in solitaire play format with its unique, “personality” driven bot system.

Despite th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


CPG 1090

Death in the Trenches: The Great War 1914-1918 (Second Edition)

Death in the Trenches is a strategic-level World War I game covering the entire war, from the opening shots in Serbia and Belgium to the final defeat (or victory!) of Germany and its allies in 1918. The map, executed by Jonathan Carnehl, is designed to give you a feel for 1914 by using textures and colors featured in atlases of the time. It stretches from the Pyrenees to Moscow, and from Norway to the Sudan, covering every square inch of territory in Europe and the Near East which saw combat fro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


CPG 1091

The Korean War: June 1950 - May 1951, Designer Signature Edition

The Korean War: June 1950 - May 1951, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of a true wargaming classic by Joseph Balkoski first published in 1986, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, supersized edition. Hailed by many as of the premier games covering The Korean War, this two-player operational level simulation covers the first year of the Korean conflict, from June 1950 to May 1951.

This edition of The Korean War features a super-sized map and larger counters and is a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


CPG 1093

NATO - The Cold War goes Hot (Designer Signature Edition)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Hot Seller


NATO, The Cold War Goes Hot, Designer Signature Edition marks the return of a true wargaming classic by Bruce Maxwell. NATO simulates a potential NATO/Warsaw Pact conflict in Central Europe during the Cold War years of the 1980's. First published in 1983, this game was Victory Games best-selling title, purchased by over 75,000 gamers worldwide. This new edition is based on an exhaustive two-year study by the Designer of the records that have come to light since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

100,00 EUR


CPG 1094

Hitler’s Last Gamble: The Battle of the Bulge (Designer Signature Edition)

Hitler’s Last Gamble: The Battle of the Bulge, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of a true wargaming classic by Danny Parker first published in 1989, faithfully remastered and updated with this all-new, supersized edition. The CSR award-winning designer is well renown as an author and expert on the Battle of the Bulge, having designed no less than six games on the battle. The original release showed great promise with an excellent order of battle, but did contain considerable errata... (vollständige Beschreibung)

144,00 EUR


CPG 1095

The Third World War: Designer Signature Edition

This edition of The Third World War features many new enhancements and larger counters and is another Classic Reborn!

The complete Third World War game series is included which is comprised of the following four games:
Third World War (subtitled Battle for Germany) is a game of the struggle for central Europe by the forces of NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
Southern Front: Race for the Turkish Straits adds Bulgaria and Romania, reinforced with three Soviet armies and special-capability forces, fa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

238,00 EUR


CPG 1095X

The Third World War: Designer Signature Edition



Nicht mehr in Folie (eingeschweißt) - aber Inhalt tadellos! - 100% mint/neu und unbespielt!

No longer in foil (shrink-wrapped) - but contents in perfect condition! - 100% mint/new and unplayed!

This edition of The Third World War features many new enhancements and larger counters and is another Classic Reborn!

The complete Third World War game series is included which is comprised of the following four games:
Third World War (subtitled Battle for Germany) is a game of the struggle for... (vollständige Beschreibung)

166,00 EUR


CPG 1096

Crusade and Revolution (deLuxe - Second Edition)

Deluxe Remake with mounted map and other high quality components!

"CRUSADE AND REVOLUTION: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939" (C&R) is a card-driven point-to-point movement strategic-operational wargame that covers all the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Its rules are based on Ted Raicer’s "Paths of Glory".

Each player takes command of one of the sides (Nationalist or Republican), and looks after all the aspects that involve a war: mobilization, recruitment, movement of troops, offensives,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

140,00 EUR


CPG 1097

Combat! Vol.1, 2nd Printing

Combat! is a solitaire game on man to man combat in the 20th century. The player will control friendly forces and attempt to complete a scenario against enemy forces that are controlled by the game system.

Combat! is a solitaire game on man to man combat in the 20th century. The player will control friendly forces and attempt to complete a scenario against enemy forces that are controlled by the game system. At the start of each turn the player will play 1 card from their hand to the Initiati... (vollständige Beschreibung)

176,00 EUR


CPG 1098

The War The Pacific 1941-45

Hot Seller


The War: The Pacific, 1941-1945 borrows many concepts from TWE, so experienced TWE gamers will readily adapt to TWP’s game system. However, TWP doesn’t just port European Theater rules to the Pacific and hope for the best. The game features sophisticated carrier-warfare rules that capture the unique features of the Allied naval struggle against Japan. Further, TWP isn’t just a naval strategy contest. Unlike some WWII strategy games, Nationalist China plays an active role in TWP, and a play... (vollständige Beschreibung)

178,00 EUR


CPG 1099

Napoleons Eagles - Storm in the East

Napoleon’s Eagles is a highly playable, action-packed card game set during the wars of 19th Century Europe. Two battles are featured: Borodino, the sanguinary clash before the gates of Moscow featured in Tolstoy’s famous novel War and Peace, and Leipzig, the great “Battle of Nations” which marked the beginning of the end of the French Empire.

The events of Autumn 1812 to Autumn 1813 marked a pivot point in the history of 19th Century Europe. Despite ominous setbacks in Spain, Napoleon... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


CPG 1100

Interceptor Ace - Volume 1: Daylight Air Defense Over Germany, 1943-44

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Interceptor Ace: Daylight Air Defense Over Germany, 1943-44 is a solitaire, tactical level game which places you in command of a German fighter during World War II. Each turn consists of several days, during which a combat mission will be flown from one of many bases in Europe, attempting to intercept incoming American Bombers. Interceptor Ace is based on the popular, action-packed Nightfighter Ace game system by Gregory M. Smith with a strong narrative around the pilot as you look to increase y... (vollständige Beschreibung)

120,00 EUR


CPG 1101

Blue Water Navy - The War at Sea (Reprint)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Blue Water Navy covers the war at sea, air, close-ashore and low-earth orbit from the Kola Peninsula in Northern Russia to the Mediterranean Sea and West over the Atlantic Ocean to the United States and Cuba. The game models the full order of battle that could be expected in 1980's wartime, from multi-regiment Soviet Tu-22 Backfire bombers to multiple US carrier groups.

Blue Water Navy - The year is 1983 and the headlines read:

'NATO intelligence reports the mobilisation of Soviet front li... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CPG 1102

Brief Border Wars



Brief Border Wars is a quadrigame or set of four mini-games on short border conflicts of the 20th and 21st century, using a card-driven system that models the chaotic, stop-and-start nature of these impromptu wars.

The four conflicts include:
El Salvador vs. Honduras, 1969 (also known as “The Football War”)
The Turkish invasion of Cyprus, 1974
China vs. Vietnam, 1979
Israel vs. Hezbollah, southern Lebanon, 2006

The Turkish player in the Cyprus game must establish a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


CPG 1103

No Motherland Without: North Korea in Crisis and Cold War

Hot Seller


No Motherland Without: North Korea in Crisis and Cold War is a card-driven strategy game for one or two players simulating tensions between the DPRK and the West from 1953 to present day. As the Kim Regime (DPRK), one player will be seeking a nuclear deterrent to invasion, preventing uprising, improving infrastructure and purging elites to prevent a coup. As the West, players will exert pressure on the regime.

The game depicts the struggles of the Kim Regime against the West from 1953 to pres... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


CPG 1104

Devils Boats - PT Boats in the Solomons

Hot Seller


"Devil Boats: PT Boats in the Solomons" is a solitaire, tactical-level wargame. You, as commander, will lead a squadron of four US Navy PT boats on nightly missions against Japanese forces in the Solomon Islands during the summer months of 1943.

Sleek, fast, and heavily-armed, US Navy PT boats were soon given the nickname ‘Devil Boats’ by Imperial Japanese forces for their ability to suddenly show up out of nowhere, inflict heavy damage, and then quickly disappear again under the cover of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


CPG 1105

Coalition: The Napoleonic Wars, 1805-1815

COALITION! is a game about the Napoleonic Wars (1805-1815) for two to six players that can be completed in a single evening. The scope of the game is grand-strategy with some operational components (as the execution of maneuvers as Marching to the Sound of the Guns), being the British player launching successive Coalitions to destroy France and his Empire. You will remember and reenact this flamboyant period handling historical Generals, Armies, Fleets and Event Cards. Prepare to fight from Aust... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


CPG 1106

CSS The Little Land – The Battle for Novorossiysk

Stalin had been unhappy with the progress of North Caucasus Front on Krasnodor and impatient to see more success, he ordered General Ivan Petrov, commander of the Black Sea Group of Forces, to break the stalemate by a surprise invasion from the Black Sea. This would unhinge the German defense and quicken the offensive.

February 4-9, 1943
Stalin had been unhappy with the progress of North Caucasus Front on Krasnodor and impatient to see more success, he ordered General Ivan Petrov, commander ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

152,00 EUR


CPG 1107

Cradle of Civilization

Cradle of Civilization is a pair of games in one pack that allows one to six players determine the fate of the ancient near east. In one game civilizations rise, while in the second, players battle over whether the great Persian Empire will survive or perish. Both games use simple mechanics to make them quick-playing and to portray a period feel to the players..

Sumeria to Persia is about the Bronze and Iron Age, when civilization was born and city states evolved into kingdoms and finally to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CPG 1108

Dawn of Empire

Hot Seller


Dawn of Empire is an uncomplicated game centered on the naval aspects of the Spanish-American War of 1898 in the Atlantic Ocean. The game depicts this conflict at a strategic level, with most operational and tactical details represented by fast and easy-to-play systems, rather than intricate mechanisms. The intent of the game is to provide a broad overview of the historical events while being fun to play.

It all really started in February of 1895 when Spain unilaterally suspended constitution... (vollständige Beschreibung)

68,00 EUR


CPG 1109

Commands & Colors - Tricorne: Jacobite Rising

z.Zt. vergriffen


By design, Jacobite Rising is not overly complex. In a battle scenario, two players will command either the Jacobite forces or the units of the Government army. There are 13 battle scenarios in the game. A scenario’s battle notes state which player takes the first turn and players will alternate taking turns thereafter until one player reaches the number of Victory Banners indicated in the scenario’s victory conditions.

The Jacobite Rising battlefield game board has a hex grid of 13 hexes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CPG 1110

Dawn's Early Light: The War of 1812

Dawn’s Early Light: The War of 1812 is a two-player card-driven grand strategy game: a quick-playing, high-level abstract recreation of the entire conflict encompassing the territorial, naval, political, and economic competition between the two sides. Players will appreciate the high-production quality of the components which includes a MOUNTED game map and large, 5/8" size punch-out counters.

Players take the role of the United States or Great Britain over a four-year period spanning the w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


CPG 1111

The Enemy is at the Gates: The Battle for Berlin - Modern War: Volume Two

Hot Seller


The East Germans were well prepared to attack and conquer West Berlin. Every step of the process was thoroughly planned. The Battle was to take no more than three days. Major installations and infrastructure compounds were the primary targets. Airports and train stations would be destroyed. The NATO forces in the great city were to be crushed with no hope of relief. After the utter defeat of the organized enemy armed forces in the city, the second phase of the Communist operation would see the i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

178,00 EUR


CPG 1112

Amerika Bomber: Evil Queen of the Skies

z.Zt. vergriffen


Strategic Bombing of America, 1947-48 -
In another timeline, England stands alone in Europe: beaten down but not completely destroyed. The Soviet collapse in 1944 combined with an armistice allows the Germans to rest and refit their armies and deploy back to the west. The Americans have finally decided to declare war on Germany, but it seems to be a somewhat futile gesture, as any attempt to liberate Europe would have to face the full might of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe.

In 1946, the Amerik... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CPG 1114

Granada Last Stand of the Moors

Hot Seller


Anno Domini 1482. For the past few centuries, the Iberian Peninsula has been a complex battlefield of crossed interests, kings' ambitions and noblemen's intrigues. The Muslim power, once uncontested under Cordoba's Caliphate banners, lies languidly in the last Moor stronghold in Al-Andalus, the marvellous city of Granada.
The last rulers of the Alhambra (“The Red One”) have been buying peace from the powerful Christian kingdoms for decades. Weakened by internal family divisions, t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

112,00 EUR


CPG 1116

The Lamps are Going Out: World War One, 2nd Edition (Reprint)

Hot Seller


The Lamps Are Going Out is a game simulating World War I at the grand strategic level. Many of the economic and military factors have been simplified to make game play as easy as possible, while still accurately portraying the balance of forces, strategies, constraints and ultimately the grand decision-making involved.

This is a game pitting the Central Powers against the Triple Entente and spans the entire war from August, 1914 until November, 1918.
All theatres are represented on the ar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

96,00 EUR


CPG 1117

An Attrition of Souls

Armies are marching and the lamps are going out all over Europe. From the trenches of Flanders to steppes of Russia, two colossal military blocs are about to engage in brutal conflict, from which only one can emerge victorious. It is up to you to take control of one of these great alliances. Plot your moves carefully, for within an hour Europe’s fate will be decided.

"An Attrition of Souls" is a light, fast-paced wargame. It uses a unique tile-placement system to simulate the First World Wa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

94,00 EUR


CPG 1118

The Fulda Gap: The Battle for the Center - A CSS Game

Stopping the possibility of a Soviet advance against NATO required some of the highest skilled troops to defend far forward in West Germany to prevent the vital industry and population from falling into Soviet hands. This was the task of the 11th Cavalry Regiment - the famed Black Horse Regiment - in the area well known as the Fulda Gap. The Fulda Gap was a break in the defensively favorable terrain that channelled advance directly towards the main American bases in West Germany. It was vital... (vollständige Beschreibung)

184,00 EUR


CPG 1119

Doomsday: Episode One, The Battle for Germany

The Doomsday Project is a subseries of the Operational Scale System featuring wars that never happened. There will be games on the Persian Gulf, the Balkans, the far north, the Far East, the strategic naval war, and of course, a game of total nuclear war. All the games will feature rules that allow you to play some, part or all of the great war that never happened. The first game in the series will feature the fight that could have happened in Germany. Chemical weapons, tactical nuclear attack... (vollständige Beschreibung)

122,00 EUR


CPG 1120

The Conquistadors: The Spanish Conquest Of The Americas – 1518-1548

Hot Seller


John Southard, the Legend! He is back with his first game after nearly 20 years! We are very excited.

In the half-century after Columbus, small bands of daring Spanish adventurers conquered Central and South America, destroying the huge armies of long-established native empires in the process. Some won great fortunes in gold, while many others only died an early death. These men were The Conquistadors. In this partly card-driven, partly procedural game —a brand-new design from Jon Southard ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

98,00 EUR


CPG 1121

Enemy Action: Kharkov (2nd Printing)

Enemy Action: Kharkov is the second game in John Butterfield’s acclaimed Enemy Action series of card-driven games simulating pivotal battles in World War II, playable by two players or one player controlling either side in the conflict.

Enemy Action: Kharkov portrays the Third Battle of Kharkov, the key Eastern Front battle in which the German Army ended a string of Soviet victories begun at Stalingrad. In the late winter of 1943, Soviet Operations code-named Star and Gallop drove the Germa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

162,00 EUR


CPG 1131

The Battle of Armageddon: Deluxe Edition

The deluxe edition has new graphics, updated rules and more cards from the previous edition.
“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East…

“Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.”

(Revelation 16: 12, 16)

The Bible contains prophecies about the final days, describing how the armies of the World will fight the final battle and that witho... (vollständige Beschreibung)

76,00 EUR


CPG 1132

Napoleon’s Imperium, 1798-1815

Napoleon’s Imperium, 1798-1815 is an addictive and exciting new Napoleonic War game for two to eight players on a grand scale that has undergone more than 28 years of design and development.
Designed for two to eight players, the game pitches eight Empire Nations of the Napoleonic Wars, divided into two Alliance’s in a fight to the death struggle for control of Napoleonic Europe.
The game has a “Churchill war room” feel with large numbers of counters representing age-of-sail style Fl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

174,00 EUR


CPG 1135

Kharkov Battles: Before & After Fall Blau.

Hot Seller


Kharkov Battles uses the Fall Blau basic rules to cover the Second & Third Battles of Kharkov.

Basics of the system are:
Stacking is 3 units per hex and combat out of a hex is restricted. Large units (mainly German divisions and Soviet corps) have Combat Ratings which pull a strength chit for combat. Typically only one unit with a strength chit may combat out of a hex along with all smaller units. Movement and Combat phases with Mobile Assaults for mechanized units during certain situations ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


CPG 1137

The Russian Campaign Original 1974 Edition

Hot Seller


It is now June 22,1941 and in the words of Adolf Hitler . . . “When Barbarossa begins all the world will hold its breath.”

On the 18th of December, 1940 Hitler issued “Fuhrer Directive No. 21” code named Barbarossa, which said “The Soviet Union is to be crushed in one swift campaign before the war ends with England”. The German leaders were confident that the victory in Russia would be swiftly won and the risk of a prolonged two front war would be short lived.

Losing one valuab... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


CPG 1138

2040: An American Insurgency

Hot Seller


Rebels vs Federals in 21st Century United States.

2040: An American Insurgency simulates a US civil war in the 21st century. In this 2-player, 3-hour game, the blue team is the Federals, agents of the government in Washington. The red team is the Rebels, militia groups trying to seize control of states, highways, and cities. The conflict spreads across the entire continental US, from Miami to Seattle and from Los Angeles to New York.

Two scenarios are presented. One depicts a rebellion th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


CPG 1139

Bismarck - The Last Battle

Hot Seller


Bismarck: The Last Battle is a solitaire game covering the last 5 days of the most feared German battleship in WWII. The game utilizes a card-driven battle system revolving around Bismarck’s operations, and provides the player with naval combat and damage control decisions as Bismarck and Prinz Eugen attempt to breakout into the Atlantic or reach safety in the port of Brest.

While extremely competitive as a solitaire game, Bismarck : The Last Battle is quite addictive for the player, as eve... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR


CPG 1140

War for America: The American Revolution, 1775-1782

War for America: The American Revolution, 1775-1782 is a strategic game based on the events during the American Revolution. It is a 2 player game that shows how the conflict, which began as a ‘civil war’ turned into a World conflict with a Great Britain that was greatly isolated. It features a new ‘Action Pulse’ and ‘Initiative System’ that keeps every turn of variable length and new. Game design by Gilbert Collins.

The time is April 1775. The colony of Massachusetts is in open re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

92,00 EUR


CPG 1142

Western Front Ace: The Great War in the Air, 1916-1918

Solitaire air combat game. Fly as a pilot for one of seven different nationalities.

Western Front Ace: The Great War in the Air, 1916-1918 is a solitaire, tactical level game which places you in command of a scout (fighter) aircraft during World War I.
Each turn consists of one sortie, during which a combat will usually occur. The player may choose one of seven different nationalities to fly for,
and can be based from one of many bases in along the trench lines or in Italy. Western Front... (vollständige Beschreibung)

130,00 EUR


CPG 1143

Imperial Tide: The Great War 1914-1918

z.Zt. vergriffen


Imperial Tide: The Great War 1914-1918 is a 2-player strategic level game which places you in command of either the Allied or Central Powers during The Great War (World War I.) Each turn consists of a year, during which multiple cards plays occur. These give the players movement, combats, entrenchments, and other actions. At the end of each year, players must make critical decisions on which cards to re-buy in an attempt to win the war outright or to win by placing the other side in a disadvant... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

CPG 1144

Oceans of Fire

Detailed simulation of the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Oceans of Fire is Rob Beyma's design of the conflict that raged in the Pacific from 1941 to 1945. This large, but playable, game features six countersheets covering the forces of Japan, the US and the Commonwealth forces that fought in this theater during WWII, as well as those forces of the various other nations that were engulfed in the conflict that enflamed the Pacific.

Oceans of Fire accurately reflects the spread of the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

132,00 EUR


CPG 1144X

Oceans of Fire



Leichte Beschädigung an der Box - Der Schachteldeckel hat oben mittig eine Beule (leicht reparierbar)
Inhalt tadellos! - 100% neu und noch eingeschweißt!

Slight damage to the box - The box lid has a dent in the top center (easily repairable).
Contents impeccable! - 100% new and still shrink-wrapped!

Detailed simulation of the Pacific Theater during World War II.

Oceans of Fire is Rob Beyma's design of the conflict that raged in the Pacific from 1941 to 1945. This large, but playab... (vollständige Beschreibung)

112,00 EUR


CPG 1145

Brothers at War 1862

Hot Seller


Brothers at War: 1862 is a quick-playing, tactical wargame exploring civil war brigade command. Units are regiments, batteries and companies of skirmishers. This is a quadrigame or set of four games, each featuring a full-size, 22×34? game map and covering battles from 1862: Antietam, South Mountain, Mill Springs, and Bloody Valverde.

Here Come the Rebels! It is a crisis year for the nation, as Invading armies march into Maryland, West Virginia and New Mexico.

Command rules are simple and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

118,00 EUR


CPG 1146

Barbarians at the Gates: The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 - 476

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Barbarians at the Gates, The Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 - 476, is a card-driven game for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates.

The g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

122,00 EUR


CPG 1150

Alexandros and Spartacus

Simulate ancient leaders epic exploits and conquests

"Alexandros and I Am Spartacus!" features not one but two great ancient wargames designed by Mike Markowitz that originally appeared in Command magazine in 1991 and 1992, garnering numerous Charles S. Roberts Award nominations and awards — Alexandros and I Am Spartacus. This expanded edition features both games along with their multiple expansions, three in total, to round out this impressive, DELUXE package with two full-size game maps ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

102,00 EUR


CPG 1151

Air & Armor: Würzburg, Tactical Armored Warfare in Europe – Designer Signature Edition

Hot Seller


Warsaw Pact vs NATO in a hypothetical war of the past in Europe.

Hofheim, 15:00. Commander: “Oh thank God, help has arrived!” Gunner: “Those aren’t ours….”

Air & Armor: Operational Armored Warfare in Europe, Designer Signature Edition marks the return of one of the most highly rated wargames on modern warfare ever published. Air & Armor is a company level simulation of a Hypothetical Soviet attack on West Germany in the mid-1980s. It depicts the collision of the Soviet 8th Gua... (vollständige Beschreibung)

102,00 EUR


CPG 1153

Defending America: Intercepting the Amerika Bombers, 1947-48

Hot Seller


Defending America is a solitaire, tactical level game which places you in command of an actual or experimental interceptor aircraft during a frightening look at what might have been in World War II.
This game is highly accessible to those familiar with the B17: Queen of the Skies system. The game system lends itself very well to capturing the tense feelings of being on a interception mission, and gives a frightening look on “what might have been” had the Allies fared poorly in the war.
W... (vollständige Beschreibung)

86,00 EUR


CPG 1155

Prelude to Revolution: Russia's Descent into Anarchy 1905 - 1917

Hot Seller


The Russian Revolution was one of the most consequential events of the 20th century – it saw the downfall of the last autocratic monarchy in modern times, led to the advent of the Soviet Union, and created to social and political platform which gave us Josef Stalin, GULAGs, and the Cold War. But those critical days in 1917 were the culmination of over a decade of political, social, and ideological conflict in Russia.

Prelude to Revolution: Russia’s Descent into Anarchy, 1905-1917 is a two... (vollständige Beschreibung)

110,00 EUR


CPG 1157

American Tank Ace - Europe 1944-45

Hot Seller


Solitaire, tactical tank game with role-playing elements.

The Second World War has dragged on for 5 years. D-Day marks the Allies’ promise kept to the Soviet Union in opening a second front. American armor fared reasonably well in North Africa against second line German and Italian tanks, but in Normandy they faced Panthers for the first time and received quite the shock. The German tanks were severely outnumbered but exacted a terrible toll on the mostly Sherman tanks of the U.S. Army. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CPG 1159

Schnell Boats: Scourge of the English Channel

Hot Seller


Schnell Boats: Scourge of the English Channel is a solitaire, tactical-level wargame. You, as Kommandant, will lead a squadron of 4 German Kriegsmarine torpedo boats or experimental hydrofoil boats on night missions against Allied forces in the English Channel during 1943-1944.

Sleek, fast, and heavily-armed, German Kriegsmarine Schnell Boats (or Schnellboote) were a feared and respected adversary which exacted a heavy toll on Allied shipping.

Schnell Boats covers the months from June, 194... (vollständige Beschreibung)

88,00 EUR


CPG 1160

A Test of Faith: The Arab-Israeli War of 1973

On October 6, 1973, the Arab forces of Syria and Egypt attacked Israel. The attack took place on the most holy of days for Jews in an attempt to catch the Israelis as unprepared as possible. At first, it was a massive success. Syrian forces marched through the weak and scattered forces in the Golan Heights while Egyptian forces easily crossed the great Suez Canal and set up a strong defensive line along the east bank of the Canal and, under their strong umbrella of Surface-to-Air missile supp... (vollständige Beschreibung)

128,00 EUR


CPG 1164

Interceptor Ace - Volume 2: Last Days of the Luftwaffe (1152)

Hot Seller


Interceptor Ace, Volume 2: Last Days of the Luftwaffe, 1944-1945, designed by Fernando Sola Ramos, is a solitaire, tactical level game which places you in command of a German day fighter during the last days of World War II. This is the sequel to the popular, action-packed Interceptor Ace 1943-44, designed by Gregory M. Smith, and picks up the action where Interceptor Ace 1943-44 left off. Each turn consists of several days, during which a combat mission will be flown from one of many bases in E... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


CPG 1172

Silent War and IJN, Deluxe 2nd Edition

Hot Seller


As Commander of US Pacific Fleet Submarines, face the whole Japanese navy in WW2

Two great games together and updated in this Deluxe 2nd Edition!

Silent War is a solitaire simulation of the United States’ Navy submarine war against Imperial Japan in World War Two. You serve as Commander of Submarines, US Pacific Fleet (ComSubPac). Your mission is to deploy your boats with maximum effect to destroy Japanese shipping, while limiting your own submarine losses.

Featured scenarios cover ac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

112,00 EUR


CPG 1173

Carrier Battle: Philippine Sea (Reprint)

"Carrier Battle: Philippine Sea" is a solitaire simulation of the largest carrier battle in history, fought during the invasion of Saipan (June, 1944). As the U.S. commander, you maneuver your task forces and conduct air searches in a tension-packed contest to find the Japanese carriers before they locate and attack yours. Simple game mechanics control Japanese movement and determine the timing and strengths of their attacks. You will not know that a Japanese air strike is headed your way until ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

78,00 EUR


CPG 1175

Napoleon’s Eagles 2: The Hundred Days

Hot Seller


Action-packed card game set during the Napoleonic wars of 19th Century Europe.

Napoleon’s Eagles games are entirely card based (no dice, no counters, no maps), allowing players to recreate the largest battles of the era in an evening.

Napoleon’s Eagles: The Hundred Days, is the second game by designer Christopher Moeller in a series aiming to cover all of the great battles of the Napoleonic era. Following Napoleon’s Eagles: Storm in the East, The Hundred Days covers the Emperor Nap... (vollständige Beschreibung)

66,00 EUR


CPG 1176

WWII Campaigns: 1940, 1941, and 1942

Hot Seller


Reprint of the classic "120 Series" by GDW - all three games in one box!

WWII Campaigns: 1940, 1941, and 1942 is the faithful recreation of not one, but THREE classic GDW Series 120 games, in this all-encompassing package.

Each of the three games is intended as challenging, introductory-level games; the “120” reflects each game in this series uses no more than 120 counters, and all are intended to be played to completion in two hours or less without sacrificing historical quality or g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

82,00 EUR


CPG 1178

Sniper Kill Confirmed

Hot Seller


Become a tabletop sniper and fulfil your missions in all environments.

Sniper Kill Confirmed by Jay Kirkpatrick is a card-driven solitaire wargame. YOU take the role of a sniper and his spotter in search of your target and completing your mission.

The most deadly thing on a battlefield is one well-aimed shot. — Sgt. Carlos Hatchcock

You and your spotter enter play on one of four terrain maps: jungle, desert, countryside, or ruined city. Though you are at distance from your mission ta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

90,00 EUR


CPG 1179

The Doomsday Project: Episode 2 - The Battle for the Balkans

Although the World War Three scenario of NATO versus the Warsaw Pact never happened, it happened countless times on the wargaming table. It may not be part of history, but it is part of our hobby’s history. The Doomsday Project is a subseries of the Operational Scale System featuring wars that never happened. There will be games on the Persian Gulf, Central America, The Battle for Northern Europe, Manchuria, the strategic naval war, and of course, a game of total nuclear war. All the games wil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

136,00 EUR


CPG 1180

1812!: War on the Great Lakes Frontier

Simulate the War of 1812 on the Great Lakes.

Europe had been engaged in a war with Napoleon’s France for nearly ten years when the United States thought the time was right to pluck the jewel of Canada from the Crown of one of the mightiest powers on Earth, Great Britain.

“The defense of Canada depends upon the navigation of the lakes…operations out of Canada must be preceded by the establishment of naval superiority on the lakes.”
– Duke of Wellington 1814

The Great Lakes of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

122,00 EUR


CPG 1181

No Peace Without Honor!: The Dutch War 1672-1678

No Peace Without Honor (NPWH) is a two-player game depicting Louis XIV’s earliest European wars, the War of Devolution 1667-68, the Dutch War 1672-78 and the War of the Réunions 1679-1684.

This stand alone game uses the No Peace Without Spain System. A new countersheet provides additional leaders, such as the young Prince William of Orange, or the skilled Bourbon veterans Turenne and Condé. The Sun King himself, Louis XIV, can make an appearance. A new set of event cards features incident... (vollständige Beschreibung)

102,00 EUR


CPG 1182

Russia Besieged Deluxe Edition: Finnish Expansion

Add the Finnish front to Russia Besieged.

This extensive package expands and complements Russia Besieged Deluxe Edition, the finest Corps/Army level treatments of the fighting on the Eastern Front in World War II!

Finnish Expansion. The Finnish Expansion completes the entire Eastern Front experience by adding a map that covers Finland from Helsinki, Leningrad, Archangel, Petsamo and Murmansk. The expansion includes the units required to complete the Order of Battle and a 48 page Rules Book... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


CPG 1183

Maori: Warriors of the Long White Cloud - Clan Warfare in New Zealand

Hot Seller


The time: about 1450 AD. The place: the Polynesian island chain of Aotearoa, now known as New Zealand. The clan chiefs have always struggled for control of your island, since it was first discovered (totally uninhabited) many generations ago. But now, population pressures have added new impetus to these clashes, and the traditional divisions of North Island are ready to collapse into the chaos of war. Will you succeed in becoming New Zealand’s sole paramount chief? Or will you and your warrior... (vollständige Beschreibung)

100,00 EUR


CPG 1187

Atlantic Sentinels: North Atlantic Convoy Escort, 1942-43

Atlantic Sentinels is a solitaire, tactical level game placing you as the Senior Officer of the Escort, shepherding a convoy in the North Atlantic from the attacks of U-boats, both singly and in wolfpacks.
You are in command of a convoy escort group, composed typically of 4-10 escort vessels guarding a convoy on its way across the Atlantic.
Your mission is to protect as much Allied shipping as possible while simultaneously destroying as many U-boats as possible during the height of the U-boat ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

84,00 EUR


CPG 1189

Storm of Steel: Ju-87 Stuka – Eastern Front

Hot Seller


Fly and Command a Stuka Squadron on the Eastern Front WWII.

Storm of Steel: Ju-87 STUKA, Eastern Front is a solitaire tactical air wargame where you take the role of a Staffelkapitän – Flight leader. Select, equip, and fly your aircraft, lead a squadron of Stuka dive bombers, and execute close air support missions along the Eastern Front from the opening day of Operation Barbarossa on June 22, 1941, up to the Kursk offensive in 1943.

Take command of the legendary Stuka dive bomber on c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

114,00 EUR



CPG 1014

IJN Imperial Japanese Navy - A Silent War Expansion Module

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Bring added realism to your submarine campaign with IJN, Imperial Japanese Navy, the first expansion pack for Compass Games’ award winning SILENT WAR. Every Japanese warship down through the large destroyer escorts and the major auxiliary cargo ships and tankers are provided in two full countersheets with 336 new playing pieces for the game and rules to integrate them seamlessly into the game. IJN, Imperial Japanese Navy also brings new rules to SILENT WAR such as loners, crash dive, and targe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1023

German Fleet Boats: Steel Wolves Expansion Game #1

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Steel Wolves Expansion Game 1: German Fleet Boats assumes that Germany never entered into the 1935 Naval agreement, instead following OKM’s original view that aircraft and hydrophone technology will dramatically impact concentrated submarine operations around the British Isles and that the fleet boat concept of long range submarines are needed to operate outside areas of dense ASW coverage.

German Fleet Boats assumes significant changes to the historic design strategy: instead of focusing o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR


CPG 1044

The War: Europe 1939-1945 – Expansion Kit

Following up on its 2012 release of The War: Europe 1939 – 1945 (“TW”), Compass Games is pleased to announce the next installment of the TW franchise, The War 1939 – 1945 Expansion Kit. The Kit will offer:

Twelve new scenarios, including alternative history scenarios such as A Road Not Taken (what if Hitler had not declared war on the U.S.); Operation Tannenbaum (the never-executed invasion of Switzerland in 1940); Lord Halifax’s Treaty (where Britain makes a deal with Germany in 19... (vollständige Beschreibung)

104,00 EUR


CPG 1061

Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution: The French & More! Expansion

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


The French & More! is the first expansion for the Commands & Colors Tricorne - The American Revolution game. The kit adds ten new battles, adding the French army to the mix and expanding your existing forces. Of course, the two major land battles involving the French Army are included in the scenarios: Savannah and Yorktown. The expansion also takes a detailed look at the Battle of Brandywine, along with the battles of Springfield, Kings Mountain and Pell’s Point. New terrain tiles, additional... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

CPG 1141

Combat Vol.2 - From D-Day to V-E Day Campaign Expansion (Reprint)

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


Combat! 2: From D-Day to V-E Day Campaign Expansion adds many new features such as:

Elite Enemies in the form of the §§
A third Squad and command elements for the Americans so Platoon Actions can be gamed with multiple players
New weapons such as the STG44, the Thompson Sub-machine gun, the M-2 HMG, and the Springfield M-1903
Weather variations – Rain, snow, mist as well as Ground conditions like mud or snow
Rules for fire – now artillery can start fires
Trained medics – unarmed ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

176,00 EUR



CPG 1048A

Russia Besieged Players Guide

A 64-page magazine describing the history of the game, from its design inspiration and origins to the game Russia Besieged has become today. This 64-page companion guide, complete with a half-sheet of counters, will unlock even more value to your copy of Russia Besieged by making more variant and optional rules available. Variants include a Rudel counter, one of Germany's most famous pilots, Fortification counters, an option rule "What If" that presupposes Italy not attacking Greece, allowing G... (vollständige Beschreibung)

58,00 EUR



CPG 1097MP

Combat! Vol.1, 2nd Printing - Combat Maps Pack

Map board set (4 maps) for Combat! Volume 1. Upgrade your play experience by enjoying the new maps.
Please note these are the same maps provided in Combat! Volume 1, 2nd Printing.

This product is a game component only; Combat! Volume 1 ownership is required.

52,00 EUR


Conflict Simulations LLC

CSLL 1866

Königgrätz 3 July 1866 (Folio-Ziplock)

Experience the furious battle of Koniggratz in less than an hour.

Koniggratz, 3 July 1866 serves as a follow up to the previous CSL title "Mars la Tour" which uses the same Mark Hermann inspired system with a few new updates. Koniggratz (also known as the battle of Sadowa) was the crucial battle which determined the victor of the 1866 Austro-Prussian war for Germanic hegemony. Unlike traditional wargames, Koniggratz uses a unique sequence of play featuring pulses and formation changes in ord... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


CSLL 1870

1870 The War against the Empire (Boxed)

"1870: The War Against The Empire" is the first in a new sub-series of wargames within the 2140 series
called the Long Century Operational Series covering 19th century conflicts at a unique operational scale.
1870 covers the first month/phase of the Franco-German war, in which the combined armies of Germany overwhelmed
the martial forces of Napoleon III in a lightning campaign of opportunity and maneuver taking only a month to overthrow
the Second Empire.
1870 is heavily inspired by SP... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR



DAMOS - Army Group Center

Army Group Center covers Von Bock’s relentless drive on Moscow.

"DAMOS: Army Group Center" is a World War II wargame, issue 2 of the Barbarossa trilogy of wargames that can be combined together as a mini-monster. Each game by itself is a straight forward operational simulation of each theater, and all 3 games share the exact same rules allowing for easy integration. Units are divisions along with army HQs and some air units.

DAMOS is a brand new, unique take on operational scale WW2 gami... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



DAMOS - Army Group North

Army Group North covers Von Leeb’s attempt to blitzkrieg Leningrad.

"DAMOS: Army Group North" is game 1 of the Barbarossa trilogy of wargames from our new Destroy All Monsters Operational Series (DAMOS) that can be combined together as a mini-monster. Each game by itself is a straight forward operational simulation of each theater, and all 3 games share the exact same rules allowing for easy integration. Units are Divisions along with Army HQs and some Air Units.

DAMOS is a highly intera... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



DAMOS - Army Group South

Army Group South covers Von Rundstedt’s extended trek towards the Caucasus.

"DAMOS: Army Group South" is game 3 of the Barbarossa trilogy of wargames that can be combined together as a mini-monster. Each game by itself is a straight forward operational simulation of each theater, and all 3 games share the exact same rules allowing for easy integration. Units are divisions for the Germans and Division to Army sized for the Russians.

DAMOS is a brand new, unique take on operational scale W... (vollständige Beschreibung)

56,00 EUR



Imperial Bayonets Sedan 1870: 'We Were Not Cowards'

z.Zt. vergriffen


We Were Not Cowards" is an operational simulation of the last battle of the Second Empire. It uses a rules-engine heavily inspired by The Library of Napoleonic Battles rules by the illustrious Kevin Zucker and OSG. Several scenarios allow for a quicker french response to Prussian Maneuvers the day before creating a salvageable situation for the French. Each hex is approximately 1KM and units are divisions which can break down into their subordinate brigades. Maintaining a chain of command allows... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen


Mars La Tour (Folio-Ziplock)

Mars La Tour is an introductory-level wargame with plenty of meat on the bone for the seasoned grognard, inspired by Mark Herman’s recent Gettysburg. With a 17x11 large-hex map, less than 32 large counters and pair of 10-sided dice, players can experience the furious battle of Mars la Tour in less than a half-hour, easily played several times in one sitting. The OOB and order of appearances are tweaked for historical effect, representing the French at the corps level with some of their less aw... (vollständige Beschreibung)

36,00 EUR



2022 - Ukraine

Hot Seller


Simulation of the first year of the Russo-Ukranian war.

The latest module our Procedural Combat Series (PCS) tackles the first year of the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2022.
A complete and fully researched OOB is included featuring specialized and unique assets such as Drones, HIMARS, Patriot Missiles and more.

2022 goes out of its way to simulate the first year of the conflict through, thoughtful and brutally honest mechanics,
such as lower quality Russian units having a chance of committin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

134,00 EUR



Prigozhins March of Justice

Solitaire game on the Wagner coup.

Prigozhin's March of Justice is a solitaire wargame from Conflict Simulations LLC covering the attempted Wagner coup of Russia.

The player controls the Wagner forces as they attempt to move assets around, outmaneuver Russian forces and attempt to get units to switch sides,
the AI controls the Russian side. The game is developed to be extremely difficult.

The game takes about 15-20 minutes to play and can be played multiple times in a row fairly easi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR




DAMOS Barbarossa Deluxe Upgrade Kit

NOTE: This is not a complete game, but instead a small package meant to enhance your combined games of DAMOS Barbarossa.
Included is a large-print 32 page rulebook on normal-sized paper, SP markers and a Force Chart display which was asked for by numerous players
and allows players to replace stacks on the map with “force” markers keeping track of the stacks composition on the Force Chart display.

Note: This kit is only available in Ziplock packaging.

38,00 EUR




DAMOS Additional SP Markers

We are offering additional SP markers for those who would prefer not to use the unit status pads
included with copies of DAMOS games. While AGN has enough markers for itself,
AGS has such a large OOB that it includes no SP markers, therefore they are available here if you like.

20,00 EUR


Conflits & Stratégie

C&S 0001

Opération Bagration 1944

z.Zt. vergriffen


Bagration 1944 is the codename for the Russian offensive against Heeresgruppe Mitte (German Army Group Center). Within two weeks, the offensive fulfilled its objectives of opening a 400 km breach in the German lines and destroying a large number of enemy divisions in the process. For the first time on the Eastern Front, the Wehrmacht was unable to stabilize the situation. This game covers the first two weeks of the battle. A second title will cover the following weeks. The two games can be playe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

C&S 0002

Target Warsaw, July 12 - August 10 1944

z.Zt. vergriffen


Within two weeks, the Russian offensive against Heeresgruppe Mitte (German Army Group Center) fulfilled its objectives, opening a 400 km breach in the German lines and destroying a large number of enemy divisions in the process. For the first time on the Eastern Front, the Wehrmacht was unable to stabilize the situation. Our first title, Bagration 1944, covers the first two weeks of the battle. Warsaw 1944 covers the following weeks with the Red Army reaching East Prussia and the Polish capital.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

C&S 0003

Operation Goodwood

z.Zt. vergriffen


Goodwood 1944 covers the British Offensive against the German Defenses in the Caen sector. If Field Marshall Montgomery achieves his objectives, the Allies win the Battle of Normandy.
Goodwood 1944 is a game for two players, one player assumes the role of the commander of the German forces, and the other player assumes the role of the commander of the Commonwealth forces. The game map represents the areas over which the battle was actually fought. Each hex is 1 km across. It uses playing pieces... (vollständige Beschreibung)

z.Zt. vergriffen

David Tomasi Self Publisher

DTSP 1974

The Battle of Chickamauga (Ziplock)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A self-published, SPI quality (circa 1974), game of the American Civil War Battle of Chickamauga, 20 Sept., 1863.

A legal-sized white envelope with a b&w sketch of the battle containing:
2 8 1/2" x 11" typewritten pages of rules (SPI ACW Quad complexity)
1 page of Order of Battle and Set-up
1 page with Combat Results Table and Terrain Effects Chart
Approximately 100 quality 1/2" die-cut counters
17" x 22" heavy paper white map with black and blue colored terrain features

42,00 EUR


Decision Games

DCG 1800

Struggle for the Galactic Empire, 2nd Ed.

Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


In the far future, Earth is a distant myth. When mankind gained the means to transit the vastness of space safely and quickly, a great human wave extended across the galaxy, and humans soon inhabited thousands of worlds. Communities of worlds formed alliances; alliances became federations, and eventually a galactic empire was born. That empire existed for millennia, growing and consolidating, bringing most of the inhabited worlds under its control.

Despite its size and apparent success, thoug... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR



DCG 2105

Struggle for the Galactic Empire Computer Game (PC)

In the far future, Earth is a distant myth. When mankind gained the means to transit the vastness of space safely and quickly, a great human wave extended across the galaxy, and humans soon inhabited thousands of worlds. Communities of worlds formed alliances; alliances became federations, and eventually a galactic empire was born. That empire existed for millennia, growing and consolidating, bringing most of the inhabited worlds under its control.

Despite its size and apparent success, thoug... (vollständige Beschreibung)

24,00 EUR


Dr. Richter Konfliktsimulationen

DRK 0100

Kido Butai: Japan's Carriers at Midway

At 1020 hours on June 4, 1942, Japanese naval aircraft still ruled the skies over the Pacific. All that changed within ten minutes, when U. S. dive bombers sunk three out of four carriers constituting Kido Butai, the Imperial Japanese Navy’s main strike force which had devastated Pearl Harbor only six months before.

The solitaire game Kido Butai simulates the dramatic events of the pivotal battle at Midway from a Japanese perspective. As commander of the Tenno's strike force, your task is t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


DRK 0200

Hindenburg's Hour: The Tannenberg Campaign 1914

"You are assigned a new and difficult task… I know no other man in which I have such limitless faith as I have in you. Perhaps you will still be able to save the day in the east… The Kaiser, too, has faith in you… Therefore, take up your new post, which is the greatest that can be granted to a soldier. You will not betray the trust placed in you."

Helmuth von Moltke to Hindenburg’s chief of staff Erich Ludendorff

Hindenburg’s Hour is a solitaire simulation of the Tannenberg campa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


DRK 0300

Sleepwalkers: Imperial Rivalries and the Grat War

„All nations want peace, but they want a peace that suits them.“ (Admiral „Jackie“ Fisher)

The outbreak of the First World War, often called „the seminal catastrophe of the 20th century”, is one of the most controversial topics in human history. Many Europeans had condoned war, but hardly anyone could have wanted the unprecedented slaughter that began in 1914. Why did it happen? How could it happen?

Sleepwalkers is a simulation game about diplomacy at the brink of war, covering... (vollständige Beschreibung)

18,00 EUR


Draco Ideas


Help Arrives! KS Edition

On 18 July 1936, various generals in the Spanish army rose up against the government of the Second Republic. The failure of the coup as it had been originally planned gave way to a civil conflict between the defenders of the democratic government and the backers of the military coup. Machado’s two Spain's fought each other for nearly three years in a battle which reflected the political and social tensions affecting the world at that time.

The opposing armies were very different: on one han... (vollständige Beschreibung)

74,00 EUR



DRS 0100

High Seas

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


Board game by Douglas Setser and Nathan Wagner, published by DSRG, Inc., 1992

This board game for one to four players seeks to recreate the dynamics of trade and piracy in the 17th century Caribbean. It comes in a sturdy plastic bag containing the following components:

* 24-page rules booklet and one page of errata
* 18x28-inch hex map of the Caribbean (tip of Florida to Port de Spain, Panama to St. Kitts) in blue, green and black
* 280 half-inch counters (mus... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Eurogames Descartes


Kharkov 1943: le coup de maître de Von Manstein

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Le Coup de Maitre de von Manstein
Historisches Simulationsspiel für 2 Spieler
Mit deutscher Spielregel möglich!

This game is a two in one as it contains all the material for TWO battles of World War 2: Kharkov (1943) and Rostov (1941) both happening in the same corner of USSR.

A fourth game of a planned series of six which all use the same rules, on 6 page leaflets. Published in a issue of Casus Belli and then used for a wargame tournament, the last two of the series never saw the ligh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR




Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Historisches Simulationsspiel für 2 Spieler an 14 Jahre

Mit deutscher Spielregel

endgültig vergriffen



Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Historisches Simulationsspiel für 2 Spieler
Mit deutscher Spielregel möglich!

To the end of September 1941 the forecasts of the Fuhrer seemed to come true: the end of the campaign, before the advent of the winter and the complete destruction of the
Russian army, it was to capacity of hands.
The armed order of the day of the group center very spoke 73 divisions about infantry and 13 destroyed enemy armored divisions.
However the situation was not still completely under control regarding ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

Excalibre Games

EXC 5002

East Front

Sammlerstück / Rarität


East Front is a simulation on a Corps/Army level of the Russo-German war of 1941-1945. The game covers the entire war from the Axis invasion of Russia to the final destruction of the Axis armies four years later. In addition to the campaign game, there are scenarios covering the invasion of Poland, yearly scenarios for Operation Barbarossa, Stalingrad, Kursk and the Destruction of Army Group Center and a smaller, German High Water scenario cover the period from November 1942 - Jan 1943. The game... (vollständige Beschreibung)

108,00 EUR


EXC 7001

The Ironclads

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


A Tactical game of Naval Combat in the American Civil War 1891-1865
Second Edition

A detailed wargame of the first armoured naval engagements, Ironclads has clear rules and lots of flavour. The game simulates American Civil War naval actions, 1862-1865. The scale is 100 yards per hex, 3 minutes per turn, and the game features simultaneous plotted movement. Since ship-to-ship communication is (nearly) out of the question, this makes for collisions and misunderstandings. The combat system is a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen

EXC 7001P

The Ironclads

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Ungespielt! Nicht mehr in Folie - Box etwas abgestoßen und eingedrückt, aber innen 100%tig neu und unpunched!

A Tactical game of Naval Combat in the American Civil War 1891-1865
Second Edition

A detailed wargame of the first armoured naval engagements, Ironclads has clear rules and lots of flavour. The game simulates American Civil War naval actions, 1862-1865. The scale is 100 yards per hex, 3 minutes per turn, and the game features simultaneous plotted movement. Since ship-to-ship com... (vollständige Beschreibung)

60,00 EUR


EXC 7003

Wings - WWI Plane to Plane Combat 1916 - 18 (2nd.Ed.)

"A game of plane to plane combat in World War I"

Wings is a simultaneous movement job and can get pretty complex. This is traditional heavy duty boardgaming, not as complex as Advanced Squad Leader but harder than Wooden Ships & Iron Men and only workable with very few planes per player. Thankfully the rules do not all have to be used and Wings works pretty well with basic rules, with some of the advanced and optionals as required. The advanced rules are supposed to be used as a block but con... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


EXC 7004


Panzer, second edition, is a tactical game of armored combat on the eastern front, 1941-1945. The game features: tank to tank combat, moveable terrain, geomorphic map boards and simultaneous movement.

The strength and weaknesses of the German and Russian units involved are accurately duplicated by 49 data cards that display all the information needed to move and fight. The system easily incorporates myriad details such as armor thickness at various points, shots from various angles, heights a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

50,00 EUR


EXC 7701

Ancient Conquest

Ancient Conquest is a classic and highly rated multiplayer game covering at a grand strategic level the rise and fall of empires and peoples in the ancient near east. Roughly covering the period from the New Kingdom of Egypt to the Age of Four Kingdoms (chronologically from 1500 BC to 600 BC). The game combines the diplomacy and political objectives of the involved peoples and empires of this period with a fast moving and playable combat system. Ancient Assyria, Egypt, Babylon and the Hittites a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

46,00 EUR


EXC 7702

The Conquerors

The Macedonians

Alexander in Persia, 334-331 BC
In the Spring of 334 B.C., young king Alexander of Macedon with an army 40,000 strong, set out to fulfill the centuries old dream of his countrymen by launching the invasion of the Persian Empire, the largest and most powerful empire in the Mediterranean world.

The Romans

Mediterranean Expansion, 200-189 BC
A century and a half later, the Roman Republic was just emerging from its 2nd and most debilitating conflict with the Mediterranean ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

80,00 EUR


EXC 7703

A Mighty Fortress

Sammlerstück / Rarität


A Mighty Fortress: Between 1531 and 1555 the world shook to the reverberations of a struggle whose resolution was to chart the course of Europe’s religious and political alliances for centuries. It was in these years that the conflicting ideologies of Lutheran Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation inexorably drew the disparate empires, nations, and leaders of Europe into a maelstrom of religious war and dispute.

A Mighty Fortress simulates this major historical conflict on a beautifu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

40,00 EUR


EXC 7704

Battle for Stalingrad

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


In the autumn of 1942, 14 German divisions of the Sixth Army and Fourth Panzer Army were poised to attack the vital city of Stalingrad. Facing the German forces were dozens of divisions and brigades of the Soviet 62nd army. For seven weeks the Germans would hammer at the city in a seesaw conflict for control of the Volga River.

Battle for Stalingrad simulates the campaign that would halt the German drive to the east in the Soviet Union. The playing map represents the terrain in and around Sta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

endgültig vergriffen


Ancient Conquest II

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Zeit 550 v.Chr bis 323 v.Chr. Strategisch und taktisch. 4-farbige Karte. 420 Counter. Spieldauer 8 Stunden. Im Ziplock.

Multi-player wargame based on ancient warfare in the eastern Mediterranean, featuring the Peloponnese War, Greco-Persian wars, the rise of Alexander the Great of Macedonia, to just before the beginnings of the Roman era.

The innovative victory system requires each player to assume the control of multiple nations listed on their player card (Group One, Two, Three and Four)... (vollständige Beschreibung)

70,00 EUR



Ancient Conquest II (Played)

Sammlerstück / Rarität


Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

All Counters present and sorted

Rules und Game-boards in very good condition

I can send Pictures on request!

Multi-player wargame based on ancient warfare in the eastern Mediterranean, featuring the Peloponnese War, Greco-Persian wars, the rise of Alex... (vollständige Beschreibung)

44,00 EUR




Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


Panzer Battles and Sieges Series

* 100 Die Cut Counters
* Two Rules Folders
* Casualty Concept CRT Counters


endgültig vergriffen


The Golden Horde

Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


* Game class - medieval period
* Tactical and strategic
* 1205-1241 A.D.
* 210 die cut counters
* 2 color playing map
* 3-4 hour playing time
* Concise fast playing rules


endgültig vergriffen

EXC HC-210

Napoleon in Spain - The Peninsular War 1808-09

A brigade-division level simulation of Napoleon's 1808-09 campaigns in Spain and Prtugal featuring extensive rules covering movement, combat, supply, attrition, limited intelligence, scoutin, guerillas, and morale during the Napoleonic era.


  • One turn = one week
  • One hex = 16 miles
  • One strength point = 1000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, or one Artillery Battery

    Game Contents:
    17" x 22" color map of Spain/Portugal
    400 Die-Cut playing pieces
    ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

  • 54,00 EUR


    EXC HC-250

    Battles of the First Empire - Marengo 1800

    Battalion Squadron level Simulation of Napoleons crucial early test on the fields of Marengo in 1800.

    • Game Contents
    • One 22" x 34" color map
    • 600 die-cut playing pieces
    • One Battles of the First Empire System rules book
    • One Marengo exclusive rules & Scenario booklet
    • 2 Army Organization Sheets
    • Reference Tables
    • Includes miniatures adaption rules based on Empire III tm scales

    68,00 EUR




    The Battle for Germany, 1866


    26,00 EUR



    Mukden, 1905

    Russia vs Japan


    26,00 EUR




    The East Prussian Campaign 1914


    26,00 EUR



    Total War

    Game Class - WWII
    Operational Level
    210 Die Cut Counters
    2 Color Maps
    2-3 Hours Playing Time
    Playable Balanced Rules


    26,00 EUR



    EXC 7002

    The Ironclads - Expansion Kit

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    This is an expansion kit for the Ironclads tactical level game of naval combat in the period 1860-67. It features the ironclads of the major European powers, The Battle of Lissa in 1867, Farragut at New Orleans in 1862, the Chilean-Peruvian War of 1879, and the 1866 Battle of Helgoland.

    This is not a complete game by itself. It is intended to be integrated with the Ironclads parent game. Rules cover: forts, mines, spar torpedoes, aimed gunfire combat, boarding melee, sharpshooters, ammunition... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    Flying Buffalo, Inc.

    FLB 1301

    Dien Bien Phu

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Strategic Game of Indochina, 1950-55


    endgültig vergriffen

    Flying Pig Games

    FPG 0085

    '85 Afghanistan: Graveyard of Empires

    Hot Seller


    Experience intense squad-level combat during the Soviet-Afghan War.

    ’85 Graveyard of Empires is the second game in the Squad Battles series. Building on the mechanics introduced in
    ’65 Squad Battles in the Jungles of Vietnam, Graveyard of Empires (GOE) features squad-level battles between the
    Afghan Mujahideen and Soviet Red Army in a card-driven, hex and counter game.

    GOE introduces card-activated events, immersive helicopter rules, more tactical decisions, new powers and abiliti... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    114,00 EUR


    FPG 1000

    The Long Road (Base Game)

    Hot Seller


    This is 1985. This is World War III. But this is not your typical World War III.

    There are many accurate-to-the-underwear-brand World War III games to choose from, and the ones that I have played are quite good. This, however, is not one of them. Although The Long Road flirts with reality, it’s not ready to move in and live with it. This game has a twist. From the moment I designed World at War: Eisenbach Gap I envisioned a war that was something else, a war that was predicated by something... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    122,00 EUR


    FPG 2000

    A Most Fearful Sacrifice (2nd. Edition)

    An epic two player wargame depicting fighting during the three day battle.

    It's early on July 1st, 1863, and Union Brigadier General John Buford’s 1st Reserve Cavalry Division is deployed to the west of the town of Gettysburg battling unidentified Confederate infantry advancing on the town. All morning long, the men in gray have pressured the Union cavalry. Help finally arrives in the form of I Corps commander Major Gen. John Reynolds. He rides up to the Lutheran Seminary, where Buford is d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    150,00 EUR


    FPG 4000

    Old School Tactical V1 (2nd Edition): Eastern Front 1941/42

    Old School Tactical is a new system for tactical level war-games. This first game involves small unit engagements are fought on the Eastern Front during 1941-42.
    Players contest each scenario using counters representing the soldiers, guns and vehicles that fought these battles.
    The unique Impulse system varies the number of actions each side can take in a turn, creating intense firefights. Play moves back and forth between players and the dynamics of the battle can 'turn on a dime'.

    OST is ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    142,00 EUR


    FPG 4200

    Old School Tactical V2: West Front 1944-45

    The popular Old School Tactical series returns for its second edition with Old School Tactical Volume II: West Front 1944-45. This iteration of the quick to learn, challenging to master, tactical game introduces the Americans to the series. Fight across the European countryside with M-10 tank destroyers and Sherman Easy Eight Tiger tank destroyers. Pile your powerful rifle squads into venerable M5 halftracks or nail an onrushing armored car with a bazooka. Find your enemy, fix them, flank them,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    108,00 EUR


    FPG 4300

    Old School Tactical V2: Pacific

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Old School Tactical (OST) Vol III brings the popular OST system to the Pacific Theater of World War II. Fight in the jungles and on the beaches against both the Imperial Japanese Army and Naval (Marine) units. Unlike other OST soldiers, the fanatical Japanese have no Gut Check number, preferring death to dishonor. The Japanese also come with the new tank-killer units and, of course, rules for the famous Banzai attack. The Americans answer with canister rounds for their Stuart tank, the famed Mar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    FPG 5000

    Armageddon War: Platoon Level Combat in the End War (2nd Print)

    Hot Seller


    Following disease, famine, and economic collapse among the world's first-line powers, conventional war erupts in the Mid-East for what arable land remains.
    Old allies join the carnage, and the war grows, pitting age-old adversaries and their new friends against each other.
    Armageddon War depicts the chaos in the midst of this war.

    Armageddon War is a platoon level game set in the near future. The first module focuses on the Mid-East, pitting Israelis, Russians, and Americans
    against age... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    154,00 EUR


    FPG 6000

    '65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    A squad-level, tactical game, ’65 recounts the early battles of the Vietnam War, from Ia Drang to Operation Starlight, and most everything between. The large and beautiful counters (1" to 1.375" square) represent squads, Leaders, Heroes, Snipers, M-48 and Pt-76 tanks, and more.

    As these units’ commander you will move and fight over three geomorphic game boards as you try to best your opponent in one of eight, nail-biting historical scenarios. The game is card-driven, using a system simila... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    FPG 7000

    Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk

    Hot Seller


    Kursk. Many historians believe it was the turning point of World War II. Kursk. Witness to the largest tank battle of the entire war. Kursk. The end of the myth of German invincibility. Kursk. Just one hell of a lot of fun to game with 1” square cardboard counters representing platoons of infantry and tanks and batteries of anti-tank guns, mortars, and stuff. And that is what you get with Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk.

    Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk (PCD:K) is a big box, mounted map, lar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    124,00 EUR


    FPG 8000

    Crowbar!: The Rangers at Pointe du Hoc, June 6th, 1944

    A commanding voice shouts “Crowbar!” from the carefully monitored radios of Ranger Flotilla headquarters aboard the LSI command ship St. James. With that signal, the 225 men of Dog, Easy and Fox Companies of Force “A” of the 2nd Ranger Battalion launched one of the most incredible and seemingly impossible assaults of military history.

    Tasked with landing on the beaches of Normandy, France and scaling the towering 100-foot cliffs at Pointe Du Hoc in the face of determined German defend... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    112,00 EUR


    FPG 9000

    La Résistance

    Designed by Mark H. Walker, La Résistance is a simple, yet engaging, dice and card game set during the German occupation of France in World War II. During the occupation, brave French men and women fought against the Nazi conquerors, disrupting their communications, destroying supply warehouses, and ambushing German patrols. La Résistance gives players a chance to lead a band of resistance fighters, working to keep their men and women alive as they also strive to become the most famous resista... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    28,00 EUR



    FPG 0085.1

    '85 Afghanistan: Graveyard of Empires – Alone In The Mountains

    A solitaire expansion

    Alone in the Mountains is a solitaire expansion for '85 Graveyard of Empires. Utilizing
    an updated version of the same solitaire system used in Night of Man and '65 Squad Battles
    in the Jungle of Vietnam, Alone in the Mountains is a boxed game that comes complete with
    a full sheet of counters, a new map, rules, solitaire action cards, a Player Aid Card and
    6 new solitaire scenarios for playing Graveyard of Empires solitaire..

    58,00 EUR


    FPG 10001

    The Long Road (Base Game)

    Fatherland is a complete, boxed expansion for The Long Road that brings the forces of the Bundeswehr, including their devastating Leopard I and Leopard II tanks, to the Long Road system. Additionally the expansion includes a new, mounted map board, a full sheet of counters, and six brand new scenarios.

    56,00 EUR


    FPG 2001

    A Most Fearful Sacrifice - Update Kit 2nd Edition

    Update Kit to upgrade your first edition to the second.

    28,00 EUR


    FPG 4001

    Old School Tactical V1: Stalingrad Expansion

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    This is an expansion. You must own Old School Tactical Vol I to play Stalingrad.

    This version of the expansion will come with a nifty box (pictured), two additional scenarios, and the original maps, counters, and scenarios. The new scenarios will also be made available for download soon so that those who purchased the original game will have access to them also.

    First twenty-five preorders will get a 10$ coupon that can be applied to an order for any in-stock Flying Pig Games item. Coupon ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    FPG 4101

    Old School Tactical: Volume 1 (2nd Edition): Red Blitz

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Pocket Battles for Old School Tactical Vol 1 2nd Edition

    In the vein of Old School Tactical Vol 2's Phantom Division we present Red Blitz. To be sold during the Kickstarter for Old School Tactical Vol I 2nd Edition, this boxed expansion will add more scenarios that occur during the vicious fighting of Operation Bagration in the summer of 1944.

    Specifically, there are 6 challenging new scenarios, and an extended battle to be gamed on Vol I's Map 1. The extended battle is a multi-part legac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    FPG 4201

    Old School Tactical V2: Airborne (Paratroop) Expansion Volume II (Reprint)

    We all love 'em, a lot of film footage has been spent on them, they are the paratroopers of the 101st and 82 Airborne Divisions. The expansion includes a complete sheet of Airborne counters, rules for using them (paradrops, etc), six scenarios, and a HUGE 30" X 41" historical map. This product is currently in stock and shipping.

    56,00 EUR


    FPG 4204

    Old School Tactical V2: Strategy Guide (Reprint)

    The Old School Tactical Vol II version of the popular strategy guide. Includes updated graphics and new insights. Learn to play OST even better.

    34,00 EUR


    FPG 4206

    Old School Tactical V2: Ghost Front

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    This an expansion. You must own Old School Tactical Volume II to play Ghost Front.

    Ghost Front is the second expansion to Old School Tactical Vol II, covering the German's Ardennes offensive of 1944. This boxed expansion includes a new, 30" x 41" mounted map board depicting snowy Ardennes terrain, a new sheet of counters with new §§ and American units, unit data cards, and an 11-scenario booklet.

    This boxed expansion includes:
    1 x 30" x 41" mounted game board.
    1 full sheet of ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    FPG 4207

    Old School Tactical V2: Phantom Division

    This an expansion. You must own Old School Tactical Volume II to play Phantom Division.

    Phantom Division is the first Old School Tactical Pockets boxed expansions. This expansion covers the exploits of the American 9th Armored Division. The 9th Armored (Phantom Division) fought in the Battle of the Bulge, captured the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen, Germany, and assisted in the encirclement of the Ruhr. Phantom Division covers its part in all three battles.

    54,00 EUR


    FPG 4300

    Old School Tactical V3: Pacific 1941 - 45

    Old School Tactical (OST) Vol III brings the popular OST system to the Pacific Theater of World War II. Fight in the jungles and on the beaches against both the Imperial Japanese Army and Naval (Marine) units. Unlike other OST soldiers, the fanatical Japanese have no Gut Check number, preferring death to dishonor. The Japanese also come with the new tank-killer units and, of course, rules for the famous Banzai attack. The Americans answer with canister rounds for their Stuart tank, the famed Mar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    138,00 EUR


    FPG 4301

    Old School Tactical V3: Pacific - Hell Bent

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    The Pacific Theater was defined by amphibious landings, beaches, lagoons, and much more. The Hell Bent boxed expansion for Old School Tactical Vol III: Pacific 1942-45 brings you that much more with an additional 30" x 41"mounted map, yet another sheet of counters, and a bunch of scenarios to use them with, all wrapped up in an attractive box. Include are scenarios for Wake Island, Tarawa (2), Peleliu (4), Luzon (2), Saipan (2), and Okinawa (3).

    This expansion includes:
    1 x 30" x 41" mounted... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    FPG 5002

    Armageddon War Strategy Guide

    So popular with the Old School Tactical series, this is a full-color, 16-page strategy guide and example of play that will teach you how to be a better Armageddon War player.

    30,00 EUR


    FPG 6003

    '65 Squad-Level Combat - United States Marine Corps AND ANZAC Expansion

    This expansion to '65 Squad Level Combat in Vietnam includes a full die-cut sheet (approximately 8.5” x 11”) of United States Marines and ANZAC counters (Two sheets), including rifle squads, heroes, and armored fighting vehicles, such as the Ontos, Centurion, and eight scenarios featuring them (Four each Marines and ANZACs). The most potent squads in the game, the Marines bring devastating firepower, and heroes with iron discipline to the gaming table.

    The forces from Australia and New Z... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR


    FPG 6004

    '65 Squad-Level Combat - Hue City Map Expansion

    Hot Seller


    Hue City Map Expansion to '65 Squad Level Combat in Vietnam

    HUGE 22 x 34” board full of city terrain. Not all of Vietnam’s battles were fought in the jungle. Can you say “Hue?” Of course you can (Yeah, we know that was '68, but...). You’ll not only be able to say it, but play it as well with this massive, mounted map board. Includes four scenarios. Comes in a Ziploc bag. Must own the base game, '65 Squad Level Combat in Vietnam, to play the scenarios in the City Map Expansion. Cover... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    32,00 EUR


    FPG 6005

    '65 Squad-Level Combat - Card Expansion

    Action Card expansion! A 9-card Action Card set with unique Action Cards, such as Double Strike, Sneak, and Tactics. These cards will expand the standard deck with abilities unique to the opposing forces NVA/VC or United States.

    16,00 EUR


    FPG 6006

    '65 Squad-Level Combat - Solitaire Expansion

    Hot Seller


    Solitaire expansion for '65. Based on the solitaire version of Night of Man, buyers will get their own solitaire version of ’65 replete with counters, cards, and scenarios.

    As the American player, you play just as you would a two-player game, the Communists are controlled by the special solitaire deck. Shadowy enemies, tactical combat, story-telling, twists of fate, it's all here in an intense experience that will satisfy the most avid '65 player. Now shipping!

    '65 Base Game required to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    FPG 7001

    Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk - Tracks in the Mud

    Tracks in the Mud is a boxed expansion for Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk. The expansion includes a new sheet of die-cut counters, including Jagdtigers, King Tigers, Jagdpanthers, T-34/85, and IS-3, to name but a few. There is also a new, 22" x 17" mounted mapboard, and several new scenarios, all packaged in an attractive box.

    Better still, two of the included late-war scenarios pit the Americans against the Soviets in the interesting, what-if scenario that Patton Imagined. What if we had c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    FPG 7006

    Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk Strategy Guide

    So popular with the Old School Tactical series, this is a full-color, 16-page strategy guide. Included are tactical tips, an extensive example of play, and unit analysis.

    32,00 EUR


    FPG 8001

    Crowbar!: The Rangers at Pointe Du Hoc – Vorwarts!

    Vorwarts! is a complete, boxed expansion for for Crowbar. The expansion includes a sheet of new counters, including Ranger machine gun emplacements, German offensive units, and much more. Also included are six beautiful new scenarios including a shortened main scenario, smaller scenarios for each of the Ranger companies, and two counterattack scenarios in which you play as the German, counterattacking the Ranger positions. The expansion also comes with a rules booklet and a pretty box to keep it... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    38,00 EUR



    FPG 2002

    A Most Fearful Sacrifice - Strips

    Border Strip
    A neoprene border strip. Great for the defining the battlefields that don't use the entire map.

    More Border Strip
    Another border strip unlocks. This time for the Yanks.

    Cannon Border Strip
    An attractive Confederate border strip featuring a cannon.

    Union Border Strip
    An attractive Union border strip featuring a cannon.

    24,00 EUR


    FPG 2003

    A Most Fearful Sacrifice - Stonewall Cards



    Stonewall Lives!
    What if Jackson hadn't been killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville?
    Would the Confederates have been victorious on the first day of Gettysburg?
    Would the folks north of the Mason-Dixon line figure out how to cook grits?
    Find out now with these II Corps substitution cards.

    12,00 EUR


    FPG 4202

    Old School Tactical V2: Neoprene Play Mats for Old School Tactical Volume II

    Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


    Two (one German and one American), large (approximately 12” x 17”) neoprene playing mats. Using them will certainly save gamers hours (okay, maybe just minutes) when setting up and playing, and it's perfect for the solo gamer. You can use them to track Impulse Points, the Turn, Casualty Points, Victory Points, and Impulse Point modifiers, all on an attractive neoprene mat that rolls out easily and lays flat.

    38,00 EUR


    FPG 4203

    Old School Tactical V2: Pocket Battles

    Bitte vorbestellen


    Pocket Battles, two 11" x 17" two-sided geomorphic maps (four maps total), printed on 80-lb paper
    (the high-quality stuff you get in premium games) and six scenarios to play on them.
    One side of each game map will depict summer terrain in the European countryside,
    the flip side will depict the same area in the winter. Perfect to expand the scenario
    possibilities in Old School Tactical Vol II.

    ca. 56,00 EUR


    FPG 4304

    Old School Tactical V3: Pacific - Play Mats

    Two (one Japanese and one by-God Marine), large (approximately 12” x 17”) neoprene playing mats. Using them will certainly save gamers hours (okay, maybe just minutes) when setting up and playing, and it's perfect for the solo gamer. You can use them to track Impulse Points, the Turn, Casualty Points, Victory Points, and Impulse Point modifiers, all on an attractive neoprene mat that rolls out easily and lays flat.

    38,00 EUR


    FPG 4305

    Old School Tactical V3: Pacific - Map Border Strips (4)

    These nifty neoprene map border strips are approximately 14" x 2" x 1/8". Most OST scenarios don't use the entire map and these strips allow you easily and colorfully mark the map edges. Better yet, they don't slide.Comes in a pack of four, Arisaka Rifle, Type-97 machine gun, BAR squad automatic weapon, M-1 Garand.

    32,00 EUR


    FPG 7002

    Platoon Commander: Deluxe Kursk Bonus Action Cards (Reprint)

    More Cards - More Action!

    14,00 EUR


    FPG 7003

    Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk - Mousepad

    Mousepad in Kurk Design

    10,00 EUR


    FPG 8002

    Crowbar - Mouse Pad



    Mousepad in Crowbar! Design

    10,00 EUR


    FPG 8003

    Crowbar - Event Cards

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Event cards are drawn when dictated by the movement dice. Crowbar ships with 18 Event Cards. This deck of NINE additional events cards are unique occurrences that add additional flavor to the game. No, they are not needed to play the game, but rather can be added to provide unique events.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    FPG 8005

    Crowbar - Special Dice

    The Blue Die
    A special BLUE Movement Die that the Rangers can only use under special circumstances. The die isn't necessary to play Crowbar!

    16,00 EUR


    Glen Kehoe Publ.

    GKP 0001


    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Across the muddy no-man's land, your troops advance to victory, in this strategic game of attack and counter attack set in the trenches of World War One.
    Winning is achieved in two ways, a bloody victory though assaults driving your opponent from one of their trench sectors, or secondly by the eroding of morale from the constant pounding of artillery, gas attacks and machine gun fire on the trenchzone front.
    The game encourages a commander to plan strategically, however commanders will have to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    GKP 0002

    Trenchzone Expansion: Tactical Advantage

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Tactical Advantage is an expansion deck of cards that can be used in part or whole to enhance 'Trenchzone' the game.

    This is an expansion that can be used in whole or part as an additional option when playing ‘Trenchzone’. Each card provides a ‘Tactical Advantage’ of some sort to the battle.
    Each commander takes 2 decoy cards and draws 1 random card from the Tactical Advantages deck of cards before they setup.
    Play the 3 cards you are now holding (2 decoy and 1 Tactical Advantage ca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    Gorilla Games

    GRG 1105

    World Conquerors

    Throw dice and have your armies roll across the map. Play cards to change the tide of the battle and the course of history. This simple board game of global conquest plays fast and fun with tactical texture and flavor provided by cards featuring history's greatest warlords.

    World Conquerors is a game of global domination by Jeff Siadek.
    You'll throw dice to attack territories and play cards to modify the dice and gain tactical advantages.
    The attacker rolls one die for each territory they h... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    38,00 EUR



    GRG 1201

    World Conquerors: Revolutionaries

    Bitte vorbestellen


    This expansion adds 25 cards to your World Conquerors deck.
    25 cards featuring leaders whose ideas changed the world.

    ca. 12,00 EUR


    Grognard Simulations, Inc.

    GSI AK01

    Armored Knights: Operation Gazelle

    Armored Knights is about battalion level combat. This offering, Operation Gazelle, is focused on the Israeli attack to cross the Suez Canal and force the Egyptians to retreat back into Egypt in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Above is a small sample of the map near the city of Ismailia.

    The game features:
    A very small learning curve
    Variable Combat Multipliers
    Special Supporting Arms effects

    Armored Knights, starts with Operation Gazelle, the battle of the Israeli offensive to cross the S... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    82,00 EUR


    GSI AK02

    Armored Knights: Guderian Crosses the Desna 1941

    Guderian Crosses the Desna takes you to the place where Guderian made his turn to the south and started the encirclement of Kiev. Two of his Panzer Divisions, 3rd and 4th, attempted to take the major bridge over the Desna River by a Coup de Main. After failing the Germans make a more deliberate attempt the next day and the fate of the Soviet Armies at Kiev is sealed.

    The game has units built as Battalions for Infantry, Armor, and Artillery. Supporting arms such as Recon, anti-tank, anti-aircr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    78,00 EUR


    GSI AK03

    Armored Knights North Africa: Operation Crusader

    Operation Crusader builds on the award winning Armored Knights - Operation Gazelle game system. With variable strenghts and die roll modifiers the players never know exactly how well their troops will fight. This aspect of the game system makes for a really interesting battle. You as the commander must try to put the best elements together and give your force the best chance for success. But the troops sometimes don't follow the plan or fight as well as you want. This variability in performance ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    198,00 EUR


    GSI AK04

    Armored Knights North Africa: Operation Venezia

    The German offensive to take Tobruk / May 27 - June 28, 1942

    Armored Knights North Afrika - Operation Venezia allows you to plan and fight the battle that won Rommel Tobruk. It was a close and at the same time complete victory for Rommel. His forces made their way around the flank of the British Gazala Line and met with initial success. But after a few days the Germans found themsleves encircled by a strongly entrenched British Brigade, the 150th, which sat astride the German supply route.
    R... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    96,00 EUR


    GSI DR01

    Death Ride: Hafid Ridge

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    DR - Hafid Ridge (DR-HR) - Hafid Ridge is GSI's next offering using the Death Ride game system. The game focuses on tactical level combat and maneuver during Operation Battleaxe prior to the Crusader battle that lifted the seige of Tobruk. This is a stand alone game and does not need any other GSI title to be played. It is smaller than any other Death Ride game and can be played in a few hours.

    This game will give those with the Death Ride Kursk games a glimpse into some changes for the next... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    GSI DR02

    Death Ride: Hafaya Pass

    DR - Halfaya Pass (DR-HP) - Halfaya Pass is another GSI offering using the Death Ride game system. The game focuses on tactical level combat and maneuver during Operation Battleaxe prior to the Crusader battle that lifted the seige of Tobruk. This is a stand alone game and does not need any other GSI title to be played. It is slightly larger than Hafid Ridge in terms of the number of units and can be played in a relatively short time.

    This game will give those with the Death Ride Kursk games... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    72,00 EUR


    GSI DR03

    Death Ride: Arras

    The British Counter-Attack at Arras

    This game is a collaborative design between Grognard Simulations and Stronpoint Simulations of the British Armies surprise attack on Rommel's 7th Panzer Division at the city of Arras. This game is a lighter version of the Death Ride series and a good introductory game for the series.

    The battle is an interesting situation where the British got the drop on Rommel when the Germans were only considering victory and were too confident of success. This is whe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    114,00 EUR


    GSI DRK01

    Death Ride Kursk: Gross-Deutschland

    Death Ride Kursk - Gross Deutschland is GSI's first offering on the Eastern Front. The game focuses on tactical level combat and maneuver during the German attack at Kursk in July 1943. This game will showcase a new game system.

    The game features the Gross Deutschland Panzer Grenadier Division and some supporting XLVIII Panzer Corps units at mostly Platoon and some Company/Battery level and the Red Army (6th Tank Corps, 3rd Mechanized Corps, 67th Guards Rifle Division, 90th Guards Rifle Divis... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    314,00 EUR


    GSI DRK03

    Death Ride Kursk: III Panzer Korps

    Hot Seller


    III Panzer Korps: this game is the Base Game for the AD Kempf Game Set. Scenarios for this game start on 4 July and through 13 July when they failed to meet up with the IISS Panzer Korps at Prokhorovka.

    Inside this base game is a larger amount of material than in past base games. The reason is that there are 4 full German Divisions involved and all in one game. That makes this a 2 box set. It will be very worth it though with all those units inside.

    III Panzer Korps - Base Game - comes wit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    420,00 EUR


    GSI DRK04

    Death Ride Kursk: Das Reich

    DRK-Das Reich is the capstone game for the DRK-IISS game set. That is the final game in the 3 game set. This game builds on the first 2 in the set, DRK-Totenkopf and DRK-Leibstandarte. This game focuses on the Das Reich sector of the southern part of the salient. After a good start and rapid movement this sector of the front became quiet. Das Reich, from 8 July, did little in the way of attacking. DRK-Totenkopf, at a minimum (and DRK-Leibstandarte is recommended), is required to play this game. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    188,00 EUR


    GSI DRK07

    Death Ride Kursk: Totenkopf

    The first game of a new 3 game set that will showcase the Kursk battle from the IISS Panzer Korps area. This game focuses on the Totenkopf Division area and is the base game for the 3 game set. It contains all the items required to play the game. This game contains an all inclusive rule set. That means this set of rules includes those for the Maintenance, Logisitcis, Air, Command and Control, and Fire Support Enhancements. Counters and charts are included for the Command and Control and Fir... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    226,00 EUR


    GSI DRN115

    Death Ride Normandy: Point-du-Hoc Core



    Base game in the Death Ride Normandy series of games.

    Death Ride Normandy series covers the entire Normandy campaign from 6 June 1944 up to Cobra. It will be as grand a game as Death Ride Kursk and have all the richness of that game series. This series will be broken down into many smaller games. The Base Game focuses on the operation at Point* du Hoc conducted by elements of the 2nd Ranger Battalion.

    Component Lists:
    Pt du Hoc Map
    1x Counter Sheet
    1x Scenario Card
    DRN Common Charts an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    88,00 EUR


    GSI DRN116

    Death Ride Normandy: Omaha Beach (Two big Boxes!)

    Hot Seller! Sonderangebot


    Amphibious landing from ship to shore.

    This game is the first of all the beach areas involved in the great adventure to liberate France. DRN-Omaha Beach is a spectacular game, at platoon and company level, of the landings by the 1st and 29th US Infantry Divisions and their supporting elements.

    This game details getting the troops ashore like no other game with landing craft and naval gunfire support.

    292,00 EUR


    GSI DRN117

    Death Ride Normandy: US A-M-L Enhancement



    Play at the Ultimate level.

    A is for Air
    M is for Maintenance
    L is for Logistics

    If you to bring your play of Death Ride Normandy to a much higher experience then this enhancement is for you. These items are somewhat abstracted in Omaha Beach and the other games in the series. Here is the detailed play you really want.

    98,00 EUR


    GSI DRN337

    Death Ride Normandy: CW Air-Maintenance-Logistics Enhancement



    Air and logistics expansion to upgrade the game from huge to gargantuan.

    This enhancement provides Air, Maintenance, and Logistics elements to support the Commonwealth forces in the Normandy campaign.
    This enhancement provides the Commonwealth player with the entire II British Tactical Airforce. Additional maintenance recovery units, supply transport units, and supply units, all spell extra detail that players will appreciate.

    98,00 EUR


    GSI DRN338

    Death Ride Normandy: Sword Beach



    Company level wargame of the British assault on Sword Beach, D-Day, 6 June 1944.

    This game focuses on the British landing at Sword Beach by the British 3rd Infantry Division.

    The British 3rd Infantry Division, along with Royal Marine and Commando's, assault the continent at Sword Beach. One of the most important beaches in the entire operation due to its location nearest to the city of Caen. The city was an important objective to capture in the first day of the invasion. Some parts of the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    204,00 EUR


    GSI DRN339

    Death Ride Normandy: Operation Tonga



    Orne river company level wargame

    This game is based on the parachute and glider landings by the British 6th Airborne Division east of the Orne River.

    The British 6th Airborne Division has the mission of parachuting into the area east of the Orne River in order to hold the eastern flank of the entire invasion.

    Death Ride Normandy - Operation Tonga:
    Merville, Houlgate, Troarn, and Mezidon Maps
    10+ Counter Sheets
    5x Scenarios Based on each day, and a smaller Scenario each for 7-10 June... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    170,00 EUR


    GSI DRN402

    Death Ride Normandy: Juno Beach



    Fight the 3rd Canadian and 12th SS Pz Divisions for Caen.

    The Canadian 3rd Infantry Division, landing to the west of the 3rd British Infantry Division, made good gains on D-Day and looked like it would be able to advance on Caen on the 7th without problem. After consolidating for the night the Candians moved out smartly in the morning to the south along the road to Carpiquet Airport to the west of the city of Caen. Not long after starting out, and strung out in a long column, they came under... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    166,00 EUR


    GSI DRN403

    Death Ride Normandy: Gold Beach

    Bitte vorbestellen


    The British 50th Infantry versus the German Panzer Lehr.

    The British 50th Infantry Division, landing to the west of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, made good gains on D-Day and looked like it would be able to advance on Bayeux on the 7th without problem. After consolidating for the night the British moved out smartly in the morning to the south along the road toward Bayeux. For the 2 days they would make some headway, and then be stopped cold for weeks by Panzer Lehr, possibly the best P... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 304,00 EUR


    GSI DRS01

    Death Ride Salerno: 16th Panzer

    This is a new series based on the Death Ride game system. This series will be comprised of a base game, 16Pz, with the rules, charts, markers, dice, etc that enable play of the other modules. The other modules will include 29PzGr, 16Pz Expansion, and Herman Goering/15PzGr. Each of these will focus on about a divisions worth of Germans and Allies and include the maps and unit counters specific to those elements. The entire beachhead will be covered when the entire series is complete.

    The total... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    132,00 EUR


    GSI IC01

    Incredible Courage at Elchingen

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Incredible Courage at Elchingen is a small stand alone game of the battle between Marshall Ney and General Reisch, on the north side of the Danube, just before the surrender, by Mack, of the Austrians at Ulm. Marshall Ney must cross the river in the face of the enemy and then provide enough support to capture the 2 main towns just over the river and embedded into a nice slope. This game will come with all the items necessary for play and will not require any other Incredible Courage product to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    GSI IC100_01

    Incredible Courage 100 Days: Quatre Bras

    Hot Seller


    This is a great game, with plenty of detail, of the critical Battle of Quatre Bras fought between Marshall Ney and the Duke of Wellington on 16 June 1815. The battle is an excellent example of a Meeting Engagement, which will provide you the ability to easily alter the flow of the battle, and its tempo. The French II Corps, reinforced with the Light Cavalry of the Imperial Guard, is ordered to take the crossroads and send some troops to the east to help Napoleon, who is fighting the Prussians. T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    262,00 EUR


    GSI ICA01

    Incredible Courage at Austerlitz: Telnitz

    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    Incredible Courage at Austerlitz (ICA) - Telnitz is GSI's first offering on Napoleonic warfare. The game focuses on tactical level combat and maneuver during the Battle of Austerlitz in December 1805. Eventually the entire Austerlitz battlefield will be represented at this level. 2 additional games are planned that would cover the central plain and Pratzen and the northern area near the Santon Hill. These will be larger in scope as the numbers of troops there was larger.

    This series will b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    124,00 EUR


    GSI PIC01

    Pacific Islands Campaign: Guam

    Pacific Islands Campaign (PIC) - Guam is our first offering. The game is a blend of operational/tactical level combat and maneuver during the retaking of the island of Guam from the Japanese during the Second World War. The game is played in turns, each one divided into phases for amphibious landing, maneuver, and combat. The game system uses many of the seven Battlefield Operating Systems (BOS) to simulate actual combat and maneuver that both the US and Japanese players must use to fight the ba... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    72,00 EUR


    GSI PIC02

    Pacific Islands Campaign: Saipan / Tinian

    Pacific Islands Campaign (PIC) - Saipan/Tinian is our second offering and the sister game for this part of the campaign in the Pacific War. The game is a blend of operational/tactical level combat and maneuver during the taking of the islands of Saipan and Tinian from the Japanese during the Second World War. The game is played in turns, each one divided into phases for amphibious landing, maneuver, and combat. The game system uses many of the seven Battlefield Operating Systems (BOS) to simulat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    80,00 EUR


    GSI PIC03

    Pacific Islands Campaign: Iwo Jima

    Pacific Islands Campaign (PIC) - Iwo Jima is our third offering of the campaign in the Pacific War. The game is a blend of operational/tactical level combat and maneuver during the retaking of the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese during the Second World War. The game is played in turns, each one divided into phases for amphibious landing, maneuver, and combat. The game system uses many of the seven Battlefield Operating Systems (BOS) to simulate actual combat and maneuver that both the US an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    72,00 EUR


    GSI PIC04

    Pacific Islands Campaign: Pelelieu / Angaur

    Bitte vorbestellen


    The 1st Marine and 81st Infantry Divisions were assigned to take the islands of Pelelieu and Angaur. One would be fairly easy and the other extremely hard. Pelelieu became a vortex that took way more Marines lives than it was worth. The Japanese had dug themselves into the Umurbrogal Mountain and forced the battle to be drawn out for 2 months, instead of 2 weeks.

    This is the fourth in the PIC series of games that simulate island battles in the Pacific Ocean Area during WWII. The game is a ble... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 52,00 EUR


    GSI PIC05

    Pacific Islands Campaign: Death Ride Tarawa

    This four day battle is one of the more gruesome fights in the Pacific Theater. This game showcases a unique landing system. While the fight to capture the island is not really 'in doubt', the Marines have a difficult time of wresting control of the place from the tough Japanese defenders. The main battle campaign starts with the Marines aboard their transports. From there they must move onto the landing craft and make their approaches to the beach. The fire from the Japanese ashore is heavy and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    220,00 EUR



    GSI DRK02

    Death Ride Kursk: 3rd Panzer Expansion

    Hot Seller


    Death Ride Kursk - 3rd Panzer is GSI's second offering on the Eastern Front. The game focuses on tactical level combat and maneuver during the German attack at Kursk in July 1943.

    The game features the 3rd Panzer Division and some supporting XLVIII Panzer Corps units at mostly Platoon and some Company/Battery level and the Red Army (10th Tank Corps, and other rifle and supporting elements) at Company/Battery level. The combat system utilizes combat multipliers that players must use correctly ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    158,00 EUR


    GSI DRK05

    Death Ride Kursk: IISS Enhancement

    DRK-IISS is the Enhancement package for the DRK-IISS game set. This package provides the charts and counters necessary to play the detailed, or enhanced, rules for Air, Maintenance, and Logistics, for the IISS Panzer Korps area of the battle.

    The Air Enhancement provides the Air units and supporting charts and tables to recreate the air war in a more detailed manner. Air units can conduct Close Air Support (CAS), Combat Air Patrol (CAP), Escort, Interception, Airfield Ground Attack, Ground ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    64,00 EUR


    GSI DRK06

    Death Ride Kursk: Leibstandarte

    The second game of a new 3 game set that will showcase the Kursk battle from the IISS Panzer Korps area. This game focuses on the Leibstandardte Division area.

    This game is an expansion and Death Ride Kursk - Totenkopf is required for play.

    This package will double the map area that you can maneuver around. The best part of the southern prong of the Kursk salient and the penetration to Prokhorovka. The game adds to the power packed fun and excitement started with Totenkopf. The point o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    158,00 EUR


    GSI DRK08

    Death Ride Kursk: 11th Panzer Expansion

    Death Ride Kursk - 11th Panzer is GSI's third offering on the Eastern Front. The game focuses on tactical level combat and maneuver during the German attack at Kursk in July 1943.

    The game features the 11th Panzer Division and some supporting XLVIII Panzer Corps units at mostly Platoon and some Company/Battery level and the Red Army (31st Tank Corps, and other supporting elements) at Company/Battery level. The combat system utilizes combat multipliers that players must use correctly to have t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    158,00 EUR


    GSI DRK09

    Death Ride Kursk: Korps Raus

    Korps Raus is an expansion for Death Ride Kursk - III Panzer Korps. It includes the 3 German Infantry Divisions that helped to secure the III PzK right flank during the Kursk battles. This is a mostly infantry battle with a few units of StG that were supporting the korps.

    Your goal is to disrupt the Red Army forces in the area such that they cannot prevent or slow the III PzK from accomplishing its' mission.

    Scenarios for this game start on 4 July and through 13 July.

    Korps Raus - comes... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    204,00 EUR


    GSI DRK10

    Death Ride Kursk: Army Detachment Kempf Enhancement

    This game is the Air/Logistics/Maintenance expansion for the AD Kempf Game Set.

    60,00 EUR


    GSI DRK11

    Death Ride Kursk: XLVIII Enhancement

    The XLVIII PzK Enhancement package builds on the detail of the game system. Those who own the original games will recognize some of the counters in this package as those from the Maintenance, Logistics, and Air Enhancements. They have been bundled together similar to the ones from the IISS PzK Enhancement package.

    Each game now includes the Command and Control and Fire Support Enhancements which mean you don’t need to buy this package in order to have detailed command and fire support opera... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR


    GSI DRS02

    Death Ride Salerno: 29th Panzer Grenadier

    This is the next game in the Death Ride Salerno series and builds on the first game, Death Ride Salerno - 16th Panzer. The map is extended to the east and covers the area where the 36th US Infantry Division had to force its way into the hills surrounding the bridgehead. The Germans are on the defensive and must hold on and wait for the bulk of the 29th Panzer Grenadier and 26th Panzer Divisions to arrive and allow for the strong counter-attack that almost drove the Allies into the sea. To counte... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    108,00 EUR


    GSI DRS03

    Death Ride Salerno: 16th Panzer Expansion

    Death Ride Salerno - 16th Panzer Expansion is the third, of four, title in the Death Ride Salerno game set. This game expands the beachhead to the east and introduces British forces from the 10th Corps. The main battle in this part of the bridgehead was for Battipaglia. The British Guard Brigade managed to get into the outskirts of the town only to be thrown out. The front in this area was fairly settled for the 6 days of the battle and the Germans did not have the stregnth here to push the Brit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    96,00 EUR


    GSI DRS04

    Death Ride Salerno: Herman Goring/15th Panzer Grenadier

    This game is the fourth and last part of the Death Ride Salerno series. It is an expansion game and requires Death Ride Salerno - 16th Panzer to be played. It features the paratroop elements of the Herman Goring Panzer Division and 3 Parachute Regiment. The fight for the city of Salerno is complete and the British 46th UK Infantry Division must move north and begin the process of clearing the way forward to Naples. Resistance is stiffer than expected and the British remain quietly anchored t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    98,00 EUR


    GSI DRS05

    Death Ride Salerno: FS Artillery


    24,00 EUR


    GSI IC100_02

    Incredible Courage 100 Days: Ligny

    This game is an expansion and needs Incredible Courage 100 Days Quatre Bras in order to be played.

    Incredible Courage 100 Days – Ligny continues a 4 game set that explores Napoleon’s 100 Days campaign that ended his reign and finished his aspirations as emperor of France. This game expands on the feature set started with the Incredible Courage 100 Days - Quatre Bras. One of the expanded items is doctrine specific rules for the various combatants. The Prussians had some specific doctrinal ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    276,00 EUR


    GSI IC100_03

    Incredible Courage 100 Days: Waterloo

    This game is an expansion and needs Incredible Courage 100 Days Quatre Bras and Incredible Courage 100 Days - Ligny in order to be played.

    Incredible Courage 100 Days – Waterloo continues a 4 game set that explores Napoleon’s 100 Days campaign that ended his reign and finished his aspirations as emperor of France. This game expands on the feature set started with the Incredible Courage 100 Days - Quatre Bras. One of the expanded items is doctrine specific rules for the various combatant... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    248,00 EUR


    GSI IC100_04

    Incredible Courage 100 Days: Wavre

    Incredible Courage 100 Days - Wavre is an expansion that REQUIRES the ownership of Incredible Courage 100 Days - Quatre Bras and Incredible Courage 100 Days - Ligny.

    This game completes the Grognard Simulations, Inc. 4 game set on the 100 Days battles. In this battle the French, under Marshall Grouchy, won a tactical victory, but it meant nothing with the loss of the Battle of Waterloo by the Emperor. This battle pits the French III, IV, I and II Cavalry Corps against the Prussian III Korps... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    104,00 EUR


    GSI IC100_04

    Incredible Courage 100 Days: Wavre

    Achtung - Linke untere Ecke der Schachtel ist eingedrückt - Das Spiel selbst ist tadellos und absolut neuwertig!

    Attention - Lower left corner of the box is crushed - The game itself it impeccable and absolutely mint!

    Incredible Courage 100 Days - Wavre is an expansion that REQUIRES the ownership of Incredible Courage 100 Days - Quatre Bras and Incredible Courage 100 Days - Ligny.

    This game completes the Grognard Simulations, Inc. 4 game set on the 100 Days battles. In this battle the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    78,00 EUR


    GSI IC100_05

    Incredible Courage 100 Days: Wertingen 1805

    Hot Seller


    This battle is the First Contact of the Ulm campaign. It set the tone for the entire campaign and gave the French an immense boost of confidence. Napoleon has ordered his Advance Guard, consisting of part of Murat's Reserve Cavalry and Lannes' Vth Corps, to begin the swing around to the south and east of Ulm, in order to cut off Mack from Vienna. Mack, being a bit in the dark about the French maneuvers, sent a force under Baron Auffenberg, to determine where the French were. The Baron's force ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    140,00 EUR


    GSI IC100_06

    Incredible Courage 100 Days: Günzburg

    This battle deals with the situation at the start of the Battle for Ulm and the French cutting off of the Austrians. General Mahler of Marshall Ney's VI Corps is ordered to the south bank of the Danube. The general is faced by Austrians under the command of Baron D'Aspre who are positioned on the opposite bank of the Danube and are well supported. Mahler splits his force into three groups and attempts to take the three bridges in the area. His main force has no success in getting across the Danu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    134,00 EUR


    GSI IC100_07

    Incredible Courage 100 Days: Alt Eglofsheim 1809

    Hot Seller


    This battle deals with the situation after the Battle of Eckmuhl and the French pursuit of the Austrians. General Nansouty with 3 cavalry divisions takes on a significantly smaller Austrian cavalry rearguard attempting to keep the French away from the Austrian main body, giving them time to get away. There is only cavalry and a handful of artillery batteries in this fight. It is a wild set of charges and counter-charges, with some intermittent artillery fire, spaced into a couple hours. So t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    120,00 EUR


    GSI ICA02

    Incredible Courage at Austerlitz: Pratzen

    Incredible Courage at Austerlitz - Pratzen adds the fight for the Pratzen Heights to the southern part of the fighting at Telnitz, in the Austerlitz battle. The game adds (16) 11 x 17 map sheets to the 5 for Telnitz and encompasses the area from Sokolnitz Castle up to the area where Napoleon and the Imperial Guard started the battle around The Zurlan Hill. The fighting forces added include the remaining 2 divisions of the French IV Corps, Imperial Guard, Grenadier Division, and I Corps. These fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    145,00 EUR


    GSI ICA03

    Incredible Courage at Austerlitz: Santon

    This game brings the set, Incredible Courage at Austerlitz, to its completion. This third game contains the French and Coalition forces that fought in the northern part of the battlefield. General Bagration, given orders to move toward Brunn to the west, dutifully moves out around 10am and is given a nasty surprise. While his forces, and the forces of Prince Lichtenstein (5,000+ cavalry!), are well equipped, they are outnumbered by the French Vth Corps under Marshall Lannes and the Cavalry Reser... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    124,00 EUR


    High Flying Dice Games

    HFDG 0002

    A Test of Mettle: Three Battles of the Lorraine Campaign, September 1944

    Patton’s Finest: the Battle of Arracourt is a simulation of the armored clash between the U.S. Third Army’s 4th Armored Division and counterattacking German forces led by the 111th and 113th Panzer Brigades. After breaking out of the Normandy Bridgehead in July 1944, the 4th Armored had led the advance across France to the German Westwall fortifications, earning the nickname “Patton’s Finest.” Desperate to stop the American blitzkrieg, and recapture the vital railroad center at Nancy, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    94,00 EUR


    HFDG 0003

    BLOODY HELL - Operations Goodwood and Spring, July 1944

    Historians have described the British attack near Caen and the Canadian assault against Verrieres Ridge as disasters. Indeed, following these operations the Germans were able to transfer to the western sector of Normandy much of their surviving armor to deal with the American offensive. Nonetheless, recently discovered material and some oral histories have shown the Allied offensives came close to success.

    Operation Goodwood -
    This game on Operation Goodwood grew out of the interest in devel... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    94,00 EUR


    HFDG 0008

    Courage Under Fire - The Battle of An Loc (Ziplock)

    Courage Under Fire is a low complexity, low counter density game on the assault on An Loc during the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive in 1972.

    The NVA launched the "Easter Offensive" and the village of An Loc became a critical objective as it was astride highway QL-13 halfway between a large base area in Cambodia and the city of Saigon. On or around April 12th, the North Vietnamese began a 7,000 round a day bombardment and launched attacks beginning on April 13th. Under attack by two NVA and... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    HFDG 0009

    Death before Dishonor - Naval Battles of Santiago (Ziplock)

    “We saw what probably has not been witnessed since the days of the Armada, ships coming out for deadly battle, but dressed as for a regal parade or a festival day. From their shining black hulls, with huge golden figureheads bearing the crest and coat-of-arms of Spain, to the tops of their masts where fluttered proudly the immense silken flags…to the brightly colored awnings over their decks, they bespoke luxury and chivalry, and a proud defiance.
    --George Edward Graham of the Associated Pr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    HFDG 0010

    Fighting Eagles - Aerial Combat 1918 (Ziplock)

    Fighting Eagles uses a simple game system to simulate the air battles of 1918 fought between the American and German air forces. Based on Rohrbaugh's Showtime Hanoi design, players will play head-to-head matches pitting several Allied aircraft vs. their German counterparts.

    Allied player wins the game if their German target is destroyed and more German aircraft are destroyed than Allied. Any other result is a German win. If Red Baron (Fokker Dr1) is shot down or leaves the map the best the Ge... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    HFDG 0013

    What went wrong - Battle of Ap Bac (Ziplock)

    Hot Seller


    The Battle of Ap Bac was the first large-scale fight waged between the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and the National Liberation Front (NLF). Up until this point in the Vietnam “Conflict” the NLF, soon to become known as the Viet Cong in the US, had waged a war of insurgency in South Vietnam. On January 2nd, 1963 the 7th ARVN infantry division dispatched elements of its 11th Regiment to support two Civil Guard battalions to take out a radio transmitter the NLF were operating in the ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    Histo Games

    HTG 1972


    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Hannibal from Rusiecki is a strategic Roman game and is the first game where land combat occurs in same hex and uses fluid movement/combat system.Board mounted on foam core.

    This game is played in turns of one year each. Starting in 218 B.C.,a time marker piece is moved down the Time Records one space after the completion of each FULL turn. The game ends in the 202 B.C. turn.

    1 Map
    40 Carthaginians red round counters + 2 red markers
    42 Roman white round counters + 2 white ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    120,00 EUR


    HTG 1973

    Eagle Day

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    The Battle of Britain - 1940
    A game that appears to have been inspired by Zocchi's Battle of Britain (and to have borrowed a bit from the former game as well.) This game uses 10 minute turns, approximately 5 mile hexes, and units representing Gruppen (27 planes) and Squadrons (12 planes).

    "The game places you in command of the forces which took part in the original campaign . . . Eagle Day is two games-in-one. The Historical Game allows you to re-fight the original battle. The September Game... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    HTG 1975

    The Italian Campaign

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Sicily to the Alps, 1943-1945.
    This is a traditional wargame that simulates the WWII invasion of Sicily and Italy between the years of 1943 - 1945.

    Players can choose to play the full Campaign game ('43-'45) or one of the two smaller games - "Winter Line"; the first part of the Allied conquest of Italy (July '43 to April '44) or the "Gothic Line"; the final phase of the war in Italy (May '44 to April' 45).

    The game contains 196 counters (showing strength and movement) ranging from Battali... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    Historical Games Factory

    HGF 0002

    First to Fight

    Hot Seller


    The title of First to Fight refers to the famous slogan and poster distributed in European countries after Poland was the first country to be attacked by Germany in September 1939. This game, released in cooperation with Fundacja Niepodlegoci (Foundation for Independence), takes place throughout the entirety of World War II, with the players taking the roles of commanders of the Polish forces that are fighting on numerous fronts: Eastern and Western Europe, Africa, etc. By allocating their troop... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    Jeux Descartes

    JEU 1870


    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    französische Konfliktsimulation von 1978

    Division level wargame on the Franco-Prussian War from August 1870 to February 1871 in 67 three-day turns. 1 map, 200 counters. Rules for supply, railroads, French sea movement, fortresses, and the Siege of Paris.

    endgültig vergriffen

    JEU 2EM

    2eme D. B. '1' Normandie

    französische Konfliktsimulation

    26,00 EUR



    Dien Bien Phu

    La Bataille Decisive de la Guerre d'Indochine

    französische Konfliktsimulation

    64,00 EUR




    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    französische Konfliktsimulation
    - auf Wunsch mit deutscher Regel!

    A simple game on the battle between Napoleon and Benningsen on June 14th 1807.

    One map 42 cm x 60 cm
    64 combat units
    200 markers

    endgültig vergriffen

    Khyber Pass Games

    KPG 0004


    The Battle for Cufra, 1931
    by Dennis L. Bishop

    In July of 1930, the Vice Governor of Cirenaica, Generale Rudolfo Graziani was directed by the Governor of Tripolitania/Cirenaica, Generale Pietro Badoglio, who was under pressure himself from il Duce Benito Mussolini, to eliminate the last Senussi "Stronghold" at the Cufra oasis, and to humiliate the Senussi leadership by occupying the sacred site of El Taj.

    The three columns; Colonna Maletti, Colonna Rolle, and Colonna Lorenzini, finally b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    KPG 0005

    Communism in the West

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Cuba 1958 & Boliva 1967
    by Dennis L. Bishop and Andrew Preziosi

    Communism in the West contains two games covering Communist insurections in the Western Hemishphere during the 20th century. Both games use area movement and the same combat/game system. CHE is the introductory game in the system and Cuban Revolution builds upon the basic concepts used in CHE adding in Air, Naval, and Artillery units as well as more advanced game concepts.

    CUBAN REVOLUTION: Beginning in February, 1958 Castro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    KPG 0006

    The Jewish War

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The Jewish War (or Great Revolt) in the Roman province of Judea was the direct result of the oppression by Gessius Florus, Procurator (Governor) of Syria, towards the Jewish people Galilee and Judea. Convinced that the Romans would destroy his kingdom, the King of Gamala sent a cavalry contingent to Judea, which was just the spark needed to ignite the Zealot rebellion.

    The Jewish Zealot, (Independence Party) rose against the (Arab) Foederatii garrisons in Galilee and Judea in 66 AD. While ini... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    Legion Wargames

    LWG 0003

    Prairie Aflame! (Ziplock)

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    The Northwest Rebellion of 1885
    by Mark Woloshen

    This game is an operational treatment of Canada's Northwest Rebellion of 1885. The Metis (half Native and half European) set up a provisional government to try and get recognition of their concerns with the federal government in Ottawa.

    The federal government orders a detachment of Mounties to confiscate any weapons located at the Metis settlement of Duck Lake. The Mounties were met by a force of Metis and Natives and initially there was ju... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    LWG 0901

    Ici, c'est la France!



    The Algerian War of Independence 1954-62
    Designer: Kim Kanger

    This game covers the French insurgency war against FLN in Algeria during 1954-62. It is a conflict of great drama. It cost the lives of at least half a million Algerians, it brought the tumultuous exodus of one million French settlers from Algeria and it brought France itself to the brink of civil war. But to be portrayed as a game has its difficulties, though. How do you recreate the fact that the side which lost militarily won... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR


    LWG 0901.2

    Ici, c'est la France! (Second Edition)

    The Algerian War of Independence 1954-62
    Designer: Kim Kanger

    This game covers the French insurgency war against the FLN in Algeria during 1954-62. It is a conflict of great drama. It cost the lives of at least half a million Algerians, it brought the tumultuous exodus of one million French settlers from Algeria and it brought France itself to the brink of civil war. There are three distinct factions of this simulation, Political, Insurgency, and Miltary, which are brilliantly interwoven ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    74,00 EUR


    LWG 1001

    Saipan & Tinian - Island War Series - Volume I

    Saipan is a simulation of the American invasion and capture of Saipan in the summer of 1944. Part of Admiral Nimitz's Operation Granite II, the seizure of the Marianas was divided into two parts, the Northern Troops Landing Force (NTLF) and the Southern Troops Landing Force (STLF). Saipan and Tinian were the objectives for the NTLF, with Saipan being the immediate objective and Tinian the second. The STLF objective was Guam. Before the Capture of Saipan both the US Navy and the Japanese Navy ha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    64,00 EUR


    LWG 1101

    Slouch Hats & Eggshells - The Allied Invasion of Syria, 1941

    When Free French leader Gen. de Gaulle visited the Middle East in April 1941 he forced a political crisis by demanding the occupation of Syria. As a result London ordered an offensive to place all of Syria and Lebanon under Free French control. Sadly, such posturing caused Allied command staffs to hold unrealistic views of what the ensuing occupation would look like. Certain authorities believed the Vichy French in Syria would offer only token resistance and their defense would collapse like an ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    54,00 EUR


    LWG 1103

    Tonkin - The First Indochina War 1950 - 1954 (2nd Edition)

    Tonkin is a two player game that covers the crucial period of the First Indochina War fought between the Viet Minh and France from 1946 -1954. The game focuses on the intensive years from 1950 - 1954 in the northern part of Vietnam, called Tonkin, and Laos. It is a game of high interactive play where both players have a set of ten operation points and a number of supply dumps. By spending operations points you will be able to perform different, mostly non-combat, actions. By expending a supply d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    74,00 EUR


    LWG 1202

    The Battle of Adobe Walls - November 25th, 1864

    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    Indian Wars of the Am. West - Vol. I

    by Michael Taylor

    The Battle of Abode Walls. Also known as the First Battle of Adobe Walls (November 25, 1864), it was one of the largest battles between U.S. and Great Plains Indians. Kit Carson was given command of the US forces, and his mission was to find the Comanche and Kiowa winter camps and eliminate this threat to the settlers that were moving into and through this area of the Texas panhandle.

    Adobe Walls shares many similarities with ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    70,00 EUR


    LWG 1401

    Dien Bien Phu 2nd. Edition: The Final Gamble

    Dien Bien Phu depicts the decisive battle which took place in a distant jungle valley in northern Vietnam. It was a battle where both sides knew from start would be a final showdown. The French were desperately seeking for an opportunity to bring the Viet Minh main battle force into battle on French terms. Dien Bien Phu was a trap where superior units and weapons would crush the Viet Minh onslaught. Viet Minh felt they could not win the war unless they managed to upgrade their mode of fighting i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR


    LWG 1403

    Toulon, 1793

    Toulon, 1793 is an operational level wargame for two to seven players, covering the siege of Toulon, in the South of France, between 25 August and 21 December, 1793. It’s area based system covers the entire campaign from the initial landing by Anglo-Spanish forces (at the invitation of the rebel Toulonnaise) through to their evacuation of the town as their ships came under threat from the batteries of the previously unknown Napoleon Bonaparte.

    Operation points are at the heart of the system... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    76,00 EUR


    LWG 1501

    The Battle of Tanga, 1914

    Invasion of German East Africa
    by Dennis L. Bishop - Andrew Preziosi - George Pearson

    Often referred to as 'The Battle of the Bees', the Battle of Tanga, an amphibious attack launched by British and Indian forces, established the burgeoning reputation of Colonel (later General) Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck by the manner in which he successfully defeated the British-led attempt to capture German East Africa.

    Some 80km from the border of British East Africa, Tanga was sited on a high plateau in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR


    LWG 1503

    The Battle of Rosebud Creek - June 17th, 1876

    Indian Wars of the Am. West -Vol. II

    by Michael Taylor

    George Armstrong Custer and The Little Bighorn fight have long overshadowed the Battle of the Rosebud. Preceding the Little Bighorn by a week, the outcome of this battle directly influenced what happened to Custer and the 7th US Cavalry.

    General George Crook was given command of the southern column of the Bighorn Campaign. With Gibbons column coming in from the west and the Terry/Custer column from the northeast, the campaigns ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    64,00 EUR


    LWG 1504

    The Battle of the Little Bighorn - June 25th - 26th, 1876

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Indian Wars of the Am. West -Vol. III

    by Michael Taylor

    June 25th and 26th, 1876, eastern Montana Territory. The Battle of the Little Bighorn, also known as Custer's Last Stand, was the epic fight between a massive combined force of Plains Indian tribes and the 7th United States Cavalry under the command of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer. The battle was by far the most famous event in the Indian Wars and was a crushing victory for the Indians. Custer, already famous for his Civil War e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    84,00 EUR


    LWG 1603

    Demyansk Shield: the Frozen Fortress, February-May 1942

    Historical Setting - From 22 June 1941 Axis armies attacked the Soviet Union on a broad front. While the northern group of armies (Army Group North) pushed towards Leningrad in a war of rapid maneuver its 16th Army covered the flank in the Lake Ilmen – Valday Hills area. Here, fighting began to settle down in early fall 1941 and by January had become static. Then the Soviets attacked. By late January the Soviet 11th Army had broken the German front in several sectors and threatened to surround... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    72,00 EUR


    LWG 1604

    The Great Game - Rival Empires in Central Asia 1837-1886

    The Great Game recreates the 19th Century Anglo-Russian struggle for supremacy in Central Asia. In the actual contest, Tsarist Russia resented British expeditions into the Steppe Khanates while Victorian Britain feared that Russian entreaties to Persia and Afghanistan would jeopardize India's security. So the two imperial powers wove a complex tale of diplomatic intrigue, colonial conquest and proxy wars that spanned 50 years.

    The Great Game is a card driven game (CDG), where players alter... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    86,00 EUR


    LWG 1704

    The Battle of Blenheim, 1704

    SHS Series - Volume I - Game design by Steve Pole

    The Battle of Blenheim is a tactical level two player game covering one of the pivotal battles during the War of Spanish Succession. One player takes the role of Marlborough, commanding the British and Allied forces, and the other of Tallard, leading the Franco-Bavarians. At Blenheim Marlborough found himself confronted by a superior Franco-Bavarian force in a strong defensive position. Like Hannibal's great victory at Cannae, Blenheim was w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    70,00 EUR


    LWG 1705

    NEMESIS - Burma, 1944

    Game design by Kim Kanger
    "Nemesis: The spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris"

    While Burma was the backwater of WW2, it contained several of the most colorful characters of the war. The background was such that...

    General Stilwell, who despised both British and Chinese (and the current American, except Marshall) leadership, wanted to fight the Japanese with Chinese troops, in Burma or in China. Roosevelt, while having no interest in rebuilding the British Empire... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    72,00 EUR


    LWG 1802

    Maori Wars - The New Zealand Land Wars

    Game design by John Poniske
    Maori Wars is a simulation of the principal uprisings that took place between 1845 and 1872 due to British colonial incursions into native Maori lands on the North Island of New Zealand. Conflict involved the destruction of numerous villages, pas (strongly fortified villages that featured intricate trench-works) and colonial settlements. The war introduced the British to a wily well-armed enemy whose defense works and strategy of ambush surprised and stymied them. As... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    78,00 EUR


    LWG 1901

    Air Raid: Pearl Harbor!

    Bitte vorbestellen


    Air Raid - Pearl Harbor! is a detailed simulation and study of an iconic event in U.S. and, indeed, world history. It is an extensively researched wargame inspired by the nearly life-long interest of the designer in the subject matter. Units are individual ships and also individual aircraft, although these are amalgamated into various counters by aircraft type. There is area movement for some portions of the map, and the areas of particular interest are modeled using 250-yard-wide hexes. The sim... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 78,00 EUR


    LWG 1904

    A Splendid Little War: The 1898 Santiago Campaign 2nd.Ed.

    Hot Seller


    The 1898 Santiago Campaign
    by Andy Nunez

    A Splendid Little War deals with all aspects of the Santiago Cuba Campaign of 1898. The game covers the entire campaign and includes the Rough Riders, Cuban (and Spanish) Guerillas, Gatling Guns, the US Observation Balloon, Engineers, and just about everything in between. Most of the units are regiments and battalions, and the US regiments can break down into quasi battalion sized units in order to trade off strength for speed, and also to absorb com... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    68,00 EUR


    LWG 2001

    Prairie Aflame! 2nd Edition - The Northwest Rebellion of 1885

    This game is an operational treatment of Canada's Northwest Rebellion of 1885. The Metis (half Native and half European) set up a provisional government to try and get recognition of their concerns with the federal government in Ottawa.

    The federal government orders a detachment of Mounties to confiscate any weapons located at the Metis settlement of Duck Lake. The Mounties were met by a force of Metis and Natives and initially there was just talk. However, during the course of the discussion... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR


    LWG 2002

    Decisive Victory 1918: Volume 1 – Soissons

    Hot Seller


    Whatever you do, you lose a lot of men – General Mangin, commander French 10 Army.

    The Battle of Soissons, 18 July to 28 July, 1918, is little known today, particularly in the English-speaking world. It is significant for a number of reasons; it was the first time that the French army used a large-scale attack with tanks supported by a surprise (i.e. not pre-registered) artillery bombardment, similar to the British attack the previous year at Cambrai, and it was the first time that full-siz... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    82,00 EUR


    LWG 2102

    CAPTAIN'S SEA - The American Frigates 1799 - 1815

    Hot Seller


    On 1 June 1813, Captain John Lawrence, mortally wounded, issued his final command from the deck of the U.S.S. Chesapeake:

    “Don’t Give Up The Ship!”

    These words have since become a battle cry. Now, with Captain’s Sea you take command of the Chesapeake to see if you can fair better against the better crewed British frigate H.M.S. Shannon.

    Captain’s Sea is a low-to-moderate complexity game for two players who take the roles as captains of the original American frigates (Chesap... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    90,00 EUR


    LWG 2103

    Hill of Doves - The First Anglo-Boer War 1880-1881 (Solitaire)

    Hot Seller


    ‘Hill of Doves’ is a solitaire boardgame in which the player controls An Imperial British Army at war with a programmed non-player Transvaal Republican Army in 1881. The British army’s aim is to win the war by controlling the area known as Laing’s Nek which lies on the border between Natal and the Transvaal. The British army has up to twelve weeks to achieve this, failing which, the Boers will win the war.

    ‘Hill of Doves’ is played at a strategic, operational and tactical level si... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    84,00 EUR


    LWG 2202

    Fire on the Mountain: Battle of South Mountain September 14, 1862

    Hot Seller


    During Robert E. Lee's first invasion of the North, Lee learned of a threatening Federal advance East of Hagerstown, Maryland. Because Stonewall Jackson was besieging Harper' Ferry, he instructed Daniel Harvey Hill to hold the South Mountain passes in the rugged Blue Ridge, just East of Boonsboro. It was essential to delay McClellan’s progress so Jackson would have time to take Harper's Ferry and reunite his scattered divisions before the Army of the Potomac caught him unprepared.

    Despite s... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    68,00 EUR


    LWG 2204

    La Primogenita

    Hot Seller


    Colonial units clash when the Allies invade Italian East Africa during WW2.

    La Primogenita is a wargame at Brigade level about the East African Campaign in 1941.
    It covers the Allied invasion into Italian Eritrea in the north where the most intense fighting took place, especially around the town of Cheren.
    The Allies invaded Eritrea with two Indian Divisions and some Free French units.
    The defending Italians consisted mostly of colonial Brigades, recruited among Ethiopians and Eritrean... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    76,00 EUR


    LWG 2205

    Velikiye Luki: Stalingrad of the North

    Fight the northern pincer of Operation Mars.

    The Battle of Velikiye Luki, sometimes called The Stalingrad of the North, was fought during the Winter Campaign of 1942-1943. It was part of the northern pincer of the Rzhev-Sychevka Strategic Offensive (Operation Mars). The Soviet objective was to liberate the Russian city of Velikiye Luki and to cut the north-south rail line to the west of the city.

    Rather than attacking the town directly, the Soviet forces advanced into the difficult terrai... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    26,00 EUR


    LWG 2301

    A Glorious Chance - The Naval Struggle for Lake Ontario during the War of 1812 (Solitaire)

    Hot Seller


    A Glorious Chance is a solitaire wargame that puts you in command of the U.S. or British naval squadron on Lake Ontario in the critical summer of 1813.
    You have four months to dominate the lake. But each patrol, each convoy mission, each amphibious landing you make to pursue victory risks full-scale battle with the AI squadron – a battle that could leave you triumphant or shattered in a matter of hours. A dynamic card-driven AI opponent assigns enemy missions, refits and launches new ships, a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    92,00 EUR


    LWG 24xy

    Invasion: Malta

    Hot Seller


    (plus bonus game Invasion: Leros - November, 1943)

    Invasion: Malta uses many familiar game mechanics found in similar scale games. Featured here are chit draws for activation of formations and individual unit efficiency ratings. The Axis player uses amphibious landings and airdrops to bring his units into the battle while the Allied player defends with artillery bombardment from behind heavy fortifications. Special rules include heavy tanks and dummy airdrops, and more, as found in a group of... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    116,00 EUR


    Leonardo Games

    LNG 0001

    Race to Berlin

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Race to Berlin game portrays the last months of World War II in Europe. In the West, after the landing in Normandy and forcing German troops to withdraw from France, the armies of the Western Allies stand over the borders of the Reich, being ready to get across Rhine. In the East, mighty Red Army preparing itself to final offensive, which goal is the capital of Nazi Germany, Berlin. Both Allies are set for the race to ultimate victory.

    Players take role of the commanders of the Soviet and All... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    Linden Lake Games

    LLG 18010

    1918: Brother Against Brother

    Hot Seller


    1918: Brother Against Brother is a two-player wargame of the Civil war in Finland during early 1918. One player takes the role of the Whites (i.e. the government troops) and other the Reds (socialist revolutionaries). In that bloody struggle future of the nation that has just declared its' independence is decided, and whether General C.G.E. Mannerheim of White forces or Comrade Kullervo Manner emerges triumphant is up to the players.

    Map is point-to-point representation of the Finland from 19... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR


    LLG 19020

    Freezing Death: Finnish Winter War

    Hot Seller


    Freezing death – Finnish Winter War is a two player wargame of the Winter War fought between Finland and Soviet Union 1939-1940 as well as preparations that lead to the conflict.

    Map shows three fronts where main battles took place and where soviet player tries to advance his troops to while Finnish players units, underequipped but more accustomed to freezing conditions, try desperately stop them. While the Western Powers deliberated intervention, time was running out on both belligerents. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR


    Mayfair Games

    MFG 4860

    A House Divided - 4th Edition

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A House Divided simulates the epic struggle of the American Civil War that was fought over the twin issues of slavery and state's rights. The period from 1840 to 1861 saw these issues brought to a boil, and in 1861 the nation became tangled in a terrible war that lasted four long years.

    The game depicts the war between North and South from the First Battle of Bull Run (or Manassas Junction) to Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Courthouse (or Grant’s surrender at Harrisburg…). Each player le... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    MFG 4861

    Test of Fire - First Bull Run 1861

    July 21, 1861 the raw untried armies of North and South meet for the first battle of the American Civil War.

    Will you take the part of General Beauregard of the Confederate States of America defending Virginia or the part of Union General Irvin McDowell seeking to stop the rebellion of the south and re-unite the nation?

    Simple game mechanics center on a system where command opportunities are determined by dice, action cards and the frustrations of command are eloquently portrayed.

    Simpl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR


    MFG 4862

    Clash of Wills - Shiloh 1862

    It is near dawn on April 6th, 1862. The first major clash of arms in the western theater of the American Civil War is about to commence! You and your opponent each control one of the opposing armies. As the Confederate player, you open the battle with a devastating surprise attack on the Union camps around Shiloh church. If you can route the disorganized blue coats and take Pittsburg Landing before reinforcements arrives, you can deal a potentially fatal blow to the invading Yankees. As the Unio... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR


    MB (Milton Bradley)

    MB 40949a

    Mission Command Air Game

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Lead your squadron to victory in this aerial dogfight game.

    Eliminate enemy aircraft.

    You are the squadron leader of two elite fighter planes on special maneuvers. Your mission is to shoot down your opponent's two aircraft. You are fully armed with missiles and cannons. But your opponent is equally prepared. Plan each move carefully to avoid being hit.

    Fly to the left, right or straight to get in position to fire on the enemy. Once you're locked in on a target, fire away. A hit will cau... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    MB 40949l

    Mission Command Land Game

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Plan your attack and destroy enemy tanks.

    Will your military tactics outwit your opponent?

    You are the company commander of an elite ground squadron on special maneuvers. Your mission is to deatroy your opponent's tanks before he destroys yours. Strategically position your artillery and installations to strengthen you forces. As you plan your tank and helicopter moves, the enemy is planning to target your location. Can you outmaneuver your opponent and eliminate his tanks before yours are ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    MB 40949s

    Mission Command Sea Game

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Outmaneuver your opponent. Destroy the enemy fleet.

    Lead your carrier force to victory!

    You are the commander of an elite naval fleet. Your mission is to sink your enemy's carrier using your destroyers and fighter squadron. Launch your planes from the carrier armed with harpoon missiles that you can fire at enemy ships. Or send them out with sidewinder missiles that will aid their efforts when caught in a dogfight. Strategically move your destroyers to intercept enemy fire or to fire on th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    Mings Enterprises

    MIN 1981

    Texas Revolution

    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    The glorious War for Independence and great runaway scrape - 1836

    195 playing counters in 6 colors shows Texas militia, Mexican conscripts, American volunteers, U.S. Army regulars, Indians, leaders and others.
    A clear and concise 4 page rulebook makes the game easy to learn and fun to play. Includes 5 optional campaign scenarios.
    22 x 30 inch, 5 color map of colonial Texas. Full map shows prairies, hills, woods, marsh, rivers, Gulf coast, and towns from the Rio Grande to Louisiana.

    A gam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    38,00 EUR


    Multi-Man Publishing


    A Most Dangerous Time - Japan in Chaos

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    This is the game that made Tetsuya Nakamura famous. As you have seen from MMP's Fire in the Sky and you will see from MMP's A Victory Lost, Nakamura provides a unique insight into military history. MMP is proud to present what is widely considered to be his finest effort. While Samurai Lords provides a broad overview of Feudal Japan, A Most Dangerous Time focuses in on the most dire moment of all - 1570-1584. Oda Nobunaga, the most revered figure in Japanese history, fights against all of Japan... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen



    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    Angola recreates a brief portion of the violent, decades-long Angolan civil war that began in the 1970s with the fall of a colonial power and dragged its bloody way into the 21st century thanks in part to cold war politics. Angola is a multi-player game in which players control the various Soviet- and US-backed factions that vied for control of Angola from 1975 to 1976. Originally released in limited quantities by Ragnar Brothers of the UK, Angola quickly became a rare and highly sought after ga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    88,00 EUR



    Front Toward Enemy

    Hot Seller


    ASLish scale in Vietnam with chit-pull system.
    Tactical firefights during the Vietnam War. Fire teams, heavy weapons, leaders and helicopters at 50 meters to a hex and five minutes to a turn.

    Three years after the collapse of South Vietnam, General William Westmoreland announced that “militarily we were successful . . . we didn’t lose a single battle above company level.” It was in these intense company- and platoon-level firefights, which characterized most combat in the Vietnam War, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    82,00 EUR




    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    July 1, 1863. As the hot summer sun ascends into the Pennsylvania sky, Brigadier General John Buford deploys his dismounted cavalry along the ridge astride one the many pikes leading to a nearby town. As scouts report Confederate troops converging on the town, Buford’s men must give the rest of the Union army time to arrive on the scene and take up positions on good ground. The following three days of combat is remembered as the most famous battle on American soil – the Battle of Gettysburg.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    MMP KB45

    Konigsberg 1945

    Bitte vorbestellen


    When the Russian Gumbinnen Operation stalled in late October of 1944, East Prussia remained in German hands while the Soviets reorganized. In January of 1945, the Soviets attacked with a ferociousness borne out of years of Nazi tyranny and once again East Prussia was the battleground.

    Konigsberg 1945 (K45) is a simulation of the momentous battle for East Prussia. Originally published with a very limited print run by Three Crowns Games in 2011, MMP is thrilled to bring this very well received... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 44,00 EUR



    King Philip's War

    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    King Philip's War 1675-1676 was a momentous example of New England frontier savagery. A loose coalition of angry tribes inspired by the King Philip (the Wampanoag sachem, Metacomet) burned and sacked settlements throughout the colonies of Massachusettes, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and the then separate colony of Plymouth. Ultimately, more than 2600 Colonials were captured or killed, Twelve Colonial settlements were completely destroyed and six more heavily damaged. Boston itself very nearly came... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    54,00 EUR



    Last Stand - The Battle for Moscow 1941-42

    The Last Stand at Moscow simulates German winter offensive to capture Moscow.

    One map 594×841cm
    Unit scale II, X, XX, XXX, KG
    10 days/Turn Oct 1941 to Jan 1942

    In October 1941, the German Army launched Operation Typhoon - the last major German offensive of the year. In an all-out attempt to defeat Russia and end World War Two, the Germans managed to see the spires of the Kremlin as their high water mark for both this battle and for the war. Over two million men ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    52,00 EUR



    The Tide at Sunrise - The Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    Tide at Sunrise continues the philosophy that began with A Victory Lost. Using tried and true mechanics but with some major twists, Tide at Sunrise will be a major test of player skill that is rarely seen in the wargaming hobby. Here, the base system is little more than the tried and true game from SPI called Napoleon at Waterloo. But not all is at it seems.

    Here is the sequence of play:
    # Japanese Player Turn Naval Phase
    # Transport Allocation
    # Movement Phase
    # Combat Phase
    # Replaceme... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    46,00 EUR



    Kingdom of Heaven - The Crusader States 1097-1291

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    In 1097, thousands of lords and knights, soldiers and camp-followers, pilgrims and prophets marched east in response to a Papal appeal, charged with the task of restoring Jerusalem and the Holy Land to Christian control. Their surprising victory led to the creation of the first overseas European colonies and the reshaping of Muslim power in the Middle East. The repercussions of their journey continue to live with us today.

    In Kingdom of Heaven - The Crusader States 1097-1291 (KOH) two players... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    Warriors of God - The 100 Years War

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    The 100 Years War was a pivotal event in medieval European history. In Warriors of God, Game Journal magazine and Multi-Man Publishing have joined hands to bring a unique perspective to this conflict.

    As always, playability matched with historical accuracy has been achieved to a remarkable degree. Players move their leaders and units using a unique impulse game system that shows both the strategy and tactics of the period. The game also recreates the massive swings of fortune which were so mu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    80,00 EUR



    Warriors of Japan

    After the enormous critical and sales success of Warriors of God, MMP is proud to present the grandfather of Warriors of God, Nakajima’s masterpiece, Warriors of Japan.

    Long considered one of the greatest games to ever be published in Japan, Warriors of Japan will feature much of the same system as we have seen in Warriors of God. The game covers the Nanboku-cho period of Japanese history and simulates one of the most dynamic and important periods in Japanese history.

    From 1336-1392, all... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    52,00 EUR


    NSKN Legendary Games

    NSKN 0001

    Warriors & Traders

    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    It's not just another board game, it's new, it's pure strategy, it's deeply anchored in Europe's history and it's very challenging! So, we like to call it The board game.

    Warriors & Traders is a turn based strategy board game for 2-6 players. Set in the Dark Ages in Europe, Warriors & Traders is a pure strategy game, involving no dice and no unforeseen events. In a nutshell, there's no luck, just strategy.

    Each player starts as the ruler of a small country which he or she will grow into a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR


    Nuts! Publishing

    NUT 0001

    Somme 1918 - Bloody Spring

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Sequel of Marne 1918: FRIEDENSTURM

    The Great War’s indelible image is one of sterile, positional warfare featuring battles whose advances could be counted in meters and losses in the hundreds of thousands. Certainly, this is the case for the war between 1915 and 1917, but it is often forgotten that the years of 1914 and 1918 were marked by a war of movement on a huge scale.

    The highlight of the return to maneuver warfare after years of trench fighting was the Michael Offensive, launched ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    NUT 0002

    Phantom Fury - The 2nd Battle for Fallujah

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    This solitaire game simulates, at tactical scale, the combat waged by US forces during the month of November 2004 to secure the city of Fallujah and crush insurgent resistance. The game particularly focuses on the fighting of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division in the Jolan district in the north-west part of the city on the morning of 9 November. The player controls USMC troops while the system handles the insurgents. This design is based mainly on the article “Infantry... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    NUT 0003

    To the last man !

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    To The Last Man! - The Great War in the West is a full-featured game of grand strategic land battles focused on the western front in World War 1 playable in three hours or less.

    In an historical yet uncomplicated fashion, TTLM! simulates the most important front of World War 1 in an exciting card-driven wargame.

    Designed, developed and meticulously researched over the past 20 years, TTLM! elegantly subsumes historical capabilities into card play, army sizes, production limits, and so on. F... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    NUT 0003

    300: Earth & Water

    In 500 BC, Ionia rebelled against Persia's rule and Greece supported it. With this "foreign interference" as an excuse, the Persian empire decided to invade Greece. In 492 BC the Persian forces attacked Macedonia from land and sea. The Persians and the Greeks fought fiercely at Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis. Against the overwhelming forces of the Persian empire, the Greeks used superior tactics and "weapons" such as hoplites (heavy infantry) and triremes. The Greeks had also excellent leade... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR


    NUT 0004

    Urban Operations

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Discover brand new game mechanisms for tactical Modern Warfare!

    Urban Operations uses blocks to simulate the Fog of War, and blocks rotation to show units hits.

    3 campaigns (16 scenarios) including some famous fights:

    Fulda - NATO vs Warsaw Pact (6 scenarios)
    Mogadishu (6 scenarios)
    Four Aces - elite units of 4 nations
    US Marines in Fallujah (04)
    French Foreign Legion at Kolwezi (78)
    Russian Paratroopers in Groszny (99),
    British Desert R... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    NUT 0005

    The Picrocholine Wars

    Bitte vorbestellen


    The story of the Picrocholine Wars is one of the most well-known passages of the novel Gargantua, written by François Rabelais in 1534. Using a brawl between shepherds and millers as a pretext, Picrochole, King of Lerne, declared war on Gargantua's father, Grandgousier. A model of the enlightened monarch of the Renaissance, Grandgousier attempted to avert war by all means. But Picrochole, taking this as a sign of Grandgousier's weakness, invaded his neighbor's kingdom. Grandgousier calls upon h... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 28,00 EUR


    NUT 0006

    FITNA: The Global War in the Middle East

    Hot Seller


    Fitna: The Global War in the Middle East is a two- to six-player grand strategic level card-driven wargame depicting the military confrontations in the Middle East since 2012, up to the near future. Among 10 historical and hypothetical scenarios, players can simulate the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Kurdish Rebellion, the Sunni versus Shia confrontation as well as Russian, Turkish, Israeli and Western intervention in the region. ISIS troops are activated through Ev... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    90,00 EUR


    NUT 0007

    This War without an Enemy

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    This War Without an Enemy is a 2-player strategic block wargame, funding for which will be launched on Kickstarter on 21st January 2020. The game centres on the First English Civil War, when the Royalist forces fighting for King Charles I were opposed by the English Parliamentarian troops and their Scottish allies, the Covenanters, in a struggle for political, economic and religious control of England.

    The game engine will be familiar to anyone who has played a card-driven block wargame, but ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    88,00 EUR


    NUT 0008

    Saigon 75

    Hot Seller


    Saigon 75 is a simple and swift strategic wargame, simulating the fratricidal struggle between North and South Vietnam from summer 1973 to spring 1975.
    Everything is contained within a few pages of rules and 1 hour of strategy, with pressure at every moment!
    The game portrays the differences between North Vietnamese divisions and the Rangers/Marines/Parachutists and other units of the South Vietnamese.
    Air power and desertion are also featured, with the whole thing being completed by event... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    70,00 EUR


    NUT 0008X

    Saigon 75



    Beschädigung an der Box - Beule an der Schachtel (reparierbar)
    Inhalt tadellos! - noch eingeschweißt!!

    Damage to the box - dent on the box (repairable).
    Contents impeccable! - still shrink wrapped!!

    Saigon 75 is a simple and swift strategic wargame, simulating the fratricidal struggle between North and South Vietnam from summer 1973 to spring 1975.
    Everything is contained within a few pages of rules and 1 hour of strategy, with pressure at every moment!
    The game portrays the differ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    NUT 0009

    We are Coming Nineveh!

    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    We Are Coming, Nineveh! is a tactical/operational-level game of the Iraqi government campaign to liberate the western area of the city of Mosul from the forces of Daesh between 19 February and 9 July 2017.
    This was one of the largest and most difficult urban operations of the post-WWII era, and marked a major defeat for Daesh and its so-called “Islamic State.”
    The game is thus able to combine low complexity (and hence be accessible to even neophyte wargamers) with a rich and detailed tre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    84,00 EUR


    NUT 0010

    Stalingrad Roads: Battle on the Edge of the Abyss

    The turning point of the war: the Soviet counter-attack on Stalingrad.

    Stalingrad Roads is a two player wargame that covers the Soviet encirclement and defeat of Axis forces besieging Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-43.

    It comes with a learning scenario and four main scenarios, including a full campaign scenario that begins with Operation Uranus and ends with Von Manstein’s Backhand Blow counter-attack.

    Stalingrad Roads is the third game in the ‘Roads’ series (following Liberty ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    80,00 EUR


    NUT 22084

    Phantom Fury - The 2nd Battle for Fallujah (2nd. Edition)

    Lead a USMC Battalion as it clears the streets of Fallujah, block by block.

    Phantom Fury: Second Edition is a solitaire game of tactical urban combat set in the Second Battle of Fallujah, November 2004.

    In the game you control a Battalion of US Marines attempting to clear city zones of insurgent control via bitter close quarters fighting.

    To assist your assaults you'll have access to a range of stand off elements, such as UAVs and close air support,
    and close combat support in the fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    Omega Games

    OMG 1003

    Main Battle Area

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Modern Tactical Combat in Europe.
    Main Battle Area is a realistic simulation of modern tactical combat that puts you in the role of a US battalion task force or Soviet regimental commander. Main Battle Area simulates combat in a playable, realistic manner. Units in Main Battle Area represent platoons and sections. Losses are expressed in individual vehicles and fire teams or squads. The scale of the map is 250 meters to a square. Game turns represent ten minutes of actual time.

    endgültig vergriffen

    OMG 1004

    War to the Death

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Napoleon Confronts Spain 1810-1813

    1 rules of play booklet
    1 player reference booklet
    400 full color die cut playing pieces
    1 full color 20" x 31" game map
    1 french unit strength point chart
    1 allied unit strength point chart
    4 play aid charts

    32,00 EUR


    OMG 1007

    Napoleon's Leipzig Campaign

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    August 14 - October 30, 1813

    Napoleon's Leipzig Campaign is an operational simulation of the great struggle in 1813 for mastery in Europe. The game allows players to assume the role of Napoleon or the Prussian, Australian, and Russian monarchs who led the coalition determined to elimiate the Napoleonic hegemony.

    Napoleon's Leipzig Campaign recreates the salient features of military opeartions of this period in an easy to learn, playable, challenging and evenly balanced simulation.

    Featu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    OMG 1009

    Desert Victory

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Modern Tactical Combat in the Middle East - America confronts Iraq.
    Desert Victory is a realistic simulation of modern tactical combat that puts you in the role of the commander of a US battalion task force or an Iraqi brigade. Desert Victory simulates combat in a playable, realistic manner. Units in Desert Victory represent platoons and sections. Losses are expressed in individual vehicles and fire teams or squads. The scale of the map is 250 meters to a square. Game turns represent ten minute... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    38,00 EUR


    OMG 3001

    Ranger - Solitaire

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Face the challenge of planning and executing a Ranger patrol on the modern battlefield. Missions include squad reconnaissance or platoon ambush and raid patrols.

    The classic solitaire wargame returns! Our first game and one of the biggest selling wargames of all time returns in an all new, revised 3000 Line edition completely updated with new weapons, equipment and tactics. The new maps are UV coated allowing the use of dry erase markers. Four versions of the game now allow patrolling in wood... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    OMG 3010

    1864 - Year of Decision

    Simulation of the decisive campaigns that brought the American Civil War to its violent conclusion.

    1864 was truly the year of decision in the War of Secession. While the North needed only one more year to break the South's back and end the rebellion, at the time the military situation did not appear to be so promising. After three years of war the Union had not subdued much of the rebellious South. The Union held enclaves along the coast, all of Tennessee and some other scattered holdings, a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR


    OMG 4002

    Simulations Canada by Omega Games: Line of Battle

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Tactical simulation between capital ships. The game covers the period 1914-1924.
    Line of Battle recreates naval battles during the era of the Dreadnought battleship. A unique combat system simulates shell strengths, immune zones, armor placement, gun ranges and the angle of incoming shot without resorting to complex calculations. Take command of a squadron of dreadnoughts to duel for domination of the seas.

    * 1 Rules of Play Booklet
    * 1 set of 420 Die Cut Playing Pieces
    ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    OMG 4003

    Simulations Canada by Omega Games: Battleship

    Tactical simulation between capital ships. The game covers the period 1925-1945
    Battleship recreates naval battles from the latter stages of the era of the battleship. A unique combat system simulates shell strengths, immune zones, armor placement, gun ranges and th eangle of incoming shot without resorting to complex calculations. Take command of a task force and refight exciting battles from the Second World War.

    * 1 Rules of Play Booklet
    * 1 set of 420 Die Cut Playing Pieces
    ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR


    OMG xxxx

    Escape and Evasion - Solitaire

    Bitte vorbestellen


    An exciting solitaire game placing the player in the role of a downed aircrew member behind enemy lines. Utilizing the unique paragraph-driven RANGER game system, this all new game has the realism and high degree of re-playability RANGER players have enjoyed for twenty-five years. A team of active duty military pilots helped during the development of this game. It can also be linked with RANGER with one player leading a patrol to locate and recover the other player.

    ca. 0,00 EUR



    OMG 2002

    Ranger - AO Sierra

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    AO Sierra/AO Victor Expansion Kit Contents:

    * 4 additional maps
    * 36 more missions to the game
    * stores in the same box for player convenience

    AO Sierra/AO Victor Expansion Kit extends the Ranger battlefield with four additional maps and adds 36 new mission cards. Extended patrolling missions can cover greater distances deeper into the jungles and swamps. This all new revised expansion kit includes completely updated versions of two earlier expansion kits for the original gam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    OMG 2003

    Ranger - AO Victor

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    AO Sierra/AO Victor Expansion Kit Contents:

    * 4 additional maps
    * 36 more missions to the game
    * stores in the same box for player convenience

    AO Sierra/AO Victor Expansion Kit extends the Ranger battlefield with four additional maps and adds 36 new mission cards. Extended patrolling missions can cover greater distances deeper into the jungles and swamps. This all new revised expansion kit includes completely updated versions of two earlier expansion kits for the original gam... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    One Small Step

    OSS 10001

    Foxhole WWII Game

    Foxhole is a grand tactical game of Second World War ground combat. The object of the game is to defeat the opposing forces within the confines and conditions of a given scenario.

    The game is designed for future expansion. There are currently two sets for Foxhole. The first set pits Germans against Russians in the early stages of Operation: Barbarossa. The second set matches German and Polish forces in the opening days of the war.

    14,00 EUR


    OSS 10401

    2WW: The War in Europe

    2WW: The War in Europe is a grand-strategic game utilizing armies or army groups, air forces, and fleets. The game covers the entire conflict in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. There are two players or sides in the game. The Axis controls Germany, Italy, and all friendly minor countries. The Allied player controls France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States when it enters the conflict.

    Small in size, big in scope, 2WW: The War in Europe is playable in an evening,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    54,00 EUR


    OSS 19401

    Thapos and Alexandria

    Two complete games using the system from Bill Banks classic war game of hoplites and charioteers.

    8,00 EUR


    OSS 19402

    Chicken of the Sea

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Richard Berg's depiction of trireme naval combat in the ancient world.

    endgültig vergriffen

    OSS 19403

    Crisis 2000

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Crisis 2000 is a Joseph Miranda game that portrays a potential political crisis in the United States in the near future. One player plays the forces of the Government. The other player plays the forces of insurrection. In Crisis 2000, players maneuver on both military and data fronts. The scale is grand strategic. Players can sometimes use political capital to cope with superior opposing forces. Players recruit units to cope with Crises seen today or easily extrapolated from current events. At t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    OSS 19501

    Bomb's Away!

    Mike Anderson's adaption of the allied bombing campaign against the Germans in WWII.

    10,00 EUR


    OSS 19505

    Greenline: Chechnya

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Joseph Miranda'a war game of conventional and unconventional combat between Russia and the rebellious republic of Chechnya.

    June 1996 Gamefix issue #8 on the then and still is current
    event in Chechyna. The game has four scenarios which range from the historical, to Chechan first strikes and a larger Russian Civil War. In addition, a random events chart covers everything from Chechan "terrorism" to Russian anti-war protests and UN ceasefires.

    The game ends either in a UN ceasefire, on tur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    OSS 19509

    Der Kessel

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The German's are surrounded at Stalingrad. Will reinforcements arrive in time? Can they fight their way out?

    endgültig vergriffen

    OSS 19801

    Hatfields & McCoys

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    A Classic Entry Level War Game
    This here's Mike Anderson's family game of whiskey swillin', inbreedin', and good ol'-fashioned killin'!

    A wargame of the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys. Pieces are individual clan members and some have special abilities. Stills produce moonshine, which can be saved as victory points in case the game ends in a wedding, or consumed to make your pieces riled up to fight more fiercely. Game ends when one side is wiped out, or in a wedding. If a young male c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    10,00 EUR


    OSS 21403

    No Trumpets No Drums: The War in Vietnam, 1965-1975

    No Trumpets, No Drums is a game of the war in Vietnam. Two players or teams representing the Communist states and guerrilla armies of Southeast Asia and the pro-Western and neutral states and forces of that region and their American allies combat each other in a political and military duel for control over Indochina.

    The players maneuver divisions, brigades, regiments and guerrilla bands and their supporting air, naval and artillery units in conventional and insurgent war situations. Combat i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR


    OSS 21505

    Miracle on the Marne

    The battles of World War I completely and forever redefined warfare in the western world. They marked the end of the older tradition and the beginning of the age of total war, and a century of conflict.

    Miracle on the Marne is an operational level game of the Battle of the Marne that occurred near Paris, France in September, 1914. This battle changed the course of the war and had either side been able to achieve a decisive victory, the horrors of the following four years of trench warfare mig... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    OSS 21601

    Nato Nukes & Nazis 2

    The successor to XTR's classic NATO, Nukes, and Nazis, this new version is a "What If" two-map mini-monster wargame set during the late-1980s in an alternative universe in which the Nazi regime survived World War II and is set to start World War III.

    Here is designer Ty Bomba's introduction to the game:

    The genesis of this game came about in the May 1979 (no. 44) issue of Moves magazine, when Richard Berg quit his job at old-SPI because he couldn't get any of his new game design proposals ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    70,00 EUR


    OSS 21603

    Albert Nofi's The Great War 1914 - 1918

    There never was a war like the Great War, whether before or since. It was a war which everyone expected-indeed which some demanded and desired passionately-but when it came, it came as a surprise and in a way no one anticipated. It was a war which everyone had been preparing for , but for which no one was prepared. And it was a war of unsurpassed horrors, unspeakable stupidity and awe-filled courage and devotion to duty.

    Nothing in history ever quite resembled the nature of the Great War. To ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    64,00 EUR


    OSS 21604

    The Second World War

    The Second World War is a grand-strategic, historical simulation game about World War II. Players represent the major powers involved in the conflict and have at their command the forces with which to wage war and achieve victory for their country or alliance.

    The game covers the European, North African, and Pacific Theaters on three maps and four counter-sheets.

    Difficulty is rated at a 6 out of ten, ages 12 and up.

    Design Notes:
    The Second World War was prototyped by Peter Bertram an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    98,00 EUR


    OSS 21701

    Nato Nukes & Nazis 3: Nippon, Nukes, & Nationalists

    This game extends the narrative begun in NATO, Nukes & Nazis: The War in France & Russia to the other main theater of operations of this war: East Asia. It can be played alone or combined with the play of the two-map scenario in the parent game. Either way, it will provide a complete theater-commander experience.

    The initiating change to history behind this game is as follows. Early in the spring of 1943, one of the historically failed assassination plots attempted against Hitler during that ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    54,00 EUR


    OSS 21702

    If Dragons Fight: China vs. Taiwan in the Near Future

    Important Note About This Game: For reasons beyond our control, the printer was over-zealous with the die-cutting on this game. As a result, you are likely to receive the game in a "pre-punched" condition, as the slightest jolt in shipping will jar them loose. We apologize for this, but we cannot fix this problem on this title.

    If Dragons Fight: China vs. Taiwan in the Near Future (IDF), is a "what if" simulation of the fighting that could occur across that island, within the timeframe of the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    OSS 21703

    America Falling: The Coming Civil War

    Hot Seller


    The current affairs game?
    (Das Game zum Zeitgeschehen?)

    Predicting the imminent collapse of the United States is a journalistic and academic commonplace as old as the republic itself. In fact, the first op-ed pieces on that theme began appearing in newspapers--both within the country itself and elsewhere around the world--before the ink on the first copy of the constitution was even properly dry back in 1787. The genre even had a name: "declinism."

    Similarly, the reasons given for that su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    94,00 EUR


    OSS 21706

    Guderian's War: The German Advance on Moscow, 1941

    Guderian's War: The German Advance on Moscow, 1941 is a two-player, low-to-intermediate complexity, strategic simulation (with operational undertones) of the German drive on Moscow during Operation Barbarossa, a crucial part of their attempt to overrun the western Soviet Union in 1941. The German player is mainly on the offensive, attempting to win by seizing key areas on map faster than was done historically. The Soviet player is primarily on the defensive, but the situation also requires he pr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    70,00 EUR


    OSS 21802

    Stalins (Putins?) Final War: What if the Soviet Union Attacked in 1953 (2024)?

    Stalin’s Final War: 1953 What If? (SFW) is an alternative history wargame intended to investigate the strategic parameters that would’ve been in place during the first 10 weeks of operations had that dictator lived long enough to put in motion his plan to start World War III in 1953. Had he lived, the most likely start date would’ve been one closely coinciding with the signing of the Korean War armistice in July (in order to achieve a surprise effect).

    His main goal in starting such a w... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    100,00 EUR


    OSS 22001

    War and Peace: Game of the Napoleonic Wars

    Bitte vorbestellen


    On December 2nd, 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte was coronated Emperor of France. By placing the crown upon his head with his own hands, Bonaparte brought all of Europe to the brink of war. For by its very nature, the act of self-coronation threatened the rule and challenged the legitimacy of every government then in existence.

    To restore the sanctity of the divine right and position based on noble birth, the European monarchies branded Bonaparte an international outlaw and pledged to remain at war ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 154,00 EUR


    OSS 29602

    Fox One

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Mike Anderson's card game of jet fighter combat from 1944 to 2004.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    OSS 39405

    Rebel Yell!

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Rebel Yell is a simulation of American Civil War small-unit tactics. The playing pieces in the game represent companies of infantry and cavalry or sections of artillery Each infantry and cavalry unit has one strength point and is equivalent to between 45 and 100 men, depending upon the scenario. Each artillery unit has two strength points and equals two guns. The players of Rebel Yell assume the roles of divisional commanders.

    Each game turn is broken down into segments. During an action segm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    OSS 94005


    Battle of the English Civil War.
    Cavalry engagement at Winceby between Royalists and Parlimentarians during the English Civil War.

    8 pages of rules, one 11x17 inch map, 100 playing pieces, and 2 sheets of charts and tables.

    10,00 EUR


    OSS 97001

    Edson's Ridge

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Game of the Battle of Guadalcanal.
    About operation ground combat in the Pacific during WWII. Out of print.

    8 pages of rules, one 11x17 inch map, 100 playing pieces, and charts and tables.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    OSS 97003

    Battlechrome Fire & Steel

    A Classic Science-Fiction War Game
    Mike Anderson's hex and counter version of the BattleChrome card game.

    10,00 EUR


    OSS FS1501

    Folio Series 01: Shining Path

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The Sendero Luminoso insurgency against the government of Peru, 1980-1995 (though it is still sputtering away today). Guerrilla fronts and cadres engage in a vicious insurgency against the government's corrupt and untrained security forces. Chrome includes narcoterrorism, the MRTA (a rival guerrilla movement), and United States support. One 17x22" area-movement map of Peru, 140 double-sided, die-cut counters, abstract troop and time scale. Originally from the Microgame Design Group, now with upd... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    OSS FS1502

    Folio Series 02: Green Beret

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    1964-5 in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, in the period before the first United States Army and Marine units arrived to bring the war into a new phase. Montagnard tribesmen of the Civilian Irregular Defense Groups, raised, trained and advised by Special Forces A-teams, try to prevent the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army from controlling the population and opening supply routes to the coast. The game focuses on processes of progressive recruitment, population control, evasion and detection. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    OSS FS1503

    Folio Series 03: Kandahar

    A game on the conflict in this province of southern Afghanistan, 2008-10. Players take the role of regional commanders (Afghan National Security Forces and Taliban, yes not the ISAF) striving for the resources to allow them to earn Victory Points, which are granted in accordance with objectives set them by the same higher authorities that provide them with those resources. Players will find themselves in the position of having, if they wish to continue to get high levels of support, to follow co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    OSS FS1504

    Folio Series 04: Operation Whirlwind

    OPERATION WHIRLWIND is a simulation of the situation in Budapest in November 1956. The Soviet-imposed Communist government of Hungary has fallen. Newly inaugurated President Imre Nagy, swept along by the momentum of the popular revolution, has declared an end to the one-party system and threatened to pull out of the Warsaw Pact and to declare neutrality. The Soviet government cannot allow this defection and launches "Operation Whirlwind" ― military intervention in Hungary to restore order... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    OSS FS1505

    Folio Series 05: Battle at Lone Jack (Solitair)

    Both sides saw the other as "invaders," so the fight quickly escalated to one of extreme violence. The fight seesawed up and down the main street of Lone Jack, and when the rebels fired the Cave Hotel, a Yankee stronghold, their advantage appeared decisive. Foster now wheeled his only two artillery pieces forward, blasting the gray attack with double-shotted canister.

    The Confederates owned the field as well as the dead. They quickly gathered the remains of the fallen, already spoiling under ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    34,00 EUR


    OSS FS1506

    Folio Series 06: Middle Creek

    In a fight that largely determined the fate of eastern Kentucky, two small armies clashed along the swollen tributary of Middle Creek. An officer of some promise, Humphrey Marshall, generaled the CSA. A relative unknown commanded the USA by the name of James A. Garfield.

    At the end of the day, Marshall had no choice but to withdrawal. His supplies were thin and he was fearful of his army deserting. The battle unmade his reputation and he was barely heard from again. The Federals, conversely, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    34,00 EUR


    OSS FS1507

    Folio Series 07: Battle of the Atlantic (Solitair)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    With the British and French entrance into World War II on September 3, 1939, the German Kriegsmarine moved to implement strategies similar to those used in World War I. Unable to challenge the Royal Navy in regard to capital ships, the Kriegsmarine began a campaign against Allied shipping with the goal of cutting off Britain from the supplies needed to wage war. Overseen by Grand Admiral Erich Raeder, German naval forces sought to employ a mix of surface raiders and U-boats.

    Number of players... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    OSS FS1600

    Folio Series 08: Fall of Berlin

    Starting on 12 January 1945, the Red Army breached the German front as a result of the Vistula–Oder Offensive and advanced westward as much as 40 kilometres (25 miles) a day through East Prussia, Lower Silesia, East Pomerania, and Upper Silesia, temporarily halting on a line 60 km (37 mi) east of Berlin along the Oder River. When the offensive resumed, two Soviet fronts (army groups) attacked Berlin from the east and south, while a third overran German forces positioned north of Berlin. T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    30,00 EUR


    OSS FS1601

    Folio Series 09: Algeria

    Algeria is a game simulating the conflict between the FLN Arab nationalist guerrillas and the French government from 1954 to 1962. During the game, the FLN player tries to erode the authority of the French colonial authorities and replace their governing structures with his own, to the point that Algeria makes the transition from being the 10th department of France to national independence.

    The 22 x 17" map is an abstracted representation of Algeria, divided into areas. The 140 die-cut, full ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    26,00 EUR


    OSS FS1602

    Folio Series 10: Binh Dinh '69

    VIETNAM, 1969--The Tet Offensive is over, but the Communist insurgency on the Central Coast has not been defeated. The South Vietnamese 22nd Division, the Republic of Korea's Capital Division, and the American 173rd Airborne Brigade face off against mixed National Liberation Front forces and elements of the North Vietnamese 18th Regiment. Both sides strive to gain and keep control of both the physical and human terrain in Binh Dinh province while subduing the enemy. Concentration versus dispersi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    26,00 EUR


    OSS FS1603

    Folio Series 11: La Grande Armee - Napoleon and the Ulm-Austerlitz Campaign, 1805

    La Grande Armee covers Napoleon's 1805 campaign in Germany-Austria, a campaign which culminated in his great victory of Austerlitz over the combined Austro-Russian armies.

    The new La Grande Armee wargame system recreates entire Napoleonic campaigns using a small number of pieces, largely corps and armies. Each player has a set of cards which bring in their army's special capabilities as well as random events. The game contains standard rules that apply to all games in the series and special r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    34,00 EUR


    OSS FS1604

    Folio Series 12: Huzzah! Honey Springs

    Huzzah! simulates American Civil War combat at the grand-tactical level. The system features encounters little known yet strategically significant. These are fights that, had they concluded differently, might well have transformed a campaign, a reputation, or both. So, although the battles in Huzzah! were little more than scrimmages compared to, say, Gettysburg or Stones River, they were not insignificant, bearing weight well beyond what mere numbers suggest.

    The Battle of Honey Springs, July... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    34,00 EUR


    OSS FS1605

    Folio Series 13: TUPAMARO

    The internal war between the Tupamaros and the forces of the Uruguayan State security from 1968 to 1972 fought in Montevideo. The game is an unusual treatment in that because all the action took place inside a single large city, the map is a non-representational 'map of attitudes' of the people of the city of Montevideo, with an abstract troop and time scale. The guerrilla player has many subtle strategies to try while the Government player struggles to train his security forces and keep the peo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    30,00 EUR


    OSS HRE01

    Holy Roman Empire

    Hot Seller


    Holy Roman Empire was recently funded successfully via Kickstarter, but has not been released yet. Please note that the "in stock" quantity below represents unsold units, not units actually in stock. The game will be released early to mid-summer. For updates, please subscribe to our newsletter here.

    Holy Roman Empire is a political and military game of the 17th Century struggle for empire that plunged Europe into one of its longest and most destructive wars. Up to six players control the majo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    78,00 EUR


    OSS MCSG0901

    Battle for Baghdad

    Battle for Baghdad is a political/military game dealing with the current occupation of the city of Baghdad by US forces. The game models six factions, Sunni, Shi'ite, Iraqi Government, US, NGOs, and Jihadists, each having unique capabilities and goals within the city of Baghdad. The primary focus of the game is to demonstrate the asymmetrical conditions that exist within the environment, and to portray the challenges that confront interacting actors with differing goals. The product is approacha... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    80,00 EUR


    OSS MCSG1301

    Brigade Combat Team Kandahar

    Brigade Combat Team Kandahar is a modern wargame that examines the
    capabilities and challenges of the conflict in Afghanistan between the
    coalition and Taliban. The game is designed around Joseph Miranda's Joint
    Ops Staff Card engine. Planning is critical as each player selects the Joint
    Operations cards he or she will play each turn. Each Joint Ops card played
    provides the player a specific capability, including Administration,
    Logistics, CIMIC, and Communication. Units engage in combat, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    70,00 EUR


    OSS MCSG2163

    Putin Strikes: The Coming War for Eastern Europe

    Hot Seller


    This near-future what-if is set at 20 miles per hex, with divisions and brigades as the units of maneuver. It covers the first month of the war that could result if Putin decides to abandon the "opaque war" (a.k.a. "gray war") approach and go for it big time.

    The idea being to take advantage of the West's (particularly the "old NATO" countries') distraction with the jihad to try to win back all or some of the "Near Abroad" on Russia's European flank.

    Putin Strikes: The Coming War for Easte... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    54,00 EUR


    OSS MCSG2170

    Putin's Northern War: The Coming Struggle for Finland

    Hot Seller


    This is a Wargame in which solitaire play can be fudged but is more usually played with two, whereby one (the “Russian player”) commands the Kremlin’s forces and the other (the “Allied player”) commands the Finnish-Swedish alliance opposed to him.

    This isn’t a simulation of the “opaque (a.k.a. gray) war” techniques most recently used by the Russians in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine. Rather, it’s designed to facilitate the examination of the strategic possibilities (along wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    54,00 EUR



    OSS 39406

    Rebel Yell! 2nd Edition Rules

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    2nd Edition Rules für Rebel Yell!.

    Rebel Yell is a simulation of American Civil War small-unit tactics. The playing pieces in the game represent companies of infantry and cavalry or sections of artillery.
    Each infantry and cavalry unit has one strength point and is equivalent to between 45 and 100 men, depending upon the scenario.
    Each artillery unit has two strength points and equals two guns. The players of Rebel Yell assume the roles of divisional commanders.

    16,00 EUR


    OSS HRE02

    Holy Roman Empire Expansion 1: Battles of the Thirty Years War

    Holy Roman Empire is a strategic game, and while conflict is normally resolved abstractly by the throw of some dice, an Optional Tactical Combat system is included for those players seeking to add a bit more flavor to the game. This game-within-the-game system can also be used to re-fight some of the great battles of the Thirty Years War. The 12 scenarios included in this pack are not in-depth simulations of those epic contests; they are instead a collection of quick mini-games that are meant to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    OSS HRE03

    Holy Roman Empire Expansion 2: Battles of the English Civil War

    The English Civil War (ECW) Scenario Pack is intended for use with the tactical battle map and Battle Board Rules that come with Holy Roman Empire. Just like its cousin, the Thirty Years War Scenario Pack,this expansion is designed to allow players to set up and game historical battles from the period. This is a game, not a simulation, and while intended to provide an insight into the struggles of the era it is meant to be fast, fun, and challenging rather than an in-depth recreation of events. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    Pacific Rim Publishing Company

    PRP 0001

    BLOOD & IRON: Bismarck's Wars for Empire

    This Corps-Division level wargame covers 5 formative wars of the mid-19 Century -
    The German-Danish War of 1864 that established Prussia as the Protector of German Nationalism.
    The Seven Weeks' War of 1866 where Prussia beat Austria to become the political and military leader of central Europe.
    The Italo-Austrian War of 1866 that introduced iron-clad steam-powered warship fleets to the military balance of power.
    The Franco-Prussian War of 1870 that allowed the realization of the Prussian dr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    46,00 EUR


    PRP 48PK

    48th PANZER KORPS 2nd Ed.

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    After a two-week offensive, Soviet Operation Uranus had wrapped all the way around the Axis forces concentrated at Stalingrad on the Volga River, pocketing the entire German Sixth Army and most of two Roumanian and one Italian armies. The German field command had already begun to recover from the rupture of the front. Small pockets of German troops (some fighting forces, some railroad engineers, some walking wounded, some cooks) had stabilized the local situation wherever possible. At one point ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR


    PRP AtP


    ACROSS THE PACIFIC portrays the entire Pacific War in 5-month turns with units ranging from armies to regiments, air fleets to destroyer flotillas. The game system is interactive so that each player is involved at every moment of play. The heart of the game system is a series of strategic and tactical phases - 5 of each per player per turn - that are sequenced by a chit draw so that each player will know his and his opponent's operational actions every turn, but will not know the order in which ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    104,00 EUR




    Battalion-Brigade level snap shot of the fighting at the core of the Battle of the Bulge. The Germans must crush the defense of Bastogne or encapsulate it and push on toward Antwerp. The Americans must hold out against the best the Wehrmacht can throw at them. 100 counters, 11 x 17 map, 8 pages of rules.

    16,00 EUR




    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Division-Regiment level combat in World War I. The Allies - British, French, Canadians, Australians, and Americans - must blast their way through the thinly-held German trenchlines. Strafing airplanes, artillery barrages, and advancing tanks all help. The Germans must hold out, counterattacking only where necessary, and moving their regiments and divisions so as to block the Allies' advance until reinforcments arrive.

    Design by Ulrich Blennemann
    Development by Jeffry Tibbetts

    components:... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Black Sea Fleet

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    BLACK SEA FLEET 1914-1918.
    Ship-to-Ship level view of the only World War One naval campaign where the losing side would be knocked out of the war. Multiple scenarios and several interesting historical 'What-Ifs'. 100 counters, 11 x 17 map, 8 pages of rules, charts.

    endgültig vergriffen

    PRP BoB2nd

    Bastogne or Bust 2nd Edition

    Battle of the Bulge, December, 1944

    Chester Hendrix's innovative treatment of the Battle of the Bulge. This wargame features impressive graphics and well-tested rules. Play is as fast and furious as the original campaign thanks to a game system that rewards the operation of unit integrity with combined arms. A fresh order of battle together with only 12 pages of rules make this an even contest that will be won with competitive play, not an effort lost in a fumble of cumbersome game technicali... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR




    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A saber-rattling military leader has replaced the moderate populist, Boris Yeltsyn, in the Kremlin. After years of benign neglect, the Red Army and Red Air Force are resurgent and restive.

    Ukraine, Moldavia, Belorus, and Poland jointly declare their unending neutrality and independence from Moscow. German leaders publically dispair over the lack of available industrial development space in their reunited country. The Czech Republic signs a non-aggression pact with Hunga... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    BLACK SEA FLEET 1914-1918

    Ship-to-Ship level view of the only World War One naval campaign where the losing side would be knocked out of the war. Multiple scenarios and several interesting historical 'What-Ifs'.

    Ship damage is tracked on rosters that detail each ship's weapons, armor plating, and hull strength.

    design by Michael Bennighof
    map by Stephanie J. Tibbetts
    development by Jeffry Tibbetts

    100 die-cut counters
    11 x 17 map
    8 pages of rules
    Just Plain envelope format

    16,00 EUR




    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    On June 25, 1950, the North Korean Army invaded South Korea. The United Nations' counterattack began on September 17th when the X Corps landed at Inchon. By late November, the Communist forces were pushed north almost all the way to China. The American forces were promised they would be home for Christmas.

    On November 27, 1950, 100,000 Chinese infantry lunched an offensive against 28,500 American Marine and Army troops in the sub-zero cold of the Koto-Ri Plateau. In 10 days half the Americans... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    46,00 EUR



    DESERT STORM The Unfinished Victory

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    In August, 1990, the Iraqi Army, rebuilt after years of disasterous battles against Iran, occupied militarily-powerless Kuwait and reasserted Iraq's claim to that break-away patch of desert that controls a significant amount of the world's oil supply.

    In January 1991, a military coalition led by the United States launched an intense air campaign against Iraq and its army of occupation. Saddam Hussein ordered retaliatory SCUD missile attacks against Israel and Saudi Arabia. Then the assault ca... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    DRIVE ON FRANKFURT - The Soviets Cross The Wire

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Hypothetical NATO versus Warsaw Pact fighting for control of the Fulda Gap. Regiment-Battalion scale.

    Crisp action as NATO forces counterattack to stem a Soviet assault aimed at cutting West Germany in half.

    NATO-Soviet Future Warfare in West Germany was the theme of the first game published in CounterAttack magazine.

    Points are awarded for control of urban and town centres and for NATO unit losses. The net Soviet points determine the Victory level.

    The game is noteable for the foll... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Demyansk Pocket

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Division-Regiment level. 126,000 Germans spent 47 days surrounded by the Russian Army and General Winter. The Germans began their attack to relieve the pocket four hours before the Soviets planned to start their attack to crush it. Both sides must attack in some places and defend in others at the same time. 100 counters, 11 x 17 map, 8 pages of rules.

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    PRP FO1919


    This hypothetical game studies what would have happened if World War One had been fought into 1919. The Western Entente will bring massed tanks, mechanized infantry, fresh American divisions, and paratroops into battle to create the dynamic breakthrough that will end the stalemate of trench warfare. The German Army, dug in for long months, will hold tenaciously, moving reserves to blunt attacks, and throwing forward its own tank forces, fresh troops, and high-velocity antitank artilley batteries... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    8,00 EUR



    Honour Alone

    Company-Platoon level.The Imperial garrison of Hong Kong knew that they could not hold out against the advancing Japanese army. But if they could delay the Japanese at Hong Kong, then Singapore and Rangoon would have better chances. The Japanese must force a landing on Hong Kong Island and defeat the British, Indian, and Canadian troops deployed there. 300 counters, 20 x 24 map, 12 pages of rules.

    32,00 EUR



    IRON TIDE - Panzers in The Ardennes (Boxed Version)

    Hot Seller


    IRON TIDE - Panzers in The Ardennes simulates the German assault out of western Germany into
    Luxembourg, France, and Belgium in December 1944. Units represent Brigades - Regiments - Battalions.
    Each turn equals half a day. Each map hex is 1.5 miles [2.4 kilometers] across.
    IRON TIDE has just one map - but at 28 by 42 inches it is as large as two standard wargame maps. Easy to unfold and
    re-fold, this colorful Joseph Youst product eliminates the need for taping map sheets together in order t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    82,00 EUR



    IRON TIDE - Panzers in The Ardennes (Ziplock Version)

    IRON TIDE - Panzers in The Ardennes simulates the German assault out of western Germany into
    Luxembourg, France, and Belgium in December 1944. Units represent Brigades - Regiments - Battalions.
    Each turn equals half a day. Each map hex is 1.5 miles [2.4 kilometers] across.
    IRON TIDE has just one map - but at 28 by 42 inches it is as large as two standard wargame maps. Easy to unfold and
    re-fold, this colorful Joseph Youst product eliminates the need for taping map sheets together in order t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR


    PRP K05

    KOREA 2005 - The ROK Goes North

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Tensions between North Korea and the rest of the world, including old-line ally, China, continue to worsen as crops fail the eroding North Korean economy while military adventurism impels a nuclear development program that threatens the peace in Asia. 13,000 artillery pieces are aimed at South Korea and only a continuing flow of food and oil from the United States keeps them silent... for now.

    KOREA 2005 The ROK Goes North is an update and expansion for Korea '95 that appeared in CounterAttac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    28,00 EUR


    PRP K95

    KOREA '95 - The Immun Gun Goes South

    KOREA '95 depicts the first month of a war between North and South Korea as it would have been fought in the mid- to late-1990's. It presumes that, despite the historic December 1991 non-aggression pact, the North Korean regime decides that the military balance is changing in favor of the South and that any attempt to unify the country under the red banner must be initiated soon.

    The North Koreans must try to win before their supply system collapses. The South Koreans must repulse the the ass... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR



    Kestenga: Another Fight to the Finnish

    Kestenga: Another Fight to the Finnish is a Brigade level game depicting the fight for the Murmansk railroad in July 1941.

    In July, 1941, Finnish troops began a thrust through the wilderness just south of the Arctic Circle, hoping to reach the important rail junction of Louhki, a vital link on the Soviet Union's lifeline, the Murmansk Railway. Despite the assistance of Adolf Hitler's vaunted SS troops, they were turned back by the Soviet Forces, who later launched a counterattack of their own... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    PRP KP2

    Korsun Pocket 2 - Little Stalingrad on the Dnepr

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    This is Jack Radey's update of his original monster game of 1978. Two Soviet Fronts surround a German Army in the Ukraine and a ferocious battle takes place as the Germans try to break the encirclement and the Soviets seek to crush both the rescuers and the beleaguered troops in the Korsun Pocket.

    • 12 counter sheets of 200 die-cut backprinted counters each
    • four 25 x 38 inch game maps
    • six German Order of Battle Charts — III Panzer Corps, VII Corps, VIII Flieger Corps,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Last Elephant Offensive

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    LAST ELEPHANT OFFENSIVE: SANGSHAK, BURMA 1944. Design by Brian Knipple. Company-Platoon level. The Japanese drive to India had to go through Imphal. Key to their plan was cutting the British supply line by taking Kohima. Two divisions set to this task were delayed by a thrown-together brigade of British, Indian, and Nepalese troops at Sangshak, one of the fiercest small battles of the Southeast Asian Theater. 100 counters 20 x 22 map, 8 pages of rules.

    endgültig vergriffen

    PRP LB3rd

    The Legend Begins 3rd Edition

    The Legend Begins is a game simulating the war in Libya and Egypt during WW2, with multiple scenarios and an overall campaign game. The 1st and 2nd edition (by Rhino Games, only available in ziplock) only cover 1941. The 3rd edition (by Terran Games, also known as the Deluxe edition), covers 1940-1942 with a much larger mix of scenarios. This is achieved in part by increasing the timescale so that a turn covers a longer period of time. Counters of all editions have the same layout and combat val... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    PRP LItN

    LEE INVADES THE NORTH - The Confederate Campaigns of 1862 and 1863

    The Maryland Campaign of 1862 and the Pennsylvania Campaign of 1863.
    System emphasizes leadership. Division-Brigade scale.(Can combine with SHENANDOAH: Valley of Fire.)

    22 x 34 Kevin Zucker map
    200 die-cut backprinted counters
    12 pages of rules
    comes with copy of CounterAttack Magazine Issue 02

    26,00 EUR


    PRP PG01

    Pocket General World War II

    Pocket General is a strategy game that has a chess like approach to combat units, the strategic depth of conquering the globe and a war game's exciting chances to turn things around with a lucky roll of the dice. And all of it fits in my coat pocket!

    This is a 2 player war game that can be played in about 45 minutes.

    Set Up
    Place the center board between the two players. Note that it is divided into three key areas; the Location world map, the 3 hex battlefield and the recruitment areas.
    ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR



    Salla 1941

    Brigade-Regiment level. The first Axis attempt to break the Murmansk Railway in the Summer of 1941. Uses combat sequencing to simulate the fog-of-war. 100 counters, 11 x 17 map, 8 pages of rules.

    16,00 EUR



    Taman '42

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    Brigade-Regiment level. The largest Rumanian Army operation of World War Two - and their greatest victory. The far right wing of the drive to Stalingrad. Cavalry and skilled mountain troops against river monitors, armored trains, and stubborn naval infantry. Uses a variation of the Salla 1941 system to create command uncertainty.

    Brigade-Regiment-Battalion level.
    100 counters, 17x22 map, 8 pages of rules.
    In a plain envelope.

    endgültig vergriffen


    To Make Georgia HOWL!

    Division-Brigade level. Sherman's campaign from Chatannooga to Atlanta. System uses rosters to allow for fog-of-war and leader ratings to show varying levels of command skill. Several scenarios. 200 counters, 22 x 34 map, 16 pages of rules, charts.

    32,00 EUR



    Troina '43

    Battalion-Company level. American 1st Division units must close on key Sicilian town to break German defenses guarding evacuation routes. Germans have to delay the advancing Americans to buy time. 100 counters, 11 x 17 map, 8 pages of rules, chart.

    16,00 EUR


    PRP VR1917

    VIMY RIDGE 1917 - Canadians on the Attack (Ziplock)

    Design by Kerry Anderson. Battalion-company level. Canadian and British infantry, machinegun, and tank units assault a key section of the German trenchlines on the Western Front. Innovative game system gives the real feel of assaulting through no-man's land while creating a simulation that is challenging for both sides Ñ it's not a walk-over for the Canadians, but it's not a duck shoot for the Huns, either. 200 backprinted counters, 22x23" map, 12 pages of rules, chart. Ziplock folio.

    At 5:3... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    28,00 EUR


    Paul Koenig Games


    Albuera, 16 May 1811

    Albuera 16th May, 1811: In early May, French commander Jean-de-Dieu Soult moved a force to attack a British and Portuguese army commanded by Marshal William Beresford. Soult's plan was to defeat Beresford and therefore relieve the British siege of Badajoz. A Spanish contingent, however, had just united with Beresford, and the combined British, Portuguese, and Spanish force now outnumbered the French. Soult attacked anyway, and his plan to outflank the enemy worked well - in the beginning… but ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    54,00 EUR



    PGY 20001

    Panzer General: Allied Assault

    z.Zt. vergriffen! Sonderangebot


    Panzer General: Allied Assault is a quick playing game of WWII tactical / operational combat using a unique blend of cards and a board game. The game takes place during the last phase of World War II, from 1944 to 1945. The dramatic events of D-Day finally gave the Allies a foothold on Fortress Europe, allowing them to push the Germans back to Berlin.

    Recreate actual battles such as Utah Beach, Operation Market Garden, and the infamous Battle of the Bulge in the hopes of turning back the Germ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    PGY 20004

    Panzer General: Russian Assault

    z.Zt. vergriffen! Sonderangebot


    Panzer General: Russian Assault is a sequel to the hit title Panzer General: Allied Assault and is a quick playing game of WWII tactical / operational combat using a unique blend of cards, miniatures, and a board game.

    New to the Panzer General game system with this sequel are 80 plastic miniatures depicting tanks, infantry and artillery. There are also over 100 new Action Cards, Units, and Abilities.

    The game provides 12 solo and two-player scenarios depicting combat situations between th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    Phalanx Games

    PHX CG1006D

    Spartacus: Die Krise der römischen Republik 80-71 v. Chr. (dt.Version)



    80 v. Chr. kontrollierten P. Cornelius Sulla und seine Fraktion sowohl die römische Republik als auch das Imperium beinahe vollständig. Lediglich in Mauretanien gab es noch Widerstand von Quintus Sertorius, der im vergangenen Jahr aus Spanien vertrieben worden war. Sertorius wollte sich jedoch nicht in Nordafrika überwältigen lassen und beschloss, wiederum in Spanien zu landen um die Sache Marians aufleben zu lassen. Nach der Landung von rund 3.300 Mann bei Gades sah sich die römische Repub... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    18,00 EUR


    Phoenix Enterprises Limited


    Chickamauga - River of Death (mint!)

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    mint! - unplayed!

    A brigade level simulation of the Civil War Battle of Chickamauga, fought September 18-20, 1863. With two players, one assumes the role of Braxton Bragg and commands the Confederate Army of Tennessee, the other becomes William S Rosecrans commanding the Union Army of the Cumberland. With 4 players, each assumes command of from one to four corps.

    The publisher rates the rules as medium complexity (for ages 14+) and it uses the same system as Gettysburg, High Tide of the Co... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    Gettysburg: High Tide of Confederacy

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    "Gettysburg - High Tide of the Confederacy" is a brigade-level simulation of the American Civil War battle of Gettysburg, fought from July 1 to July 3, 1863, between Union and Confederate forces.

    The game is suitable for two to eight players. With two players, one takes on the role of General Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, while the other player assumes the role of General George C. Meade, commander of the Union Army of the Potomac. With more players, e... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR



    Remember Gordon! The Battle of Omdurman

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Remember Gordon! The Battle of Omdurman and bonus The Fall of Khartoum.

    This is a simulation game of the final battle in Great Britain's two year campaign to reassert her presence in the Sudan (1896-1898). Played with square army tokens on a hexagonal map players battle through the campaign game or the historical scenario gaining victory points by eliminating the opponents forces.

    80,00 EUR


    Pilot Games

    PLG 0001

    Duel in the Dark / Duel im Dunkeln (multilingual)

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    "Duell im Dunkeln" entführt Sie zu einem apokalyptischen Schauplatz des letzen Krieges. Planen Sie als Chef des britischen Bomber Command die Angriffe auf Deutschland, um die Moral der Zivilbevölkerung zu erschüttern, oder führen Sie als General der Luftwaffe die harten Verteidigungsschläge der fliegenden Verbände und organisieren Sie einen effektiven Zivilschutz. Der Spielplan dieses Brettspiels ermöglicht es ihnen, unzählige Variationen des historischen Geschehens aufzubauen. Durch ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    PLG 0071

    Duel in the Dark / Duel im Dunkeln - Complete Expansions

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    Ab sofort ist die komplette Edition mit diversen Expansions erhältlich.

    Folgender Inhalt erwartet sie in der kompletten Edition:
    1 Britische Scheinwerfer PG518
    1 Britische 3.7-Inch QF PG517
    1 Eisenbahn Flak 12.8 cm PG501
    1 Erfahrene Geschützbedinung PG512
    1 Horchgerät PG503
    1 Vierling Flak 2 cm PG502
    1 Ju88 "Nachtjäger" PG302
    1 3-5 Spieler Variante PG304
    1 Die Wände haben Ohren PG305

    Alle Erweiterungen für Duel im Dunkeln in einem Pack.
    Every Expansion for Duel in the Dark... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    PLG 0301

    Duel in the Dark / Duel im Dunkeln - Early Nights Expansion

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    This expansion for Duel in the Dark introduces the British Wellington bomber, which allows more flexibility of movement. It also uses twenty ground defense objects instead of forty.

    endgültig vergriffen

    PLG 0309

    Duel in the Dark / Duel im Dunkeln - Baby Blitz Expansion

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    This expansion for Duel in the Dark is set in 1944 and enhances the German forces by giving them longer range attack capability, as well as a Mosquito killer. The British receive an additional Mosquito.

    By late 1943, the fortunes of war had turned decidedly against Germany.
    Besieged and in retreat on all fronts and faced with the inevitable invasion from the Western Allies, the Luftwaffe was ordered to re-launch bombing operations against England.

    Scraping together the few remaining asset... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    PLG 0501

    Duel in the Dark / Duel im Dunkeln - Eisenbahnflak

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    Der Deutsche kann die Eisenbahnflak gegen ein beliebiges Bodenobjekt eintauschen und folgendermaßen einsetzen:
    Er platziert sie im deaktivierten Zustand (linke Abb.)und kann mit ihr während
    einer Nacht einmal in eine beliebige Richtung ein Feld weiter ziehen. Danach
    dreht er die Flak um, so dass die aktivierte Seite nach oben zeigt (rechte
    Abb.). Nun erzielt die Eisenbahn- flak einen Treffer, so- bald der Bomberstrom ihr Feld erreicht.

    Das Spielelement ist mit 2 Klebepunkten auf der Bac... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    PLG 0502

    Duel in the Dark / Duel im Dunkeln - Vierlings-Flak

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    Der Deutsche kann die Vierlingsflak gegen ein beliebiges Bodenobjekt eintauschen
    und folgendermaßen einsetzen:
    Erreicht die Mosquito im Tiefflug ein Feld mit Vierlingsflak, erhält Deutschland
    2 Siegpunkte.

    Das Spielelement ist mit 2 Klebepunkten auf der Backing-Card befestigt und kann rückstandsfrei abgelößt werden.

    endgültig vergriffen

    PLG 0503

    Duel in the Dark / Duel im Dunkeln - Horchgerät

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    In einem Feld mit Horchgerät können Orden keine Flak und Scheinwerfer außer Gefecht setzen. Des Weiteren sorgt das Horchgerät in einem Stadtfeld durch die Vorwarnung der Bevölkerung für einen effektiveren Zivilschutz:
    Der Brite verliert einen Siegpunkt.

    Das Spielelement ist mit 2 Klebepunkten auf der Backing-Card befestigt und kann rückstandsfrei abgelößt werden.

    endgültig vergriffen


    PFG 0001

    The Moral Conflict 1941



    Two alliances fight in 5 dimensions to gain control of the world.

    Not just the military war of great battles but the diplomatic pressure to win or lose new allies such as Italy or the Soviet Union. The third dimension is the economic crisis of critical resources such as oil and iron ore. The fourth dimension is the technological race to develop war winning weapons such as jet aircraft, rocketry or the atom bomb. Finally the fifth dimension is the moral decisions which shaped each nation's war... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    126,00 EUR


    PFG 0002

    The Moral Conflict 1940



    Moral Conflict 1940
    Wer wird in allen fünf Dimensionen zusammenleben?
    Optimiert für erfahrene Spieler.
    Die erste Dimension: Der militärisch geführte Krieg mit Land-, See- und Luftschlachten.
    Die zweite Dimension: Die Wirtschaftskrise – der Kampf um die ökonomische Entwicklung und den Zugang zu kritischen Öl- und Eisenerzvorkommen. Der Preis eines militärischen Konflikts zeichnet sich deutlich ab. Ein Spieler, dem es gelingt, viele materielle Güter anzuhäufen, kann ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    96,00 EUR


    PFG 0003

    The Moral Conflict 1939



    The Moral Conflict 1939 board is the smallest (390 x 800 mm) and offers an easy move up for players already familiar wih the game of Risk. It has been made as simple as possible so that everybody should be easily able to play this game.

    Moral Conflcit 1939 uses the new ship sizes.

    The convoys and fleets in Moral Conflict 1939 are easy to distinguish from each other. All Moral Conflict games use the same size convoy's, which are the perfect size to transport armies and special resources. ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    Rampart Games

    RAM 9201

    Defiant Holland

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Covers the German 18th Army attack on Holland in May 1940. Players may choose to use historical Orders-of-Battle or may employ "what-if" situations in which France, Belgium and/or Great Britain send reinforcements to assist the vastly out-manned and out-gunned Dutch.


    endgültig vergriffen

    RAM 9208


    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Bridgehead on the Rhine, March 1945


    20,00 EUR


    RBM Studio

    RBMS  WTL01

    Waterloo Campaign 1815 DeLuxe Edition C3I Series Vol.2

    Hot Seller


    Waterloo brought to an end the dreams of one Napoleon Bonaparte. But what if Napoleon hadn't crossed over that hill? Or better yet, never even gone to Waterloo? Mark Herman has taken his same brilliant design from Gettysburg and applied it to the entire Waterloo Campaign, giving you the chance to decide how this last campaign of Napoleon's unfolds, and where.

    This Deluxe Edition boasts a new and glorious cover with artwork by Rodger B. MacGowan (different from that seen on the cover of C3i Nr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    80,00 EUR


    RBMS GTB 01

    Gettysburg DeLuxe Edition C3I Series Vol.1

    Gettysburg is a simple wargame focused on the epic Battle of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863). One player take the role of the Army of Potomac (General Meade) and the other controls the Army of Northern Virginia (General Lee). The game is played in half-day turns (6 turns total) in which time Lee’s Confederates attempt to open the road to Baltimore/Washington, or destroy Meade’s army.

    The first volume in the C3i Series

    This is a standalone game included with RBM Studio's C3i magazine, numbe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    80,00 EUR


    RBMS KDL 01

    Battle for Kursk: The Tigers Are Burning, 1943 DeLuxe Edition C3I Series CAS Vol.1

    Hot Seller


    Kursk was more than just the singular battle, it was an entire series of strikes and counters by the two heavyweights of the European theater in 1943. Experience Designer Trevor Bender's low-complexity yet highly detailed showdown between Nazi Germany and the USSR in this C3i Deluxe Edition.

    Adorned with powerful and beautiful artwork by none other than C3i's Editor-in-Chief, Rodger B. MacGowan, inside the box you will find a mounted map for stable and reliable play, custom dice designed for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    62,00 EUR


    RBMS TWG 01

    The Great War

    Hot Seller


    MacGowan & Lombardy's The Great War by award-winning game designer Dana Lombardy is a simple, fast-playing stand-alone (non-collectible) 2-player & SOLO card game built around important weapon systems, commanders, and other historical aspects of this unprecedented industrial-scale war. One player represents Germany. The other player represents the Entente Allies of Great Britain and France.

    Two 54-card decks feature colorized historical images and illustrations by game industry Hall of Fame g... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    Simulaciones Tacticas (SimTac)


    Alexandria, 1801

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The end of Napoleon's Egyptian dream

    ALEXANDRIA 1801 is a tactical simulation of the battle opposing 11000 French soldiers under Napolen Bonaparte command versus 20000 British soldiers under Abercromby command, this battle take place in march 21, 1801 in Egypt near Alexandria.

    At infantry batallion and cavalry squadron level

    Box include:

    a map, 216 counters, specific rules, general rules and playing aids.

    Fort two players.

    endgültig vergriffen


    La Batalla de los Arapiles - Julio 22th 1812 (played)

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    Verkauf im Kundenauftrag! Zu 70% sind die Counter noch un-punched!
    Auch das weitere Material ist im exzellentem Zustand!

    Third game of a series called "Batallas de la Guerra de la Independencia" (Battles Of The Peninsular War 1808-1814).

    Los Arapiles is a tactical simulation of the journey of July 22nd of 1812, where two players controls Wellintong´s and Marmont´s armies. Exceptional quality of pieces, maps, box, tables, etc... Historically documented, each batallion wears the o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    Rivoli 1797 - played

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    Verkauf im Kundenauftrag!
    RIVOLI, 1797 - Napoleon's Victory over the Austrians in Italy - continues SimTac's new series of Napoleonic battle games: BATTLES OF THE REVOLUTION AND THE EMPIRE. This series has been developed in response to the request of many aficionados for a classical, simple Napoleonic game at the battalion-level. For those wishing for an accurate simulation of tactical warfare in the Napoleonic Age, with two different set of rules which allow players to freely adjust the comple... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    Sagunto: The Battle for Valencia - October 25th 1811

    Sammlerstück / Rarität

      The Battle of Sagunto it's a game of tactical simulation of the battle of 25 October of 1811, between the Imperial army commanded by Maréchal Louis Gabriel Suchet and the Spanish army to the control of the General Captain from Valencia Joaquín Blaque and Joves.
      Game Components:
    • One 26" x 40" map
    • 648 multi-colored playing counters
    • One General Rulebook
    • One Special Rulebook
    • Five Separate Charts & Tables
    • Two ten-sided dice
    • (vollständige Beschreibung)

    98,00 EUR


    Speltjanst AB

    SJA 0001

    World in War: Combined Arms 1939 - 1945

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    Wieder lieferbar und jetzt billiger !

    Für alle die etwas Abwechslung zum üblichen Axis & Allies Einerlei brauchen :
    "WORLD IN WAR - Combined Arms 1939-1945 - the board game"

    Use the strength of combined arms to win World War II.

    Explore the modern combat tactics of World War II, the usage of combined arms.

    With a brand new battle system and short yet solid rules, this game provides an intense strategic and tactical experience in every turn.

    Quick to set up, easy to understand a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    STAK 0001

    STRATAK WARS - Der Auftakt

    Bitte vorbestellen


    STRATAK WARS - Der Auftakt / The Beginning.
    Ein Strategie- und Taktikbrettspiel für 2-6 Spieler.

    Die Herrscher der STRATAK Welt Staaten wollen ihr Einflussgebiet vergrössern und du bist einer dieser Herrscher.

    Triff taktische Entscheidungen, wie du deine Truppen am besten einsetzen kannst.

    Setze die Vorteile deiner Waffen geschickt im Kampf ein.

    Überlege dir die richtige Strategie zum Nachschubeinsatz.

    Baue deine Armee auf!

    Besiege deine Gegner!

    Erobere die STRATAK Welt!... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 46,00 EUR


    STAK 0002

    STRATAK WARS - Test- und Reiseset

    Bitte vorbestellen


    STRATAK WARS - Test- und Reiseset. Ein Strategie- und Taktikbrettspiel für 2 Spieler.

    Das STRATAK WARS Test- und Reiset ist ideal für alle an STRATAK WARS Interessierten, die das Spielsystem erstmal austesten möchten oder mal eben einen schnellen Kampf austragen möchten.
    Außerdem weist es einen sehr geringen Platzbedarf auf, so daß man es problemlos mit auf Reisen nehmen kann, zum Beispiel in den Urlaub oder auf Dienstreise.
    Es kann sogar in der Bahn gespielt werden, sofern man einen ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    ca. 14,00 EUR



    SGM 0001

    Szczekociny 1794

    Szczekociny 1794 depicts one of the battles from Kościuszko Uprising, an important event in Polish history. This particular battle historically was a Polish defeat suffered from allied armies of Russia and Prussia, but players can now recreate this conflict to see if the different outcome would be also possible.

    Szczekociny 1794 is a hex and counter wargame with a chit-pull mechanic of activating specific parts of players army. Game turn consists therefore of movement, ranged and close c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    SGM 0002

    Maciejowice 1794

    Maciejowice 1794 depicts the last battle of Thaddeus Kosciuszko. Poles were opposed by a Russian Army led by general Ivan Fersen. Mechanics of the game are based on random leader activations that decide sequence in which units fire, perform movement and melees. Almost all units can participate in ranged combat, not only activated ones, so the battle can rage on all parts of the map. Many rules are identical to Szczekociny 1794 ruleset - additional rules include Limbered Artillery, effectiveness ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    SGM 0003

    Bloody Steppes of Crimea: Alma – Balaclava – Inkerman 1854

    Tactical game about three famous battles of Crimean War.

    Game scale:
    1 hex = 200 m (Alma 250 m)
    1 game turn = 30 minutes
    1 counter = infantry battalion-riffle company/cavalry regiment/artillery battery.

    Game description

    The game uses the standard hex-and-counter system, and ten-sided dice. Each hex represents 200 metres or 218 yards of terrain (Alma 250 metres or 273 yards), each game turn corresponds to 20-30 minutes of real time.

    Infantry is represented by battalions and light i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    SGM 0004

    Primosole Bridge 14-17 July 1943 (Ziplock)

    Great Battles of Small Units

    The system is representing military actions of small units, like a regiment or a brigade. Very frequently such actions in which relatively small units fought on both sides were important because of operational or moral context. Thanks to versatile rules it is possible to depict any military action from XX century.

    Primosole Bridge is a wargame that uses the Great Battles of Small Units ruleset. Battle for Primosole Bridge was divided into two scenarios. In firs... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    SGM 0005

    Mokra 1st September 1939 (Ziplock)

    On 1st September, 1939, armies of Third Reich had attacked Poland. During the very same day, a battle took place, the battle that after many years later became a symbol of clash of old cavalry formations with modern tank units. Poles from Wolynska Cavalry Brigade bravely resisted the German attack of 4th Panzer Division. Regardless of concentrated tank assaults supported with artillery and airstrikes, Germans hadn't achieved their objectives. Defenders suffered heavy casualties but retained figh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    18,00 EUR


    SGM 0006

    Farmers vs Empire: The Second Boer War & Bloody Veld – Battle of Magersfontein, 11 December, 1899

    The game presents the struggles that took place during the Second Boer War between 1899 - 1902. The game consists of four phases, each of which is divided into 22 rounds. During rounds, players perform certain actions. The first and second phase of the game reflect the regular phase of the war. The third and fourth phases are constructed differently, because they represent a specific phase of guerrilla warfare.

    The game uses the point to point system, six-sided dice and a deck of battle cards... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    SGM 0007

    Maida 1806: Stuart vs. Reynier

    The game Maida 1806: Stuart vs. Reynier represents a small battle of the Napoleonic Wars. The British army under Sir John Stuart defeated the French troops of Jean Louis Reynier. Outcome of battle was decided by British infantry attack on bayonets, preceded by effective rifle volley. Rules focus on infantry tactics.
    One battalion is represented by 4 counters. The player determines which order to use at any given time. Various types of orders are represented by different icons. After the change ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    32,00 EUR


    SGM 0008

    Bloody Fields of Mollwitz

    The Bloody Fields of Mollwitz is the first game in the tactical battle series entitled The Battles of Enlightenment, representing the first battle of Frederick II, King of Prussia.
    Game scale:
    1 hex = 120 m (131 yards),
    1 game turn = 30 minutes
    1 counter = infantry battalion/cavalry squadron (hussars: 1 counter = two sqds)/artillery battery.
    Game description

    The game is divided only on the activation phases, in which the players first can change the order of the commander, and then move ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    SGM 0009

    1831 For our freedom and yours: Battle of Grochow

    Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


    1831 For our freedom and yours: Battle of Grochow represents one of the most famous battles in the history of the Polish army. Players have historical forces and must act, given the historical advantages and limitations of their armies. Also important are factors such as terrain and weather conditions. Of course you can not skip the random factor.

    All these aspects are described in rules which are not complicated.

    Among the four scenarios it is introductory scenario - attack of Rosen’s I... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    SGM 0010

    Battles of Black Cavalry: 10 Cavalry Brigade/1 Armoured Division from Poland to Wilhelmshaven

    Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


    Next game in a 'Great Battles of Small Units' tactical system.
    8 September, 1939. Commanded by Colonel Maczek 10 Motorized Cavalry Brigade fights from 1 September against two German divisions 2nd Armoured and 4th Light. During the retreat towards the river San brigade occupies its own garrison city of Rzeszow. The attack of the German 4th Light Division is stopped, the brigade moved 15 kilometers to the east, where 9 September occupies the city of ?a?cut (garrison of one of its regiments, 10th ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    18,00 EUR


    SGM 0011

    Festung Breslau 1945

    Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


    - Here the victorious Soviet troops are returning from Berlin to the parade of victory in Moscow.
    Suddenly, explosions and guns are heard on the way.
    - Was it already shot on chevat?
    - No - 6th Army is still trying to conquer Breslau ...
    Dmitri Baltermanc

    The board wargame "Festung Breslau 1945" allows players to see the events that took place in the besieged city between 15th February and 6th May 1945. The advantage for the game owners is that they have the opportunity to try alternative... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    46,00 EUR


    SGM 0012

    Battles of the Black Cavalry: Hill 262 Chambois 1944

    Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


    Another game in the Great Battles of Small Units system and the second in the series of Battles of the Black Cavalry.

    A great battle is taking place in Normandy. The Polish 1st Armored Division crosses German positions on the Dives river and in a truly cavalry style, moves towards the town of Chambois and the Hill 262 - Mont Ormel. In this way, the Poles blocked the only escape route for German troops locked in the so-called Falaise Pocket.

    The game Hill 262 - Chambois, 19 - 21 August 1944... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    46,00 EUR


    SGM 0013

    The Last Vikings

    Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


    The Last Vikings is a wargame depicting two battles from The Great Northern War: battle at Kliszów in July 1702 and battle at Fraustadt in February 1706.
    This game uses basic mechanics from well welcome game "Bloody Fields of Mollwitz". Specific for this system is combat resolved using morale levels of attacker and defender. Other characteristic is activation of formations in pairs which gives players much more control over armies than "traditional" drawing from pool.
    The scenario book includ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    62,00 EUR


    SGM 0014

    How the West was Saved – Russo-Polish War 1920

    Artikel ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns


    "How the West was Saved" is a two–player strategic wargame based upon the Russo – Polish War from April 1920, when the Poles were poised to attack Kiev, until October 1920 when the War effectively came to an end. One player commands the Polish and Ukrainian armies; the other commands the Russians (and their Lithuanian allies if Lithuania joins the conflict). Generally, each counter denotes a cavalry or infantry division or an artillery train; but, some smaller brigades and regiments are also... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    68,00 EUR


    SGM 0015

    How the Union was Saved - The American Civil War 1861 - 1865

    "How the Union was Saved: the American Civil War 1861 - 1865" is a two player strategic wargame depicting the entire American Civil War. One player controls the forces and resources of the North and the other those of the South.

    During each Game Turn, which represents three months of actual time, players must consider how best to spend their precious Resource Points (RPs). These are used to build and maintain the chains of depots necessary to keep armies supplied and enable them to move and f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR


    SGM 0018

    Time of Wars - Eastern Europe 1590-1660

    Time of Wars is a multiplayer card driven game. Players are on the head of five superpowers in Eastern Europe – the Polish – Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Tsardom of Russia, the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Holy Roman Empire. Minor states are also present – Denmark, Brandenburg, Moldova, Wallachia, Transylvania and Crimean Khanate.

    The game covers the turn of XVI and XVII centuries. The period was rich in famous characters (rulers and commanders) and critical events – ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    100,00 EUR


    SGM 0019

    Albuera 1811: Beresford vs. Soult

    Albuera 1811: Beresford vs. Soult depicts the fiercest battle of the Peninsula War. Both engaged armies suffered terrible losses. Players can check if success could be achieved with lower cost.

    Rules concentrate on infantry maneuvers on Napoleonic battlefield. It is important to form battalion into proper array in the right time. Intuitively Line gives advantages during musketry fire and Column is powerful in hand-to-hand fighting. Important is also placing an infantry battalion regarding to ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    Strategic Studies Games (SSG)

    SSG 0301

    Army Group North

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The Summer Offensive against Leningrad, 1941

    * Game Scale: divisional
    * Time Scale: one turn equals one week
    * Ground Scale: one hex equals 30 kilometers

    * 17" x 22" three color map
    * 240 backprinted counters

    * Two types of combar: bombardment and assault
    * Air and naval rules
    * Step reduction und untried units
    * Logistics and command control rules
    * Special Leningrad defense rules

    endgültig vergriffen


    Battle of Vittoria

    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Wellington on the offensive, 1813

    * 22" x 25" three color map, 240 backprinted counters
    * Game Parameters: brigade level; one hour turns, 500 yard hexes
    * Revolutionary command control system, employing corps, divisional, and brigade movement
    * Detailed formation rules: six infantry and three cavalry formations
    * Fire and Melee combat system
    * Realistic portrayal of morale and organizational effects of combat

    26,00 EUR



    STL 009

    Blue Max: World War I Air Combat

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    In Blue Max, each player pilots a WWI airplane in a dogfight.

    Blue Max 2013/2014 release (sometimes referred to as the 4th edition)

    Non-miniature boardgame
    From Stratelibri / Heildeberger Spieleverlag / Giochi Uniti / Edge Entertainment / Hobby Japan

    Players: 2 - 6 in 2 teams, (2/4/6 players recommended)
    Playtime: 90 minutes
    Player age: 12+

    Box contains:

    - Rulebook
    - Double sided game board (1 side plain blue, 1 side historical landscape)
    - 6 Player Screens (3 per faction), b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    78,00 EUR


    Supremacy Games INC.

    SGI 0100

    Supremacy Board Game of Superpowers - 1986 Edition (played)

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    Supremacy pits conventional superpowers against one another for control of the earth. Along the lines of modern warfare Risk, only with an integrated supply/demand economic system. Warfare comes in all forms from conventional, biological, chemical and all the way to nuclear. Neat little plastic mushroom clouds are included to show where regions of the earth have been blasted, and if nuclear winter occurs, all players lose. The game also spawned a great many supplements to expand the game further... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    SGI 0101

    Supremacy: Resource Deck 2

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    A new deck of supplies that can be used seperately or combined with the original deck to randomize the available resources.

    40,00 EUR


    SGI 0103

    Supremacy: Warlords and Pirates of the Neutral Zones

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Gives the countries unoccupied by the starting players a fighting chance. Also creates a source of income for the superpowers by giving them a market to sell their weapons.

    40,00 EUR


    SGI 0106

    Supremacy: High-Tech Edge for Conventional Forces

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    This expansion sets adds high-tech power to conventional forces by adding new movement and combat features to armies and navies. You secretly research and develop high-tech edge on opponents before battle begins. You can also sell the new technologies to your allies. The high-tech advances reduce movement costs, leaving more resources for selling, building, or fighting.
    The expansion contains a deck of 40 Army cards and 40 Navy cards. Each card shows a Tech Level rating from one to five. Player... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    SGI 0107

    Supremacy: High-Tech Edge for Strategic Forces

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    The High-Tech for Strategic Forces introduces new attack and defense features for nukes, L-Stars, neutron bombs and killer satellites. A player may secretly research and develop specific technologies to be used on, or sold to other players.
    The expansion contains four decks of cards with 40 cards in each deck. There is a Nuke Deck, a Neutron Deck, an L-Star Deck, and a Killer Satellite Deck. Each card shows a Tech Rating from one to five and cost $400 Million per card.

    40,00 EUR


    SGI 0110

    Supremacy: Boomers – Ballistic Missile Subs

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    The Boomers expansion set allows players to add ballistic missile subs to their navies. Players must pay $2 Billion dollars and lose one grain, one oil, and four minerals units from their supply center to build each sub. Each sub carries two missiles and can be used for conventional or strategic attacks. The rules contain specific info for offensive and defensive tactics.
    The expansion set contains 40 color-coded miniature subs, five per-superpower.

    40,00 EUR


    The Game Crafter, LLC

    TGC SWot3R01

    Secret Weapons of the Third Reich



    "The date: March 1938. The vast majority of Austrians cheer the Anschluss of their country by the German Reich. Central Europe is falling into Nazi hands and all the best European scientists will soon compete under the aegis of Heinrich Himmler, for whom no scheme is too wild or too improbable. But which team has the imagination, the courage and the drive to most successfully accomplish their goals?

    Secret Weapons of the Third Reich is a game for one to four players simulating the arms race o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR



    TGC SWot3R02

    Secret Weapons of the Third Reich: Ahnenerbe Expansion

    Bitte vorbestellen


    A mini-expansion that introduces several new projects and powerful event cards.

    Discover new weapon projects developed or though of by the Germans, such as the Silbervogel (a sort of shuttle), the Himmelsturmer fligh-pack, the Messerchmitt Me-262 and the Me-163 "Komet", the flying-wing bomber of the Horten brothers and more!

    This expansion consists of:
    a instruction card
    6 new project cards
    3 new technology cards
    8 new event cards
    2 white cubes

    ca. 0,00 EUR


    The Historical Game Company, LLC

    THGC 1700/12

    Fields of Battle Volume 1: The Great Northern War

    Fields of Battle Volume 1, The Great Northern War is a two player game covering a series of Swedish battles. The game is low-complexity and designed to be played quickly. Most scenarios have only 15 to 30 units per side and only 15 turns.

    Each turn sequence, players will move leaders, move regular units, conduct combat, and rally. Player initiative for each turn is determined by combining the number of leaders on the board with a random die roll. The game also makes use of tactical cards whic... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    96,00 EUR


    THGC 1709

    Battle of Poltava

    An initiation wargame covering the battle of Poltava in 1709

    July 1709 -- The Swedish King and Great Captain Charles XII has invaded Russia and is besieging the Russian town of Poltava to bring the Russians to battle. Russian Tsar Peter has arrived but has sheltered the bulk of his army in a fortified camp and has built several redoubts to cripple any Swedish attempt to attack. Although their King is injured and has to be carried in a litter, the Swedes are undaunted and prepared to annihilat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    62,00 EUR


    THGC 1779

    Battle of Baton Rouge

    September, 1779 - Spain has entered the American Revolutionary War and has secretly planned a campaign to conquer West Florida from the British. After quickly capturing Fort Bute and some other small posts, Bernardo de Galvez has arrived at Baton Rouge where the British have constructed a large redoubt. The Spanish army is large but contains untrained troops and many are sick from the heat. The Spanish need a glorious victory and think Galvez is their man. The British are prepared to vigorously ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    62,00 EUR


    THGC 1780

    Battle of Saint Louis

    May 26, 1780 -- Spain has entered the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain and George Rogers Clark
    has captured the British Illinois Country. Orders are given to sweep the Spanish and Americans from the
    Mississippi River Valley starting with St. Louis. Over 750 British The stage is set...

    The Battle of St. Louis 1780 in a low to moderate complexity tactical game covering the British / Native American
    attack on St. Louis during the American Revolutionary War. The game takes ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    62,00 EUR


    THGC 1857

    Siege of Delhi

    Hot Seller


    1857. The Indian Mutineer forces have assembled at Delhi and have declared a reinstatement of the Mughal Empire. Their forces, which contain trained soldiers
    and a horde of "irregulars," are hell-bent on full independence. A British army has been sent to crush the rebellion, launch a siege at Delhi, and thereby reinstate their British dominion. The rebels have strongly fortified Delhi and are confident of victory. But will it be enough to withstand the British onslaught? The stage is set...

    ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR


    THGC 1867

    Siege of Queretaro

    Initiation WarGame with a card engine.

    1867 - The Juarista army under General Escobedo has cornered emperor Maximilian and his Mexican Imperial forces at Queretaro. While the Juaristas have superior numbers, many of the Emperor's troops are well trained and eager to fight for their emperor. However, the Juarista noose is tightening. The stage is set.

    The Siege of Queretaro is a low to moderate complexity tactical game on the Juarista siege of Queretaro in 1867. The game takes about 90 min... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    62,00 EUR


    THGC 1884/85

    Siege of Khartoum

    The game uses the popular (for a war game) Battle of Quebec mechanics.

    The Sudan, 1884-1885. The Mahdist revolt has proven wildly successful and their wave of conquests have isolated the important town of Khartoum. The British have sent General George "Chinese" Gordon to organize an evacuation. Gordon defies the British Covernment and organizes a defense until the British send a relief force. The Mahdists must capture Khartoum before the relief force arrives and destroy the legend of Gordon.
    ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    64,00 EUR


    THGC 1900

    55 Days at Peking

    Hot Seller


    Initiation WarGame with card engine.

    55 Days at Peking is a low to moderate complexity tactical wargame on the Chinese siege of the Legations at Peking in 1900. The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the Chinese forces and the other player commands the various Allied forces defending the Legations.
    Action and Event Cards vary the game play.

    Peking 1900 - The Boxer Rebellion has swept over China and the Chinese government has added Imperial troops to help expel the "F... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    62,00 EUR


    THGC 1904

    Battle of Waterberg (Ohamakari)

    Tactical level card-assisted wargame of Battle of Waterbeg

    August 11, 1904. The Herero forces have gathered near the Waterberg Mountains, far away from the German supply trains. The thick thorn bushes provide a natural defense. The Germans plan to attack from several different sides of the Herero camp to annihilate the Hereros once and for all. The Hereros have other plans: to ambush the Germans and exploit their numerical superiority. The stage is set...

    The game takes about 90 minutes t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR


    THGC 1904/05

    Siege of Port Arthur, 1904-1905

    Russo Japanese War Tactical level board-wargame about Siege of Port Arthur.

    1904. The Japanese have invested in the city of Port Arthur, a crucial naval base for the Russians. The city is heavily defended by redoubts and forts. The Russians are confident that the Czar will be proud of their defense, despite the continued bickering among their generals. The Japanese have 100,000 men for the siege, but soon realize taking the city will take more than just superior numbers. The Emperor will acc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    60,00 EUR



    THGC 0571

    The American Revolutionary War in the West (HC)

    The American Revolutionary War, while beginning in the Thirteen Colonies, quickly became a far ranging war fought across the globe and eventually involved France and Spain. The war spilled into the areas west of the Thirteen Colonies and along the Mississippi River, and the resulting battles and attacks impacted the future development and expansion of the United States. The western areas also contained a rather unique collection of diverse groups and interest. These interests included French-her... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    78,00 EUR


    THGC 0574

    Cavalry in the Wilderness (HC)

    The Evolution of Light Dragoons
    • British Light Horse in North America during the French and Indian War and Later Frontier Campaigns
    • French Cavalry in North America during the French and Indian War
    • Spanish Cavalry in North America before the American Revolutionary War
    • British Recommendations for Light Horse on the Frontier in the West
    • Spanish Cavalry of the American Revolutionary War along the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico
    • Leather Dragoons, Light Cava... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    THGC 0575

    Jean Baptiste Point du Sable (SC)

    While the birthplace of Jean Baptiste Point Du Sable remains in dispute, his mark on early American history does not.
    He initially settled in Peoria in the early 1770s and was married in the Catholic Church in Cahokia in 1788.
    Du Sable was an able and successful trader with many American and Spanish trading partners. With the commencement of the American Revolutionary War, those relationships would cause him to be arrested by the British in 1779 who confiscated all of his trade good. Du Sabl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    16,00 EUR


    THGC 0578

    James Colbert and His Chickasaw Legacy (SC)

    The history of the American Revolution is filled with shadowy figures, about whom little is known, though scattered documents provide fragments of information and hint at their importance. One such individual was James Colbert, who was closely associated with the Chickasaw Indians throughout most of his life. Colbert was apparently illiterate, so only a few of his letters survive, and these were written for him by others. His name also appears in many American, British, and Spanish documents, in... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    THGC 1700/21

    Great Northern War Compendium Book Bundle (HC)

    We were recently contacted by Stephen Kling of THGC Publishing in St. Louis, Missouri.
    He and 42 international authors have recently published a two volume book on the Great Northern War, 1700-1721.
    Much of this history involves King Charles XII of Sweden, a fascinating if not controversial figure.
    Charles is recognized as one of the Great Captains of history and was a legend to his Swedish soldiers.
    He was mysteriously killed in 1718 and his body has been exhumed multiple times to deter... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    192,00 EUR


    Thunderhaven Game Co.

    TGC 9201

    Red Christmas

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Assault on Cheyenne Mountain!

    Given a small but desperate force and the knowledge that America's future is on the line, can you maintain control of the underground Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base long enough for a relief force to arrive from Ft. Carson? If not, it might just be a ... Red Christmas!!!
    In Red Christmas, the Russian player starts the game with a fixed strength force composed of Regular Army and elite Spetsnaz troops. The Spetsnatz troops are ready to use their nuclear moles to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    38,00 EUR


    TGC 9301

    Alexander at Tyre

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    The greatest siege of the classic age.

    Featuring Ancient naval, land, and siege combat.


    endgültig vergriffen

    Tompet Games

    TPG 0003

    Halls of Hegra

    Hot Seller


    Command a group of Norwegian volunteers fighting numerically superior German forces.

    From an abandoned mountain fortress you command a group of Norwegian volunteers fighting numerically superior German forces in the early days of WW2.

    Halls of Hegra is a solitaire-only wargame in the same vein as "Robinson Crusoe", "This War of Mine" and "Dead of Winter". The mechanics are worker placement, bag building, and area control/ tower defense.

    You play as the commander of the Norwegian forces... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    70,00 EUR



    TSR 1370


    Auslaufmodell (keine Nachbestellungen mehr möglich)


    A tactical game of modern (late 1970's) mechanized combat, partly funded by the US Army as a training tool, to show the effects of the long range and lethality of modern weapons on the techniques and tactics of the modern battlefield.

    Game components: 400 die cut counters, two 22" x34" geomorphic maps, rules booklet, briefing booklet.

    Simulation auf tatktischem Level.

    400 Counter, 2 Karten, 1 20-seitiges Regelheft

    26,00 EUR


    TSR 1450P

    Wellington's Victory: Battle of Waterloo Game - June 18th, 1815 (Played)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

    All Counters present and sorted!
    Rules + Variants and Game-boards in good condition ...
    - However, the game maps (4 pieces) are mounted on sturdy cardboard, so that a shipment is difficult. This game is rather something for people to pick up!

    I can send P... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    TSR 1770P

    Drive on Stalingrad (Played)

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

    All Counters present and sorted!
    Rules + Errata and Game-boards in good condition ...
    - However, the game maps (4 pieces) are mounted on sturdy cardboard, so that a shipment is difficult. This game is rather something for people to pick up!

    I can send Pict... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    TSR 3009P

    La Grande Armee (Played)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

    All Counters present and sorted.
    Rules und Game-boards in very good condition.

    I can send Pictures on request!

    La Grande Armee is a game simulation of Napoleon's major campaign during the years 1805-1815. The French player controls the forces of the Fr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    TSR 3010


    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Patton's 1944 Summer offensive in France.

    Cobra is a regimental/division scale simulation of teh allied break-out from the Normandy peninsula in teh summer of 1944, which culminated in the encirclement of some 160,000 German troops in the "falaise Posket." Each game-turn is equivalent to three dayas fo real time, and each hex represnets a distance (across) of 3.2 kilometers.

    (2) 22" * 33" maps
    (1) 16 p. rules booklet
    (2) six-sided dice
    (1) counter tray
    400 die-cut counters

    endgültig vergriffen

    TSR 3012P

    Barbarossa: Game of the Russo-German War 1941-45 (Played)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

    All Counters present and sorted.
    Rules und Game-boards in very good condition.

    I can send Pictures on request!

    Barbarossa: Game of the Russo-German War 1941-45, On 22 June 1941, the German Wehrmacht invaded Soviet Russia in an operation code-named Barb... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    TSR 3015P

    Julius Caesar (Played)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

    All Counters present and sorted + Errata
    Rules und Game-boards in very good condition

    I can send Pictures on request!

    Julius Caesar is a game of the conflicts between the legions of Rome and the tribes of Gaul in the years 58 B.C. TO 50 B.C. The Roman pl... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    TSR 3016P

    Napoleon's Last Battles (Played)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

    All Counters present and sorted + Errata
    Rules und Game-boards in very good condition

    I can send Pictures on request!

    Originally released by SPI with 2nd release by TSR. Thereafter 3rd release by Decision Games.

    Game on the Waterloo Campaign. Actually... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    TSR 3017

    Terrible Swift Sword (mint!)

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    mint! - unplayed!

    Three full days of Gettysburg at a small-unit level including counters for individual leaders and horses. Many short scenarios are available but its appeal is the 125-turn 60+-hour full game. Inspiration for the Great Battles of the American Civil War series of games.

    The name Terrible Swift Sword is taken from the Civil War era song "Battle Hymn of the Republic," which has in its opening lines "He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword."

    TERRIBL... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    180,00 EUR


    TSR 3020P

    Rebel Sabers: Civil War Cavalry Battles (Played)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Played but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials (partially self-created additional aids) are perfectly prepared for playing, partly lamented - some very clearly marked with markers.

    All Counters present and sorted.
    Rules und Game-boards in very good condition.

    I can send Pictures on request!

    Recreates 4 battles fought almost entirely between cavalry forces. Built on the Great Battles of the American Civil War (GBACW) system, Scenari... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    TSR 3023P

    Moscow 1941 - (Played)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Moscow 1941: The The Enemy at The Gates. (1987)
    In October 1941, the on rushing German blitzkrieg has smashed Stalin's frontier armies. The unchecked German forces stand poised, ready to launch the final assault. An operation level recreation of the battle for Moscow.

    endgültig vergriffen

    Victory Point Games

    VPG AB01

    The Arduous Beginning - The Advance of Army Group Center

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    When the Germans launched Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941, their greatest concentration of troops was found in Army Group Center, tasked with driving eastward toward Moscow. The initial shock of the attack sent the Soviets reeling and Minsk quickly fell to the invaders. However, the Axis timetable demanded complete success during the initial months of the invasion, for only with the Red Army destroyed and Byelorussia occupied could the Soviet Union, fresh from Stalin’s purges, collapse; b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG ABdL01

    Ancient Battles Deluxe

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    From Guts to Gunpowder
    Deluxe Series #2

    With grim-faced determination and sharpened sword, lead your troops through the greatest battles of history using the simple maneuver and combat mechanics that allow you to engage in the decisive missile and melee combat that is Ancient Battles Deluxe.

    Here players will find more than a great game, but a complete and ingetrated system using standardized pieces and rules that allow hearty warriors to recreate any number of pre-gunpowder and early-gun... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG AL20-01

    Albion 20

    Napoleon in England: 25-28 August, 1805
    Napoleonic 20 #3

    The Napoleonic 20 game system expands with France’s long-planned invasion of England finally launched! With only modest complexity and a focused scope employing low unit density on the map (20 pieces or less) and dramatic, fast playing turns, it is the addition of ‘story-driven’ random event cards and night game turns providing the operational pauses and “friction of war” that give players a great feel for the parry-and-thrus... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    28,00 EUR


    VPG AOF01

    Angels One Five (Boxed Edition)

    A simple grand tactical simulation game showing the dynamics and dilemmas involved in an interception of escorted daylight bombers during the Second World War.

    This is your finest hour!

    This fascinating simulation puts players in charge of British and German Squadrons as they duke it out for air superiority over the battlefields of Europe. Unlike other air wargames, this one is not tactical (individual dog fights), nor strategic (conducting bombing campaigns); Angels One Five is uniquely o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    VPG AS01

    Assault on Sevastopol - Von Manstein in the Crimea, 1942

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Assault on Sevastopol is a two-player game recreating Erich von Manstein’s attempt to clear the Crimean peninsula and seize the key port city of Sevastopol as a prelude to Germany’s 1942 summer offensive in Ukraine – the roads to which would lead to the fateful battle of Stalingrad. The Germans are attempting to clear this enemy bastion on the Black Sea and free up their forces for the great offensive to the north. The Russians are desperately trying to hold out as long as possible, fallin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG AU01

    Austerlitz 20 - 2 December, 1805

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Napoleonic 20 #8

    With the Danube campaign over and the Austrian capital of Vienna occupied by French troops, Napoleon requires a decisive battlefield victory to secure his gains. At the end of a long line of communication back to Paris, the Grande Armée feigns weakness in the cold and fog of an early December morning in 1805. Now Austerlitz 20 presents the story of desperation and destiny as three Emperors clash to resolve the fate of Europe. With its myriad scenarios and variations, student... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG B4M01

    Battle for Moscow - Operation Typhoon: October-December, 1941

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    In September of 1941, the German High Command decided to launch a final, decisive offensive to crown their invasion of Russia, capture Moscow, and break the Red Army once and for all. Codenamed Operation Typhoon, German tanks and infantry pressed relentlessly forward until they could see the very spires of the Kremlin. As Russia’s communist government was burning secret papers and evacuating Lenin’s corpse eastward out of their ancient capital, Moscow was hanging in the balance. By 5 Decembe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG BC01

    The Barbarossa Campaign

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    You, Alone, and The Russian Front
    Deluxe Series #3

    The Barbarossa Campaign recalls the titanic struggle on the Russian Front of World War II as no other wargame has presented it before – as a story filled with drama and pathos using a novel new solitaire gaming system that puts you, the Axis Player, in command facing momentous events – some- times history’s master, and at other times its pawn.

    Featuring a dynamic game engine, where you must attempt to collapse the Soviet Union again... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG BO20-01

    Borodino 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Napoleon in Russia, 1812
    Napoleonic 20 #4

    Designer Lance McMillan marches the Napoleonic 20 game system to the very outskirts of Moscow where a brutal campaign culminates in a titanic battle between the exhausted French Grande Armée and the entrenched Russian Army whose divided and bickering leadership has led them to this fateful moment. In Borodino 20, players can recreate the historical battle and the human foibles of the commanders fighting it. In addition, they can experiment with scen... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG BRB01

    A Blood - Red Banner: The Alamo

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A Blood-Red Banner is a solitaire BattlessonTM siege game where you, as the Texian heroes, must survive the attacks from the relentless Mexican army and save the walls of the Alamo. This historically-based game is easy and fast-paced, providing the air of challenge that occurred between both armies all those years ago.

    It is March 1836, when the Texians are fighting for their new republic. As the besieged Texian defenders, you must fight off the five converging Mexican attack columns that are... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG BU20-01

    Bulge 20 - The Ardennes Offensive: Dec. 1944 - Jan. 1945

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Veteran game designer Joseph Miranda has designed scores of wargames, but he has always resisted "doing yet another 'me too' game" on The Battle of Bulge. That is why only now he has created something truly new for the wargaming hobby, his game design opus: Bulge 20: The Ardennes Offensive.

    Introducing the Command Staff Series™ game engine, where a "Headquarters' Perspective" of the campaign means players focus on strategy through staff planning using G-1 (Administration), G-2 (Intelligence... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG BU20-01

    Bussaco 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    26 - 28 September 1810
    Napoleonic 20 #5

    Marshal Massena has been left in command to pursue the British forces out of Portugal when the fortunes of war turned to the advantage of Wellington’s Army of the Peninsula as it flees to Portugal, resulting in a battle that should never have happened. Once again, the Napoleonic 20 game system expands, this time to a Portuguese pursuit where a delicious battlefield puzzle awaits both sides as armies and personalities clash in Bussaco 20. It is (liter... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG CBM01

    Chancellorsville: Bloody May, 1863 (Boxed Edition)

    Chancellorsville: Bloody May, 1863 is a two-player wargame simulating Jackson’s infamous flank attack that occurred west of the Chancellor House (Chancellorsville) on May 2, 1863. As the Confederate player, you must try to crush Hooker’s unsuspecting army. As the Union player, you must regroup from the initial shock of the blow, hold onto the Chancellor House, and counter-attack against Lee’s outnumbered forces.

    Following the debacle at Fredericksburg in December of 1862, President Linc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    VPG CN01

    Cruel Necessity (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A solitaire game simulating the military, political, and religious struggles of the English Civil Wars.

    Cruel Necessity, from designer John Welch, is a solitaire game simulating the military, political, and religious struggles of the English Civil Wars (1640-53). You attempt to stop the advance of four armies bent on destroying Parliament and Puritanism, whom you represent; simply holding on to London is not enough!

    There are civil wars going on not just in England, but in Scotland and Ir... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG CR2020

    Crisis 2020

    America Divided
    Deluxe Series #1

    When developing tensions break out into open conflict, all of America becomes a war zone as the Government and Rebels clash. The crisis is at hand, but armed conflict is only half the battle because modern wars are also fought on a ‘data’ front of public opinion.

    Crisis 2020 offers players fascinating choices between force and finesse – between striking power and subtlety, as they strive to raise new recruits while converting, neutralizing, and elimi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    32,00 EUR



    Cuba: The Splendid Little War (Boxed Edition)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Based on a design by VPG first-timer Javier Garcia de Gabiola, Cuba: The Splendid Little War puts you in the shoes of either the Spanish Empire, fighting to retain your dominion over Cuba, or the rebellious Cubans, looking to throw off the shackles of Spanish dominion. Lurking in the background is a rough-and-ready United States, pondering whether or not to intervene. If Hearst and his newspapers have their way, they will!

    While US intervention means the odds fall in favor of the Cubans, if U... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG CXL01

    Caesar XL - The Roman Civil War: 50 - 44 BC

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Caesar XL is another fine offering from veteran game designer Joe Miranda who transports its players back to the waning days of the Roman Republic as it is plunged into civil war. Julius Caesar stands poised on the banks of the Rubicon River that he must cross to win Rome, while opposing him stands Pompey Magnus (Pompey the Great) and the mighty forces loyal to him.

    In this great clash between rival factions, the Populares (those "favored of the people") and Optimates (the "best men") must fi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG DA20-01

    Danube 20 (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The Battles of Aspern-Essling and Wagram 1809
    Napoleonic 20 #17

    When the capture of Vienna failed to bring the Austrians to the bargaining table, Napoleon sought more direct means of ending the War of the Fifth Coalition. His first attempt was a nearly impromptu effort to force a crossing of the Danube, then in full spring flood, with the handful of forces that were immediately available. Almost predictably, the resulting battle of Aspern-Essling resulted in a crushing French defeat. Stung b... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG DM01

    The Drive on Metz

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Patton in France: September, 1944
    BattlessonTM #2

    The Drive on Metz is a two-player game recreating General George S. Patton’s attempt to seize the key city of Metz and get across the Moselle River before the retreating Germans could form an effective defense. The American forces, comprised of three divisions of the 20th Corps, had just completed an epic pursuit across France after the Allied breakout from the Normandy beachhead. The exhausted Allied forces were at the end of their supply ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG DoB01

    Days of Battle: Golan Heights (Boxed Edition)

    A two-player game depicting the Syrian Army’s attack against Israel on the Golan Heights in October of 1973.

    The Syrian Army’s attack against Israel on the Golan Heights in October of 1973 caught the Israeli Defense Force by surprise. From the afternoon of 6 October through the morning of 10 October, the issue hung in the balance. Several times it seemed as if nothing could stop the Syrians from sweeping down into the Jordan River valley and placing all of Northern Israel in artillery ran... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    50,00 EUR


    VPG DR20-01

    Dresden 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Napoleon in Germany, 1813
    Napoleonic 20 #9 (Germany 20 #1)

    After his disastrous defeat in Russia in 1812, followed by a halting campaign in early 1813, an armistice with the Allied Coalition is about to end. But Napoleon has been busy using this time of truce to build up his logistical base at the city of Dresden. When war resumes in August, the focal point of maneuvers centers on this French central position.

    Dresden 20 presents a “Deluxe Edition” treatment the Napoleonic 20 Series, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG EoA01

    Empires in America (Boxed 2nd Edition)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Defend New France in this solitaire States of SiegeTM game of the French and Indian War. Now in an upgraded boxed edition, which includes the first edition content along with the expansion kit!

    Created by veteran designer Joe Miranda, Empires in America is a States of SiegeTM on The French and Indian War. With riveting solitaire gameplay action, you must command the beleaguered colony of New France, from Halifax to the Ohio Valley, while Britain and her American colonies press in from all sid... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG EP20-01

    España 20: Volume 1 (Boxed Edition)

    España 20: Volume 1 features two complete games covering key battles fought over control of the Iberian Peninsula.

    The Napoleonic 20 Series features games of only modest complexity, each with a focused scope and low unit density (typically fewer than twenty pieces per side). The dramatic, fast-playing turns feature compelling historical narrative told through random event cards and the exciting ebb and flow of military units maneuvering and engaging in battle on the map. Replete with the su... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    VPG EP20-02

    España 20: Volume 2 (Boxed Edition)

    España 20: Volume 2 features two complete games covering key battles fought during the Peninsular War (1807-1814).

    The Napoleonic 20 Series features games of only modest complexity, each with a focused scope and low unit density (typically fewer than twenty pieces per side). The dramatic, fast-playing turns feature compelling historical narrative told through random event cards and the exciting ebb and flow of military units maneuvering and engaging in battle on the map. Replete with the sur... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    VPG FdO01

    Fuentes de Oñoro 20 (Boxed Edition)

    Following his failed invasion of Portugal in 1810, French Marshal André Masséna fell back into Spain with Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese Army in cautious pursuit. Assuming the wretched state of the French would allow him time to capture the key border fortress of Almeida, Wellington settled in for a leisurely siege. But Masséna quickly reorganized his forces and advanced on the British positions in an effort to resupply the beleaguered fortress.

    Advancing on Almeida on 3 May 1811, Masséna ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    34,00 EUR


    VPG FECS01

    Fleets 2025 - East China Sea

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Fleets Series #1

    With the sailing of Fleets 2025: East China Sea, Victory Point Games launches you on a Chris Taylor designed blue water adventure of high-stakes ‘political poker’ centered on daring air and naval engagements between the modern fleets of the United States and China as the Taiwanese flashpoint of the East China Sea ignites into a crisis on the brink of spinning out of control. Here, player nerve and skill are required to hunt the opposing forces and inflict sufficient milit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG FPW01

    Franco-Prussian War 40

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    von Clausewitz #1

    "Everything in war is very simple, but the simplest thing is difficult." - Carl von Clausewitz

    New from the father of VPG's Napoleonic 20 series, renowned game designer Joseph Miranda, the von Clausewitz series brings you the great campaigns of what historians call "The Long 19th Century" -- that period between the French Revolution and World War 1. The series seeks to faithfully demonstrate how war was thought about and waged during this epoch. It features quick, streaml... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG FtC01

    For the Crown

    Casual Cards #3

    Civil war has broken out between two royal brothers over the succession of the kingdom, and the people of a once-peaceful nation must choose sides and rush to war. In For the Crown, you must gather key resources, train an army from scratch, and capture the rival King and Heirs to prove your claim to the throne!

    In this game that combines the highly popular 'deck-building' mechanic with the most engrossing variations of Chess, do you have what it takes to wisely divide your ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR


    VPG FtC01.2

    For the Crown 2nd Ed.

    A super-deep, deck-building, Chess-like game of economics and military maneuvers.

    Civil war has broken out between two royal brothers over the succession of the kingdom, and the people of a once-peaceful nation must choose sides and rush to war. Even when the sun goes down, the war for the crown does not cease. While the battle rages on during the day, both princes and their armies still hope to catch the other unawares under the blanket of darkness. Neither side is safe even then, however, a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    64,00 EUR


    VPG GB01

    Grossbeeren 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Oudinot vs. Bernadotte, 21-23 August, 1813

    Napoleonic 20 #11 (Germany 20 #3)
    When a seven week truce ended in August of 1813, the Sixth Coalition that was trying to stop the French awaited Napoleon’s next move, and that move would be a drive on Berlin led by Marshal Oudinot. Right from the outset, however, the campaign was beset by bad weather, slowing the advance against the Allied forces led by the famously cautious and canny Prince John of Sweden (formerly French Marshal Bernadotte and ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG GTW01

    Gettysburg: The Wheatfield

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The American Civil War, 1861-1865
    Tattered Flags #1

    Tattered Flags is a series of Kriegspiel-style historical miniatures/board game depicting battles of the American Civil War (1861-1865). In this first game in the series, each player controls a Union or Confederate force at the Battle of Gettysburg, struggling for The Wheatfield on July 2nd, 1863. Gettysburg: The Wheatfield was carefully crafted to introduce players to system basics of organization, events, maneuver, fire and morale, with f... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG HD20-01

    Hundred Days 20 (Boxed Edition)

    The Napoleonic 20 Series features games of only modest complexity, each with a focused scope and low unit density (typically fewer than twenty pieces per side). The dramatic, fast-playing turns feature compelling historical narrative told through random event cards and the exciting ebb and flow of military units maneuvering and engaging in battle on the map. Replete with the surges, lulls, and "friction of war" that gives a great feel for the parry-and-thrust of a Napoleonic grade battle as armi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    62,00 EUR


    VPG HE01.2

    Ha'p'sburg Eclipse (2nd. Ed. Boxed Edition)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Take command of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and try to lead it through the horrors of the Great War in Hapsburg Eclipse, a solitaire States of SiegeTM game.

    In Hapsburg Eclipse, from designer Darin A. Leviloff, you control the leadership of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and, peripherally, the German Central Staff who assumes greater and greater control over their ally. The Austro-Hungarians have unique challenges as they try to survive the onslaught of the “Russian Steamroller” and conquer ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG HE01.3

    Hapsburg Eclipse (3rd. Ed. Boxed Edition)

    Hot Seller


    Solitaire States of Siege game - World War I in Eastern Europe (1914-1918)

    Darin A. Leviloff's Hapsburg Eclipse is a solitaire States of Siege game on World War One in Eastern Europe from 1914-1918. The player controls the leadership of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and, peripherally, the German Central Staff who assumes greater and greater control over their ally. The Austro-Hungarians have unique challenges as they try to survive the onslaught of the “Russian Steamroller” and try to conq... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    VPG HoW01

    Hero of Weehawken

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    The Aaron Burr Conspiracy
    Historic Gaming #7

    Thomas JeffersonHero of Weehawken is a solitaire game where you are President Thomas Jefferson at a dangerous moment in the history of the young American Republic. Your former Vice President, Aaron Burr, is disgraced in your eyes after killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel in Weehawken, New Jersey, and is now somewhere out West. Rumors abound that he is threatening the nation with conspiratorial plans for some sort of ill-advised military adventure... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG HsG01

    Hell's Gate (Boxed Edition)

    Hell’s Gate is a simulation game of the Battle of the Korsun Pocket in Ukraine, during January and February of 1944. Two players direct the German and Soviet forces as they seek to capture or regain territory and inflict losses on the opposing side while minimizing their own losses. The simulation is also easily playable solitaire for those who wish to study the dynamics involved.

    War games author, professor, and designer Philip Sabin introduced Hell's Gate in his book, Simulating War, an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    34,00 EUR


    VPG IID01

    Israeli Independence

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    The First Arab-Israeli War, 1948-1949
    BattlessonTM #4

    Israeli Independence is an introductory level solitaire wargame that tells the rich and engaging story of the First Arab-Israeli War – Israel’s War for Independence. Five Arab armies, poised at the borders of the newly declared state, launch their determined invasions – and each must be pushed back in turn before any reaches West Jerusalem, the new Israeli capital.

    As the headlines unfold and the vast forces of the Arab League re... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG IMS01

    In Magnificent Style (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Death or Glory! #1

    The first in the Death or Glory! series, In Magnificent Style is a solitaire game depicting the final desperate Confederate attack on 3 July 1863 at the Battle of Gettysburg, popularly known as Pickett’s Charge. As General Longstreet, you must decide how quickly to press your troops across this deadly open ground before allowing the men to regroup for another bound. But time is not on your side, and the longer your stalwart soldiers remain in this maelstrom of enemy fire.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG JE20-01

    Jena 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Napoleon in Prussia: 12-14 October, 1806
    Napoleonic 20 Series #2

    Jena 20 is the second title featuring Joseph Miranda’s innovative Napoleonic 20 game system. With only modest complexity and a focused scope employing low unit density on the map (20 pieces or less) and dramatic, fast playing turns, it is the addition of ‘story-driven’ random event cards and night game turns providing the operational pauses and “friction of war” that give players a great feel for the parry-and-thrust ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG KA20-01

    Katzbach 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Napoleon in Germany, 1813
    Napoleonic 20 #10 (Germany 20 #2)

    On the same day as the Battle of Dresden, Marshal MacDonald’s forces on the flank of Napoleon’s army stumbled upon a Russo-Prussian force of about equal size under Marshal von Blücher, and the accidental Battle of Katzbach ensued amidst a heavy thunderstorm. Both armies were surprised, but MacDonald struck first. His attack lost impetus in the rain and confusion, allowing Blücher to strike back. The Allies inflicted heavy loss... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG KutF01

    Keep Up The Fire!

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    The 55-Day Siege and Relief of Peking, June to August 1900
    States of Siege Series #10

    Keep Up The Fire! is a solitaire States of SiegeTM series game set in 1900 Peking (modern day Beijing), China where Foreign Legations (areas assigned to Imperial powers including ambassadors, business people, and a handful of troops to provide security) are besieged in their Compound by Chinese anti-imperialist forces. The Chinese “Boxers” (Society of the Harmonious Fists), with the Imperial Manchu forc... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG LeM01

    Levee en Masse - The Wars of the French Revolution, 1789-1802

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    States of SiegeTM #5

    This solitaire game, suitable for group and classroom cooperative game play, tells the story of the French Revolution through its key events and decision points. You must stop the advances of foreign armies and the counter-revolutionary forces within France itself to defend the virtues of Republicanism.

    Can you suppress the forces of Monarchy and Despotism to maintain the Republican spirit in France? Can you export the revolution by liberating neighboring states and gr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG LEU01

    Leuthen: Frederick's Greatest Victory 5 December, 1757 (Ziplock)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Drums & Muskets #1

    Drums & Muskets is a game system that recreates battles of the 18th Century, from roughly the adoption of the socket bayonet through the French Revolution. Leuthen is the first game in the series.

    The very existence of the Hohenzollern monarchy is in question. Prussia hovers on the brink of collapse after a string of defeats as the winter of 1757/58 approaches. Frederick throws his small army against an Austrian force nearly twice its size with time only for one desperat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG LFGV01

    Leuthen: Frederick's Greatest Victory 5 December, 1757 (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Drums & Muskets is a game system that recreates battles of the 18th Century, from roughly the adoption of the socket bayonet through the French Revolution. Leuthen is the first game in the series.

    The very existence of the Hohenzollern monarchy is in question. Prussia hovers on the brink of collapse after a string of defeats as the winter of 1757 approaches. Frederick throws his small army against an Austrian force nearly twice its size with time only for one desperate battle to redeem his fo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG LKoS01

    The Last King of Scotland - The Uganda-Tanzania War, 1978-1979 (Boxed Edition)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    The modern wars in Africa provide a rich arena of different and unique gaming situations beyond WWII in North Africa (where most wargames have concentrated their examination of wars in Africa). Some of these wars were short affairs of a few months, while others raged for twenty years or more. Each of these modern African wars shaped the political and military future of the continent and they are still finding their way into today’s headlines.

    The Last King of Scotland, by designer Dennis B... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG MB01

    Mound Builders (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Mound Builders, from Wes Erni and Ben Madison, is a solitaire States of SiegeTM game where you represent the two largest pre-Columbian Indian “mound builder” cultures that dominated eastern North America from before the time of Christ until the coming of the European colonists in the 17th century. Your empire represents the earlier Hopewell culture and the later Mississippian culture that derived from it.

    Until the arrival of the Spanish late in the game, you will expand your control acro... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG MBS01

    Malta Besieged: "The Scorpion of the Sea"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    States of SiegeTM #11

    That Scorpion of the Sea: Malta Besieged is a solitaire game covering the pivotal World War II years of the mid-1940 through 1942 period in the often overlooked Battle for the Mediterranean. You are placed in the role of the Commonwealth Commander in the theatre, and must utilize every resource at your disposal to fend off unrelenting Axis attacks in order to ensure the survival of the island of Malta.

    Built upon the same States of SiegeTM engine as the designer's pre... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG NROne01

    No Retreat! 1 - The Russian Front: 1941 - 1944

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    Historic Gaming #2

    No Retreat! 1 is a two-player wargame that retells the story of the titanic struggle between the invading armies of Nazi Germany versus Communist Russia during WW2 at a player-friendly and manageable level in scope and difficulty. Each turn is alight with intriguing on-board challenges plus the surprise of card hand Events as players vie to win in one of three different ways.

    In a skillfully blended collation of classic hex-based wargaming and modern card-driven simulati... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG NRThr01

    No Retreat! 3 - The French Front: May - June 1940 (Boxed Edition)

    Following on the success of No Retreat! where the Russian Front of World War II beckons, and then taking the action to the African Front, game designer Carl Paradis and his trusty developer Alan Emrich have teamed up yet again to present the third chapter in this game series, No Retreat 3: The French Front.

    The “Phony War” ended in May of 1940 as the German Army unleashed blitzkrieg attacks into Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg in preparation for their audacious plan to invade France. Dub... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    52,00 EUR


    VPG NRTwo01

    No Retreat! 2 - The African Front: 1940 - 1942

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Deluxe Series #5

    Following on the success of No Retreat! where the Russian Front of World War II beckons, game designer Carl Paradis and his trusty developer Alan Emrich have teamed up again to present the second chapter in this game series, No Retreat 2: North Africa, this time taking the action to the African Front from the start of Operation Compass on 8 December 1940, through 1942 to the eviction of the Axis from Libya.

    Building on the notion of a card assisted game and death-or-glory ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    44,00 EUR


    VPG OK01

    Objective: Kiev - "The Advance of Army Group South: June - August, 1941"

    Campaigns in WW2 #2

    When the Germans launched Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941, they faced both their greatest expanse of territory to capture and the greatest concentration of Soviet armor south of the Pripet marsh in Ukraine. Army Group South launched its multi-national forces (including Rumanians, Hungarians and Italians) with their principal target defined – Objective: Kiev.

    Facing them was the Red Army weakened from the recent purges of its officers by Stalin. Still, the Soviets... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    22,00 EUR


    VPG OS01

    Ottoman Sunset (Ziplock)

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    The Great War in the East, 1914 - 1918
    States of SiegeTM #6

    Darin Leviloff once again brings the novel States of Siege™ game series (Soviet Dawn and Israeli Independence) to The Great War in a Near Eastern adventure in Ottoman Sunset. The Turkish Empire, long the “Sick Man of Europe,” is surrounded by enemies and in a fight for survival as French, Russian, British and Commonwealth forces converge, joined by the Arab Revolt. The ancient capital of Constantinople is under threat from all... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG OS01.2

    Ottoman Sunset (Boxed 2nd Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    When war in Europe broke out in 1914, the Ottoman Empire, pursuant to super-duper-secret protocols, agreed to provide shelter to the fleeing German Battleship, Goeben, which was renamed Yavuz. After Britain refused to deliver newly ordered Turkish battleships, the Turko-German fleet bombarded Russian forts, signaling the Ottoman Empire’s entrance into World War One.

    Ottoman Sunset 2nd edition, by designer Darin Leviloff, is a stand-alone solitaire States of SiegeTM game on World War 1 in th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG OS01.3

    Ottoman Sunset (Boxed 3rd Edition)

    Hot Seller


    Solo game where you seek to lead the Ottoman Empire to victory in WW1.

    When war in Europe broke out in 1914, the Ottoman Empire, pursuant to secret protocols, agreed to provide shelter to the fleeing German Battleship, Goeben, which was renamed Yavuz. After Britain refused to deliver newly ordered Turkish battleships, the Turko-German fleet bombarded Russian forts, signaling the Ottoman Empire’s entrance into World War One.

    Ottoman Sunset 2nd edition, by designer Darin Leviloff, is a sta... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    VPG OV01

    Operation Veritable

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    The Battle for the Reichswald: Feb. - Mar., 1945
    Historic Gaming #5

    Operation: Veritable is a modest complexity level, two-player game on the battle for the Reichswald (National Forest) during the waning days of World War 2. This desperate campaign was fought during the second and third weeks of February and into March, 1945 in bitter cold and over inhospitable ground. Despite facing looming defeat, the Wehrmacht put up a stiff, well-organized defense – a matter of history that is told in ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG PKDD01

    P.K. D-Day: Canadian Beach - Juno Beach: June 6-9, 1944

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    BattlessonTM #5
    Juno: The Canadian Beach is the first game in the Paul Koenig’s D-Day series of five titles covering the first three nail-biting days (June 6 – 9, 1944) of Allied landings in France to liberate Europe during World War 2. Using fluid and dynamic systems for integrating the fierce combat and rapid movements of the companies and battalions contesting the beaches, cliffs, swamps and bocage bordering the rough North Sea coast, players will find the easy rules to offer rich puzzle... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG PKDD02

    P.K. D-Day: British Beach - Sword and Gold Beaches: June 6-9, 1944

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Historic Gaming #4

    Sword and Gold: The British Beaches are the fourth and fifth games in Paul Koenig’s D-Day series of five titles covering the first three nail-biting days (June 6 – 8, 1944) of Allied landings in France to liberate Europe during World War 2. Using fluid and dynamic systems for integrating the fierce combat and rapid movements of the companies and battalions contesting the beaches, cliffs, swamps and bocage bordering the rough North Sea coast, players will find the easy r... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG PKDD03

    P.K. D-Day: American Beaches - Omaha and Utah Beaches: 6-9 June, 1944

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Historic Gaming #3

    Utah and Omaha: The American Beaches are the second and third games in Paul Koenig’s D-Day series of five titles covering the first three nail-biting days (June 6 – 8, 1944) of Allied landings in France to liberate Europe during World War 2. Using fluid and dynamic systems for integrating the fierce combat and rapid movements of the companies and battalions contesting the beaches, cliffs, swamps and bocage bordering the rough North Sea coast, players will find the easy ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG PKFE01

    Paul Koenig's Fortress Europe (Boxed Edition)

    June 1944. WWII was in its fifth year, and the German army still controlled most of Western Europe. Field Marshall Erwin Rommel’s Army Group B had erected strong fortifications along the coast of Holland, Belgium, and France, including the French Mediterranean coast, creating The Atlantic Wall. The bunkers and minefields were backed up by some of Germany’s best troops. Allied forces had been gathering in England and the Mediterranean for more than two years, preparing to assault Hitler’s F... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    86,00 EUR


    VPG PKMG01

    Paul Koenig's Market Garden: "Arnhem Bridge - September 17-19, 1944"

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Historic Gaming #8

    Paul Koenig’s Market Garden is a series of small-format, competitive introductory-level wargames covering the critical first three days of Operation Market-Garden, where the Allies attempted to seize a series of bridges in Holland and end WWII before Christmas. Each game in the series covers a separate bridge: Arnhem, Nijmegen, and Eindhoven.
    As a player, you must command your German or Allied forces so as to capture key objectives on the board while keeping your casualt... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG PKMG02

    Paul Koenig's Market Garden: "Eindhoven Bridge - September 17-19, 1944"

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Historic Gaming #9

    Paul Koenig’s Market Garden is a series of small-format, competitive introductory-level wargames covering the critical first three days of Operation Market-Garden, where the Allies attempted to seize a series of bridges in Holland and end WWII before Christmas. Each game in the series covers a separate bridge: Arnhem, Nijmegen, and Eindhoven.
    As a player, you must command your German or Allied forces so as to capture key objectives on the board while keeping your casualt... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG PKMG03

    Paul Koenig's Market Garden: "Nijmegen Bridge - September 17-19, 1944" (Boxed 2nd Edition)

    Enjoy the third and final installment of Paul Koenig's Market-Garden series: Nijmegen Bridge covering the events at this vital river crossing in September of 1944.

    Paul Koenig’s Market-Garden is a series of small-format, competitive introductory-level wargames covering the critical first three days of Operation Market-Garden, where the Allies attempted to seize a series of bridges in Holland and end WWII before Christmas. Each game in the series covers a separate bridge: Arnhem, Eindhoven, ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    38,00 EUR


    VPG PKTB01

    Paul Koenig's The Bulge: "6th Panzer Army" (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    After storming the beaches in his D-Day series, and fresh from air landing in his Market-Garden series, designer Paul Koenig invites you to collect another World War 2 European Tour travel sticker, this time from the first 3½ days of the German 1944 winter offensive known as “The Battle of the Bulge.”

    In this first game of a new series, 6th Panzer Army takes you to the northern sector of this famous salient where Allied forces grimly confronted a winter onslaught by Hitler’s vaunted Pa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG PU20-01

    Prussia 20 (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Prussia 20 features two complete games covering key battles fought in Central Europe during the 1806-1807 War of the Fourth Coalition: Jena 20 2nd Edition, and Eylau 20!

    The Napoleonic 20 Series features games of only modest complexity, each with a focused scope and low unit density (typically fewer than twenty pieces per side). The dramatic, fast-playing turns feature compelling historical narrative told through random event cards and the exciting ebb and flow of military units maneuvering a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

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    VPG SD01

    Soviet Dawn

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The Russian Civil War: 1918-1921

    States of SiegeTM #1
    Soviet Dawn brings Darin Leviloff's novel "States of Siege TM" game system (introduced in VPG's Israeli Independence) back for a much larger storytelling adventure covering the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1921. With several enemy "Fronts" converging on Moscow, the fate of the revolution and the prestige of international communism rests on your ability to manage and resolve every crisis that the "Whites" can assail you with.

    As the h... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG SFO01

    Strike Force One: "The Cold War Heats Up"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    BattlessonTM #1

    STRIKE FORCE ONE is an easy-to-use, two-player game designed to introduce the concepts in “conflict simulations” or “wargames.” These are games that recreate combat situations so that they can be studied and played. The same situation can be played many times in order to discover those strategies and tactics that work best and learn the lessons of battlefield command. If you’ve ever played chess or checkers, then you’ve already played games that are close, in certa... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG SotP01

    Sign of the Pagan (Boxed Edition)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    Sign of the Pagan from Richard Berg portrays the most famous battle of one of history’s most feared figures – Attila the Hun. It is considered by some to be the battle that saved Western Europe from the Huns and, for the most part, put an end to Attila’s wide-sweeping drives for loot.

    The Battle of the Catalaunian Fields was fought as the age of the Roman West faded away and the Dark Ages began. As Attila’s Huns and their Germanic barbarian allies moved into Western Europe, leaving a ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG TAR01

    The Alamo Remembered 2nd Edition (Boxed Edition)

    Historic Gaming #6

    In 1836, Americans, who since the early 1800s had been migrating and settling in the Mexican territory of Texas, along with the Mexican locals (Tejanos), were attempting to establish an independent republic. Seized early in the revolt against Mexican authority by these Texians (as these American-led revolutionaries were called), the Alamo Mission in San Antonio was surrounded and besieged by the forces of His Excellency, Don Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.

    The Alamo Remembe... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    VPG TCF01

    The Chosin Few (Boxed Edition)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    The Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, 27 November - 11 December, 1950

    On October 25, 1950, with General Douglas MacArthur's United Nations forces closing in on what would have otherwise been a quick victorious end to the Korean War, Communist Chinese forces began pouring across the border. In northeastern Korea, the US X Corps, led by Major General Ned Almond, was strung out with its units unable to support each other. Those units near the Chosin (Changjin) Reservoir included the 1st Marine Div... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG TitE01

    Thunder in the East

    Frank Chadwick’s ETO (European Theater of Operations) is a series of linked games covering the land campaigns of World War II in Europe using a constant map and unit scale, and common rules.

    Thunder in the East is the first game in that series, this one covering the titanic struggle on the Russian Front. This is a two-player game (although teams or even solitaire play would be just fine): one player assumes the role of the Axis (Germany and its allies) and the other player assumes the role ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    130,00 EUR


    VPG TK01

    Tenka: Shogun Edition (Boxed Edition)

    Whether in the royal court or on the battlefield, the lords of feudal Japan fight a never-ending struggle for power amidst the chaos of a faltering Empire. You will vie for provincial control as order crumbles around you, hoping to secure enough holdings before the entire country is enveloped in the fires of revolution.

    In Tenka: Shogun Edition, you will work to fill your Court with all of the tools necessary to rule Japan’s various provinces. Power can come from winning over Priests, lesse... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    36,00 EUR


    VPG TL01

    Target: Leningrad

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The Advance of Army Group North: June - August, 1941
    Campaigns in WW2 #3

    This "quiet northern flank" of Operation Barbarossa was anything but quiet. Army Group North, commanded by Field Marshal von Leeb, was given an important strategic goal – Target: Leningrad! To capture this second capital of Russia and the birthplace of Soviet communism would deal a severe psychological blow to the enemy, protect the northern flank of Army Group Center, and bring an overland route into Finland, Germany... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG TLC01

    The Lost Cause: "The American Civil War: 1861 - 1865"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    States of SiegeTM #4

    After the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, State after State in America’s "Deep South" seceded from the Union that the North felt must be preserved. In the ensuing war, brother fought brother as the Confederacy resisted with all its might for over four years in The Lost Cause.

    This States of SiegeTM solitaire game puts you in the shoes of Jefferson Davis and the Confederate High Command as the Union armies close in from five different directions. With famous Gene... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG ToT01

    Toe-to-Toe Nu'klr Combat with the Rooskies

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    This is it, Boys, we're going in...
    BattlelessonTM #8

    The “Go Code” has been received and the war plan decoded; it is time to turn your B-52 into Soviet air space, and head for your primary target. You’ve got 50,000 lbs. of fuel, two H-bombs, a crew looking to you for leadership, and a mission that your country needs you to fulfill.

    Toe-to-Toe Nu’klr Combat with the Rooskies is a fast-playing solitaire game. You decide the payload, pick your targets and must then challenge the Sov... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG TV01

    Trenches of Valor: "Raids across No Man's Land - 1918"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    BattlelessonTM #6

    Where did the great commanders of World War 2 get their start? Fighting in the trenches of World War 1, of course!

    Many recall the stalemated trench lines opposing each other for years of futile mass-assaults, but there was daring and heroic action to be found in the small unit trench raids led by rising young officers such as Erwin Rommel. Crossing "No Man’s Land," cutting the barbed wire, and sneaking in under the cover of darkness while a box barrage guarded the raid... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG VI01

    Vittoria 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    21-22 June, 1813
    Napoleonic 20 #6

    Weeks of maneuver have led Wellington’s Anglo-Allied army of British, Spanish and Portuguese troops to battle with three French armies under Napoleon’s brother, King Joseph, as the invaders attempt to leave Spain with over 3,000 wagonloads of loot. The expanding Napoleonic 20 game system poses a desperate, large-scale confrontation in Vittoria 20 – a ‘last stand’ battle where both sides require steel nerves and sabers to protect (or capture) the ma... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG WA20-01

    Wallachia 20 (Boxed Edition)

    Wallachia 20 features two complete games covering a pair of important major battles fought during the Russo-Turkish War of 1806 – 1812 for control of the key Danube river port of Rousse in the province of Wallachia.

    The Napoleonic 20 Series features games of only modest complexity, each with a focused scope and low unit density (typically fewer than twenty pieces per side). The dramatic, fast-playing turns feature compelling historical narrative told through random event cards and the excit... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    44,00 EUR


    VPG WE01

    We Must Tell the Emperor

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    "The Pacific Theater of WWII: 1941 to 1945"
    States of SiegeTM #7

    We Must Tell the Emperor brings Victory Point Games' unique States of Siege™ game series (first introduced in Darin Leviloff's groundbreaking Israeli Independence design) to the grand scope of the Pacific Theater during WWII. As the military and political leader of Japan, you must drive the enemy "Fronts” far away from the Home Islands while also securing enough precious resources to maintain your Empire. If the war cannot ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG WftB01

    Wings for the Baron (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A solution adopted by the Germans to better reward the better aeroplanes was to hold national competitions as a means of sifting the wheat from the chaff. These quarterly competitions were open to all manufacturers...

    Details -
    It is 1916, and the First World War continues with no end in sight. With the war a bloody stalemate on the ground, the combatants have turned to their developing air forces to achieve victory. Wings for the Baron allows 3-5 players to take the role of German aeroplane... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG WL01

    Waterloo 20

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    "Napoleon's Last Campaign, 16-18 June, 1815"
    Napoleonic 20 #1

    Waterloo 20 is the first title in a series of games featuring low unit density on the map (20 pieces or less), modest complexity and dramatic, fast playing turns. With Napoleon’s escape from exile and return to France, his Grande Armee is once again on the march. Can the Anglo-Allied forces under Wellington and the Prussian army under Blücher stop him?

    Veteran designer Joseph Miranda has reduced the complexity and focused th... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    VPG ZotR01

    Zulus on the Ramparts! (1st.Ed.) - The Battle of Rorke’s Drift, 22-23 January 1879 (Ziplock)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Zulus on the Ramparts The Battle of Rorke's Drift, 22-23 January 1879 1st Edition States of Siege (TM)

    Zulus on the Ramparts! is the battle cry of those defending the Mission Station at Rorke's Drift.
    It is 22 January 1879, and the British invasion column moving into Zululand was disastrously
    defeated that morning at nearby Isandlwana.
    Now, fresh troops from the victorious Zulu iMpi (army) are advancing on you position.
    With your 140 British soldiers and auxiliaries, you must survive ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    VPG AB02

    Ancient Battles Deluxe Exp. Kit 1: "Elephants at War"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    From the far reaches in Africa and Asia, ancient armies would mount a howdah on the back of a mighty pachyderm and transform it into a War Elephant! How will Alexander meet this new threat when invading India and meeting King Porus at the Hydaspes river? Why was Hannibal so careful to bring elephants across the treacherous passes of the Alps in the winter? Whose elephants will reign supreme when they clash at Raphia?

    Find out in the first Expansion Pack for Ancient Battles Deluxe.

    Notice:... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG AB03

    Ancient Battles Deluxe Exp. Kit 2: "Hell's Horsemen"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    They rode swiftly across Eurasia over steppe and across plains under the Great Khan, or from Byzantium in armor as Cataphracts. Man, beast, and bow have long been weapons of shock and maneuver. Now you can find out as you re-write the pages of history's great battles like those featuring the massive Persian cavalry fomations at Thymbra (547 BC) and Platea (479 BC).

    Charge to get your copy of this second Expansion Pack for Ancient Battles Deluxe.

    Notice: This Expansion Kit is not a 'stand a... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG AB04

    Ancient Battles Deluxe Exp. Kit 3: "Strange Ordnance"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Added to the stench of battle is a foul new reek, the stink of sulfur! Now small formations of light gunners armed with the early arquebus, and heavier formations of coronelias and tercios can lay fire across the field of battle. But they are not alone, for early cannon such as the culverin, clumsy as they are, have also been introduced. Now as these strange ordnance add a thick smoke to the battlefield and hasten the twilight of ancient battle tactics.

    Notice: This Expansion Kit is not a ‘... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG AB05

    Ancient Battles Deluxe Exp. Kit 4: "The Art of War"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Notice: This Expansion Kit is not a ‘stand alone’ game. To use it, you must own a copy of:

    • Ancient Battles Deluxe
    • Ancient Battles Deluxe Expansion Kit 1: Elephants at War
    • Ancient Battles Deluxe Expansion Kit 2: Hell's Horsemen
    • Ancient Battles Deluxe Expansion Kit 3: Strange Ordnance

    Game Data:
    Number of Players: 2
    Ages: 12 and up
    Playing Time: approximately 1 hour
    Complexity: 4 on a 9 scale
    Solitaire Suitability: 6 on a 9 scale
    Time scale: Each Game Turn equals... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG AB06

    Ancient Battles Deluxe Exp. Kit 5: "Design Your Own"

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Now any ancient to early-gunpowder battle is yours to recreate with this Design Your Own (DYO) expansion kit for Ancient Battles Deluxe. Obscure historical clashes, what-if battles of your own invention, and custom design scenarios are yours to command.

    Notice: This Expansion Kit is not a ‘stand alone’ game. To use it, you must own a copy of:

    • Ancient Battles Deluxe
    • Ancient Battles Deluxe Expansion Kit 1: Elephants at War
    • Ancient Battles Deluxe Expansion Kit 2: Hell's Hors... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    38,00 EUR


    VPG AB06.1

    Ancient Battles Deluxe Exp. Kit 5.1: "Way of the Samurai"

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Ancient Battles Deluxe Series #5.1

    Experience the Sengoku Jidai battles of two opposing Eastern and Western forces with 15 glorious scenarios, in Way of the Samurai.

    Notice: This Expansion Kit is not a ‘stand alone’ game. To use it, you must own a copy of:

    • Ancient Battles Deluxe
    • Ancient Battles Deluxe Expansion Kit 5: Design Your Own

    Game Data:
    Number of Players: 2
    Ages: 12 and up
    Playing Time: approximately 1 hour
    Complexity: 4 on a 9 scale
    Solitaire Suitability: 6... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    VPG B4M02

    Battle for Moscow - Exp. Kit: "Winter Counteroffensive"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Operation Typhoon was the final attack the Germans launched at the end of 1941, in a desperate attempt to capture Moscow. When their offense ground to a halt, the Germans assumed the Soviets had run out of reserves – but they were wrong.

    This expansion kit for Battle for Moscow allows players to extend the original, solitaire BattlessonTM game to early March, 1942, when the Spring thaw turned the countryside into a quagmire and brought the Soviet winter offensive to an end.

    Note: This Ex... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG BE2001

    Berezina 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    "Closing the Trap in Russia, 1812"
    Napoleonic 20 #4 Expansion Kit

    Designer Kim Meints offers a fascinating Expansion Kit for Borodino 20 - Berezina 20. It examines Napoleon’s Russian campaign in 1812. When the Tsar refused to negotiate terms, the French Army retreated back to Poland in the dead of winter, forced to cross the Berezina River with the Russians in close pursuit. One player commands the French army of Napoleon, while the other leads the Russian armies under Kutusov, Tchichagov,... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG BU20-02

    Bulge 20 - Exp. Kit: "More Staff Planning to Tell the Story of the Bulge"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Desparate measures are the order of the day as the Germans and Americans square off at the Battle of the Bulge. With the 12 additional cards included, the Germans can conduct the von der Heydete airdrop, push forward their Jadgtigers, form Kampfgruppen or commit their very last reserves. New cards for the Allied hand include SHAEF, carpet bombing, a 'fortified goose egg,' and The Red Ball Express. Optional rules include traffic control, attack coordination, and a terrific system for mixing up ev... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG CXL02

    Caesar XL - Exp. Kit: The Gold Edition: "Barbarians, Gods & Omens"

    Take the Gold with this expansion kit for Caesar XL. History takes a turn with the awakening of the barbarians as new units and cards bring them into closer play around the borders of the empire. Additional expanded ("Gold" level) rules provide for unit training and a tension-filled "buckets o' dice" combat system. Will the Fates favor your bold maneuvers, or is your destiny to be decided in the Forum?

    Notice: the Caesar XL Gold Expansion Kit is not a 'stand alone' game. You must own a copy o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    10,00 EUR


    VPG DW01

    Dennewitz 20 - Napoleon's Final Campaign: "Germany, 4-6 September, 1813"

    Napoleonic 20 #11 (Germany 20 #3) Expansion Kit

    Designer Lance McMillan offers a fascinating Expansion Kit for Grossbeeren 20, placing you in command of either the Coalition forces or the French army. The French forces are small, but nimble, pitted against their larger opponent. As at Grossbeeren, the Allied army's initial deployment is its greatest weakness – if the French can move quickly they can over-whelm the Prussians and occupy the Juterbog objective before the rest of the Allied arm... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    14,00 EUR


    VPG EoA02

    Empires in America Exp. Kit: "Defending New France got a lot more interesting..."

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    States of SiegeTM #3 Expansion Kit

    The Empires in America Expansion Kit includes the latest errata and plenty of new Optional Rules for the struggle for a continent in North America. Among its 24 additional cards are two additional French and two additional British Leaders, and plenty of new Action, Provincials, British and World Event cards to make the game's narrative much more compelling.

    Optional Rules include: Fortress Garrisons, Leader Morale, Governing, and The Royal Navy. A special... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG FtC01V

    For the Crown Variant: All the King's Men (Boxed Edition)

    It's spreading. What started as a petty feud has grown to engulf the nation, and even the most stoic spectators are now picking sides. And as the scope of the conflict changes, so must the strategy; each contender must learn to command larger armies and coordinate with new allies. This is truly a time where strong leadership could turn the tide of history...

    For the Crown, by designer Jeremy Lennert, introduces All the King's Men, a four-player variant pack!

    All the King's Men introduces t... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    20,00 EUR


    VPG FtC02

    For the Crown Expansion #1: "Cover of Night"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The war for the crown has not yet ceased ... not even when the sun goes down. While the war rages on during the day, both princes and their armies hope to catch the other unawares under the blanket of darkness. Neither side is safe even then, however, and so both princes are well prepared - they've gone through lengths to recruit special units to surprise their enemy, including a Phantom to cloak itself and hopefully use the darkness to its advantage in order to capture the rival King and Heirs.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG FtC02.2

    For the Crown Expansion #1: Shock & Awe (Boxed Edition)

    Tensions mount in the war for the crown, and both sides are turning to new tactics and strange allies. Battlefields are haunted by ghosts, buffeted by invisible forces and wracked by lightning. Armies march under the auspice of statues, and secure formations are breached by attacks from odd directions. Which side will best master these new devices and capture the enemy sovereign?

    For our popular deck-building game, For the Crown 2nd edition, comes the first expansion, Shock & Awe, introducing... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    24,00 EUR


    VPG FtC03.2

    For the Crown Expansion #2: The World is Round (Boxed Edition)

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    The second expansion to For the Crown, The World is Round introduces several new units with the ability to move in a cylindrical fashion – moving off the edge of the board and re-appearing on the other side.

    The world is growing.

    New frontiers are being explored, and powerful discoveries being made. One can sense the excitement in the air; it is a time of new ideas and expanding horizons. Visionaries chart courses that recently would have been unthinkable. Even common folk are pulling up... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG FtC04.2

    For the Crown Expansion #3: Between Heaven and Earth (Boxed Edition)

    The third expansion to For the Crown, Between Heaven and Earth, introduces 12 new cards and 10 new types of units.

    The war front is a strange place, these days; some of our soldiers are beings I would have called imaginary not long ago. Some of them fly through the air; others can halt a foe in its tracks using only words. Though I know they are not divine, they do not seem merely mortal, either. Day by day, we chart new territory, exploring this strange space between heaven and earth...

    T... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    30,00 EUR


    VPG GOR01

    Gorlitz 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Napoleon's Final Campaign, Germany 1813

    Napoleonic 20 #15 (Germany 20 #6) Expansion Kit
    From designer Lance McMillan comes the expansion kit to Dresden 20 and Katzbach 20. Görlitz 20 is based on a battle that almost occurred during Napoleon’s final campaign in Germany, on 3-6 September 1813. One player commands the Coalition forces under the Prussian Marshall Gebhard von Blücher, while the other commands the French army under the command of Marshall Étienne Jacques MacDonald (which may ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG IID02

    Israeli Independence Exp. Kit: "The Hard Road to Jerusalem"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Battlesson #4 Expansion Kit

    There's more in store with the Israeli War for Independence as another dozen Headline Cards enhance the story told through gameplay of this solitaire BattlessonTM game. The supplemental rules page adds another Optional Rule, a Campaign Game, and several scenarios varying the degree of difficulty. There's even a Historical Campaign Game for those who wish to experience the actual war in the order that its events actually occurred!

    Notice: This Expansion Kit is no... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG KU20-01

    Kulm 20

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Napoleon in Germany, 1813
    Napoleonic 20 #9 (Germany 20 #1) Expansion Kit

    After defeating the Allies at Dresden on the 27th, Napoleon was sure they would continue the battle for a third day. But that night the Allies began a confused retreat, leaving the French scrambling to mount a pursuit the next morning.
    Already poised behind the enemy right, the French I Corps was in the best position to block the Allies. Ordered to proceed via Peterswalde to seal the exits from the mountains, Vandamme ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG LeM02

    Levee en Masse Expansion Kit: "The Revolution Marches On!"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen



    The LEVEE EN MASSE EXPANSION KIT broadens the storyboard for the Wars of the French Revolution, starring the man himself: Napoleon Bonaparte! In addition to "the little corporal," who is there to lead the armies of the revolution to victory (and the government to despotism!), there are more Allied armies to face. The forces of Russia, Spain and the British War Office make their presence felt on the game board, while new Optional Rules allow the player to scr... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG NA20-EX

    Napoleonic 20 Exp. Kit

    with Gzhatsk 20: September 2-4, 1812
    Napoleonic 20 #7

    This is not a complete game! It requires ownership of any complete Napoleonic 20 Series game to use!

    The entire Napoleonic 20 game system maneuvers to new glory with the addition of new Events, Victory Conditions, a Tactical Combat Matrix, and more! Compatible with any complete game in the series, this Expansion Kit enlivens even the most well-trod battlefields.

    Also included is a complete expansion game for Borodino 20 dubbed Gzhat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    28,00 EUR


    VPG NR02

    No Retreat! 1 - Exp. Kit 1: "Na Berlin!"

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    WW2 on Germany's Eastern Front did not stop at the Russo-German border. In 1944 and 1945, the Red Army marched through central Europe all the way to Berlin. With this Na Berlin! Expansion Kit to VPG's popular No Retreat! 1: Russia game, designer Carl Paradis completes his story by adding more cards, counters, and scenarios to bring the curtain down in high style.

    Notice: Na Berlin! is not a 'stand alone' game. You must own a copy of No Retreat! 1: Russia to use this expansion kit.

    Game Dat... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    16,00 EUR


    VPG NR03

    No Retreat! 1 - Exp. Kit 2: "No Surrender!"

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    This No Surrender! Expansion Kit to VPG's popular No Retreat! 1: Russia game, allowed designer Carl Paradis to respond to its loyal fan base of enthusiastic players by adding more cards and counters to flesh out the storyboard and fill up some gaps on the map. This Expansion Kit also includes a weather module, Soviet Strategic Reserves, and more!

    Notice: No Surrender! is not a ‘stand alone’ game. You must own a copy of No Retreat! 1: Russia to use this expansion kit.

    Game Data:
    Number... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    VPG NR04

    No Retreat! 1 - Solitaire (NR1 Exp. Kit 3): "Seeing Both Sides of the Story"

    Historic Gaming #2 Expansion Kit 3

    This No Retreat! Solitaire Expansion Kit to VPG's popular No Retreat! 1: Russia game, allowed designer Carl Paradis to respond to its loyal fan base of enthusiastic players by adding more Event cards and counters while you play both opposing sides. This Expansion Kit also includes twists, drastically changing your road to victory to a near defeat that you must salvage!

    Notice: No Retreat! Solitaire is not a ‘stand alone’ game. You must own a copy of N... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    VPG OO01

    Objective: Odessa - "Romania's contribution to operation barbarossa: June-August, 1941"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Campaigns in WW2 #2 Expansion Kit

    As part of Army Group South’s effort in Operation Barbarossa, the Romanian 3rd and 4th Armies were tasked with covering the right flank of the offensive, clearing the area between the Dniester and Bug Rivers, and occupying the port city of Odessa. Axis planners hoped the badly outnumbered Soviet garrison in this area would collapse quickly, but the hastily assembled Independent Coastal Army managed to withstand 73 days of siege before being evacuated to the... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG SD02

    Soviet Dawn - Exp. Kit I

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    A New Day in Solitaire Gaming

    The SOVIET DAWN EXPANSION KIT brings players "another revolution" in solitaire gameplay with plenty of Optional Rules to help tell a more dramatic story with the Front Battles (decisive victories and defeats, and committing the "last battalion" to swing the outcome). Other Optional Rules include the use of the CHEKA and political recovery upon retaking Petrograd and Kiev.

    A dozen additional cards complete the storyboard (fil... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG SFO02

    Strike Force One: "Expert Game - A Promotion for Armchair Generals"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    BattlessonTM #1 Expansion Kit

    STRIKE FORCE ONE: THE EXPERT GAME is an expansion for the classic introductory wargame, STRIKE FORCE ONE. Beyond the Standard Game, beyond the Advanced Game, this Expert Game includes two new units types (Tank and Pioneer Companies), random events (that might bring replacements, reinforcements, or off-map support into the fray), and new Optional Rules plus Scenarios.

    And not only is the gameplay enhanced, but also the learning value. STRIKE FORCE ONE: THE EXPE... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG SM20-01

    Smolensk 20

    Closing the Trap in Russia, 1812
    Napoleonic 20 #4 Expansion Kit

    Designer Alan Emrich offers a fascinating Expansion Kit for Borodino 20, placing you in command of the French and Russian armies along the great Minsk-Moscow Highway where the near-trap was sprung at Smolensk. Although the Russians ultimately withdrew from the field of battle, it was a close-run engagement as the Czar and Russian Generals argued to stand and fight their decisive battle there along the Dniepr river.

    Note, Smo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    12,00 EUR


    VPG TLC02

    The Lost Cause Expansion Kit: "The Curtain Falls: 1865"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    States of Siege #4 Expansion Kit

    The War of the Rebellion continued after the Election fo 1864, and with this expansion kit for The Lost Cause so too does this game. With additional Confederate Resources and Leaders (including "Stonewall" Jackson and Longstreet), plus cards that extend the game into 1865 and enhance the narrative with several new Broadsheet events, you'll be whistling Dixie in no time!

    Note, The Lost Cause Expansion Kit is not a ‘stand alone’ game. You must own a copy ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG TV02

    Trenches of Valor - Exp. Kit 1: "Raids across No Man's Land - 1917 to 1918"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    BattlessonTM #6 Expansion Kit

    The war continues with six more exciting scenarios across a dramatic new trenchline map. The introduction of new unit types including Flamethrower, Leader, and Engineer units creates trench raids that are even more action-packed!

    Toss another grenade onto your game table with Trenches of Valor Expansion Kit 1.

    Note, the TRENCHES OF VALOR EXPANSION KIT is not a 'stand alone' game. You must own a copy of Trenches of Valor to use this expansion kit.

    Game Da... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG WE02

    We Must Tell the Emperor - Exp. Kit: "There is More to Tell the Emperor"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    States of SiegeTM #7 Expansion Kit

    The We Must Tell the Emperor Expansion Kit includes some interesting options that can enrich your gameplay and make the game's narrative even more compelling. Along with several scenarios, there's also 16 additional Event cards and new counter pieces, there's more flavor and challenges to this game.

    With an increased focus on China, the addition of the Soviets, the Allied invasion plans of Japan, plus the 4 card End War (“Atomic”) mini-deck, players c... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG ZR02

    Zulus on the Ramparts! Exp. Kit 1: "More Defenders at Rorke's Drift"

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    States of SiegeTM #2 Expansion Kit

    The Zulus on the Rampart! Expansion Kit puts some finishing touches on the tense Battle of Rorke's Drift. It adds four more Heroes, including the much-requested Corporal Allan, and Privates Hitch and Jones. More interesting is the addition of a card for the commander who wasn't there, Major Spalding; he can now be added to the game to valiantly lead the defenses and secure his name a place in the history books.

    Some additional Volley cards round out the d... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen


    VPG DA20-02

    Danube 20 - Mounted Board

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    • One double-sided 11" x 17" mounted game map (Aspern-Essling 20 and Wagram 20)

    Game Design: Kim Meints
    Series Developer: Lance McMillan
    Producer: Alan Emrich
    Research: John "Jack" Gill
    Art & Graphic Design: Tim Allen, Alan Emrich, Richard Starke
    Playtesting: Rick Barber, Mike Bowen, Andreas E. Gebhardt, John Gibbins, Grant Gill, John “Jack” Gill, Kevin McHale, Kim Meints, David Moody, James Noone, Joe Oppenheimer, Bill Rutherford, Scott Stalter, Hugh Tracy
    Proofreadi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG IMS02

    In Magnificent Style - Mounted Board

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    • 11" x 17" mounted game map

    Game Design: Hermann Luttmann
    Development: Alan Emrich
    Map Art: Tim Allen and Rick Barber
    Playtesting: Michel Boucher, Vince DeNardo, Paul Fish, Charles Golightly, Ron Harel, Jack McHugh, Lance McMillan, Jaret Morgan, Stephanie Newland, Duncan Rice, Dave Schueler, Ken Skinner, and David Spangler
    Proofreading: Bill Barrett, Hans Korting, Ian Wakeham

    8,00 EUR


    VPG LEU02

    Leuthen - Mounted Board

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen! Sammlerstück / Rarität


    * One 11" x 17" mounted, jigsaw-cut game map

    Game Design: Frank Chadwick
    Development: Bryan Armor and Alan Emrich
    Map Art: Tim Allen
    Playtesting: Steve Darrell, Joshua Gottesman, Hermann Luttmann, Lance McMillan, Kim Meints, David Moody, Andy Nicoll, John Welch
    Proofreading: Bill Barrett, Brad Bernstein, Hans Korting, Rick Partin, Leigh Toms, Ian Wakeham

    endgültig vergriffen

    VPG NRThr01

    No Retreat! 3 - The French Front - Mounted Board

    z.Zt. vergriffen


    • Two mounted, laser-cut 11" x 17" mounted game maps

    Game System Design: Carl Paradis
    Documentation and Game Development: Alan Emrich
    Graphic Design: Alan Emrich
    Map Art: Tim Allen and Carl Paradis
    Playtesting: Xavier Delenclos, Arnaud de Peretti, Philippe Vialet, Patrick Receveur, David Chauvel, Andrei Shlepov, Dieter Schlaepfer, Benoit Larose
    Proofreading: Bill Barrett, Brad Bernstein, Rasmus Larsen, Jason Malloy, Rick Partin, Arnaud de Peretti, Leigh Toms, Ian Wakeham

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    VPG PKMG03.1

    Paul Koenig's Market Garden: "Nijmegen Bridge" - Mounted Board

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    * 1 11x17” mounted map with tables

    Game Design: Paul Koenig
    Development & Documentation: Bryan Armor
    Graphic Design: Tim Allen, Alan Emrich and Bryan Armor
    Playtesting: Rich Horton, Hans Korting, Niek van Diepen, Mark Brownell, Kevin Bierre, Jorik Mandemaker
    Vassal Module: Art Bennett
    Proofreading: Bill Barrett, Joshua Gottesman, Rick Partin, Ian Wakeham

    8,00 EUR


    WAGNER Games

    WAG 0999

    Prigoschin Strikes: The long Way to Moscow

    Hot Seller


    Der neuste heiße Scheiß: Frisch aus der innovativen russischen Ideenschmiede von WAGNER Games!
    Ständig wechselnde Koalitionen, völliges Info-Chaos, immer neue Akteure - ein Game für alle die
    keine Feinde mehr brauchen, wenn sie solche 'Freunde' haben

    Hochaktuell mit stündlich neuen Szenario-Updates via Telegram & TicToc!!

    Breaking News:
    - Ex-Kanzler Schröder schlägt lupenreinen Menschenfreund Alexander Lukaschenko für Friedensnobelpreis vor!
    - Scharenweise verlassen 'Putin C... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    666,00 EUR


    West End Games

    WEG 10003

    South Mountain - Prelude to Antietam

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Hex-based wargame recreating the rearguard action of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia against the Union Army of the Potomac on September 14, 1862.

    endgültig vergriffen

    WEG 10008

    The Battle of Shiloh (mint!)

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    mint! - unplayed!

    The American Civil War Battle of Shiloh. It is an interesting game, with an intriguing system in which the Union force is alerted and pushed into combat slowly. It is almost as if you can feel the soldiers getting up and emerging from their tents. As many games of West End Games, this one is not well known, which is a shame really.

    44,00 EUR


    WEG 10020

    Air Cav

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    Helicopter Warfare in the Eights

    endgültig vergriffen

    WEG 10030P

    Imperium Romanum II - The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Played) (1985)

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    Played - but in excellent condition - all counters are available and neatly sorted! All other materials are perfectly prepared for playing!
    Rules and Game-boards are in very good condition!

    Deutscher Regelübersetzung ist auf Wunsch möglich!

    “The story, of Rome is the most splendid romance in all history...”
    -F. Marion Crawford, Ave Roma Immortalis, II, IS

    Seven centuries of history are contained in this box.

    Imperium Romanum II is the game of the Roman Empire -the greatest an... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    40,00 EUR


    WEG 10040

    Against the Reich

    Dieser Artikel ist endgültig vergriffen


    This is a WWII hex board game, where you take the role of either the germans or the allies on the western front. Novel 'initiative' system means that you never know who is going to move a piece next.

    With both historical, and free set ups the german and allied players can either follow in Eisenhower/Hitlers footsteps, or fight the battles how they would have.

    Against the Reich contains:
    * Two beautifully-colored 22" by 34" maps
    * 400 full-color die-cut counters
    * 40-page rules and scena... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    WEG 10130

    Chickamauga (mint!)

    Sammlerstück / Rarität


    mint! - unplayed!
    plus Strategy & Tactics No.106 (Red River Campaign/The Battle of Pleasant Hill) gratis dazu!

    Chickamauga is a brigade-level simulation of the battle of September 19-20th, 1863 along Chickamauga Creek. The actual battle was a confused melee in which each army went into action piecemeal.

    The game emphasizes the command control problems that gave this battle character.

    It uses a unique planning points accumulation system combined with a chit-drawing command mechanism to... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    38,00 EUR


    WEG 11006

    Desert Steel

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    Desert Steel is the third game in West End Game's Tank Leader series. A tactical (platoon/company level) game where formations are activated by playing command cards. The first two games in the series were Eastern Front Tank Leader and Western Front Tank Leader.

    This game contains:
    * two full-color 22" by 17" maps
    * 480 full-color counters
    * 90 full-color formation and strike cards
    * two Player Aid cards
    * a full-color 7" by 18" track sheet
    * 40-page booklet, including Standard and Adva... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    WEG 30009

    Killer Angels - Lee's Offensive in the North, June to August , 1863 (mint!)

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    mint! - unplayed!

    Lee's offensive in the north, June to August, 1863. Named after Michael Shaara's Pulitzer Prize Civil War Novel "The Killer Angels."

    22" x 34" color map, 5 miles to a hex.

    900 die cut counters representing all of the units and commanders in the field. (Back of box incorrectly states 800.)

    Basic Rules, Advanced Rules and Campaign Rules. 3 to 8 hours playing time.

    Complexity: High
    Solitaire Suitability: Low

    Killer Angels is a detailed simulation of Lee's campai... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    White Dog Games

    WDG 0001

    All is lost to me - Pavia 1525

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    Hailed as the first modern battle, Pavia marked the rise of hand-held firearms as a tool of warfare. The arquebus became the bench-mark for an entire species of guns. It offered a wooden stock, shaped to nestle in the shoulder, which now meant a gun could be aimed. Politically, France’s defeat at Pavia changed the balance of power in Europe. As a prisoner, the French king Francis I wrote : "To inform you of how the rest of my ill-fortune is proceeding, all is lost to me save honor and life, wh... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    WDG 0002

    Shield Wall - Hastings 1066

    Shield Wall: Hastings 1066 is a tactical simulation of the battle that determined the fate of England. The main ideas emphasized in the game by designer Michael W. Kennedy are the effects of the Saxon shield wall, the limited arrow supply of Norman archers and their relative ineffectiveness, the advantage held by the Saxon side of the high ground, the withdrawals (or "routs") of Normans from their assault of Saxon positions on hill terrain and their potentially undisciplined pursuit by Saxon war... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    82,00 EUR


    WDG 0003

    At Neuve Chapelle - March 10 - 12, 1915

    At Neuve Chapelle provides a tactical re-play of the World War I battle. The British attempted to reduce a poorly-defended German salient centered on the town of Neuve Chapelle. Plans were to expand a breakthrough and with cavalry and infantry reserves take the Aubers ridge line. However, poor communication and coordination and the weather conspired to slow the initial British successes and allowed the German army to rush reinforcements into the area. Among other game features, designer Michael ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    72,00 EUR


    WDG 0004

    We Shall Fight on the Marne - First Marne, 1914

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    We Shall Fight on the Marne is an operational level simulation of the First Marne, 1914, for two players or solitaire. Game features include bombardment, air observation, pontoon bridges, weather, corps breakdown units, cavalry scouting/reaction, breakthough movement, and forced marches. Solitaire rules are included.

    Game Features -
    Air Observation
    Pontoon Bridges
    Corps Breakdown
    Cavalry Reaction/Scouting
    Forced Marches
    Command Points
    Breakthough Movement

    Game ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    WDG 0005

    Loyaulte Me Lie: Bosworth Field, 1485

    Loyaulte Me Lie: Bosworth Field, 1485 is a low complexity wargame on the Battle of Bosworth Field on August 22, 1485. The game uses recent archaeological finds on the battlefield to create as accurate of a map as possible.

    The game is an introductory level wargame and as a result has a simple 8 page rulebook. The game uses basic hex and counter mechanics with a few special rules to simulate combat of the medieval era. Cavalry charges and infantry shock attacks are given special consideration.... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    58,00 EUR


    WDG 0006

    MASTER and COMMANDER - Napoleonic Naval Combat

    Master and Commander is a simulation of Napoleonic naval combat. Simple rules are employed for fast play while still retaining the essence of Napoleonic naval combat. Players can chose to play an historical scenario, a free purchase
    battle or a duel. In a free purchase game, each player starts with 50 Ship Purchase Points and spends those points to build a fleet. A ship costs an amount equal to its Fire Power value. For play variety, players can set up coastal terrain with Fort and Shore Batter... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    66,00 EUR


    WDG 0008

    VON MOLTKE'S TRIUMPH - Fall of the Second Empire 1870

    Von Moltke's Triumph: Fall of the Second Empire, 1870 is a two-player game simulating the first decisive campaign of the Franco-Prussian War. Under Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, the German states used superior logistics, advanced artillery, and a strategy of envelopment to terrorize the sluggish and unprepared French. Historically, it ended with the capitulation and capture of Napoleon III after a mere five weeks. By designer Tom Russell (Blood on the Alma), the game slants historically but is i... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    WDG 0009

    ANZIO: The Fight for the Beachhead, 1944

    Anzio is a low-complexity, two-player or solitaire game that simulates the first weeks of the battle of Anzio when Allied forces defended and attempted to expand the Anzio beachhead. The goal of the Anzio-Nettuno amphibious landings on January 22, 1944 was to outflank the German Winter Line and open the way to Rome. A major battle of World War Two, the initial landings were unopposed. Instead, the resulting fight developed to keep the beachhead.

    Game Features:
    Solitaire Rules
    Off-Map Bombar... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    46,00 EUR


    WDG 0010

    CRISIS ON THE RIGHT: Plancenoit 1815

    The advance of the Prussian IV Corps led by Bulow threatened the French right flank and rear near the town of Plancenoit during the battle of Waterloo. Napoleon was forced to take much-needed troops from his front against the Allies under Wellington to hold back Bulow. In effect, he traded men for time. Crisis on the Right: Plancenoit 1815 is a tactical simulation of those events on Sunday, June 18, 1815.

    4-Page Rulebook
    Player Reference Sheet
    147 Double-Sided 5-8" Counters ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    56,00 EUR


    WDG 0011

    MOLLWITZ 1741: Frederick the Great's First Battle

    Mollwitz was fought on April 10, 1741 between Prussia and Austria in the War of the Austrian Succession. This game uses the Stand and Deliver Standard Series Rules for tactical warfare from about 1700 to 1799. The Standard Series Rules provide beginning and advanced players with the feel of linear combat of the time while being designed for easy play.

    Unit Facing
    Pinning of Units
    Zones of Control
    Disordered Units
    Ranged Artillery Fire
    Cavalry Charges
    Rout Checks
    Turn In... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    48,00 EUR


    WDG 0014

    Albuera 1811

    Oh my god - the Vistula Lancers are charging - form square!

    The Battle of Albuera has gone down in history as the bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic Peninsular War. Marshal Soult thought he could roll up a mixed Spanish/British/Portuguese force and claim a great French victory. He was wrong. A clever flank attack was stopped dead by some of the best Spanish troops of the war. Then, despite a devastating charge by his fearsome Polish Lancers, the Allies held firm and Soult's efforts were in v... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    104,00 EUR


    WDG 0015

    By Iron and Blood Königgratz 1866

    A unique wargame depicting the Battle of Koniggratz in 1866.

    “The position of Prussia in Germany will not be determined by its liberalism but by its power
    … Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided… but by iron and blood.”
    – Otto von Bismarck, Sept. 30, 1862

    By Iron and Blood is a two-player wargame depicting the final, decisive battle of the Austro-Prussian War.
    The Battle of Koniggratz (or Sadowa) occurred on July 3, 1866 ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    124,00 EUR


    WDG 0022

    War in the Pacific: 1941-1945

    WDG is pleased to announce the publication of Steve Pole's War in the Pacific 1941'-1945. The game allows players to replay the conflict between the Empire of Japan and the Allies in the Pacific Theater of World War II. WIP is a campaign game on a grand strategic scale. Random event cards reflect the major political and technological changes and events which occurred during the War; depots are used to stress the crucial importance of logistics; and there is a mechanic that generally effects simu... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    122,00 EUR


    WDG 0023

    Duel of Eagles II

    Duel of Eagles is a medium-complexity wargame on the Battle of Mars-la-Tour, in the Franco-Prussian War. This battle is notable for having one of the last successful cavalry assaults in modern warfare.

    This is a chit-pull game. The chits are either Activation Chits, which activate all units within the indicated corps, or Event Chits, which each contain two possible events which the player can chose between. Each turn both players draw from the chit cup until all chits have been used or there ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    102,00 EUR



    WDG 0006A

    MASTER and COMMANDER - Scenario Book

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    The scenarios book includes twenty-three historical naval scenarios from the American War of Independence, including such exciting scenarios as Hispanola Duel, Frigate Bay, Yorktown Revenged, A Clash of Convoys, Azores Patrol and more!

    12 Small (1-2 ships per side) battles
    5 Medium (up to 10 ships) battles
    6 Large (Fleet) battles

    z.Zt. vergriffen

    Winsome Games

    WSG 300

    Damn the Torpedoes!

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    Casement Ironclads, turreted Monitors, submarines, naval leaders, blockade runners, commerce raiders, fortresses, torpedo boats, commandos, Union and Confederate Marines and Ellet Rams contend with 9 different types of torpedo! Naval warfare card game set in the Civil War.

    A Civil War naval combat card game. 67 ship cards (40 Union, 27 Confederate) drawn in 1:1000 scale vie for control of the North American continent 1861-1865. Includes Casement Ironclads, Turreted Monitors, Stealthy Submarin... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    WSG 301


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    endgültig vergriffen

    WSG 302


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    The war for oil in 2022. A futurist wargame.

    Death and Destruction in the fight for Oil in 2022

    Mechanized Infantry, HoverTanks, Armoured Personnel Carriers, Tactical Air Support, Helicopter Gunships, Multiple Rocket Launchers, Assault Hovercraft and Main Battle Tanks fight for control of the Oil and Gas filds of the Caspian Sea region of Asia, August 4, 2022.

    Includes highly detailed, realistic plastic game pieces.

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    WSG 303

    Damn the Torpedoes!

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    WSG 305

    HoverTank 2

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    The war for oil in 2022. A futurist wargame. This is the second game of the serie.

    Hover Tank 2 might have been better titled x2, because what we have is a bigger version of the neat little wargame HoverTank reviewed in Counter 5 (May 1999). Crucially, it's not twice as difficult nor twice as cumbersome.

    John Bohrer has sensibly refrained from any weighty embellishments other than the addition of approximately 100 plastic playing pieces (nice), although the unit types remain the same. The ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    WSG 306

    HoverTank 3

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    The war for oil in 2022. A futurist wargame. This is the third game of the serie.

    This near-future two-player wargame with very minor SF elements has an American company discovering oil on the frontier between two small unfriendly nations in the Caucasus (portrayed on a color-coded hex map). On June 3, 2022, the two nations go to war over the oil, fielding modest armies (tan and brown plastic miniatures) that include assault hovercraft and hovertanks. The larger, faster armies of their strong... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    endgültig vergriffen

    Your Move Games

    YMG 0022

    The Battle for Hill 218

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    The Battle for Hill 218 is a card-based strategy game in which two players fight to control a hill by occupying bases on the opposite sides.

    Players must maintain supply lines and destroy enemy units to advance on the enemy home base, while ensuring that their own base is not taken. Air strikes can aid your assault or help defend your base, but spend them only have two.

    Hill 218 looks just like any other hill on your map, but High Command says it's important and it's your job ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

    z.Zt. vergriffen


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